Chris Stapleton, Reba McEntire Axe Tours as Others Are Announced

This story has been updated.
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve seen a lot of activity on the live music front, as the continued expansion of the vaccinated population appears to make music gatherings both large and small possible in the coming weeks and months.
Along with Eric Church making a big to do about getting his vaccination shot and announcing a crowded arena tour for this fall, Kane Brown announced an arena tour last week as well. Then this week it was Brothers Osborne announcing a massive 46-date tour starting in July. Then Thomas Rhett released 24 tour dates commencing in August. Luke Bryan is moving forward with his 2021 tour, and has big dates scheduled starting in May and June.
All of this is on top of numerous club and theater acts filling up their calendars, and festivals all across the country confirming summer, fall, and even some late spring dates. Live music even in large capacity venues is coming back. The Brothers Osborne tour even includes five dates in California in October, as well as dates in Oregon and Washington State, which have been slower than other states in giving the “all-clear” signal when it comes to restrictions.
But this week, two big country names also let it be known they’re continuing to postpone tour plans for 2021. Chris Stapleton originally pushed the start date back for his All-American Roadshow tour from April to June. Then on Wednesday (4-14), announced he was pushing more of his 2021 dates to 2022, rescheduling 18 shows including his long-awaited “A Concert for Kentucky,” and canceling an appearance in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Stapleton still does have numerous others dates scheduled for 2021 (see calendar).
Reba McEntire has chosen to do the same thing. “We’ve waited as long as we possibly could to make a decision, but unfortunately we’re not going to be able to play our 2021
Reba: Live In Concert dates. As much as I wish we could get back out on the road, it’s just not possible yet,” Reba said.
Kenny Chesney also officially postponed his 2021 “Chillaxification” tour to 2022 in March, and Maren Morris did the same with her 2021 tour dates in December of 2020.
This is all leaving music fans with mixed messages about what to expect from live music moving forward, with many ticketholders for tours that were supposed to occur in 2020 still having to endure their money being tied up in events that continue to be delayed, while others might be reluctant to purchase a ticket to some of the recently-announced tours due to concerns the concert might eventually be delayed or canceled as well.
What also makes it confusing is some of the tour dates delayed to 2022 are in locations other acts have announced upcoming 2021 dates at. The tours also don’t appear to be promoter dependent. LiveNation is a part of both tours that have been delayed to 2022, and ones that are moving forward in 2021.
There may be numerous factors behind-the-scenes playing into some of these decisions, including the ability to hire road crews, lighting and sound guys, and other support staff as companies go from complete lockdown to a glut of work upon reopening. Some acts may just still see it as a health risk to hold a big show, even later in 2021 when everyone who wants a vaccine will have the opportunity to receive one. Others may not want to play events if they don’t sell through well, which may be a concern as a leery public is still waiting to see where the pandemic goes.
Meanwhile some acts such as Eric Church and Brothers Osborne are probably just hungry for the live experience, and are ready to get out there on the road regardless how well events sell through.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic will not have a hard and fast end date to make it easy for the live music industry and fans to pin their expectations upon. With new cases holding steady and a continued leeriness from some in the public, it’s making how and when to open up some live music spaces a fluid situation.
It’s not just the risk to the public, but the potential concern for a public relations issue surrounding the polarizing subject of COVID-19 that has the prospects for live music later in 2021 still looking like a mixed bag.
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Editor’s Note: This story original alluded to Chris Stapleton moving all of his tour dates to 2022, and has been updated to reflect that he still has numerous tour dates scheduled for 2021.
April 16, 2021 @ 9:46 am
Folks, let’s please keep away from the polarizing comments when it comes to COVID-19, and instead focus on the topic at hand. I understand people have strong opinions about this matter, and some discussion about it is inescapable. But nobody’s going to change their opinions on COVID-19 from something they read in a country music website’s comments section. So please, be respectful to this site and each other.
April 16, 2021 @ 9:54 am
Actually, Chris Stapleton is not moving his entire tour to 2022, just select dates like the shows that he rescheduled for April and June of this year, He will now begin the tour in late July with two shows at Bank Of New Hampshire Pavilion on July 28 and 29 and has 25 additional shows scheduled this year through December.
What do you think?.
April 16, 2021 @ 9:58 am
I know, the story should have reflected that Stapleton didn’t move all his dates to 2022, just a chunk of them. It has been updated. Sorry for any confusion.
April 16, 2021 @ 10:06 am
good. artists are putting safety first. which is what is sould be.
April 16, 2021 @ 11:07 am
Figured Chris’ show would end up this way. They were scheduled to do the first concert ever in the University of Kentucky’s football stadium this time last year, and then pushed it to this year, only to punt it again.
It was supposed to bring Willie in as a feature act too. I just hope we don’t eventually run out of time to make that happen.
April 16, 2021 @ 11:31 am
George Strait announced a rescheduled show in Minneapolis for Nov. Chris Stapleton/LBT opening.
April 16, 2021 @ 11:33 am
My concern is ticket prices. Once these big acts actually return to touring, are the ticket prices going to rise? They need to make up revenue lost from the pandemic. Will fans ignore the higher prices for a chance to get out and see concerts again?
April 16, 2021 @ 5:19 pm
Yes and yes
April 16, 2021 @ 11:45 pm
People will attend shows if they have them. People come out in droves in our area to see lil’ local artists in restaurants/bars on Saturday nights. And larger shows they are selling tickets in “pod groups.” Nobody has a gun to their head to attend these events.
April 17, 2021 @ 4:25 am
Right, my point is the artists and venues need to raise prices to stay afloat, and people are desperate enough for shows to pay those inflated prices.
April 16, 2021 @ 11:54 am
I can understand that artists don’t want to have to deal with the expense of getting ready for a tour they might have to cancel. No problem with them pushing off until 2022. I know I am not going to attend an indoor show for a while — 2022 at least.
I miss seeing live bands but I absolutely do not miss the concert experience. I have a job – I can’t stay out until 1 in the morning. People talking while the band is playing (why did you pay money if you are not going to watch the music?). Drunk idiots. Rude people (seriously — if you are in the front row at a packed club and you decide to go to the bar and get a drink — you are watching the rest of the show from the back. What kind of spectacular @sshole thinks it is ok to elbow their way all the way back to the front?).
Also, get off my lawn!
April 16, 2021 @ 1:57 pm
At a Tyler Childers show a few years ago, some guy asked me to stop raising my fist after every song (instead of clapping because I have a drink in my hand). It pissed me off so bad, we moved to the back of the room. 3 songs later, I saw this asshole leaving the floor to go to the bathroom. I caught up with him at the bathroom line and told him to get his ass back on the floor. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have moved because I’ll never see Tyler that close up again.
April 16, 2021 @ 12:12 pm
This comes as an existential relief. I’m so happy Chris will and Reba will not kill anyone! America has dodged yet another bullet, thanks to our glorious leaders!
April 16, 2021 @ 12:43 pm
How is Sid?
Funny, but was thinking about him last weekend, doing something as simple as enjoying watching a butterfly.
April 16, 2021 @ 5:13 pm
He’s hanging in there, thanks. Given the size of the syringe, we’re just glad he’s not a spitter!
April 16, 2021 @ 6:34 pm
: D Poor guy!
How many cc’s/ml’s is he getting?
Glad he’s hanging in there.
Give him some peanut butter, fatten him up
April 16, 2021 @ 1:40 pm
boo empathy and caring about other people. what a bunch of jerks and idiots.
April 16, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
Who even wants to go to a packed concert this year? Even vaccinated, I would definitely pass. It’s not essential.
I’ll wait til next year.
April 16, 2021 @ 1:48 pm
I think I’m going to sit out another year before returning to concerts. It has nothing to do with COVID – I’m fully vaccinated and like wearing a mask (I don’t smell y’all’s B.O. and farts) – people are just acting crazy. For whatever reason, I’m a fighting candidate at any concert under good circumstances. Now that everyone is acting insane in public, it’s almost a definite that I’ll get into a fight a show.
The pandemic has only strengthened my anti-people stance.
I think Ticketmaster and LiveNation want to use vaccination sniffing dogs for admission to large events, but not sure if its legality. I know they are already using them for NY Yankee and Miami Heat games (but for now admitting the non vaccinated – for now). If the pandemic doesn’t go away and there’s a continued push back about the vaccination, I bet the big concerts come back in 2022 and concert goers will be screened for the vaccination for admittance.
April 16, 2021 @ 2:24 pm
“but not sure if its legality” Why wouldn’t it be legal? tickets are a revocable license, as far as the buyer is concerned. you have no constitutional or statutory right to see chris stapleton, or even thomas rhett (if your taste isn’t good at all) for that matter, in concert.
April 16, 2021 @ 2:44 pm
Florida governor signed a mandate declaring such policies illegal and a quick google search reveals the Miami Heat stopped using them 2 days ago.
“ That program had been in place for games beginning April 1, the day before an order from Governor Ron DeSantis prohibiting governments, businesses and public venues from demanding proof of Covid-19 vaccination from individuals.”
Maybe this was the reasoning for all the sudden big corporate concert cancellations. I know back in November Ticketmaster was passport / dog screeners or bust.
April 16, 2021 @ 2:32 pm
Difficult decision for all the artists whether to go ahead or not. I don’t envy them. Difficult time for all concerned and I am sure a lot of thought went into the decisions.
April 16, 2021 @ 4:27 pm
Remember when they cancelled Woodstock in the middle of the ’68-’70 pandemic? Oh wait…they didn’t. People need to get back to living and stop being afraid of a virus they have little chance of dying from. If you’re immune-compromised or elderly, stay home, be careful and take care. Everyone else get back to living.
The ’68 pandemic was much worse than covid (doubters can do ten minutes of research and check the numbers/population then and now). One of my best friends is 82, lived and worked through the ’68 pandemic, and can’t believe at the way this pandemic has been politicized and used as a weapon of fear.
April 17, 2021 @ 8:38 am
I agree 100%. It’s sad to see so many people living on fear from this “pandemic”.
April 22, 2021 @ 12:40 am
I too also agree (and I’m recovering from Covid.) I’m tired of this fear-mongering about it, except for one thing,the pandemic’s gotten worse, especially here in Ontario. (and I got sick with Covid, but I’m recovering.)
The whole thing’s been mismanaged by most governments to begin with, as mentioned here.
April 16, 2021 @ 6:53 pm
I’m ready to see some shows. I work in a health care related field and I got Covid fairly early (April of last year), no symptoms thank God. I got my two Pfizer doses last month. My elderly parents are vaccinated too. I’m personally ready to move on. I’m not worried about the variants, there will likely be an annual shot just like the flu shot and I’ll get that too when it comes out. The risk has got to be miniscule for me.
April 16, 2021 @ 7:59 pm
Is it hot in here or is it just me …
October 25, 2021 @ 12:11 pm
That was torture to watch. Really horrible
April 17, 2021 @ 5:00 am
April 17, 2021 @ 4:26 pm
April 17, 2021 @ 6:15 am
How does Kenny Chesney not feel douchey with that awful tour name?
April 17, 2021 @ 7:34 am
I’ll be going to see Eric Church personally. I am more in the freedom camp on this subject. I just feel like at this point don’t go to the show if you are worried. If you want to go then go it seems fairly simple. Reba & Stapleton can also choose to have a show or not, thats up to them. I saw Reba on 2019, and I was going to see Stapleton if he didn’t cancel. There is just not much risk anymore with COVID, and if you disagree that is 100% fair just don’t go to the show. Church should be applauded for getting us back to normal life. Thanks Church.
April 17, 2021 @ 12:22 pm
I saw Eric Church with small / smallish crowds 11 years ago and 12 years ago. Even though I know that he has now carefully tailored his shows for arenas and stadiums I don’t think I would be able to appreciate such a large “event,” even if every single person within 50 miles of the show has been vaccinated. I doubt I will ever again attend any kind of indoor show > 500 people.
April 17, 2021 @ 11:40 pm
Alright I wanted to wait a bit to weigh in on this because I’m going to ASSUME and forgive me if I’m wrong that I’m the only regular poster on this site that’s actually in show business for a living? (32 yrs-large venue video production) The term “show business” = people gathering to watch some kind of…… live performance, presentation, music, theatrical play……etc…….. bottom line, more than 10 people in a room to watch anyone do anything. I and many of us……….crews and band members of our favorite artists whether it be as small as Sunny and her full band, the 78’s, or Cody’s band, Stapleton/Reba/Chesney etc… haven’t worked in 13 months so to hear some people on here that haven’t missed a day of work since 3/13/20 tell all of us what SHOULD be done or is acceptable to many different jurisdictions and circumstances is hysterical. All the “stars” are fine. You know who’s NOT fine? Their crews(families), techs(lighting/sound/video) You haven’t walked in our shoes. To anyone above if you’re afraid to go to shows…..stay home, other people WON’T. I’ve been supporting all of our favorite artists that come to my area to play…….Whitey, Ben Jarrell, Ward Davis, The Steel Woods and others, now granted these aren’t “supposed super spreader events” whatever the fuck that bullshit term means anymore (“peaceful protests?”….lol) but this is a big country. I don’t know what planet you all live on but I’m out 3 nights a week in different size venues seeing artists/bands, my area is different from Texas which is doing well but unlike Michigan we’re doing great here in IL and people need to work to eat. Nobody is forcing anybody to go anywhere they don’t want to be. The flipside is even my hometown Mayor may be a bit delusional thinking our summer concert series will go off without a hitch thinking these (non Country) artists…..Daughtry, George Thorogood, Beach Boys, will actually still be out on tour and play here, but I like his attitude……. No masks, No restrictions……..nobody is forcing you to go! You all might laugh but these are Tuesday night shows in my neighborhood when nothing else is going on and have been for 20 years………Our shows must go on!!! My Mayor says so….LOL
April 18, 2021 @ 8:37 am
April 22, 2021 @ 11:43 am
Good post JB-Chicago.
April 18, 2021 @ 12:51 pm
I think some of it is type of venue, a lot of the Brothers Osbourne dates are outside. The risk at an outside venue is significantly smaller then the risk at an indoor venue. I’m fully vaccinated, and ready for concerts again. I know the Bills will be requiring proof of vaccination for NFL games in the fall, and wouldn’t be surprised at all if this becomes more the norm moving forwards. At least until the virus has been further suppressed.
For those arguing against vaccination please keep in mind though, that everyone who wants to get one, can’t. Because vaccines work with your immune system, individuals who are immunocompromised, or who have some health conditions, or people who are allergic to the ingredients of the vaccine, cannot get vaccinated. Literally, the way vaccines work, the more people who have it, the safer the community as a whole is (it also helps to suppress variants etc.)
April 19, 2021 @ 5:14 am
Seems like the shitty bands are touring.
Probably because all the brain dead pop consumers will just move onto whatever the next thing corporate country tries to feed them. Tons of idiots out there.
Gotta stay in the spotlight if you ain’t got anything to say
April 22, 2021 @ 11:53 am
Oh well.
I’ll just keep hiking, jogging hills, wrestling/grappling, and continue improving my immune system so I can attend other concerts from non-pandemic alarmists.
I actually care about my health.
April 29, 2021 @ 11:00 am
Well I guess our Windy City Smokeout is a go!!! I’ll probably be buying a ticket for Sunday for sure and maybe another day as we see how the line up shakes out. There’s always last minute changes for these and I’m sure this will be no different. I guess my mayor isn’t the only one that’s ready to return to normalcy. Enforcing anything at this event that takes place in the United Center parking lot will be impossible no matter what the fine print says.