50 Years Ago: Conway Twitty Records Country’s Ultimate Creeper Song

Oh how people love to regard classic country music as coming from this pure and idyllic era, full of traditional American values and virtue, while regarding today’s country music as full of filth. That may be somewhat fair on the whole, but there are certainly some exceptions to that rule. And most of them come from the catalog of Conway Twitty.
You have to give the guy credit. It’s an art form, and one Conway was the master of during his Hall of Fame career. He knew how to walk up right to the line of decency in country music, but not cross it, yet give the audience the words and imagery where they could cross fully over the lines themselves, while everything still remained in compliance with the FCC and network censors.
Conway Twitty has such a vast selection of creeper country songs, it could constitute its own subgenre. “I See The Want To In Your Eyes” and “I’ve Already Loved You In My Mind” are a couple of choice examples. “Tight Fittin’ Jeans” and “I’d Love to Lay You Down” are a couple of the more sedate selections. Sure, there was never anything overt. But it wasn’t what Conway said, it’s what he didn’t need to say that aroused the otherwise repressed audience. Conway understood that the greatest erogenous zone in the human body is the mind.
Though there are scores of examples of this Conway Twitty smooth talk, arguably the biggest doozy of them all was the song he recorded 50 years ago today at Bradley’s Barn in Mt. Juliet Tennessee with producer Owen Bradly called “You’ve Never Been This Far Before.”
Though like always, Conway was careful not to use any dirty words explicitly—and instead allowed the imagination of the listener to take the story where he wanted it to go—the talk of the taking of innocence, and Conway stating, “…as my trembling fingers touch forbidden places” was too much for some radio programmers, and the song was banned at certain stations. Perhaps the creepiest part of “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” is the “bum bum bum” refrains from Conway.
But as is normal with such things, the risque nature of the song and making it forbidden fruit only made it more enticing to audiences, and despite the protestations of some moralists, the song still made it to #1. The complaints over the song also made it popular on the pop side of the dial. It ended up peaking at #22 on the Billboard’s all-genre Hot 100 in 1973, making for Conway’s best crossover showing on the pop chart in his country career.
Written by Conway Twitty himself, it was really the success of “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” that inspired Conway to try his hand at similar risque creeper songs in the future, which he found great success with. “I See The Want To In Your Eyes,” “I’ve Already Loved You In My Mind,” “Tight Fittin’ Jeans,” and “I’d Love to Lay You Down” all hit #1 too.
Of course Conway wrote and performed many other kinds of songs as well, and had an incredible career singing duets with Loretta Lynn, who often played the foil to Conway’s dalliances. But it was his creeper songs that became his signature. They went on to partially inspire Stuart Baker’s creepy classic country character Unknown Hinson. Animated comedy Family Guy regularly makes reference to Conway, and often in the context of his creeper songs.
Aside from George Strait, nobody has more #1 songs in country music than Conway Twitty. One of the reasons is the way Conway knew how to stimulate the libido in the audience like no other. Some of what Conway sang would be considered even more risque today as it was during its original time as a new version of prudish American values have taken over popular society. “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” probably qualifies in that category. But love it or find it incredibly creepy, it unquestionably left a lasting mark on country music.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:29 am
For those not familiar with the song, I think it’s important to note that the title refers to a married woman who has never cheated on her husband before rather than a virgin who has never been with a man before. Which is still plenty creepy, but not as creepy as 40-year-old Conway getting busy with a 16-year-old girl. At least as far as this girl dad is concerned, your personal experience may lead you to feel otherwise. Bum-bum-bum.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:08 pm
Yeah, that’s definitely way less creepy… honestly makes for a better song overall as well.
April 4, 2023 @ 9:57 pm
It wasn’t the song content, it was Conway’s voice. That sexy baritone sold the songs. His “hello darling” in that sexy growl was enough to make you want to get naked right in that moment. He knew how to sell a song.
April 5, 2023 @ 4:37 pm
I agree….. I loved Conway Twitty ????
It’s only Make Believe is one of the best songs to sing along to ….. ever❤️ still today too????????
Please everyone listen to Daryle Singletarys version of I’d love to lay you down .
You will love it!!!! Even more than Conway
April 6, 2023 @ 3:07 pm
You People are so Sickening. We’re
Do you have the Nerve to Say that his Songs were Creepy. His Songs Had Nothing to Do with Children or Teenage girls. They Were about Mature Adults so we’re in there emotional Life And feelings. You People Try to make Decent Music of Decent Generations Trash. Please Do Not. Because This Mess today is PURE TRASH to Say the less.
April 6, 2023 @ 6:59 pm
I completely agree music today is nothing compared to what it was back in the day Mr Conway Twitty was awesome I grew up on his music Loretta Lynn. But I also grew up in the 80s as well. I’ve listened to all kinds of music but music today is more hardcore and it’s nasty in a lot of ways. Conway Twitty, Ronnie milsap all those guys and yes that baritone voice absolutely all day long so please quit making something out of nothing. There’s a lot of creepers out there but Conway Twitty is not one of them and his music was neither.
April 7, 2023 @ 9:00 am
If people would worry about the things this world is really screwed up about like “school shootings” instead of picking on music that this world was built on, I think our world would be better; Conway Twitty, George Jones, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams Jr and Sr all had songs like this but there our ICONS like many others.
April 5, 2023 @ 10:29 pm
Amen sister!
April 7, 2023 @ 5:34 am
He was my favorite country singer.I love all them songs that was mentioned and a lot more .people need to grow up and stop being judgmental if you don’t like the songs DON’T listen to them.
April 6, 2023 @ 4:08 pm
April 7, 2023 @ 9:03 am
Oh fuck these snow flakes lol …has anyone ever listened to the trashy ass rap songs ?? Oh my god ! They just flat out say my wet pussy ..on and on . And your fucking triggered over that old country song . This new generation is flat out retarded , can’t figure out what sex they are , do one thing and say another , nothing applies to them group of fucking hypocritical whiny assholes
April 6, 2023 @ 7:04 pm
My favorite song was,” It’s Only Make Believe.”
April 7, 2023 @ 4:05 am
Personally Marty and whomsoever is talking crap, stick to this generation with the woke B.S.
It is so whiny of you to try to trash or erase music of any previous generation. I have experienced 6 decades of vastly different music. What gave Conway his edge was the deep sexy growly voice and story telling. Kinda the pre-existing country version of Elvis without the gyrations.
How dare you people try and take away from the history of music for no other reason than to sound like some whiny ‘A’ of a ‘B’.
Now I had to listen to Conway and Don, Bill, and George because of my mother. At a time I was listening to music of the 60’s and 70’s.
Storytelling is a long lost art and you allbwant to make trash outta it. Back in the day would you have been the one to ban Elvis like they tried, or Red Sovine cause he made ya cry. Music then was to tug on ya heart strings. So give it and your trash talking a rest and find something more up-to-date and pertinent to moan about as I am tired of hearing it. Btw side note..took mom to see him back in the day as a gift. He came down to our table sat next to mom and sang to her and held her hand. Never knew there were so many shades of red my mothers cheeks could turn blushing one of my fav memories
April 7, 2023 @ 6:52 am
Nobody was trying to erase or trash the music of a previous generation. If you really want to erase the music of a previous generation, you ignore it, not write features about it complimenting the saavyness of the writing. Folks really need to take a beat to understand what is happening here and actually read the article as opposed to reacting to a headline.
April 5, 2023 @ 12:30 am
When I think of today’s “Country,” the word filth isn’t what comes to mind – it’s Pop-infused garbage..
April 6, 2023 @ 12:38 pm
As seen on CMT Awards, real country music is dieing. It didn’t look or sound like country music.
December 24, 2023 @ 2:34 pm
As King George (Strait) said it best in 1 of his songs, ” there has been a murder on music row… they have killed country music”
May 11, 2024 @ 2:13 pm
Oh c’mon y’all sound like your grandparents complaining about YOUR generation. World didn’t end. This is their time and honestly there might not be much of I t left thanks to your generation and previous ones not listening to science about fossil fuels. Rather have money now then a earth to live on for your dependents. Can’t remember(senior moment) which person sad it but if you don’t like it change the channel that is why your listening device has that option. And Conway Twitter was a total creeper. Dude looks like he may be mentally handicapped. Just saying. Bu t who gives a fuck. He was an entertainer not a preacher.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:28 am
I think he was a great singer
April 11, 2023 @ 4:33 pm
Milee I agree I don’t watch CMT HAVENT in about 15 years or more! I love CONWAY I WAS LISTENING TO HIM WHEN A WAS IN THE CRADLE!!!
April 6, 2023 @ 11:46 am
A great singer.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:52 pm
His music and style was always tastefully done. Shame on you for calling his songs creepy! Us adults knew what the songs was about.
April 7, 2023 @ 12:21 pm
Now a days whenever a man expresses sexuality and masculinity it’s considered “creepy”. Dude wrote romantic country songs for grown ups with no expletives and that’s considered creepy but women can make a sound called Wet Ass Pussy filled with expletives and nobody bats an eye. Clearly this article was written by a mentally retarded feminazi misandrist.
April 7, 2023 @ 12:26 pm
“Clearly this article was written by a mentally retarded feminazi misandrist.”
April 6, 2023 @ 7:33 pm
I’ve always loved Conway…if he was alive today he would have to be my man…I’d love to lay you down!
April 6, 2023 @ 4:04 pm
At 72 I’ve never before heard anyone even remotely placr Conway Twitty’s music in the Creeper Category. His words were always clear in what he was alluding to —- not snealing up on anybody.
April 8, 2023 @ 1:34 pm
You woke m fers are ridiculous. Men Want sex with women. Women want sex with men. It is a human fact. Hell it is a base urge embedded in every animal on earth.
There are gay people transgender people pedophiles and an array of other weirdos but they are freaks of nature.
Now that is an absolute fact.
I don’t hate them or want to hurt them in any way. If only they felt the same about ME……
April 11, 2023 @ 7:31 am
I think it is tragic that we sit here and pick on a legend my growing up and times of relationships I went thru was with his music girls loved him he had an amazing voice
April 11, 2023 @ 9:02 am
Lol. The fragile nature of today’s climate is hilarious. ????????????
July 9, 2023 @ 9:03 pm
Unless you have been in that situation or almost in the situation you can’t possibly understand the feeling of the song.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:09 am
Let’s not forget Loretta’s song “When The Tingle Becomes A Chill”…….some radio stations banned this song too.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:18 am
Bull shit. The guy was a boasting child molester, probably both sexes, and committed suicide rather than go to prison for life.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:54 am
Conway didn’t commit suicide, and wasn’t a child molester. You are an idiot. Do your research before commenting next time
April 5, 2023 @ 11:40 am
I hit the wrong button ,Blankenship is dead wrong about CONWAY,OMG COULD HE SING, Blankenship needs to get his facts straight,
April 6, 2023 @ 3:25 am
Are you kidding me!! Conway died from damn heart attack… If you don’t know what your talking about Maybe you shouldn’t talk.
April 6, 2023 @ 2:22 pm
Not a heart attack, he died from a ruptured aneurysm.
April 6, 2023 @ 4:23 am
He was a great story teller. He was not a pervert. What a horrible caption. There are songs (if you want to call them that) about rape, murder, abuse and other crimes on the radio being celebrated. Conway sang about the romance and passion of two consenting adults. …This article is a travesty. Shame on you!
April 6, 2023 @ 5:37 pm
Conway Twitty was one of the all time best country singers out there. In no way were his songs creepy. Y’all don’t know what your talking about!! What they call country music today is not country music. Furthermore, Conway died of a stomach aneurism.
April 9, 2023 @ 9:15 pm
April 6, 2023 @ 5:19 am
You Conway lovers please check out Jeff Bates. Jeff don’t get enough praise. Jeff does Conway like nobody else can. And has his own stuff too. One Second Chance is awesome. Listen close.
April 9, 2023 @ 9:24 am
Heard Jeff the other day , love the song. It’s so spot on
April 6, 2023 @ 11:52 am
Another mindless twit who will post ignorant comments for the attention…
April 6, 2023 @ 2:56 pm
All Edomites are child predators and child molesters
April 7, 2023 @ 11:05 am
Nananabooboo stick your head in doodoo, back. Nnnnnn(I stick my tongue at you. I’m in fourth grade. You shouldn’t be nasty to young ppl.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:57 am
U better get ur s…. together. CONWAY was one of the beat..child molseter.. BULLSHIT. Get ur mind out of the gutter..he was one of the God guys. I was one of his drivers for awhile. He liked people.help them out..always treated people rite,with respect. Why u wait til people are gone ..dirty up there name.. when they can not defend there name.. Go clean out your own shithole before u judge others. .are no better than any one else
April 5, 2023 @ 11:21 am
Where is your proof
April 5, 2023 @ 1:25 pm
Your out of your cotton picking mind
April 5, 2023 @ 2:23 pm
It’s a shame you have no idea of what you’re talking about. You need to keep your mouth shut if you don’t know what you’re talking about!
April 5, 2023 @ 3:19 pm
Wow !!! Your creepy ….!!!! Really child molestation ??? That’s what you got out of it ??!!!! You need years and years of therapy.
Conway is probably the greatest true country singer of all time .
April 5, 2023 @ 5:09 pm
And you sir,are an asshole! Jealousy is a dick thing sometimes !
April 5, 2023 @ 6:11 pm
He died of a brain aneurysm. Don’t think you can self-induce one of those . . .
April 5, 2023 @ 7:05 pm
He died from an anyuesm. Wow. Next.
April 6, 2023 @ 6:03 am
How Society interprets a song says as much about Society as it does the song writer.
April 6, 2023 @ 10:22 am
Conway died from a stomach anurrism
April 5, 2023 @ 10:03 pm
I will tell you what I don’t care if you show people my email address. I’ll even give you my home address.That’s the only part that of my original reply because otherwise it would have just sounded like. I was ranting but out of the 2 articles that I read that these people publish from saving country. Everyone else can take it as they want but to me. It was a slap in the face to those 2 artists. It made Conway twitty look like he Was a sex addict in a W**** monger.About half. Of the. Only? Comment that I seen somebody else leave that he had tried to explain about the woman coming into the bar. But I didn’t understand what he meant by 40 year old. Conway tweety and a 16 year old girl to make accusations like that hurt. Really? Not good for anybody concerned especially the company that is putting this blog. On saving? Country. You people better grow up and quit Being so naive. Because if you don’t all you’re gonna be known for it’s talking s*** and you’ll never get a real job. Now if you know anything about country music to begin with it all started out when families. Didn’t have neighbors that weren’t closer than 3, 4 miles apart and they wrote about everyday life and things that they had experienced. all the songs that Conway twitty wrote about they weren’t creeper songs. The only Creepers here are the people that twisted the words around and didn’t have any comprehensiof what he was actually talking about. He was singing about real life. Scenarios that happen way too often or not enough the rich lady that walked into the bar. It was about a lady that That was bean neglected at home. Tomorrow of the story that Conway was trained to get his point across. Is it doesn’t matter how much money you have? If you don’t creep your spouse like they’re needed loved attractive. It doesn’t matter if they don’t to look for love elsewhere and. It’s sad but it’s true now you want to talk about Conway. Twitty’s faded cotton gown and her hair turning Gray that wasn’t some fantasy about a young man screwing some old woman. It was about a Husband and wife and the husband still found his wife as attractive many years later as the day he met her. It wasn’t supposed to be dirty raunchy. He still loved his wife’s Showed. the affection that she needed. And to reassure her that she Still aroused him as the 1st day they got married.No if you want to call that smut your definition in my definition are totally different things and I don’t care what anybody says women need to be reassured. That they are needed loved. And Respected. So you folks from saving country you’re not saving anything all you’re doing is being disrespectful. Better and make enough of a bunch of accusations. About artists that you have no idea where they’re coming from. And like I said once before most of those musicians and recording artist are making up songs that. They lived at 1 point or another. You don’t need to turn them into smart and you’re being very disrespectful. I’d like to get my hands on your Knox and sense into your head. But that wouldn’t do anything anyway for people like you.No the other article that I Read about George Strait you make that man out like hes an irresponsible. Don’t care about his children kind of guy. You don’t know any of the facts. The girl was 13 years old if you have any idea what a 13 year old she probably thought she was an acting like a 20 year old that she thought. She was all grown up she probably snuck out of the house. . Because she felt that she wasn’t getting the attention that she needed. Maybe Georgia his wife were on tour and a family member was supposed to be watching her. But no you make it out like he had nothing on his mind. Other than his career and I’m sure that’s the farthest from the truth and another thing is. You people don’t? Have. The right to go around and ask people about their personal lives. You want to talk to him about their professional careers? That’s another thing. But the man couldn’t talk about it 50 years ago. What in the f*** do you think? Do you honestly think that he? Ever stop blaming himself well if I would have done this. I would have done that my beautiful daughter would have still been here. She would have been married. I would have grandchildren you f****** idiots. You bring up 50 years later where maybe one day out of the f****** year. That? He doesn’t think about what happened to his child. You guys are the most disrespectful. Let’s have a 50 year anniversary of George Louisiana’s daughter. I’ve got no respect. For anybody? Else that jumps to conclusions you’re going to be a million reasons. Why that? Little. Girl? Snuck? Out of the house? That. Night or road which I was boy’s over to another friend’s house to be baby sad. I don’t know I thank God every night today. I’ve never experienced thand I hope I never will. And for you that are probably thinking that George. Was being callous and wanted to bury it somewhere in his mind where he wouldn’t speak about it. You’re completely crazy. All parents make mistakes sometimes the mistakes that they make could have been changed or altered a little bit sometimes not so don’t be so f****** judgmental and make it out like it’s a big f****** celebration about his daughter’s death. The last thing I’m gonna say to all these people that publish and write this s*** for tabloids and whatever else they may be doing I think. It’s about time that you sit back and think about how it’s going to affect other people and how you write things and what I hear every time is. We have the freedom of speech yeah well we all have to write to bear arms and both can destroy a person so grow up and have a little empathy. Instead of turning to them to what slam on a person or Degrading another person you know what a sad thing is? It’s 99.9% of the time that people have the opportunity to rate. S*** like you guys right? They don’t understand how bad it destroys other people’s lives and tell it happens to them but you didn’t do any good for either one of those artists. You made Conway look like a piece of s*** and all. You? Thought about. What? Sex and you made. George look like he was an irresponsible parent that didn’t look after the well being of children.
April 6, 2023 @ 8:31 am
Need more info…..!
April 7, 2023 @ 7:05 am
How could this have gotten 30 likes? The comment is a rambling, ridiculously lengthy, incomprehensible mess of horrible grammar, bizarrely placed question marks and capital letters along with other oddities.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:35 pm
Why? What on Earth possessed you to open that sewer under your nose and spew completely false garbage about the man long after he’s been gone? You know you have no idea what you’re talking about. Does your life suck so bad that you need to try to drag someone else down to your level? Seek help.
April 5, 2023 @ 10:44 pm
Never better said mister Lowell. I wish I could be short into the point like yours. I always have to be so d*** Long winded .
April 6, 2023 @ 6:19 pm
Marty, your the biggest idiot. What is all that, tweakanese?
April 6, 2023 @ 6:32 am
Moron! Considering your “Wokeness” shining so proudly here, you probably feel the need for your therapist/mom just from this reply to your ignorant comment!
April 6, 2023 @ 2:58 pm
Wow, you might want to tuck your stupidity back in it’s on full display. You can’t compare anything from decades ago to today’s standards.
April 6, 2023 @ 3:22 pm
Seriously Donald get your facts straight!
April 6, 2023 @ 8:27 pm
Are you drunk or just a stupid 12 yr old?
April 6, 2023 @ 8:40 pm
Maybe you’re the creeper here.
April 6, 2023 @ 10:08 pm
That’s the beauty of music. You hear the lyrics of a song and think about this way . Someone else thinks about it another way! Most of the time it comes down to your own personal experiences and how you relate!! Conway was a legend!
April 8, 2023 @ 1:44 pm
Don’t be ridiculous.
April 9, 2023 @ 1:24 pm
A abdominal aortic aneurysm isn’t suicide you stupid fuck.
April 9, 2023 @ 1:51 pm
Conway didn’t commit suicide, he died from a heart attack. I ought to know, he died at Cox hospital in Springfield Missouri. I live in southwest Missouri & remember the day on the radio they said he died.
If you’re name isn’t Jesus Christ, then stop judging!
April 9, 2023 @ 2:05 pm
What a dumb a**! as Red Forman used to say on That 70’s show. He must love Marjory Taylor Green then. Seen any good Jewish space lasers lately?
If you’re name isn’t Jesus Christ, then stop judging!
April 11, 2023 @ 5:30 am
Go watch a drag show
April 5, 2023 @ 11:17 am
The key word & words are “NEVER”, & “NEVER BEEN(… this far before)” – a cheating wife very likely HAD been THAT far before … @ least once. Most people’s take on the song w/b that the female was inexperienced in “hanky-panky”, but what about HIM? “DIRTY” & CREEPY” are in the ear (& mind) if the beholder. What if BOTH – the guy & the gal were young & inexperienced? Teenagers? Wedding night? 20’s? 30’s? I heard a lady singer’s version of this song, & -to me- it wasn’t any less “creepy” if put in the context of a “cougar”, but not-so-much if they were closer to the same age. A person’s own imagination & personal life experiences brings a different meaning to each listener. Not right or wrong … just different.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:54 am
No, the key words are this line in the song:
Well I don’t know and I don’t care
What made you tell him you don’t love him anymore
It’s her first time to step out on her husband, not her first time ever. It’s not really open to interpretation.
April 5, 2023 @ 1:23 pm
Just dumping one boyfriend for a better one. I should have done this.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:21 pm
I’m so excited
April 5, 2023 @ 10:53 pm
Please people don’t engage with the Blankenship’s of this world. Most new county doesn’t resonant with me. But there are some goodys. Dwight,Jr. Brown, Wayne Hancock, Dale Watson to name a few.
April 7, 2023 @ 5:34 pm
You are making assumptions here. When I was a kid, normal folks got married just so they could have sex. The woman could have called it off with her fiancé, remained pure, then got with the story teller instead. (Married or otherwise) Remember, our country was great at one time and was strong because it was the norm to have both parents in the home and sex was something that only married couples engaged in. But as outside influences slowly sold the public on the feeling of independence if you would just be promiscuous, have kids out of wedlock, divorce your spouse at any argument, stop going to your house of worship, deny the God of your understanding, and condone taking the lives of the unborn, all because you deserved to do those things and who has a right to tell you how to live your life? Those once American values we as a nation held dear, were soon destroyed and with that came the end of the nuclear family and common decency. How can anyone question why our nation is in such a deplorable condition today? Yet, folks today don’t possess a rational mind, and cannot think properly so instead of looking at the entire picture, they will jump the thought process, because everyone is a genius, and just assign blame for society’s troubles by blaming guns, racism, sexism, etc. It becomes rather convenient for those with a narrative to push to bolster a personal political agenda to make America even weaker. How many school shootings did we see when Conway Twitty was on the Country Billboard top 10? We had guns back then, so I’m sure the guns didn’t become violent overnight. Food for thought.
April 5, 2023 @ 2:25 pm
Blank is the best part of your name. Bum bum bum
April 6, 2023 @ 5:53 pm
Nope, you’re wrong. It’s about a woman who left her husband, but isn’t divorced.
~7:30 Twitty himself says what it’s about.
April 5, 2023 @ 12:15 pm
He has always been one of my favorites. That voice was so sexy and he new just how to tease your mind into thinking you were there. He died way to soon
April 5, 2023 @ 5:19 pm
I read an article from one of his children about all the estate problems they endured after his death . The CMA association really treated them bad also .
I hated to read it but it happens in most families ????
April 5, 2023 @ 1:48 pm
Wow lol. It’s a freakin song. Not real life. He plainly says in the song I don’t know and I don’t care why you told him you don’t love him anymore. Also, he was talking about himself when he said while his fingers touch forbidden places. Not the woman. It was forbidden to him, not her because she was with another man until she told him she didn’t love him anymore lol. He was in love with her from before but couldn’t act until she left the other guy. And when he said bo bo bo he was talking about their heartbeat and following the music. Not talking about her butt lol. It’s about passion and love. Not a wife. Lol
April 5, 2023 @ 8:21 pm
Top creeper songs I know:
You can’t change that by Raydio
Into the night Benny Mardones
She’s only 17 …winger
For shits and giggles…the escape song by Pablo cruise …flat lines my 50 year old ass …every…single…TIME!
April 5, 2023 @ 8:30 pm
Conway Twitty was regarded as being the most openly horny singer of his time. This.was due.to the wording of his songs. He didnt ever cross the line. but he trampled right on that line
April 6, 2023 @ 8:03 am
“Openly Horny” made me LOL.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:31 pm
Anybody who speaks negatively about Conway Twitty. Needs to have their damn head examined
April 6, 2023 @ 12:58 am
Not you Brian
April 6, 2023 @ 7:41 am
Yep. I just put a trans person on a beer can. Didn’t I?
April 9, 2023 @ 7:18 am
Trigger, you did step in a big pile of dookie with this article. I’m sorry you don’t like Conway. My parents introduced me Conway Twitty and I was young and it is my defining memory of their love in their generation. They love his music and I could tell. Yes, he was suggestive. Yes, slightly provocative. Yeah he was likely a complete slut-bag himself. So he was so real too entire generation. It was a combination of his voice, his tenor and is suggestion that did it for people. No matter how you want to describe him, he was nothing short of great. Admit that you stepped into this big cow pie and ask someone for a towel to help clean your boots off.
April 9, 2023 @ 7:46 am
I admit to nothing. Who said I don’t like Conway? What if anything in this article implies that? When I see comment, after comment, after comment saying:
1) I’m WOKE
2) I’m a Millennial that doesn’t understand classic country
3) I hate country music
4) I’m a woman femezazi
5) This song was never banned
6) This song isn’t creepy, has never been considered by anyone as creepy, and would never be considered as creepy, and nobody ever said it was creepy until this article…
I know I am dealing with individuals who are so aggressively uninformed, it’s not worth considering their opinions. |
What happened here is actually very simple. Google, for whatever reason, decided to serve this article to a very specific demographic that sits online all day waiting to be incensed about how WOKE culture is destroying America. This article popped into their feed, they saw the headline, and came with their stock, ad hominem attacks. It’s not a sign of anything. It was an algorithmic snafu that the only way I could have shut it down was to delete the article, which I refused to do.
I will say that in hindsight, I may have tried to word the title a bit differently. But the content of this article, I stand behind it 100%.
April 6, 2023 @ 4:19 am
Can’t elaborate on what’s already been said, but would like to foot stomp on what’s been said. Get off of your soapbox! This generation is ridiculous. Hopefully you’ll fight for your freedom of speech when the time comes. Unlikely….
April 6, 2023 @ 5:55 am
I don’t know what’s up the ass of this is author, Conway Twitty was great. He knew how to sell records, and he sold a hell of a lot of them. Well I’m 67 years old and I grew up listening to Conway Twitty and others. I never thought of them as being perverse tunes, and I was a teenage boy with a lot of raging hormones, and Istill don’t think of them in a perverse way. Conway sold records, sold them to lonely women who wished they would run into someone who who would offer them attention. This was in a time when certain women were rated X. But the author of the story knows nothing of this time, mainly because his head is buried so far up his perverted ass he can only think in simple terms .
April 6, 2023 @ 11:17 am
“Conway sold records, sold them to lonely women who wished they would run into someone who who would offer them attention.”
Has taken ~ 2 days. This is correct.
A lot of Conway’s songs were a lot of women’s fantasies.
Sad that they got so worked up over something that was not going to happen.
A neighbor out in Oklahoma had “Hello Darlin'” sat as her husband’s ring tone coming into her cell phone.
We were careful not to react, when he called.
She positively gushed when she heard his ring.
Meanwhile, she came to my door early one evening shaking, and as i waited her out, she let me know how physically hurt she was. He had hurt her, after he had thrown a plate of spaghetti at the dining room wall.
He ended up camping overnight at the local precinct.
To each his own, i guess.
And no, Conway was not “great.”
Singing songs like, Lying Here With Linda, On My Mind, or whatever the title to that song is.
Conway was just another manufactured “pretty” boy, with a good voice.
Doesn’t trip the trigger of a lot of women in the least.
April 6, 2023 @ 2:27 pm
Your society is degenerate.
April 6, 2023 @ 4:52 pm
How is it creeper to tell the woman you are involved with are won’t to be the thing’s you would like to do to them. There both adults.
April 7, 2023 @ 5:44 am
Going back 50 years to tear apart America culture just more from the Obama culture killing attempt. The communist attempt to destroy our culture. Their guns and bibles don’t forget that Obama.
April 7, 2023 @ 6:56 am
Nobody was going back 50 years to tear apart American culture. Saving Country Music regularly does these retrospectives to celebrate past country music culture and keep it top of mind. If you had ever spent any time on this website or read the article itself, you would know this inherently. Instead, people are in engaging in wild-eyed assumption that have no basis in reality. Not sure what any of this has to do with Obama, or politics in general, except people are so politically incited these days, they assume everything is a political attack.
April 7, 2023 @ 8:57 am
Oh fuck these snow flakes lol …has anyone ever listened to the trashy ass rap songs ?? Oh my god ! They just flat out say my wet pussy ..on and on . And your fucking triggered over that old country song . This new generation is flat out retarded , can’t figure out what sex they are , do one thing and say another , nothing applies to them group of fucking hypocritical whiny assholes
April 4, 2023 @ 10:31 am
One thing Conway was great at was recording these songs that while they could be sexual, the woman was almost always held in high regards in the song and women loved that. If you really listen to the lyrics, women are never demeaned or made fun of with some stupid line like you hear today. Women were the queens in his songs and they ate that up.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:35 am
Talk about a manufactured “sex symbol.”
This guy was such a lightweight.
He never had the it factor.
Had a nice voice, to be sure, but the black shoe polish, slick, pompadour pretty boy image, was so manufactured it reeked.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:44 am
I think you are comparing to today’s standards. He certainly had the “it” factor during that time, and women were wild about him.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:48 am
Some women are/were wild about him.
The more discriminating women, not so much.
April 4, 2023 @ 2:55 pm
April 4, 2023 @ 12:13 pm
I saw Conway on a package show with George Jones and Merle Haggard in about 1988 or 1989. As I was walking in I noticed that most of Conway’s merch table was covered with nightshirts. I thought “Who the heck sells nightshirts at a concert?” Well, Conway Twitty did, that’s who. Pretty every woman there between 40 and 60 – which was easily more than half of the crowd – went to sleep with Conway’s face across her boobs that night.
April 5, 2023 @ 10:03 am
Conway Twitty could definitely sing. Back in the day he was damn good looking! Had that dreamy voice that you wanted to listen to.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:51 am
What I want to know is, how did he get his hair to do that?
And if you want a creeper song check out “Run For Your Life,” by the Beatles. That is well beyond creepy, it was highly disturbing! And you think the song itself is bad, consider it was featured on the the animated Beatles TV show (animated = made with kids in mind).
Now some people will say I am “woke” because I look at something from mid 20th century USA and think it was wrong but I am going to stick with my opinion on this one.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:25 am
Totally different era, IMHO.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:21 am
At the beginning of his career, I think it was obvious the industry was trying to make him into the next Elvis Presley. Somewhere along the way, he became a symbol of housewife lust.
April 5, 2023 @ 4:22 am
Started out trying to make him the next Elvis, ended up making him the country version of Barry White…
April 4, 2023 @ 11:46 am
So what kind of male country singer does get you all hot and bothered? Does the Outlaw look do it for you or would you prefer a more Countrypolitan style? Come on man, if you don’t have any opinions about the whether Waylon or Merle had the sexiest voice you’re probably not the target audience for Conway Twitty. And if you do feel strongly about those topics you’re probably aware that opinions differ.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:56 am
Ha ha go look at photos and videos from that era, that was the look. Including the leisure suits with the wide collars and lambchop sideburns! 70’s fashions were not the best in hindsight.
April 9, 2023 @ 7:32 am
The 70s and the ’80s were the best time to be alive.
April 4, 2023 @ 2:03 pm
Read up on the character of Harold Jenkins. Your opinion will be altered.
April 6, 2023 @ 12:35 am
What to the Hell ya talking ? Conway Twitty was one of the all time Greatest men in any kind of Music and he was Known as the High Preast of Music a great man as I meet and talked with him many times at Concerts and at Twitty City in Henderson Tenn
April 5, 2023 @ 5:58 am
I see PLENTY of people who don’t know anything, this is why what they call country music is woke shite . Mr Twitty was a true entertainer and seen angles in the business that kept him current in the business. Just like all this nonsense will kill the true stand up comedian eventually and we will be stuck with people who have no heart or the fortitude to stand tall when everyone else is loosing their woke minds . This article is shameful.
April 5, 2023 @ 7:58 am
This article was was just as much about praising Conway Twitty’s savvy writing and delivery to side step censors and stimulate the mind of listeners as it was fairly and accurately describing a song that some have found to be a little creepy over the years. Folks are so used to getting drawn offsides by anything “woke,” they are actively ignoring the actual context of this article to take it as an attack on Conway as opposed to what it actually is, which is a remembrance that is just as complex as Conway’s persona and songs.
April 5, 2023 @ 7:12 pm
This article was written to start a weird pissing match. It has no purpose or relevance to anything going on in country music today. Good job at getting the comments up and causing a stir.
April 5, 2023 @ 7:16 pm
Not at all. The reason the comments have gotten so weird is because it went viral on Google, and the blue hairs are assuming it must be some “woke” bullshit. I do like stimulating discussion, and this song deserves a good one. But that’s not what is happening here. It’s a bunch of people screaming at their screens, and not bothering to read past the headline.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:09 pm
It sounds like you’re backpedaling to me. Nothing got weird until you start using and start it out using creeper. You don’t need to stimulate any other people’s minds. There’s enough of already with your minds believe in what day somebody else writes.The song is that Conway wrote and recorded unfortunately unfortunately. They are real life scenarios that happen and moisture worse than others and I’m sure. You’re the only reason why it went viral is because the way that you worded it. I sure hope you think a little bit next time you. Put shotgun out there on social media and I’ll tell you another thing. Conway wrote door songs and offered them to a young artist that would have gotten him up and going in Conway said it’s gonna be a smash. It’s gonna be a smash in the kid didn’t record them so Conway did and of course. They hit the number one charts and in the future if you don’t have anything good to say Don’t say anything at all.
April 9, 2023 @ 7:46 am
Trigger, I agree with you that they just crafty. I agree with you that he did write up him right up to the line for the sensors and the FCC, but that’s what greatness does. Greatness stands up and says I’m not going to sit on the back of the bus. Conway caught us to use our minds and to pray. He was a sex symbol in his time like George Michael. He defined the idea of what was sexy for the way men were to act. You are correct in a lot of what you said in your article. A lot of people just don’t like being called creepy. Or their idea of what sexy should look like for act like to be called creepy because then you’re going to be calling them creepy. Please respond.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:13 am
Conway’s songs were not creeper songs . I loved his songs then and still listen to them today . He always was and always will be my favorite . Conpared to what they refer to as country music today , his songs were not risque at all . He was true country !
April 5, 2023 @ 9:44 am
Having sang and recorded some of his best songs, I never considered any of his music to be offensive in any way. He was a great performer and I do miss him and his music.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
We’ve got another live one here who has no idea wth he’s talking about. The nuts are coming out of the woodwork.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:43 am
Trigger, which NGO is funneling money for the CCP to get you to take down the most virile man in the history of cuck(C)untry music?
April 4, 2023 @ 11:58 am
That is one hell of a nickname, Squire Commie Watch.
April 5, 2023 @ 4:56 am
Loved Conway never really thought about the songs just enjoy them
April 4, 2023 @ 7:07 pm
Wow, commie watch how much Crack and cocalne did you snort before coming up with such a stupid suck up name, wait is this really honky shit face? No body is this stupid, anyway, I can’t help but laugh when the fascist right wing trump supporters were screaming to the top of their lungs when Big and Rich sang Save a Horse , ride a cowboy, and songs like this were sung decades before.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:55 pm
Apparently, your insane asylum allowed you to post.
April 5, 2023 @ 3:47 am
April 6, 2023 @ 6:55 am
April 4, 2023 @ 10:45 am
I hate this song. Conway can be too creepy at times. I do like many of his songs, but this one is too cringy for me.
April 4, 2023 @ 10:48 am
I have a very complicated relationship with the music of Conway Twitty. I will just go ahead and reveal myself as an asexual here and now, which might be one of the reasons I have a problem with everything being love songs that don’t have a lot of other content.
So for me, the songs referred to hear as the creeper songs, are exactly as described from my perspective, needlessly, creepy, and rather unappetizing, partly because they have absolutely no meaningful value from my perspective. I won’t argue that they were bad songs, acoustically, sonically, or in terms of their construction, but the thematic elements absolutely do not connect with me.
On the other hand, the musicologist in me recognizes that Conway was a stellar, and tragically underappreciated vocalist. He had tremendous control, possession of his range from low to high, a remarkable range at that, and while he wasn’t as dexterity, gifted as Merle Haggard, or George Jones, who could simply make a dazzling leaps, and fancy runs, can we never felt like he was reaching for The high notes or the the low notes
As far as Range goes, Conway has one of the most under utilized, and under recognized singing ranges among his peers, when the subject of singers with great singing ranges comes up Conway is frequently left out of the conversation
And on the other side of my complex relationship with the musical output of Conway Twitty, is the song that’s my job.
That’s my job isn’t just a stellar country song, it’s a stellar song.. And I hate that it goes so underappreciated when the hits of Conway Twitty comes up. Frankly, it’s one of my favorite country songs, probably the only song he recorded is that I routinely seek out, listen to, or show to other people, and a great example of what modern country music could should, and ought to sound like. Frankly, that song came out in the cassette tape error, but I believe it illustrates what Country music should have been moving forward. Not just in terms of its content, which might seem a little sappy and prudish by the beer and trucks crowd, but it’s sonic elements represent the best of Pop’s country.
My very conservative, gun, toting, Yeehaw scoutmaster, met both Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty. Couldn’t find a bad word to say about Loretta, said she was as honest and authentic as anybody, never let the fame get to work, but he said that Conway Twitty was a little distant standoffish, and had a little bit of a diva side to him.
I actually have a never before opened vinyl record of one of their duet compilations, I’m waiting for it to go up in value. I used to be quite the vinyl collector, but as vinyl me to come back, and a lot of those records, got remastered on CDs, digitized, and free to listen to one streaming services, the floor dropped out of the vinyl , collecting business outside of the major records from the biggest stars.
But if anyone is trying to find the rare country, music 45s and 33s, and even some 78, I am your guy. I have a pretty comfortable collection of them. Some of which might otherwise have been lost if not for collectors like me.,
April 4, 2023 @ 8:29 pm
If you have albums that are out of print and only on vinyl copies you should make some digital copies. That’s also my favorite type of vinyl to buy – stuff that isn’t even uploaded to YouTube.
April 5, 2023 @ 7:15 am
Do you have your vinyl collection compiled on Discogs? That website will allow others to see your collection in addition to showing the history on sales and assign a min, average, and max price to any of your albums that have a record of sales. You can keep track of the value of your collection. If you have some rare albums, people will occasionally reach out about buying them even if you’re not showing them as for sale.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:52 pm
No, I don’t, and frankly, I don’t think I will. Partly because when I started collecting, it was my personal passion project, because I came to love country music in an era when access to older media was limited to having functional record players and VCRs, as well as having good surviving records and video cassettes. There was no Internet, to speak of, there was no support or resources for collecting, there was just persistence in going to Goodwill and the Salvation Army, and occasionally yard sales and eBay. In the modern era, Restoring, broken cassette tapes, VCR, tapes, and even fixing record players and VCR machines is pretty easy with an Internet search. You can find people who will do it for money, as well as people who can teach you how to do it yourself. When I started collecting, none of these resources existed, and if you even dare to speak in public with a concern, that older music was being abandoned, you were a social pariah.
So my love of collecting was more a love, a preservation van of actually collecting, and with the ease of access, and an increase in the availability of recordings, knowledge and information, I simply don’t need to buy as many old records for collecting purposes, I can simply buy CDs and use the Internet for easy listening
April 6, 2023 @ 12:07 pm
That’s ashame that you won’t do that. I would LOVE to see and hear what you have. I understand the personal value they have for you being you did this for your own passion and collection because I also had a very large private heartfelt collection that took years and years to obtain. I loved my collection the way they were and never thought to digitize them. That is something I so very deeply regret. Almost 2 yrs ago The neighbors kid was playing with a candle and started a fire and EVERYTHING I owned except my purse Literally burned in the fire. Most of what I owned I can never have again because I have several autoimmune disorders that are reeking havoc on my body and cause me a great deal of pain and stiffness so I don’t have an income now. Especially since my husband left me. Thank God for my son and his Girlfriend. They got a bigger place so I could live with them. Anyway, my point is you really should consider putting all your music on USB or something. Then you could put them on your keychain or in a bank vault or somewhere safe so if God forbid tragedy strikes you will still have the songs at least!!!
April 6, 2023 @ 6:51 pm
Well, have triggerman hook you up with my email I’d love to talk records person to person
I’m sorry tI hear that
That sounds awful
April 5, 2023 @ 8:10 am
Seems like everyone loves to pounce on past generations for their indiscretions but yet say zip about the filth being produced today. At LEADT IN THE PAST, THE LYRICS WERE SUGGESTIVE and could be interpreted anther way, AS OPPOSED TO THE DIRECT, EXPLICIT AND VULGAR lyrics of today’s hip hop and rappers not to mention any top 10 pop divas. Disgusting. The hypocrisy is laughable.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:33 pm
Ever heard of Bill of rights and 1st amendment rights freedom of speech and expression you better keep in mind or your rights will be taken away from the magarats fascist regime So just shut up and leave it alone be free to listen any music you want Cause I like some of Conway music
April 7, 2023 @ 6:57 am
Poor little Myke, the eternal twat who just doesn’t get it. Lol! He’s even dumbed down his name by spelling it ghetto. Read Freakonomics, you’ll identify yourself very easily as the ghetto regime of society, the lowest social class in America. I can’t and won’t insert a laughing emoji because it’s both sad and pathetic to know that your parents sealed your fate with that trash spelling. However, in regards to free speech, 1st amendment and all that jazz, you TOTALLY missed the point. Unbelievable. Ghetto trash and dumb Again, I can’t and I won’t I insert a laughing emoji due to that fact that you can’t even live up to the definition of ignorant. You’re just dumb and that is no way to go through life.
April 7, 2023 @ 3:36 pm
April 5, 2023 @ 6:42 pm
Damn. You said exactly what I was thinking!! This whole thread is stupid. In a world of hook-up apps, where song lyrics contain the words “bitches n hoes” readily, these comments got my eye rolling and giggling. Conway is a legend. A time when men didn’t call you a bitch every day.
April 6, 2023 @ 1:16 am
He lived in Marianna, Arkansas many years ago. We think his first wife was from there. He treated everyone’ fair!! He talked to my father and listened to a song he wrote and said it was a good song and it was❗
April 5, 2023 @ 8:54 am
Are you writing a novel about Country music? Is this the first chapter? Here’s the title…”Creepy Country Music for Asexual Dummies”. If you lack ‘stimulation’, try a dildo or something. Good luck finding a publisher for your book.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:13 am
Long comments are encouraged here, Melody.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:39 am
Long comments are one thing, but L……O…….N…….G comments are something else altogether. Wake me up when it’s over. ‘YAWN’……..
April 5, 2023 @ 9:38 am
“…”Creepy Country Music for Asexual Dummies””.
Why did you post this?
Personally attack someone, via a bullying web post?
Not only is this pure cowardice, it is total b.s.
What does sexuality have to do with intelligence?
April 5, 2023 @ 6:57 pm
Proven by Science and other various experts, sex is 97 percent brain power, baby, which must mean you have very little intelligence to work with. Too bad, you don’t know what you’re missing. By the way, I was replying to another person’s comment who referred to him/herself as asexual, so ask that person your sex to intelligence ratio question. You never know, you may learn something. ????
April 6, 2023 @ 11:24 am
“Proven by Science and other various experts, sex is 97 percent brain power, baby, which must mean you have very little intelligence to work with.”
: D Too bad you’ve never been with the right man.
Last post on this thread, Trig.
Miss Melody can educate me all she wants with her “high intelligence.”
April 5, 2023 @ 7:09 pm
Oohhh, Di, I’m shaking in my shit kickers. ????????????
April 6, 2023 @ 6:08 pm
You said that your scout master met Loretta and Conway, and that Loretta was down too earth etc. and that Conway was standoffish and somewhat of a diva. So let’s talk about Loretta, she grew up in the applications her father was a coal miner we know that, her sister Chrystal Gale was also a country singer following in her sister’s footsteps and she was just as famous as Loretta, however I’m sure you knew that. Anyway as for Conway’s personality, he was a much different person than what your scout master met, sometime in the middle of his skyrocketing career Conway had a very bad fall, as I remember it he was coming out of his tour bus or an RV, while stepping down he slipped and fell backwards hitting his head and actually cutting it open, he apparently was by himself when it happened, he laid there for who knows how long laying in his own blood. He eventually came too and was obviously disoriented he walked into the house where his family was and they noticed something was wrong, they pleaded for him to go to the hospital to get checked out, he refused and he never did go. However they noticed that he was not himself after that and he was acting wierd his son was the one who told this story but because he had never gone to the hospital he most definitely suffered a major concussion that had totally affected his personality. The man your scout master met was not the real Conway Twitty but a severely brain damaged one. Everyone one that knew him also noticed the change, so please don’t say that Conway was this asshole or diva because even if he was like that it wasn’t his fault he was not himself for many years even at the time of his death. His brains were scrambled his emotional state was damaged and that’s why he acted the way that he did, he probably never knew how he was coming across towards people. That could be why when he died his estate and everything else was in a mess leaving his family in disarray because he had a lot of debt apparently and I don’t know if he even had a will? But in any case the man that everyone loved and admired was not the true Conway Twitty they knew before the accident. We need to have empathy for him and his family because he must have suffered so much pain and most likely confusion from that accident. Conway was a man’s man he most likely didn’t realize the seriousness of the head trauma that caused his mood altering. Yes it’s his fault for not going to the hospital for a evaluation, but he must not have thought it was serious enough to go.
April 9, 2023 @ 8:04 am
I agree 100%. The song “That’s my job” that he sings gives me chills. Conway was a great communicator and had a great voice with wide range and control.
David, Allan coe, an other great, had a song called “The Ride” in which the ghost of Hank senior says to him
“He said, “Drifter, can ya make folks cry when you play and sing?
Have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues?
Can you bend them guitar strings?”
He said, “Boy, can you make folks feel what you feel inside?
‘Cause if you’re big star bound let me warn ya, it’s a long, hard ride”
Conway had that ability to make us feel what he felt inside.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:04 am
Listening to Conway’s music after I’ve gotten older, I’ve determined the dude was recording literal country porn. I mean, it is filthy at times, but the tunes are so catchy they get stuck in your head. I heard “I See The Want To In Your Eyes” the other day, and turned a little red.
April 4, 2023 @ 1:26 pm
You might call it country porn but damn don’t you just love the artist and he is one of the all time greats I don’t care if he’s singing the phone book! He made country music he was real not one of these dime for 3 dozen jerks that claim to be country today love me some Conway!
April 4, 2023 @ 5:43 pm
It’s country porn only in a loose and hyperbolic sense.
Conway’s songs would be PG-rated at their strongest. The “dirty” parts are in the listener’s mind. In porn, they’re right out front.
In a W-A-P world, they’re positively quaint.
April 4, 2023 @ 9:06 pm
Your crazy Conway knew his audience and gave them what they wanted LOVE in a song its not PORN.
April 4, 2023 @ 9:31 pm
okthat is what all entertainers try to do, othetwise, whats the point!
April 5, 2023 @ 8:24 pm
U know I think ???? what is wrong r should I say not appropriate to a lot of people concerning one thing and one thing only ¡¡¿¿¿ AND THAT IS THIS IF THEY AIN’T benefiten from something that one has said and that one has done then that just opens up the dark and true minds of themselves when there talking about someone else other than themselves in a character shaming light ¡¡¡¡!!!that not one , but millions of people was at one with every single word r lyrics of any given song r phrases that someone might say r sing outloud just shows u how there doorsteps don’t need cleaning around, but need to be replaced before they can go through those doors they need to go and check themselves, bcs HIS CONWAYS doorsteps were made of gold that is a fact!!!! People don’t know the things that has to be done not just for them ,but for everyone who is concerned of!!¡¡¡¡¡¿¿¿¿¿¿people just don’t know about the things that has to be done, SO THEY CAN BE FREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡$$$???. nowhere In anyplace,for anyone person can without any doubt say anything about someone that has laid down for only one thing!!!!¿¿?? But I can and yea I’d be the one who whould love to lay her down and then whisper softly and tell her things about her doorsteps that.she doesn’t want hear ???? bcs them that love to assinait ones character???? just know she loved ❤️ to be laid down!!! That sacrifice has been done and the rest is to scary , you know the truth,it will literally scare you to death to whom it may concern ¡¡¡¡¿¿¿???? Steven
April 4, 2023 @ 11:06 am
“…but it’s sonic elements represent the best of Pop’s country.”
100% agree, concerning the sonic elements of the song.
As much as you hate your new phone – politely and respectfully requesting that you go back to typing your posts. : D they are reading like you are smoking, or drinking, your breakfast/lunch/ dinner.
Last night when i was reading Trig’s articles & coming across your posts, was really slowing me down, and was wondering if someone had hijacked your avatar/sobriquet/ handle.
Was going to ask Trig if we should send out a scouting party to make sure you are Ok.
April 4, 2023 @ 8:41 pm
One hell of a singer
April 5, 2023 @ 6:24 am
Respectfully, Di, I don’t think you’re in much of a position to criticize others’ comments for being hard to parse.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:25 am
: D wasn’t criticizing Fuzzy, at all.
Fuzzy is extremely articulate.
Was a little concerned at first, before seeing the post that his phone had taken a header into the gravel, and he had to get a new one.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:50 am
Click bait.
Pure and simple.
The Author is devoid of thinking outside of his tiny little world. By using the term ‘repressed audience’, he demeans an entire generation.
There is such a lack of substance in his writing that the purpose of his diatribe seems to be: Fill a space with enough words to satisfy an Editor enough that the Publisher Venmos a few dollars to you.
April 6, 2023 @ 7:49 am
This comment exemplifies the issue that happening. Anyone who regularly comes to SavingCountryMusic.com on a daily or even weekly/monthly basis understands what’s going on with this website, and with this article specifically, and that there is no “publisher” to “Venmo” the author. Unfortunately, with the extreme cynicism that exists about the entire media state, people are assigning opinions and motivations to this article that don’t exist, and you’re seeing this over and over. It is articles like these that are published to keep the memories and songs of country music greats alive. You may disagree with the approach of this particular article, but to characterize it as some sort of takedown of Conway Twitty is to be aggressively incorrect with your assessment. To attempt to say it is out-of-bounds to cite the creepy nature of this song is to discount 50 years of history. Saving Country Music did not ban this song when it was first released. Country radio did. That happened for some reason. And it wasn’t to get clicks on a website 50 years later.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:07 am
It is because of this song and all of Conway’s similar stuff that I don’t listen to him as much as other country greats. The man made some good music (I love That’s My Job, for example) but I just can’t get past the creepiness of a good chunk of his more well-known songs.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:17 am
Trig, I’ve heard a quote along the lines of “I wouldn’t step in the studio with Conway unless he’s had a cold shower.” Any idea of the origin?
April 4, 2023 @ 6:17 pm
Lewis Grizzard used to say that Conway needed a cold shower before he went into the studio
April 4, 2023 @ 6:25 pm
April 4, 2023 @ 11:17 am
His pacing and phrasing gave him a real ability to put emotion into his songs. He certainly sailed close to the edge but he sang some great songs and he was instantly recognisable.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:19 am
I’ve had several women tell me that the fact Conway’s songs were NOT overtly sexual, made them that much hotter. They could picture in their minds banging Conway in the way they wanted.
This is something that is missed on later generations. You don’t have to be filthy to be good. In fact, doing that diminishes how powerful the music is.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:56 pm
I am one of those women. To me his admiration of women and everything that entails is wonderful. “With your hair all up in curlers and your faded cotton gown”. That’s the good stuff. THAT is a man who loves his woman and it’s beautiful to me.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:51 am
How in the world is “Tight Fitting Jeans” even remotely creepy?
April 4, 2023 @ 11:58 am
I put “Tight Fitting Jeans” and “I’d Love To Lay You Down” in a different category to the other songs because I think they’re more just sexually suggestive than they are creeper song. And I also used the term “creeper” as opposed to “creepy” since they creep towards being creepy, but don’t cross over the line.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:00 pm
Maybe “Lay You Down” can be argued, but “Tight Fittin Jeans” is a basic story song about a poor boy/rich girl.
Hell, the lady in the tune is the one committing adultery. The cowboy is mostly passive.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:10 pm
I wasn’t commenting on the stories of any of these songs. I was commenting how they all include sexually suggestive lyrics. I also went out of the way to delineate “Lay You Down” and “Tight Fitting Jeans” as being much more subtle in the message of those songs. I appreciate that some are misunderstanding this point, and sometimes I get my words garbled when writing and need to go back and clarify. But I most definitely was not making a side by side comparison of these songs with “You’ve Never been This Far Before.” I went out of my way to say they were less concerning. And for some reason, folks are just reading what they want to read as opposed to what I wrote, probably because they think I’m on the attack here, which I’m not.
April 5, 2023 @ 10:27 am
People understand what you are saying. We just disagree.
If “Jeans” is sexually suggestive then so are most love songs of the era.
Also, you have mentioned multiple times that you view Conway as someone who pushed the boundaries which is probably why some posters are pushing back.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:38 am
You’ve obviously never seen the right girl in the right (fittin) jeans!
April 5, 2023 @ 10:41 am
Right! Except now they all are wearing there long underwear around, whether or not they should!
April 6, 2023 @ 11:44 am
Yes ????
April 4, 2023 @ 12:03 pm
So much for “Conway and George Strait never did it this way”.
April 4, 2023 @ 12:44 pm
Fuzzy can expand on my point but that line proved that Maddie & Tay’s song was just a cheap way to excite traditionalists who were mad about Bro-Country. Clearly the writers of the song had no idea about Conway’s catalog.
April 4, 2023 @ 3:39 pm
Oh boy. A chance to go off about Maddie and Tae. Just what I needed to make my day
I kid, of course
I’m not totally sure how to take your comment, invoking my well-known distaste for their misleading song that marketed itself as a protest song
But from my perspective, another comment or higher up this thread did elaborate that Conway was never demeaning towards women, he was usually very respectful of them even If he was coming off a little like a hound dog. There’s never anything particularly demeaning in Conway song.
As for Maddie and Tae, yes, George Strait was always very tasteful, almost tame , and probably fitting the definition of a Christian idealist lifestyle, who has a very mild mannered presence , and it is difficult to find outrage concerning, manufactured or otherwise, regarding George Strait
But yes, the fact that that song came more or less from the same publishing company as many of the same songs they were pretending to protest against, spoke to me that it sounded like a manufactured, outrage and manufactured protest intended to SAP money away from both the country music, faithful, and the country music interloper
Much like if Coke and Pepsi were owned by the same company, and then the both of them started releasing ads attacking the other, it would be manufactured drama. Much like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, which have routinely, at least, in the early 2000s, jabbed at one another, and spired a little in some of their promotional material, but they are owned by the same company.
And to some people, the sentiment in the song is for real and legitimate, I found it to be the worst example of corporate consumerism, pretending to play up a well-known demographic so the the same demographics will support the same company that is doing the things that they are protesting against
At the risk of using the P word, pervert, I shall.
Circling back to whether Conway or George Strait ever did it “ this way”
The bro country dudes are perverts, in the sense that they are very obviously staring at whatever exposed skin they can, willing to get the object of their affection drunk, so that consent becomes a redundancy, and probably keep a case of an energy drinks in their trunk so they can ask girls if they want to bang / want a bang
Whereas Conway is more of a hound dog, by which I mean, not the kind of pervert that equates women to sexual public servitude, whose role in life is to entertain men as in the case of the bro country dudes
The creepy Conway aesthetic, if I may call it so, is more of a worshiper. Someone who revered women in an almost potentially unhealthy manner,
The Cole Swindell’s, Chase rice, and Lee Brice Crowd are the sort of people who think that so long as they aren’t wife beaters, they are entitled to the affection of all the women in any social setting.
Whereas Conway is more of a Gollum with the one ring thing going on, my precious, my precious, my precious. an almost fanatical reverence of femininity.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:06 pm
Almost persuasive, Fuzzy. I see Twitty as classic game. He knew what buttons he was pushing, and he got what he wanted, like Loretta. I have no doubt he was a gentleman, as one poster put it, and a good father, but he was on the make, and women knew it, and liked it.
April 4, 2023 @ 8:36 pm
If Conway was ticking the boxes (pun intended) for middle-aged women then that is better than them sexualizing some 20 yr old male country performer. It’s highly likely the frothy-loined 45 year old woman who hurled her Kevlar-thick ‘over the shoulder boulder holder’ at Conway in rural Arkansas still occasionally thought of herself as a sexually green teenager when fantasizing.
Don’t forget that these are the same women ‘The Pill’ was made for.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:57 pm
Proven by Science and other various experts, sex is 97 percent brain power, baby, which must mean you have very little intelligence to work with. Too bad, you don’t know what you’re missing. By the way, I was replying to another person’s comment who referred to him/herself as asexual, so ask that person your sex to intelligence ratio question. You never know, you may learn something. ????
April 6, 2023 @ 7:42 am
People like yourself who wright this kind of “GARBAGE” need to get a life, all you do is twist the words around to fit your own disgusting narratives…… I really feel sorry for those of you who have nothing better to do then to trash others through social media while NEVER doing anything productive yourself !!!
By the way, if you feel the need to trash singers & their songs maybe you should listen to some Rap music & the language used in that, how IGNORANT can you possibly be ????????????
April 6, 2023 @ 5:52 pm
Well, that’s just it. Most of those women WERE sexually green teenagers when “It’s Only Make Believe” and “Lonely Blue Boy” were hits. And they remembered Conway.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:32 am
‘YAWN’…… another novel full of nothing. Perhaps you and the asexual commentator should combine your novels. Good luck.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:43 am
Yet another ‘YAWN’ L……O……..N…….G novel. Reminds me of”Seinfeld”. You know, the show about nothing?
April 4, 2023 @ 12:29 pm
You people who put him or his songs down are the problem in today’s world.
April 4, 2023 @ 1:17 pm
Its all about context. Hank 3’s a badass for singing Dont Ya Wanna but some 50 year old song is creepy for having some inuendo.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:31 pm
so that’s what did it, huh?
When it comes to opinions, they didn’t name you after a vacuum cleaner for no reason
April 4, 2023 @ 12:42 pm
“You’ve Never Been This Far Before,” sure sounds like it’s about seducing a virgin. But then halfway into the song, Conway throws in the line “Well I don’t know and I don’t care
What made you tell him you don’t love him anymore.” That gives him the “plausible deniability” to say that the song is about romancing an older woman who’s on the rebound. Smart!
I thought Conway’s creepiest song was the ostensibly “innocent” “The Games that Daddies Play.”
The opening line “He put his arms around her shoulder” is designed to make the listener think that the woman is in the arms of her husband or lover.
Then it’s revealed that it’s actually the woman’s son, who’s saying that he’s “old enough and big enough to play the games that daddies play,”–so the listener is led to think that it’s her teenage son and he’s talking about going dating and such. (The “Games that People Play” was a popular song about romantic “games.”)
But, NO!. The payoff is that it turns out he’s a little boy and he’s talking about wanting to go camping and learn to play literal games like maybe capture-the-flag or ringolevio.
The target listener, evidently was someone who found the misdirection and unfolding surprise to be oh-so-cute, but it just sounds Oedipal and creepy.
April 4, 2023 @ 2:40 pm
God damn, country music is the fuckin best sometimes, isn’t it?
April 4, 2023 @ 8:25 pm
I immediately thought swinger games. Which anyone within a mile of a campground people live at, would understand.
April 4, 2023 @ 1:01 pm
Conway The Legend
Weak people go cry in your safe space.
April 4, 2023 @ 1:51 pm
Conway Twitty was a music legend. The greatest hitmaker of two decades of the genre. He was one of the most respected artists ever— by the industry, by his fans, by his peers and by other artists. More than “creeper” or “creepy” I would use the more respectful terms “sexually frank” or “honest”. His duet partner had controversial songs as well. Her “Wings Upon Your Horns” is about loosing virginity. None seem to ever reference that when mentioning controversial songs of the time. It was a different time then and sex sold (in a behind closed door way). My own grandmother, an ardent Baptist, did not shy away from her daytime soaps in the 70’s and 80’s (and by the way she loved Conway). I work closely with the family of Conway Twitty, and I can assure you he was a gentleman and a great father. His female peers much had a harder time around the likes of say Porter Wagoner than Conway. None will tell you he was creepy or anything short of a gentleman. If someone disputes that, I would challenge your source. I mean no disrespect toward this article. I enjoy “Saving Country Music”, but I cannot pass this by without expressing these feelings. Few in a genre get the “icon” title. Conway Twitty does. While the younger generation may not understand his style completely we must understand that 50 years later times are different. I respect and honor the man. And I have every right to blast his classics out in my truck—and I do. Fifty-six No. 1 singles in the USA, six others in other countries, 60 million record sales, thirteen gold albums, two platinum, still producing Gold singles 30 years after his death, someone liked him. I’ll shout it out, that I’m one of them.
April 4, 2023 @ 3:32 pm
I understand why some are taking this as a critical article of Conway Twitty, but that’s not exactly the way it was meant. It was meant to remember this song, and Conway, and the dichotomy this particular part of his catalog presents for many classic country music fans that can be seen in the takes in some people’s comments here.
April 4, 2023 @ 2:36 pm
I mean the guy had a good voice and the words were sort of banal like 99% of country music so whatever. I’m just here to note that I assume that by the “new Puritanism” you mean shit like making it legal to deny HIV prevention drugs because Christo-Nazis believe it’s God’s will for gay people to die if they fuck etc. etc. etc.
April 4, 2023 @ 3:14 pm
Trigger – did “It’s Only Make Believe” hit number 1 on the pop charts? I know late 50s Conway was trying to make it as a rocker/Elvis clone. There must have been an army of them back then.
Conway managed to thread the needle of being overtly horny in his songs, while passably subtle. Such a fine line to walk.
April 4, 2023 @ 4:32 pm
Thanks for an interesting article. I have one correction. “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” want his most successful pop record. That honor goes to “It’s Only Make Believe” which hit #1 on the pop singles charts on two non-consecutive weeks in November 1958. He also recorded a number of other rock n roll, rockabilly, and soul records (which were all very good) until switching to country in 1965, where he eventually achieved his greatest successes.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:06 pm
Thanks. I meant to say that it was his biggest crossover success as a country artist. I’ve clarified that point.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:14 pm
A lot of Conway’s rock n roll/pop stuff fits in well with his countrier music. “It’s Only Make Believe” is just as solid as any country song he ever released.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:04 pm
Saw Conway in the early 80s. Awesome show he gave. Didn’t talk just sang one song after another for almost 2 hours. I still get goosebumps thinking about “Hello Darlin” as the leadoff song that night. Love my Conway songs
April 4, 2023 @ 5:11 pm
It’s songs like this that help me understand why my grandmother would change the radio station every time a Conway Twitty song would be played.
April 4, 2023 @ 5:19 pm
don’t fergit the Twitty Burger . . .
4 oz. Patty’s ground sirloin
1 large pineapple ring a ding ding
Graham cracker crumbs, shaken-not stirred
2 slices bacon, fried crisp
1 (5-inch) hamburger bum bum bum
April 4, 2023 @ 6:43 pm
Pineapple? Graham cracker crumbs? What the hell???
April 4, 2023 @ 6:53 pm
You haven’t lived until you try this burger. Make sure you use 80/20, real American cheese, and Dukes Mayo.
April 4, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
There is NO OTHER mayo.
April 4, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
Wrote a whole article about this. There’s even a video of how to make one:
April 5, 2023 @ 6:58 pm
Can’t believe I just watched this video.
Would braise the pineapple rings in the bacon grease. Forget the Crisco, and graham cracker pieces.
Sargento Baby Swiss, instead of American cheese
April 4, 2023 @ 6:51 pm
You left off the slice of American cheese, and Mayo.
April 4, 2023 @ 6:46 pm
Conway: “Hey fellars, have a listen to this new panty-dropper I just recorded.”
Mel Street: “Hahaha! Amateur.”
April 5, 2023 @ 6:06 am
Wait so writing about sex is “creeper” now? So literally every single popular or non popular artist sans classical and polka are all “creepers”? Take this woke bullshit and shove it up your “bum bum bum” you fucking hack nobody “journalist”.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:03 am
You seem like a calm, rational individual capable of making a dispassionate value judgement on this article. If you think this is “woke bullshit,” that’s because that is where your mind took you. Not because of anything written here. Maybe take a beat to understand this is a website that celebrates and remembers classic country music. Don’t let the dog whistles you see in the rest of media set you off.
April 6, 2023 @ 12:30 am
But that’s exactly the problem here. You using the term “creeper” in a context that it doesn’t fit at all.
Creeper is a -bad- thing. Like predatory, stalker, unwanted attention type stuff.
It’s very much the wrong word for what you’re trying to say, and that’s giving everyone the wrong impression here. You’re coming across as saying Conway was like one of those awful slimeballs that gropes your ass at the bar and then follows you home or something.
Singing songs where you “say it without saying it,” is not in the same ballpark as a “creeper.”
(And he was far from the only singing those songs ???? They pretty much all did.)
April 6, 2023 @ 7:40 am
I wasn’t alive 50 years ago to ban this song from radio stations. For 50 years, folks have been finding Conway Twitty songs creepy. You can shoot the messenger here, but that’s not going to change about how people feel about this song. You can scream at mean all day about this and run my name down. It doesn’t change the realities. If you don’t want to believe my take, go read the Wikipedia page, go read other accounts. Read the comments of this article. It is empirically true that some, if not many people find this song creepy. Full stop.
April 6, 2023 @ 6:26 pm
Well that’s quite the overreaction. 0.o
I didn’t run anything down, nor did I scream at anyone.
I pointed out your misuse of a word as being the source of the blowback.
I understood you seemed to mean a number of his songs were sexually suggestive and getting right up to the line with the songs’ sexual content.
And that’s true. They were suggestive. It wasn’t a big deal back then. I know. I was there.
It’s that you’re calling it creepy. What on earth is creepy about sex? Sex is good ???? sex in a romantic relationship is, uh, the opposite of creepy.
Creeper’ derogatory, slang) A person who creeps people out; a creepy person
April 4, 2023 @ 6:46 pm
I frickin’ love this song. I think I like it (and Conway) more than I normally would because my mom hates Conway. She thought he was creepy and gross. She also hates Elvis and George Jones though, so what the hell does she know?
April 4, 2023 @ 7:14 pm
While I agree with you that this particular song is morally bankrupt, I don’t see how you can put “I’d Love to Lay you Down” in that category. It’s specifically talking about the joys of sex within a marital relationship. About him finding her attractive in her old age. About him professing loyalty to her their entire lives. That’s the exact opposite of a creeper message.
There’s nothing wrong with sex within a marriage, and the list of songs which celebrate that aspect of marriage is a long one. “Lay you Down” is no different from “Daydreams About Night Things”, “Easy Loving”, or “When You Say Nothing At All”. Do you ever refer to those as creeper songs?
April 4, 2023 @ 7:49 pm
I’m seeing a lot of misunderstanding with this article, which isn’t entirely surprising since we live in a media environment where either something is being praised or attacked. I see Conway Twitty’s creeper songs both ways. In many ways they were genius in how he alluded to things to talk about X-rated topics in a G-rated world. At the same time, some of them were a little creepy.
What I said specifically about his other songs was, ” “Tight Fittin’ Jeans” and “I’d Love to Lay You Down” are a couple of the more sedate selections.” I didn’t compare them to “Been This Far Before.” I simply presented them as other songs where he was using sexually suggestive language, without coming right out and saying it. I specifically called them “sedate” compared to others.
April 4, 2023 @ 7:46 pm
By the way some of today’s +45 y.o. women react to that song, the guy knew what he was doing.
I think it’s a fun song. Never came to my mind it wasn’t written as a sort of joke tune. Maybe it’s the bum bum bum that made me think that. LOL
Btw, I’m not from USA, but I grew up listening to Elvis, Sinatra, Dean Martin, country music, and all the oldies, Conway amongst them. Here in my country he’s barely known. Lately I’ve been rediscovering him and I’m digging a lot his voice and style. Specially the older Conway.
The fun songs, like I call them, that make some women go crazy are ok, but I like better:
I want to hold you (before I make love to you). (Side note, one of my friends who didn’t know this song, loved it the first time he heard me sing it.)
Crazy in love.
Goodbye time.
Or my favorite A bridge that just won’t burn. This one hits close to home, so it’s very special for me.
Back to the subject, maybe some of Conway’s songs were very close to the edge, but he managed to keep them quite classy and let the listeners add what was missing. I think that it’s that balance what made those tunes last for +50 years.
April 4, 2023 @ 8:00 pm
Creeper songs? Hahahahaha. This is so weak.
April 4, 2023 @ 8:13 pm
Ultimate creeper country song has to be Wayne Raney’s “Undertakin’ Daddy.” It’s on YouTube. You know you want to hear it.
April 4, 2023 @ 8:22 pm
Is there not artistic license that the “Conway” character in the song is roughly the same age as the virgin?
Also wasn’t 16 the age of consent then?
Gotta go, I’m busy making posters to protest the restrictions of drag queens not being able to dance for children.
April 6, 2023 @ 6:34 pm
Sad thing is, it isn’t even about a virgin! It’s about a married woman.
Age of consent is still 16 in Ohio. Just some trivia there.
Fight the good fight for the drag queens ????
April 4, 2023 @ 8:30 pm
The man was dripping with “T”, right down to the last name.
April 4, 2023 @ 9:31 pm
I can’t believe you called those songs creeper songs. Those were all great songs.
April 4, 2023 @ 11:45 pm
Very possibly the worst country song of all time. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.
April 5, 2023 @ 1:45 am
First let me say that I am a 61 almost 62 year old woman that finds it hilarious that y’all would find these songs “creepy “! I am a woman that found ALL of Conway’s songs very umm.. very loving and interesting to listen to! I was a married woman who listened to his music and danced with my husband and even found my self loving my husband more when I listened to his songs! Yes, Conway was VERY VERY GOOD LOOKING and his voice just added good emotions to his songs! Y’all seemed to have forgotten that there was a song he sang “Lying here with Linda on my mind” that seemed to talk more about being unfaithful and not morally acceptable! But hey to each his own! Conway Twitty willl ALWAYS BE #1 in my eyes!! When he died I knew there would NEVER be another person who would ever be able to take his place.. but his son and grandson do a pretty good job trying!!
Long live ALL of his songs!!
Rest In Peace Conway
You will ALWAYS be my #1!!!
April 5, 2023 @ 3:36 am
One of the appeals of legit country music is that it’s authentic — the real deal. Three chords and the truth. We all know there’s endless examples of country that’s the opposite of that (see “country” radio); I’d put this song in that category. It’s cheap titillation to sell records.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:20 am
There is no way Conway Twitty’s music could be as offensive as the likes of Cari B, Sam Smith, or the likes there of. Their music is degrading of women, they are nasty, their songs praise unrighteous behavior as if it was normal, and so many other things it is too many to name. Conway Twitty did sing seductive music but at least it left something to the imagination.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:43 am
Fuzzy two shirts, You are full of bull. He was at his time , making a statement. He was was a man. And your a bitch.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:43 am
Conway fan.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:59 am
You would have too go after every singer from Frank to the Beatles. You are full of crap. We all talk about lost love. And women do the same.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:20 am
It’s all about great story telling in the lines of the lyrics,A great singing voice draws you in , but are minds can take it two different ways dirty or clean ????
April 5, 2023 @ 7:41 am
No one makes em slide off their bar stools like Conway Twitty.
April 5, 2023 @ 8:13 am
To the weeping bitch who reported and deleted my comment and who replied: if it’s not woke bullshit then why is my comment deleted a.k.a “censored”? Because it hurts your pussy feelings? Yea…thought so. ????
April 5, 2023 @ 8:15 am
Your comment was posted. You just posted it as a reply to another comment.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:02 am
I’ll take Led Zeppelin any day. Now that’s TRUE stimulation. Robert Plant is the greatest stimulator in music history. Yummy!
April 5, 2023 @ 6:27 pm
It’s a country music blog you asshat!
April 5, 2023 @ 7:31 pm
It’s obvious know nothing about Robert Plant. Robert Plant and Alison Krause made their first album 14 years ago and won quite a few Grammys for their effort. Their 2nd collaboration has recently been released to much critical praise. Robert Plant has appeared on CMT and on Austin City Limits. I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen to the 2 albums. Led Zeppelin did do a few songs that critics deemed more Country than their usual hard rock. One of the reasons Led Zeppelin was and IS so popular is that they were never afraid to break their own musical molds instead of stagnating as other bands have. They are one of the best selling bands in music history for a reason, you twit. Furthermore get your facts straight about me. I’m a professional asshole and a good one. The only asshat here is YOU, shit for brains! Damn, look at me, I just wrote my first novel, no wonder I’m yawning, but I’m laughing my ass off between yawns. ????????
April 5, 2023 @ 9:31 am
Conway WAS & WILL ALWAYS be loved! If you do not like what you hear, then don’t listen to his music. if you want to make something dirty out of music, it’s really much easier if you just listen to the trash that comes out of the mouths of today’s freaks! It’s not music.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:51 am
Saw him at Panther Hall in Fort Worth back many, many years ago.
The man put in a great show.
April 5, 2023 @ 9:56 am
What can I say? I’m a highly intelligent yet sarcastic bitch. I’m also a professional asshole. I just call them the way I see them. Jealous because you didn’t think of it first? I’m the class clown of country music. Take a joke and SMILE cuz I know you want to. I always have and always will be a rock music fan. Rock is just so better, but believe it or not I do appreciate ALL music. Have an awesome day, everyone!
April 5, 2023 @ 10:31 am
The ultimate creeper song in country music has to be “What’ll You Do About Me?”
And it wasn’t some deep album cut. Multiple artists have covered it.
April 5, 2023 @ 1:46 pm
I agree 100%. I first heard Doug Supernaw’s version (I know Randy Travis has a fairly famous version as well), and it made me pause for a moment. The idea of someone sitting outside a person’s window and watching them, scaring off any visitors with a 2×2, is pretty much about as creepy as a person can get.
At least the Conway stuff seems consensual.
April 6, 2023 @ 6:41 am
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the song for its absurd premiere, and don’t believe it should be banned. But it is definitely featured a questionable protagonist who clearly had no remorse for his actions.
Conway’s songs are drenched in sex but they always felt adult and raw in their presentation.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:02 am
There’s nothing “creepy” in or about Conways music. As with everything else in life it’s all perception. You play the same song to 5 different people separately & you will get their peceptions but put them together & the first to speak might have one disagree with them.As for what is todays country music, it sounds more soft rock than country, looks it too. As for the words I have no idea I don’t listen that long.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:06 am
Bah. I’d say the ultimate “innuendo” song without explicitly saying certain things has to be “Afternoon Delight” by the Starland Vocal Band. If you are young and have never heard it, go check it out!
Some folks dismissed that song as just syrupy pop music, but I believe those folks never listened to the lyrics!
April 5, 2023 @ 11:12 am
To me, Gene Watson’s “Where Love Begins” leaves less doubt than “You’ve Never Been This Far Before”, and the way Gene whispers “come here, let me take down your hair” in the second verse is cringier than Conway’s “bum bum bum…” So even though it came out a couple of years later, it gets my vote for top creeper song.
April 5, 2023 @ 5:02 pm
April 6, 2023 @ 5:47 pm
Also, Gene did “Love in the Hot Afternoon”. That one doesn’t leave much to the imagination, either.
April 5, 2023 @ 1:54 pm
Nothing “creepy ” about this. It’s all in the mind of the “sensitive ” writer. Part of the reason country music has gone down the toilet.
April 5, 2023 @ 2:29 pm
This idea that there is no way to draw creepy notions from this song unless you are a “sensitive” person (whatever that means) is pretty silly. What makes the song so impactful is BECAUSE it walks up to the line of decency. If you like the song and Conway, you have to know this empirically.
April 5, 2023 @ 2:12 pm
What I find “creepy” is that the latest generation finds everything they don’t agree with is creepy
April 5, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
jesus christ. reading comprehension is not a requirement to post comments… but it should be.
April 5, 2023 @ 3:10 pm
This article went viral for some reason. When that happens, you get a lot of folks from the general population who are unfamiliar with SCM chiming in. I think a lot of folks are seeing the title and just deciding it’s another “woke” article without really reading it at all.
April 5, 2023 @ 4:32 pm
I feel like you are largely drawing this criticism of Conway because of how he looks when this song came out when people mainly experienced artists thru the radio only.
April 5, 2023 @ 3:03 pm
A little Trivia fact about Conway. He assisted the Statler Brothers in coming up with an ending for their song “Guilty” by adding the clapping you hear toward the end.
April 5, 2023 @ 3:12 pm
I will just say “Hello Darlin” is my ring tone. It delights me every time I hear it. If someone else hears it they always smile. Don’t over anylize shit
April 5, 2023 @ 3:32 pm
It’s just the bitchers just sing it louder than everyone else and did it why everybody else couldn’t hear it and everybody loved him so.Fact is he was a song writer an there’s few in between musicians don’t even write half songs anymore come on people.He was straight up county 100 percent.
April 5, 2023 @ 4:51 pm
Everyone is a creeper or creepy in the eyes of the canclle culture, too many idiots on tiktok, u-tube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook think that their opinion is more important then everybody else’s opinion. When really they are a bunch of no talent cowardly clowns. Who think they are special because they didn’t get a particapation trophey. Conway Twitty was country
Music legend, he wrote his songs, he sang his songs, not like these pretty boy wanna be bad boys, who’s talent come a filtered enhanced recording studio. So in my own humble opinion
which means jack to the rest of the world the writer of this article has no clue what he is talking about, nor do they have any class
April 5, 2023 @ 5:29 pm
Ohhhhh, so the conservatives back then who were up in arms over his crap were right, huh? Please note for the future: liberals don’t realize they’re disgusting until years later. And then they write articles about their high morality ????
April 5, 2023 @ 8:43 pm
This discussion has nothing to do with politics. You’re projecting that on it.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:32 pm
Lol that anyone would ever think country music was pure and idyllic. For me the ULTIMATE creeper song has to be “It’s me again Margaret” but that may not qualify as a song, it has been so long I can’t remember anything besides Ray Stevens saying “I bet you can’t guess what I’m doing!” Which has been seared into my mind since I first heard it in 7th grade. A close second is Garth Brooks “That Summer” with “I watched her hands of leather turn to velvet in a touch”! Also, this comment section is BATSHIT! Glad I am so busy at work I don’t have time to keep up!
April 5, 2023 @ 6:41 pm
I think people forget how modern sexuality is nothing like it was back then. Most women didn’t sleep around and virginity lasted until marriage for most back then.
April 5, 2023 @ 6:42 pm
Do these dumbasses even know that he didn’t write most if any of those songs
April 5, 2023 @ 7:03 pm
Conway Twitty wrote “Never Been This Far Before.”
April 5, 2023 @ 7:35 pm
While not in the country genre (although by today’s “standards” I suppose you could include it in country) was the Beatles “Why Don’t We Do It in the Road” that just came right out and said what we were all thinking! But it shouldn’t be considered a “creeper” song because it’s not about sneaking around.
And perhaps the ultimate “creeper” or “stalker” song would have to be “Every Breath You Take” by The Police (although people think of it as “I’ll be Watching You”). Heck, they even used that tune for a commercial to show how various places on the Internet are watching everything you do. Once again, not in the “country” genre by old-fashioned standards, but it could be easily included today!
And, sticking with an “official” country song, what about the Gene Watson tune “I’m Gonna Kill You”? That’s really creepy!
April 5, 2023 @ 10:39 pm
Conway Twitty made great music over many different era’s that has definitely stood up over the test of time. As an aside, the Anita Cochran ” I Wanna Hear A Cheatin’ Song” featuring a posthumously CW is a lost gem.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:04 pm
TF is a “creeper song?”
And how would anything by Conway Twitty qualify?
Referring to anything sexual does not constitute “creepy.” Grow up.
April 5, 2023 @ 11:18 pm
If you don’t understand that one of the pillars of Conway Twitty’s career was using innuendo to walk right up to the line of decency in lyricism to titillate the audience, then you’re not a real Conway Twitty fan. You may think you’re a Conway Twitty fan, and you may like his music. But you don’t understand how he became one of the most successful country stars in history. “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” is most definitely a creeper song. That is an empirical statement. And any true Conway Twitty fan would embrace that as opposed to acting like it’s some sort of insult.
April 6, 2023 @ 8:37 am
You clearly misread my comment. And, you clearly have a MUCH different definition of what constitutes “creeper” than I do. To reiterate my point, merely mentioning sex does not constitute “creepy.” Niether this song, nor any other song Twitty ever did (and I do not claim to be a particular fan or detractor of his) qualifies as a “creeper song.”
Perhaps you should have focused your reply on answering the question: what is a “creeper song?” Because this one isn’t one.
April 6, 2023 @ 10:35 am
Many people interpret “You’ve Never Been This Far Before” to be about a man taking the virginity from a young woman, sung by a man that at the time was middle-aged. Some others take it as being about a woman cheating in a committed relationship. With lyrics that say, ““…as my trembling fingers touch forbidden places”, there is definitely a “forbidden” element to the song, meaning they are doing something that is wrong.
If certain folks don’t find the song “creepy,” I respect that opinion. Many people do, and many people have for 50 years. Even if you disagree with that sentiment, it is empirically true that certain people find it creepy. How can I make such a bold assessment? Because this song was banned from certain radio stations five years before I was even born. They banned it for some reason, and the reason given in history books is because some people found it crossing the lines of decency, i.e. “creepy.”
This article is not the origination point of this opinion in any way. It’s simply a retrospect, and one that represented both sides of the argument. Saying that some people find the song “creepy” is inarguable.
As I said in another comment, I chose to use the term “creeper” to soften the meaning from “creepy,” meaning it creeps towards the line of what is acceptable, but doesn’t cross it.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:51 pm
Anyone who thinks it’s about a virgin is dead wrong. Twitty himself said over and over, it is about a married woman,, which is the only thing that fits the context of the lyrics! Anyone who thinks it’s about a middle aged man and a virgin (and thus “creepy”) is flat out wrong. Any true Twitty Dan would know what the song is about.
Hear him say it for yourself
He and Ralph discussed it around 7:30
It wasn’t a large number of stations/DJs that wouldn’t play it. It was never “banned.” It was never all that controversial because we knew what it was about! People are just making it into a much bigger deal now than it ever was then.
The reason given was it was sexually suggestive. That’s not “creepy.” It would be considered indecent, by some, but indecent is not synonymous with creepy. Profanity is considered indecent and isn’t the least bit creepy.
That’s not a good choice to use creeper that way since creeper has a very definite and negative definition. Though that sounds like you’re backtracking after getting called on it to me.
April 6, 2023 @ 7:05 pm
Hey Nikki,
Thanks for posting the link to the interview. It underscores what I’ve been trying to say, which is that the song was controversial when it was released, has been controversial for the last 50 years, and for some, it remains controversial today. You may disagree with why it is controversial. But that doesn’t mean it’s controversial. It just means you disagree.
You say in your comment, ” It was never ‘banned.’ It was never all that controversial because we knew what it was about!”
Conway Twitty disagrees. In the interview you posted, Ralph Emery said he and Conway used to “argue” about the song. Then Ralph Emery asks Conway specifically, “Was this record banned by anybody?”
Conway Twitty answers, “It was. In the beginning, a few radio stations, and a few disc jockeys who were friends of mine called and said, ‘Conway, we can’t play this record.’
That is validation that the song in fact was “banned.” Now, obviously, the song went #1, which I explain in detail in the article. So obviously, the banning either didn’t work, or backfired, as bans often do. But saying the song was banned is empirically true, just like saying it was controversial.
Also from the interview, when Conway Twitty asked DJs why they wouldn’t play it, the answer they gave Conway was, “It’s a dirty song.”
I 100% respect that you and others feel like the song is being mischaracterized by some who listen to it, and that it’s not dirty, or shouldn’t be controversial. But this comes to the writing, and how it the public perceives it. For example, Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush” is not about a lesbian relationship. Nonetheless, the song was banned by some stations because of the perception that it may be. Little Big Town later admitted that one of the reasons they picked the song as a single is because they knew it was going to be misunderstood, rendering it controversial, and that would create even more attention behind it.
Here’s an article I wrote about it:
I agree that “Creeper” may have been a bit of a heavy term in this instance. But I assume an intelligent audience, and if you actually read the article, you will see that I took a very nuanced, and at times, very complimentary approach to how Conway Twitty approached his songcraft. None of the regular readers of Saving Country Music had any issue with this article. There has not been one negative comment about it on social media. The reason this became controversial is because Google chose to serve it to a specific demographic through their algorithm. And like all algorithms, Google looks to serve things it think will get people angry, because that is where there is more engagement.
When I see people telling me that this is a “Woke” article, and that I should be reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop instead, these are clearly people who just have no idea with the content they are interfacing with, and are resorting to default arguments. They think I just put a trans star on a beer can, when in reality I was trying to have a nuanced discussion about and important country song and artist.
As I said in the article, Conway Twitty understood that the brain was an erogenous zone. When some, if not many listen to the song, it’s about a young girl losing her virginity, being sung by a middle aged man. That is validated by the Ralph Emery review. If Conway didn’t want people to think that, he should have written it differently. But again, the genius of the writing is where it takes the audience, and what it doesn’t say instead of what it does.
“Never Been This Far Before” is a calculating and complex composition. Anyone looking to simplify it I think does a disservice to the song. It’s a shame we could have a more complex discussion about it, as opposed to folks just taking it as an attack on Conway, which it clearly wasn’t.
April 6, 2023 @ 12:03 am
Y’all know how many babies were made to Conway Twitty songs? Ain’t nothin creepy about anything he wrote or sang. The man was a genius with his words about how to love a woman and appreciate her body. People over think shit too far nowadays. Anybody says anything negative to me about Conway, I’ll throat punch them. I’m tired of all the “little critisims that keep going on. It’s retarded
Get a life folks
April 6, 2023 @ 4:00 am
April 6, 2023 @ 4:56 am
If you want creepy, just listen to Kenny Roger’s song “Scarlet Fever”. Conway was downright tame compared to that.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:55 am
I didn’t read all the negative stuff being written about Conway, but what I did read was sick unnecessary crap! Conway was known as the best friend a song ever had! His songs are beautiful love songs, not creeper…how you could even write about it being creepy? Have you not heard any stuff they call music today? No inendo as Conway used today they sing com es right out and disrespects women and down right out sings about rape! Leave Conway alone!
April 6, 2023 @ 3:24 pm
Triggered leftists they are the true pedos love is love thats what they say
April 6, 2023 @ 4:37 pm
and just how old are you ?….what you SHOULD be doing is reporting on real news like hunter or how a NY DA can bring a man up on charges that are at best misdemeanors and past the statute of limitations all while barely (if any) charges against the murderers and rapist…..when I tell you “I’d just love to lay you down” …it would and will be ON YOUR A$$ !!
April 6, 2023 @ 4:41 pm
This is a country music website called “Saving Country Music.” Not a political website. There is not reason to report on the President’s son here. This comment exemplifies the misunderstanding about this article. This is not a political artist or an article attacking Conway Twitty. I’m sorry if you feel otherwise, but the content of the article itself clearly refutes this.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:19 pm
Good write up trigger. So many commenters just clearly either missed it’s meaning or just want to stir something up. I agree about your thoughts on Conway though creepy isn’t a word I would use. Mainly because the word has gotten a more darker meaning than it used to have. I would say provocative as a better word. Conway was good at it. Though those songs weren’t really my favorites cause I’m not huge on those types of songs. My favorites of his was that’s my job, man in the moon, and don’t cry joni.
April 6, 2023 @ 5:48 pm
The person that wrote this is a moron
April 6, 2023 @ 6:50 pm
Well, i have to tell ya …
I love the song with the line in it about the guy having to give his horse a rest, that they play on Willie’s Roadhouse.
Brings a smile – everytime.
That song is adorable
April 6, 2023 @ 9:22 pm
Hey Trigger!
Long time since last we ‘spoke’ during the Mikel Knight con game! (which I think about every time I hear Jelly Roll mentioned). ????????♀️????
Folks, gather ‘round, lemme explain!
As a life long Conway fan (I was 5 yrs old first time I saw him at an outdoor concert, and saw him for the last time 2 wks before he passed from a stomach aneurysm).????
Conway sang to women. About women. Lonely women…during decades when many husbands were away at war and serving in the military.
Women who might have, or may never have, sought companionship thru the loneliness. But he made it sound interesting! Seductive even. In an era where that was pretty much unheard of at the time!
Conway Twitty, who set hearts a flutter with 2 simple words in his low, sweet voice…
“Hello Darlin” … that will forever reign as the fastest way to a country gal’s heart!! ????????❤️
April 6, 2023 @ 9:47 pm
Turning our attention to zydeco for a bit…. Two zydeco performers have recorded pretty good “dirty” songs.
First, Rosie Ledet recorded “I’m Gonna Take Care of Your Dog.” She also recorded “Eat My Poussiere” (poussiere means “dust” in French). Both of these tunes are filled with innuendos. Of course, there is also a Cajun dance hall in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana named “La Poussiere.”
And before Rosie, Boozoo Chavis recorded two “explicit” recordings: “Uncle Bud” and “Deacon Jones,” although the lyrics don’t leave anything to the imagination! Uncle Bud had a slightly less dirty version.
If you’ve never heard any of these tunes, go and check them out!
April 7, 2023 @ 12:55 am
Whoever wrote this article is a complete idiot stopping being a sexist piece of shit and hating on men. You Are what is wrong with this country and why men don’t want to be around any women anymore. Women are allowed to have preferences but men can’t say anything at all without being creepy you need to shut your mouth and shouldn’t be allowed to write any articles ever again.
April 7, 2023 @ 6:47 am
Man, this comments section really has it all. Now I’m “hating on men”? I don’t know, maybe I am a man? The wild-eyed assumptions here really speak to the extremely cynical nature with which certain people approach the media in 2023.