Alli Walker’s New Song “Nashville” (A Rant)

Do they make rape kits for ears? Because if they do, kindly swab the deep abrasions inflicted by the violent and unwanted trespasses upon the inner tympanic canal by this audio abomination to verify the culprits, and then deploy any and all resources to apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law. The public broadcast of this song should constitute crimes against humanity under the articles of the Geneva Conventions. The Gaza Strip is a more hospitable place at this moment than being anywhere within a single decibel’s range of this “song.”
If you’ve ever wondered who those zombies are whose idea of a good time is to frequent Lower Broadway and spend five hours hopping between corporate bars, this song is exclusively for them. It’s for people who believe squeezing into a corner table and ordering $21 sliders on the third story of Jason Aldean’s joint as a cover band plays Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me” is the avenue to getting them centimeters away the presence of stardom.
Though many of these Lower Broadway dupes like to pretend they’re still in their promiscuous twenties, the average attendee is a 47-year-old pre-diabetic divorcee with a Karen haircut in town for a bachelorette pedal tavern reservation on a Tuesday.
All of these fantasies are indulged by Canadian semi-star Alli Walker and her new song “Nashville.” This song is the lowest form of pandering to the stereotypical Lower Broadway tourist lured into the entertainment corridor by flashing lights, bottomless nachos, and the offhand chance of a Morgan Wallen sighting. And it’s all co-written by the King of Nashville Grift, Mr. Applebee’s himself, Walker Hayes.
I thought we were supposed to look beyond the doltish lyricism of Walker Hayes songs to recognize his strong Christian values and dedication to his family. Meanwhile, here he is co-signing his name to a song that has ladies smacking their asses, grabbing their “goodie goodies” (tits), and drops a straight-up f-bomb in the middle of the song, and right before name dropping the sainted Dolly Parton no less.
Doesn’t Walker Hayes have like six daughters or something? How much of this material is he responsible for writing? It’s strange how values become secondary when you think you’ve written yourself a super hit. In fact, somebody check to make sure Walker Hayes actually had an active hand in writing this song and isn’t just credited because the unoriginality of “Nashville” borrows so heavily from the “Fancy Like” copyrights.
I’m sure Alli Walker and everyone else involved in this song think they have the second coming of Dasha’s “Austin” on their hands here, complete with choreographed line dance moves that Tik-Tok influencers can recreate to send the song viral via payola schemes. But the saving grace might be that “Nashville” is so bad and so transparent in its intentions, even the Lower Broadway crowd isn’t gullible enough fall for it.
The track even says, “I’m feeling famous, star of the honky tonk … I’m BacheLoretta.” It’s an infomercial for idiots to get their asses to Tootsie’s to pay too much for well drinks while listening to Foreigner. It’s an indoctrination for the Lower Broadway basic bitch to blow their retirement on Fireball shots. This song is a Frankenstein cobbling together all the worst elements of Nashville aside from the horrendous lack of parking.
Sure, there are a lot of bad songs out there right now as folks try to exploit the popularity of country to try and make a payday for themselves. But Alli Walker’s “Nashville” is so brazen in its attempts to lure in the unsuspecting Lower Broadway tourist with a personalized theme song, it elicits a rare but worthy rebuke from Saving Country Music’s poison pen.
Alli Walker even twerks like a Canadian.
August 8, 2024 @ 7:59 am
Lots of respect to you Trigger but I’ll not have Foreigner slander here or anywhere.
Name the Sonic and I’ll be there to correct you. If you’re man enough to show.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:07 am
The thing is, I’m actually a fan of a lot of classic rock. But why is that the prevailing music of Lower Broadway bars? Why wouldn’t the band in Jason Aldean’s bar play Jason Aldean covers? I think the answer is that the people that go to these bars only know music on the periphery, and classic rock is the biggest catch-all for the American consumer.
August 8, 2024 @ 12:10 pm
Reminds me of the time back in 2013 when Tom Petty commented on modern country music and referenced mid-80s rock which Trigger did an article about. Hopefully he did become aware of the good country music that was around prior to his passing.
“Well, yeah I mean, I hate to generalize on a whole genre of music, but it does seem to be missing that magic element that it used to have. I’m sure there are people playing country that are doing it well, but they’re just not getting the attention that the shittier stuff gets. But that’s the way it always is, isn’t it?
But I hope that kind of swings around back to where it should be. But I don’t really see a George Jones or a Buck Owens or any anything that fresh coming up. I’m sure there must be somebody doing it, but most of that music reminds me of rock in the middle Eighties where it became incredibly generic and relied on videos. I don’t want to rail on about country because I don’t really know much about it, but that’s what it seems like to me.”
August 8, 2024 @ 8:02 am
To make it worse this Alli is 35 years old singing this shat. Although she looks like she could pass for an early 20s typical average white girl.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:22 pm
I doubt she’d pass for that with the morning sun in her face.
I thought this was hyperbole until I watched the 13 seconds or so of the video. Yeah, it’s that bad.
I prefer Houston Marchman’s Viet Nashville. If he ever tours again, he should add a verse for the last few years.
August 9, 2024 @ 1:30 am
Come on Rusty, ya gotta admit , I’m kinda partial to them Goody Goodies
August 9, 2024 @ 5:43 am
Just like Maren Morris, there ain’t no “goody goodies” there…
August 8, 2024 @ 8:03 am
…wait, is this actually being marketed as country?
Because, I mean…it literally isn’t.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:05 am
Lord I apologize. Temptation got the best of me. That’s 15 seconds I can’t get back.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:13 am
The worst part is the fake southern accent. Ma’am, you’re from Prince Edward Island… She didn’t do that in her older music.
August 8, 2024 @ 12:34 pm
The Iggy Azalea of pop country?
August 8, 2024 @ 8:25 am
The sad fact is that this junk will likely be big and played all over Nashville and folks will eat it up.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:32 am
August 8, 2024 @ 8:38 am
She can’t Twerk like Red Twerk
August 8, 2024 @ 8:41 am
I made it to the 41 second mark. I’m full of shame and regret now.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:52 am
I knew this was going to be a good rant when it opened about rape kits for your ears. Walker can’t even pull out of a driveway and the fact he help write this dribble is no shock at all. I’m sure though the drunk Bachelorette girls on Broadway will cling to this song for a bit because of that one line.
August 8, 2024 @ 8:55 am
Cheap ass “christina-aguilera-dirrty” knockoff. First we had rappers pretending to be country singers, and now we have country singers pretending to be R&B.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:03 am
Thank you for making me howl out loud with this rant. Folks around me think I’m insane. What a fine piece of writing! 🤣
August 8, 2024 @ 10:13 am
Whoa you’re on the satellite radio
August 8, 2024 @ 11:39 am
Dallas, I love you! But you already know that. I wrote a few comments too.
I’ll be listening for Allie’s debut of “Nashville” on Willie’s. Guess the devil will have to turn down the thermostat first. 😁
August 8, 2024 @ 9:06 am
WT actual F?
I have to rescore this.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:14 am
Unironically, I think the song captures the state of Lower Broadway in 2024 perfectly, equal parts banal and skanky.
If Hardy wouldn’t have released that cover of “Gin & Juice”, I’d say this is the worst song I’ve heard this year.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:16 am
Trigger, your rants are truly a thing of poetic beauty. You forgot to provide the category for this one on your dewey decimal system. I assume we need a whole new category for this kind of hot garbage. Challenging the SCM peanut gallery to come up with a classification name. Winner gets a poster from Miss Walker autographed across her assless chaps.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:24 am
Robert’s on Broadway is the best thing in that town and even that is a bunch of old country covers. Well done country covers but covers.
The best music bar in this land for real, authentic, original music is the Mercury Lounge in Tulsa Oklahoma.
The last time that I visited Nashville the most frequent covers were Bob Wills “Take Me Back to Tulsa,” and “Tulsa Time.” Even the Nashville cover bands know where it’s really at.
Third Man Records in Nashville is honestly pretty rad.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:26 am
All I needed to know was the fact that Mr. Applebees had a hand in writing it- ugh!!!
August 8, 2024 @ 9:42 am
We need more rants!
That photo just screams country music, doesn’t?
August 8, 2024 @ 9:51 am
Never heard of her and we don’t claim her. Sorry.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:51 am
Chuckling, I take it you do not like the song then? The rant is justified on this one!
August 8, 2024 @ 10:11 am
So this isn’t another SNL parody? Good lord.
August 8, 2024 @ 10:12 am
The vocalist will get the brickbats, but what about the executives who funded this and rely on its success for their bonuses? Nobody will ever know who they are. How much are the suits responsible for eg Fancy Like and A Bar Song being hits, aside from the payola?
August 8, 2024 @ 10:21 am
I vote NO.
August 8, 2024 @ 11:09 am
She looks like a cousin of the Hawk Tuah girl… I couldn’t listen long enough to post more. Sorry… not sorry!
August 8, 2024 @ 2:09 pm
This is Exactly what came to mind when I read this article but I couldn’t remember the dumb girl’s name
August 8, 2024 @ 11:23 am
The one sentence third paragraph might be one of the best sentences ever written in the English language, thank you Trigger.
August 8, 2024 @ 11:33 am
I hate I gave Allie .01 cents out of morbid curiosity, but I had to listen to the music that brought on a “Water World” equivalent review. Like Dallas I howled with laughter.
She’s going to Nashville where she’ll shake her ass will. (Close enough for country–which unlike Allie, I know something about.)
Unfortunately, I will soon be tormented by my four granddaughters who will love this song without question…and will soon be singing it at the top of their lungs incessantly. This isn’t our future. This is our present. It’s here. Musical evolution or a bad joke?
If I had my way, they’d all be singing Bobby Bare songs.
August 8, 2024 @ 11:39 am
Hey now, I’m Canadian and I take offense to this song and your twerking comment although our Prime Minister is the worlds biggest douche bag but that’s an entirely different story. To be perfectly clear, we don’t twerk we drink about 20 cans of high test full bodied Lager and move around like we just drank 20 cans of Lager! 🙂
Anyways, as I’ve learnt in the past if your Ranting and rating for garbage like this below a certain level I refuse to listen it to it in hopes to pass on having a stroke or heart attack.
Keep up the great work Trigger!
August 8, 2024 @ 12:21 pm
Trig, superb wordsmithing in this review, but even so, my curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on the video.
Even your superior verbiage could not adequately prep my ears for that.
I hereby order you to put up links to at least 12 good songs in the next few days to wash away that stain on the brain!
August 8, 2024 @ 1:21 pm
Wellllllll yeah, hot garbage. The rape/Gaza comparisons? Jesus Christ Bro. Settle down. You’re a good writer-I’m sure you can find a few metaphors that convey your opinion about a poor ill-conceived song that may approach something you’ve experienced.
August 8, 2024 @ 2:46 pm
Come Mr. Hayes your better then this.
Word and deed brother!!
August 9, 2024 @ 3:57 pm
Have you heard the shit he writes? He’s not better than this. This is actually the embodiment of his career.
August 8, 2024 @ 3:03 pm
I’m pleasantly surprised that there’s only one virtue signaling comment about your analogies. I saw a clip of this song on TikTok the other day and rolled my eyes. It’s crap, she’s crap, but this article id gold.
August 8, 2024 @ 3:59 pm
Having watched a few seconds of the video—if she was singing “Assville” it just may work
August 8, 2024 @ 4:26 pm
Let the record show, this is a perfect review of this “song.”
August 8, 2024 @ 4:27 pm
Pre-diabetic divorcee is a good insult. As someone who actively eats healthy I am 100% behind fat-shaming. (Not being hyperbolic) If anyone has a problem with that I’ll give you my home address if you can walk 2 miles to it.
August 8, 2024 @ 4:38 pm
Reminds me of that fat tard Luke Combs being sad that Tom Petty (in 2013) said that he didn’t like Country music. It’s embarrasing that Walker Hayes even exists as an artist but it’s because there weren’t any men to stand up and just say “NO.” His friends allowed him to do it, the cucked husbands of the women who gush over his social media presence allow him to keep existing. No record exec from the 70’s in Nashville would have second-guessed being ‘sexist’ or homophobic and not spoken his mind about Walker Hayes and told him to get the fuck out. Men relinquished control over the radio dial and eventually it led to this.
You can’t decry that this music exists and not being willing to go after the low-IQ wine moms who post “Walker Hayes and his family are so cute on instagram so I like his music.” And also the cucked husband who let their wives (who look like Pearl on Spongebob) to control the radio instead of letting him play Waylon’s greatest hits.
August 8, 2024 @ 4:53 pm
I think you mean Chris Stapleton, who reached out to Tom Petty after his anti-country comments with a really thoughtful letter asking Petty to collaborate. This was in 2013, before Stapleton had blown up. At this point, Luke Combs was probably still in high school.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:16 pm
These recent remarks from Combs is what I was referencing:
When asked about Tom Petty in general, Combs said, “I just have this thing that hurts my heart a little bit about Tom Petty because I know he hated country music, and that hurts me a lot.”
I did not fact check these remarks any further than seeing this quote shared on social media and then Googling it later to make sure he said it. I know that Petty’s remarks were from a decade ago.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:28 pm
Man, there is so much of a mess to clean up here. This is a perfect example of when you have out-of-context quotes leading to misleading notions and urban myths.
Tom Petty never said that he didn’t like country music. He said he didn’t like modern country music. Tom Petty covered the song “The Image of Me,” written by Wayne Kemp and popularized by Conway Twitty. Petty was a country fan.
So you have Luke Combs being mislead probably by bad reporting. But then it’s really on Bobby as the interviewer to correct him, but he doesn’t because Bobby doesn’t know anything but Bobby. He tries to explain it away.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:30 pm
I think it’s clear, at least it was to me that Tom Petty was referring to mainstream country in 2013. All the old rock guys revere Haggard and Jones. Emmy Lou Harris has some videos going around on social media where she was saying the same thing, but in a nicer way.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:33 pm
I guarentee that Luke Comb’s thinks of mainstream country as being equal to traditional Country – because that’s all that dumb redneck makes is the most generic pseudo rock shit.
August 9, 2024 @ 4:35 am
Yeah, it’s always so funny when I see a metal page on Facebook post an anti-country music meme and all the metalheads comment with stuff like ”yeah, modern country sucks balls but old country is AWESOME.” I see that a lot.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:28 pm
I admit that I am in a ‘feisty’ mood right now and this is a topic that I don’t always get to rant about – especially in person to most people. I see a correlation to food choices and media choises. People choose what is quick and easy and don’t bother do dig deeper. Culture is directly feeding those overweight 30yr old men in Size 11 children’s sneakers whose top 5 fav movies are are superhero movies. No wonder there is nothing special and defining about the past 20 years of music and movies when compared to 1999 and back. The average consumer does not have the capacity to appreciate anything of meaning today. I get annoyed at all these simpleton 30 yr olds who think The Joker is the great movie of our generation (Yet they never seen or heard of Taxi Driver).
Luke Combs is the breakfast equivalant of Hardee’s.
And this stupid ass butt-rock country trend is gaining traction. It’s frequently on terrestrial radio when I turn it on for 5 mins tops. I see a sizeable portion of people I follow (and know personally) on instagram, that follow and are fans of these heavily-tattoo’d tards. The 2000’s is in vogue now and more country acts are somehow even shittier versions of the worst rock in the 00’s.
There are signs of good music making it to the top and I certainly hope it does. I’m just irritated at how many fat tards are content to see yet another remake movie and listen to Brantley Gilbert sound-a-likes yet post online like their tastes and opinions are as valid as anyone elses.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:32 pm
“Luke Combs is the breakfast equivalant of Hardee’s.”
I don’t know about this. At the least, this take is dated with “Fathers & Sons” being his latest album, and him out there touring with The Wilder Blue, Flatland Cavalry, and Cody Jinks opening for him. Not seeing the reason to go after Combs because some Canadian chick put out a bad song.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:37 pm
Combs is know for putting out generic shit. Some people may say “but there are a few undigested blueberries and a kernel of corn in that turd so it’s not that bad.” And who cares if I go after Combs? No one is going to come here to discover his music. They’ve already heard him singing about winning some lottery ticket on the radio and crying about how beer never broke his heart.
The average consumer is stupid. People who like Walker Hayes are stupid. People who like Luke Combs radio hits are fat and stupid.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:52 pm
Okay, you’ve made yourself abundantly clear that you don’t like Luke Combs or fat people. I think it’s a stretch to say he’s somehow responsible for this song, but whatever. Can I finish eating my dinner now?
August 8, 2024 @ 5:45 pm
I didn’t do a good job of trying to make my point, or one of them clear. The reason this crap from Alli Walker and Walker Hayes was made is because no one is standing up and saying “NO.” No one in the industry is saying “you cannot put this out because it has zer artistic value and it’s embarrasing and it sucks.” This has went on for decades with the embarrassing shit that Luke Bryan and Luke Combs put out. (Just to name a few) And the reason I quoted Luke Combs there was because how they are shocked when someone they revere thinks modern country is terrible because they have never experienced anyone in their sphere or industry flat out say that their music, and modern country sucks – which is why it is a shock. It’s went on for decades where it’s only about the money, not the art yet and the country genre was defined by bro shit for almost 2 decades and we are supposed to act suprised and appaled that Alli Walker has a song like this???!! It’s been two decades of an industry targetting grown-ass overweight middle school dressing men listening to Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean and no one in power saying “no” to this shit.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:46 pm
My take is dated?
If Walker Hayes releases an album of traditional country songs are you going to go back on your previous opinions of him?
I don’t think so.
People should be defined by the stuff they released.
August 8, 2024 @ 10:51 pm
How dare you besmirch Hardee’s breakfast! Their steak and chicken biscuits are the fast food breakfast equivalent of manna from Heaven!
August 8, 2024 @ 4:45 pm
This is a great rant, trigger. I think it was your rants that first got me excited about this site, it’s been over 10 years now. You don’t do nearly the number of rants that you once did, I suspect that’s because there’s a lot more to Crow about these days than there was back then.
August 8, 2024 @ 7:34 pm
This is one of the few sites that still indulges in grade A haterade. And I like that!
August 8, 2024 @ 5:01 pm
This is bad. Like, worse than Walker Hayes bad. “Dolly Parton my French” is legitimately one of the worst lyrics ever written. It honestly makes me question why we were so hard on Nickelback for all those years.
August 8, 2024 @ 7:39 pm
I have never heard of “Dolly Parton my French” and yeah that is awful. Nickleback got a little bit of an unfair rap in hindsight but I was there when ‘Rockstar’, ‘Photograph’ and ‘She looks so much better with something in her mouth’ were in constant rotation on Clear Channel owned rock stations. The birth of mainstream internet humor is what started the joke. That’s the literal answer. This was before Spotify and high speed internet on phones so the radio was still important then. Radio stations drove their music into the ground.
August 9, 2024 @ 6:38 pm
“I have never heard of “Dolly Parton my French” and yeah that is awful.”
No, it is an incredible line. Kudos to whomever is responsible for that line.
Dolly has stuck her triple I’s into everyone’s face, for many, decades.
Really no different from these wannabe a star, misled young ladies, shaking their cellulite, in hopes of going to the top.
August 11, 2024 @ 4:26 am
If they ask Dolly about this song, she won’t condemn it.
Dolly knows how to play the PC game.
January 31, 2025 @ 8:04 pm
Dollys in her late 70s. I doubt she’s responsible for this and other travesties of country music. I doubt she cares at this point
August 8, 2024 @ 5:47 pm
Well, Walker learned more from “Blurred Lines” than “Coat of Many Colors.”
Poor production, but whatever.
Should be a banger with sex tourists.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:55 pm
I really, really, really, REALLY do not miss Music Shitty. I wasted almost a decade of my life in that utter shithole of a town. Never have I felt more happy than when I saw it in the rear view mirror for the last time. Fuck – and I say this with every fiber of my being – that whole entire shithole and anyone who celebrates it.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:55 pm
This priceless rant alone should earn you/SCM a CMHOF induction. It would serve as a fitting balance to the names we all know are coming to the Hall in the not too distant. Well done.
August 8, 2024 @ 5:57 pm
I’m a little disappointed, Trigger, that you even posted the video! Six seconds of that bullshit was too much for me!
August 8, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
“I’m feeling famous, star of the honky tonk … I’m BacheLoretta.”
If that line didn’t make you smile a little, you’re a Sturgill Simpson fan.
August 8, 2024 @ 7:31 pm
Aside from her completely shitty attempt at music, her left arm looks like gangrene got the better of it. Gross and skanky all around.
August 8, 2024 @ 9:03 pm
This is musical diarrhea, pure caca, greasy shit created by people with dollar signs in their eyes and gapping holes in their souls. The anything-to-get-my-fifteen-minutes mentality in this day and age is what gives us this type of garbage. Actually, this isn’t garbage, it’s a dumpster fire. No, it’s not a dumpster fire, it’s an entire landfill set ablaze and stinking up music city. Embarrassing. Shake that ass honey, because that’s all you’ve got going for you.
Oh yeah…great rant, Trig! 😂
August 8, 2024 @ 9:39 pm
Hey come on now, as an occasional lower Broadway visitor on the losing side of 45 I’m feeling a bit picked on! Who doesn’t like to spend an evening there every once in a while? I haven’t been since the pandemic but I remember Acme had good food, Paradise park (RIP) had pitchers and tots, and I’ve had a good time in Legends, Tootsies, or Whisky Bent before winding up at Roberts for the rest of the night. The star bars are interesting to wander through in a Vegas-Hotel kind of way but I can’t really deal with them. I’m curious enough about Church’s to at least stop by next time I’m in town, I’ve eaten at Rodney Scott’s place before in Charleston and it was pretty good but I’ll keep my expectations low.
That said, holy shit was that a terrible song. Maybe this is all a ploy to force us to accept our new Shaboozey overlords, because anything is better than this.
August 9, 2024 @ 12:35 am
Wow. “Awesome”.
August 9, 2024 @ 3:52 am
I’m convinced this song was written for the one specific purpose of pissing you – Trigger – off as much as possible.
I can see them sitting around the table now “ooh yeah definitely put that in, he’s gonna haaaaate it.”
I’m sorry for how hard I laughed.
August 9, 2024 @ 4:26 am
It’s music like this that makes me wonder “Whatever Happened to Randolph Scott?”
August 9, 2024 @ 6:26 pm
20. You get 20 for this.
August 9, 2024 @ 6:22 am
I didn’t see the Hawk Tuah girl taking her career this direction.
August 9, 2024 @ 6:26 am
Well. Thanks for that, Trigger. I knew better than to try listening to that.
August 9, 2024 @ 6:39 am
Im hopin Alli W will collab with that rap country girl from Kentucky [last’s wsoy award winner] and through Jelly Roll on the song too – have Tyler Hubbard produce it too. Kinda like audio chemical warfare bomb – now that would be cooking with gas.
August 9, 2024 @ 7:26 am
My first impression was this is terrible. After a minute I realized this song is so terrible it’s good. It’s like I think Baywatch is the worst movie ever made which is why I like it. This video is like a car accident, you know it’s bad but you have to look.
August 9, 2024 @ 2:49 pm
Sh*t like this is why people look at me like I have 2 heads whenever I say I like country music.
August 9, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
Seriously, I don’t know one Luke Combs song but I do know Hardees puts out some great hangover breakfast food.
August 9, 2024 @ 4:01 pm
Trig, if this isn’t allowed, please delete. Found this article from a little while back on Walker talking about the importance of “mindful music” and songs that tell a a story. Makes this even funnier.
August 9, 2024 @ 5:09 pm
I would imagine that a great piece could be written about how something like this could be associated with country in anyway, how we can get the form of art that we love so much somehow relabeled completely away from the word country, or how we can potentially explain to strangers that ask the question about the music we listen to That we could be associated with a word that includes these abominations.
This is not in jest. I think at this point these are topics we need to be discussing
August 9, 2024 @ 6:06 pm
August 9, 2024 @ 9:00 pm
I think he was too easy on this one.
August 10, 2024 @ 6:26 am
Is this a Nashville Tourism commercial? All I hear is 808s and auto tune . Even Post Malone tries to include some analog instruments. #canadiancountry
August 13, 2024 @ 7:17 am
Hey, don’t blame us. This is not what Canadian country usually sounds like. Check out Jade Eagleson or Kalsey Kulyk’s music, haha.
August 10, 2024 @ 2:35 pm
Trigger is now the get off my lawn guy.lighten up already.
August 10, 2024 @ 4:32 pm
I’ll have you note good sirt that I have ALWYS been the “get off my lawn guy.” There is no “now” to it.
August 10, 2024 @ 5:44 pm
I’ll give you that one will remember her or the song in a month.and probably not the current nashville “scene” in a couple years
August 10, 2024 @ 6:26 pm
there is a part of me that feels sorry for someone 35 years old, wearing leather hot pants and chaps, singing about her goody goodies and doing it so poorly you wonder if her rich father paid someone to let her in a video, ala Rebecca Black and Friday
i have it on good authority Tom Petty saw into the future and this was what he was referring to.
August 12, 2024 @ 3:16 pm
What absolute utter crap this song and video are. I love Trig’s rant but honestly it’s not even that far off the mark. By the way, whilst this video was being posted to this site, we were on our way to Tipitina’s in Nola to see Charles Wesley Godwin (with Colby Acuff) play to a packed house – CWG and his band the AH killed it as usual with superb showmanship, musicianship and songcraft. Things are completely alien to this “artist” and her co-conspirators.
December 14, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
Hey,I like Foreigner,especially their kick-a** early stuff.
December 27, 2024 @ 9:28 pm
Here in Allentown Pennsylvania broadway is out behind the old K Mart and it’s notable for a nursing home. That looks more inviting than anything in this video
January 6, 2025 @ 5:33 pm
No it doesn’t look or sound good on you. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig
January 18, 2025 @ 1:03 am
We’ll see if this song is so offensive that it derails an otherwise promising career. Anyone remember Jarrod Neiman and the donkey song? Me either
January 19, 2025 @ 11:19 pm
I didn’t think I could dislike a song more than last year’s dud, Southern. Forgive me. That was just stupid. It wasn’t offensive
January 27, 2025 @ 2:17 am
Go on YouTube and watch some of the early videos she posted. She certainly had potential. I’m afraid this hypersexualized sell out image may derail a once promising career. Does anyone remember Danielle Bradbury and friend zone? Me either