Bobby Bones is Terrible Pick to Host New Televised Opry Show
Fans of the Grand Ole Opry were super excited to learn in late October of last year that the venerable country music institution would finally be returning to television through the newly-launched Circle Network. Debuting on January 1st, 2020, the network features numerous original programs on over-the-air stations distributed by Gray Television, which continues to expand the markets it’s available in, including just adding Nashville.
The soft launch of the station has seen many infomercials and reruns of F-Troop to fill time for when the network is ready to release it’s full slate of shows this spring, but starting on February 26th, the Grand Ole Opry will finally return to television in 60-minute segments culled from the previous week’s Opry performances. These shows will be the flagship programming for the new network owned by the Opry Entertainment Group. “The Circle” is named for the circle of stage at the Opry House in Nashville that was originally taken from the first home of the Opry, The Ryman Auditorium.
But some, if not many fans of the Opry were disappointed to learn Tuesday morning (2-11) that the host of the new Grand Ole Opry television show will be the somewhat controversial and pop-leaning syndicated radio DJ Bobby Bones. Not only will Bobby Bones host the show, he’s also been named as the show’s Executive Producer. In other words, the long-awaited and highly-anticipated return of the Grand Ole Opry to television will be primarily the property of a guy who moved from pop to country, and has commonly mocked both traditional country fans, and at times, the artists themselves.
“He has a really great appreciation for the Opry’s traditions,” says Dan Rogers, VP/executive producer of the Grand Ole Opry. “But there’s no question that he is very much in tune with the country music of today and has certainly brought in new fans to the fold.”
First, Bobby Bones has no such appreciation for traditions, Opry or otherwise in country music. He’s arguably the biggest non-performer over the last seven years who’s aided in the erosion of these traditions from his massive syndicated perch he enjoys at The Bobby Bones Show. However, Bones is “very much in tune with the country music of today,” and that is the calculus the Opry and the Circle Network are using to hopefully draw a younger crowd to the show, and to the Circle Network in general.
But this is a shortsighted move by the Circle Network. The demographic for these new Grand Ole Opry episodes is going to be much older, and more established. Millennials don’t even watch television, let alone will be willing to stop down for a 60-minute show, and the ones that do will not be in the wheelhouse of Bobby Bones. Having current on-air Grand Ole Opry presenters such as Eddie Stubbs or Bill Cody host the segments makes significantly more sense, and they are just as savvy speaking about the young artists as they are the old ones, because they do it every week. Or, they could have someone like Marty Stuart, or even Elizabeth Cook who will have a fishing show on the new network host the new Opry show.
Naming Bobby Bones Executive Producer is really where the worry is. Older artists who are the beloved heart of the Opry may not receive their fair share of face time in the condensed segments.
All that said, Bobby Bones has improved over the years since he first arrived in Nashville, and was a part of all kinds of hijinks, including buying billboards bullying himself to create sympathy, and getting into feuds with Aaron Watson and Kacey Musgraves. Even Florida Georgia Line doesn’t like the guy.
Bobby Bones has settled in to the position as the most powerful personality in country media somewhat, and become a lot more tolerable to country music’s more traditional audience, or at least avoidable. Hopefully he will have respect for the Opry and its older artists as he promises, and he does deserve an initial shot, no matter how bad this move looks on paper.
But if Bobby Bones uses his position on the Circle Network’s new flagship show to push a pop country agenda, it will not only be a disappointment to many Opry fans, it will be bad for business. The Circle Network needs to understand who will care enough to tune in weekly for these Opry shows, and generally speaking, those people aren’t fans of Bobby Bones.
February 11, 2020 @ 10:13 am
To quote Steve Harvey, ‘Here come this motherfucker.’
August 9, 2020 @ 3:08 pm
I have already stopped watching the live Opry hosted by Big Mouth Bones as I can’t stand to watch him do anything. His idea of country is Darrius Rucker who is already doing damage to country music in my opinion. What a joke both of these hyenas are, too bad, I was looking forward to the opry segment but now I’m done.
February 11, 2020 @ 10:23 am
A disgrace
March 12, 2022 @ 7:33 pm
Nice Events Are When Natalie Stovall Stands In For Big Mouth Bones.
February 11, 2020 @ 10:57 am
I hope that the circle network will also air “vintage” episodes of the Grand Ole Opry from the 1980s and 90s. 🙂
February 11, 2020 @ 12:38 pm
RFD does air Opry Encore episodes on Thursdays and Saturdays each week, for those who aren’t aware. Lots of good performances from the 80s and 90s!!
February 11, 2020 @ 11:00 am
The guy is a blowhard who knows absolutely nothing about country music or any other kind of music for that matter, what a poor choice for a host!!!!
February 11, 2020 @ 11:06 am
The point of difference and potential draw for this show is its tie to history and “authenticity.” And they hired this guy? Talk about not reading the room.
February 11, 2020 @ 11:19 am
I really tried to roll off my Bobby Bones disgust over the last few years. I think the guy was thrust into a position he wasn’t qualified for, but I don’t blame him for taking it.
But I just can’t imagine why they thought this was a good idea. I’ve been posting about this Circle Network for a while, and my inbox has been flooded with blue hairs wondering how they can watch, and when the Opry will be on. Kelsea Ballerini fans won’t give a damn about this. Not reading the room is right. I almost feel bad for the Circle Network for making this decision.
February 11, 2020 @ 11:46 am
I’ve tried to think of an analogy, and so far have only come up with:
A European art house indie film festival hiring Michael Bay as it’s curator.
February 11, 2020 @ 11:33 am
Where to start. So, my dad ( in his 70s) has gone to something like 3 Opry performances in the last few years. His observation not mine: Are they gonna focus on some young talent or do we just have to see aging Jeannie Seely, John Conlee, and Diamond Rio till their in wheelchairs? It’s not that dad dislikes the old guard, he loves classic country but he’s smart enough to recognize they need new blood to keep the thing going. He’s right.
Now , I’m a sentimental, nostalgic character, make no mistake, I love seeing the legends maybe more than many. I also love the tradition of the Opry, so I’ve no desire to see it fade away. So I say , yes, let’s keep legends alive, and find young talent willing to play the good stuff. Like Trig, I’m skeptical on the BB choice. I’m not optimistic he’s gonna preserve tradition if he has a say.
And, yes Millenial’s are an elusive demographic. They don’t watch tv, they watch video games and cell phones. I’m always curious what kids are listening to and what they like in entertainment and it seems like if Country Music is left to the Millenial’s, it’s probably gonna die on the vine. I have found though that if you expose kids to quality music, they grow up appreciating it, versus just leaving them to hear whatever dreck their peers are listening to.
February 11, 2020 @ 11:48 am
”I have found though that if you expose kids to quality music, they grow up appreciating it, versus just leaving them to hear whatever dreck their peers are listening to.”
look no further than the all-demographic following stapleton has amassed . educating, informing and inspiring is the key . given the opportunity to hear/see it , REAL will resonate with any demographic ……
May 11, 2022 @ 10:03 pm
Substantially in agreement with Mr. Smith. It would be most welcome to see some Young Talent, rather than the lack luster gang of wanna-bees that Mr. Bones is a member of and pretends to showcase & represent. At some point Big Record Racketeers are going to have to face Reality, because Marketing WITHOUT Substance is NOTHING = NO $$$$$ !! The number of Authentic, Traditional Country-Western Talent that The Big Racketeers have brought forward in the past 20 Years can easily be Counted On 1 Hand. People with musical souls MUST be Fed ! I go where my musical soul get nourishment !!
February 11, 2020 @ 11:42 am
”The demographic for these new Grand Ole Opry episodes is going to be much older, and more established. Millennials don’t even watch television, let alone will be willing to stop down for a 60-minute show,……….. ”
don’t know bobby jones so can’t comment on the fit here . but your statement in quotes above is DEAD ON , trigger . hopefully bj and co. will be aware of this fact and proceed accordingly . i suppose we wait to see if this is a COUNTRY show or just a ‘country’ show.
seems it would still , as always, be a great platform to introduce ANY demographic to the real thing and , hopefully , inspire any writers/artists watching who may need some reminding of what the REAL THING actually means .
February 11, 2020 @ 12:03 pm
I’m guessing this is a lose lose situation. I doubt, as stated, that millennials will tune in. On the flip side is the traditional country market big enough to drive revenue for whatever investment and whatever the expectation on return is?
I’m guessing they turn it into the CMAs….mostly superficial, image driven, machine made music with “just enough” tradition country to not have to change the name.
February 11, 2020 @ 12:17 pm
This hipster dickhead hates country music.
February 11, 2020 @ 4:10 pm
Not sure I agree with this. Is this guy hip…at all? I’m no hipster fan, but at least they try to get into what they are into. This dude seems more like a corny lapdog shill to me. And to each their own. It’s a free country. God bless him and whatever success he has found for himself in the corporate radio landscape amongst the shallow wanna be pop star crowd. Just stay away from the actual country music institutions and that would be great. Oh… too late.
August 3, 2020 @ 11:40 am
I have already stopped watching the live Opry hosted by Big Mouth Bones as I can’t stand to watch him do anything. His idea of country is Darrius Rucker who is already doing damage to country music in my opinion. What a joke both of these hyenas are, too bad, I was looking forward to the opry segment but now I’m done.
February 11, 2020 @ 12:28 pm
This article is so off base its not even funny. do you people even listen to his morning show and his promotion of artists who are traditional and don’t get play on the radio?? someone didn’t fact check well here at all.
February 11, 2020 @ 12:39 pm
“…his promotion of artists who are traditional and don’t get play on the radio??”
Like who?
The only thing I remember this asshat doing is this:
“I’m not a poseur for . . . who’s cool right now? like, Sturgis Simpson? Like, he’s cool, I’m not a poser for him, he’s fine. Um, Jeremy Isbell, you know? They’re all cool, but I’m not poser-ey for them.”
February 11, 2020 @ 7:57 pm
And there it is. The dumbest thing you’ll read all day.
February 11, 2020 @ 1:11 pm
I swear, this guy cuts his hair with a goddamned pencil sharpener!!!
February 11, 2020 @ 1:32 pm
I really think that we are in for a real slump, if not just the complete end of any genuine music. People jumping on the bandwagon have ruined everything. Day later and Jason isbell’s new single still sucks but all the Johnny come lately s jumping on the bandwagon are pumping that trash cause it fits their narrative. Let this guy host the opry show, it’s hopeless, everyone sold their soul. I am gonna quit playing guitar and turn the music off for good. All hope is lost.
February 11, 2020 @ 2:58 pm
February 11, 2020 @ 3:51 pm
Never heard of him. I guess that makes me old.
February 11, 2020 @ 3:57 pm
Bobby Bones is Terrible P̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶H̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶N̶e̶w̶ ̶T̶e̶l̶e̶v̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶O̶p̶r̶y̶ ̶S̶h̶o̶w̶.
Fixed it for you.
February 11, 2020 @ 3:59 pm
Our local morning country DJ of 30 years retired about 5 years ago and was immediately replaced with Bobby Bones. I’ve only heard bits and pieces of his show since I try to avoid country radio but it’s just cringe worthy. Someone on the radio’s Facebook page commented that it is like listening to an awkward conversation. I thought that summed his show up pretty well
February 11, 2020 @ 4:45 pm
Y’all realize that except for reverse mortgage scams, life insurance and medications with dubious side effects, no advertiser wants shows with an older demographic, right? And if there are no advertisers a show gets cancelled.
May 11, 2022 @ 10:11 pm
No Views can get a Show Cancelled also.
February 11, 2020 @ 5:48 pm
Love bobby bones and i listen to his show every morning .love old country loretta lynn and charlie pride and anne Murray and shania garth and new country stapelton fl ga line etc ….cant wait for his show.haters gonna hate….
February 11, 2020 @ 6:26 pm
Way to put a negative cloud on my birthday, Opry! ????
February 11, 2020 @ 8:09 pm
Wonder what the real artists think about it? And I mean real country artists!
February 11, 2020 @ 8:49 pm
The hosts should be Jeff Hanna and Matraca Berg. Both have deep country roots and Jeff was there for the Circle albums. Matraca is a respected songwriter
February 12, 2020 @ 5:37 am
Wow! Somebody mentioned Jeff Hanna and Matreca Berg. Kudos to you Rob. They don’t get enough attention here IMO. Couldn’t agree more with you. Saw Matreca live a few years back, one of the most memorable shows for sure. People are always talking about who the great female Country artists are, she’s way overlooked. Jeff Hanna is a road warrior and one of the truly important guys in the history of Country Music.
February 12, 2020 @ 6:46 am
I wont be watching if this guy is hosting. I don’t hate Bobby Bones…he just isn’t all that great and his name doesn’t even register in my brain when someone say’s Country Music host. I guess the Opry wont be televised for much longer if this is the choice they have made.SO DISSAPOINTED!!!!
February 12, 2020 @ 1:57 pm
I was saddened to see Bobby+ the Opry. I will try to withhold my judgement until episode 1.
February 12, 2020 @ 3:03 pm
Who should one write to about there concerns of this decision ?
This is the worst idea since closing Opryland Park and when Kieth Bilbery was let go.
February 12, 2020 @ 7:29 pm
Maybe a petition?
February 15, 2020 @ 8:01 pm
I don’t know who this tool is, but he strikes me as the country music version of Ryan Seacrest. Am I way off?
February 15, 2020 @ 8:02 pm
No, you’re spot on, except Ryan Seacrest is better.
February 16, 2020 @ 11:12 am
I don’t know, I could see it going both ways. Bones has more respect for traditional country than his detractors give him credit for, but he also loves and promotes pop/hip-hop/r&b just as much as those same detractors complain that he does.
I hope he does this right, but I really don’t know if he will or won’t.
February 27, 2020 @ 4:57 am
Bobby Bones is another reason I listen to Spotify. His stupid show is just another turn off to mainstream “country” radio.
March 22, 2020 @ 11:38 am
If folks are going to have Bobby Bones MC for the Opry, can they at least get him to “dress up” a bit to show some respect for the institution of the Grand Ole Opry? Seriously, I watched him MC the “bare bones” Opry show on Circle TV on March 21 (with Marty Stuart, et al), and Bones was dressed like some bum that wandered in off the street. But I guess that’s par for the course with the “new” (co-called) country musicians, as most of them take the stage way too casually dressed. It’s disrespectful, as I said.
April 10, 2020 @ 6:51 pm
I like the show but Bobby Bones you gotta go. You are like salt on ice cream. Sorry.
August 3, 2020 @ 11:54 am
” You are like salt on ice cream. Sorry.”-
I like that, I’m gonna use it somewhere- thanks!