Brantley Gilbert Releases PRO Bro-Country Protest Single “Same Old Song”
Disregard that discussions about Bro-Country now feel like old hat ever since the trend trailed off except for a few last vestiges of outdated-feeling singles working through the system, Brantley Gilbert has decided he’s fed up with all the fuss about Bro-Country and has released a single saying as much.
Somewhat quietly, Brantley Gilbert announced that his current album Just As I Am originally released by Big Machine’s Valory Music Group on May 19th of 2014 will get a “Platinum Edition” to mark the one year anniversary of the release. The Platinum Edition will hit shelves May 19th, 2015. It includes eight new songs, including three that appeared on a Wal-Mart exclusive version of the original album, and it also includes a remix with hip-hop artist T.I. of Brantley’s big hit “Bottoms Up.” Also in the track list and released as the first single from the Platinum Edition is “Same Old Song.” It apparently was released on April 28th, but has received very little press or media push.
The song criticizes complaints about Bro-Country by listing off many of the same common tropes of the trend and saying they’re authentic to the lifestyle of the singers. It then evokes “Amazing Grace” as another song people can’t stop singing.
Just as curious as the lack of attention this single has received is the fact that it’s coming from Brantley Gilbert. Though Brantley is considered one of the artists and songwriters that was an early architect of the Bro-Country trend with songs like “Dirt Road Anthem,” his Just As I Am album seemed to distance somewhat from Bro-Country beyond the album’s two big singles.
Whether “Same Old Song” ever makes its way to radio remains to be seen, but Brantley’s attempt to rally support around a quickly depreciating trend may turn out to be fool’s errand.
If you do the Spotify thing you can listen below. Otherwise the lyrics can be found further down.
“Same Old Song” Lyrics:
I hear there’s folks
Tired of us talking about dirt roads
Tailgates, tan lines and corn rows
It sounds made up but that’s the life I know
We know all about some moonshine
Moonlight, bonfires
Seein’ all the stars on a summer night
Don’t see how that’s gettin’ old
[CHORUS] Ride with us on Friday night
See if we ain’t jacked em up
See if we ain’t settin’ it on fire
See if we don’t burn it up
See if we ain’t crankin’ Hank
Sippin’ on a little somethin’ strong
Hey man, you’ll see why we can’t
Quit singin’ that same old song
The same old song
You heard enough about red dirt
Blue collar dollars and hard work
5:00 heading to the outskirts
3 chords and the truth
Tired of hearin’ ’bout them tan legs
Bare feet on the dash, sundress
Daisy dukes, boots and ray-bans
You ain’t even seen them move
Hang loose on Friday night
Man ain’t they lookin’ tough?
See if they ain’t blowin’ your mind
See if you don’t fall in love
Let her find that country station
Then watch her sing along
Hey man you’ll see why we can’t
Quit singin’ that same old song,
That same old song,
That same old song,
Just when you think
You’ve heard it all about a small town
All that small talk goin’ round
That ain’t all we’re all about
Sit with us on Sunday mornin’
Bow your head and let us pray
Close your eyes and let the Lord in
Tell me you don’t feel a thing
When we sing Amazing Grace
C’mon, man, sing along
You ’bout to see why we can’t
Quit singin’ that same old
May 5, 2015 @ 6:33 pm
Holy. Shit.
I didn’t think it was possible to cram so much garbage into one song. If he’s so concerned about singing about the life they live, maybe he should sing about doing meth and making bail. That seems to be the life of his fans more than anything else.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:39 pm
It’s amazing how almost nobody in country wants to sing about what it’s really like nowadays. If they did, meth would definitely be top 10, probably top 5, on their list of things to include on every song they make. Ever.
Your comment made me immediately think of Sturgill’s Old King Coal where he sings about how “now there ain’t nothing but welfare and pills.” Most people in Nashville don’t want to sing about the realities of modern day rural life, just their goddamned trucks, beers, and bitches.
May 6, 2015 @ 5:20 am
I’m from a small town (pop. 2,900) in the heart of meth country and tried my hand at a song about that life. I doubt you’ll ever hear it in country radio.
May 6, 2015 @ 9:10 pm
Methamphetamine by OCMS is one of ny favorites, and just about the realest country song ever.
May 10, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
Hi Dave! I’m from that same little town… weird! lol btw this isn’t Andy
May 5, 2015 @ 8:30 pm
I didn’t listen to the song, just read the lyrics. These assholes don’t understand that just because you are doing things in the country/driving trucks/whatever, doesn’t mean the music you create is “country”. It’s a goddamn rap song. All I can see is some white boy dbag holding his nuts rapping this shit.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:58 pm
“All I can see is some white boy dbag holding his nuts rapping this shit.”
April 24, 2016 @ 9:55 pm
Did you listen to the song? Musically it is what you’d expect from brantley gilbert. He has a sound of his own and thats why a lot of his songs get little airplay. If you know Brantley Gilbert music you would know by now he don’t do the country rap crossover garbage. He crosses it over with country rock. And yes, country rock is NOT new. It was around all the way back to the 1980s when Steve Earle pioneered it with the song Copperhead Road. I see nothing wrong about the song. And for Petes sake its not a rap. The only country rap bands i like are the ones who actually rap and their music dont get airplay due to content, specifically Colt Ford, the LACs, and Lenny Cooper. Ugh. I got off track. If you like country rap listen to Colt Ford.
June 7, 2015 @ 1:01 am
Seriously? I’m a huge fan and I don’t touch drugs or need bail money douche. That must be all your friends.
July 1, 2015 @ 9:36 am
Clearly no one gets the point. Just because you live in a place where meth and shit runs rampant doesn’t mean you need to sing about it. You never heard zeppelin or aerosmith constantly singing about coke and heroine. I grew up with country music and I don’t much like what it has become either, but I will tell you this, as irritating as a lot of the songs are I would much rather have my kids listen to this than nigger rap. Bonfires, tailgates, moonshine, and amazing grace are far better than rims, bitches, hoes, drive-by shootings, gold chains, and ‘stackin paper yo’. This is the world we live in now, and while you don’t have to accept new country, it is still the lesser of the two evils. And the hip-hop influence that is in todays country is the fault of no one but ourselves. We let rap and pop become so popular with the people their age. As hard working Americans who bust our ass everyday so these niggers can sit on welfare, we should have done more to hold rap, hip-hop, and general black culture down. Bro country does get old, but there sure as hell aren’t any Brantley Gilbert fans causing riots in Ferguson. So it may not be great, but it is one of the few things we have left as white, working Americans.
July 2, 2015 @ 4:54 pm
Amen man. Although, I don’t see this stuff like you do (maybe cause I’m 15 and its just brainwashed me and I don’t connect with “old country”). People act like this is absolute shit, but look at the shit they listen to.. It’s a damn shame, and maybe soon people will find it better to take part in the things like bonfires and drinking moonshine, instead of gang violence, and welfare offices.
July 2, 2015 @ 5:41 pm
This white working American says you can have that shit. And take your damn racism with you.
July 8, 2015 @ 4:13 pm
Thank you for proving what the previous comments have already said about Brantley’s fan base. I’m sure the Grand Dragon of your local KKK chapter appreciates it.
May 5, 2015 @ 6:40 pm
I would bet a lot of money that none of these posing motherfuckers are “crankin’ Hank”
May 5, 2015 @ 6:54 pm
I would double onto that that half of them don’t even know who “Hank” is.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:46 pm
It’s amazing how many people I’ve met who “love hank williams” and then ask what the hell I’m playing on the radio when they hear “there’s a tear in my beer.” They don’t love hank williams, they just love hearing assholes like this name-drop hank williams. My guess is they recognize it’s an important name and it helps to validate their inexcusable taste in “country” music
May 5, 2015 @ 7:56 pm
The only reason “Hank” is involved in this music is because it’s easy to rhyme with “crank” and “bank” and other one syllable words. Asked to explain who Luke The Drifter is, they’d tilt their head like your dog does when you make a funny noise.
May 5, 2015 @ 8:01 pm
^ and also that.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:59 am
He used “Hank” to rhyme with “Can’t” haha
May 6, 2015 @ 2:26 pm
nah if you ask about luke the drifter they’ll think it’s luke bryan
May 6, 2015 @ 5:10 am
Brantley Gilbert is talking about Hank Jr.(not Hank Sr.) whenever he sings about Hank.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:27 am
Being from small town Georgia, Brantley and guys like him are definitely talking about Hank, Jr.
That’s probably about all they know about any kind of “Hank” unfortunately. They certainly aren’t waxing about Cold, Cold Heart or Your Cheatin’ Heart.
May 12, 2015 @ 2:44 pm
As a former Nashville songwriter, this trend in country music is why I got the hell out of Dodge and moved to Austin where some original thinking and writing is going on and even encouraged. God Bless em all . MAY they see the light.
July 2, 2015 @ 5:02 pm
“…. this trend in country music is why I got the hell out of Dodge and moved to Austin …..”
Yes ….no surprise that anyone with any integrity is leaving the sinking ship and looking for someplace that appreciates vision and honest creativity .
May 6, 2015 @ 9:29 am
No, they’re huffin’ crank! Fuck Brantley Gilbert!
May 5, 2015 @ 6:42 pm
And add another one to my growing list of reasons to hate Brantley Gilbert.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:50 pm
I think a popular misconception is that people think “Crankin Hank” means Sr. When really it’s Jr. they are referring to.
Be that as it may, I just thought this whole song was funny. Nothing more, nothing less.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:59 pm
But see, that’s the catch: it’s left purposely ambiguous so that the artist can flip to one side or the other. Want to seem young and hip? Claim it’s Junior you’re listening to. Want to try and appeal to the older folks or seem otherwise cultured? Senior is who they mean. Trying to look like a purveyor of country music history? You mean both of them as a blanket term (I bet it would surprise many of these idiots that Hank3 exists in the underground).
May 5, 2015 @ 6:42 pm
/bangs head on desk/
May 5, 2015 @ 6:46 pm
Judging by his voice, it appears that he still hasn’t been able to push out the turd that’s been plaguing him the past couple of years.
Keep straining Bradley!
May 6, 2015 @ 2:46 am
May 5, 2015 @ 6:46 pm
Maybe he is right. Maybe he is singing about his reality. Maybe his reality really is that out of touch. Maybe he really is a Bro Country Dbag.
May 5, 2015 @ 6:53 pm
I’ve got a college degree and I can’t even read those lyrics without scratching my head
May 5, 2015 @ 6:56 pm
Stop. Please.
I remember watching a “behind the music” episode where Warrant’s lead singer talked about the time they walked into the execs office and their poster was replaced by this band called Nirvana. He said that’s how he knew his ride was over.
That moment has already occurred in country music. It just isn’t as dramatic. It’s more of a slow fade.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:51 pm
I would say, “god, I hope so,” but this new EDM shit’s even worse…because somehow that’s even possible. Every time I try country radio I wonder what I did to piss god of so badly he released this new plague on mankind.
May 5, 2015 @ 6:57 pm
I think the only valid response is…
“Mr. Gilbert…What you”™ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
May 5, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Also, I’d like to point out to Brantley that it’s not that we don’t necessarily believe you have “done” the things you list in your songs, it’s just that we’d like you to shut the fuck up about it already.
May 5, 2015 @ 9:37 pm
Seriously, I can accept that for a guy like Brantley Gilbert, the bro-country cliches describe a lifestyle he truly is immersed in. (Although at the age of 30, you’d like to think he would have had a few other life experiences other than just the ones he describes in the first three verses.) If only he and other bro-country artists had something interesting, insightful, engaging, or even truly entertaining to say about it.
It’s not just the subject matter, it’s the way it’s approached.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:31 am
Unfortunately no, that’s pretty much their life every single weekend. There’s no curiosity to get out and experience new things and they are ok with that.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:11 pm
I’m 23 y.o. I absolutely loved his first album and ever since then it’s been downhill from there. I still listen to his first album a lot but I cannot stand his “new” voice he has. I got buddies that hate country but love rock and their only exception is brantley…. hmmm I wonder why.
May 7, 2015 @ 9:40 am
So do I. Brantley’s music sucks as rock.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:15 pm
Brantley is from a town 14 times larger than where I went to high school. We had a library, and people who had been outside of that town. Hell! There were even people who drove cars!!! If that’s all he can come up with to sing about…I would say he’s stupid, but I ain’t buying it and either is anyone else. He’s just a phony, lying sack of shit doing what he’s told. You can’t buy knee pads singing about real life.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:23 pm
I had to go through and like everyone’s comments. They are all awesome! LOL
May 5, 2015 @ 7:33 pm
Brantley can’t help himself. Even though he can be a terrific songwriter he’s too tied to his adolescence. This is not a good song and won’t be on country radio. It’s just him pandering to a way of life that he does live but he hasn’t realized that no one wants to listen to songs detailing it.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:50 pm
Not even worth finding his Twitter account just so I can tell him “Fuck You”. He can defend Bro-Country all he wants, all he’s gonna do is make radio stations bleed more money.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:53 pm
News-flash Mr. Gilbert:
The “country” songs you are referring to are not country songs just because they mention beer and dirt roads. Maybe if you actually listened to Hank you would know that. Also, women are much more than objects in Daisy Dukes that sip on moonshine all night long and shake their long, tan legs while you wish you could miraculously get an erection despite your steroid-ravaged penis.
May 5, 2015 @ 7:57 pm
Also, the last verse is really, really low. Comparing bro-country tripe to church and Amazing Grace. I don’t think there are words to describe how utterly stupid that juxtaposition is.
May 5, 2015 @ 8:04 pm
Wait a minute… this album has THREE editions now? A standard, deluxe and now “Platinum” edition? The latter title seems more like an inside joke at the expense of those who bought the album than anything else. As one of those people that bought it, if only to see how it turned out (I have a thing about buying albums rather than streaming even if they’re less than stellar), this bothers the hell out of me. Having looked up the track listing it strikes me as especially annoying that what one assumes is the “title” track has been relegated to an exclusive track for this new edition. A song called “Just As I Am” is listed as number 17. One assumes that it isn’t the classic hymn by Charlotte Elliot from 1835, but who knows. I suppose if they throw a hip hop beat under it…
May 5, 2015 @ 8:35 pm
It’s enough to make you think he’s on a Curb label.
May 5, 2015 @ 9:12 pm
Ha! 😀 No shit!
May 5, 2015 @ 11:04 pm
I’m waiting for the Diamond Plate Tailgate edition.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:26 am
Shrewd. 😉
May 6, 2015 @ 7:14 am
Well, if this current trajectory is any indication, the next one will be the “Bro” or “Brotherhood” edition…
May 5, 2015 @ 8:07 pm
I knew this song was gonna come up here lol
May 5, 2015 @ 8:24 pm
John Newton is probably not amused by the use of Amazing Grace.
I read about how Brantley Gilbert survived a horrific car crash (because of drinking) at age 19 and he decides to spend his second chance singing about alcohol in inappropriate ways that indirectly lead to drunk driving. C’mon, Brantley, didn’t you learn there is more to life than money when the car was flipping?
May 7, 2015 @ 10:50 am
No he apparently didn’t He seems to suffer from this mindset all the Bros share, that life ends after the age of 21.
May 5, 2015 @ 8:24 pm
Well …ain’t that a backhanded way of cramming the same ol same ol cliches down our collective throats disguised as another song ?
How ’bout I write something like this and recycle an old idea :
Every night before bed I sing to my son
It’s the same ol song , there’s only one
And it sounds as good as it did back then so
(EDM loops here )
Cmon and ‘Teach your children well their father’s hell
Will slowly go by
Then it goes ‘Feed them on your dreams
The one they pick’s the one you’ll know by
C’mon sing it with me folks.
‘Don’t you ever ask them why …
You get the idea …you can put another dress on it but he’s singin’ the same ol same ol alright .
May 5, 2015 @ 8:30 pm
As a Christian, I cannot stand that last verse. Since when has bro-country directly referenced Christianity as heartfelt and important? Other than “Beer With Jesus”, which is hardly bro-country. God is more than a gas tank genie that you rub while praying for him to grant Ms. 10/10 dancing on the tailgate in Daisy Dukes. Oops I forget, He is the “Man Upstairs” in “Boys Round Here.”
I understand that country music has always juggled the theme of sin with Christian redemption, but singers like Johnny Cash and others sang real songs about faith and demons and the constant battle between the two forces. Here, God and Christianity are just props for depth and check offs to appeal to certain groups. Amazing Grace is the Cash/Hank reference of Christian hymns.
May 5, 2015 @ 8:38 pm
Exactly! Personally, I don’t believe in god, but I really don’t give 2 shits about what someone else wants to believe. Because I’m not a dick.
The difference is that I could tell guys like johnny cash were singing from the heart, that it was authentic. And that made it beautiful. Guys like this POS are clearly not singing from the heart, they’re just pandering.
Personal religious beliefs aside, when a man (or, increasingly occasionally, a woman) is singing about something they truly believe in, it can be a really beautiful thing.
…or, you can just have this douche bag singing this song.
May 5, 2015 @ 9:48 pm
Well, I guess you are not Jim Bob Duggar. Haha
But you are still in my prayers, as are everyone on this site.
Yup, it is all about being authentic. This pandering reminds me of how Cole Swindell tossed in that support the soldiers line in one of his drinking songs. It screams of: “Look, Cole loves the troops!” Never mind, it wasn’t a full song, but a shoe-in line.
May 6, 2015 @ 2:39 pm
Is Brantley in your prayers too?
May 6, 2015 @ 2:49 pm
He is now, I am try my best to be a better Christian everyday. I pray that Brantley uses his talent to write songs can offer insightful discussion on drinking.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:15 pm
Pray I can heal my right eye after reading those lyrics!!!!!
I am a Christian as well and I can’t stand this utter bullcrap
I’ll stay with Knockin’ on Heavens Door
Wait a second, G n’ R just came in the radio!
I got to go y’all
May 6, 2015 @ 7:16 am
Yeah, the last two songs that reference Amazing Grace are “Something in the Water” and…this…. Slightly opposite I would say.
I have no words for country music right now. It’s incredibly sad to watch this happen, and the fact that everyone my age (21), just eats this crap up.
May 6, 2015 @ 9:37 am
Not every twenty one year old! Of course, I just turned twenty one, so maybe the transformation needs time to kick in!
June 7, 2015 @ 1:20 am
Maybe you should actually listen to his music before you say that about him. He references his faith quite frequently. His first CD was called A Modern Day Prodigal Son. Live it Up is a great track on that CD basically sayin only God can judge you. Halfway to Heaven also displays his faith. The title track of Just As I Am was written by him and basically states he is presenting himself just as he is. Grown Ass Man and One Hell of an Amen alsp display his faith. So yea, he does sing a song about being in church. Just because you go out and party (some take it way too far!), doesn’t mean you don’t go to church or pray. Yall just wanna rag on him. And he actually quit drinkin in 2012.
Just As I Am lyrics below, since I doubt you’d check on your own
You said come just as you are
Your skin and bones smell like a bar
You say you want me there this way
Okay, well I’m on my way
I’ll grab this bottle just in case
I’m just too ashamed to pray
Well I’m bringing this problem to you now
Yea the prodigal son returns
the only way that I know how, the only way that I know how
Gonna drive my steel horse down to the alter
Put my hands on the tank and pray
Lord I ain’t got much to offer
And I ain’t tryin to die this way
So may this bottle be the body
And this bourbon be the blood
If I pour it out will you take my offering
give me the strength to never pick it up
Yea here I stand, just as I am
You know most folks don’t understand
That I’m talkin bout pourin out my best friend
Damn, it sounds so sad, but that’s how it is
And that’s why it’s gotta end
Lord I’ve tried it by myself
Forget my pride, I need your help
Gonna drive my steel horse down to the alter
Put my hands on the tank and pray
Lord I ain’t got much to offer
But I ain’t tryin to die this way
So may this bottle be the body
And this bourbon be the blood
If I pour it out will you take my offering
give me the strength to never pick it up
here I stand, just as I am
So full that river full of tears and whiskey
Blood I’ve spilled and voice I’ve raised
A thousand loved lost heart broke memories
Scars on the heart and the skin I’m wearin
Raise me up, a brand new man
So I can face this world, just as I am
You said come just as you are
Skin and bones and broken heart
You kept your word, and here I stand,
Born again, just as I am
May 5, 2015 @ 8:50 pm
I laughed at those lyrics as I listened.
The thing is, if music is good, it doesn’t need to be defended. I’ve never heard any traditional country artist defending their music. Or heavy metal bands defending theirs. If you like the music you are singing, sing it loud and proud and don’t give a shit what people think.
What a douche canoe.
April 6, 2016 @ 12:00 pm
Brantley is a little more Rock a Billy country than country, but the problem is all good music had to be defended, Elvis, The Beatles, Willie Nelson….. See the thing isn’t that we his fans are stoned out meth heads it’s that I a 36 yr old mom, like how he can tell a story and it either takes me to that place or brings back a memory.
Every artist at some point in their career gets called out….Tim McGraw had his share of Hater’s early on….Now Brantley. Do me one Favor before you write this guy off go listen to One Hell of an amen or Saving Amy, You Don’t know her like I do…..My baby’s guns n roses. I like singer Songwriters and he is a singer songwriter. You may not like his voice or the background music, but the boy can do what most artists can’t write on all his songs!!!!!
May 5, 2015 @ 9:06 pm
I don’t think this was released as a single. As far as I’m aware, an artist cannot release 2 singles at once. One Hell Of An Amen is his current single, this song will probably be released after One Hell Of An Amen falls down the charts.
May 5, 2015 @ 10:30 pm
An artist can release as many singles as they want, but they rarely release two at the same time because basically that means they’re competing with themselves. Program directors are unlikely to program two songs from the same artist into heavy rotation, but it’s been done before. I believe when Taylor Swift released “Red,” she initially released four singles from the album. Then she pulled back to one and re-released them one at a time.
You can have a single, and not release it to radio. “Same Old Song” has not been released to radio, but since it was not released with an album, that is what a “single” is by definition, meaning it was released before an album.
Semantics, basically.
May 5, 2015 @ 11:04 pm
With “Red”, there were 4 releases in the immediate run-up to the album release. Three of them were promo singles, whereas only one, “Begin Again”, was an actual single (i.e. released to radio).
Two of the promo singles ended up being released to radio after the album came out. The only one that never became a proper single was “State of Grace”.
May 11, 2015 @ 2:11 pm
I like the song “State of Grace” as it is good for radio on AC stations. I’m kind of glad though that Taylor abandoned basically all of her “country” songs on the setlist for her next tour.
May 5, 2015 @ 9:38 pm
Uh oh.
Looks like the bros have become self-ware.
May 5, 2015 @ 10:04 pm
I was at iHeart Country this past weekend, and Brantley’s set really let me down. I mean, I knew I hated some of his songs, and liked some of his songs…but his presentation was pure garbage. What seems to be important to him is his silver rings, his wallet chain and his “tough guy” attitude. It’s like he couldn’t make it as a heart-felt country boy, so he adopted that rough and tough persona and now is rolling with it because that’s where the dollars are. I don’t know, perhaps I’m wrong. All artists change over the years, and maybe what he sings IS a product of who he’s become.
Still, it was only slightly better than Sam Hunt’s awful 15 minutes. I could barely understand anything Brantley sang. The high point of his set was definitely “one hell of an Amen” – which had people on all decks singing at the top of their lungs.
Other than that, the set was him wandering back and forth, half-flexing his pecs and whisper-singing.
I don’t know…not my style. I guess that’s all there is to say. He’s just not my style.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:07 pm
” What seems to be important to him is his silver rings, his wallet chain and his “tough guy” attitude. It”™s like he couldn”™t make it as a heart-felt country boy, so he adopted that rough and tough persona and now is rolling with it because that”™s where the dollars are. I don”™t know, perhaps I”™m wrong. All artists change over the years, and maybe what he sings IS a product of who he”™s become.”
That is what is so frustrating to me about Brantley. If you look up some of his older more obscure songs on YouTube, you know that he is capable of so much better than this garbage he has been putting out for the past five years. I’ve grown up listening to more traditional country music(Merle, Dolly, Loretta, Jones, Strait, Emmylou Harris, Gram Parsons, Alan Jackson…) and have had a very hard time listening to “Country Radio” for the past 5-6 years. My number one problem with so many of these “artists” is that they’re all selling out for top dollar when many of them are capable of so much better.
So many of Brantley’s earlier songs like, “You Promised”, “Halfway to Heaven,” and “Best of Me” sounded really heartfelt and believable. Songs like this and every other “Bro-Country” song out there just perpetuates the belief that Southerners are idiots who have no real troubles or heartaches in life and their biggest problem is running out of beer or not getting laid.
And for someone who credits God for being the reason that he is alive after surviving a horrible car crash, it is disgraceful and hypocritical to throw God into a song like this. I doubt that God is proud of the morons in Bro Country that throw His name around in their songs and acceptance speeches when their life and lyrics do not reflect the life of someone who knows and loves God. Years ago I used to think that Brantley was a good ole southern boy, but I guess he sold he soul to Nashville as well.
June 7, 2015 @ 1:29 am
Maybe it was the location. I saw him last year at a CD signing for Best Buy…so it was all free. He actually did a phenomenal performance. All acoustic and very emotional on some songs. Didn’t sing too many, but interacted with the crowd quite a bit. Was very funny and respectful of the fact there was quite a few young kids there. Even went above and beyond and signed extra autographs that day.
May 5, 2015 @ 10:44 pm
Singin that same old song? What singin, sounds like rough gruntin. Maddie and Tae’s Girl In A Country Song blows this shit away.
“Also in the track list and released as the first single from the Platinum Edition is “Same Old Song.” It apparently was released on April 28th, but has received very little press or media push.”
This has been a test of the emergency brocast system. If this had been an actual emergency, the song you just heard would have been followed by truckloads of cash and hookers headed towards radio.
May 5, 2015 @ 11:32 pm
Please tell me that “Grace” is the name of the girl in the daisy dukes and he didn’t just equate bro-country with singing hymns…
May 5, 2015 @ 11:54 pm
My. God.
I wonder if he thinks this song makes him an outlaw for singing out against all the people who say his songs are the same shit.
May 6, 2015 @ 1:02 am
Wow, this is horrid.
And just after I gave Brantley Gilbert some credit for releasing a studio album that actually consisted of moments of genuine potential in “My Faith In You”, “I’m Gone” and “Let It Ride” to rival the awful outliers that were “Bottoms Up”, “Small Town Throwdown” and “Read Me My Rights”. He sure splurged on any grace points I offered him! -__-
I’m not sure, honestly, I can see this earning a proper radio release. And even if it does, it’s unlikely we can expect to see “One Hell Of An Amen” peak until mid-to-late summer.
It’s been fascinating watching the chart run of “One Hell Of An Amen”. You’d figure an A-artist like him, whose current album is among the best selling in all of mainstream country this past year at over 750,000 units shifted to date, would be catapulting his releases up the chart at a rate only eclipsed by Luke Bryan, Blake Shelton, Florida Georgia Line and Jason Aldean. But…………….oddly enough……………this got off to a shockingly slow start in November of last year; stalling at about #50 for an two entire calendar months (mid-December to mid-February) and struggling below the Top Thirty until the beginning of spring.
Since then, it has really picked up the pace and is moving along at about the rate I was expecting it to in the first place. Now I can guess you can hypothesize the possibility of Valory focusing promotion on its other artists as an excuse to why it just limped in the chart’s cellar for so long. But besides Thomas Rhett, has Justin Moore really been active these past six months? When was the last time you heard RaeLynn, for that matter? (Yeah…………………….thought so!)
I don’t know………………its chart run has just struck me as rather peculiar for an A-artist. It’s just amusing thinking this may have a 35-40 week run to the top of the chart. You can’t blame it on sales. “One Hell Of An Amen” had consistently sold better than most of his chart rivals even when it was stalling at radio, and it still is (it’s currently #26 on the iTunes Country chart: outperforming current efforts by Brad Paisley, Zac Brown Band, Rascal Flatts, Frankie Ballard and Kip Moore, and equal with Kenny Chesney’s current single). And you can’t blame abysmal radio callout research for it either. “One Hell Of An Amen” has actually had some pretty solid results with listeners as well.
Either way, it’ll be a full season before we can expect to see Valory drop a new radio single. And when that time comes, I sure hope he doesn’t go this route. I fail to see what good it would do for him anyway.
May 6, 2015 @ 9:47 am
I realized yesterday Justin Moore has been missing in action. Of course, he has been replaced with Sam Hunt. It is fighting like a Hydra.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:11 pm
It wasn’t doing well on the charts because radio stations were cautious to pick up a song that had hell and amen in the same sentence. I do an internship at 101.1 WNOE and they would not play it until it was in the top 30, even though their slogan is “the best and new music first” and he is a headliner of our country fest.
May 6, 2015 @ 4:21 am
I just got out of bed and found this. The rest of my day must surely be better. Hopefully I can play enough John Coltrane, Narvel Felts and Monroe Brothers to get back enough brain cells to do well at my job interview later.
May 6, 2015 @ 9:44 am
Good luck! Prayers sent.
May 6, 2015 @ 4:36 am
Well that is just fucking hilarious, I think this is already in the running for worst song of the millennium.
May 6, 2015 @ 5:00 am
Does he really believe what hes saying??? Does he forget Modern Day Prodigal Son?? The music on that was 10 times more country than the crap he puts out now, and not every song had trucks, beer, bonfires, daisy dukes, etc. Sure, there was some party songs, but it just seemed to have more feeling than what he does now. (And his voice didnt sound like he smokes 2 packs of marlboros a day.) Party songs themselves dont bug me – who am I to say there should be NO party songs, no truck songs, etc? I like to party, I like to tailgate with my husbands Chevy. It just bugs me that thats ALL there is on mainstream radio. I can handle them in small doses, but how can that be all there is for these people who claim that they sing about these things because thats the way they live their lives?
May 6, 2015 @ 5:11 am
I’ve felt the same way as Brantley does a lot of times, the fact is a lot of country folks are like this, myself included. But it’s been romanticized and misogynized (sp?) and OVERDONE so many times, to where it’s unbelievable, and you’re exactly right this just adds to the high pile of crap that was already there. It is a shame when somebody makes a little money off something and then it’s ruined. Plus no joke, I doubt any of these guys actually listen to Hank. I’m just glad he didn’t try to rhyme it with “Drake” or “Tpain” or something like that. Sick of name-dropping hip-hop in country. Darius Rucker just did it too. I digress. Actually I don’t – this is modern country in a nutshell. Doesn’t matter if it’s bro country or whatever, majority of it is not country whatsoever, except pandering. Bummer
May 6, 2015 @ 5:30 am
I can’t get over how much posing this guy does. All of the stupid rings, the fucking hilariously immature brass knuckles mic handle. The stupid tattoos. Putting himself in fights in videos (you know–at least Sam Hunt interrupted domestic abuse in his last video). The silly sounding cookie monster vocals.
I don’t know why this guy feels so threatened, but he’s turned himself into a walking and talking caricature.
May 20, 2015 @ 10:57 pm
Brantley looks like he should be opening for Everlast in 1998. What. A. Tool.
May 6, 2015 @ 6:34 am
Wow…Brantley, you have redeemed yourself with this one. I think I should march out and buy every album you ever recorded. I am pretty sure Brantley Gilbert rhymes with Fucking Sucks…don’t it? I hate this guy and this shitty music. As mentioned by other loyal SCM users, these assholes do not get why we hate their same old songs. I wish Whitey Morgan would kick this guys ass!
May 6, 2015 @ 6:35 am
Also, Brantley is a pathetic, insecure, loser with shallow, shitty songs!
May 6, 2015 @ 7:10 am
Brantley Gilbert is so generic that he had to use the same old damn album tittle that has been used 100 times. Instead of having Whitey kick his ass, I would prefer to do it myself on a back road by a bone fire in front of people drinking cold beer on truck tailgates.
May 6, 2015 @ 7:20 am
Just wanted you to hear it here first, assuming you haven’t already, Trigger: Poison frontman Bret Michaels was on the Bobby Bones Show this morning talking about his new “country” single that is about as Bro as it gets: Yet again, we have the similarities between this trend and hair metal appear as well as another “gone country” moment to boot. He even admits in the article that his “country” album is essentially a reformatting of his rock career. I don’t have a particular problem with Poison or Michaels but he seems to be looking to change that. He even drops the age-old line about being “raised on classic country.”
In other news, he played a few Poison songs on the show this morning. I was immediately reminded of your crack to a commenter a few years ago on your “Greatest Songs of All-Time” article about adding “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” if you opened up the parameters too much. You might want to eat your words, because it’s apparently poised to become the next classic “country” song.
May 6, 2015 @ 7:41 am
He’s got more bling than Busta Rhymes. Just based on the picture, you’d think he was in an Our Lady Peace cover band….
May 6, 2015 @ 7:49 am
My Lord this is ridiculous. Im from the same town so I take particular offense to this. Parties back in the sticks with the tailgates down, no not hardly. It’s going to Commerce, the next toen over, and cruising the the Tanger Outlets from Sonic to McDonald’s acting like a hardass. Moonshine? Very little, more like Natural light. Corn rows? PLEASE. There isnt anybody growing row crops! Chicken houses, hay fields and cows, yeah everywhere. Corn, only for baiting deer. It’s nonsense. And Mr. Outlaw honky tonk tough guy comes from a very nice, average family…and IN TOWN….its all an image that he is taking too seriously. And now im told he is hanging with legit outlaw bikers…might as well have Kenny Chesney riding with the Hells Angels. What nonsense.
May 6, 2015 @ 8:02 am
Wal-Mart, not Sonic to McDonald’s, Sonic to Wal-Mart, my bad, lol, not that it matters
May 6, 2015 @ 9:40 am
My local Wal-Mart has a Sonic in its parking lot. Not much of a cruise.
May 6, 2015 @ 8:24 am
That’s cool if you want to “tear it up” Brantley. As I recall isn’t that how you developed an alcohol addiction and almost got killed? What fun
May 6, 2015 @ 9:43 am
That is my biggest problem about his songs. According to some Brantley fans, he has stopped drinking, well whoopee do! He still sings about throwing down and drinking up. I cannot believe that they defend him using that point. He is indirectly encouraging drinking with his songs. “Bottoms Up” is not about getting elderly people to walk to prevent cramping or getting a couch potato some exercise to cease artery clogging.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:02 am
In fairness, lots of guys do that. Bob Wayne talks about drinking and ingesting all sorts of substances, but as far as I know, he’s been sober for years.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:40 am
I should clarify, I am more upset about Brantley Gilbert’s songs not because he is singing about drinking, but the reckless manner he sings about it. You can be a non-drinker and write about alcohol. It is just that in my mind, a survivor of drunk driving should be more responsible.
May 6, 2015 @ 8:38 am
It’s entirely possible that is their reality they’re singing about. But it’s a terrible, narrow minded reality and there’s no reason why the rest of us who actually have some life experience should have to listen to it.
May 6, 2015 @ 11:58 am
I take a crap everyday, usually. Eat Food. Do the dishes. But it never occurs to me that folks want to hear about everyday mundane activities in music. So you had a bonfire and sat on your tailgate. Is that supposed to somehow be either inspiring or entertaining? It all just reinforces that the people who listen to this music are bored suburbanites that want to live a “country” lifestyle vicariously through corporate music.
May 6, 2015 @ 4:20 pm
“It all just reinforces that the people who listen to this music are bored suburbanites that want to live a “country” lifestyle vicariously through corporate music.”
This is a very insightful comment that has much broader implications across the spectrum of modern country music and its apparent direction. In fact, I believe this phenomenon is the primary driver of this trend.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:06 am
In celebration of my Mexican heritage, I listened exclusively to Brochacho-Ranchero music yesterday.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:10 am
yeah it’s crap, we all know it’s crap, even he knows it crap….still better than any turd laid out by Kanye West. It’s all about perspective.
May 6, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
Kanye’s lyrics are a heck of a lot better thought out than bro-country.
May 6, 2015 @ 2:07 pm
Kanye is a massive d-bag and an extremely unlikeable human being.
That being said, even though I have zero interest in Rap, he is massively more talented than Brantley Gilbert.
For all of Kanye’s flaws, the few songs of his I have heard have actually felt like they take more than 5 minutes to write. I lot of Gilbert’s songs and the other bro-Country songs honestly feel like they take a couple minutes to write. The Peach Pickers probably just have the “first” bro-Country song they wrote on their iPad and just rearrange the words or change a few lyrics out and then send it off and watch the cash come back. It’s a nice scam/job if you can get it I guess.
May 7, 2015 @ 9:45 am
Hahahahahaahahaa, what?
Have you ever listened to Kanye? His worst shit is far more insightful lyrically, more interesting musically and, frankly, more compelling vocally than anything Brantley has ever dreamed of doing.
He’s an obnoxious, irritating person, but anyone who denies his talent as an artist has no idea what they’re talking about.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:51 am
I am glad you posted the lyrics to that song. It has inspired me to write my own country radio hit. It’s almost done. I rhymed “tailgate” with ” date rape” and ” dirt roads” with ” me and my bros” it’s gonna be a monster, I can tell already.
May 6, 2015 @ 12:53 pm
“it also includes a remix with hip-hop artist T.I. of Brantley”™s big hit “Bottoms Up.”
Oh, sweet Jesus, no.
May 6, 2015 @ 1:07 pm
All that small talk goin”™ round/That ain”™t all we”™re all about
Eh, what? Spends the whole damn song bragging about his one-dimensional life and throws this out? The hell? These people can’t keep their story straight from one line to the next!
May 6, 2015 @ 2:01 pm
Sure you might know it, but it can’t be the ONLY thing you know? Can it?
May 6, 2015 @ 3:03 pm
Just perfect.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:13 pm
Damn….He took it off. As much as I hate trolls, I do get a laugh out of the idiocy.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:04 pm
After listening to this tripe. I will take Varg Vikernes stabbing me to death over this any day of the week and twice on Sunday!!!
May 6, 2015 @ 3:06 pm
Mr. South:
I can relate. Luke Bryan’s “Play It Again” got me through my second divorce!
May 6, 2015 @ 3:10 pm
All caps is never a good idea. I agree, there’s one or two pretty real-life, inspirational songs from Brantley gilbert. But golly the majority of them coming out lately have Nashville machine written all over them, and sound like everything else. Plus this one is just dumb, it won’t get a bad party through hard times. Don’t be so easily offended man.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:16 pm
Eh, never mind.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:36 pm
As a North Carolina semi-native (adopted), a country boy, and a Christian, all I can say is what the freak was he thinking when he wrote this?!?!?!?!?!
Like T said above, other artist don’t defend their music so why the crap do you have to?
I used to love Georgia, but after hearing the slew of crap (plus Atlanta traffic), a gotta say, they need to step up their game. Are there still great people in Georgia, yes. Is there still great music coming out of Georgia, yes.
But guys come on.
Let rock be rock, let country be country, and leave your “lifestyle” out of it. They may do this crap in Georgia, but everywhere else in the south there is none of this stuff going on at the level they describe it! I mean, yes people fall in love at parties, but no freaking one in their right mind falls in love with a chick every week or has a wild “redneck” party every other day!
It’s crap like this that is pushing me away from my former redneck status and more toward country, and even that is seeming questionable at this point.
You can ask everyone I go to school with, and about 85% of them ABSOLUTELY HATE country, and those who do like it don’t like this crap.
So Mr. Gilbert, you have two options at this point. Write and play actual country music, or write better lyrics and move to rock. You fit well with the crap that’s played on their radio sometimes (‘cough cough’ Halestorm ‘cough cough’).
Next thing you know Steven Tyler will release a country album. Wait what… He is?…
Ok never mind.
May 20, 2015 @ 11:18 pm
I disagree with the keeping rock and country separate. I agree keep MODERN rock and country separate, but look at Blackberry Smoke. GOOD rock and country have been mixing since The Band and the Byrds.
May 6, 2015 @ 3:42 pm
ALSO. What kind of douchebaggery is this “Platinum Edition” commemorating ONE YEAR? Really? I mean, really?
May 6, 2015 @ 3:48 pm
Ok so that’s what happens on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. That’s great. What happens then Monday through Thursday? Sing about that.
June 7, 2015 @ 1:45 am
Yea..that would be a fun song. I went to work, picked up my kids, did the dishes, cooked some dinner, drank a beer, turned out the lights and said good night. Bet that one would be flying off the shelves.
May 6, 2015 @ 4:11 pm
Is it me, or is this the same exact “song” as Bottom’s Up? Same drum track, etc. I went to iTunes and flipped back and forth between the samples and they are eerily similar. You have to hand it to Brantley’s commercial acumen….
May 6, 2015 @ 4:29 pm
Lmao some of the layers are identical and I think he did it purposely as an extra f*ck you to critics by literally singing the same old song.
May 6, 2015 @ 5:25 pm
And it should also be noted that Brian Keane and Adam Hood already answered this nonsense with “I’ll Sing About Mine.”
May 6, 2015 @ 6:21 pm
Here we go again another bro country song by Brantley. Put Hank Williams in his crap of the song is an insult.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:10 pm
More like same old shit if you ask me.
May 6, 2015 @ 10:40 pm
Somebody needs to help this man. He sounds like he’s in a lot of pain trying to pass a turd.
May 7, 2015 @ 6:35 am
Is this looser with the tattoos and brass knuckle microphone the same guy that was crying when he was handed an award?
It’s so weird there aren’t real men or real tough guys in Country music anymore. It’s just weak, pathetic and soulless people pretending to be tough.
I could also take what I just said and replace “tough” with “respectable”.
May 7, 2015 @ 9:17 am
Awe. Criticism is really hard on Gilbert. Guess when swimming in your money pit doesn’t make you feel better, you can always record a shitty song. Hell, it can even be a song about your shitty songs.
May 7, 2015 @ 12:40 pm
And I just got over a virus. Well I guess the only cure for this is Emmylou and Rodney Crowell at The Fillmore tonight.
May 7, 2015 @ 1:12 pm
Mr George Jones.. can u pls come back and save country music… its all garbage.
May 7, 2015 @ 1:39 pm
The first time I heard this song (the day it came out), I knew this would get ripped apart here. Sing about your lifestyle, fine. But please, put a new spin on what you’re writing. If you write a song about a dirt road, put some sort of unique spin on it to make it interesting.
I love how he even refers to what they push as “That same old song”, almost like he knows that the formula they keep pushing is old and tired. Think through what you’re writing before you make song like this, because here the double meaning negates what you’re saying the rest of the song.
May 7, 2015 @ 5:48 pm
Well here we go again with this Turd with the tats. At this point we shouldn’t be surprised in the least. I know there’s a few saying he should talk/sing about something else, but there’s a problem with that.
The problem is he and I doubt a good many of his bro brethren actually can’t. Bro country is populated by the same douchebags I’m sure some of us know that never grew up past high school. Sure they get older, but for one reason or another they can’t let go. It’s like life ended for them after the age of 21. Hell, look at Kenny Chesney (yep, I consider him a bro) how many damn songs does that guy have out there talking about his childhood/teen years?
Same goes for Brantley, he hasn’t matured a damn bit and he never will because he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t sing about anything which may occur from Monday to Thursday because in this weird, idealized image he has of the south or being country won’t allow it.
May 7, 2015 @ 1:46 pm
I’m not 100% sure but my assumption would be that using a brass knuckles microphone holder means you have a small penis.
May 8, 2015 @ 1:15 am
lol i am just here to check whether yall post or had any comments of his pro amendment gun tattoo? shows how stupid he is.
Brantley Gilbert’s ‘Same Old Song’ Misses The Point On Bro-Country Discourse – Review | For The Country Record
May 11, 2015 @ 3:18 pm
[…] sort of is a single at the same time, then you weren”™t the only one. Thanks to the keen eye of Trigger at Saving Country Music, I became aware of a Platinum edition of Brantley”™s most recent studio album ”˜Just As I Am”™, […]
May 11, 2015 @ 8:51 pm
Wow. This cretin just seems to revel in his ignorance, doesn’t he?
Way to write a song that really revels the depths of your stupidity, Brantley. Whereas BEFORE people may have questioned if you were a moron and been on the fence about it, now they have conclusive proof you’re a dumbass who sings by-numbers-drivel. Keep churning out the tripe, poser.
May 17, 2015 @ 7:19 pm
Y’all are crazy!! BG is a real artist ysll take life to serious its called entertaintndnt . if you don’t like him fine but he Is real. He talks about god a lot and there’s nothing wrong with that. And God knows no one I’d perfect so I don’t think god has a problem with him.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:19 am
I just discovered this song and I can’t get enough of it. Just like a lot of BG’s songs. actually GRITS was one of the first songs I ever played on stage after I learned to play guitar.
It was about a year ago a buddy and I went to see BG at Red Rocks in Denver. This ol boy sold the damn thing out. That hadn’t been done in 10yrs.
After the concert instead of getting in the truck and getting in the line to get out of there. I grabbed my guitar a 12er, and a couple jars of shine “I’m talkin both kinds” next thing you know we got us a crowd of our own goin. Brantley’s bus even drove by and honked, even BG him self thrown up then horns in the back. (\m/)!
As for me I’m from Dallas ,Texas! Not by any means a small town in the least, but what we used to do every weekend after busting our asses for the boss man. We would spend every Friday night bull riding them head to a bar to get some ladies danced with. The next morning we were on our way out to Tyler, Ennis, or wherever. Cruizen the strip till till was time to go hide some where in some field, some where, maybe by a creek, some rail road tracks where ever! There was always a bon fire, good people, and a lot of booze. Fun as hell with a chance of getting laid, or an asswhupin. Any time there was a fight, no boody would brain up until Sombody had enough. Then the two, TWO! would drink a beer and be friends again. No1.”If that some country, I’ll kiss your ass”. And No2. Suma’yall need to go get’cha some colon blow. Maybe that will get that stick outta yer ass!
June 2, 2015 @ 11:40 am
And some of you need to learn spelling, capitalization, and basic grammar. Not to mention good taste.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:51 am
Go back to listening to your Tay Tay shut up! While you’re at it you can let Tim McGraw have your guns too. Good lord yall wouldn’t know country if it team over you in 4 wheel low!
June 2, 2015 @ 12:01 pm
LOL. You obviously know nothing of my musical tastes.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:48 pm
Go back to listening to your Tay Tay shut up! While you’re at it you can let Tim McGraw have your guns too. Good lord yall wouldn’t know country if it ran over you in 4 wheel low!
June 7, 2015 @ 2:01 am
I’m just gonna say I love BG and all his music. I must since I bought all of it over the years. He has a very distinct look, but he owns it in the sense that it’s him. He is a classic example of the saying “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover”. He does a lot of good for raising money and awareness for our US troops. He has a strong faith base that he shares in his songs. He does sing songs that are just fun, but he is an artist I can shuffle all his songs on repeat and not get bored. I’m a 37 yo mom (good lookin yankee livin in the south with a college degree that goes muddin, huntin, drinks but does not do drugs and certainly doesn’t wanna grow up yet!) of 3 kids who works outside a lot doin guy type jobs while sweatin my ass off, so I listen to a lot of country rock. He’s mixed right in with my Johnny Cash, Aaron Watson, Charlie Daniels, Jason Aldean, Whiskey Myers, Justin Moore, etc. My point is not all his fans are white trash wannabes and he has great music. This website should be called… Have a great day yall.
October 18, 2015 @ 1:59 pm
Obvious Troll is Obvious
October 20, 2015 @ 2:19 pm
Whatever that is supposed to mean. Obvious douche is still a douche. This website is full of them.
March 20, 2016 @ 4:15 am
“and certainly doesn’t wanna grow up yet.”
Don’t knock it ’till you try it, Michelle. You might actually like this whole growing up and being an adult thing. Contrary to your beliefs, 37 is NOT the new 18, and high school is over. The real world beckons.
March 20, 2016 @ 9:44 am
Gee..38 for awhile now and still more grown up than you. My comment of not wanting to grow up does not mean I don’t do grown up things like have morals and pay bills or whatever you seem to think it means. It means that I’m not gonna go through life bored and grumpy like some old bat interfering in other’s lives so they are as miserable as I am. I can respect that others have a different opinion or likes than I do without putting them down for it.
June 8, 2015 @ 10:59 am
I don’t think Brantley gets it. Sure a lot of us grew up with pick-up trucks, the farm, getting drunk, cornfields etc BUT that isn’t all there is to life. Also, country radio is now bigger in big cities where we don’t drive pick-up trucks and the only corn we have ever seen is at the supermarket.
Lately, though, it’s pick-up trucks, “hey girl”, beer, party on, and babes. That was okay for the first few songs. It’s been done! Ad nauseum! Move on. Today it seems that only female country artists record songs with lyrics for country fans with more than three neurons. Sure, a few male artists step outside the “bro-country”
The reality is, the major record label’s target audience has changed dramatically from 25-54 to 18-34 females. Lyrics are not as important anymore…at least intelligent creative lyrics. Sorry Brantley, “bro-country” is the message. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Don’t like the term, “bro-country”? Don’t do it.
August 11, 2015 @ 6:50 pm
I’m going to be honest here: I think you all are overreacting to this; It’s not the worst song ever. If he wants to attempt to defend his music, then whatever; I don’t give a shit. I’m not saying this song is good; it is not that well written and it’s a little late to be talking about bro country. However, there are worse songs out there (BYHB) and this isn’t terrible. So yeah, I think you guys need to chill out.
December 4, 2015 @ 1:39 pm
Interesting that this entire thread bashes on a man for one single…. This whole thread should collectively do some research and judge the man on the songs that aren’t so popular and maybe get some idea of where he is coming from. Or are we only giving that luxury to country artists that are already dead?