Lost Dog Street Band & Benjamin Tod are Not Done After All
Those who were worried that they’d heard the last from the Lost Dog Street Band and/or their frontman Benjamin Tod, you’ll be happy to learn they’re not done yet. On the contrary, they have just announced a new tour.
Who the Hell is Paul Sutherland Anyway (a roasting)
1 CommentI’d seen the Paul Sutherland video months and months back, but there seems to have been a resurgence of it lately, so I thought I’d turn it aside for the trash it is. If you haven’t seen it, this is what I’m talking about: Listen Paul Sutherland: Just ’cause you got a buzz cut and […]
New Article About Free Hank III !!!
0 Commentscurb – (n.) a barrier, designed to keep good stuff from the masses. That’s how a new article about Hank III and the Free Hank III movement starts out in this month’s edition of the Hill Country Happenings . Gordon Ames, one of the DJ’s on Revolution Radio is the author. Revolution Radio is a […]
Brand New Absolutely Amazing Documentary featuring Hank III
2 CommentsHoly shit. I just got done watching one of the best underground music documentaries I’ve ever seen. It Features: –Hank III, including live performances, commentary, and a TOUR OF THE HAUNTED RANCH !!! –Joe Buck commentary and live performances. — Joe Buck Giving a tour of downtown Nashville, including Music Row, The Country Music Hall […]
Official Instructions for All Reinstate Hank Rally Participants !
0 CommentsHey Everyone, I’ve been asked to post this from the Reinstate Rally Crew for all participants in the Reinstate Hank rally this weekend at the CMA Fan Fair in Nashville, or anybody who wants to participate: “Hank III will be set up inside the Bluegrass in tomorrow roughly from 12 to 2 CST on lower […]
Up With The Louisiana Hayride, Down with the Opry
0 CommentsThis weekend many devoted hellibillies will be showing their support for the Reinstate Hank movement at the CMA Fan Fair, including Cathy and Wayne who’ve been great supporters for Free Hank III also. Since I live some 1,500 miles away I can’t attend, but I wanted to show my support. I could let down my […]
The Legend of D. Ray White
0 CommentsI always liked the song, but never knew about any of the people or stories that Hank III was singing about. Over the last few months, I’ve gotten bits and pieces from bulletins and videos from CuzN Wildweed who right now is in West Virginia attending the funeral of Birtie Mae, the miracle woman, mother […]
A Call to Action for Reinstate Hank & Free Hank III !
0 CommentsNeed Volunteers for a Reinstate Hank Rally The Reinstate Hank movement is looking for volunteers to help with a couple of camera shoots. One will be on June 6th & 7th at the CMA Fan Fair, and the other is in Georgiana, Alabama that same weekend. If you can help out or want more information, […]
MY GRASS IS BLUE!!! (and my piece is a .357)
1 Comment“The .357 String Band keeps it raw, real, & dirty on and off stage, and have only begun to show us how much they have to offer.” Hank III Today is a good day for America, because the new .357 String Band album Fire & Hail is finally available on CD Baby. For those of […]
As a Matter of Respect.
0 CommentsThis will probably not be my most popular blog, but there’s some things I want to get on the record as saying. I am also going to talk a little bit about myself, which is something I vowed to do very very little of when I started this thing. But I want to talk a […]
Fallen Outlaws- Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?
0 CommentsOn Memorial Day, I thought I’d pay tribute to a song by a fallen oldtimer. One of the things I like about Shelton Hank III, and one of the things I’m sure you like is his open rebellion against pop country music. When you hear songs like ‘Trashville,’ Dick in Dixie,’ and ‘Not Everybody Likes […]
Hank Williams Jr. Is No Daddy Warbucks
21 CommentsARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL ?!?! Well your ass will have to wait till September. This is not going to be a roasting of Hank Williams Jr. I know that lately it seems like he’s whoring himself at every turn on CMT, and that he hangs out with Kid Rock and all that. But […]
Up With the Country Music Hall of Fame, Down With Kenny Chesney
3 CommentsI wanted to write some stuff about the AMCA’s that happened on Sunday, but to be honest, I can’t find the passion to. We all know that Kenny Chesney has no dick, and that the fact that he’s won ‘Entertainer of the Year’ the last three years is a joke. And there’s a reason that […]