Release Date ’Damn Right, Rebel Proud October 21, 2008 !
Yeee Hawww !!!
Pat yourself on the back people!
“The great state of Tennessee is gonna need to change it’s state flag from 3 stars to III bars soon! The Hank III family is proud to announce the release of III’s long awaited new album, “Damn Right and Rebel Proud” as
October 21, 2008.
This album is again self produced and will shake the guns right offa your rack! The first single will be “Long Hauls and Close Calls” – for which a video has also been produced that is full of muddin’, truckin’ and gunnin’!
We thank our dysfunctional family for all of its support and patience in the release of this album. Always get comfortable here, and the official Myspace site for all the news you really need.
The Grand Ole Opry Ain’t So Grand / Wild & Free / Me and My Friends / 6 Pack of Beer / I Wish I Knew / If You Can’t Help Your Own / Candidate for Suicide / H8 Line / Long Hauls and Close Calls / Stoned and Alone / P.F.F. / 3 Shades of Black / Workin Man”
Yes I know, Oct. 21’st seems like a LONG way off but this is a HUGE victory for Hank III, all Hank Williams III fans, and country music as an institution. We do plenty of pissin’ and moanin’ around here, we should celebrate every chance we get.
What a great birthday present for our country!
I probably don’t thank people enough, partly because I’m worried if I start thanking people individually I will forget someone. But I want to thank EVERYONE who has supported this thing, from calling Curb, to leaving comments on their MySpace, to writing letters, to putting us in your ‘Top Friends,’ subscribing to the blog, and reposting bulletins. Someday I hope to getting around to thanking everyone individually, but until then . . .
Some other things to note:
–As I pointed out in this previous BLOG , this thing is not over yet, and it will not be over until III himself tells me to cut it, or he is completely released from his contract. And then will we find another Trashville institution to haunt.
–If you’ve wondered what our impact has been here, or if the Hank III camp pays attention to what we do, or if Curb does, I have to kind of proudly point out that the last bulletin on June 23rd from would’ve not been necessary if it wasn’t for us. I’m not particularly proud that they had to spend their resources quieting us down, but the fact that they had to shows the impact we are having. This is good.
–Two new tracks have been added to the the album, ‘Three Shades of Black’ and ‘Working Man.’ And if that is not enough to make your head want to explode with anticipation, check this: One of the tracks on this album (not sure which one) Hank III puts his daddy in his place.
–As it alludes to in the press release, the only OFFICIAL places to get Hank III news is and the band MySpace site. Though I appreciate all of you reading the blogs, subscribing, commenting, etc. etc., I am not ‘Official,’ and I can’t be because it would be a violation of Hank III’s contract with Curb Records. I do try to get you as much information as I can and I try to make it as accurate as possible, but and the MySpace site are the only two places OFFICIAL Hank III news can be found, and so any Hank III fan should check them out frequently.
Now, go enjoy your 4th, and CELEBRATE !!!