UPDATED: Details in the Disappearance of The Damn Quails Tour Manager Colin Deyalsingh
UPDATE: Colin Deyalsingh has been found. See updates below.
On Monday (3-21), the Norman, OK-based country rock band The Damn Quails took to Facebook to solicit the public for help finding their tour manager who went missing during their show in Houston Saturday night (3-19). At roughly 11:00 p.m., 39-year-old Colin Deyalsingh disappeared with no trace from the Firehouse Saloon in Houston, located at 5930 Southwest Fwy (Interstate 69) 77057, which is in the western portion of the city.
Colin Deyalsingh disappeared with with no sign of where he went, or what happened. All of his personal belongings were left behind. The band has checked the hospitals and jails to no avail, and the band was still in Houston Tuesday (3-22), actively looking for Colin. The 39-year-old has a long, dark beard and black hair with slight gray accents. He was wearing a brown hoodie and jeans, and a Cody Jinks hat with a mesh back. He is roughly 6 foot tall and weighs 215 pounds. He has a full sleeve of tattoos on his right arm, and other tattoos on his left arm.
Missing persons reports have been filed in both Houston, TX, and in Norman, OK where Colin is from. He is the father of two children, and both the Damn Quails, and his family and friends are very worried.
If you have any information, please contact the Houston Police Department, or CTK Entertainment at 512-312-9350.
As more information is made available, Saving Country Music will update this story.
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UPDATE (3/22 3:37 p.m. CDT): Despite speculation that Colin Deyalsingh has been found, or that he has made contact with individuals, none of this information can be confirmed at this time. Sharing this information could further hamper search efforts, or the ability for The Damn Quails management and Colin Deyalsingh’s family to file a formal missing person’s report. Though the effort has been made to file a missing person’s report, certain benchmarks must be met before the report can be officially filed. The last time Colin’s cell phone pinged a tower was Saturday night near the Firehouse Saloon where he went missing. Individuals are strongly encouraged not to speculate or spread information until it is confirmed by The Damn Quails management.
UPDATE (3/22 7:55 p.m. CDT):Â The Damn Quails have released an updated statement:
In response to everyone’s questions about the rumor going around that Colin has been found, we wanted to update you on what we know at this point. We know that Colin’s sister received a voicemail, from a number not belonging to Colin, stating it was him and he was in Colorado Springs, CO. Unfortunately, this is all of the information we have at this point. Thank you for everything everyone has done to help us find him. There are a lot of unanswered questions so we will try to keep you updated as we confirm that Colin is safe.
Colin’s sister Caila Corin Deyalsingh posted Tuesday afternoon on Facebook:
While I was in the shower, Colin Deyalsingh called and left a message on my phone saying he is alive and in Colorado, but he said he does not have a phone or anything with him! Have not been able to get back in touch with him. He must have borrowed a stranger’s phone. Hoping to hear from him again soon! Thank you to everyone that prayed for my brother and shared our posts, I haven’t laid eye on him yet and haven’t had a conversation with him, but we are currently working on that. Thank you again!
At this point, neither the family, nor The Damn Quails’ management have been able to confirm that Colin is indeed safe or in Colorado. None if this explains how he got there, and why he doesn’t have his phone, or didn’t take any of his possessions with him, and didn’t tell anyone when he left Houston. The public should still remain vigilant, and report any information they may have on Colin’s whereabouts until he can be confirmed safe and accounted for.
UPDATE (3-22 8:42 p.m. CDT): Colin Deyalsingh has been found.
Update from the band.
It has been confirmed that Colin Deyalsingh has been located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has spoken to members of the team and we have a person with him at this point. He is currently safe and without injury. We wish to thank every single one of you who helped us during this difficult time. The outpouring of support and love was overwhelming. We would like to thank all of the law enforcement agencies and members of the press who did everything in their power to get the word out to help us find our friend. We do not know any of the circumstances that led Colin to Colorado and we do not know anything further at this time. This is not our story to tell, and any further information about this will have to come from Colin and his family. Thank you all again for lifting us up in our time of trouble. We will never forget it. We are happy our friend has been found. –The Damn Quails
March 22, 2016 @ 10:11 am
I guess now they are stealing tour managers for ransom instead of instruments. He’ll turn up hopefully. Hopefully, he is just in a holding cell it does take a long time to get booked in.
March 22, 2016 @ 10:35 am
Prayers that he is found safe. It has to be scary for his family.
March 22, 2016 @ 10:48 am
Obviously sending my thoughts towards his family and friends. Hopefully he is found soon and healthy. Hopefully this is all one big misunderstanding or mistake and nothing sinister is behind this.
March 22, 2016 @ 1:18 pm
As a Houstonian with friends who are Houston Police Officers, we have one of the most corrupt and dirty police departments in the nation. The Harris County Jail is the most dysfunctional and illegal having been under investigations by the U.S Department of Justice many times in the past and currently. Do not believe anything they tell you on the website inmate search or on the phone. Go in person to the Downtown jail, preferably with an attorney. He could easily be there for jaywalking or some other trumped up charge and he is “not in the system”. The area where he disappeared is West University with their own City of West U cops. They are not fond of “outsiders” among their wealthy homeowners. There are many successful moneyed businesses and condos that probably have security cameras pointed that way. Have you contacted the owner of The Big Easy Club down the street? (713) 523-9999 Tom McClendon is a great guy and has been there for many years. Might have some connections or ideas to help……..Prayers your way………
March 22, 2016 @ 4:11 pm
Firehouse is at 59 and Fountainview…the Big Easy is on Kirby….they are not even in the same damn neighborhood, and NOWHERE near each other!!!
March 22, 2016 @ 1:41 pm
They found him. He’s alive and well.
March 22, 2016 @ 1:45 pm
No, they didn’t. As I just posted in an update, I have CONFIRMED with his management that he is not found. Furthermore, posting and spreading this information only hampers the effort for folks to find him and post a formal missing person’s report. If he is found, The Damn Quails will announce something officially, and I will update this story.
March 22, 2016 @ 1:50 pm
Go to his sisters Facebook page she just posted he called and left a message saying he is alive and well in Colorado Springs.
March 22, 2016 @ 1:52 pm
Her name: Calia Corin Deyalsingh
March 22, 2016 @ 2:03 pm
I am fully aware of the Facebook post. I just discussed this matter with his management, including about the Facebook post, and they were unable to confirm that whomever called was Colin or was from Colorado Springs, and nobody has physically seen him or confirmed he is in Colorado Springs. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t him, or he isn’t there. But until it is confirmed it truly is him, and he’s alive and well, spreading this information only hampers the efforts of the people trying to find him. This is not my request, this is the request of the management of The Damn Quails.
March 22, 2016 @ 2:28 pm
Well, I just personally heard from his mom, Marcia and his sister, Calia, that he called from Colorado Springs. His sister even posted about it, as you know, so that’s coming straight from family, right? Or is there cause to think they aren’t being truthful? Seems his family would be more in the know that the management company or am I wrong? Not trying to be difficult, seriously, just seems prudent that when hearing from the family it seems hard to dispute.
March 22, 2016 @ 2:58 pm
I have no doubt that his sister received a phone call. I have no reason to think they are being anything less than truthful. However, when you’re dealing with a missing person case, until someone has confirmed to make physical contact with the individual, or has personally talked with the individual and has confirmed their whereabouts, the gravity of the situation necessitates that you continue to be vigilant about it. As his sister said in her post, “Have not been able to get back in touch with him … I have not laid eyes on him yet or had a conversation with him.”
There is also further information that someone attempted to contact Colin in Colorado Springs, and Colin wasn’t where it was said he was. I hope it is Colin, and I hope he is in Colorado Springs. But until I can 100% confirm that, whether it’s through his management or his family, I am not in a position to sound the all clear. Because if it ends up not being Colin, if he’s in some sort of danger, or who knows what, then you risk people tuning out because they heard he was alright.
This is a very strange situation, even if Colin does end up fine in Colorado Springs. I am doing the best I can to inform the public in a difficult, and fluid situation.
March 22, 2016 @ 5:08 pm
It is indeed a strange set of circumstances. It is best to stay vigilant. Too often, disappearances of adult males arent taken seriously enough in the early stages and clues are lost. I hope that he is ok and found soon.
March 23, 2016 @ 12:12 am
You did great Trigger. Thanks for putting the word out there.
March 23, 2016 @ 9:02 am
I’m just glad he was found, and I’m glad he was in Colorado. With all the bad stuff that has been happening with musicians in Houston lately, I think a lot of us were fearing the worst.
March 23, 2016 @ 6:48 am
What a long, strange trip it’s been
March 23, 2016 @ 8:58 am
Yes, he has a story to tell if nothing else. And so does everyone else involved.
March 23, 2016 @ 10:04 am
I disappeared once. Nobody noticed.
March 23, 2016 @ 7:12 pm
He’s a crackhead probably…that’s the only way you end up in another town without notifying anybody
March 23, 2016 @ 9:17 pm
How do you know that……. Just sayin’
March 24, 2016 @ 6:49 pm
Had a friend I grew up with become one,,that’s how