Amid Polarization and Adversity, Carrie Underwood Crafts a Unifying Moment

One of the most frustrating and unfortunate byproducts of the intense political polarization in the United States over the last 25 years has been our inability to find universal consensus over what otherwise should be unifying moments and subjects. At this point, it’s muscle memory for many of us to elicit negative responses to things we otherwise would be amenable to or enjoy, or that might outright inspire us.
In many ways, country music is no different. It’s like a microcosm of the United States with the cultural war and political binary running straight down the middle of the genre, segregating popular country and independent country/Americana, with the two sides refusing to acknowledge the virtues and importance of the other, and rooting for their demise, despite their shared experience, historical connection, and sometimes even common purpose.
Recognizing the talent of Carrie Underwood has been one of the few consensus points between the two sides. She’s pop country no doubt, but with a Howitzer of a voice delivering perfect pitch through waves of emotion that is difficult to impossible not to acknowledge, respect, and be moved by, unless you’re bias robs you of that experience. With some exceptions of course, Underwood has been a respite during country award shows from the sheer, unmitigated talent she displays.
Country regularly gets shamed by the singing talent of pop and R&B when displayed in places such as the Grammy Awards, sports events, or other universally-witnessed national moments, with the genre often being locked out of these big opportunities because the mainstream over the last many years has been so talent bereft. That was not the case for Carrie Underwood and her performance of “America the Beautiful” at the Presidential inauguration on Monday, January 20th.
Preceded by statements that made it abundantly clear that her appearance was in no way a political endorsement, but she was answering a call that was extended to her to serve her country in this small, but important capacity that she hoped would deliver a unifying moment, Carrie Underwood accomplished that very thing, despite the incredibly polarizing circumstances. And she did it through her talent, poise, and grace.
Fans and observers of music, sports, and even politics know that often the most inspiring and memorable moments happen not when everything goes right, but when most everything goes wrong, yet an individual rises to the occasion to deliver a “moment.” It reminds us of our flawed humanity, and our capacity to overcome adversity. When technical difficulties precluded accompanying audio from being played while millions watched awkwardly all around the world, Carrie Underwood mouthed, “I can just sing it,” and performed “America The Beautiful” acapella.
And despite those that called for the complete and utter cancellation of Carrie Underwood due to her mere presence at the ceremony, it seemed completely apropos that many of the camera angles did not include President Trump or Vice President Vance in the background, but former presidents Biden and Clinton, along with Kamala Harris, illustrating at least the attempt to put a unifying face on the proceedings, and the foolishness of concluding that anyone merely present was condoning any and all actions of the current President.
If you wish, you can compare this to Beyoncé in 2013, who decided to lip sync the National Anthem when she was told she wouldn’t have time to rehearse to the backing track. Or compare it to the terrible Billy Ray Cyrus performances at a ball later in the day, also blamed on technical difficulties, but ones he couldn’t, and didn’t overcome.
Carrie Underwood is no longer the top tier woman in country music that she was coming off her American Idol win. Some questioned the wisdom of her decision to perform at such a contentious function (including Saving Country Music), while others wondered if it was a Hail Mary to help revitalize her career. Either way, Carrie Underwood delivered, and in a way few will forget, and history will forever remember.
Will some still criticize Carrie Underwood for simply participating? Of course they will. But not an unimportant amount of people who were otherwise repulsed by what transpired on Monday, January 20th will tip their cap and acknowledge that Carrie Underwood killed it, and in unfavorable circumstances.
Soon the honeymoon of the Trump Administration will be over, and hopes and dreams will be replaced by reality, however that reality unfolds compared to the promises given during the always polarizing election season. But as for Carrie Underwood, she promised a unifying moment, and she delivered one, proving once again the superior power of music.
January 21, 2025 @ 11:46 am
It was a great day for America and Carrie’s performance symbolized the quote, “In America, the impossible is what we do best.”
January 21, 2025 @ 12:26 pm
I feel bad for anyone that believes that he will deliver what he’s claimed he will. A lot of people are in for a much needed reality check in the coming years!
Never been more relieved to be British!
January 21, 2025 @ 2:41 pm
Good that you’re British. You obviously know nothing about America, it’s values, or it’s people. Your country has misjudged our mettle before, and that’s why we are here today.
We have pulled you out of crisis several times, yet you still have no respect, or understanding of our people, You gave up YOU’RE Freedom when you gave up your arms, and now try to pass judgement on something you neither know, nor respect.
I’m glad I’m not a Brit because I could never kiss anyone’s donkey, nor could I ever be someone’s cuck. If not for America, you would be saying I’m glad I’m German. Remember that.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:56 pm
I know this subject has a political quotient to it, but let’s please trying to keep it on the topic at hand. Otherwise, I might have to close this comments section down. Thanks everyone for your understanding.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:29 pm
He’s not actually British. Just some confused left wing troll that got touched as a kid.
January 22, 2025 @ 6:51 am
We never “gave up our arms” because we never had any. Why would we all need to own something whose only purpose is to injure or kill? We’re not that insecure. And, oh yeah, when my child goes to school every morning, I don’t have to worry about them getting shot. It’s nice, maybe you guys should try it.
January 22, 2025 @ 8:23 am
Not sure if the YOU’RE part was intentional or not but either way it was hilarious.
January 23, 2025 @ 4:32 am
Sheesh I know you’re not English but surely you should know it’s your and not YOU’RE!
I have many American friends and spend a month every year in the country, a time I very much enjoy. There are certainly things about your country and culture that I don’t understand, one of which is why so many people believe so much of what he says, despite history proving that he, a felon cannot be trusted.
Ironically his saluting buddy Elon has managed the same trick with his many Tesla promises over the years!
How’s that wall going?
January 25, 2025 @ 1:52 pm
I don’t want to focus on a political discussion, but if anyone is interested in the UK background, the Bill of Rights of 1688 (which became law the following year) only applied to England and Wales (not “Britain”), and didn’t mention “guns”. It gave Protestant citizens (only) a right to bear arms “for their defence”, The Act also specified “suitable to their condition”, which has usually been seen as implying the pikes, pitchforks, bill hooks and the like, that private citizens were likely to have access to at that time. It also specified that the right was “as allowed by law”, which has been interpreted to mean that Parliament can pass further legislation regulating particular weapons, such as guns, without infringing the Bill of Rights.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:43 pm
Just don’t speak out against immigration on social media..
January 21, 2025 @ 2:46 pm
Britain is declining under two-tier Keir, declining fast. Not long before Labour puts the country up for sale.
January 21, 2025 @ 3:12 pm
You’re happy with Starmer?
January 21, 2025 @ 5:40 pm
Biden delivered???
January 21, 2025 @ 2:15 pm
I know that every “great day for America” has Jason Aldean singing Hicktown to a bunch of donor class folks who would happily sell rural America to Saudi officials if it meant they themselves got richer.
January 21, 2025 @ 11:52 am
If I were going to perform at a trump event I would just assume it would go poorly. She did great, BIlly Ray Cyrus was a train wreck. And can only imagine the envy The Village People drew from witnessing countries…
January 21, 2025 @ 12:00 pm
Carrie showed she was a true musician yesterday. Her voice was her instrument and it was beautiful.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:13 pm
A literal singing turd could had done this and the MAGA would be throwing out praises. I mean they clearly have no problem with cops being beat. Why would they have a problem with a singing turd?
January 21, 2025 @ 12:23 pm
Ideology has rotted holes through your noggin. Take comfort in knowing it happens to both sides.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:53 pm
“A literal singing turd could had done this and the MAGA would be throwing out praises.”
Not sure this theory holds, since a “singing turd” by the name of Billy Ray Cyrus spit the bit, and plenty of MAGA folks are more than happy to step up and reef him in the nuts.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:34 pm
So you’re saying…you could have done this? OK.
January 21, 2025 @ 5:29 pm
Adam’s comment reminded me of the excessively copious amount of free salt that is going to pour down like rain for the next 4 years. I’m so excited.
January 21, 2025 @ 5:49 pm
I hope you enjoy Trump pardoning drug dealers. Because that just happened.
The leopards will eat yalls faces.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:27 pm
Great composure, and what a wonderful, powerful voice.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:32 pm
Trigger, completely agree with your take. But it’s a shame what Carrie has done to her face. Nearly unrecognizable, IMO. I’m aware she had some sort of accident that necessitated some work being done, but even since then, the changes are noticeable and not for the better.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:44 pm
She looks fine, and sounds as good as ever.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:47 pm
She has your typical Brentwood Tennessee plastic surgery. I agree, it’s a shame.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:33 pm
“Soon the honeymoon of the Trump Administration will be over, and hopes and dreams will be replaced by reality, …”
Do tell, Trig, do tell.
Enlighten the masses.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:50 pm
I’ll take a crack at it. Put simply, he won’t do squat for ordinary working people and he will bend over backwards for the uber wealthy.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:18 pm
I mean, it is a completely fair statement. Trump has already backtracked on his promises to bring grocery prices down as a clear “1A” example. Trump – like all sales people/politicians – promises a lot on the campaign trail and will deliver on like 1/4 of those promises. And even that might be aggressive.
Go ahead and drink the hopium if you want, but the harsh truth is the lives of “everyday Americans” are not really all that impacted by who and/or what party sits in the big chair.
January 22, 2025 @ 6:54 am
Di Harris has gone quiet. Funny that.
January 25, 2025 @ 12:16 pm
One of Trump’s executive orders does “emergency price reduction”, bringing prices of housing, food, and healthcare.
Trump is delivering on his promises already. He’s done more for the American people in 4 days then Biden did for 4 years.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:35 pm
she did great. The way she kept her composure, during the awkward silence and the way she knocked it out of the park was simply amazing. Great day for America. Hopefully this revitalizes her career and puts her back at the top of the country music ladder.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:35 pm
Plus she got everyone to sing along and shook both Presidents’ hands after. A role model we desperately need right now.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:50 pm
I saw almost everyone singing along in the background, people from both sides. That was pretty cool. She nailed it.
January 21, 2025 @ 12:57 pm
Trigger you have been up Carrie Underwood’s ass since day one! She did a great job, but don’t exaggerate and say this was unifying moment…for who? She asked the audience to sing.. they did, it didn’t change their views in the 5 minutes it took her to sing the song! Carrie took a big hit to her career. I hope it was worth it!
January 21, 2025 @ 1:58 pm
Isn’t being up someone’s ass supposed to have negative connotations? If so, I agree. As I said since day one, if I was asked if Carrie Underwood should do this, I would have said, “No.” It was a big risk. Of course nobody “changed their views” due to her performance. But I do think that most people would agree that it was an inspiring performance, especially considering the circumstances.
January 22, 2025 @ 8:20 am
You seem to have a pretty loose definition of the word “inspiring.”
What exactly did she inspire?
January 22, 2025 @ 8:31 am
Carrie Underwood inspired me. I’m sure she inspired millions, and you’re seeing people say as much online. I completely understand that people who are repulsed by Donald Trump might feel differently. But my job is to cut through political polarization and offer an objective assessment. Even if it’s against your team, if a quarterback with a 300-lb defensive lineman draped around his ankle throws a perfect pass for a touchdown, you have to acknowledge the feat. I wasn’t planning to write about Carrie Underwood’s performance unless something exceptional happened that was newsworthy. Something exceptional did happen.
January 22, 2025 @ 1:37 pm
People misuse the word “inspire.” As a journalist, you should strive to use words according to their meaning.
“Inspire” means to fill one with the urge to do something, especially to do something creative, or to change one’s beliefs or behavior.
What are you going to do differently as a result of Carrie Underwood’s performance? What change did she ignite or bring about in you?
I doubt anyone is going to change their views as a result of her performance?
But did it actually INSPIRE anyone?
Doubtful. If anything, she inspired people not to listen to her anymore because she supports a traitorous felon and sexual predator.
Did she give a good vocal performance? Maybe.
But I can’t imagine any scenario where it was truly “inspiring.”
January 22, 2025 @ 1:42 pm
Look man, I understand you taking a cynical outlook about this. But I can recall about a dozen times when watching a bad or artist and the equipment went on the fritz, and BECAUSE of the technical difficulties, and memorable, if not inspiring, moment occurred, often by them singing acapella or jumping out in the crowd to finish the song/set etc. Other times artists get a confused look on their face and hard cuss the sound man when the mic comes back on.
I’m not sure you’re in a position to question what might or might not inspire people. Life is full of great little moments. It’s really your outlook that allows you to either get something from them, or let them pass you by. I chose to get something out of Carrie Underwood’s moment.
January 22, 2025 @ 8:27 am
I’m not sure how Carrie Underwood took a big hit to her career for a moment that everyone will have forgotten in six months from now. But you do you.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:04 pm
Still, I wouldn’t trade one of the three shows I saw Tom T Hall do in a 24 hr span, or any of the 16-17 Joe Ely sets over the years, for fifteen minutes of American Idol manufactured Carrie.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:06 pm
and, RIP Garth Hudson.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:07 pm
Total Class act, really don’t know any of her music, but she was great under the circumstances. I couldn’t figure out was Billy Ray was doing, at first I thought he was drunk.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:44 pm
Kamala looked sadder and more irritated than Joe being denied his daily ice cream.
January 21, 2025 @ 1:57 pm
Hope his supporters get everything they deserve.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:48 pm
Hope you have a blessed day….
And I hope you felt good the last 4 years of a stolen election. Just one question tho..
What happened in the largest election turnout ever, to 20 million votes. T got virtually the same amount, yet KToe got smashed, both electorilly, as well as the popular vote. How does that math work out? Yeah…I thought so.
January 21, 2025 @ 3:02 pm
Don’t ask Michael difficult questions. It might wreck his brain.
January 21, 2025 @ 4:28 pm
“Electorilly” Says everything you need to know about you Trumpy Trumpets.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:43 pm
Wait, people are still parroting the 20 million number? Lol. Yes, she got ~6 million less than Biden. She was a bad candidate. Trump didn’t smash her with regards to the popular vote. He beat her, but he couldn’t even get 50% of the vote.
January 22, 2025 @ 7:03 am
Still on the “stolen” election. You guys are the world’s biggest snowflakes. When you don’t win, it wasn’t fair. When you win, free and fair! Trump despises you and in return you worship him, which also makes you pathetic.
January 22, 2025 @ 8:21 am
Still going on with the whole “stolen election” bit, I see?
You truly are brainwashed.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:29 pm
Speaking of, does anyone know what was wrong with Billy Ray? His voice sounded like he just finished gargling shredded glass and then despite the technical issues, he acted like he could have been elsewhere while he only sung a portion of his infamous song. A lot of people mistook him for Rob Zombie at how terrible he looked.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:34 pm
What is next for her? Klan rallies? But hey no judgement. History will do that.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:28 pm
Some people say the most stupid ugly comments
January 21, 2025 @ 2:38 pm
Just checked my collection cd’s. I was happy I couldn’t find albums from Carrie Underwood. But I did write a review of an album from Shanna Underwood in 2011. It’s called ‘Fieldnotes From A Caravan’ and it’s great! Then I found out Carrie has a sister named Shanna. That couldn’t be ‘my’ Shanna, could it? For a moment I feared, but through some research online I can tell that indeed she’s not a sister. Check Shanna Underwood out if you’re interested in real music!
January 21, 2025 @ 2:51 pm
It wasn’t “sing” that was a “seng.” What a great unifying moment by a great performer. Good for her, good for you Trig for giving the level headed perspective.
Baron’s handshake with Biden was another unifying moment. Underwood and Ivanka seemed pretty friendly too.
I’m hoping for the best. I tell my Democratic friends to fall behind the mandate (and it was a mandate) and let’s try to get the things we have in common for a better America accomplished.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:54 pm
I mean nobody rioted in congress this time so I guess we’re making civil progress.
January 21, 2025 @ 4:44 pm
Will you be saying the same if in 2 years there is a blue wave at the mid-terms? Because by the logic you presented, then lots of Republicans should get behind Hakeem Jeffieries or Chuck Schumer if/when that happens?
I’m sorry, but I find all this “get behind the mandate” talk as comical as it is doubtful the other team (and that word is intentional considering people treat politics as sports now) would do the same in those shoes.
To be clear – I think the worst thing the Democratic Party could do is throw a hissy fit every time Trump does something they don’t like. And the over the top reaction to the first Trump term set up a natural backlash that followed (nobody gives a crap about your preferred pronouns and sanctuary cities – be it gun or immigration – are stupid) but this whole “get behind him” is just odd to me.
If Trump does stuff I like – overhauling the immigration system, working to cap credit card companies at 10% or lower interest, etc. – I’ll give him full credit. If he ends up giving Elon a bunch (more) government contracts his companies don’t deserve or enriching Zuckerburg and Bezos more, regardless if he has a mandate or not I’ll give him the thumbs down.
Fealty to the office (and title) is anti-American IMO.
January 21, 2025 @ 5:19 pm
With the mandate – those gains/ increases in the youth and minority vote were incredibly impressive – we just have to pick our battles more judiciously and have to give more than take in order to even be heard. “get behind” was the wrong wording because we don’t have to agree with every one of President Trump’s policies or actions, but the majority of the country spoke and unlike past elections, there is no grey area and the rest of us have to govern a little differently the next 4 years.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:47 pm
The majority of the country did not speak. He won a plurality of the vote.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:46 pm
Less than 50% of the popular vote is not a mandate lol
January 21, 2025 @ 10:08 pm
To be honest, I never looked at the final popular vote %. Election night it was 55%. I had no idea it ended up below 50%. With that said, Trump sweeping the 7 swing states – PA, MI, GA, WI, NV, AZ – and making impressive gains with the youth and minority voters, it still feels like a mandate.
And I didn’t vote Trump.
January 21, 2025 @ 10:28 pm
Hey Hop,
Don’t want to take this article off the rails, but have you adopted or gotten another puppy? Just curious.
January 21, 2025 @ 10:51 pm
Hey Di!
A welcomed diversion. We collectively in the house gat a “new” dog. We adopted him from a rescue that took him in as a baby pup when he was injured after being thrown out of a moving car and had to have one of his back legs removed. So we have a 3 legged pup named Moonie. We adopted him a year ago this past September. He’s a pitty and hell raising tripod. He gets along famously with my mother’s pitty Lexi.
Thanks for asking!
January 21, 2025 @ 11:01 pm
Love that he’s a he** raising tripod!
And, how cool that he & your Mom’s pitty, Lexi, are friends.
Good news
January 22, 2025 @ 7:06 am
Winning seven specific states in relatively close races is not a mandate, it’s an electoral college victory. Throwing the word mandate around when the guy can’t even get 50% of the vote just completely removes any value the word has.
January 21, 2025 @ 2:59 pm
These articles always bring out the best in lefty Americans. What a sorry bunch they are.
January 21, 2025 @ 4:31 pm
A sorry bunch that refused to vote for a lifelong criminal, insurrectionist, and overall ibecile. Guess that fits the bill for you Trumpty Dumpties.
January 21, 2025 @ 6:26 pm
If you try to correct someone else’s grammar, I would expect you to do better. It’s all projection with jou guys, isn’t it?
January 21, 2025 @ 7:47 pm
Jou guys are the worst spellars ever! It is spelling not grammar, genius. Oh the irony. Is your lack of formal education a trigger? Hilarious. A dying breed, and good riddance.
January 22, 2025 @ 9:13 am
You really hurt my feelings this time. Please stop, you’ve proven that you are superior in every way. I’m off to the bar, see you there!
January 21, 2025 @ 3:41 pm
i thought the greater unifying moment for the night was when elon musk did to sieg heils and the magats ate it up.
January 21, 2025 @ 6:30 pm
Do you even like country music or is your presence here because of the fact you don’t have a life?
January 21, 2025 @ 6:36 pm
i like it just fine. thanks for asking. what were your thoughts on the sieg heils?
January 21, 2025 @ 7:24 pm
Let’s get your thoughts on Biden pardoning Fauci.
Why did Biden need to pardon Fauci?
January 21, 2025 @ 7:40 pm
because maga are hell bent on retribution for any perceived slight (their words).
January 22, 2025 @ 7:06 am
Why don’t you answer the question?
January 22, 2025 @ 9:47 pm
Because he’s one of the worst humans our country has ever seen with his corrupt and blasphemous response to the “pandemic” while lining his pockets. Total asshole.
January 22, 2025 @ 9:49 pm
Of course he does, Steven. Dan and Shay are his favorite country band.
January 21, 2025 @ 9:50 pm
Not that I have a dog in this race, but if I did not like Trump and his supporters, I would work to understand that equating every single thing Trump and his supporters do to Hitler and Nazis constantly is probably counter-productive to the cause, and the incessant pearl clutching is probably one of the reasons Trump got elected.
The anti-defamation league has come out and said there’s no specific evidence Elon Musk was making a Nazi gesture. This is as dumb as thinking Luke Combs went on SNL and was flashing White Power symbols.
If you don’t like Trump, offer a better alternative, tell the world what you would do different, and why. Convince the public your side can govern better. Constantly comparing Trump to Hitler clearly didn’t work.
January 21, 2025 @ 9:57 pm
i offer this challenge to everyone that is making excuses for elon. video tape yourself doing the same motions and post it online behind your real name. maybe even tag your employer in it. if he didn’t do anything wrong, you’ll be good!
January 21, 2025 @ 10:24 pm
And, here is a challenge for you, @thegentile.
Post your real name.
Put up …
Stop hiding.
January 21, 2025 @ 11:07 pm
if i post my real name ck will show up to my house with a men’s rights pamphlet and i just don’t think i can handle seeing how dumb he looks in person.
January 22, 2025 @ 9:28 am
He won’t, typical keyboard warrior.
And as for Elon: we all know that the left will frame it as a nazi salute. That’s all they have. I mean, these people will call black conservatives ‘race traitors’ and ‘uncle Tom’ and hispanics ‘white supremacists’ if they don’t vote Democrat. They are in no position to lecture us on anything. They will keep trying though. Pretty tiring, but that’s where we stand.
January 22, 2025 @ 7:27 pm
Tim Walz did the exact same thing as Musk, heart-bumping and then outstretching his hand toward the crowd.
All of your favorite lefty politicians have been caught doing the “Nazi salute.”
Get help for your derangement.
January 22, 2025 @ 9:32 pm
yeah, no bub.
January 22, 2025 @ 11:19 pm
Tim Walz just did the fairy wave.
Elon sucks too. Trump needs to kick his ass to the curb with Ramaswamy. Do the same to the rest of the fake Republicans.
January 22, 2025 @ 12:44 pm
An unserious remark from an unserious man/troll.
January 22, 2025 @ 11:55 pm
He took out his heart and handed it to the public.
Cheesy, but not exactly nazism.
January 23, 2025 @ 7:50 am
January 21, 2025 @ 4:22 pm
It waa a great job by carrie. I watched all of the ceremony for the first time ever. It was very grand. I especially liked the first honors part. Trump was his usual chipper self.
January 21, 2025 @ 4:29 pm
Hope Carrie & every single one who voted for him get exactly what’s coming. As Koe sings, “You get what you deserve”
January 21, 2025 @ 5:26 pm
January 21, 2025 @ 5:44 pm
She did great! Win for country music! Trigg did an excellent job breaking this down. Thank you!
January 21, 2025 @ 7:44 pm
Underwhelming at best.
Whitney still the GOAT.
January 22, 2025 @ 8:49 pm
I like Whitney Houston’s “Star-Spangled Banner”
and Carrie Underwood transcending the tech issues “America, The Beautiful”
and Sierra Ferrell’s “Star-Spangled Banner”
January 21, 2025 @ 8:12 pm
The way her voice sounded in the Rotunda was absolutely amazing. The decision to go on without the music (and nail it) was an absolute pro move.
Easily my third favorite moment of the inauguration.
January 21, 2025 @ 8:31 pm
I agree she was fantastic!
January 21, 2025 @ 8:33 pm
Gone are the days Carrie Underwood is among the most attractive people in the world… My God, 60 year old Kamabla looks better than her…. That vanity sure did kick her square in the ass with that plastic surgery coined as an “accident.”
January 22, 2025 @ 5:16 am
No matter what, “Haters gonna’ Hate”
Shame on Carrie Underwood for acting like an adult.
Good job Carrie!
January 22, 2025 @ 6:31 am
Sorry but even with Ms. Underwood’s song there was absolutely nothing unifying in that hate-filled vindictive ceremony filled with lies and misrepresentations from the revenge and retribution seeking madman.
Noticed that the convicted felon/sexual predator-in-chief did not even TOUCH the bible.
God help us!
January 22, 2025 @ 6:52 am
…some background singers she had there, ms. underwood. could have done withhout that world record attempt of the dramatic pause though.
January 22, 2025 @ 9:29 am
I have no idea why I punish myself with reading comments sections. In a day and age where most of the time singers don’t, and can’t sing live, and we go on websites like this to read about it, here we are complaining about politics, when we should be recognizing that not only did she absolutely sing live, but did it a capella, which is not easy. And she did great.
Her songs aren’t my thing generally, but this should be a win for country music and the fans. This shouldn’t even be political, this is a music website, not FOX/CNN or whatever other nonsense you want to poison your mind with. They all suck.
January 22, 2025 @ 11:12 am
Bravo to Carrie for keeping her composure and doing a magnificent job. I don’t have any of her albums, but she earned my respect. Please note she acknowledged both Presidents Biden and Trump after her performance.
I’m old enough to remember when performing at an inaugural event was seen as a sign of respect and not a political statement. Everyone remembers Sinatra performing for both parties based on the personal friendships he had with the people involved and that Bob Hope was chummy with Presidents of both parties.
Not everyone remembers that Johnny Carson performed at Ron Reagan’s 1980 inaugural. So did Don Rickles (who was a Democrat). Carson kept his personal views out of the public eye and made jokes about the topics of the day and didn’t have an obvious agenda.
Thanks for another nice article, Kyle.
January 23, 2025 @ 5:37 am
Never before in history has the U.S. Chief Executive been a convicted felon/sexual predator-rapist. To expect sane Americans to treat that as normal is both illogical and unpatriotic. This is not 1980 and to equate that era with 2025 is misguided.
The felon-in-chief’s post inaugural pardon of fellow convicted felons that attacked our Capitol Jan. 6th and viciously assaulted brave police officers underscores how despicable and unfit he is to serve. They are not “heroes.” They are CRIMINALS.
God help us!
January 22, 2025 @ 11:14 am
Carrie knocked it out of the park. I think she may have created new fans for performing at Trumps’s inauguration and lost others for performing. I am hoping she gained fans from her sheer talent and grace.
Most performers (or people) for that matter will not align with all of your personal/political/theological beliefs. I am a huge fan of many artists with vastly different morals than me, and I think that is good.
Devil’s Advocate:
On the contrary, I also believe that people have the right to vote with their dollars and support (or oppose) people who have contrary beliefs. Either way, it should all be handled with respect.
January 22, 2025 @ 11:38 am
A very talented and lovely lady preformed superbly as one would expect. She deserves the applause. She can really sing.
January 23, 2025 @ 8:28 am
Thanks for the article. You brought up an interesting point and agree that it was a beautiful moment. Her performance was inspiring and actually made me think that unity was possible when called upon both the left and right came together in a song about the love for our county. The rare couple of minutes gave me chills and made me smile. But, after reading the comments on your article from both sides it snapped me back to reality though. It’s sad, because I don’t understand why everyone wants the right to their opinion but won’t give that respect to others with a different opinion. Why do people demand that everyone else has think the same as them? Adults acting like my 8 year old does when he doesn’t get his way and is told no; of course, I love him and will try my damnedest to raise him in a way that he realizes that behavior is unacceptable when he becomes an adult. Apparently, a lesson that many of your readers was not taught and their examples won’t be teaching their children.
January 23, 2025 @ 9:54 am
Carrie is an American Patriot. She showed to give a small service to her country – not to any one person in particular. And when the production was not up to snuff we got to see her react openly and honestly. What did she do? She sang America the Beautiful unscripted, acapella, and, nailed it. Fast forward a few days and I read through the comments above. Right/Trump this and Left/Felon that, with a mix of ‘dang her’ looks and pop music background too. Carrie’s performance is Rorschach test and 90% of posters above are plain nasty inside. Do better.
January 24, 2025 @ 2:32 am
Monday, january 20, was a very, very sad day.
January 24, 2025 @ 10:01 am
I can’t blame her for wanting to sing at America’s funeral.
January 25, 2025 @ 8:16 pm
Donald Trump openly tried to subvert an election. Because he lost. He condoned — encouraged — acolytes to storm the US Capitol. No matter what came before or what comes after, that happened. It is an American tragedy to try and normalize what he represents. It’s not just simple policy disagreements. It’s not just culture wars. Why are Carrie Underwood fans disappointed or upset? Because those who truly love and respect what America is supposed to stand for would and should reject everything that Trump is.
January 26, 2025 @ 8:26 am
Hi, evryone. In my country (Spain), affective and ideological polarization has been growing for years: Spanish political parties are increasingly farther apart in their ideological and territorial position and the feelings of voters of one party towards the rest are among the most negative in the world.
However, we are much more polarized with respect to identity issues (ideological or territorial) than with respect to specific public policies. In the data analyzed here, ideological and territorial polarization is two to three times greater than polarization around taxes and immigration, about six times greater than polarization around public health care, and about fifteen times greater than the non-existent polarization around public services.
January 26, 2025 @ 5:37 pm
Sing away, Carrie. Sing for the nazis salutes and convicted felons who plan to marginalize the very people who gave to you your platform.