Album Review – Daniel Donato’s “Reflector”
Prepare yourself for one of the most interesting, omnivorous, and immersive experiences that you can discover in music that still claims an allegiance to “country.” It’s Daniel Donato’s Reflector, and it’s the realization of his “cosmic country” dream first envisioned years ago, but finally coming to fruition in its full form now.
Giving you warm recollections of some of the best cuts from the catalogs of greats like The Allman Brothers and The Grateful Dead, yet steeped fiercely in the traditions of take off Telecaster country, it’s all rendered with imagination and originality through Daniel Donato’s striking instrumental talent, surprising ear for melody, and enhanced aptitude for composition.
It’s a jam band album. It’s a traditional country album. It’s a psychedelic California country album. But instead of mashing together these sometimes disparate influences, Donato exploits all the common threads between them and weaves together a brilliant musical tapestry that envelops an open-minded audience in musical bliss.
Daniel Donato is no stranger, nor is he a new kid on the block. He was busking on the streets of Lower Broadway in Nashville at the age of 14, and a few years later was the lead guitarist of the legendary Don Kelly Band that held court at Robert’s Western World for so many years. Donato played no less than 464 shows on the Robert’s stage, and not just 90-minute sets, but those 4-hour marathons where you’re required to know the entire repertoire of country standards front to back and play them until your fingers bleed.
During the same era that Donato was going through this country music boot camp, he was also digging deep into a pile Grateful Dead bootlegs, expanding his musical horizons and appetite. Donato released his debut album A Young Man’s Country in 2020 to a warm reception. But despite the positive results, it still felt like the prototype, like Donato was still probing to find his full sound. His ambition still outpaced his resources, and his voice felt a little exposed.
With Reflector, Donato is finally able to put it all together and deliver a more cohesive and organic experience, with side players Nathan Aronowitz on keyboards and harmonies, Will McGee on bass, and Noah Miller on drums and percussion all active participants in the process. The legendary Vance Powell produced it all, and Reflector feels like an arrival for Donato who is destined to be a force for many years to come.
One simple way you could consider Daniel Donato is the country music version of Billy Strings. They’re both steeped in their traditions, but fearless to explore what’s beyond. Yet where Strings openly professes his struggle to exploit the studio space, this is where Daniel Donato excels. Though jam band elements work their way into the process, only two songs stretch over five minutes. Donato and Vance Powell understand not just how to make music, but how to make an album.
Some may balk at the somewhat foggy rendering of the master recordings here, especially on Donato’s voice. This is one of those albums where they try to imbue it with a vintage feel. Though for some who favor clear signals this approach can be frustrating to the ear, this works for Donato since his voice carries little natural dirt. Making the signals a little gritty gives Reflector that worn-in feel.
There are plenty of jam-like roots-oriented bands such as Leftover Salmon or Widespread Panic that as a country fan you wish would just be a bit more country. This is the space Daniel Donato steps right up into. He’s played in the bands of the Grateful Dead greats Bobby Weir and Bill Kreutzmann, and Billy Strings has joined Donato on stage to dazzle audiences together as well. But just when you think Donato’s getting a little too out there, he’ll burst out a run on the Telecaster and reel it back in.
With 15 songs, even if you don’t dig everything, there will be something that appeals to you. If you’re more into the chicken pickin’ country material, zero in on the instrumentals of “Sugar Leg Rag” or “Locomotive #9,” or the song “Half Moon Night.” If it’s more the Allman Bros. style you seek, try out “Lose Your Mind,” “Hi-Country,” and the album’s 8-minute opus “Gotta Get Southbound.”
This isn’t a songwriter record, it’s a musical groove record, and a really good one. Maybe his “Dance In The Desert” installments are too much like disco country for country fans, but that might be what others latch onto first. There is no shortage of artists and bands these days prefacing their music with “psyc.” But it’s so often just window dressing and shallow styling like fuzz in the guitar signal as opposed to putting in the deeper work of what constitutes that other-worldly experience first pioneered in the ’60s.
Daniel Donato started out as a student and an apprentice of some of the greatest musical makers in American history. With Reflector, he steps into a position to be one of the premier guitarists and performers for the new generation exploring the increasingly blurring lines between the roots of country and the expansive world of musical improvisation.
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November 22, 2023 @ 9:42 am
Don’t know how this release snuck up on me. But definitely a nice holiday surprise. Got to catch him over the summer, my favorite live show of the year.
November 22, 2023 @ 9:51 am
Country Funk.
This album would be fun to switch things up on a long drive.
Daniel’s voice is fine.
Producers clearly need to learn how to record out of the echo chamber.
Recording voices in an echo chamber is not Cool, it’s just stupid.
Give this kid another 10 years on his Tele, & he’s going to end up being compared with cream of the crop, Tele legends.
The songs from the album embedded in this article are keepers.
November 23, 2023 @ 12:41 pm
“ Producers clearly need to learn how to record out of the echo chamber.
Recording voices in an echo chamber is not Cool, it’s just stupid” – Help me out here Di. Could you please elaborate? Although live echo chambers are way cool, almost nobody has one anymore, hardly anyone has a plate reverb either. In 50yrs or so of studio work, maybe twice have I seen anyone record something inside of a live chamber and that was guitar amps that were used as flavoring, not a vocal that would be the focus element of a mix. Recording a vocal inside a live chamber would be…. Interesting? A live reverb chamber or even a plate reverb is setup as a signal send / return on the mixing console. You send the signal/s to the device and blend the return signal back into the mix. Or maybe you have discovered some exciting new recording technique that all the kids are wild about. If I’m wrong feel free to correct me. Thanks for listening.
November 24, 2023 @ 5:02 pm
I think Di Harris was trying to say she hears a little echo in Daniels vocal. And that’s not uncommon to add a bit of reverb to a singers voice. All sorts of vocal effects are used both in studios and live. Although, she was technically wrong in the wording, i understood what she was saying. I listen to tons of music and can hear it quite clearly. I’m not a recording engineer or a producer, but I’ve been in quite a few studios including the great Sam C Phillips studio in Memphis and I personally experienced the majesty of Sam’s reverb chamber/ room, which works quite impressively I must say. That chamber is worth its weight in gold. Numerous other studios exist with echo/ reverb chambers including one or two I know of that use old cisterns for the purpose. As for the old plate reverb, yes that’s going the way of the dodo bird. Curiously, Deke Dickerson recently purchased a set that came out of one of the major legacy studios, and I’m forgetting which one at the moment, but suffice to say they are MASSIVE and required I think 4 guys to unload them. So yeah, there has long been a fascination particularly with people recording vintage styles of music, to put some reverb/ echo on the recording. And I believe there are plenty of Pro Tools vocal enhancements that can be used.
Leave Di alone. She means well, and I understand what she means.
November 25, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Thank you, Kevin, appreciate it.
Crsync, i understand what you are saying, but i prefer a cleaner non echo-ey sound.
Have wondered more than once, if it is due to the 8 skull fx’s received in a Jeep rollover, and significant hearing loss.
Admit am something of a fledgling in the technical components of recording, but not a total stranger to it.
An amazing musician friend who recorded and is quite well known throughout New England, taught and schooled me in as much technical as he could.
By day i was fearless Nuc. Med. student at UVM.
By weekend and Summers, was traipsing all over the place with my musician friend.
He even wrote a song for us called For Diana.
Cool, or what? I’ll answer that. Was Way Cool.
You doggone better believe that i was paying rapt attention when Ronnie was going in the studio, recording.
Thank you, Kevin, you are very sweet.
November 26, 2023 @ 7:11 am
Di, I meant no offense or gooberosity. Was trying to be cheeky but I often come off as a crusty old grouse. You’re obviously a die hard country music fan – fans have been and always be the lifeblood of the ecosystem. I salute you for that. Recorded music technology has changed completely several times since I got my first Studio Ranger badge. So many production folks think that their system is THE ONLY WAY TO DO IT. My sense is that most music fans like what they like because it moves them in a way that is often unique to them personally and they could give a shit if it was recorded on a Studer, ProTools, Sears Kenmore or what have you. Keep up the good work. Thanks for listening.
November 26, 2023 @ 10:20 am
“Studio Ranger badge.” I love it.
May i borrow that line?
No offense taken.
Am very familiar with reverb pedals, as Ronnie, Vinnie, David, Sammy and the musicians and friends Ronnie plays with, all have/had reverb pedals.
For some reason they sounded cleaner to me, than a lot of music i’m hearing.
Just for you crsync – want to hear something funny?
There is a DEFINITE learning curve in being a musician’s girlfriend.
At one gig when the guys were killing it on stage, a “lady” was up on stage, and “slyly” working her way, dancing backwards toward Ronnie until her behind was rubbing on Ronnie’s guitar.
The wife of one of the band members looked over and we smiled.
She mouthed – keep your cool.
Kept my cool for a long 2 minutes, then felt my eyes narrow as i cut Ronnie a look, that could reduce him to ashes.
He walked over, Mid-Song, sat his guitar in the stand, walked to where was sitting picked me up, sat me in his lap, and asked –
What was that?
Said – What was what?
He said, That look.
I said, What look?
Thus began the long and funny journey of how to properly not cut killer death looks to your musician while they are on stage.
In the meantime, the guys still playing were laughing their tail ends off.
Vinnie especially was asking – Where have you been all our lives?
He so deserves you.
Ronnie is so gorgeous that he is very used to women throwing themselves at him.
I was born between 2 brothers.
Am an, Oh Yeah, make me, kind of girl.
November 26, 2023 @ 2:46 pm
Attn: Ms. Di Harris – I crsync grant Ms. Harris exclusive royalty free use of the term “Studio Ranger Badge” in perpetuity. Should Ms. Harris decide to manufacture physical products embodying this phrase, we stipulate that a photo of crsync standing in front of a 12 track 1” Scully tape machine in 1976 surrounded by brown burlap sound absorbing material shall be used as basis for packaging and imbedded artwork on the product. Crsync shall provide the necessary media file.
Good luck with the musician GF thing. It’s quite the obstacle course. Playing a great show, capturing a great track is a fleeting thing. Slips through your fingers in nanoseconds. Can drive you crazy. You may need to go crazy with him.
November 26, 2023 @ 6:18 pm
: D Thank you, crsync, Thank you.
We might have to do a whole spoof of this.
Brown burlap sound absorbing material, and the whole 9 yards.
Musician girlfriend days were 2003 – 2005. We were 46, & 45 years old.
Marriage was brought up on Christmas Eve, 2004.
A certain look & smile crossed his face, he leaned back in his chair, & i told him – don’t do it – don’t say it …
Still had 2 years of nuc. med. to get through, in Miami, and at Mt. Sinai, Miami Beach.
Was a gut wrenching choice.
Dan Fogelberg’s Neverland expressed those emotions perfectly.
Was at a fork in the road & Truly Struggled with which way to go.
Ronnie was Never going to be lonely. Women threw themselves at him.
Forever grateful for Everything he taught me.
If you want to hear his voice, he had a CD up on CDBABY. Not sure if it is still up on that site.
It is titled, Untampered.
You will appreciate the cover of the CD.
He used to laugh and say if he ever put out another CD, he was going to title it Tampered.
And, we would smile and laugh.
November 26, 2023 @ 6:38 pm
Fogelberg’s, Nether Lands (sorry)
November 27, 2023 @ 2:27 pm
“8 skull fx’s received”
mystery solved. loved this edition of
November 25, 2023 @ 7:41 pm
Crsync, responded to Kevin a few minutes ago.
Just wanted to add that when talking to my grandson Zane, on a visit in October, he said he was playing his Tele everyday at some point, loved it, and was playing it through his amp “muddying” it up.
We laughed and i smiled real big and told him, Oh i can’t wait to hear this.
He is a truly gifted, musician, and i couldn’t help but splurge on him and buy a gorgeous used Tele from the boys at Parkway Music, in New York.
Those guys know EXACTLY what they’re doing.
Looking forward to hearing what Zane is doing in the next couple weeks.
November 22, 2023 @ 10:05 am
I think Daniel Donato is an amazing guitarist and really love his work. He’s currently is above and beyond most other guitarists (we’re not talking technique here, mind you, but creativity) and would probably continue to improve. I appreciate this heads up because he keeps releasing live albums so I lose track of his actual releases.
November 22, 2023 @ 11:58 am
Never heard of this guy before this article but checked out the album and loved it. Thanks so much for this review. This is why this site is so great.
November 22, 2023 @ 1:31 pm
Thanks for reading Harris.
November 22, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Oh, man! Great review (and much appreciated because the release snuck up on me).
We’ve got about 800 miles to cover the next couple days and this album will front and ear drum.
November 22, 2023 @ 12:27 pm
Daniel Donato is continuing to develop his voice. It’s cool that he’s pursuing this direction of music.
November 22, 2023 @ 12:43 pm
I don’t know who Jason Stoltzfus is but I would be willing to bet either he or his dad is an ill-behaved Mennonite like me ????????
November 22, 2023 @ 2:30 pm
Was thinking the exact same thing
“Wonder if Jason is related to Beth.”
By the by, Conrad,
Absolutely love, I HEARD THE BELLS, from this year’s, Joy To The Burg, album.
Looked for it on YouTube last night.
Was going to share the link on SCM.
But, Alas, no YT video.
Is it Beth singing with you on that song?
Know you guys have great harmony when you sing together.
November 22, 2023 @ 2:38 pm
I saw Ashley McBride with Dee White opening a few years back.
Dee White had this freaking smoking guitar player in the band. It was Daniel. I talked to him and he was the nicest person. He gave me his page and I’ve been following him ever since.
Great album.. Nice to hear a collection of short album versions of songs. He does have a lot of live material out there.
November 22, 2023 @ 5:01 pm
I came here to say this exact same thing. I had recognized him though from Robert’s western world and had mentioned that to him. Been to Nashville a lot and Robert’s is my usual hang out.
November 22, 2023 @ 4:16 pm
Saw Daniel open up for Umphreys McGee this fall, and after a full set he came out and drank Budweiser with the crowd, only to get back on stage and jam on Whitehouse Road with UM later. An incredible talent, this album is killer, and the review is spot on as always.
November 22, 2023 @ 4:19 pm
Mr. Donato, I’m writing this as if you’ll be scrolling through these comments. Dude, I just labeled 50’ish of your albums that got shipped out of Nail City Record in Wheeling, West Virginia this afternoon.
It’d been wayyy kewl’r if you’d got to read the names & towns of folks who spent their hard earned money on your Art.
I felt good for ya man.
November 22, 2023 @ 6:50 pm
I just looked you guys up on social media. Next time we are in Wheeling for a Nailers game, we’ll stop in!
November 22, 2023 @ 5:08 pm
Donato is quite the restless soul, musically speaking. I get it, his brain is uniquely wired to music and he’s drawn to guitar jamming. So in his mind, country playing is great but limiting. Like Strings and like Zephania O Hora before him, he’s also obsessed with The Dead. I’ve really tried to give those Dead guys a chance, and they lose me in their aimless noodling, that often wanders too far from the melody. When it comes to jam bands, for me The Allman Bros have never been topped. Nonetheless, having seen Daniel with Don Kelley and fronting his own band, he’s quite the showman, and quite the picker. I love tele guys, and so I’m sympathetic to his sound. Good on him to build a following playing the Tele. Who knows, maybe in time he will be in the conversation aside names like Danny Gatton and Lee Roy Parnell. And perhaps he will eclipse them.
November 22, 2023 @ 6:14 pm
From previous comments you’ve made, Kevin, it’s obvious we’re both heavy duty Allman Brothers fans. I don’t know if you’re aware that Donato logged some time with the Allmans tribute band Trouble No More (which featured Lamar Williams Jr., son of the late Allman Brothers bassist Lamar Williams, on vocals). And the great Lee Roy Parnell is fronting Dickey Betts’ Great Southern – with Dickey’s approval and blessing. Donato is part of that vanguard of younger players that wear the influence of Duane Allman’s inspiration and the guys he assembled to bring it to fruition. That influence started showing up in the playing of Nashville session cats in the early to mid ‘70’s and countless bands since. The Allmans are quite possibly the most influential American rock band ever. The road truly goes on forever.
November 25, 2023 @ 5:45 pm
Kevin, agree that ABB is greatest jam band. Currently reading the book Brothers and Sisters. Worth checking out If you have not done so yet
November 23, 2023 @ 6:35 am
Had not heard that Mike. Not surprised that Daniel has played in an Allman tribute band, though. Back in his Robert’s era, he used to routinely play Ramblin Man. I wonder if he used any Gibsons in the tribute band! As much of a Tele guy that I am, I still willingly realize that Gibsons were the main axes of Duane and Dickey. In fact I just bought an SG that sits alongside my Tele because of the great Duane Allman.
This Lee Roy Parnell news is also interesting. I have amazing memories of a night seeing Dickey and Great Southern, maybe 15 years ago. He was sober and playing lights out. But I digress.
Donato is an exciting young gun for sure, and one to seek out if you can.
Btw: just picked up that ABB at Fillmore 1970 sessions album that came out the last record store day, it’s got some great moments on it, though Whipping Post wasn’t fully developed on that night, the way it would be a year later!
November 23, 2023 @ 8:58 am
I’m in DC, see new live acts frequently, and concur w all the great DD comments — his live show in Washington a few months back was a “10”… and so is his band. Will McGee on bass and Nathan Aronowitz on keys/vox/guitar help make this live act one of the best on the road. And i love the fact this is a hard-core, road warrior band ALWAYS playing live shows and perfecting their craft. DD is the next big thing.
November 29, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
What date did you see DD in D.C.?
November 23, 2023 @ 8:52 pm
This is pretty cool. Glad to get it on my list of SCM-unearthed artists and albums.
Once again, my regular visits to SCM have paid off.
Thanks Trigger!
November 29, 2023 @ 1:06 pm
I was excited about his rise in the beginning and love listening to his playing to this day. I saw him at Dee’s on a Thursday night when I moved back to Nashville in 2019, and even got to chat it up with him for a few, truly nice guy, but when that first record came out, I was pretty lukewarm on it. I am, however, very excited to check this one out.
December 1, 2023 @ 7:17 am
Saw DD live w the Wild Feathers several years back while they were on tour in CA. He pretty much stole the show that night. I was blown away by how young he looked and how talented he was. He took every song of their typical album carbon copy performance style to another level. Think he’s featured on a song or two on their Live at the Ryman album as well.
December 2, 2023 @ 5:23 am
Wow. This guy is amazing! Gotta Get Southbound reminds me of high school days spent at the Fillmore and Avalon in San Francisco, listening to (to paraphrase Clint Black) that good ole’ psychedelic sound. Thanks for turning me on to him!