Hank III Disses New White Family Movie
But he admits he has never watched it.
Hank Williams III appears in The Wild & Wonderful Whites of West Virginia in commentary scenes, as well as in music performances with Jesco White shot outside of Hank Jr’s cabin. But in a video interview with “Superskum,” he said about the project:
“Well I really don’t support that movie man. I mean, they promoted more the dark side–the addiction, the bad stuff–they didn’t really promote the creative side of the Whites. And this is no disrespect to Jesco and the family at all. Its more of the people that made it should have concentrated a little bit more on the creativity, and the good vibes that the White family bring to the table. Yeah, we all have problems with addiction, but they made that a little too dark for me. I’ve only seen a couple of clips of it, just enough to rub me raw.” (see the full interview below)
When the promo for the white movie first came out (which includes a brief appearance from Hank III), some people wondered if the movie exploits the Whites. Some have also cited Johnny Knoxville’s involvement in the movie as a concern, though Knoxville was mostly a behind-the-scenes business-arena partner, and did not participate in the filming, directing, or on-site production.
I had my own concerns about the movie promo when it came out, but cautioned it was just an advertising tool to garner interest in the movie, and that we should wait to see the full movie before passing judgment. The film earned a favorable review from me once I had a chance to see it, and in my opinion, it was not as exploitative as possibly the promo video might imply.
Have YOU seen the movie? What is YOUR opinion?
The Wild & Wonderful Whites can be seen On Demand through Amazon by CLICKING HERE.
You can also see FREE extra footage from the movie from Amazon:
Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia Extra – Whites’ Strife
Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia Extra – Meet the Whites
July 26, 2010 @ 10:46 am
I watched this interview with him about a week ago, and It kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.
I’ve seen the movie, and I enjoyed the movie. I don’t see how someone can comment on the film without having seen it.
Yes, the movie did capture the dark side of the family, but for good reason. Lets face it, in the time that the film was being shot it wasn’t all sunshine and unicorns in boone county.
It was sad, funny at times, hard to watch at others, and it made you feel good to see Kirk come out of rehab at the end. That’s a positive thing.
If Hank doesn’t like the film, or doesn’t want to support, that’s fine. I think he’s a little bit one sided in his view of the family, my self, but that can happen with people you are close to. But at least watch it in full, so you can form an opinion based on the whole thing, not just a couple clips.
January 3, 2013 @ 4:04 pm
The only thing they do is drugs,and from what I read some of the things they filmed were so bad they would outrage people…This is their life and what they are proud of!! that is clear…
Also Hank Willams the Third just didnt like the true Whites and is a little embarrsed at the way the movie came out..Hank the Third is a loser anyway,after his digs on Kid Rock I think he is a FAG!
February 11, 2018 @ 9:35 am
This is the difference between knowing people and watching a movie portrayed about the people you know personally. Hank knows them personally, just like he knows Kid Rock personally. He said the first time he met Kid Rock, Kid said he’s the next Elvis lol. Both Hank Jr. and Kid Rock are sellouts. 3 just wont disrespect his father like he will Kid. Kid Rock is just a brown nosing bitch, period.
October 7, 2023 @ 6:39 pm
I said the same thing about the Jonny Cash movie . Wouldn’t you think that he had some fun and that he saw and was able to do some thing that were unique. Dang it seemed just more about the drama and his demons.
July 26, 2010 @ 10:46 am
i haven’t seen it yet so no comment…
July 26, 2010 @ 10:53 am
I saw it, thought it was great….
July 26, 2010 @ 11:08 am
Blue Ribbon,
After reading the first sentence of your comment, I have to say I don’t really support your comment, man. I really didn’t read the whole comment, but I read enough for it to rub me raw.
July 26, 2010 @ 11:11 am
Seriously, I can understand being turned off by the promo. Really this is the movie’s greatest sin. I can understand why they did it. You need a bunch of crazy stuff to get the herd’s attention, but it has alienated the core crowd that this movie appeals to.
But still, Hank III is IN the movie. That is at least worth 90 minutes of his time, no?
July 26, 2010 @ 12:02 pm
I seen it and did not really care for it. If i want to see that all i got to do is look around. I payed thinking i would see alot more of Jesco and his art. Were was the Wonderful? 99.9% Wild 1% Wonderful my 2 cents…..
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July 26, 2010 @ 12:35 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by retrokustom, The Triggerman. The Triggerman said: Hank III Disses New White Family Movie: https://savingcountrymusic.com/hank-iii-disses-new-white-family-movie […]
July 26, 2010 @ 12:51 pm
I have not watched the movie yet fully intend on it soon. But i honestly never let other peoples opinions on things judge mine just because hank III doesn’t like something does not mean im aromatically not gonna like it and their are to many people like that out their today i support hank but i think his opinons on things suck sometimes… also as far as Johnny knoxville’s involvement in it COOOOL, He does his part in this movement he is a good ole boy just like most of us. He got rich by doing stupid shit but more power to him. Just because some has money doesn’t mean we should fucking shun them i herd a story about the jack ass crew showing up to a Bob Wayne show one time and damn near buying them outta Merch to show support… and that is straight from bobs mouth.. Johnny Knoxville helping with this film is a fucking good thing. i should just shut my comments tend to piss people off on here
July 26, 2010 @ 1:33 pm
He explained why and that he watched enough to form his opinion. I do agree about the need for cutting out the middle man. There are way too many corporate suits getting rich and the artist starving and then you have the mega rich bands complaining about the fans? Really? The fans who support them? That’s enough to make you sick. I’ve been to many a show and Hank III is the only one who stays until he’s met and talked with every single fan that wants to meet him after his show. Now that is dedication to the fan. As far as the White movie, I haven’t seen it myself but what one person will like and be moved by, another will not. Just the way it is.
July 26, 2010 @ 1:38 pm
July 26, 2010 @ 1:39 pm
One of the criticisms of the movie before it even came out was that we didn’t need another movie about Jesco. If they had made it about Jesco, there would have been people complaining about that too. The premise was that they would follow the White family for a year. What ensued that was movie worthy was really out of the maker’s control, and it happened to not involve Jesco much.
I do agree though that they could have taken a different perspective if they wanted and focused on the positive. I don’t know how much of a movie that would have been though.
July 26, 2010 @ 1:39 pm
I saw the film and thought it was exploitive. But I thought as a film piece it was well done and I enjoyed it as such. I laughed, I teared up and I wondered how people live like that.
The film clearly concentrated on the White Family of the present, not on the talent of the past. I think thats ok because you get back what you project and part of what they projected made it into the film. I don’t know what was left out but I am sure there was plenty that was good and bad.
I do think they could have included much more on how the family came into notoriety in the media. It wasn’t because of their rap sheet but because of D. Ray’s dancing. It has been over 20 years since the original doc Talking Feet was released – alot can happen in that amount of time and has for this family. I think that is what Hank III was basically saying. The film could give the average viewer the sense that Hank III was only hanging with these people because they are wild. I think Hank III genuinely was interested in this family because of the talent and of the determination to live free. They are a symbol for whats wrong, and in some ways whats right about America. We also don’t know what the producers told III about how they wanted to portray the family. Maybe he was under a different impression about the film himself. Who knows…..
Bottom line is that we all need to be responsible for ourselves. We can’t blame dickhouse productions, johnny knoxville or anyone for the failings of another individual. They filmed what they needed for their project and the Whites gave them the content and permission. I don’t feel sorry for the White family. But I do feel compassion for their situation. Their dsyfunctional family ways have root in every family, of every color, by every name, all across our nation and beyond. We all know someone who’s been involved with the law, or had a family member/friend addicted to something or watched the people we love make really bad decisions… maybe people don’t like the film because it reflects the part of daily life we don’t want to, or can’t, or won’t be bothered to fix. Maybe it shows us where we have failed as a country with the education system, and support programs, and the legal system. Or maybe it shows a group of people who have had the same opportunity to live a good life and chose to go a different path….. you decide.
July 26, 2010 @ 1:43 pm
Couldn’t agree more. What Hank said in the second part of the interview was spot on and inspiring. Hank has been showing people the way for years and doing it his way. Every up and coming artist needs to watch that and take those words to heart. Hank is a genuine Outlaw, and he’s been out front and outspoken for a decade now.
July 26, 2010 @ 1:58 pm
I just frickin missed it playing in Nashville. I need to see this.
July 26, 2010 @ 4:00 pm
man, i liked the movie, yeah it did show a lot of the dark side and all that shit… it really fuckin did… but those of us with links to the coal culture can sift through all that bs…i will say though that Kirk’s story is very moving in the film…and all yall, she has slipped up and like a good trooper in recovery turned herself in out of guilt which shows recovery on the horizon for her… keep her in yer wishes and prayers yall… and III is right it barely shows Jesco at all, and they chopped it up to make Maime look wild beyond wild…
July 26, 2010 @ 5:27 pm
I have not seen it yet but I wanted to say DU made a great point for all sides. Life would be pretty boring if everyone liked the same things and everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. I will make up my mind based on my beliefs when I see the film.
July 26, 2010 @ 7:14 pm
There is one thing I find odd. In the first version I saw at a film festival, they showed a picture of Birtie Mae White and all the kids she’s raised. It’s a really great shot because you see this beaming woman surrounded by all these kids (she raised over twenty-four).
When I saw it on PPV, I didn’t see that picture (unless I missed it). Maybe I’m sentimental but that picture was one of my favorite parts of the movie and if it didn’t make final cut, that sucks.
July 26, 2010 @ 8:22 pm
I’m pretty sure that was in the version I saw on Amazon.
July 26, 2010 @ 9:55 pm
I watched the film on Amazon a couple weeks back and I found it both moving and slightly exploitative. However, a documentary of any kind is going to show what the filmmaker discovers. In this case, the current White family is pretty fucked up. Not to say they didn’t show any positives, but overall you’re gonna walk away with an image of the Whites that is pretty despairing. It IS a sad story, going back to D. Ray.
I felt the film was well done and I personally am becoming a fan of Johnny Knoxville the more projects he gets involved in. Hank III may know more about the details of this project than any of us do though and may not have been happy with the way it was handled.
July 26, 2010 @ 10:21 pm
WOW! LOTTSA PRO AND CON HERE! Thanks for the links.
July 27, 2010 @ 12:36 am
I agree with Hank III! In my opinion of what Hank III said is that”¦he doesn”™t support “THAT” movie. Therfore, I”™m guessing he does not agree with THOSE who”¦produced, directed and edited “THIS” film. I did not hear anything negative towards The Whites!
July 27, 2010 @ 1:18 pm
Judging a film by a few clips is like me judging his album after listening to a song or two. It’s bullshit! I thought that Jesco and Hank together was amazing … don’t know how it should be more ‘positive’. Have you ever been to those parts? I think that the filmakers actually opened up a door into their lives, allowed us to look in, and feel for the troubles that face them daily. It’s not ‘Dancing Outlaw part 3’ ……. clearly it’s about ‘The Whites’.
Must have been that pill he took 🙂
July 27, 2010 @ 6:39 pm
The big question is, has anyone involved with the film been upset enough about the final product to attempt to have themselves removed from ANY association with it?
July 28, 2010 @ 3:48 pm
No, I haven’t seen this movie, I have a movie here about the life of Jesco White and called WHITE LIGHTNIN’. I have seen it in a record store in the video section classificated as a Horror movie, I can’t have an opinion about THE WILD & WONDERFUL WHITES OF WEST-VIRGINIA because i haven’t seen it yet, I first need to get me a copy, maybe at Amazone, but I almost can’t imagine that it would be darker than the one I have seen, have you seen White Lightnin’?
There is also another movie The Dancing Outlaw I haven’t been able to find yet, I am sure I will someday.
July 28, 2010 @ 4:36 pm
I’ve seen The Dancing Outlaw, and it felt like a bunch of pointy-nosed PBS intellectuals were letting the backwoods hillbilly make an ass out of himself. It did not delve into the causes of the problems of the White family or West Virginia. It was still entertaining, but I can’t see how someone would call the new movie exploitative, and the old one not.
I still need to see White Lightning.
July 28, 2010 @ 5:36 pm
D. Ray was first introduced to the mainstream on 1987’s PBS documentary “Talking Feet: Solo Southern Dance: Buck, Flatfoot and Tap”. Talking Feet is the first documentary to feature flatfoot, buck, hoedown, and rural tap dancing, the styles of solo Southern dancing which are a companion to traditional old-time music and on which modern clog dancing is based. It features 24 traditional dancers videotaped on location in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, and North Carolina.
July 28, 2010 @ 8:51 pm
Honestly why should we even care about this movie? Is it because Shelton said we should by writing a song about this family? The superstar of this family was murdered and the spokesperson is an idiot that beats his wife or at least threatens and claims to. I’ve never seen the movie but I’ve seen Jesco spewing threats and acting like an idiot on previous movies and interviews. What is great about that? Why should we want to support that? Being “free” and doing what you want to shouldn’t mean being violent and unpredictable to people who can’t defend theirselves. Jesco and his family aren’t icons.
July 29, 2010 @ 12:45 pm
A friend told me about White Lightnin about a month ago and I finally watched it last night. Goddamn that was awesome. It’s only LOOSELY based on Jesco but it’s rad. I describe like if Aranofsky made a movie loosely based on Jesco ala Requiem for a Dream.
And it’s about damn time someone used Hasil Adkins music for drug sequences in a film.
July 29, 2010 @ 7:28 pm
My ex-wife is from Boone County, WV, and is somehow related to the Whites. We watched Dancing Outlaw just before the split, and when I first heard Hank IIIs song D. Ray White a couple months later all the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I realized what the song was about.
July 30, 2010 @ 7:59 pm
Such interesting debate here and I think every point made is a valid one. At the end of the day, it’s a movie created for entertainment – pure and simple. I’ve not yet been able to access the film but I’ve seen the trailer, which I think is masterful. How could you NOT want to see the film after seeing that? Just because it’s a ‘documentary’ doesn’t necessarily make it particularly factual or truthful. It’s the director’s vision – it’s their ‘art’. Exploitation or not, surely personal responsibility must play a part here. The White family clearly consented to having a film made about them and they would have had their own reasons for doing this – whether it be for money, publicity, fame. Who knows?
July 30, 2010 @ 8:32 pm
The thing about the trailer is that Hank III himself has trained us all to be like attack dogs against people taking advantage of elements of Southern culture. It worked perfectly to get the masses attention, but played right into the critics hands, including Hank III. That trailer is this movie’s blessing and its curse.
July 30, 2010 @ 9:41 pm
Exactly! That’s what is so masterful about it. The subject matter is fascinating to those of us interested in southern culture. But we were already going to go see it, they had a captive audience with us. That doco would have had a budget in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Whoever invested in that film needs to see a return so it’s important it finds some mainstream appeal – hence the “Let’s show those crazy hillbillies doing crazy shit so Average Joe out there can watch it and laugh his tits off at them”. The decision to take the trailer in that direction may not have even been the director’s one. The Production Company very well may have taken the initiative there.
Oh dude, don’t even get me started on defending shit I’m into! I could make a full time career out of it. Between loving the American south, country music, owning chihuahuas, driving an old American car, working in television and being 37 and single. I pretty much spend my entire life defending all those decisions. Ha!
November 4, 2010 @ 8:39 pm
I had found this movie on netflix early this morning and I’ve watched it twice. Aside from the shootings and the stabbings, the Whites are definately one family I think we can all hang with.
April 30, 2011 @ 2:09 am
Hank III definately has a point.He probably saw “Dancing Outlaw” which focuses almost entirely on Jesco and his tap dancing.It’s a great little film and if you’re interested in The Whites you have to see it.
Jesco is really the one who brought the family national attention.And that was because of his dancing,not the family dysfunction.Hank knows there is more music and art in the family than is depicted in “Wild and Wonderful”.
Nontheless,it is an outstanding film.I believe it is entirely appropriate to show this side of american life.True,much of it is not pretty.But it also true that throughout the history of the US the outlaw life has helped push the boundries of personal liberty – to the benefit of us all.So I hope Jesco and the Whites rock on! They are bein’ who they wanna be,gristle and all.
May we all be so lucky.
June 22, 2011 @ 11:40 am
The movie was a bit depressing. Looked like W Virginia is a 3rd world country exploited by big corporations(coal owners) Hopelessness seems to be major theme.
July 11, 2011 @ 8:13 pm
i watched the movie last night for the fist time an it kinda didnt set well. i mean yeah we all have drug problems an stuff, but the way they made the movie seem is as if everybody in wv was like that, an i live in wv, an not all of us is like that. i mean yeah the whites are a little wilder, and stuff but i think they should have showed differnt sides of the faimly
November 16, 2011 @ 10:19 am
Stumbled across the movie. Never heard of the White family or Boone county WV. It was like watching a train wreck, wanted to turn it but watched on in disbelief that this was a real place and these were real people. I have nothing but contempt and loathing for this entire family (past and present). They are a prime example of what is wrong with America. They are not crazy, they are lazy useless drains on the decent working class of the nation and should be sterilized before they breed more little scum. Why are the adults not in jail for the way they are raising the kids. TAKE ALL THE KIDS AWAY, before that dumbass family messes them up beyond repair. If I were from WV I would be embarassed and mad as hell that my tax dollars support such a worthless group of people. The old man taught all the kids the behavior you see, the mother allowed it and the law state government should put an end to their free loading lifestyle. What pieces of crap!
January 3, 2012 @ 3:37 pm
March 11, 2012 @ 5:37 am
I am from WV and used to work in Boone County. It is a beautiful area in many respects, but one does also feel an unseen gloominess. One of the striking features of the presentation was the utter inability of religion, versus the gospel, to make a meaningful positive difference in a life. Several of the White family could spout Bible doctrines, but then laughed at them or ignored them. The Gospel on the other hand, realizing in your mind and heart the love of God and having a personal relationship with Him based on His grace, was in little evidence with the exception of Kirk. She seemed to actually love God and was struggling to put aside the shackles to walk with Him.
August 8, 2012 @ 8:19 am
I would happily escort every single one of these criminals to hell. These people are the worst trash in the world, no morality, abuse of the mother, wife beating, shooting, the works. Their entire life is a party with no responsibility, and they steal to get what they want, which is drugs. They are no better than any crack head in the rest of the world.
September 8, 2012 @ 12:19 am
Where is the department of children welfare when this family is doing drugs right in front of these children nevermind behind closed doors.
September 19, 2012 @ 11:34 am
I saw this movie and have very mixed emotions about what was depicted. My family is from West Virginia and what the movie makers failed to demonstrate adequately is the overwhelming problems this state is experiencing as a result of the prescription drug trade and the complete lack of legitimate opportunities for residents to safely/legally bring home an honest income. The film makers depict the White family as a group of ignorant and lazy disability-drawing, drug dealing anarchists wreaking havoc on the poor unsuspecting residents of Boone county… well the fact of the matter is there are thousands of families in the hollows of West Virginia that live just like the Whites and Do So Out of Necessity! There are very few jobs in the state of West Virginia and even if there were more jobs, most people live in such remote areas, that they have no way to commute (with any degree of reliability). Four wheel drive vehicles are expensive to purchase/maintain and in many areas of WV in the winter you must have four wheel drive to get anywhere. My parents sometimes get snowed in for weeks at a time even with 4 wheel drive vehicles. That being said, people have to survive, they have to eat and if they are too broke to pay for any type of entertainment, then sex becomes the only form of “fun” they can afford, hence you end up with large families of impoverished people living in remote areas where there is no work available.
The prescription drug trade finances many a family in WV, not just the Whites. I find it ironic to say the least, that in a state where possession of marijuana is punishable by 3 to 5 years in jail, you can buy a vicodin or xanex pill in just about any country bar in the state. Apparently the WV police/governors don’t really care if your high on prescription drugs, just as long as you don’t smoke pot.
I felt especially sorry for the young man who was sentenced to 50 years in jail for shooting his uncle and rampaging against the police: why you might ask? … because none of that would have happened if he wouldn’t have been high on pills. Why did he have the pills to begin with? Because the pharmaceutical industry in this country constitutes the largest group of legalized drug dealers ever known to human civilization that’s why. If I was the governor of WV, I would legalize dope and put everyone in the state back to work growing it. People would come from all over the country to smoke it legally so the tourist trade would boom. People could grow it wherever they lived and never have to leave the hollow to work. They could get everyone off disability (even crazy people can grow weed), get back a ton of space in the over crowded jails, and finally give the pharmaceutical industries a run for their money. As for the Whites, I feel that they are a lot smarter and a lot better people than this movie gives them credit for, they are survivors in a world that has given them little to work with/for. God Bless them and all the other “hillbillys” in WV. Love my peeps 🙂 JJ
January 30, 2013 @ 9:31 pm
I recently caught the film on Netflix and have to say that the Whites are simply drug addicted crack dealers. They live in the past, hoping that the good reputation from their grandfather D. Ray White and his dancing skills, somehow still define a family that has become a disgrace to every West Virginian. I have met good mountain folks, and the White’s are far from it. Good mountain people learn to work the land. They live off the land and off hard work. They learn to hunt, to fish, to farm. They sustain their lives that way. The White’s are complete opposite. They lack any real father figures ever since D. Ray was killed. All the women are lacking men in their homes, they have broken relationships, children out of wedlock, drug and alcohol passed down from generation to generation… They do not contribute to society. It’s evident even the people in their small town want nothing to do with them. In 20 yrs you will see the children shown in the film going down the same evil path, even worse. That woman at the end, when she said she knew she was going to hell, she smiled about that and laughed… These people have some serious issues. Why Hank Williams III was even involved is beyond me… goes to show what type of person he is too, which I am sure he is hiding from the cameras. Drug addicts always hang out with other druggies. Hank Williams Sr is probably rolling over in his grave to see what’s become of his name and bloodline…
September 7, 2013 @ 9:23 pm
Drug use in WV is everywhere so this movie didn’t surprise me one bit. I totally agree with Red. The only thing that shocked me was that they snorted pills in the hospital 10 feet from that newborn Baby!!! I was happy that they couldn’t take her home. Thank God! People like that should be sterilized! That poor kid doesn’t stand a chance with the White family. What a embred stupid bunch of idiots!! God help them.
March 6, 2013 @ 6:07 pm
I know the family that lives in Minnesota. I grew up with them. They are great people, awesome to hang out with. This really is a dark film. They have great vibes, very much family oriented. The only thing is yeah, they have done drugs. But so what. 90% of the world do drugs. Whether it’s abusing drugs or even abusing prescriptions by giving false symptoms. Great Family.
April 21, 2013 @ 1:06 pm
I come from a neighborhood w/ straight gangsters. Tell these people commit some real crimes. Then do a fuckn movie. I will say this. I respect them for being who they are. Havn the balls be who they were w/ no filter. Scamn the goverment. C’mon. I guess they gota grind they couldn’t admit. O yea tap dancn is for queers
May 22, 2013 @ 11:29 pm
From the first time I watched this documentary, and every time I watched it thereafter( which is about two times a day average), I have had nothing but strong admiration and respect for the White family. In fact, those feelings grow each time I watch it and the other movies, docs., clips, YouTube videos, and more. I loved it and them! If you can read people well, you will be able to understand them, empathize with them and love and appreciate the family they are and how close they are during the entire film. They what they’ve done to fuck up, and they know exactly what they have to do to fix it, or not depending what they are doing at the time.
I loved and appreciated the dark side of the film, that’s the part that, even still, gets me choked up every time. They are amazing, (faults and all)!
Love y’all!!! Muaaaah!
July 4, 2013 @ 11:08 am
I recently saw the movie. I think Mr. Williams should watch it. Though it shows the sad addictions; it also shows that because no one (except those at the bar) treats them with any human decency that they cannot come out of the turmoil. Those who leave flourish! Because most of the movie concerned adults, I have no opinion on their chosen form of entertainment. The film never shows the drug use in front of the children, (really). That is until the last scene. I did not like how one woman smoked pot right near the toddler. Perhaps it was medicinal? Now it is time for my biggest complaint of the film. Again in the final scene, the children were smoking cigarettes. Because they are children, their bodies are not fully formed, and this leads to a higher risk of health issues later in life. Yes I know most of the chosen habits lead to health issues also. I just think the kids need to be given a clean slate to do with what they chose when they become consenting adults. Sorry, if that seems judgmental.
July 18, 2013 @ 10:25 pm
I seen comments about supporting this family. You must have a problem. All they do is drugs in front of children, drugs while pregnant and in the hospital, drugs on a toilet, drugs in front of your 84 yr old mother on her bday, a little kid saying he will Kill Dennis and slit his throat about 5 times and the mother laughs, and the nephew almost kills his uncle. Nice family!! The only one that got a job is Poney and he lives in Minn. The rest of them live on social security and welfare. They turn around and use it on alcohol and drugs.
July 18, 2013 @ 10:41 pm
Oh yea if I was a cop in that county all I need to do is watch this film. Soon as I see this family in a car or on the street theres a good chance they will hit pay dirt in drugs. You can call it profiling but they put it on themselves by airing there dirty laundry to the public. If I was the State I would have Kirk do weekly drug tests for a year before she gets her child back. Not only the baby testing positive for drugs but seeing her on film doing drugs in the hospital after delivering her child. Its just sad for that boy. Telling his mom Kirk is she going to leave him again.
Then you have the older teens on camera not only saying every prescription he has done but go sell pills to make some money. Also the older lady saying she will by pills for $8 a pill then sell it for $10. Dont they know all this can be used as evidence if they get arrested.
December 23, 2013 @ 10:59 pm
coal minner owner for leaving the town high and dry and riping off the people. slavesss had it better then this
December 23, 2013 @ 11:04 pm
please get out of that town you people are to good for that town do for the your babiessssssssssssssssssssss.
December 23, 2013 @ 11:44 pm
don’t judge them ….jesus die for our sins n its a sin not to help these people and put these people in the top rehabs no state run rehab either. then help them relocated far away from that town the only way they will state clean. p/s help mama stay clean go to church and don’t let old biddies keep you away from church they are sinners to we all are god bless ya and don’t go rip off the church n people be good to your self and other yall are to pretty and too pretty to be strippers.go to school and be nurses and singers and don’t go swaping b/f stick together and leave men alone till you take of u and your family family come first. your mama n momaw is a saint do it for her friend in jesus
June 20, 2015 @ 4:56 am
I found it an interesting but very sad movie. The one thing I don’t understand is the line in Hank William III’s song about the White’s not wanting anything from anybody. Since they are all on Social Security Disability and use hospitals, rehabs, and prisons that are paid for by the government, it seems to me that all they do is take from the government and taxpayers. Their business, maybe, but don’t call them outlaws when they are right in there with the system.
April 1, 2016 @ 10:15 pm
Hey, they’re family. It’s not all just drugging,you’d have to know us,not this BS that the movie tries to say.
June 25, 2017 @ 7:53 am
Things got so bad I moved to Albuquerque……………..
April 9, 2020 @ 8:36 pm
Yeah I’m hella late to the party but I just watched the movie on Amazon Prime. Wow. I never ever, ever dreamed I would be into the Hillbilly music style. I was always more of a rock type. After watching the movie I want to go to WV. I have some family there. Old cousins I’ve been mostly out of touch with. Every place you go to in the USA has it’s drug addicts and criminals but at least the White family has some personality. Who wouldn’t want to have a beer (1) with Jessco? So now I’m on google learning all about D Ray and his family.