Anti Bobby Bones Billboards Spring Up in Nashville
Yes folks, that is the new face of country music media.
Syndicated Clear Channel “country” radio DJ Bobby Bones proved to the world this weekend that he thinks his listeners are stupid. He first set them up on Twitter by talking about how he was headed to the dentist for surgery and shouldn’t be trusted with his phone while under sedation. Then on cue, he posted a bunch of purposely-mispelled tweets like he was still tranquilized, hinting that he may spill the beans about radio secrets and and behind-the-scenes dirt on other radio personalities in his placid state, even going as far as evoking the memory of his dead mother. And then, of course, later he apologized and blamed it all on the drugs.
The whole charade was an embarrassing attention grab, and a truly unfortunate development from an individual that despite his skin deep knowledge of country based off of the last 11 month’s of pop country’s Top 40 fare since he was transferred from a pop station, seemed like a genuine dude. Part of Bobby’s problem is that he won’t stop talking about how real and genuine he is, shielding a personality that seems to be gripped by irreconcilable narcissism and a raging need for attention.
Bobby Bones The Face of Country Radio Consolidation
As the centerpiece to Clear Channel’s plans for a nationally-syndicated country music radio network (he’s already heard on 50+ stations), Bobby Bones and his sideways hat have become the scourge of the country music airwaves. It was somewhat of a risk for Clear Channel to put their chips on this unproven personality, and so far the results have been mixed at best. High-profile blowups and a recent flirtation with leaving radio for television must have Clear Channel wondering if Bones is meant for country radio, or radio at all. Though his ratings are high in certain markets, more for his shock jock “what will he say next” appeal than anything else, so is the level of disapproval with his new school approach.
No better example than the news that last week four billboards at $2,150 a pop appeared around Nashville offering the simple message “Go Away Bobby Bones.” The billboards were paid for by an organization called “Anti-BOBBY BONES” that bought a three week run on two sides of two separate billboards in Music City where Bobby’s WSIX-based syndicated show is broadcast from.
A Country Music Media Arms Race Has Broken Out
Barely even a year into Clear Channel’s Bobby Bones country music experiment, and the man is ruffling more feathers than a 747 flying through a pack of seagulls. Maybe this is what Clear Channel wants, but if their overall goal is to unite country music fans under their new media empire, they can’t be alienating large segments of country fans like Bobby Bones seems to take pleasure in doing on a daily basis.
UPDATE: Bobby Bones has requested I ad a link to the video of him at the dentist office:
February 10, 2014 @ 2:59 pm
The billboards reek of a Clear Channel publicity stunt ….
February 10, 2014 @ 3:10 pm
I thought about that, but I doubt it. The displeasure with this guy is very real, and there is concern it is effecting the integrity of the country music airwaves in Nashville. My guess is if you passed a hat around Nashville, it would fill up pretty quickly with donations from folks who would love to see him off the air.
February 10, 2014 @ 3:22 pm
The billboard shown says it belongs to Patterson Outdoor and since Clear Channel is huge in the billboard industry it seems unlikely that Patterson would accept an ad from a competitor. Unless it’s some kind of weird mind trippy reverse psychology deal going on.
February 10, 2014 @ 3:52 pm
Where do I sign up to contribute money?
Actually, I don’t have anything against the guy personally, but I’d rather keep shock jock antics and tabloid gossip talk out of country radio.
February 10, 2014 @ 6:04 pm
You’d just be wasting your money. They will just replace him with some other tool who will probably be worse.
February 10, 2014 @ 5:17 pm
Go Away Clear Channel would also be an acceptable billboard.
February 12, 2014 @ 11:53 pm
I agree. I can’t stand corporate radio, and I despise clear channel and iheart. it’s a shame these start up artists’ have to pay to be played.
February 10, 2014 @ 6:18 pm
I won’t be replaced. actually Im winning everywhere
who’d have thunk an arkansas boy from a po dunk town could make good? no one I guess. good luck with your blog writing.
so many factual inaccuracies in this article, but begin right isn’t your goal. its the same as mine! ruffling feathers!
i respect that
February 10, 2014 @ 7:43 pm
We love you Bobby Bones!!! Ignore the haters!
February 11, 2014 @ 7:12 am
We don’t hate Bobby Bones. We just know he isn’t someone that’s the slightest bit worthy of representing country music. He doesn’t have any history of being involved in country music or respecting it. He should not be in a position of power and influence within country music. His show is also being used to replace many long time local shows (some of which have been on for decades and had far better ratings).
“Haters” is usually used be immature people (or their fans) to label and brush of anyone with valid criticism or dislike of the moronic or disturbing things they’re doing. It’s the annoying go-to word for people that can’t think.
February 11, 2014 @ 9:14 am
Hmmm…so because I use the word “hater” and I choose to defend someone I have come to admire and respect over the years I am immature? And I can’t think?
No sir! What is annoying is people who think they can judge who is worthy and who is not. People think because Bobby doesn’t look and sound like your typical redneck that he couldn’t know a thing about country music. If you ever took the time to listen to his show you would know that he grew up listening to all kinds of music, including country music. Even while dj’ing a top 40 station in Austin he was known to play country music and interviewed several country artists…because he was a huge fan!
What is also annoying is simple-minded people who refuse change, give new things a chance, and those who refuse to see that music, like everything else, evolves. I love country music, but I also love when artists from different genre’s collaborate and perform together…it’s amazing! Do you think country artists only listen to country music??? So why can’t a country music dj be a fan all types of music?! Bobby Bones is the perfect person to represent country music because of his love of all genres of music, that and the fact that he doesn’t fall into a cookie cutter mold. Yes, he’s different and that’s was so refreshing!
February 11, 2014 @ 11:52 am
“I love country music, but I also love when artists from different genre”™s collaborate and perform together”¦it”™s amazing!”
Saying something is “amazing” is another sign of immaturity. What are you, 14?
February 11, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
” People think because Bobby doesn”™t look and sound like your typical redneck that he couldn”™t know a thing about country music.”
That’s what Bobby Bones and his fans continue to tell themselves, but it’s not necessarily true. There are many specific things Bobby Bones is doing that don’t show respect for the music. Remember the feud with Kacey Musgraves?
“Bobby Bones is the perfect person to represent country music…”
I’ve found in life that none of us are perfect for anything. It’s just imperative on all of us to try our best.
February 11, 2014 @ 12:47 pm
Yep, “hater” is a really immature word to use.
Saying he’s qualified to be in the position he’s in because he loves different kinds of music would be like me saying I’m qualified to be a political commentator because I’ve heard both Democrats and Republicans give speeches (not true).
Country Music artists have collaborated with artists from other genres and been influenced by other genres of music for decades, that’s nothing new.
There’s nothing new or refreshing about Bobby Bones. There have been hundreds of douchey narcissistic DJ’s like him forever (just not usually involved in country music).
It really sounds like you’re very young and reciting talking points to me.
February 11, 2014 @ 4:43 pm
I don’t think people expect Bobby Bones to look or act like a “redneck.” Was Gerry House a redneck? Actually, if the face of mainstream country radio were a stereotypical “redneck” doing a Larry the Cable Guy shtick, that wouldn’t be good for country music’s image either.
It’s true that some people don’t cotton to Bobby’s personality and some people poke fun at his sartorial choices, which might seem petty, but if he showed a demonstrative respect for the format and a knowledge of the genre’s history, a lot of his critics would probably overlook that other stuff. Personally, I don’t hate Bobby Bones, I’m sure he’s a decent guy, but I don’t think his pop-gossip style is right for the country format. I also think people are frustrated that media companies like Clear Channel see the pop and country formats/genres as being totally interchangeable.
February 13, 2014 @ 4:29 am
Renee, you need to stop trolling on websites. I told you it is not polite. Furthermore, your comments show complete ignorance and lack of knowledge of country music is appalling. You have lost your internet privilege for one week. Now wash your hands and get down here for supper!
February 10, 2014 @ 8:30 pm
Nobody said that you were going to be “replaced.” The implication was that Clear Channel may have buyer’s remorse, and seeing how you clearly thought about leaving recently, I think their concern would be warranted, even if it wasn’t actionable. I have no doubt that you are here to stay as a media personality, in country radio or not, and I have a lot of respect, understanding, and appreciation for your success, have studied your rags to riches story and your career ascent, and how you’ve created a media franchise around your name whose best days are likely in the future.
“but begin right isn”™t your goal. its the same as mine! ruffling feathers!”
That is incorrect. My goal is to save country music, and that is what puts us in conflict. You like to ruffle feathers because it helps to perpetuate your cult of personality and your media franchise name. The polarization and controversy creates interest in you, and I understand, that’s part of the game. But as for me, my motivations are issue based. If I happen to “ruffle feathers” it’s because I do not shy away from conflict or pull punches for political correctness. But the point is not to further my media franchise, but to enact solutions to the problems that are eroding the integrity of a genre I care very deeply about. Sure, I may benefit to some extent from controversy that may surround something I do at times, but that result is incidental; it’s not my motivation.
“so many factual inaccuracies in this article”
You said this about my first article about you as well. I reached out twice on Twitter and asked you to tell me specifically what was factually inaccurate so I could change it, and I never received a response except for you to repeat yourself that there were factual inaccuracies. In fact this “factual inaccuracies” accusation also came up in the article I wrote about your conflict with Kacey Musgraves involving the person you replaced at WSIX, Billy Greenwood, and I STILL never got an answer. You can see the conversation here:
If there are factual inaccuracies, then spell them out, and I will change them. I want the facts of my stories to be right. But this was not a news piece. What was factually wrong? That you didn’t play up the Twitter episode? That can’t be “factually inaccurate” because it is an opinion. Were billboards not put up around Nashville? Did they not cost $2,150 a pop? If this info is correct, how can this entire story be factually inaccurate as you’re accusing? You asked me to add a video link for context, and I did so.
Look Bobby, I respect you. In some ways, I look up to you and the success you’ve had. But I also respect country music, and in my opinion, that is something you do not do, and cannot do until you’ve studied it, and breathed it to where it becomes your reason for living like it was and is for many of country music’s legendary DJ’s. I’m not saying you can’t get there, and I would even be willing to help guide you there. But country music isn’t just a format; it is a culture, and a way of life for many people. This is what separates country music from any other genre of music. And the flippant attitude that you approach it with is the reason why you find yourself surrounded by the conflict that you do. You can blame everyone else for misunderstanding you. You can say that since you’re a genuine dude and that people don’t get you because they’re used to fake personalities. Or you can start looking at what you might be doing wrong, and trying to resolve some of the conflict surrounding you instead of trying to profiteer off of it, and use it to bolster your media franchise name.
I don’t want to write stories like this. I don’t want to be in conflict with folks. But I am also unwilling to sit idly by as something I believe in gets trounced by people who come to country music from the outside looking in and have no respect for it, or simply want to use it as a stepping stone to a bigger goal.
If popularity, or increasing the value of my media franchise was what I was after, Saving Country Music would be much, much bigger than it already is. Trust me. But I’m more interested in solving problems. And if I ever do make it to the level you are at, I will do it with my integrity in tact. At least that is my goal. I make mistakes every single day, and probably made some mistakes while writing this article. But I am willing to own up and learn from those mistakes, and not blame the conflict that surrounds me on others.
Earlier today on Twitter you said that anyone can have a blog. I’ve never thought of Saving Country Music as a “blog,” but I take your assertion as a challenge. Let’s see where we both are in 10 years, and reassess our respective objectives and accomplishments at that time. I feel that we all have responsibilities to ourselves, or communities, and each other, and I sleep well every night knowing my station in life, and what I have accomplished, while remaining incessantly hungry, and my own fiercest critic.
If I were you and had to wake up every morning to angry articles about me, and drive through my hometown with Billboards decrying my name, I would feel drained and dis-attached. There are reasons for these conflicts, just like there are steps to their resolution. But the only way those resolutions are going to be realized is if you start asking what you are doing wrong, and respecting your adversaries.
The Triggerman
February 11, 2014 @ 3:22 am
Or what Im doing right…
no one cares about people on the radio. they do now. I have 20 blogs written about me a day! its awesome
February 12, 2014 @ 6:20 pm
Trigger: Numerous paragraphs of cohesive, in-depth, grammatically correct analysis of the situation.
Bobby: Sentence fragments. Barely intelligible thoughts. Total lack of substance. Incapable of forming answers to simple questions.
…Clear Channel, is it worth it?
March 4, 2014 @ 11:35 am
“I have 20 blogs written about me per day!”…… me me. That’s the priority. That’s the problem.
February 11, 2014 @ 5:08 pm
I am not a country fan; I stumbled into this conversation after seeing the billboards. That said, I feel the need to point out that country music isn’t the only genre that is “a culture, and a way of life for many people”. All music is like this. For me, it is metal; for others, it is electronica, classical, rock, R&B, rap, or any other genre not on this list. The point is, while Bobby may not understand the specifics of the culture of country music, I’m sure he can relate to the fact that there is one.
February 11, 2014 @ 6:10 am
Po dunk town, eh?
Sounds like something an arrogant little twerp would say. Nice that you respect your roots so much. I’m sure the people of Hot Springs will welcome you with even wider open arms after hearing that. I think fellow Hot Spring-ian Bill Clinton did all right for himself. I am sure you have your sights set much higher than just leader of the free world, though–don’t you?
Why don’t you cut to the chase and marry a Kardashian? Then you can be the ultimate winner of the whore-yourself-out-and-drown-in-the-cesspool-that-is-popular-culture game.
Good luck with your soul selling.
February 11, 2014 @ 12:36 pm
” the whore-yourself-out-and-drown-in-the-cesspool-that-is-popular-culture game.”
I think we have a winner lol…This comment just made my day (as did the billboards & his po’dunk excuses)
PS – Trigger, solid rebuttal & I totally agree with your 10 year sentiment – I have major hope for our music! Keep on fighting the good fight!
February 18, 2014 @ 7:39 am
I’m 39 years of age and I much prefer the great on-air talent of the hosts at WSM and on Outlaw Country and Willie’s Roadhouse on SiriusXM. Professionals such as Eddie Stubbs and Elizabeth Cook are far superior to you.
March 14, 2014 @ 4:19 am
So you dont like him because you are jealous, thats all that i can see in your words, you dont like corporate radio, do you not like anything corporate? Now mostly everything is so you must live in a hole, thats exactly were you belong! In your comments you trash what he wears more or less thats where you show your stupidity! You have nothing productive to say so you have to strike at his appearance which is childish! Im sorry is someone forcing you to listen? You have no real points to bring to the table so do some research and come back with some intelligent facts!
Pimpin joy forever!
February 10, 2014 @ 11:17 pm
Never heard of this guy, but he makes me really glad the station I work at is locally owned. It means our DJs actually know about the towns we’re heard in and I get to control what music we play instead of some empty suit counting money on Music Row.
February 11, 2014 @ 2:02 pm
I know just how you feel. Here in Arkansas we had a DJ by the name of Bob Robbins that held the record for the longest running local country radio host (or something like that) going on 30 years with the same station. Now, he got moved from KSSN to The Wolf, which is a classic country station. My dial should probably be there anyway but I prefer to keep it on the pop country station because I like to hear where the music is going, even if most of it annoys the heck out of me (plus new music helps to change things up as opposed to the same old hits over and over). However, KSSN being owned by Clear Channel, Bob’s spot in the mornings was replaced by the Bobby Douche show and it obviously hasn’t been the same. It’s even worse because he keeps talking about how he’s from Arkansas and “one of us” because he know doubt knows the dissent for his replacement of a statewide treasure has to run deep. I’ve tuned in two times and have not only been bored to tears but also irritated. Sorry Mr. Bones, but I turn on the radio to try and ESCAPE these feelings.
February 11, 2014 @ 1:01 am
This is hilarious. I can’t believe someone ACTUALLY put up billboards. Apparently we aren’t the only ones dissatisfied with this guy.
February 11, 2014 @ 12:10 pm
Saving Country Music was built around the idea that the dissent for the direction of country music was just as strong, and just as big as the approval of that, and I continue to believe that. These billboards are a good example.
February 11, 2014 @ 1:57 pm
Well, as I’ve said numerous times, I’m nowhere near the most observant country music fan. However, your site has definitely shed a lot of light on issues facing the genre for me so count me among your success stories. Keep up the good work!
February 11, 2014 @ 6:41 am
Excellent beatdown Trigger.
February 11, 2014 @ 7:49 am
I wouldn’t be shocked to find out Bobby Bones himself paid for these him. He is into self-deprecation (a narcissist cornerstone). I doubt it, but I wouldn’t be shocked either.
February 11, 2014 @ 8:13 am
What a douche. Lucky for me, I’ve never had the misfortune of listening to this ass-hat. One lesson that can be learned from this: don’t let the hipsters in.
March 7, 2014 @ 10:04 am
Ass-hat huh? Wow, as the comments grow longer, so does the pure ignorance.
February 11, 2014 @ 8:17 am
I don’t blame Bobby for the music being played by Clear Channel at all. If he wasn’t there, some other DJ would constantly be spinning Jason Aldean and Brantley Gilbert tunes. Two days ago Bobby played “The Dance” by Garth, since it was Garth’s birthday. He stated after the song how he was happy that he got to play Garth, since he never gets to. He stated how normally they just turn the music down during a song and talk, because they are basically playing the same song for the 600th time, but how they all sat there and listened to “The Dance”. He then stated how he doesn’t get to choose the songs he plays, which is not a shock. From all I know and have heard about Bobby from people who have met him, he is a nice guy. He took advantage of an amazing opportunity, which most of us would. What happens if they remove him? So maybe they get someone who seems a little more proper country, but the thing is, those same backroad and beer drinking songs will be playing on the radio no matter what. For a DJ to change music, he will have to build his brand up so much, that losing him would be a ratings killer for Clear Channel. If he were to get that big, then casual fans would start listening to him more about what good music is and they would also be able to start playing more of what they want. I don’t technically know what Bobby Bones considers good country music. I think you would have to meet him and speak with him away from radio to find out what his true feeling about music are.
February 11, 2014 @ 11:57 am
So playing Garth Brooks has nothing to do with the fact that Garth is getting ready to do a big tour?
Don’t act like it’s something groundbreaking. If he really wants to impress me, he should play an Ernest Tubb or Faron Young song. And not “Walking the Floor Over You” or “Hello Walls.”
March 7, 2014 @ 10:08 am
Now why would he play that? Because 3 people like those songs? Sure, those are classic country but as the generations fall off and new generations are created the music is going to change. EACH AND EVERY genre changes with the times. You are going to find something negative to say NO MATTER WHAT! What does playing Garth Brooks have to do with anything? I wouldn’t exactly call a big tour in Ireland “big”… He played the song because it was Garth’s birthday. Just as it is said in the post. Enough with your negative BS… If you guys don’t like the guy then turn your iPod on and enjoy your “classic” country.
February 11, 2014 @ 12:25 pm
Good comment Bobby, and to an extent I agree. Bobby’s hands are tied, as are all of Clear Channel’s DJ’s. And that in itself is one reason why an individual like Bobby Bones should take a stand, and understand where the anti-corporate radio hatred comes from.
But my concerns are not necessarily with the songs he plays, though in fairness, that may be the concerns of the people who purchased the billboards. My concerns are with things like his Twitter episode and how that reflects on country music, or his feud with Kacey Musgraves.
Deep down, I do think that Bobby Bones probably is a good dude. But I also think he is very interested in forwarding his media franchise.
On Twitter, Bones pretty much questioned my station in life. If I had similar corporate backing to Bobby Bones, who knows how big the Saving Country Music or “The Triggerman” franchise would be. And trust me, I have had some of those offers here and there. I think a lot of people don’t appreciate how big Saving Country Music is because there’s not a lot of followers on Twitter or Facebook, but direct traffic and search engine traffic, not a social network strategy, is what Saving Country Music was built around.
But very likely if I was going to go and work for someone else, just like Bobby Bones, I would have to compromise what I do. With some entities, like let’s say Cumulus, you may only have to compromise a little. With Clear Channel, you have to compromise a lot. That was the choice Bobby Bones made, and that is the reason he’s in the lofty position he is in, because he was willing to compromise. So even though deep down in his heart he may wished he had more freedom on the music he played (which is such a subordinate part of his show anyway), he made the choice to be in this position.
March 7, 2014 @ 10:15 am
You know, I read all the nonsense posted here and my question is, who are you to say what country music is and what the state of country music is? You know, all these country music stars have no problem going on Bobby’s show. They are not forced. They respect the guy and realize what he is doing for the genre. As I stated to someone else, generations are changing as is the genre. Classic country has died and the new generations would not accept it. You aren’t going to see the new stars put out “beer drinking music” because they would go broke. You need to open your eyes and accept the fact that times are changing. Whether it be country music, politics, TV, radio or this country as a whole, it is changing. So unless you are the ghost of George Jones, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle, Patsy, Loretta, Elvis, Tammy, Waylon, Conway, Marty or anyone else, stop! You are just an opinion like every other naysayer agreeing with you. You aren’t going to change country music. You aren’t going to revive classic country. Country music is younger now and isn’t going to change. Respect Bobby for what he does. His market grows every damn day! His following grows every damn day. And why? Because people relate to him. If the guy tells you there are inaccuracies then there are. You shouldn’t have written them to begin with. Why does he need to respond to your Twitter so you can update your story? You shouldn’t have written it to begin with if it was the absolute facts or the truth.
March 7, 2014 @ 10:39 am
You are fabricating a position that doesn’t exist to then argue against it. Nobody is saying modern country radio should only play Loretta Lynn and Hank Williams.
“You know, all these country music stars have no problem going on Bobby”™s show.”
Incorrect. Kacey Musgraves, Chris Young, and other artists dislike Bobby Bones, and refuse to come on his show, even when he pleads for them to do so. Read further:
“You know, I read all the nonsense posted here and my question is, who are you to say what country music is and what the state of country music is?”
You are assuming that our (or my) stance on Bobby Bones and modern country radio is solely based on taste. Once again, this is completely incorrect. Every study that comes out on country radio shows that 1) Listeners want more classic-sounding country in the radio mix 2) Listeners think modern country songs sound too similar 3) That radio consolidation, which Bobby Bones is the face of, is not working.
We’re not a bunch of fuddy duddies shaking our fists and saying “Get off our lawn!” this is a real, substantive issue that is plaguing radio. We (or I) am not asking for radio not to play modern hit country music, that’s their job. All we are asking for is balance, and according to reserch, that balance would help radio in the long run, which right now is in a financial tailspin.
February 11, 2014 @ 8:32 am
Two days ago I heard Bobby play “The Dance” from Garth, because it was Garth’s birthday. He stated how they all just sat around and listened to it, compared to how they normally turn the volume down, because they are playing the same song for the 600th time. He then said how he doesn’t get to pick the songs he plays, which is not surprising. If Bobby were to be replace by someone else, who looks a little more country, the songs are not gonna change. They will still be spinning the same Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan songs all day. For a DJ to change music, he will have to make his brand so enormous, that Clear Channel would take a ratings beating if he were to leave. At that point a DJ could start playing songs that he wants a little more and actually wield his influence to his audience on what good music is. I don’t know what Bobby thinks good country music is and I think you would have to meet him in person to find out what he thinks good country music is. Bobby took advantage of an opportunity that almost anyone else would, so I really don’t understand why people hate Bobby Bones.
February 11, 2014 @ 12:29 pm
Is music really a seminal part of The Bobby Bones Show? I don’t really think people hate Bobby Bones because of the music. I think they hate Bobby Bones for Bobby Bones. Having said that, I personally don’t “hate” the man, I just wish he would reign in some of the personal behavior to show a little more respect for the culture and format he is in. And as I stated in a comment above, Bobby chose to be in this position. And no, I can’t say that I personally would give up my personal freedom to talk what I want to talk about, or play what I want to play to take the big job. Bobby did and I respect that, but that was his choice. I think that we can all agree that Clear Channel is the real enemy. Well, Bobby may disagree…
February 12, 2014 @ 11:32 am
As you can see I accidentally posted the same thing twice under two different names. The first time I accidentally put Bobby, because of our subject I guess. I didn’t see it on the site after 15 minutes, so I reposted it with the correct name. I understand where you’re coming from Trig.
February 11, 2014 @ 9:08 am
It’s sad that his fans would actually give two shits about him going to the dentist anyways IMO.
February 11, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
I don’t listen to the radio, whether it’s satellite, AM/FM or talk stations.
I am 100% in control of what I listen to when I am in my car.
Right now, it’s DAC and Gary P. Nunn.
Sounds like I’m not missing a thing.
February 11, 2014 @ 3:47 pm
You are so right about Bobby Bones, narcissistic attention whore. He’s anything but “real”. He can’t handle criticism, which is why he lashes out over the smallest things. He has a persecution complex. He blocks people from his Facebook page if they say anything critical of him. He pretends to love Taylor Swift and says he doesn’t know why things are awkward between them. Probably because he made fun of her for YEARS when he was top 40. Even doing a parody song making fun of her called “Hey there Taylor”. He pulled it off the internet shortly before he switched formats.I’m sure Clear Channel made him do that since he’s supposed to be a down home country
boy. He’s a poser.
February 13, 2014 @ 11:09 pm
You’d think Clear Channel would want a guy Taylor and her fans love in there since they are going pop to cater to them.
February 12, 2014 @ 7:41 am
If you don’t like it; change the station.
February 12, 2014 @ 11:38 am
That only works if it isn’t the same song, and the same DJ on every station. That’s Clear Channel’s plan.
February 13, 2014 @ 11:07 pm
Nothing against anyone going country but is he really a big country fan now and to give a pop guy a top national country job overnight is a bit much. It looks like Clear Channel put him in there to help convert the format to pop like them putting pop songs on hourly play. Radio employees are pissed about being replaced by these national guys.
February 14, 2014 @ 10:00 am
they replaced our local DJ’s with this guy’s morning show. which means the local news on the hour also got replaced, as well as any local relevence or mentions of local shows coming up.
na dya, his show sucks, he’s annoying, his crew is annoying, and he faugns all over the most dreadful “country” songs the clear channel is pushing.
Go away Bobby Bones.
March 7, 2014 @ 10:19 am
Sounds like your station needs better management then. We still have local news, traffic and weather and even give tickets away to local shows coming up. Don’t blame it on the show, blame it on the station.
February 14, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
I am 66, wife is 57, daughter is 34, grandaughter is 16. We are all country music fans, What else do we have in common. “That guy on 101.9 The Twister in Oklahoma City SUCKS.” He is terribly annoying, but even more arrogant, his crew spouts middle school crap and their is nothing of redeeming value about any of the content. Where can I send a donation to help throw this horses ass back to washing cars and cutting grass. Clear Channel, continues to be the biggest laughing stock in broadcasting
February 28, 2014 @ 4:18 pm
Never listen to 98 till bobby bones show. LOVE THE SHOW!!!!! He leaves I stop listening.
March 2, 2014 @ 3:40 pm
Having previously worked behind a mic for 23 years all i can say is I just don’t get it. I used to look to this town as a beacon of country radio talent. I Miss Gerry. So glad Billy Boy is still on WSM. Once he retires I will only listen to my phone. Hell put Slam Dunkin on in the mornings…at least he’s got the experience in country radio.
March 6, 2014 @ 10:19 pm
This comment section reads like a bunch of scared “country music” artifacts complaining about an asteroid blowing up your inflated sense of purpose. Country music doesn’t need a historian for a DJ to engage its new emerging audiences. Stop dragging down the genre with your limited and close minded thinking. You are embarrassing Nashville.
March 7, 2014 @ 10:22 am
Well said. You have a handful of people who are made because a boring DJ is pushing the button in the morning. Instead they have to realize the country is changing, the genre is changing and things are different. Their mission is to sit here and bitch and they will attempt to belittle anyone who doesn’t agree. Make sure you use the proper words because it seems that certain words are now considered “immature”. One gal used “amazing” and she was considered young and immature.
March 11, 2014 @ 12:31 pm
These dip shits paid over $8000 to make the guy even more popular than Now when people see the signs (like me) they Google it then go listen to him.They just helped his career. Ha! That’s what they get….Dumbass!!!
March 14, 2014 @ 3:26 pm
Last year at CRS I was questioned (by a Nashville radio DJ) about Bobby Bones because I am from Austin. I said he was cool and I liked him. I was surprised to hear the strong negative reaction to his coming to Nashville and going National with his show. As the conversation continued, I realized it was because he would be taking many of their jobs. New guy in town, doesn’t exactly fit into the new format, stepped on some big toes, wasn’t properly introduced into the school yard….hmmmm..sounds like old school recess to me.
March 16, 2014 @ 4:30 pm
who is BB?
March 26, 2014 @ 9:14 pm
There is only one country music radio station in Nashville, as far as I’m concerned, and that’s 650AM. You don’t have to worry about frauds like “Bobby Bones” showing up on the air or poor imitations of what was formerly country music showing up on the airwaves. You get real music with soul, swing, and twang.
God bless the AM dial. Bluegrass? Americana? The legends? You wont’ hear them on a single FM station. The talent is on the AM dial. The electronic editing and image makers? They’re on the Bobby Bones show.
April 2, 2014 @ 9:15 pm
Does anyone know what brand of hat Bobby Bones is wearing? I cant find it anywhere and my bf really wants one!
July 15, 2014 @ 4:56 pm
So Clear Channel decides on which show we have to listen to. I think if you look at the markets that are most unsatisfied with having to listen some lame shock jock, on a country radio station no less, you will find probably much the same as in Washington, DC, WMZQ, they replaced a great long time DJ, Boxer, and pushed him to mid day show and are forcing up to listen to the crap that is BB. Yes, we can change the channel, they are a few other stations to listen to, but when you’ve grown up listening to the same country station since you were a kid and all of the sudden are forced to listen to a want to be Howard Stern, then that’s why people are so upset. How about those small towns where there is only one station to listen to? No channel to change. I personally listen to all genre’s of music but prefer country, what I don’t prefer is the BB show and the only way Clear Channel will know that is if people speak up and let them know. Put back the DJ’s people WANT to listen to, not what YOU want us to listen to.
May 20, 2015 @ 10:57 am
I’ve stopped listening to the WEZL in Charleston after they went with Bobby Bones in the morning. The local DJ’s were so much better and in tune with what is going on in Charleston. I used to listen to WEZL every morning but now only listen to them occassionaly in the afternoon Nothing personal against Bobby Bones but he’s no TJ Phillips or Ric Rush.
The only reason I came to ths website was I wondered if anyone else felt the same.
December 13, 2017 @ 8:07 am
As a long time listener of Bobby Bones here in Austin I really enjoy the show. I agree his background and history is not Country Music. Honestly each person on the show seperatly, I don’t think would make a good show. but as someone who has had the same group of friends for years, you can tell they are actually friends. So I relate to the show, since it feels like I’m with my friends. Like or hate him, Bobby has done a lot of good with his fame, and the more and more ppl he is able to reach, the more good he can do for ppl. Bobby puts everything he has into his work and it shows. Maybe his background is not in country, but I guarantee he is more in touch with country music then any other dj on the radio now. Again though, the charitable part of bobby bones should be more then enough for ppl to want to keep him around. How may kids and families could have been fed or housed with the money spent on these billboards. Grow up,
December 13, 2017 @ 8:08 am
just realized how old this was….. ; )
December 13, 2017 @ 9:32 am
Sigh, where to begin?
You ask, “How many kids and families could have been fed or housed with the money spent on these billboards?” I don’t know, you might ask Bobby since HE IS THE ONE THAT PUT THEM UP. If you’re going to defend your guy, try to at least somewhat know wtf you’re talking about.
You also say that Bones is “more in touch with country music than any other DJ in country radio now.” FALSE. He may be more in tune with pop music, electronic dance music, hick hop (or whatever you want to call white guys that suck at rapping) music, or bro cuntry music, but he sure as shit is not even remotely close to being in touch with country music. If you want to hear a DJ that is TRULY in touch with REAL country music, try listening to KOKE FM out of Austin, or maybe Sirius Satellite Radio’s Willie’s Roadhouse. Hell, WSM out of Nashville is better than the garbage you’re listening to.