Babies “June Carter” and “Johnny Cash” Born in Same Hospital

What are the odds? Perhaps they’re a little bit better in Huntsville, Alabama than in some other places. But it’s still wild that two separate couples with no affiliation whatsoever would give birth to two separate babies on the same day and in the same hospital, with one couple naming their new bundle of joy June Carter, and the other naming theirs Johnny Cash. That’s what happened on April 10th at the Huntsville Hospital.
The Clark Family welcomed their 6 lb. 12 oz. daughter June Carter Clark into the world at 2:30 pm on April 10th, and later that evening the Davis Family welcomed their 7 lb. 2 oz. son Johnny Cash Davis. When the two families figured out the strange coincidence, they met each other and took pictures of the two babies side by side in the hospital.
June Carter’s mother Sophie Clark says that they do love Johnny Cash, but they just loved the name June. Her husband’s name is Carter Joy, so they decided on June Carter for their new daughter.
Johnny Cash’s mother Nicole Davis told WSFA, “Well, I don’t know who couldn’t be a Johnny Cash fan, especially if you love country music at all … At first we thought about ‘Nashville’ because we love that area. We spend a lot of time up that way … Then we though, ‘Oh, Johnny Cash will be perfect, and we’ll call him Cash.'”
Two extended family members from the respective parties bumped into each other at the hospital, and the two families put two and two together.
“Of course we immediately took them out in the hall and took pictures and exchanged information, so they will always have this cool coincidence to follow them as the grow, and they will always have a cool story,” Nicole Davis says. “I think it’s so fun that in a world where there were lots of little babies born on April 10th, these two guys are always going to have this really fun backstory, and always have an opportunity to have a friend that they met in an unconventional, but really special way.”
It speaks to just how much the legacy of country music is embedded in our little world. In big and small ways, you see the love of country music manifest itself every day.
April 19, 2024 @ 8:13 am
Maybe one day they’ll get married in a fever.
April 19, 2024 @ 8:18 am
Nashville would have been almost as bad as a boy named Sue
April 19, 2024 @ 8:25 am
These kind of things have eerie outcomes. It’s similar to how the voice actors for Mickey and Minnie Mouse were married in real life. I can almost guarantee in about 20-30 years from now if these two don’t marry, then the universe itself will unravel. This is the ultimate proof test for reincarnation.
Of course both might just decide to remain good friends over this coincidental situation. Life is certainly strange this way.
April 19, 2024 @ 10:38 am
I have a niece and nephew named Jessi and Waylon. Gotta represent.
April 19, 2024 @ 10:46 am
Johnny and June aren’t something to celebrate and name your babies after.
April 19, 2024 @ 11:17 am
how’s the air up there ck?
April 19, 2024 @ 7:42 pm
It is great.
I’m free from the stench of fallen humanity.
Wallow in the mud if you prefer.
April 20, 2024 @ 5:33 am
there’s no way you don’t have an odor.
April 19, 2024 @ 5:24 pm
hi ck. I’m not necessarily replying to you personally or arguing with you personally. But I want to put my thoughts where people can see because I’ve seen Johnny and June and their relationship and history and I want to try and lead the discussion so it doesn’t get ugly without reason.
First: both people were previously married in an era during which divorce was a serious taboo but people were expected to marry and procreate as quickly as possible, often before being emotionally ready
It was a messed up society that still entwines a lot of modern thinking. Even today people are encouraged to marry and procreate and the single and child free lifestyles are often treated reductively
Lots of country stars were previously married. Roy Clark, grandpa Jones
John R and June were not unique in being divorcees even then
Johnny cash the man is difficult to quantify. His politics are incomprehensible as he not only never had a political affiliation and is often claimed by both parties, even though he personally never voted.
I know comparatively little about June independently of John R, but John was a poor kid from a backwater county raised by a traditional Al southern democrat (remember that the modern parties are seemingly opposite, the democrats of ray cash’s years were the party of Jim Crow and the republicans, the party of Lincoln, were ‘the yanks’ to most southerners)
Ray cash was not a good person by modern standards although the Joaquin phoenix film is rather harsh. John R Published a couple autobiographical works, each of them given a slightly different perspective of his father, one that is more complementary, and the other thing is considerably more harsh. The ‘where you been’ / ‘the devil took the wrong son’ dramatization in the film is… mostly Hollywood bombast
John R left the isolated world of his youth and found a huge nation and… became a raging pill popper and serious addict. He wasn’t a good husband or a great dad (part of that was his addictions, part was his career, part no doubt was his traumatic childhood and the confusion of entering a world that surely didn’t make sense after the isolated childhood John r no doubt had)
We can level a lot of accusations at John R. Most of them reasonable and accurate. He was out of control.
But what john R found was redemption.
George Jones: redemption.
A lot of other country legends: redemption
And redemption should have been available to JTE, to Hank Sr. To Charlie Poole. To every other person who has a problem with addiction. As a society we should probably be making sure people don’t slip through the cracks and self destruct, but we actuslly spend money bailing out companies that turn out seven different versions of the same soda
Does anybody actually drink dr thunder? If we wanted a Dr Pepper alternative we already have Pibb. Maybe we don’t need to “free market” ourselves into six different Dr Pepper knock offs while people are struggling with serious diseases both mental and physical
As for John Cash? George Jones? The petty-crime inclined Merle haggard?
They got their shit together
And for what it’s worth, it’s very apparent from all his writings that John R genuinely loved June
People exalt Cash because he recorded a huge discography of critical and commercial successes that appeal across all sorts of demographics
And also because he overcame a traumatic childhood and serious psychological traumas and addictions to become an outspoken empathetic person in a society that still then and persisting to today punishes people for slipping through the cracks while rewarding those who created the cracks for them to slip through
And I think reducing Cash to just his marriage or just his addictions is both trivial and reflects a lot about the people doing the reducing
We can call Johnny cash whatever we want. Chances are we’re right. He was a lot of things at different times. An addict, an adulterer, a loving husband.
But what we choose to interpret Johnny cash as reflects a lot about us, and whether we can see the good in people or just the specks in their eyes
It’s unfair to exalt celebrities for their good sides
But it’s equally ridiculous to demonize them just for their faults
April 19, 2024 @ 5:42 pm
The reason that CountryKnight and a few others have to breeze into any article mentioning Johnny Cash and say how terrible he is is to burnish the online persona they’ve built for themselves as being tough guys standing up against Cash’s legacy of someone who reached out across aisles. Of course Cash had demons and he was the first to admit it. Why anyone would dump on June Carter is beyond me.
The couples who named their kids here are just country fans, or at least the couple that named their kid Johnny Cash. They’re not going to waste their lives running other people down or burrowing deep into the complex history of Cash, they just like “Ring of Fire.” This is what music is supposed to be about. We enjoy talking in-depth here, but some people lose sight of the underlying point, which is to enjoy music.
This is a cool, sweet story. For some, that’s truly what they find offensive about it. Because they love to be prickly, judgemental pricks.
April 19, 2024 @ 6:24 pm
you nailed it, trigger.
April 19, 2024 @ 7:56 pm
That is ironic talk considering Cash built his entire prison album persona based on flipping the bird to the guards to please a bunch of degenerate murderers and thieves. Imagine siding with the worst of society over the people keeping them in check.
My apologies, but I don’t subscribe to the Cult of Johnny Cash.
June Carter chased after Johnny while he was married and helped break up his marriage. Why wouldn’t she receive some blame for the sordid affair?
I have hundreds of Cash songs in my country playlist. But I am not going to pretend their romance should be celebrated like every hack songwriter loves to do. Cash’s treatment of his first wife was crass and spilled over to how their kids were treated. Similar to Willie Nelson’s domestic abuse, it is glossed over because he pandered for the right causes. It is bad history to pretend otherwise.
Give me Marty Robbins. A great singer and man. Unfortunately, we lost him at age 57 while others lasted longer.
April 19, 2024 @ 8:06 pm
The people that saw Johnny Cash perform in prison earned the privilege from good behavior and both his hope and the prison’s hope was a rehabilitation.
But that’s beside the point. This is a story about mothers naming their babies after country legends they love. You don’t have to breeze into every comments section to leave a snide comment. Sometimes it’s more appropriate to just give it a rest, and keep your powder dry for a more relevant topic.
April 20, 2024 @ 9:44 am
Or, put another way, Trigger, concerning CountryKnight:
It is better to keep your mouth shut and have some wonder if you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
April 21, 2024 @ 11:49 am
Cool bro. Name your kid Marty then
April 23, 2024 @ 9:22 am
Prove that I leave a snide comment in every comments section.
You can’t. Because I don’t.
April 23, 2024 @ 9:49 am
You consistently leave short, terse, down-looking, and unhelpful comments that color this entire website as a place where people just come to piss on whatever is being talked about, and it’s unhelpful to the cause. It’s also gotten much worse from you over time, like your trying to keep an online persona going. I have warned you numerous times. I appreciate your patronage, but not if it does more harm than good. I’m the one who has to answer for the overall candor of these comments sections, not the people posting under aliases. This was not the time or place to bring up your Johnny Cash hatred.
April 20, 2024 @ 4:13 am
Whoever wrote this response to this article…Thank you!! I literally couldn’t have said it better myself or hell, even that well at all! If people today would lift others up and help in whatever way is needed instead of tear them down on tabloid trash & hearsay then this world would be better off.
April 20, 2024 @ 3:23 pm
Whew, you have alot to say. It not that serious. People name their kids what they want to. And you tell them Grandma
April 25, 2024 @ 7:12 pm
“…punishes people for slipping through the cracks while rewarding those who created the cracks for them to slip through”
That’s a good way to put it.
April 19, 2024 @ 9:22 pm
I’m the great-grandmother of June and they didn’t name her after her. They just liked the name June and her dad’s name is Carter so they combined the 2. Wasn’t anything about naming her after someone famous or someone they didn’t even know. But if they had of, thats their business. It’s not like the 2 families planned this. That’s the part that’s so cool.. the coincidence of ot all. You obviously have issues with Johnny Cash and that’s fine. But don’t project it on to these babies, their parents, friends and family who are enjoying this unique story.
April 20, 2024 @ 5:47 pm
Seriously dude, gate keeping about this, what is even the issue? I bet you say “there are way too many sensitive people these days” a lot.
LOL, don’t worry everything will be ok.
April 19, 2024 @ 4:25 pm
If you know history, CountryKnight has a point.
April 19, 2024 @ 7:59 pm
“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
The Johnny/June romance loses its luster when you realize the wreckage left behind or how Cash cheated on June after they got together. It is best to pretend Johnny’s cave account was factual.
April 20, 2024 @ 12:12 pm
Unfortunately, it’s on his hood.
April 23, 2024 @ 9:18 am
Meritless accusation from a typical feeble mind.
April 23, 2024 @ 5:36 pm
It’s a known fact Cash was showing the bird to an English camera operator but it doesn’t spin your little narrative to tell the truth, does it?
“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” Or just outright lie, so you can seem like the Billy Badass on His High Horse of the comments section, in your case.
So lame.
April 20, 2024 @ 2:25 am
…then why do the name tags have different names on them than Johnny and June? Looks like Sophia and Sheldon to me…just saying
April 20, 2024 @ 9:19 pm
The moms name is Sophie the article says. Lol
April 22, 2024 @ 1:04 am
They put the mothers names on those cards.
April 20, 2024 @ 5:23 am
I ended up with 2 GSD litter mates that are male and female. Named them Johnny and June. Doing fine 4 years later…..
April 21, 2024 @ 6:19 am
Cool story. My family and I foster dogs from local shelters. About four years ago we got two Beagles, a male and female, that we named Johnny and June. June went on to get adopted to a good home, but we fell in love with Johnny and still have him to this day.
April 20, 2024 @ 8:40 pm
Opinions is like assholes ever one has one .!!!
I think this is a cool stories with both babies have cool names ,, thanks for sharing this awesome story it will definitely be remembered !!!! And for Country Knight I believe your a stupid F*(k that needs to just shut your dumb mouth
April 21, 2024 @ 8:41 pm
The Bible says to tend to your own business