Colter Wall Cancels Winter Tour Dates, Addresses Criticisms

It’s hard enough for artists to know how to navigate touring and live performance in the pandemic era with the constantly changing restrictions, the lifting of restrictions, the re-implementation of restrictions, as well as lockdowns and mandates that are different for every locality, and changing everyday.
It makes it even worse when politically-incited factions of fans place severe judgement upon these artists as they simply try to make tough decisions that not only affect themselves, but their fellow band mates and touring personnel, and the local venues hosting the events.
For many artists, on the road playing shows is where they make their living, not off the penny fractions earned from streaming services. So cancelling tours and events comes at a great financial burden to themselves and those they support.
All of this is complicated even more when international borders are involved, which is the case for Saskatchewan, Canada native Colter Wall.
On Wednesday evening (1-5), Colter Wall chose to cancel a host of dates scheduled in January and February saying, “Touring in the current conditions doesn’t make much sense to us right now. So the January and February dates are canceled. Refunds are at point of purchase. Be on watch for more videos and merch.”
On cue, Colter Wall received strong criticism for his decision, mostly from individuals saying the concerns for the current Omicron surge were unfounded. But what these critics were not taking into consideration is how many of the decisions on touring are out of Colter Wall’s hands.
On Thursday, Colter Wall addressed these criticisms, saying,
First, I’d like to thank everyone who continues to support my music and to personally address the recent show cancellations.
As I’ve stated before, it’s not my business to tell someone they can or cannot come to my live shows. That’s why I’ve done my best to avoid mask and Covid vaccine issues. With that said, it has become increasingly difficult to tour once again, not only because of requirement issues, but all the bullshit that comes with it.
One positive Covid test can stop a tour, leave venues short staffed, or even prevent me from crossing the border to get home. That’s no way to work. And frankly, I’m not putting up with the aggravation of trying to navigate all the damn politics involved. So for now, I’m staying off the road and will stick to ranching, writing songs, and recording music. I appreciate your understanding and continued support.
From the beginning, Colter Wall has seemed to be open to attempting to tour during the pandemic when he can, but if it seems that it’s more hassle than it’s worth, his approach has been, “Screw it, let’s go ride horses.”
Colter Wall and everyone else is just trying to do the best they can navigating both an unprecedented, and a prolonged situation.
January 12- New Orleans, LA at Civic Theatre
January 14- Houston, TX at White Oak Music Hall
January 15- New Braunfels,TX at Gruene Hall
January 16- New Braunfels, TX at Gruene Hall
January 18- Oklahoma City, OK at Tower Theater
January 21- Denver, CO at Mission Ballroom
February 3- Tulsa, OK at Cain’s Ballroom
February 4- Fayetteville, AR at George’s Majestic Lounge
February 5- Fayetteville, AR at George’s Majestic Lounge
Colter Wall also just released another installment from his “Live In Front of Nobody” performance:
January 6, 2022 @ 7:17 pm
Would love to hear anyone’s insightful comments and observations based specifically on this article. But if you want to use it as a launching point for your political screeds and conspiracy theories, take that business somewhere else. Remember, this is a music website.
Thank you.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:01 am
We need more of this. #Trigger4Prez
January 6, 2022 @ 7:23 pm
If I had to put up with what is going on in Canada, I’d be tempted to say “screw it,” and just stay home. Can’t blame him. Look forward to hearing new music and seeing him live in the future.
January 6, 2022 @ 7:40 pm
If you look at the restrictions for returning to Canada, it’s pretty crazy. Even if you’re fully vaccinated, you can be turned away at the border, or be put into quarantine for 14 days or more before being allowed to return to society. You have to submit a “quarantine plan,” and when you get to the border, they will determine if you can enter, if you must quarantine, etc.
Totally understand his reluctance.
January 6, 2022 @ 8:13 pm
With those crazy restrictions, I understand his decision, but there are musicians out there who are powering through this. They may have to cancel a show or two, but they’re making it work, which I admire greatly. I understand everyone has their own comfort level and individual circumstances though.
January 6, 2022 @ 9:42 pm
Colter’s got Daddy’s money so he has the luxury to play cowboy at Yellowstone rather than powering through it.
January 7, 2022 @ 1:56 am
January 7, 2022 @ 4:55 am
I totally understand what he’s doing, his music, his life to run as he sees fit, all the best to him
January 8, 2022 @ 8:50 am
Yea…so the part of sask that colter lives in and has some ranch land gets about 11 inches of precipitation annually. I would know, I grew up ranching there and my dad and brother continue to pursue this way of life in that area of the province. Obviously colter doesn’t need me to jump to his defence on a comment such as yours but I had the time to waste and thought I would speak to the harsh climate that colter and many other committed people have dug their heels in and gritted their teeth through to raise cattle. Currently this area is experiencing its worst drought since the late 80’s and many producers were forced to sell off large numbers of their calf producing mother cows in order to ration their winter feed supplies. This will result in a shortage of slaughter ready animals coming out of this area in the upcoming years. It’s tough tits to make a go of ranching in the southwest corner of sask and to those who stick it out there and don’t leave, I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Btw I was back visiting over news years and they have had 3, consecutive weeks of -30C (-22F) with windchill making that feel like -40C (-40F) on your bare skin. Colter isn’t in for an easy winter.
January 8, 2022 @ 10:42 am
Ok…I’m having a very hard time getting understanding what point you are trying to make. Colter is playing cowboy for a hobby not out of necessity. There is no Premier Brad Wall Ranch. He isn’t one of those ranchers you mentioned. This has nothing to do with him sticking it out and not leaving. He’d already be gone if not for Omicron. I was born and raised on the Prairie too. I understand cold weather. I was absolutely devastated by what happened to those poor animals during the floods out West too. I have nothing but respect for farmers and ranchers.
Again, Colter is absolutely not one of those people you are talking about. I guarantee he wouldn’t put himself in the category of generational ranchers that HAVE to stay and continue that way of life. Colter was not born into it. Neither was Premier Brad Wall. To put him in the same category as those generational ranchers is absurd. If it was convenient for him to tour he would be gone. Everyone’s dick is hard because he denied Joe Rogan to go do some ranching which is brilliant PR but as the article mentioned he went and did something else. He faked his voice so it’s not hard to imagine he is playing this up. Being a summer hand when schools out is not the same as ranching out of necessity.
Hi Brad.
January 7, 2022 @ 5:00 am
In fairness, Colter’s a Canadian citizen and resident.
He can’t be denied entry and the “quarantine plan” just consists of saying “Here’s my address. I have enough food for 2 weeks, and I can have anything else delivered.” Plus, since he’d only be heading to the US, having to quarantine in the event of a random test wouldn’t apply.
That said, the Canadian entry rules look like they were deliberately constructed to be a pain in the ass, to discourage people from traveling for anything not absolutely necessary – looks like it’s having the intended effect.
January 7, 2022 @ 10:49 am
Trigger noticing certain “journalists” you have a history with talking shit about Colter for this now. It just blows my mind that they can ignore things like border restrictions and who is father is when pronouncing judgment.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:28 am
Not following you.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:21 pm
Sorry, I didn’t explain well enough. I found myself annoyed with Marissa Moss. She made a snarky comment saying he was acting like a bland mainstream country star trying not to piss off either side of the fan base. I kind of think a guy with Colter’s background and personality has very different reasons for wanting to eschew political controversy. The dude said “no” to Joe Rogan citing that he was busy being a cowboy and then drove all the way to West Virginia to help his old friend WB Walker during the same time period. It seems like if his primary motivation was a big career he’d of made some very different choices there. I suspected at the time that Rogan’s political lightening rod status probably had more to do with that than he way saying. Not that it was about specific opinions but that he really hates the rancor of political controversy and would rather just be a cowboy than ever get in the middle of it.
That and I think the meat of his post was really the business and cross border complications.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:48 pm
I agree.
I also think it’s the seat of conceit to expect entertainers to be the water carriers for your political ideologies, and attempt to use your press pulpit to bully them into that activity.
January 7, 2022 @ 7:09 pm
As a Canadian currently stuck in “social isolation” for over four days now, and remaining so until I get the results back from a not-so-random COVID test I had to take upon returning to my own country this week — after I already had to pay for a PCR test and tested negative the day before I got on the plane — I wholeheartedly agree that the Canadian restrictions suck balls.
And it looks like I’m stuck here for at least another 2-3 days because the COVID testing centre is swamped right now and cannot process people’s tests in a timely fashion. So, to recap, I am stuck at home for a week even though I tested negative for COVID 30 hours before I got on the plane.
But while they are now testing everybody returning to Canada from every other country (not at random, it’s literally everybody), people entering Canada from the U.S. do not have to be tested upon arrival — they *only* have to pay for their own PCR test (which can cost over $200) and test negative no more than three days before returning to Canada.
So while Colter might not have to self-isolate if he’s only touring the States, he does have to shell out 200 bucks a head for any band or crew member who wants to enter Canada — and hope those tests come back negative, otherwise they’ll be stuck in America.
So yeah, it’s a total shitshow up here…
January 7, 2022 @ 7:36 pm
So, you are effectively, a hostage in your own home.
Time to end the terrorist attack(s) worldwide.
January 6, 2022 @ 7:28 pm
People love to simplify things. As if Wall is the sole decision maker. It’s kinda like when people judge music solely by the singer and completely discount the producer, songwriters, session musicians, mixing guy and the dozens of people that all play a crucial role. There’s so many moving parts in navigating a tour let alone within the current situation and with all the added complications I’m not surprised it was decided that it wasn’t worth it.
January 6, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
Even the experts are now saying that COVID is most likely not going away completely and we need to learn to live with it, much like the regular flu. We’re going to see Ashley McBryde tomorrow night and are looking forward to it. I’m fully vexed, and it’s time to get on with life. If you are not vaccinated, that’s your choice, and I’m not losing sleep over it.
January 7, 2022 @ 5:10 am
Yep – I just tested positive Tuesday (I was pretty reckless over Christmas).
Since I’m vaxxed and boosted, and it was the Omicron, I had a cold for like 48 hours, a headache yesterday, and I’m already testing negative on the antigen.
…so I won’t have anything to worry about when I see Emily and Arlo in London in 3 weeks, haha!
After this wave, I think we’ll be pretty damn close to the whole thing being endemic to the point of actually having a “new normal.”
January 7, 2022 @ 5:24 am
Yep, and yep. As I have friends who work in ICU’s though, I will add that unchecked spread among unvaccinated individuals is bad, and impacts all of us, because full hospitals are bad. So if you don’t want to get vaccinated/wear a mask. Cool, you do you.’But there should be restrictions on you being allowed into crowded, especially indoor, spaces.
January 7, 2022 @ 5:48 am
For sure – at this point, the main impact is filling up the ICUs, to the point that people who aren’t there by choice can’t get the help they need.
Passports aren’t about protecting the unvaccinated – it’s about protecting people who get in car accidents or have appendicitis or need cancer treatments, by ensuring they have access to hospital beds.
There’s a reason that the ultra-vaxxed countries are having ICU numbers stay steady or even decrease, even as Omicron is breaking through easily.
January 7, 2022 @ 7:32 pm
The vaccine is for the alpha variant so that doesn’t matter and even cnn is admitting masks don’t help so that doesn’t matter either
January 8, 2022 @ 10:51 pm
What are you talking about, son?
There’s no ambiguity, here.
The vaccine doesn’t prevent infection against Omicron. It does prevent serious symptoms.
January 9, 2022 @ 8:14 am
@Cool Lester Smooth
Right it doesn’t prevent infection against Omicron but you also don’t get serious symptoms from that one whether you have the vax or not
January 9, 2022 @ 5:21 am
This is why I’m a bit disappointed in Colter’s opinion that no one should be told not to come to his shows. Getting as many people vaccinated as possible is the safest way to handle this thing. So I’m behind any restriction that might nudge people towards getting the shot (or proving their natural immunity), and ensure that crowded indoor spaces only contain people who are less likely to spread COVID or come down with a severe case. Though on the other hand, mandates seem to be causing some anti-vaxxers to dig in further. I’d also like to whatever kind of targeted messaging might be able to reach some of those people.
January 7, 2022 @ 5:25 am
Yep, and yep. As I have friends who work in ICU’s though, I will add that unchecked spread among unvaccinated individuals is bad, and impacts all of us, because full hospitals are bad. So if you don’t want to get vaccinated/wear a mask. Cool, you do you.’But there should be restrictions in on you being allowed into crowded, especially indoor, spaces.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:17 am
I’m really glad I saw your post as I didn’t see that Arlo & Emily were in London will be picking up a ticket. Thanks
January 7, 2022 @ 9:24 am
If you can find tickets, make sure to snap them up, haha!
January 6, 2022 @ 7:46 pm
Good for you, Colter.
January 6, 2022 @ 7:52 pm
Sensible. Good for him.
January 6, 2022 @ 8:03 pm
I like his honesty. Seeing far too many musicians blaming venues for not providing them with the false sense of security that requiring vaccine cards and masks will keep them 100% “safe”.
While both might help, you step on a stage in front of a large group of people right now, you are at risk. Be like Coulter. Stay home and ride horses.
January 6, 2022 @ 8:27 pm
The fact that masks and vaccines have turned into something political is the issue. Polio was bad, a vaccine came out, people took it. A better one came out a few years later, people took it. The measles vaccine now, is better then the one you got as a kid, and there are places in the world if you want to travel to, you have to get different vaccines (or updates). It’s always been this way.
Touring pro’s have a lot to lose if something goes wrong at a concert, be it from covid, or some other health/safety issue. But we’ve turned them taking cdc recommended steps, into political litmus tests. Instead of hey it’s the best we’ve got right now, so we’ll do what we can. (And the absolute stupidest part is that the leaders of both parties are all vaccinated, so their is in fact bi-partisan agreement).
(Also the Canadian thing, the quarantine plan is only for if you test positive, and you don’t have to quarantine while awaiting results, so it’s not really anything).
January 6, 2022 @ 8:29 pm
I love country music in the vein of George Jones, etc. However, the dude has zero vocal talent. I admire the song writing aspect of his work and he seems like a good dude. However, when you can’t sing a damn lick, you shouldn’t be singing. I wouldn’t give $5.00 to hear him. I’m glad some people do so that he, and those he hires, have work. I’m kind of shocked he can find people willing to get off the couch and work after the trillion in handouts. I’m sure it’s not helpful that they don’t get paid shit by streaming services and then Canada and the US screw them out of 80% of ithe rest in taxes to support lady ass folks that won’t work but feel an iPhone, satellite TV, and a nice car are god given rights.
January 6, 2022 @ 8:59 pm
Then listen to George Jones? Why even comment?
January 6, 2022 @ 11:43 pm
Because this is a MUSIC site, Casey. If you aren’t willing to accept that, there’s the door.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:11 am
His comment was a strange rant about George Jones and then some nonsense about “lady ass folks” He is the kind of person with limited real experience in country music. You ever been to a bar and meet some middle age man who asks what kind of music you are into and when you say country he screams “Johnny Cash!!”? That’s this guy
His comment did nothing to help with what this story is about. And you by defending him with a broad stroke about this being a music site and a door is also weak.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:14 pm
I don’t see a comment from you about the substance of the article, just an attack on my comment . You remind me of a college student that II met in Nashville, where I live. I was wearing a Steelers hat and he decided to talk some shit about his Titans. It was fine at first, but he persisted to impress his buddy.I told him to walk away and he decided to continue.. I turned into a parking garage off 3rd Avenue; I think it’s the second block up the hill from Lower Broadway . There used to be an Italian Restaurant next door. I was. hoping he would follow and he was dumb enough to do so. I kept walking until there was nobody around but him, his buddy, my wife and I.. When he he continued, I bitch slapped him across the face a few times. He and his buddy tucked their tails and ran.. People like you and that dude need to be occasionally reminded that others have the freedom to speak and express themselves without being bullied, shouted down or cancelled. I served two tours in Afghanistan in the 82nd Airborne Division to defend that right.
January 7, 2022 @ 1:45 pm
My comment was about how your comment had no substance. (I don’t need to say anymore) Where in the world is anyone attacking your freedom or speech? You posted a nonsensical and hard to follow reply to an article about a singer that you have no interest in.
Threatening someone with a “bitch slap” online and bringing up your military service are tactics people like you use to gain some bit of self validated credibility. I think maybe you should turn off the internet for a little, take a breath and listen to “he stopped loving her today”.
January 6, 2022 @ 11:44 pm
Because I wanted to.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:48 am
There’s no shame in sitting this one out, Bibs, if you’re unable or unwilling to follow the discussion the rest of us are having.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:08 pm
Hey tough guy, post your real name when you’re admitting to assaulting people in public or you’re a liar. One so pathetic they make up violent attacks to try and fail to impress people on a music website. Whether you made all that up or told the truth you’re a disgrace to this country and I feel sorry for your parents. Presumably they’re decent people who just happened to raise a violent moron.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:27 pm
It embarrasses me when other vets start waving the flag to bring attention to their service… “Look at me, Look at me” At that point, I have to question the quality of their service to the country…
January 7, 2022 @ 2:31 pm
No more comments on this thread.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:46 am
good gosh what a bad take.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:42 am
You should see him live sometime, but I’m guessing you’re not open minded enough to even consider doing that. He’s the real deal.
January 6, 2022 @ 8:33 pm
I believe he has to do what is right for him, his family, and his tour. The situation gets more complicated being from Canada and crossing the border and all that entails. What works for one artist may not work for another.
The pandemic also “feels” different depending where you live. We just returned from Florida where you are outside a lot more and it doesn’t feel the same as being in the cold Northeast and indoors most of the time.
Colter knows whats best for Colter. Hopefully staying on the ranch produces more great music!
January 6, 2022 @ 8:49 pm
Hard to blame him at all. With every jurisdiction and venue presenting different rules to adhere to and one bad test result potentially bankrupting a tour it is not a good time for live shows. Really makes a person envy Texas all the more. For the rest of us I guess rare shows and computer screens are it right now. Colter Wall with his honesty makes me just a bit more proud of the true North strong and free.
January 6, 2022 @ 9:13 pm
Once again and I know I’ve said it more than once on here…..most if not the majority of you are not in show business for a living………. right now at least here in Chicago many types of shows…industrial (not music), and or smaller club shows (music) are being “rescheduled” due to the current conditions……….. B U T … of right now some venues are pressing on…….that have a bearing on my life…….so in the near future I hope to see………….. Drake Milligan (2 shows @ Carols Jan 21-22nd) and in Feb within 9 days we have Hailey Whitters, Wade Bowen and Randall King scheduled @ Joe’s on Weed and even our local boy Joe Stamm is out there plodding along for a show @ Firewater. I might not as an industrial large venue video engineer work at all in the next few weeks but I’ll be supporting the artists I love if they come and play. Nothing against Colter as everybody’s gotta do what they gotta do and right now it’s just crazy out here!!!! Support the venues/shows/artists that play in your area.
January 13, 2022 @ 9:43 am
Just a little update for those in my area……….Joshua Ray Walker is opening for Wade Bowen and I somehow forgot the Cody Johnson show at The Riv Feb 3rd. Josh Morningstar with his full band @ The Law Office Feb 17th. I would check all social media pages closer to show dates for the latest info just in case.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:58 am
This hand has lotsa folks on his team and they all have lives beside touring. I applaud his decision to do what is best for the entire crew. It takes a lot of hoop jumping to get back and forth to and from Canada. The Canadian Government is trying to keep an entire nation healthy. They too have more to consider than a musicians’ your dates…JDV
January 7, 2022 @ 2:58 am
Off topic , but Trigg…
Any chance we might get an article about Michael Ray’s “Whiskey and Rain” going #1 at radio considering its a really good song??
Credit should be given where credit is due.. and I’m impressed with the success and quality of this song.
If Michael Ray was still married to Carly, they’d be the new power couple for mainstream traditional country lol
January 7, 2022 @ 11:27 am
Agreed! Was shocked to hear a good song on the radio. Another song that’s shockingly decent from two mainstream clowns is flower shops by ernest and morgan wallen. Drenched in steel guitar and solid writing imo. (Sorry for being off topic trig)
Not mainstream but recent jeremy pinnell album rips
January 7, 2022 @ 4:03 am
I fully understand his decision and will be waiting to purchase tickets to his shows when it is safe to do them.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:05 pm
What if it’s never “safe” ?
Vaxed people get and spread covid
Boosted people get and spread covid
Un-vaxed people get and spread covid
Do you think its going away?
January 7, 2022 @ 2:01 pm
It is going away when every freedom is eradicated. 99.8 % survival rate and people signed away years.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:16 pm
Im sorry but that is simply not correct information and exactly the type of misinformed politically motivated type of BS that compounds the situation. I don’t care if your vaccinated, but personally know several people who died horrible untimely deaths from Covid and one person who was 40, who had a heart attack and waited in the ER waiting room for hours until he died because of idiots with that sentiment filled all the open beds. I am sorry but that statement is ignorant AF!
January 7, 2022 @ 9:11 pm
The recovery rate for Covid-19 is 99.8%. You don’t get to make up your own data.
January 8, 2022 @ 10:55 pm
Sorry to hear that, man…and that you have to be exposed to incels from Philly play-acting as Lost Causers on a site that should be about music.
January 10, 2022 @ 6:56 am
I have no idea what the “recovery rate” even is… but the mortality rate is 1.4% in the US. That’s the overall rate averaged over all ages and comorbidities. I have heard folks quote the .2% but that is the speculative mortality rate for folks under 50 based upon random sampling of blood serum. If you just take the known rate of positive cases you are way off. So best case, if your right only 2 people out of a 1000 die under 50, many others have long haulers, hospitals overwhelmed, folks dying instead of retiring etc. But regardless to your point, it definitely is not as bad as some make it out to be, but also no joke and there in lies the problem. So many people think it’s nothing until someone they know dies or is severely sick while others think its the black plague. No wonder CW doesn’t want to deal with it.
I just know, that as a 41 yo male, my chances of dying are low but I still act responsibly in order to protect others. Its called common decency…
January 7, 2022 @ 11:40 pm
The 99% statistic is overall. You have to consider risk factors like age, sex, and medical conditions. Probably vaccination status too, sorry to say. For some people the risk of dying can be as high as 50% with the older variants. Fortunately the latest variant seems a lot less deadly, which is good news if true.
January 7, 2022 @ 4:27 am
Seems reasonable. I don’t blame him for not wanting to deal with it if he doesn’t have to. Every situation is different.
January 7, 2022 @ 6:56 am
SMH- really sad that fucking politicians are responsible for so much bullshit.
January 7, 2022 @ 6:59 am
January 7, 2022 @ 7:48 am
As others have pointed out, it’s possible to continue on and others are doing it. But of of course he should do whatever he wants, and yes, the government and overall hysteria are working against many of us.
What I am surprised at is that nobody has mentioned that he brought some of this on himself. His first post about the cancellations was extremely brief and almost cavalier. It didn’t take a genius to see that and know what the reaction would be. Call it “on cue” or predictable if you want, but saying only “it doesn’t make much sense right now and oh yeah buy some merch” was a bit questionable.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:08 am
Where’s my comment? Was it more “political” than the other “political” comments here?
January 7, 2022 @ 8:57 am
Totalitarian circlejerks, like the one above, are perfectly fine.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:39 am
Yeah, I had no intention of leaving a comment on this article, until I saw that Trigger violated his own demand, by allowing political comments to be posted. So then I decided to comment, and he deleted it.
I’ve always been willing to adhere to his rules, until I see adherence isn’t required by others.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:50 am
January 7, 2022 @ 10:19 am
It is always my desire to allow discussion to move forward unfettered, but when it comes to contentious issues such as this, it is imperative that we all bring a elevated level of civility to the discussion, or it only descends into back and forth name calling that junks up this comments section, and discourages people from coming to this website in its entirety. Since this article is on a sensitive topic, I understand some discussion along divisive lines is going to happen. Deleting or editing comments is always my absolute last case resort. But as soon as comments veer into name calling and attacks, it will be shut down.
And again, you don’t see the other deleted comments, because they were deleted. Comments from both sides of this bifurcated issue have been deleted, while others that have been more civil remain up. I’m doing the best I can to retain order in these comments sections for the benefit of everyone.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:03 pm
Yup. The “full” hospital comments are allowed to stand along with Seak’s weeping about masks.
January 9, 2022 @ 9:01 am
Here comes deltacron. Vax up and mask up. Make sure to social distance. Dont forget, if you get the 12th punch on your Vax card, you get a free heart valve.
January 9, 2022 @ 9:21 am
Yeah, one of those fraudulent articles about a “full” hospital was written by the local lying newspaper. Several nurses actually pushed back. The hospital was half full. No one was turned away. They could only fully staff half the beds because of the vaccine mandate and ridiculously long quarantines after a positive test. Over half the patients that were reported to be there because of Covid had been admitted for other reasons and had incidentally tested positive for Covid, because the frauds were testing everyone, even if they weren’t sick. Another giant fucking lie. At this point, if you believe any of this bullshit, you are stupid or evil, and I’m assuming the latter.
January 9, 2022 @ 10:29 am
Man, RD, I don’t know. Obviously the folks in charge are absolutely evil. But I think most of the average people, including some of the folks who comment here, are just really, really dumb and scared. But, you know, fear can turn people into monsters, which then leads them to do evil things.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:27 am
I hope this is more an outlier situation rather the norm going forward.
My understanding is the next 3 weeks are critical.
In other news..
I saw yesterday that Godwin is playing 1 hour north in 10 days and grabbed tickets.. hardly anyone tours northern MN in January.
Keeping fingers crossed as we await 2 music cruises in January and February.
KWS has already canceled the one and hoping no one else cancels.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:31 am
“My understanding is the next 3 weeks are critical.”
Seriously? You must be kidding. The next three weeks have been critical for the past 90 weeks. Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:47 am
The transmittability level flattens out.
That and the severity!
I don’t really give a fuck what you believe.
I live by my own decisions.
January 7, 2022 @ 10:03 am
Watch out for the next variant. I have a feeling that the next one is going to be the one that really gets us. Make sure that you mask up and get a couple extra boosters.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:12 am
You should take care of yourself in the best way you’re comfortable with.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:47 pm
Happy new year.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:05 pm
In 2020, we were told two weeks to flatten the curve.
Now in 2022, they added an extra week.
Almost like none of these protocols are really working. It is just reality for every pandemic. The disease has to rampage through until it is safe.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:11 pm
Some men, you just cant reach.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:25 pm
I have learned that lesson quite well the last two years.
Some people prefer peaceful slavery over dangerous freedom and as C.S. Lewis said they won’t rest until they force it upon all of us for the peace of their conscience.
January 9, 2022 @ 4:27 pm
When did CS Lewis say that?
January 7, 2022 @ 5:19 pm
Thanks for the heads up on the CWG show in MN, looks like a cool bar/venue.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:45 am
Nevermind covid. My issue with Colter is his lackluster attitude at performances. Ths last two I saw in Asheville and then Nashville he played less than 90 minutes each time and had a pretty bland personality. He even complained about performing Sleeping on the Blacktop. He needs to step it up and deliver to his ticket buying fans!
January 7, 2022 @ 9:29 am
I dropped like $80 on Colter tickets a few years ago.
Jade Bird opened, well before she’d even written her first album, and blew away his entire band with just her guitar.
Only way I shell out that much money again for a Colter Wall concert is if he’s opening for her – cutting down the setlist will reduce how same-y all of his songs sound, too.
January 7, 2022 @ 8:49 am
I really hate it as I was super stoked to see him and I wouldn’t even have to go that far from home to see him. Juuuuuuust missed seeing in in Montana last year.
But I get where he’s coming from, especially the consideration of getting back into Canada, who is giving Australia a run for their money on stark raving lunacy.
As long as he comes back around we’re all good. If he writes more great songs in the mean time it’s lagniappe.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:13 am
If you could just tour Texas and Florida, you could pull the while thing off without a hitch.
January 7, 2022 @ 9:25 am
I don’t blame him and or his team/staff not wanting to deal with the B.S. scattered varying restrictions.
Yea some folks will need to be vaccinated because a lot of people are overweight (40% of Americans are obese), poor nutrient intake, and have other ailments.
Not me. Regular strenuous exercise, healthy diet per your genetics (everyone is different, some people can’t eat nuts), and supplements that boost your natural immune system is my response to covid. I’ve only had very mild symptoms that lasted 1-2 days; peace of cake.
80% of you health is dependent on your life style. Stay healthy folks. ✌️
Don’t let the pharmaceutical companies trick you into dependence for their profit goals. ????????????
January 7, 2022 @ 11:02 am
Could be wrong, but to me it feels like this is the last wave before we’re endemic. Unless money is desperately needed, it makes sense for a touring musician to just wait out the winter. Of course, Pfizer is saying we won’t be endemic until 2024, but, you know, they have product they need to move.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:18 am
Wonder what happens when the next virus or disease comes out, except this time, if no vaccine is found, we’re dead in less then six months time with certainty.
Then, medical science finds an effective vaccine, how many will put politics aside to get a simple shot then?
No need for an answer as the question answers itself as we all know. Sad, that so many actually believe this to be a political decision from the get go. Politics be damned, as science and biology do not care.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:08 pm
Humanity survived the Black Death and smallpox which were WAY deadlier than COVID and actually killed young, healthy folks by the shovelful. And those diseases reigned supreme in an era where we knew less about healthy living than we do now.
I am willing to bet that humanity will survive the next disease as well.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:25 am
I guess I can understand some understand some people not liking Colter. People have their own tastes.. What blows me away and makes me happy, are the amount of people that do appreciate and listen to him. I think he’s great and have enjoyed seeing him live. I try to catch him every time he comes around. His decision to tour or not, is his.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:36 am
He is using his common sense. All the uncertainty adds to the difficulties. Far better now than shows/tour cancelled at very short notice with the expense that goes with it. It cannot have been an easy decision but is understandable. I feel the same way about going abroad on holiday! Pointless with the stress.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:31 pm
“I feel the same way about going abroad on holiday! Pointless with the stress.”
Man, i feel ya, on that one!
Can’t stand flying these days.
Last time flew, was Dec. ’16. My husband was in Arizona visiting his brother. He called and said, Baby! Meet me in Vegas.
Laughed and told him, OK!
The back 1/3 of that plane was out of control.
Michelle, our reindeer antler wearing, flight attendant couldn’t stop smiling. Another flight attendant bent down by my aisle seat and said the airline would “like to buy me a drink.” Pointed to myself, trying desperately to look innocent, and asked, moi?
Row mate, next to the window did a little pout. Quietly asked the stewardess if the airline would buy her a drink, as well.
They did!
That trip was an absolute blast!
By the time we disembarked at McCarren, we all had a hundred new friends.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:44 am
Glad he canceled. Workers, health is far more important, covid is still bad and now with all this bitter cold weather, people are not machines, they are people, so good job on canceling shows, fans will get over it. Safety of your workers always comes first.
January 7, 2022 @ 12:56 pm
Nowhere does he cite or infer his decision is based on the “safety” of his “workers.” But I guess it’s unsurprising of you to misrepresent his intentions to fit your scared world view.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:50 pm
Worrying about other people’s safety isn’t “scared world view.” In fact it used to be viewed as a good trait to be kind and considerate. At least I thought it was growing up as American kid of the 80s I thought we stood for that kind of think. If anything, thinking people want to take your freedoms because they want to be safe is a scared world view.
With that said, I do agree CW’s comment didn’t mention safety.
January 7, 2022 @ 3:42 pm
There’s nothing kind and considerate about depriving people, many being my friends in the industry, the ability to make a living and put food on the table.
Staying home and taking precautions is fine, if that’s what you want to do, but cheering on more cancellations and personal economic devastation, especially in light of this even weaker variant, is something people who grew up in earlier America might laugh at.
January 7, 2022 @ 2:43 pm
I read CW’s comment on IG and I got the impression he was simply saying that it wasn’t worth the headache. He has better things to do and he doesn’t want to get into the middle of this contentious debate. I think if you got anything other than that from his comment you’re reading between the lines.
Although I get the sense, CW is more of the personal responsibility persuasion, I think this is an impossible problem to navigate honestly and without hypocrisy. First, if you are for a person’s personal liberties (ie not requiring vaccine for a show) then you must also be for the venue owner’s right to require vaccines in their establishment. Its their right to implement the rules they want in their establishment and let the market determine who wins/loses.
(Since we are sharing opinions)
Personally I agree that we do have to start returning back to normal. The data is showing that vaccinated and boosted folks are still getting and passing the virus onto others. As are people with “natural immunity.” The problem is carelessness. What I mean by “carelessness” is the sentiment that everyone is in it for themselves and they owe no responsibility to the health and safety of the folks around them. Lets try and be a little more respectful of each other. I am vaccinated an boosted, I feel like I have done my best to protect myself but I don’t expect everyone to feel that way. In fact if you’re young and healthy I don’t think it’s 100% necessary. But if you see a person wearing a mask and trying to stay away from others, respect their boundaries. You don’t know their risk tolerance or medical situation.
January 7, 2022 @ 11:20 pm
Good for him for refusing to play the figurative kabuki theater that is this modern era of irrational implicit-faith given to medical “professionals” who’ve sold their souls to corporations and politicians (Right and Left) who seek only to manipulate the masses, line their own pockets, and retain & expand their ill-gotten hegemony.
January 8, 2022 @ 6:59 pm
After much consideration….
No comment
January 9, 2022 @ 6:03 am
You’d have to be a complete moron to object to somebody focused on protecting themselves and their fans.
January 9, 2022 @ 4:29 pm
I think reading this comment section “on weed” could become my new hobby!