Bob Wayne’s “Till The Wheels Fall Off” & Duet w/ Hank3
Country music madman, the Outlaw Carnie Bob Wayne has just announced he has a new album coming out May 22nd, 2012 (April 9th in Europa) from Century Media called Till The Wheels Fall Off, and that the album will feature a duet with none other than Hank Williams III called “All My Friends” that will be released MONDAY (3-26-12). ***UPDATE – Song has been released and can be PURCHASED HERE.
“When I recorded my first album Blood to Dust, I had about 30 songs written to choose from.” Bob explains. “The next two albums I recorded were a lot of older songs that I had in the bank. Then with the Century Media release of Outlaw Carnie we made kind of a “best of” album. I can tell you this, this album is EXACTLY where I’m at right now in life!”
Bob Wayne began his country career after years in metal bands when touring with Hank3 as a guitar tech. Wayne and his song “Working Man” appeared on Hank3’s 2008 album Damn Right, Rebel Proud as a duet. His new album, just like all of his albums, was recorded by Hank3’s steel guitar player Andy Gibson, and Hank3 had a little input as well.
“I had just gotten home from 312 shows in 17 different countries with no break. The day I got home Andy and I started breaking everything out and getting it going. My ears were completely burned out from touring so hard and I had gone over to his (Hank3’s) house to play him some tracks and he gave it a listen. It was pretty funny because I thought we were almost done mixing, and he looked over at me and goes, ‘Wheres the acoustic guitar?’ Then I started really listening and he was right!”
Though Andy Gibson has always recorded Bob Wayne’s albums, Bob explains that the process has evolved dramatically over time.
“Back then we were recording on an 8 track machine. The next two records were also done in this fashion. As Andy helped with several more Hank 3 albums and a Goddamn Gallows album and several .357 String Band records, his studio became more and more advanced, better mics, more recording knowledge, better gear all around, etc. Also through the years I was touring constantly on these songs and I became more confident in my singing. I think that’s pretty obvious in the performance differences from my early recordings to now.”
“The funny thing is when I hear people talk about really liking the old cd’s and now that Century Media signed us were all overproduced or whatever, that’s really funny to me because they have nothing to do with the recording except give us money (laughing), it is still just me and Andy in here grinding it out. The biggest difference in the way we recorded back then and the way we record now is we track the drums and bass and acoustic guitar and vocals live. Before we didn’t have enough equipment to do that so we had to record everything one at a time. I really like recording the foundation of the record live as it is more true to what we actually sound like.”
Along with Hank3 and Andy Gibson, Wayne also had help on the album from Donnie Herron (BR549, Bob Dylan) on the title track that was written at the 2011 Muddy Roots Festival.
“It was at Muddy Roots hanging outside my camper one night. Brook from The Calamity Cubes happened to be walking by and Jean “La Diabla” from Holland was there as well. We ended up writing the song together right there in the campgrounds! A few fans even stopped by and listened! “Spread My Ashes On The Highway” is probably my favorite song on there. It actually kind of got me chocked up while writing it. The lyrics about all my friends quitting their jobs and hitting the road to travel and have fun kind of got to me. I actually wrote most of that driving by myself down some highway in Holland after playing the last show of a 312 day run.”
March 22, 2012 @ 11:20 am
Bob gave me the honor of hearing a few of the songs off this new album one night outside of a Hillbilly Casino and James Hunnicutt show in nashville. The songs were great(in my opinion) and I can’t wait to buy the album.
April 3, 2012 @ 2:37 am
Where we’re you man! Was lookin for ya at Layla’s, yeah that was cool meetin ya and gettin your input on that, we were in the middle of mixing right then, I think you’ll be stoked on the finished product
March 22, 2012 @ 11:51 am
FACT! Bob Wayne is the shit! I love seeing him play now because I have watched him from those early days and it kills me every time to see how far he has come. He always had it in him and he has honed his craft beautifully! He is easily one of my favorites out there now and I can’t wait to pickup this new record!
April 3, 2012 @ 2:41 am
Wow, yeah it’s funny when I started writing these songs it was about 10 years ago, I actually had zero intention on anything comming from it except fun around the campfire, then Hank 3 started getting me up on stage back in 06 and I realized that maybe I keep playing…..and I did! 😉 thanks for being along for the whole ride! Really hope you have fun with this new one!!
March 22, 2012 @ 12:00 pm
I think it was 2006 in Flint Michigan that was one of Bob’s first shows. I believe it was Psyopus who had been opening for III couldn’t make the show so III went to his guitar tech to open the show. I remember chatting with him about it that night and the next night at a wedding bash they played and he was pretty stoked. The rest is history.. Its cool to see where Bob has gone since then..
April 3, 2012 @ 2:48 am
HOly cow that was a long time ago, haha I remember that night, I had no band and I think psyopIs van caught fire? I actually remember talking to you to as well! That wedding bash was also a highlight of my life, Shelton called me out to “blood to dust” for howies wedding party… I’ve since became friends with Howie and I’m glad I got to participate in one of the biggest nights in his and his wifes life!
March 22, 2012 @ 12:02 pm
Hi Bob,
I can’t wait to hear the new cd!!
From the Belgian guy,who lives in Poland 😉
March 22, 2012 @ 12:27 pm
I’m interested. I’ve tried to give Bob a chance, but got turned off when every other line would remind us how “bad ass” he was. I will say in the interview quotes he sounds much more mature or over that. If he is, he has the talent.
I still don’t know how he gets away with a self-lable of outlaw and there is such backlash on other artists that never call themselves outlaws, but the media does.
March 22, 2012 @ 1:38 pm
good. something else to look forward too.
March 22, 2012 @ 3:10 pm
Ugh. It’s going to take a hell of a song to change the way I feel about this guy. I’ve never heard anything even remotely mediocre from him. I realize that he is Hank III’s buddy and all, but, friends don’t let friends release bad songs.
March 22, 2012 @ 4:19 pm
Bob Wayne can be a hard guy to get into for some, because on the surface it can seem he’s all about party and image with his silly hellraising songs, but that’s only half of what he does. The other half is some of the most amazing, and deep songwriting you can find out there. I would suggest “Blood to Dust”, “27 Years”, and “Final Walk” to start. I have a feeling “Spread My Ashes On The Highway” could be another one of these deep, signature songs. If you listen to them and he’s still not your speed, then that’s cool. I just want everyone to know that there’s something deeper with Bob, it’s just not always obvious.
March 23, 2012 @ 6:47 am
I don’t think you’re helping Bob’s case by mentioning the song “27 Years” , with it’s high pitched pillsbury doughboy impression that he does for the chorus. It’s well written, but alot of people aren’t gonna make it through that whole tune, especially someone allready skeptical of Bob.
March 23, 2012 @ 1:20 pm
Going to falsetto is what makes “27 Years” in my opinion. That takes balls, and shows musicianship. Though I can see why it would not be for everyone, it also proves that he doesn’t take himself too seriously, and is willing to go away from the “hard-edged” persona if a song calls for it.
March 23, 2012 @ 7:02 am
I don’t think referring to “Blood to Dust” is doing any favors either. I get it is supposed to be about his life, but a clear rip off of Cash, and again, we don’t need to hear how tough he is.
March 23, 2012 @ 11:04 am
In “Blood to Dust” he never talks about being tough at all. I’m not sure how it’s a Cash ripoff either, unless you think that every song with spoken-word style vocals is ripping off Mr. Cash.
March 26, 2012 @ 8:39 am
Apologies PB, I meant a Coe ripoff. (I hadn’t listened to the song in awhile, and did this weekend, and when I hear it, I find myself singing “If That Ain’t Country”.) When I wrote it was a Cash rip off, I knew that when I hear the song, I hear plain as day a song like one of the old legends.
If any guy considered “mainstream” cut a song like Blood to Dust, talking through your life and it sound exactly like “If That Ain’t Country” we would be up in arms as it being a rip off of Coe. Especially a guy with a self-label of outlaw.
And as far as talking about being tough…2nd verse. He reminds us of his bad ass teenage years. Smoking dope, being run off by cops, drinking a lot..and oh yea, didn’t he dedicate his life to rock and roll? But now he is some country outlaw??? hmmm, others get crucified here for that.
Then he drops in that he sings “fucked up songs”, just to drop in the word “fuck” I guess???
March 26, 2012 @ 9:17 pm
That was an exceptionally weak argument by IceCold. I almost would have to say that if that’s what you get from Blood To Dust, that he’s trying to show how “bad-ass” he is… It’s almost like you don’t have a soul. Doesn’t bring If That Ain’t Country to mind either. Not one bit.
March 22, 2012 @ 3:25 pm
Yippee! I’m one of those fans that was at Muddy Roots who stopped by and got to experience Bob Wayne’s creative process up close. I cannot wait to hear the finished song (and the rest of the album)!
March 22, 2012 @ 4:15 pm
I’m definitely looking forward to this. Outlaw Carnie was one of the first underground country albums that I got (which I learned about here) and while I think he could tone down the swearing and become a much more accessible artist I think his songwriting is top notch.
March 22, 2012 @ 7:04 pm
So apparently the single release of “All My Friends” with Hank3 has been moved back to MONDAY 3-26. (changed the info up top to reflect this in case anybody was wondering).
March 23, 2012 @ 2:54 am
Looking forward to hearing this!
March 23, 2012 @ 7:38 pm
Me too!
March 23, 2012 @ 6:08 am
i guess spread my ashes on the highway will be the last song of the album. a song that makes you smile but also a little melancholy and gives you a good laugh at the end. a great song, that gave me an ear worm for days…
can’t wait to listen to the whole cd.
March 23, 2012 @ 6:09 am
BTW: nice shirt on that pic. ; )
March 29, 2012 @ 6:14 pm
same here Heinrich….Bob ranks up in my top 5 favorites.
those who don’t like Bob, (comments above)….you just don’t get it and that’s okay. it’s not for everybody…’s not mainstream. 🙂
March 23, 2012 @ 1:38 pm
Hell yeah.. bob wayne is awesome and can never get enough songs with ol shelton on it!!!. Wonder if the song coming out on the 26th will be on itunes??
March 23, 2012 @ 4:22 pm
I believe it will be on iTunes, and hopefully some other outlets as well.
March 24, 2012 @ 8:20 am
Amazon mp3 also has it listed for 3.26…….I hope people get the word out, spend a buck and get this to show on itunes top 10 singles. I believe we can make this happen!!!
March 26, 2012 @ 7:01 am
You can also help this website by buying it on amazon.
March 24, 2012 @ 7:00 am
When I first saw Bob Wayne live, I went home a very happy boy with his 3 cds and a t-shirt. When I first saw III live, you couldn’t count the Bob Wayne t-shirts in the crowd. I had mine on, of course, I had been loving his music since I first heard him. I played his cds until the first “real” cd came out. That just sounded better, and had most of my favorite tracks on it.
Right now I can’t wait for this new one. Because it’s new, Outlaw Carnie was not. OC just proved the quality of his songwriting, to me that means that I believe that he knows what he writes about. That makes a song real, if you can believe it. When I first saw him, I felt like music saved him from being one of the bad guys in the Dukes of Hazzard. I believed him. And if the whole Outlaw-issue has gone more and more ridiculous over the last year, that’s not because of Bob.
I’ll make sure I get this one the day it’s in store, and there are not that many artists where I get that urgency. III is one of them, but guys like Dale Watson, Wayne Hancock, Lucky Tubb, I love what they do, but I do not need to hear their latest cd as soon as possible. I do need to hear Bob Wayne’s new one.
April 3, 2012 @ 2:35 am
Here’s my email email me your address and I’ll personally send you a free copy before it comes out… But I swear to god if it gets leaked to the Internet I will know who did it as you will be THE ONLY person I’m gonna do this for!! If century media finds out I’m in seriouse trouble so hit me up. You should still buy it at the store though because the artwork and packaging turned out fuckin sick… I’ll be sending you a burned one from the camper.
March 25, 2012 @ 6:08 am
I can remember the first time I heard a REAL Bob Wayne songs, not the hellraisin’ type but as Trig said a real DEEP song. It was Final Walk……. wow
April 3, 2012 @ 2:28 am
I appreciate that man, I was living out of my van in Austin with my girlfriend when I wrote that one morning. She woke up and was listening and was crying. She really liked it. I like those songs as well, but I’m just not ALWAYS in that mode, I’d probly kill myself if I was, sometimes I feel in a really good mood around the campfire and just wanna write a fun upbeat song with friends(that’s how driven by demons, catboats blues was written).
March 26, 2012 @ 9:59 am
Bob Wayne may have some aspects about him that you don’t like but you can tell from his music and presence that he is living for what he’s doing. He’s been there from day one. I got to see him evolve from opening the Straight To Hell Tour in 06 to playing Muddy Roots and he is where he wants to be as a performer. This album should attest to that and the song ‘spread my ashes on the highway’ should be taken seriously just from its title. There’s more music to listen to because of him and will be more when songwriters like him step up to the plate. Buy his music.
March 26, 2012 @ 9:20 pm
L–S–D…. you set me free….
March 27, 2012 @ 5:03 am
March 27, 2012 @ 5:06 am
another new one…
March 28, 2012 @ 2:49 pm
I know I’m late to the conversation but I just bought the song & hears my opinion…
1) This is the best thing I’ve heard Hank 3 do since Straight To Hell.
2) I love the music.
3) I would like my .99 back. This is the same thing I’ve been complaining about for almost 2 years. If the underground country artist want to ever be heard by a larger audiance they have to quit the the drug songs. I think these are worse then the laundry list songs you hear in the main stream. When Outlaw Carnie came out this was a complaint I made then & was asured that those songs were on the album because of it being more or less a greatest hits album. I think both Bob Wayne & Hank 3 are better than this.
April 3, 2012 @ 2:18 am
Sounds like you got everybody elses hard work all figured out. Maybe you should start a record lable with Ice cold and you guys can sign singer/songwriters who are willing to be shaped to your liking for the “larger audiences”. Most of the songs I write hit me like a brick, I can’t explain it, but I don’t try to fight it or shape it to suite anyone. I’m not trying to prove anything or reach anybody. I play what I feel inside and that’s it. I haven’t stuck a needle into my neck for almost 10 years, but I wake up EVERY morning and think about it, I’m a drug addict plain and simple, by the grace of god I’m sober today but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be told what I can or can’t/should or shouldnt write and sings about. That’s my two cents worth, send me your address and I’ll send you the other .97 cents
April 3, 2012 @ 1:19 pm
I don’t think anyone, at least I’m not, saying you shouldn’t write what you feel or experience, and you shouldn’t craft it for larger audiences-“mainstream”. That is a whole other animal.
But just discussing true country music, if that is what we are talking about here, I think even you can see that there a difference in addicts/bad asses/outlaws when it comes to how they phrase songs. It really isn’t about appealing to larger audiences, but more creativity and dimension to a song.
There is a lot of dicussion to be had on this and it is subjective, but for me…as an example, I prefer a song like “Lonesome Onry and Mean” which speaks to addiction and trying to live clean. It takes some listening to, to get the story and message, not just “I had a needle in my arm and I couldn’t quit, I don’t give a shit”
Or more recent, JB Beverly’s “Disappear On Down The Line”. There is some depth to it.
Sorry, it is offensive, it would be to me too. Just isn’t much depth to being a self proclaimed outlaw/bad ass.
April 3, 2012 @ 10:23 pm
Nowhere do I call myself a “bad ass” but I could see how someone that sits back and judges other people’s music would take some of my more REAL LIFE experiences as being “bad ass”. Nowhere do I proclaim to be some kind of “true country” guy. Dude I write full metal albums as well, I like ALL KINDS if music. But yes it’s true, I really love banjos, fiddles, dobros and I really love having fun with my friends making this music and traveling….so I guess I’ll just have to deal with punks like you talking shit on the Internet. When I started writing these songs 12 years ago this “scene” they have now diddnt exist in my world. I wrote an entire album about a couple who joins the Carnival and sells there soul to it, originally this project was supposed to be mainly duettes
March 28, 2012 @ 6:59 pm
yes…Bob Wayne…its in there…..his wheels are not gonna fall off….there is a lot more to Bob than whut meets the eye..a sincere songwriter.and most definetly a workin mad…..I looked and I think he has 57 tour dates overseas…thats gitterdone mode….anyone who chases there dream that hard has my vote….cant wait to get the new album…..
April 3, 2012 @ 2:23 am
Thanks Harold! Appreciate the support man!
March 31, 2012 @ 6:35 pm
saw Bob at Muddyroots Music Festival 2011 and I must admit I totally love his style {: give ’em Hell, Bob XoX
April 3, 2012 @ 11:14 am
Great song. I’m hoping both Bob Wayne and hank 3 have many more years of making the hellraisin music i love.
April 3, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
Just downloaded the single… Have listened to it about 20 times already. Great stuff! I’m really looking forward to Bob’s new album.
April 4, 2012 @ 9:52 am
Can’t wait till April 13 when we finally have Bob Wayne and his band in Almere.
Just to make sure we do not miss anything we are also heading out to the Amsterdam show on wednesday.
April 7, 2012 @ 4:11 am
Looking forward to hearing the new one Bob! I have all your old albums and love em, especially outlaw carnie (was great to hear better produced versions of some of my favorite tracks). Don’t let the internet folks get to you man, I never understood the need to spread negativity on the internet. If you aren’t into something than why take the time to complain about it?
Looking forward to buying the album when it comes out and will hopefully see you the next time you come up to Portland!
August 13, 2012 @ 1:04 pm
just returned from Dylan concert in Cranbrook last nite…as usual great band….I love grenier….wanted to hear Donnie Herron who i have just discovered….through Hank3 and yourself…as a 70 yr old rocker that goes waaaaaaaaaay back….wonder if you and your band are interested gigs in Canada???….happy trails