Cody Jinks Announces New Album “After The Fire”

Soaring traditional country music performer and songwriter Cody Jinks will have a new album coming on October 4th called After The Fire. The Ft. Worth, TX native let this little nugget of information slip out recently as he was announcing plans for a new fan club, putting folks on attention for yet another highly anticipated release for the 2nd half of 2019.
A first reported by Saving Country Music in late May, Cody Jinks is planning to release the new album with no record label at all. After releasing his first few records on his own, and receiving widespread critical acclaim and posting surprising numbers for his 2015 record Adobe Sessions, Jinks signed a deal with Thirty Tigers to release 2016’s I’m Not The Devil. The record became Cody’s breakout smash, selling over 70,000 copies at last count and racking up huge streaming numbers. This led to Cody Jinks signing with Rounder Records to release 2018’s Lifers. He’s decided to go it alone once again for After The Fire.
In late April, Cody Jinks shared numerous photos from the studio as he worked his way through recording new music, including a new song with the working title, “Tell ‘Em What It’s Like.” Once again Cody Jinks has chosen the Sonic Ranch complex out in West Texas near El Paso to record the new album. It is the same place Cody recorded Adobe Sessions, and the title is an homage to the secluded recording spot. Cody’s I’m Not The Devil and Lifers were recorded there as well. Jinks says he will head back into the studio on June 11th to finish the record up.
The Cody Jinks camp has also put fans on alert to “expect the unexpected” from the new release, and it might be tied to the new fan club. “Once the fan club is open for business, that’ll be the place to be if you want in on pre-sales. It’ll also be the place to be for a few surprises…” Cody Jinks says. And don’t worry, “expect the unexpected” is not some signal for a major shift in musical direction. Saving Country Music has been assured the new album is definitely country.
More information on After The Fire when it becomes available.
June 7, 2019 @ 6:39 pm
This just turned into the most highly anticipated album of the year, alongside Tyler Childers
June 8, 2019 @ 6:03 pm
Assuming he forgets about the direction Lifers took, and picks up where I’m Not The Devil left off, I completely agree.
June 13, 2019 @ 9:42 am
Lifers? I thought that was a Toby Keith album.
June 7, 2019 @ 7:01 pm
A bullfrog could do his vocals.
June 8, 2019 @ 9:16 am
But only a talented bullfrog.
June 8, 2019 @ 10:48 am
Lol yes
June 8, 2019 @ 11:06 am
Trig should put a “dislike” button so we can check it on your post Seth…lol We know that you know that this is Cody country. Can’t wait for new music and the 3rd show I’ll be seeing this year. Finally coming to my town after a 3 year hiatus. With Sunny opening to boot!! 🙂
June 7, 2019 @ 7:19 pm
Today is a good day.
June 7, 2019 @ 8:48 pm
Been to three of his concerts in the last six months. Corporate country has no idea what they’re missing, which I suppose is the point. Cody is the modern-day Merle.
June 8, 2019 @ 6:49 am
Wow, talk about overrating someone. He’s decent at best, and he is in no way in Haggard’s class of musician, but to each their own I guess.
June 8, 2019 @ 10:45 am
You’re going to be lonely. There aren’t a lot of people who don’t find Jinks to be exceptional. Songs like “David” and “Grey” and “Give All You Can” and “Head Case” place him in pretty good company.
June 8, 2019 @ 10:50 am
Perhaps, but a “modern day Merle”? I don’t think so.
June 8, 2019 @ 5:51 pm
Who can live up to Merle Haggard?
June 8, 2019 @ 6:08 pm
I found him exceptional up to Lifers. Hopefully that was a blip and he gets back to form. We don’t need another Jinks album full of songs that are rock drum beat – driven, and that he rushes through vocally. I want more “She’s All Mine” type true county songs.
June 8, 2019 @ 9:18 am
Cody music has grit and it’s real outlaw country.No need to compare him to anyone else,he is in a class of his own.Hope to see him in Vancouver BC next year:) ????????????
June 8, 2019 @ 12:11 pm
I don’t think it’s fair to compare one to the other and I’m sure both Merle and Cody would agree. However, Cody is fucking amazingly talented, and it shows in his record sales. Albums produced without any labels. His continually growing flock of black sheep followers, die hard fans, and hearts he’s touched. He’s an amazing individual on top of it all. He’d prolly be that one person, who stopped to help you in your broke down truck, after 30 others passed by like they never saw you, on a simmering day in the middle of Texas summer. So, I think it’s extremely disrespectful for someone to talk down about his talents.
After all…
This is the South hun. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say nothin at all.
June 8, 2019 @ 12:33 pm
The New FIRE in COUNTRY MUSIC have seen Cody Jinks 7 times Coliseum Snyder TX., Lumberyard Roscoe Tx.,The Roundup Borne Tx.,DoseAmago Odessa TX. Ardmore Ok. KayYager Coliseum Witchtafalls Tx. Horseshoe Arrenna Midland Tx. and the next time gonna be the BEST ONE YET
so Stoked with Anticipation .
Cody Effin Jinks
35 days till
June 8, 2019 @ 3:31 pm
Wtf is someone who wants to trash my boy from Ft Worth Tx…. I have seen him in Phoenix, Vegas and Panther island in Ft. Worth worth every dine I paid and if I don’t like or God forbid seen the band in concert STFU
June 8, 2019 @ 7:17 pm
Why am I the only one around here who loves “Lifers”? It got me through a crappy job last summer! Can’t wait for the Boston show, as well as the new LP. Flock on!
June 9, 2019 @ 10:58 am
Lifers is like the dog you get after your favorite dog dies. It’s perfectly fine–it just doesn’t stack up compared to the past.
June 9, 2019 @ 5:15 pm
Which Songs on Lifers?
June 11, 2019 @ 6:33 am
I agree, Lifers is a great album. I just don’t see why folks whine about it.
June 11, 2019 @ 8:05 am
I Loved it too! But then again I love ALL his music! Fast hand needs to be re-released!!!
June 8, 2019 @ 7:28 pm
Checking in from Miami and I traveled about an hour out to see him in FtLauderdale and well the man is worth every hard earned dollar to see and hear him play. His music reflects pain and emotion and we love it. “
But I learned more on the freight docks
Driving forklifts on the 3 o’clock AM shift
In the winter time, man it got cold
Selling guitars on the west coast
Going hungry, chasin’ ghost around
And around we would go
And I saw it all tendin’ bar at night
Treatin’ saints and sinners right
Is a good thing to do all the time
You never know who you’re talkin’ to
But always know who’s watching you
Keep your feet movin’ straight down the line“
If this ain’t good I don’t know what is
I’m out
June 9, 2019 @ 12:48 am
I absolutely ❤️ Cody Effen Jinks music..and he does remind me a lot of Merle…more so in his attitude of he plays what he wants..not what Nashville/supposed “country” wants him to play…not stadium country..HONEST REAL country…every one of his albums has just a touch of difference, but still from the heart and his soul…I enjoy it immensely…wish I could see him at Red Rocks…Wow..what a wonderful venue…
June 11, 2019 @ 6:34 am
Great news, something to look forward to!
July 5, 2019 @ 5:46 am
We like everything he’s putting out and he’s not changing. All concerts pretty much are selling out and having to change places to accommodate more fans to see him should say something.
He won’t shake hands with with someone to turn him over to the pop sh@@@. He’s kept it the way he wants I believe he will continue.
I am a big fan I couldn’t tell you who else is out there specially on this commercial country pop sh@@@.
Will continue to listen to his music keeping it real
If you want to bash him please show your ass out the “exit door”
July 14, 2019 @ 12:42 am
Just returned from the Red Rocks Cody Jinx show. The show was unbelievably good. Cody is on his way to country music stardom. What a great show it was!
August 3, 2019 @ 7:13 pm
We went to our first Cody Jinks concert. We flew from upstate NY to Colorado to see Cody perform at Red Rocks. I am doubtful that I will ever attend a better performance! He was so humble and grateful to be performing there. He deserves everything that comes his way. We went to a Chris Stapleton concert two weeks later and were disappointed. I cannot express how amazing it is to listen to Cody in person!