Blake Shelton Calls Classic Country Fans “Old Farts” & “Jackasses”
The reigning Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year and reality TV personality Blake Shelton made some disparaging remarks about traditional country fans in a recent interview with GAC as part of their Backstory series. The “Hillbilly Bone” singer and judge on NBC’s The Voice made the remarks as part of an update to the original GAC Backstory episode to include more information on Blake Shelton’s continued success. In connection with Blake’s first CMA for “Male Vocalist of the Year” award in 2010, Blake Shelton said,
If I am “Male Vocalist of the Year” that must mean that I’m one of those people now that gets to decide if it moves forward and if it moves on. Country music has to evolve in order to survive. Nobody wants to listen to their grandpa’s music. And I don’t care how many of these old farts around Nashville going, “My God, that ain’t country!” Well that’s because you don’t buy records anymore, jackass. The kids do, and they don’t want to buy the music you were buying.
The new version of Blake Shelton’s GAC Backstory aired first in mid December 2012, and will be airing numerous times in February.
Blake Shelton’s comments are not only hurtful to classic and traditional country fans, they are incorrect. According to a study of country radio conducted by Edison Research and released during last year’s Country Radio Seminar in Nashville, listeners actually want more classic country on radio, and the lack of it has been given credit for the contraction being experienced in the radio format. Edison Research President Larry Rosin last February said,
I believe that we as an industry have really made a mistake in our conception of our own stations. While many people don’t want to listen to classic country music, some still do, and we’ve let them float away”¦We run the risk that we just are more and more pleasing to fewer and fewer people until all we are is ecstatically pleasing a tiny, unsustainable number of people.”
Blake Shelton also specifically mention “records,” but statistics shows that older music listeners are the ones that still by music in physical formats, while younger listeners (aka “kids”) tend to download music illegally, stream it at very low margins for artists and their labels, or purchase individual songs.
Furthermore Blake Shelton brought up the common misconception that classic and traditional country fans do not want country music to evolve. Though this may be true for some traditional fans, as Saving Country Music pointed out in a piece titled Progress Vs. Traditionalism in Country Music, the progression of country music while still keeping it tied to its roots is the foundation of Americana which has benefited from tremendous growth over the last few years.
Blake Shelton has landed in hot water before for making inflammatory comments, especially on his infamous Twitter account. In May of 2011 Blake got in trouble for seemingly advocating violence against gays by re-writing the words to a Shania Twain song. The singer later apologized.
1-24-13 (11:43 AM CST): Country music legend Ray Price has just responded to Blake Shelton’s comments through his Facebook page.
It’s a shame that I have spend 63 years in this business trying to introduce music to a larger audience and to make it easier for the younger artists who are coming behind me. Every now and then some young artist will record a rock and roll type song , have a hit first time out with kids only. This is why you see stars come with a few hits only and then just fade away believing they are God’s answer to the world. This guy sounds like in his own mind that his head is so large no hat ever made will fit him. Stupidity Reigns Supreme!!!!!!! Ray Price (CHIEF “OLD FART” & JACKASS”) ” P.S. YOU SHOULD BE SO LUCKY AS US OLD-TIMERS. CHECK BACK IN 63 YEARS (THE YEAR 2075) AND LET US KNOW HOW YOUR NAME AND YOUR MUSIC WILL BE REMEMBERED. Ray Price
1-24-13 (11:55 AM CST): After receiving numerous comments and posts of this story and others, Blake Shelton took down one of his Facebook fan pages. SCM is also attempting to confirm reports that numerous radio stations are pulling Blake Shelton songs from their rotation. SCM also asks that people be respectful to Blake in their comments.
1-24 -13 (4:14 PM CST): Blake Shelton has responded through Twitter:
Whoa!!! I heard I offended one of my all time favorite artists Ray Price by my statement “Nobody wants to listen to their grandpas music”..And probably some other things from that same interview on GAC Backstory.. I hate that I upset him.. The truth is my statement was and STILL Is about how we as the new generation of country artists have to keep re-inventing country music to keep it popular. Just EXACTLY… The way Mr. Price did along hid journey as a main stream country artist.. Pushing the boundaries with his records. “For The Goodtimes” Perfect example with the introduction of a bigger orchestrated sound in country music.. It was new and awesome!!! I absolutely have no doubt I could have worded it better(as always ha!) and I apologize to Mr. Price and any other heroes of mine that it may offended.. I meant every word I said. Country music is my life and it’s future AND past is important to me. I’ll put my Lo(v)e and respect and knowledge About it up against anybody out there… ANYBODY…
1-24-13 (5:56 PM CST): Ray Stevens has also joined the fray saying, “I just heard Blake Shelton’s remarks about ‘old farts and jackasses’ and all I want to know is how he found out the title to my next single because it’s been a closely guarded secret here at the ‘Home.’ It will be available on vinyl or 8-Track at your nearest Tower Records store.” Brandon Fulson beat Ray to it though, recording a song “Old Farts and Jackasses.”
Dale Watson has also chimed in: “Ray price is the best voice in country music period !!!! And some supremely Mediocrre voice like this fuck Blake Shelton should whince!” He is the Lance Armstrong of country music !! HYPE, Mr. Miranda Lambert!”
1-25-13 (11:31 AM CST):
A few of Blake Shelton’s music peers have risen up to defend him. Martina McBride posted on Twitter, “Just catching up on this. We all know where your heart is Blake. Love you.” Chris Young posted on Twitter, “Love what you meant by your quote buddy. Know how much you love country music history. Love your music brother and who you are.”
Dale Watson has written a new song inspired by Blake Shelton’s comments
1-26-13 (3:14 PM CST): Country Music Hall of Famer and Blake Shelton friend Bobby Braddock weighed in on Facebook saying in part:
I think his point recently was that to be viable, country music has to keep reinventing itself. It’s clear from his statements that he’s terribly sorry that he’s offended his heroes like Ray Price. I think what’s controversial is not what he said but the way he said it. That was just Blake being Blake, going for the outrageous and trying to get a rise out of people.
1-26-13 (4:24 PM CST): Jean Shepard is the latest to chime in, saying, ““We’ve got a young man in country music who has made some pretty dumb statements lately. What did he say? That traditional country music is for old farts and jack-you-know-whats? Well, I guess that makes me an old fart. I love country music. I won’t tell you what his name is”¦.but his initials is BS”¦.and he’s full of it!”
Ray Price’s Facebook page was apparently blocked because of his Blake Shelton comments. “HELLO FOLKS, SINCE I MADE THE COMMENT ABOUT BLAKE SHELTON, FACEBOOK HAS BLOCKED ME FOR 30 DAYS FROM ACCEPTING FRIENDS REQUESTS.
1-29-13 (10:41 AM): In response to Blake Shelton’s comments, Willie Nelson has renamed his current tour the “Old Farts & Jackass” tour. Also, on the 26th, Ray Price accepted Blake Shelton;s apology, saying in part, “I HAVE ACCEPTED BLAKE SHELTON’S APOLOGY TO ME PERSONALLY. I think Blake is a fine young man with a big future in Country Music. I AGREE that he should be given a chance to restore his credibility with the MILLIONS OF FANS who were deeply offended by those HURTFUL WORDS AND RENAMING US ALL AS…..well, you know what he said. I would regret it if the words I have spoken would in any way harm Blake personally or his career and his chances for the future.”
2-1-13 (12:20 CST): Country Weekly reports that Blake Shelton met with Ray Price prior to Ray’s performance at the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma on Thursday (1-31). Price also invited Blake Shelton up on stage where he warmly introduced him to the audience. Durant is about an hour from where Blake Shelton lives with Miranda Lambert, who also attended the Ray Price performance. See Photo of Blake, Ray, and Miranda. and Photo on Ray’s Bus
2-6-13 (8:20 CST): Joe Don Rooney of Rascal Flatts has weighed in on Blake Shelton’s comments, saying in part, “Country music does have to evolve and it has evolved to where it is, and it’s going to keep evolving into whatever it’s going to be. I think that’s kind of his point, from my side, being serious, he’s kind of right. But, he didn’t have to be so edgy about it.”
Evangelist Records has posted a new “official” video for Dale Watson’s song “Old Farts & Jackasses.”
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Blake Shelton’s comments can be seen at the very end of this video. UPDATE: THE VIDEO OF BLAKE SHELTON MAKING THE COMMENTS HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CLAIM.
Thanks to Greg Morris for the tip on this story.
February 1, 2013 @ 10:41 am
Hey Trig, Blake and his wife Miranda went to Ray Price’s show in Oklahoma, and met with him backstage. There’s a picture and article on the Country Weekly site:
February 1, 2013 @ 11:12 am
Thanks for the update CJ!
May 21, 2016 @ 4:40 am
My family are all musicians. So I like and respect all musicians and what they do. So when I here this bobble head wannabe disrespect the founders. I don’t get it. Does he think he’s the king of country. Does he think he’s better than everyone else. I just don’t understand.
October 5, 2016 @ 9:48 pm
I do look who and where he hangs out at now. There is hardly any true country music on the voice 2016 0ct. Now who’s really running him hmmmmm
February 1, 2013 @ 12:52 pm
What’s the difference between a jackass and Blake Shelton?
One is presently married to Miranda.
December 26, 2021 @ 8:17 pm
I think Blake Shelton is a pos,all him and the rest of these country wannabes sing is called redneck rap. The sons of bitches can’t even carry a tune ,that’s why their music is so loud to cover up the fact they can’t sing!
The Month In Country Music: January 2013 | American Songwriter
February 1, 2013 @ 1:46 pm
[…] Blake Shelton got in hot water with his colorful comments about country music’s evolution and it not being “grandpa’s music” anymore. Artists were picking sides as comments flew between parties on what country is and was. More […]
July 1, 2016 @ 8:32 am
And just think one day your going to be an old fart and nobody is going to remember you”
February 1, 2013 @ 11:40 pm
Old farts, jackasses and Blake Shelton…..What’s the difference? Well old farts and jackasses know better then to spew shit from their mouths.
February 2, 2013 @ 1:54 pm
I do not mind the new singers trying to make a name for themselves. Just don’t do it under the guise of country music. If you still like classic country as it was meant to be, come to Texas & listen to Jody Nix, Jake Hooker, Justin Trevino, Curtis Potter, Bobby Flores or Amber Digby. I am proud to be in the class of old farts & jackasses.
March 22, 2016 @ 10:49 am
When I was a bit younger, I used to hear these talented singers at all sorts of small venues across Texas. I always thought to myself, “why aren’t these guys in Nashville and on my radio? I never figured it out as they clearly had the talent. Maybe they just never got the gimmick part down.
Oh and thank you for that list. I have some research to do now.
January 26, 2023 @ 8:25 pm
I play around in the music business I used to entertain a little bit and I cut a record one time in the late ’70s. I tremendously love old country music, but different people have different ideas and tags which is okay with me. I personally don’t like much of the new so-called country music out there. But that doesn’t mean it’s all bad or all good. I’m 67 years old and when I show my ass and play some good old hardcore story country music younger people really dig it, some of them hear songs they never heard before. Me personally if it’s not from the old school way back there I’m not interested in it
February 2, 2013 @ 7:18 pm
It seems like Blake is one of many recording what big labels and radio dictate. “Evolve” doesn’t have to mean go all out pop and pop/rock and lose most or all of the country music. Country radio playing pure pop and not playing pure country songs or enough female songs is a total turn off. There’s no balance. Even if kids buy more music, it’s a mistake to lose so much country. You don’t see pop artists saying pop music has to evolve to survive then putting twang in their songs or making pure country albums. If loving country music makes me a jackass then I’m a proud one.
February 7, 2016 @ 7:47 am
Pop music has evolved though, just like Country has. And MANY pop singers have taken influences from Country music over the years and put in into their music! There is a place for BOTH traditional and progressive music. It’s a mistake for anyone to say otherwise.
April 14, 2017 @ 2:27 pm
Yeah, but just don’t call it country music. It’s all pop music marketed toward southern frat boys. Country music is supposed to have an urban feel to it, and drum machines just take that away. If you want evolving country music, then check out bands like Reckless Kelly and Micky & The Motorcars. They both don’t sound traditional, but they aren’t prepackaged either, and sometimes dip into rock & roll as well. To me, that’s what evolution is, not just letting studio hacks write your music for you.
Not Your Grandpa’s Music « The Hits Just Keep On Comin'
February 5, 2013 @ 11:04 am
[…] been some debate over the state of country lately thanks to the kerfuffle caused when Blake Shelton, the Country Music Association’s reigning Entertainer of the Year, […]
February 6, 2013 @ 9:32 pm
I know I’m a nobody in the country world but I think that comment was crap. I’m all about music up and coming but my favorite is Johnny Cash and I’m 29. And guess whose page I follow…Johnny Cash..not his. I also follow Ray Charles and was one of my favorites concerts I’ve ever seen at 17. Right before he got sick. He’s just upset he can’t keep up with Zac Brown Band and the great music that George Strait just put out. Glad McGraw’s back toO!!!!
February 7, 2013 @ 11:29 am
Blake Shelton is to country music like Peyton Manning is to basketball. What an arrogant little prick. He just insulted all the country legends and after he realizes what hes done, gives it the old “thats not what I meant”. Guess what Blake? Too late, you’ve showed your true colors. I wonder how many fans you lost over that one.
February 10, 2013 @ 8:13 pm
Blake Shelton has no respect for country music or it’s history. He say’s “evolve” Evolve into a new genre? I don’t see anyone saying bluegrass needs to evolve or pop needs to evolve or how about the Blues or Jazz..nope evolve means country music is not a genre. I wish Blake Shelton would take his big head & big mouth and evolve right out of country music..for good. Take that witch he calls a wife with him.
February 10, 2013 @ 9:07 pm
One more thing. Shelton didn’t mind doing Austin, Old Red, The Baby, to come up the ladder, but when he got there, he started creating his version of country, wanted to throw some rock out there. All well and good, now he’s too good for the same songs that got him where he is. He’s in his mid 30’s, getting up there in age, his fan base his getting oder too..leaving the honkey tonks & starting families, outgrowing Blake Shelton & Gun Powder n Lead too. So ol’ BS will soon discover the people you step on on your way up the ladder you’re going to see on the way down.
Heard Natalie Maines is releasing a “rock” album..maybe that’s where BS & his wife need to “evolving”, it being a respected genre and all, unlike Country Music it seems.
February 11, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
How ’bout Blake & Keith Urban & Travis Tritt form a trio.
Then we can all not pay to see all the still talent hungry folks @ one tiime.
Save a lot of time & effort.
Who ever questioned their S.O. “Who R U when I’m not looking”? W.T.F.?
And what the hell is I’m your Mississippi, Your my Conway Twitty about? Haven’t heard such bad bubblegum music since Paul Revere & the Raiders!
February 11, 2013 @ 9:04 pm
O, B.T.W.,
Hope to hell this doesn’t hurt Bobby Braddock’s reputation/legacy, after such a great writing career, for believing in this no talent asshole!
Guess everyone’s entitled to 1 mistake (but not 3 or 4 Blake).
February 20, 2013 @ 4:38 pm
I haven’t read the numerous comments here but felt compelled!!! I was weaned on “old fart” country, and that means Hawkshaw, Patsy, Loretta, Tubb, Snow, and of course Price(like the Crazy Arms Ray over the “For the Good times Ray< but, Whatever, it is called Evolution(change). I listen to Hank Sr(just last week) and then Hank III(very different), BUT is it? I don't have a problem with GROWTH and CHANGE, Just DON'T lose the HEART!!!. That's what I find missing in today's country. With Rascall Flatts POP SHIT(every song has to be a note fest, GODDAMIT, JUST SING THE SONG, Let Whitney REST IN PEACE, and Just sing the Melody!!!, Sorry I Digress!!!. Then You have some Nubies that aren't played on radio(Old 97's, Wayne Hancock, The Robinson's and all the other True Hearted Country Musicians out there. Look CASH made some of his BEST MUSI at the end with the AWESOME RICK RUBIN!!!, won Grammy's and was NOT played on Radio. I Avoid Radio in general these days (sirius excluded) gice me some CCR(Cross Canadian Ragweed!!!!!MISS U GUYS, Play it Cody C!!! Till My Next Rant Thanks for Readin"
February 27, 2013 @ 5:14 pm
Must be calling his wife an old fart and a jackass since she is a huge Haggard fan. He’s gonna be a busy boy with a laundry list full of chores. He can add that to his laundry list of washed up song lyrics.
March 10, 2013 @ 9:20 am
As a working musician who plays “old fart” and “jackass” music in/around Chicago, it seems to me there is genuine and steady interest in hearing what Dale Watson describes as “real country songs.”
Ironically, just yesterday, I heard Blake Shelton’s “It’d be Cool if You Did” on the radio. The first line’s “keep it real, like chill, like only have a drink or two” made me wonder who really talks like that, other than the “Valley Girl”? I then asked if the song would reference a truck. Sure enough, the answer came with the “moonlit Chevy bench seat” mention. What about a connection to country? There it is..”do a little country song, hanging on.”
So goes the “evolved” formula of today’s country music. Predictable. Superficial. Soulless. Forgettable. And Highly Profitable for a few.
Not surprisingly, this describes much of what currently ails this great country of ours (pun intended).
March 14, 2013 @ 3:32 pm
I WILL boycott Blakes TV Show and hope others will too. A one hit wonder trying to pretend he knows Country Music. The junk they are playing on the radio is NOT country, it’s POP. We need more artists like Jamey Johnson and Dwight to fill the shoes of our “Old Farts”, who will always have more talent than Blake will ever have. I think he needs to do a duet with someone like Madonna. Please Blake, stop calling yourself country, and see if you can make a living in another genre.
April 21, 2013 @ 11:21 am
He did a duet with Christina Aguilera.
March 29, 2013 @ 10:04 am
It’s about respect. Blake Shelton would not be having his 15 minute of fame if the way had not been paved by the Godfathers and Godmothers of Country music. They paid their dues the hard way, and Mr. Shelton didn’t have to work at it like they did, BECAUSE they did it the hard way.
You do NOT disparage someone who made it possible for you to get what you have! The old farts know this, and the young jackazzes like Blake Shelton do not.
I buy records. I listen to stations that play classic country. I call the stations that play the bubble-gum pop that passes for country these days, and I tell them I want to hear “REAL” country! I also tell them, and I tell their advertisers, that I am less inclined to do business with them because of the junk they put on the air. One of the stations I’ve called has now begun having a classic country hour every day. It’s not much, but it’s a start. Hit them in their wallets, that’s how you make a change.
April 13, 2013 @ 11:35 am
I’ve heard Blake and I know Dale. The deal is, Dale is right. I’ve written for Dale. I know the man. He’s the real deal.
Blake isn’t about anything evolving. He’s about recycling r & b cliches into “country” music, and there is an element of unintended race theft in there. And seriously, why does every singer have to go histrionic in order to place on his show? Nuance is not often regarded, sometimes but not a lot. It’s all about blowing the top off of the melody with as many filagree notes as humanly possible. It’s about chest thumping, not emotion. Blake, sometimes a whisper speaks louder than a scream.
Blake’s vision is NOT country. It isn’t narrative. It has no soul, except plastic soul. Blake’s country is retread and retreat, not any evolution. Dale takes the medium to a higher level through justifiable stages through is brilliant wordplay and strong sense of narrative design.
I’ll toss my hat, which I don’t have but I guess I’d buy, with Dale Watson over Blake Shelton any old day of the country week.
April 18, 2013 @ 10:29 am
Blake, you ought to grow your hillbilly mullet back to remind you not to get above your raising.
April 21, 2013 @ 7:38 am
Mybe Blake and his contemporary country music cronies should stop dropping the names of all the old farts and jackasses in their songs if they are so irrevelant in todays “evolving” country music!
April 29, 2013 @ 8:22 pm
Mybe Blake and his contemporary country music cronies should stop dropping the names of all the old farts and jackasses in their songs if they are so irrevelant in todays “evolving” country music!
May 4, 2013 @ 5:08 am
Guess what Blake, my son is 11 and he listens to Merle , Willie, Johnny, Eddie, but cant name one of your songs. I am just 4yrs older than Blake, I suppose that makes me an old fart.
May 7, 2013 @ 1:06 pm
Sorry but country music sucks the whole genre is made up of ignorant rednecks singing about beer, dogs, and their wife leaving them.
May 20, 2013 @ 3:28 pm
Everybody knows that new country is a fucking joke. Anyone who knows anything about real music knows that new country is totally worthless. Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Waylon Jennings etc are some of the greatest songwriters and American musical artists in history. I have played in bands for 20 years everything from jazz to punk, and every musician I know loves classic country and thinks new or pop country sucks. Blake Shelton and the rest of those new country Nashville douche bags are probably the least respected musicians in the world.
June 3, 2013 @ 9:38 pm
I used to like Blake, but since he considers people over 40 old farts and jackasses,I don’t like him anymore. I thank he has a sucky attitude and he is also very rude. where the young people of today be if it weren’t for the one he old farts and jackasses? He has let his success go to his head. Is that what ge calls his parents?
June 19, 2013 @ 9:33 pm
Any classical music lover will be hurt by Blake Shelton’s comments. He should not use words in that way. Although one can do and say anything to be the talk of the town.
September 11, 2013 @ 6:37 pm
Call me nuts but this poster seems to have briefly skimmed the word “classic” in the title, made a comment about how Blake Shelton (also in the page title) said some bad things about it, and wrote a generic comment about it with a link associated with his post under his name that leads to a coupon scam.
June 23, 2013 @ 5:36 pm
I’m only 34 and I like classic Country, but I the “Classic Country” I grew up is there early 1990s Country i.e. Garth Brooks, Suzy Bogguss, Brooks and Dunn, Confederate Railroad, Reba, Vince Gill- that to me is “Classic Country”. As a teenager I discovered I liked older Country too- such as Patsy Cline, Ray Price, and The Carter Family, and others. But mainly because of nostalgia reasons. To me, Pop Country in the early 1990s was the perfect match of true Country music with a modern sound. It was new and fresh, but it was still Country. It had beauty and asthetics. Today’s Country is nothing like that. Its very bland and very annoying in many ways. When people say they hate Country music -its the stuff on the radio they are talking about. I play real Country music for people, and they have changed their minds about the genre.
June 26, 2013 @ 12:34 pm
The classic country I grew up with was more in the 1960’s and 1970’s. In fact I was listening to the likes of George Jones and Loretta Lynn at a time when many if not most of my contemporaries were into folks like Led Zeppelin. I do think it’s a shame that there is a dearth of the more classic sound on so-called country radio today. Folks such as Jason Aldean and Julianne Hough wouldn’t have been considered country artists a generation ago, even though there always has been some melding of country and pop songs going back to the likes of Patsy Cline and Slim Whitman. But in the past couple of decades mainstream country radio wouldn’t play the likes of George Jones because he was considered “too country”. Too country for country radio? Now isn’t that a bit like telling a baseball player he can’t play because he is too good a hitter?
August 6, 2013 @ 12:08 pm
Blake Shelton, your highness, I would like to remind you that John Denver was also once CMA Male Vocalist of the Year. So much for an award making you “The leader of country music.”
Don’t get too full of yourself hoss.
The same fans that took you to the top, can take you right back down to the root cellar.
August 19, 2013 @ 1:54 am
Blake missed the point entirely. There’s a huge difference between “evolving” and “devolving”. Modern Country is a devolution and it keeps on spiraling down, and is being fueled by the fact that some are trying to make it sound like “hip hop”. NEWS FLASH — folks! That’s the best way to kill it.
Some folks in high places better think that one through. CM can evolve all right, but along classical lines. That’s the only way it can survive.
September 4, 2013 @ 11:24 am
Most of this thread sounds like a visit to the local vinyl record store here, or as I call it “old fart day care.” No matter when you go in there, you’ll find an assortment of sixty-somethings bullshitting that none of today’s music (pop, country, or any other) is worth a crap, but the past was all pure gold and boyoboyoboy, didn’t we fuckin’ rock back then. That, muscle cars, and Tea Party politics are the only topics allowed; and if you don’t like it, then get the fuck out of our store and go get a haircut, boy!
They live in the past and walk around wearing horse blinkers. Sure, there’s lousy music now; there was lousy music 50 years ago too. Fabian and Patty Duke, anybody? (It may actually be a duty for each generation to proclaim the next’s music is shit. That’s what they said about Sinatra and Glenn Miller in great-grampa’s day too, and guess what happened?)
Appreciate the past, sure, but enjoy the best of the present too, and look forward to the future. Listen with open ears and stay young at any age. P.S. I’m 58 meself.
November 28, 2014 @ 10:29 pm
“They live in the past and walk around wearing horse blinkers. Sure, there”™s lousy music now; there was lousy music 50 years ago too. Fabian and Patty Duke, anybody? (It may actually be a duty for each generation to proclaim the next”™s music is shit. That”™s what they said about Sinatra and Glenn Miller in great-grampa”™s day too, and guess what happened?) ”
You nailed it ‘thatkid’ . There was a ton of B-A-D music around in the 50′ s and 60’s . There’s always been a ton of bad music around…yes even lots of BAD country music . The difference today , I believe , is that it wasn’t HARMFUL bad music . It didn’t celebrate alcohol song after song … it didn’t stereotype and even degrade women …it didn’t display fake accents …it didn’t repeat its tired , shallow themes endlessly for 5-6 years running AND it was REAL music …not machine -generated drums , keyboards , and auto-tuned vocals . Last but not least , where country music is concerned , it celebrated the talents and creativity of some GREAT players of traditional country instruments including fiddle , dobro , banjo , steel guitar , harmonica ,mandolin and others.Most of those instruments are all but gone on most mainstream pop-country ‘songs’ .
September 8, 2013 @ 1:23 am
Great article. I’m a punk/indie/hip-hop guy who listens to everything under the sun, including old country. I don’t much care for most modern country music except the Dixie Chicks who are still incredibly great (as people and as songwriters/singers).
All weekend I’ve been listening to Loretta Lynn and Hank Williams… my two favorite country artists. I was in the mood after seeing Coal Miner’s Daughter for the second time in my life (the first time was like, in 1985 or something). I forgot how damn good Loretta Lynn’s older music is, and I just got in the mood.
So I did a google search for “old country music more genuine and real” and found this article.
Again, great read.
I wish more people in general would be open to old country. Sure, the vocal twang is an acquired taste, but… there are three reasons I think classic country is incredibly important:
1. It’s completely real, and was made by people who needed to write songs, to express their feelings about being poor and going the route of so many before them: working their butts off, only to live a life, tired and poor, and eventually die much younger than they’re supposed to. These songwriters needed to write to get catharsis… and all of the songs clearly show their passion and emotion, and humility.
2. It was about the SONGS, back then… not people with perfect DNA… gifted, gorgeous women and gifted, gorgeous men… it wasn’t about that, AT ALL. It was about good or great voices, great lyrics, and the SONGS themselves. That’s why any of Loretta Lynn’s hits still resonate today, in September 2013. That’s why Hank’s hits still resonate, over 60 years after his death. That’s why “Ring Of Fire” is so damn good…. it’s pure and it’s completely truthful. And ANYONE who’s ever been in love can relate to the subject matter. I may not be able to relate to Loretta Lynn singing “Coal Miner’s Daughter” but god DAMN, is that a good song! And furthermore, I can’t personally relate to “Don’t Come Home A-Drinkin’ (With Lovin’ On Your Mind”, but….. as a person who does not drink at all (and never has my whole life), I can relate to the woman’s point of view, as horny alcoholics are probably some of the most annoying creates on planet earth. These songs just RESONATE, man…. in ways so much music does not.
3. The South, in general…. may have its quirks and by and large, I think a lot of people think southerners and “country” folk are stupid people, but I would completely disagree. Some of the best people I have ever known in my life are from the south. My current roommate and friend is a good dude. He is an indie-rocker/intellectual (like myself), but talking to him about music, life, the south (a place I have only briefly visited, and this was only Athens, GA— the rest of my knowledge of the south comes from reading and watching movies and documentaries)…. but yeah, there’s a realness that you can’t quite get from a lot of other places in the United States. I currently live outside of Philadelphia and I have found this area to be largely phony, shallow, and boring. I would move to Tennessee or Kentucky in a heartbeat if I didn’t have a stable, good job up here. But I can’t relate to ANYONE here, ultimately… I’m not cut out for the pretentious b.s. that comes with the middle-class or upper middle-class. I prefer my friends and music to be REAL, and that’s something that I have to give to the south, in general. Working-class people are some of the best people in this country (as long as they’re not douchebags or mean in general). Again… there’s just a realness that isn’t present in a lot of other parts of the United States.
So yeah…. I’m so glad classic country exists… and I wish more people out there would listen to it. They’d become a lot more humble, educated, and kind if they listened to Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, the absolutely perfect Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Conway Twitty, etc… on a regular basis.
On a side note, lately I’ve been dabbling with writing some old-timey country songs (I’m a singer/songwriter), and learning a lot of these classics just for fun… and, while I don’t have a southern accent (I’m from New Jersey), I still love this stuff, and writing it… because I’m a genuine person, and I want everything I write to reflect this. That’s something you get from all that old country stuff, and that’s something you DON’T get, with most new country.
Thanks for hearing me out,
Chris Caulder
March 8, 2014 @ 6:26 pm
Good Lord, you expect someone to read all of that? There’s over 500 comments before you and you write a book?
September 8, 2013 @ 1:27 am
typos in my comment above: I meant “annoying creatures” not “annoying creates”… haha
September 8, 2013 @ 11:00 am
Blake Shelton is a piece of shit. He sucks ass big time. He and all the other so called country artists today suck big time. Miranda Lambert sucks too.
Kathy Mattea > Miranda Lambert
September 10, 2013 @ 5:58 pm
Blake is a hypocrite. He has no respect for older people. I am not watching his show any more. Blake chose 67 year old Cher to work as his mentor this year on The Voice. Cher is a fool if she does not know what Blake said about people her age.
Mainstream Country Music Makes Me Want To Throw Up | For The Country Record
September 22, 2013 @ 8:39 am
[…] this year, Blake made a bold comment about how “nobody wants to listen to their grandpa”™s music. And I don”™t care how many of […]
November 8, 2013 @ 8:56 am
I would LOVE to PUNCH This JERKWAD PUNK!.(BIG mouth Blake) right in his LARGE PUNK Mouth!. and IF I ever get around him I WILL!!!!!! So if you read this Mr Big mouth You got a shot in the chops IF I ever get within punching distance!,And I mean it! stinking Irreverent PUNK!. He needs to take care of his Fat assed Wife.
Making Lewd comments about my heroes makes me see REDDDDDDDDDDDD.
I don’t know WHO told him he could sing He CAN’T!.
December 18, 2013 @ 1:27 pm
Well, Blake, I have no idea what you sing or how your voice sounds. I’m a rock and roll fan. I grew up, having to listen to classic country and I do like it, even though you won’t find my radio’s set for country stations. I do love Alan Jackson, Conway Twitty, Tammy Wynett and I few others. Looks like you inserted your foot in your mouth. Maybe you need a mouth monitor. But hey, this has happened to us all. Lesson you should learn: DON’T EVER SAY ANYTHING THAT STUPID AGAIN. You were just having a Dixie Chic moment. At least you were in the USA and not in a foreign country. Carry on dude. Pray you aren’t finished as a performer.
February 22, 2014 @ 12:02 pm
Actually, I don’t know who sent down the decree saying that “country music MUST evolve”. If it evolves organically, naturally, while building upon country’s foundations, that’s one thing. That’s not what’s happening. This is an artificial, forced “evolution”, kind of like growth hormones force-fed to cattle or something, all for the sake of capturing, fleetingly, that nebulous youth market. Guess what, at some point, they grow up (one hopes). Then what? If the next generation, raised with rap as the backdrop of their lives, doesn’t like anything about what makes country, country, will the music be artificially “evolved” into the extinction of country music?
This used to be music from the heart, about real people and their lives. The issues may be somewhat different now, but the people are the same.
I was watching a documentary about the history of country music, a British-production. All through the documentary, the country music figures in it had a similar refrain, every generation of them, from the Original Carter Family right up to the outlaws and beyond, and that was this-every one of them mentioned authenticity, reality, genuineness. Until they interviewed Shania Twain. Now I’m not putting all this on her shoulders, but she was the one they interviewed, and this was her word-it was “fantasy”. She said something to the effect that she loved creating a fantasy. It sounded, to my ears, that she never understood the thing which always distinguished country music (as it does blues music), which makes it different, and that thing is authenticity. Not a caricature of it, as with the truck and beer songs, but the connection to real people mainly of the working, and these days, the shrinking middle class.
All the country greats who went before had this in common, They might tweak the sound, they might push the envelope, but it was always real, and stayed within certain paradigms, or else country music would not be country, it would be blues or rock or folk.
The documentary pointed out that bluegrass has managed to hold onto its roots precisely because the people within it know they won’t be becoming millionaire celebrities (Alison Krauss being an anomoly), and anyone who goes into it knows that. They will make a living to one extent or another, but they have to have a love for the music and maintaining the music, or they chose the wrong metier.
December 23, 2014 @ 11:03 am
Hey Melanie,
I just ran across this thread today, as I missed it when it first appeared. Thank
you for expressing so succinctly and eloquently what is the heart of the matter.
It is simply impossible for me to find a connection to almost all of the artificial content and entertainers who are being cranked out by the Music Row greedheads these days.
Mr. Shelton is especially egregious to me because he fancies himself a spokesman
for this crap. He needs to sober up, find some humility, and start all over again with
a serious approach to the great tradition of American “Country” music. Then we
might find out if he has a talent for it.
Ben Jones
March 8, 2014 @ 2:21 pm
I started as a Country Radio dj in 1967 at am 630 KYAK Anchorage at 20 years of age. Had the pleasure of meeting dozens of the legends while working at WKMF Flint, KVEG Las Vegas, and WCXI Detroit. Blake Shelton’s had some fine tunes, notably the Baby, Who are You when i’m not looking, and Ol Red. He’s a talented charismatic singer. But just like the Dixie Chicks he found out free speech can be costly. You don’t “label” everyone who likes Classic Country ANYTHING. I run a mobile dj service where i play everything from family Pumpkin Farms to wedding receptions, huge civic events, Car Shows and the like. And you wouldn’t BELIEVE the 15, 20, and 25 year old guys and gals who come up and say “thanks for playing the Waylon and Patsy and Jones….radio won’t play ’em”. Many of today’s newer artists respect the heritatge of Classic Country and many don’t. Blake’s been candid about his battle with the bottle and it was gracious of Ray Price to forgive him and of Blake to apologize. As for Keith Urban, Taylor Swift and the like–fine artists and people but no more country than a Manhatten Taxicab. Classic country will live forever because the singer’s VOICE was mixed ABOVE the background music, the artists were unique in that you could tell a Jean Shepard Jimmy Dickens Waylon George Jones or Ray Price song from the first 3 notes….and the songs told a STORY. Much of new country is as Merle Haggard said a few years ago “overproduced and underfelt, assembled not played, and overdubbed NOISE.” I cried for an hour the day Waylon, George Jones and Ray Price died. The feeling they put in music appeals to EVERYONE, thank God for that. Sincerely, Dan McPhail, Classic Country Radio and live mobile dj from Burton Michigan
March 8, 2014 @ 5:59 pm
SCM also asks that people be respectful to Blake in their comments.”
Wow Trigger you’re asking a lot. I will try.
Blake doesn’t know anything about country music and its roots. Should we really be offended when he refers to traditionalist as an old geyser? To me it is just evidence of how far removed he is from what country music is all about. It is true that the young support the music industry in pop and perhaps other music culture. However, country music is the one industry where your fans do not abandon you as they age. I stop buying pop music in the 90’s, but I still buy my country music up until this day. Country music has always been the industry where there has never been much of a generation gap. My country music collection is and has always been the same as my moms. Not so with my pop collection. The reason why Pop tend to lose its audience as people age is because pop lyrics are often immature, stupid and/or trivial, lacking depth. The huge age distinction that you see in pop culture has never really existed in the genre of country music. You go to Waylan (when he was alive of course) and Willie concert, you see the young and old. And if you look at traditional country singers still today, like Hank 3, Jamey Johnson and Sturgil Simpson, you will notice that the age range is all over the map. That is what country is all about.
May 23, 2014 @ 6:17 pm
What has happened to common sense….You should be able to like any type of music, I love old country and my granddaughters like One Direction and Lady Gaga I do have major problem with name calling because you don’t agree with someone….BLAKE(GET A LIFE).
December 12, 2015 @ 11:40 am
Did you ever live in Montgomery?
August 18, 2014 @ 3:12 pm
“Blake Shelton has landed in hot water before for making inflammatory comments, especially on his infamous Twitter account. In May of 2011 Blake got in trouble for seemingly advocating violence against gays by re-writing the words to a Shania Twain song. The singer later apologized.”
Fuck him for apologizing. We’re Southrons, with deep Christian morality, which means we should never pander to homosexuals. If they don’t like our laws, and our way of life, then all them queers can move up North!
By the way, I don’t even listen to the radio unless it’s NPR’s bluegrass segments on the weekends. Country music is rarely if ever played on the radio nowadays. It commercially died in the mid-00’s, but you can still find new country music on youtube. God bless Zac Brown for at least trying to keep the music alive, but he’s just one man. Country music has been sold up river to the Yankees; the Labels don’t care about us anymore.
September 25, 2014 @ 2:09 pm
Sure…I’ll weigh in on this one. I’m 53 and enjoy all of it. Bluegrass, classic country, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond as well as today’s new country. The songs today excite me just as much as the songs from yesterday. Music changes and so do we. Sounds to me like Blake got caught up in the moment and forgot who laid the road that got him here. There is something to be learned and loved from every generations music. Embrace change AND honor the past. We are allowed to do both!
September 26, 2014 @ 2:51 pm
Country music has not evolved into anything except rock music. Rap took over rock music so rock stars turned to country. Now some country songs have rap in them also. I guess when people get tired of rap then rap will be the new country.
October 18, 2014 @ 7:28 pm
I can easily remember some of the WORST country songs ever made, because even the worst of them had some kind of redeeming quality. But, I couldnt tell you ANY of Blake Sheltons song titles, because he isn’t a country artist. He doesnt have any talent and he doesnt have any redeeming qualities. My Father, played Country Western musice for 50 years and had a great following. I remember asking him once, “why do the pop artists sell so many records, when their music stinks”?
My Dad said, “Well son, 98 % of the world has taste for S#@T! ” And he is right!
Just because you sell a billion records, doesn’t mean you have real talent, it just means most of the world has no clue what good music is.
Country Western music, is what made AMERICA great, and Blake Shelton had no part in it!
October 18, 2014 @ 10:35 pm
Man …there is some INCREDIBLY good new country music around …some stunningly creative writing , performances and WONDERFULLY talented musicians . It’s just not on mainstream radio . There’s also some timeless country music around …the stuff that still connects generation after generation . In a lifetime , none of us could ever hear all of the amazing stuff that’s been recorded . But again …its NOT the stuff on today’s radio . Like all other forms of pop entertainment from network TV to 95% of the movies released, it is watered -down lowest common denominator fare designed to make us buy leaf blowers , home alarm systems , laundry detergent and whatever- the- hell- else products we could never survive without . When we accept THIS fact , we understand why its called ” Commercial Radio ” . The song is a 3 minute jingle meant to hold our attention between advertising spots . Its not meant to enlighten , educate , convert , inform , support , encourage or , otherwise , impress anyone . Its ONLY purpose is to engage ( hypnotize ) us long enough that we’ll hear the next thing they want to sell us . And that’s it . Pretty simple right ? So why , knowing that and LIVING it most of our lives , do we still complain at all ? C’mon …we all have access to the REAL stuff from a dozen different sources …most of them ad-free . No one has a gun at our heads forcing us to listen to Jason Aldean or Blake or Little Big Town’s latest tripe . If you enjoy being pandered to as part of the lowest common denominator … my guest . If you don’t then tap into to all of the other options .
October 20, 2014 @ 4:51 am
I dont even listen to music via the radio. Ill use Pandora or some other vehicle to listen to the old REAL country. Ill admit that there are some very good artists out there, continuing the heritage of country western music, they just dont get any air time on the lame stream stations. I still buy music, but only the good stuff. I couldnt even tell you who was on the country music awards for the last 10 years, because most of the people on there arent interesting, arent talented, arent enjoyable to listen to. Ill be arrogant and say that I am a listener of only fine country western music. The rest of the crap they play for the masses, is trash
November 20, 2014 @ 12:07 pm
You know one day Taylor Swift will learn how to stay on key and Sheldon will learn how to be graceful. He is a product of our totally disrespectful society today and that is our fault people. We made them and let them thrive by giving them everything and making them think they are entitled all the way.
In the 60s when the OLD FARTS were popular Sheldon would have been a lounge singer at best. The industry is exactly as Merle Haggard said. “In the old days the recording labels heard someone who was great and they worked to make them a star. It really didn’t matter what they looked like but today they find someone good looking and it don’t matter if he or she can sing they market the hell out of them even if they can’t sing and have no personality”.
Right on Merle and you should know better than anyone you had to work for everything you got in your day not like the punks calling themselves stars today.
November 28, 2014 @ 6:15 pm
What a drunk, stupid statement from someone we will not think of, when they’re gone. Free radio has very few country artists. I would Never put “artist” in a description of people like Ga Fla Line (yuck) or Aldean. Enough people that slammed their faces into tackleboxes! George Straight and Alan Jackson , keep it real and thank you XM for offering real country music!
December 23, 2014 @ 9:02 am
I never listen to so-called Country anymore. You can’t mix true Country music with alternative, pop, nor rap. If you try to, you are showing your true colors. To me Blake Shelton is nothing. Today so-called Country is just big business with no talent. It’s all about appearance. Have you noticed how the true stars like Haggard, Jones and many more were always humble and appreciative of their fans? Go to a real Country Concert and see Gene Watson or Moe Bandy. Blake Shelton would not have enough talent to bring them a glass of water!
January 10, 2015 @ 10:06 pm
I know it’s been a year since this posted – but maybe ol’ BS should remember that Ricky Skaggs, Shania Twain, and the Dixie Chicks all won EOY too.
Maybe you should take that hillbilly bone and shove it up your a**.
January 12, 2015 @ 6:45 pm
Never wrote a comment on a message board. You guys should get over yourselves. I listen to ALL music–all years. Maybe those of us who will entertain listening to newer artists get sick and tired of listening to “the old farts” say we are idiots for not understanding that all new C&W music is trash and we are ignorant. And obviously many of you “jackasses” called him a no-talent artist–even before those comments. I’m old enough to know what they said about Willie’s and Waylon’s music (when progressive country became popular). It was a LOT worse.
April 8, 2015 @ 1:29 am
It is sad that a man like Mr. Shelton would say such a sad, sad comment. His comment was way further from the truth. My grandfather was born in Jalisco Mexico and rised in Los angeles in the 1920s then left back to northern Baja in 1932 where my father was born in the 1950s. My grandfather took back with him a huge love for country music!! My father at the age of 10 knew the lyrics of Red River Valley, the chisome trail and My Bonnie before he ever spoke a lick of English. In my family listening to country music was as common a listening to Mariachi or Norteño music. So when Mr. Shelton said no one wants to listen to their grandpas music, well I do!!! I’m 33 and have been listening to my grandfather music my whole life!!!! My favorite artist are Hank William Sr, Gene Augry, Johnny Cash, Earl Sruggs with my newest artist would Alan Jackson. If I want rock I’ll listen to rock if I want rap (which I truly dislike) I would listen to rap. But please keep country what it truly is country!!!!! Back wood loveing, cattle ranching, tractor driving, GOD fearing, family loving, honcky tonk heart breaking music that makes you proud to be an AMERICAN!!!!!
May 3, 2015 @ 3:29 am
The reason older folks are not buying music is because most of it is trash and we don’t want to listen to it. Today’s music sounds like pop music to me and not real country so I don’t buy any of it.
March 28, 2016 @ 10:04 am
Fortunately, America is a free country. We can all listen to what we like. I am a huge fan of true country and that’s my genre of choice whether I’m listening or buting. I do a let of both.
I’ve been a fan os Blake Shelton most of his career. If you notice, the majority of talent he chooses on The Voice is down to earth country. I just think he has let his mouth and celebrity get him in a jam. Now he has to prove to all of us jackasses and old farts that he really knows what got him where he is. He can fall as faster than he went up.
August 26, 2015 @ 12:25 pm
The problems I have with this “new” country music are myriad. First, it all sounds exactly – and I do mean exactly – alike. There’s nothing unique from one of these performers to the next. Nothing that stands out. Nothing that you can listen to and say (for example), “That’s definately the Sons of the Pioneers”, or “That’s Johnny Cash”. There’s no way to have a unique, distinctive sound in “New Country”.
Secondly, it’s barely even music at all anymore. Their “singing” has become little more than a cross of mere talking combined with whining. It’s not SINGING. There’s no emotion captured in “talk whining”.
Thirdly, going back to originality, the subject matter of every one of them is exactly the same. Some guy gushing over how intoxicated he is with some girl.
The thing is, country music used to be written for GUYS. But, now, it’s written for women. And it says the things women want to hear. And the guys that listen to it are living vicariously through the singer, pointing at his girlfriend and saying “That’s what I mean, right there”. The new genre is aimed at giving women heartthrobs as clickbait, and the guys just tag along because, hell, it makes the girls happy and in the long run that might work out good for them at the end of the evening. It’s truly pathetic.
Country music used to be, and ought to be about REAL MEN, working hard, doing their best to get by, and ejoying what they can while it lasts. Even the women in country used to be on that same topic, ala “Standy by Your Man”… “Jolene”…, etc.
There are a few holdouts, but even they don’t really qualify as “New Country”. They are actually traditionalists themselves. Brooks and Dunn. Alan Jackson, etc.
February 7, 2016 @ 7:52 am
Country music has always included love songs about men talking to ladies. It’s not new. George Jones and Conway Twitty were, in part, country crooners with romantic songs on their albums!
April 6, 2016 @ 5:49 am
I am of the ‘younger set’. Maybe I’m not of college age, but I’ve just hit my 30s.
What constitutes ‘country music’ today disheartens me. I grew up on names like Jennings, Haggard, Jones, Strait, Nelson, and Parton. I remember being disappointed even in my teens when Shania went pop, when Rimes went from covering Patsy Cline to churning out pop song after pop song.
Now, I have an eclectic taste. I love country, yes. I also just attended a Megadeth/Children of Bodom show a couple weeks ago. I love that Volbeat incorporates elements of Cash into some of their songs. If you listen to the opening of “Sad Man’s Tongue”, the feeling is old school, true country influence.
Blake Shelton can speak for himself. If I’m given the choice between buying a ‘new country’ album and say, a George Jones album…
Mr. Jones is going to get my money every time. Maybe country music needs to evolve, but it isn’t evolution when it’s just turning into rock/pop/rap with guitars and banjos in the background, that’s assimilation.
May 14, 2016 @ 2:23 pm
It is so sad that Blake Shelton said this. I have a music taste that ranges from Hans Zimmer to Kelly Clarkson to Queen and I still happen to enjoy classic Country at a young age such as Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, and Dolly Parton. I also like some of the new acts as well such as Carrie Underwood and Brandy Clark. Between this and his Grand Ole Opry attendance, the Opry needs to fire Blake Shelton, as he is a poor example of what a real Opry member is.
June 25, 2016 @ 8:55 am
I don’t like the way Blake Shelton put this but then again I see where he is coming from. I am 29 and I am not an old fart, I may feel like one sometimes. I am more of a neotraditional country music fan which means I am an 80’s to early 90’s country music fan. However, I bet I can find a song I like from just about any era and/or genre of music. I do like some of the newer stuff but if you were to ask me which I prefer it would be the songs of George Strait, Alan Jackson, and the early work of Garth Brooks. I believe that with any form of entertainment you have to find ways to keep future generations tuned into your product by reinventing your music and/or yourself. I believe that it’s inevitable that everyone in country music has to change the style of their music to stay successful and only a select few don’t. Do I like it? Of course not but if I don’t like it then I just don’t listen to it.
July 5, 2016 @ 8:27 pm
Hi…. new here. New to the Bro controversy but I will say that I have subconsciously filtered and avoided pop country for all the reasons you guys discuss…. Shallow, monotonous themes about trucks, beer, girls in cutoffs, video reliant with lots of eye candy. It all has such a bubblegum feel about it. No substance. Its like 80’s New Wave trying to nudge in on Tom Petty, Journey, and the Eagles. I am not a fan of Blake’s. For one reason only. He doesn’t strike me as authentic. He comes across as contrived. Too many lyrics seem like desperate self-affirmations about how “country” he is trying to convince us and everyone else he is. FGL & Luke Bryan are the same way. Their lyrics reflect insecurities the same way the lifts on their trucks do. Why not just ‘be’ country, instead of tell everyone you are… rather, who you think you are. I don’t for a second expect to stand in the way of change. Change will happen, always has. I think my dislike is not just for the tasteless, shallow qualities of bro-country, but also its attempt to nudge quality country music out, and steal its identity as “country” music. Maybe it could be called “Category Invasion”. All I know is that I love great music that makes me think and feel on a deeper level, from artists I have a sense of trust and respect for. Jones, Buck, Dwight, and Alan to name a few. I’m new to this group so don’t know what outlooks are on Jason McCoy and Dierks, but enjoy them and dare say, that even if not in league with the legends, a long way from bro and I find substance and simplicity in most of their stuff.
July 15, 2016 @ 1:03 pm
Blake Shelton you are a poor excuse for a country singer. If it weren’t for the old farts and jackasses as you say you wouldn’t know how to pick up a guitar or a mic and know what to do with it. In my opinion you can’t sing anyhow and your music will not last a life time like the Old Farts and Jackasses. They are the real country music. OH and guess what your young generation downloads there music from the internet dumbass. I for one and I’m know several others that still buy CD’s and its not your damn shit. Its the real thing. You people don’t know how to sing and tell a story. Ya’ll just sing about your old red dog or red solo cup. What does that have to do with real life things. That’s just immature kids pop shit. You want last. We will be looking back in 2090 or later and I bet we can still not look up and know when Ray Price, George Jones, Merle Haggard, or any of the Old Farts and know who is singing. I sure as hell can’t tell who is singing in the new stuff without looking up to see who it is. These greats are known for the great voices and awesome stories in their music and always will be. I still buy there CD’s today and will till the day I die. That’s real country, Dumbass.
September 24, 2016 @ 6:37 pm
Country Music Has Finally Become A Huge Clichéd Joke
December 13, 2016 @ 5:40 am
[…] You’re bringing in bucket-loads of money from tours bro! In a similar response to criticisms, Blake Shelton retorted, “Well that’s because you don’t buy records anymore, jackass. The kids […]
January 5, 2017 @ 8:48 pm
Who cares. Shelton, and his contemporaries suck! Their music sucks. It has zero integrity, and is indigestible swill.
May 26, 2017 @ 7:54 am
I won’t comment on Blake Shelton but if what he meant to say is that Country music must evolve, then I would hope that he also can appreciate that in the process of evolving Country music would not become some form of rock, pop or something else. There are many new, young, artists continuing the tradition carved out by Hank Williams (Sr.), Merle Haggard and others considered “Classic Country”. To name a few: Diana Jones, Kelsey Waldon, Jason Eady, Courtney Granger and even some on major labels like Brandy Clark and Holly Williams (to come full circle).
The music only will stay alive to the extent it remains connected to its roots.
June 9, 2017 @ 8:34 am
Actually Blake I want to listen to my grandpa’s country music…. I will listen to Merle, Johnny, Hank, Hank Jr, Conway, Waylon, Charlie, Chris, Willie, etc etc etc … ANYDAY over most things made these days. Especially the crap that ‘country’ stations play…. the real country music is not getting recognition in Nashville…. todays country is Sturgill, Chris, Jamey, Cody, Whitey, etc… So yes… I want my grandpa’s country music because at least that country was GOOD.
June 29, 2017 @ 5:51 am
Hey Blake .You wouldn’t make a wart on a country singers ass. cant stand the way these punk asses use the so called country music today to get noticed.
June 29, 2017 @ 5:54 am
I said all I’m going to say about this POS
July 10, 2017 @ 7:24 am
and here we are 2017, and blake has shown his true colors. all he is , is a narcicist drunkin whore. he is going to a deep place . now hes on the blake shelton show off show, dumped another wife, who by the way, made bs what he is today, and hes going to try to slide his bobblehead bimbo into c.m.aint happenin on my radio. i turn the channel every time he comes on, trashed every cd i had of him. i dont care anymore. never liked him that much anyway. all he was to me was mirandas old man.glad shes moving on. if she ends with nobody, its better than being with him. shes expert at what she does anyway. he was just draggin HER down. hes trying to change cm, so he can bring bobblehead in the pucture with her squakin, howlin, i used to love you, but now im fuckin blake crap. get over yourself, nobody gives a shit about you, or your bitch but a handful. your both trifling individuals
July 10, 2017 @ 10:59 am
Sorry to say Blake is no spring chicken himself, i think making sorry ass comments about other music artists music like he did was so unprofessional.He is no country singer cause all he sings is song about how his love life went wrong. There is nothing wrong with that but don’t knock somebody’s else music if you don’t want to be criticized on your music. It’s to bad it took people like MIRANDA and GWEN to be recognized.
May 14, 2018 @ 9:12 am
September 7, 2018 @ 12:03 pm
“Flake Sheltscum” is STILL a phony, manufactured POP star…and I’ve heard better ‘music’ in an outhouse!
October 4, 2018 @ 4:25 pm
Blake let fame get to his head, which has unfortunately made him out of touch. His knowledge of country music history is repulsive. I hope he gets rid of his prejudiced attitude and not make America get a bad image.
October 22, 2018 @ 1:36 am
Blake who?
November 5, 2018 @ 7:00 am
Modern “country” music is made in the same factory by the same computers that make modern “r&b.” Autotuning except with fake twangy accents. Music by robots for robots. I wouldn’t cross the street to hear Shelton play for free, but I listen to Bob Wills every day.
People who can’t tell the difference between evolution and devolution have no right to comment on music of ANY kind – they need to look up the word “neophilia” and then STFU and let people who love music carry it into the future.
December 16, 2018 @ 1:10 am
Blake was good in the beginning. Remember “Austin?” I wouldn’t pay a nickel for anything he’s done since.
March 9, 2019 @ 10:01 am
Blake Shelton sux….that IS the bottom line…keep classic country playing..thank you Old Farts and Jackasses
September 8, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
Like with everything else, a lot of people feel that we must “evolve” and be “progressive.” What does that even mean, and who gets to decide whats progressive and evolutionary? If it ain’t broke, why do we always try to fix it. I’m not old, but I prefer grandpa’s old fart country over Blake Shelton any day of the week. Alan Jackson may be the last country singer standing and I still love his music. We’ll just have to see if today’s country holds up like Conway Twitty, Merle, etc. I bet it won’t bring back memories and touch people forever the way classic country does.