Country Music Could Use More Kellie Pickler After “Pickler & Ben”
It was recently announced that the daytime morning show Pickler & Ben featuring Emmy-winning television personality Ben Aaron, and country music singer Kellie Pickler, is being canceled. For two seasons, Pickler & Ben was a typical, but uplifting and positive-oriented daytime television show with guests from the entertainment world, self-help segments, cooking instruction, and other such content. It was syndicated into 176 separate markets, and was apparently doing well, including being nominated for two Emmy Awards just the week before. But due to concerns about “long-term profitability,” there will be no more future seasons of the show. The current slate of episodes already recorded in the show’s Nashville farmhouse studio will continue on through September, but after that, Pickler & Ben will be no more.
Though this is certainly sad news for fans of the show and Picker & Ben specifically, as a true country music fan, I must profess being a little bit cautiously optimistic about what this might lead to. Despite taking a prolonged hiatus away from pursuing music full time, Kellie Picker remains arguably one of the most talented women in country music with proven mainstream appeal. Though she was never a big cash cow or hit machine for Music Row, she was able to amass solid numbers at the start of her recording career, and her debut record sold over 900,000 copies.
The critical apex of Kellie Picker’s output was her 2012 record 100 Proof, which turned out to be her third and final record for Sony. In many ways the record was a precursor for important things to come in country music in the proceeding years. It included songs co-written by Chris Stapleton and Brent Cobb before they had made it onto many people’s radar. Chris Stapleton also sang harmonies on the record, and Paul Franklin played steel guitar. As a major label release from a former American Idol contestant, it was incredibly well-written, very personal to Pickler, quite traditional, and went on to win Saving Country Music’s 2012 Album of the Year.
But it’s hard for women in country music as we know, and especially hard if you record a more traditional style of country like Kellie Pickler does. Sony didn’t put much effort into promoting 100 Proof, which was released in the era when Bro-Country was on its way up, and Pickler would be dropped from the label a few months later.
After her experience with Music Row, you can’t blame Kellie Pickler for trying to find other avenues in fame, including competing in Dancing with the Stars, which she won outright in 2013—the same year she released her last record The Woman I Am through Black River Entertainment. In 2015, she starred in her own reality show on CMT called I Love Kellie Pickler which ran for 15 episodes. Then the Pickler & Ben morning show started in 2017. At that point, Kellie Pickler was more famous for being famous than for making country music.
Kellie Pickler is a public personality, and she’s made a career out of being maleable, rolling with the punches, keeping her name out there regardless of the adversity, and surviving, whether it was doing well on American Idol, winning Dancing with the Stars, or landing television deals. When learning about her personal story, and coming from a broken home and being abandoned by her mother, you’re not surprised by her resiliency. It doesn’t seem like an ego thing with Kellie to need to be in the public eye. But when you’ve enjoyed a level of success for some 13 years, you tend to want to maintain that success.
It’s questionable at best that Kellie Pickler could continue her level of success by returning to country music as her full time pursuit, especially in the current climate in the mainstream. But as a true country music fan, you sure would like for her to try. In 2017, Kellie Pickler released a song called “If It Wasn’t For a Woman“—her first new music in four years, and it was superb. Of course the prospects of Kellie Pickler getting played on country radio are slim to none. Opportunities she had even when she was enjoying some moderate success in the industry may not be there for her now.
Then again, Kellie Pickler is no longer the Kellie Pickler she was when Sony dropped her. We are also seeing certain artists we thought may be out to pasture having a resurgence in their careers, including George Strait, Reba McEntire, and in a different vein, Kacey Musgraves. Classic country is cool right now with Midland making waves, and Luke Combs supplanting Sam Hunt and Florida Georgia Line at the top of the charts. One of the reasons there’s so few women in mainstream country at the moment is because so many of them left when Bro-Country got so big, like Kellie Pickler. But perhaps the time for Pickler’s return is ripe.
Regardless of what happens, Kellie Pickler will survive, because that’s what she does. She may have ample offers to continue in TV, and she may be foolish to turn them down. But it would be great if she took the time to make another country record too, or at least sniffed around a bit to see what the interest and prospects were in doing so, if not for her career, than for herself, and for country music. It’s doubtful a scenario will transpire where won’t see Kellie Pickler in the public eye anymore. But it would be great if we saw more of her in country music.
April 2, 2019 @ 8:33 am
I have heard of Kellie Pickler but the only song that comes to mind is ‘Red High Heels’. I don’t know much about her or her music.. I will have to check out her album 100 Proof, thanks.
April 2, 2019 @ 8:33 am
Maybe it became more difficult for women when the industry itself chose to only let two women thrive at a time. When country award shows tell the general public hey don’t bother with other female artists it’s Miranda and sometimes Carrie who’s the best. You yourself have replied to people complaining about the unfairness that Carrie should win since it’s an off year for Miranda.
We can point as many fingers as we like at bro country but it’s the CMAs and ACMs who are the biggest culprits. Women are out there winning Grammys and don’t even get a nod from award shows set up exclusively for country artists. The ACMs went into a mad scramble to get Brandi after her wins and Kacey will be there but still no performance slot?
April 2, 2019 @ 8:49 am
Let’s not put too much stock into awards shows. They’re more the symptom than the cause. I agree they’re something to be concerned about, but if Kellie Pickler had received support from her record label, awards show opportunities and other stuff would have opened up, just like they would for others. Yes the “two party system” (so to speak) of Carrie and Miranda has underserved the country music public, but that’s not their faults.
April 2, 2019 @ 9:10 am
Award shows and the chance to perform at one open up opportunities for artists. Chris Stapleton for example. We see artists songs and albums climb the charts on iTunes after an award show performance. Labels share a responsibility but so do artists. Everybody is quick to speak up against the unfairness of radio play but look the other way when women who are working their asses off and putting out good work still get overlooked for the chosen block voted ones.
April 2, 2019 @ 8:42 am
She had a show? I had never heard of it until just now. I’ve always liked her. She is extremely likable. I never really heard much of her released music though. I saw the Hallmark movie she did last year called Christmas at Graceland (only because of the Graceland part), and she wasn’t…great in it. But she is so very likable. I hope for good things to come her way.
April 2, 2019 @ 9:14 am
One thing I’ll always remember about Kellie, Simon Cowell taking a swipe at Carrie on Idol by comparing them but saying Kellie at least has a personality.
April 2, 2019 @ 11:01 am
That’s because Carrie performed like a robot on Idol. My wife used to call Carrie “Barbie Arm.” Obviously, Carrie is now a much better performer.
April 2, 2019 @ 11:35 am
Barbie arm ahahaha poor Carrie. She has improved a lot.
April 2, 2019 @ 9:37 am
Kellie has released some great music..but as you said, her labels never bothered with much promotion. Hopefully, she can at least sign on as an opener with a major headliner.
April 2, 2019 @ 10:42 am
I would another album from Pickler. She may not be one of my top favorite country artists, but she’s talented and always worth a listen.
April 2, 2019 @ 12:40 pm
I have a huge respect for Kellie. Her music has never seemed amazing, but always pleasant, and when I saw her live she was just such a loveable person. Such an uplifting personality.
AND total respect for her response when a reporter was looking for more outrage over tomatogate: “I’ve been called worse than a tomato” (not verbatim, from memory)
April 2, 2019 @ 12:49 pm
No worries about women in country music. Marren Morris will save us all.
April 3, 2019 @ 3:47 am
Hallelujah Lord!!!
July 9, 2019 @ 10:57 am
this is the first I’ve heard Kellie Pickler had a show as well. she is hilarious she needs to be promoted she makes me laugh out loud and her music is great. Maybe she needs to think about her PR team
April 2, 2019 @ 12:54 pm
I quite enjoyed the Pickler & Ben talk show and watching the occasional episode when I was off work or my schedule allowed. Kellie was always a personality from the start of her Idol days so a talk show was such a natural fit. I guess I just assumed it was doing well and would go on for at least 5 or so years before running its course. I even had my fingers crossed for enough success from the show to project Kellie and Ben as CMA hosts one year (but that could be just me growing tired of Carrie and Brad; it’s been 10 years now, come on CMA’s shake things up). I’m ready to see what Kellie does now that she’s freed up from the TV gig. That along with her Hallmark movie last year and another one this year had to have taken up the majority of her time leaving no energy for songwriting or recording. Perhaps now with 2 years of TV money she can be signed to a smaller label and go the independent route. Choose her own producers and team and do an album her way since the mainstream radio and award show success ship might have sailed for her unfortunately. Another album in the vein of 100 Proof would be a huge win.
April 2, 2019 @ 7:44 pm
I agree if she can get a one one to promote her she be great now her husband kyle can do something with her henis in the music business yes go independent. alot are doing that
April 2, 2019 @ 1:37 pm
Love Kellie, saw her in concert years ago @ country fair, still fairly new. She is funny, sweet, I love the songs I’ve heard. I was disappointed when her show with hubby Kyle was cancelled. I watched P&B & her & Ben made a great tv host pair. Also saw her HM & look forward to new movie later this year. I would love to hear new music but also hope to see her BACK on tv. Her spirit & personality are too good to be wasted.
April 2, 2019 @ 1:49 pm
Pickler and Ben is one a the few great daytime television shows! I am angry and very disappointed that they are being cancelled! Please reconsider!!!!
April 2, 2019 @ 2:32 pm
She was a guest co-host on The View once when Elizabeth Hasselbeck was out. I can’t believe they didn’t choose her as a permanent replacement. She was probably TOO witty and interesting, so they couldn’t have her overshadowing the city girls. If she could just get the hits, I think she’d be our successor to Dolly Parton with the personality/looks/music combo. (Am I committing and -ist or -ism if I say she has a perfect figure?)
April 2, 2019 @ 2:49 pm
I love Kelli when she’s working with her husband Kyle. Their show, I Love Kelli kept me laughing. They’re great together and so funny plus love to hear her sing. Wonder how her show would have done if Kyle was in Ben’s spot.
April 2, 2019 @ 2:53 pm
Every so often when I eagerly listen to some new artist who turns out to be only so-so, I think: what the world needs is another Kellie Pickler album. This Sunday night I listened to the 100 Proof album with great pleasure. You’ve read my mind with this article.
April 2, 2019 @ 3:41 pm
“But due to concerns about “long-term profitability,” there will be no more future seasons of the show.”
LOL- not enough idiots watching it- wholesome or uplifting or positive has no place on daytime TV, thus not enough profit for the crap commercials.
April 2, 2019 @ 5:52 pm
Wouldn’t it be interesting if CMT picked up the show? I have no idea how the network is profitable when they only play videos maybe 3-4 hours per day and “Steel Magnolias” every other day (Ok, that is an exaggeration). With Nashville being the “it” city, why not have a nightly lineup of entertainment shows that are centered around the music, a variety show (Ralph Emery-type show), a nightly entertainment news-type show (remember Crook and Chase?). Kellie Pickler and several other stars that live in Nashville would be great leading the network to higher grounds.
April 2, 2019 @ 6:57 pm
hmmmm. if you are a painter , you paint . if you are a sculptor you sculpt . if you are a songwriter , you write . if you are an artist , you pursue your passion WITH passion regardless of a label deal , a following , a ‘ hit ‘ ……
I like KP enough . but c’mon , there are so many more dedicated , driven country music writers ( Artists ) for whom music is their reason to get up in the morning and are being ignored .we’ve seen dozens introduced to us here by Trigger . these folks deserve a shot and the recognition in terms of dollars and support that was once afforded KP .
more power to KP for parlaying her 15 minutes into several other successful careers . but I’m not altogether onboard with someone jumping back into the fray because the other stuff didn’t pan out . my support goes to someone who has hung in no matter what ….who has committed to becoming a better writer /singer/producer/performer because they can’t help it …..because they live and breathe it and care about it more than anything else . particularly if they are deserving of the shot they never got while others far less talented DID . I’m not all that interested in a ‘personality’ if the claim to fame is , in fact , ‘personality ‘. I think we should be more interested in passion , talent , creativity and an obvious and ongoing love for the art .
April 3, 2019 @ 6:38 am
I must admit her song “Didn’t You Know How Much I Loved You” is a guilty pleasure of mine. She looks so “sultry” and sexy in the video, and her voice really shines. As of this writing it has over 16,000,000 views on Youtube. (Yes, 16 million). Her voice is so country here, that it reminds me just how far the genre has fallen in only 10 years.
April 3, 2019 @ 10:00 am
I was excited when I saw her show Pickler & Ben. However, it was a bad rip off of Regis & Kathy Lee. I know it’s Kelly Rippa & Ryan Seacreast….same thing….Anyway, I would like to see a Country gossip show of sorts. Instead of the Wendy Williams Show, it would be the Kelli Pickler Show and she could gossip about country music, Nashville, song writers, ect. you know all the juicy gossip about the people we care about. People trying to promote their new book, or single, or tv show would come on……Anyway I’d watch it.
April 4, 2019 @ 5:28 am
April 7, 2019 @ 4:54 am
I had no idea who she was until I saw her in a silly Hallmark xmas movie that takes place around Elvis Graceland… where she sings in it.
Then, I gave up on radio years ago and never watched American Idol
April 8, 2019 @ 10:53 am
I watched or recorded Pickler and Ben every day. Hate to see it go. I’ve always been a Kellie fan but have fallen in love with Ben. Hopefully someone else will pick them up! If not, I know there will be other opportunities. Good luck Kellie and Ben! Will miss your show.
September 9, 2019 @ 11:59 am
I know at least three people who hate the replacement of pickler and ben. They watched it every day.
September 10, 2019 @ 5:36 am
Once again the people who believe that they are in the know don’t know a damn thing this was a great show wonderful sensitive funny beautiful people happy people and that’s what we need today thanks a lot.. Yes I said happy people
March 20, 2020 @ 8:49 am
She is the best miss seeing her on tv and on tour. She has made a huge impact on my family. She came off the stage at least three times when she saw my daughter who has Down Syndrome made her sing with her. We have pictures of her and my husband also because he stepped right in with my daughter. She has not be given all recognition that is due her, because she sticks to old country ways and not big elaborate shows. Miss she needs to tour in Florida again love to her and her family Gloria, Al and Julia Silvestri