Cody Jinks Lists Off 9 (Yes, 9) Separate Projects on the Way

If you follow most independent musicians closely, you know most of them are always planning and scheming to release two new records in the next year, and a side project. That’s just how their brain works, always looking forward to sharing new music. Then of course, life gets in the way and it’s two years until their next release.
With Cody Jinks, you have to take those threats seriously after he surprised everyone in 2019 and released two full-length albums on back to back weeks with The Wanting and After The Fire, and just a year after releasing 2018’s Lifers and touring full time. He’s also released two previously-unheard songs so far in 2020, “Fast Lane” and “Watch The World Die.”
Well on Friday, Cody Jinks dropped a missive on social media enumerating no less than nine projects he has on the way in one capacity or another—some he’s hinted at in the past, some that are probably mostly done, and a few that may not see the light of day in the next year or so, but don’t be surprised if they do. Here’s a breakdown.
1. “A Couple In” Podcast: That’s right. Move over Joe Rogan, Cody Jinks is getting into the podcast business, and says he already has 15 episodes in the can, including the inaugural episode that captures him sitting down with country legend Clint Black. Remember, Clint Black invited Cody Jinks to perform on his recent single “This Old House,” and was the man who gave Jinks the opportunity for his Grand Ole Opry debut on August 28th, 2019.
2. Adobe Sessions Unplugged and Behind The Music: Adobe Sessions is considered by many to be Cody’s finest work, and so to pay tribute to the record, he’s looking to launch a special project. “Handful of acoustic guitars, a few cameras, a few drinks and some good times. Josh and I sat down and discussed each song in great detail. This is something we have never done before, so get ready for a bad ass show,” Cody Jinks says. Don’t think of this as just an album, but a multimedia experience. “It’ll stream early September and for those that purchase the stream, you will have the opportunity to get it on CD as well. The CD will not be available anywhere else for the foreseeable future, so…” says Jinks. Expect more information on this very soon.
3. An Acoustic Album: Consider this a COVID-19 special. No word on a track list just yet, but it will include acoustic renditions of some of Cody’s biggest songs. Jinks says it should be out in 2020.
4. A Lefty Frizzell Covers Album: This could be super cool. Cody’s music and cover selections mostly reside in the Outlaw era and the 80’s and 90’s. It will be really interesting to hear his take on some Golden Era Lefty classics. “Has been on my to do list for some time. Super stoked about it,” Jinks says. Lefty never gets his proper due. When Brennen Leigh did a tribute record to Frizzell a few years ago, it turned out very well.
5. Red Rocks Live Album: Cody Jinks brought the house down to a capacity crowd at the legendary Red Rocks Amphitheater on July 13th, 2019, and there was a pro setup there to capture it all for a proper live record. Jinks says it’s “done, mixed, mastered and ready to go. Just waiting on the vinyl plant to provide us a schedule we can rely on and we’ll be putting that dude out.” Stay tuned.
6. A Double Live Album: No, we’re not talking about an addendum or accessory to the live Red Rocks record. Cody Jinks says he has live recordings from various cities that he wants to turn into a double live album all its own. Don’t expect this tomorrow. It’s likely the Red Rocks record will be the priority, with this one coming at some point later down the road.
7. New Proper Studio Album(s): Cody says he’s been working with co-writers on enough new original songs “to record a few albums.” It may be 2021 before we hear those results, but busying himself with acoustic, live, and cover records won’t put a dent in new, original material it sounds like.
8. A Rock EP? : And it’s yet another project that Jinks says may come out this year. “I’m not saying I’ve been writing some rock music… I’m not saying I have a catalogue of rock songs I’ve been stacking up for years… But let’s say I did say that, now what?” Jinks teases about this project. As longtime Cody fans know, he started in the music business in a heavy metal band.
9. A Christmas EP: “Since the holidays are right around the corner, we came to the conclusion that a Christmas EP is in order,” Jinks says, just in case anyone wants to accuse him of being a slouch, or a grouch.
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So yeah, that’s nine projects he mentions, maybe 10 or 11 if you consider he’s got enough songs for “a few” new studio records. Don’t expect all of this stuff to see the light of day in the next six months, but anticipate some of it to arrive sooner than later.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:38 am
Guess he wants to Rock and Roll some more 🙂
August 9, 2020 @ 3:13 pm
“Rock and Roll” is his best song to date, in my opinion. He needs to write with Tom McElvain again, no question about it. I hope he writes with the same people as Adobe and Devil again, at some point. I’m happy with whatever he puts out, but I believe the songwriting team of those two records resulted in two timeless albums.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:44 am
Really looking forward to the Lefty Frizzell tribute album.
August 9, 2020 @ 6:26 pm
Same. Hard to mess that up with the (mostly) sub-par writing on his last 3 albums. His current band isn’t going to be able to pull off that tribute very well, so hopefully he gets some badass session players for that one.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:45 am
Prolific is an understatement…….lol at least you all know where my unemployment money will be going. I’ll take one of everything.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:47 am
Lay off the cocaine.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:53 am
Mixed feelings about this. First off, good for him. Being prolific and inspired is awesome, and since touring money is gone, I get it. Plus, he should absolutely do what he wants. On the other hand, as a fan of his early albums, part of me can’t help wish he would focus on making another amazing, consistently great, original, single, album.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:55 am
If even half of these come to fruition as he seems to imply that’s some crazy output. I just hope he doesn’t burn himself out in the process.
August 9, 2020 @ 10:56 am
Talk about quarantine grind.
August 9, 2020 @ 11:01 am
Maybe rerecord or remaster or fix After the Fire and The Wanting so my ears don’t bleed when I try to listen to them?
I initially and simultaneously felt two ways about the Lefty Frizzell tribute album: I need another Lefty tribute album like I need another hole in my head and I’m glad Lefty is getting more recognition. I got into Lefty by way of Keith Whitley and of course Willie’s phenomenal To Lefty From Willie. But your take about an outlaw artist cover of these songs is interesting. Unless, you don’t consider Willie an Outlaw.
August 9, 2020 @ 11:28 am
Maybe I didn’t express myself properly. Not surprised at all that Willie or someone from the Outlaw era would tribute Lefty. Just a little surprised Cody would cover music from the 40’s and 50’s. I just haven’t heard much stuff from him before the mid 70’s, and that’s what makes it interesting to me.
August 10, 2020 @ 7:59 am
God bless Cody.A real outlaw does whatever the fuck he wants.
August 9, 2020 @ 11:26 am
I just want quality over quantity. But I have been pleased so far. Adobe and I’m not the Devil are his best, IMO.
August 9, 2020 @ 12:01 pm
This is awesome.
Do what your born to do and what makes you happy.
August 9, 2020 @ 12:21 pm
Very interested about the rock album. I’m excited for it but do hope it’s just a one off. Last thing I want is my favorite artist ditching country after Sturgill gave us all the finger. But in this case it doesn’t seem like Cody is leaving country behind at all, rather doing something he wants to do and I’m here for it.
Also I’ve never been a live music fan or a fan of acoustic albums but I know a lot of people are so that’ll be interesting, I’m mostly interested in those new albums he’s been writing for over quarantine, the podcast, and the rock album.
August 9, 2020 @ 12:39 pm
I’m thinking of this much more in the vein of Hank3 who always explored his rock passions without letting it get in the way of the country stuff, and respecting the country crowd by not making them suffer through what they may not care for. There’s nothing wrong with working in other genres, especially in side projects. It’s when it’s presented as an ultimatum and comes with a bridge burning when it becomes problematic. An EP of some songs Cody’s noodled on for the last decade? Sure, bring it on. May not be my speed, but I’ll listen.
August 9, 2020 @ 6:30 pm
His last 3 albums (especially Lifers) was 80% rock-leaning songs. The move has already begun.
August 9, 2020 @ 12:35 pm
My bank account suddenly feels like Cody has painted it with a laser.
August 9, 2020 @ 1:07 pm
Add a Jinks and Hank 3 duet to the project list please and thanks!
August 9, 2020 @ 4:51 pm
He made mention of working with Pepper Keenan from COC. I hope that’s what the ‘rock’ that’s forthcoming.
August 9, 2020 @ 5:39 pm
I’m not fan of live and acoustic albums neither am I a fan of cover projects (although if it turns out like Alison Krauss’ Windy City then I’m game). I’m really looking forward to the original album(s) as well as the rock EP (hopefully he records more materials to make it an album).
August 10, 2020 @ 6:24 am
Ugh, MF Doom did this years ago (if anyone doesn’t believe that Hip Hop can be amazing should check out Doom’s output during the early 2000’s) – he was on a prolific run and promised a list of projects that we was working on that got everyone salivating. Then things got weird. He started sending impostors to perform for him live. Then he got stranded in England (the US would not take him back?) and then kind of vanished. To me he was the best lyricist of an entire generation and incredibly nuanced and funny. Let’s hope the same thing doesn’t happen to Cody Jinks. When I saw this list of things, however, I thought uh oh…
August 10, 2020 @ 9:29 am
Jimmy Work’s “Making Believe” has been recorded by everybody. Everybody and their brother and sister. Lefty’s version is my favorite.
August 10, 2020 @ 10:28 am
I am mostly only interested in #4 and #7. A tribute to Lefty sounds cool. I appreciate anytime a modern singer mentions a classic country singer who isn’t named Hank, Waylon, Willie, and Jones.
The Christmas album could be intriguing. Not really into live albums per say and certainly not a rock EP.
August 10, 2020 @ 11:26 am
10. Signing with Big Machine
11. A duet album with country superstars like Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande
12. A new solo album produced by Taylor Swift
13. A Cardi B tribute album
August 10, 2020 @ 11:48 am
As long as we get to hear his version of “All I Want for Christmas,’’ it’s all good.
August 10, 2020 @ 12:25 pm
Cardi is a goddess. The only reason Chris Janson isn’t cancelled in my book for having a regular concert in the middle of a pandemic is, he did a duet with her husband….
August 10, 2020 @ 2:48 pm
Cardi B is a grade A scumbag who got away with her crimes because popular culture is hypocritical.
Must be nice to have her privilege.
August 10, 2020 @ 4:23 pm
Awwwww and she speaks so highly of you! ????
August 11, 2020 @ 10:21 am
I understand it is a shock to admit you worship a false idol but therapy helps.
August 11, 2020 @ 10:41 am
You must really be fun at parties! ????????
August 13, 2020 @ 11:57 am
I was until Cardi B drugged me.
August 10, 2020 @ 1:45 pm
I love Cody but I wish his band was better. Specifically guitar.
August 10, 2020 @ 2:42 pm
it’s his career, I’ll check it all out at least.
Remember how much output Waylon, Merle, etc. used to release? I’m sure most of us haven’t listened to every single albums of their and even fewer can name them all. In our modern era of recording a 10 song LP every 3 years, I can appreciate the work horses. Some of their albums will be decent and some will be great, but I’m happy to listen to them all
August 10, 2020 @ 3:56 pm
I really want to see him make something really stoner-rock oriented, like Corrosion of Conformity.
August 11, 2020 @ 7:01 am
I wish Jinx would focus on quality over quantity. The Wanting and After The Fire should’ve been one good album combining the best songs from both. Instead we got two albums of mostly forgettable and dubiously produced stuff, peppered with some good stuff. Man, I spent almost no time with either of those albums last year. I keep forgetting they even came out.
At the risk of being a Moonpies “Stan”, those guys have been doing the quarantine thing properly – putting out that Gary Stewart tribute album (early, they were gonna wait ’til next year), releasing a live album every Friday, setting up a “members only” Patreon with live performances and updates on songs for a new album etc.
Just keep things simple, surprise fans with stuff you’ve already got, and don’t over-promise on things that probably won’t happen.
August 11, 2020 @ 8:05 am
This is an interesting topic. I agree with the quality over quantity argument, and there have been a couple commenters who’ve said the same. Of course then there is also the genius “he can do whatever he wants” counter to that, which is really a straw man because nobody is saying he shouldn’t do what he wants in the end. Furthermore, we can do what we want, by expressing our opinions.
I wonder what happens at that moment when someone decides to release a double, or 2 albums with a lot of fillers instead of one, more solid album. Do they think those fillers are good? And if so does that mean that they’ve sort of lost touch with what a good song is? Or is it possible they’ve let the success go to their head and just want to milk us a bit? Though not an international superstar, the guy has found tremendous success in this scene… he has a cult like following. You can see that in a lot of comments about him on this site. He can absolutely do no wrong by many people. Does that play into the reason he released two albums instead of one? If people are so willing to eat up anything and everything that is Person X, I guess why not capitalize on that? And why not take it further? Podcast, Christmas album? Sure why not. They apparently don’t even have to be good, because he has enough people who just eat it up regardless. Who knows, maybe his podcast and Christmas albums will be amazing and I’ll gladly eat my words. All I know for sure is that I can put on his early albums from start to finish. I can’t say that with his recent, seemingly overly ambitions output. In the long run, that means I’ll be listening less overall.
August 16, 2020 @ 10:46 am
I gave you a like on your post for the Moonpie bit but I disagree on The Wanting and After The Fire opinion. Sure I took all the tracks and rearranged them into 2 separate sets of acoustic and heavier stuff but I love most of those tunes and only 2 and the instrumental (which I love but don’t always need to hear) were cut out of 22 or so songs. To me that’s quality AND quantity not filler. I was lucky enough to see many of these new songs come alive at the show here in February and the crowd went wild singing along with Cody. Made me love em even more. Still one of the best Cody shows I’ve seen and I’m no Cody “Stan” like many are either. Ahhhh the memories of real concerts….lol.
August 15, 2020 @ 2:10 pm
…..or release 2 albums with 8 songs each.