DON’T BUY Hank III’s “Take As Needed For Pain”
As first reported by Saving Country music in November of 2014, Curb Records is back at it, regurgitating previously-released material from Hank Williams III and trying to pass it off to consumers as new music. As many labels are announcing many of the titles from their spring catalogs, Curb this week has released the cover art and track list for Take As Needed For Pain, and made the album scheduled to be released on April 14th available for pre-order.
As with now multiple post-contract releases from Curb Records with “Hank Williams III” stamped on the front, the music for the album comes from previous works. Furthermore, country fans who may see the Hank Williams name and hope they’re buying a country record will be disappointed when they hear these are mostly heavy metal songs.
The song “Take As Needed For Pain” is a cover song from the metal band Eyehategod that Hank3 turned into a 10-minute epic for the tribute album For The Sick: A Tribute to Eyehategod released in 2007 and recorded under the name “The Unholy 3”³ which is the name of one of Hank3’s side projects. Hank3 also recorded another Eyehategod song for the tribute called “Torn Between Suicide and Breakfast” that also appears on the upcoming Curb album. Many of the tracks on the new album are cover songs from tribute records.
Hank3’s usual response to his fans on these post-contract Curb releases is to “Burn it, and give it away.”
Here’s a breakdown of the track list, and where the material has appeared before.
1. Get Outta My Life (w/Rebel Meets Rebel & David Allan Coe)
–Released on Rebel Meets Rebel—a collaboration between David Allan Coe and Pantera from 2006. Hank3 appears on the track.
2. Ruby, Get Back To The Hills
–From the 2006 AntiSeen tribute Everybody Loves AntiSeen.
3. Torn Between Suicide & Breakfast
–Previously appeared on For The Sick: A Tribute to Eyehategod released in 2007.
4. No Values
–From the 2002 album Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs to Benefit the West Memphis Three.
5. Gotta Buy Paw A Truck
–An alternative version to the song “Redneck Ride” which appears on the 2009 record Assjack. The song also appeared on Bootleg #3 released by Hank3 independently in 2002.
6. Take As Needed For Pain
–Previously appeared on For The Sick: A Tribute to Eyehategod released in 2007.
7. White Trash
–Likely a version of “White Trash Pt. 1”—a song Hank3 has been playing live for years.
8. King Cartel
As with other post-contract Curb releases, the packaging will likely not warn people they’re purchasing non-country, previously-released material, ultimately resulting in angry consumers.
Hank Williams III, the grandson of Hank Williams and son of Hank Williams Jr., now goes by the “Hank3” moniker instead of the “Hank III” name he used during the Curb era to distinguish his music.
Hank3 entered into a six album contract with Curb in the late 90”²s. The Nashville-based label was able to stretch Hank3”²s album count to seven by releasing Hillbilly Joker in 2011; a “hellbilly” album Curb initially rejected, but released after Hank3 had fulfilled his contract at the end of 2010. Then Curb released an outtakes album in 2012 called Lone Gone Daddy that brought the total of Curb releases on Hank3”²s six-album contract to eight. Ramblin’ Man released in April of this year another album of previously-released material cobbled together made it nine. Hank3 also had agreed to the release of one heavy metal album as part of his Curb deal. Take As Needed For Pain would now bring that count to two.
As for when fans can expect a new, legitimate Hank3 release, the 3rd generation performers says officially, “As it stands right now, we need to break-even on the distribution costs of the last two album releases before we are able to release anything else.”
February 5, 2015 @ 7:12 pm
I know I’m not particularly hip, but “collaboration between David Allan Coe and Pantera” are seven words I never imagined I’d see in the same sentence.
February 5, 2015 @ 7:16 pm
You should check out the Rebel Meets Rebel album, it’s awesome. IMO, one of the last good things DAC did.
Also, damn shame that 3 has to break even on distribution before releasing anything new.
I wonder how much he’s short.
February 5, 2015 @ 7:52 pm
I was fairly shocked to see that too. He hasn’t even broke even? How many records does the poor guy gotta sell? And if he’s not selling that many, how in the heck is Curb throwing these ramshackled releases together? I’m assuming HE keeps making money or he wouldn’t do it. I always was under the impression Hank3 sold pretty decent.
February 5, 2015 @ 8:42 pm
I saw the “needed to break even” thing too. My guess is that “Brothers Of The 4X4” and all the others he has released post Curb havent sold well, because they have been sub-par, with each getting worse than the last. The man has talent, he proved that with “Straight To Hell”, but all projects after that one have gotten progressively worse. Hell, at this point he needs to write and record another “Straight To Hell” just to gain back some of the fans he has lost with the crap he has put out in recent years. Even then, most fans have left him and moved on to others that dont have cliche’ lyrics (Drinkin’, Druggin’ Fightin’), and most of us, probably arent coming back.
February 5, 2015 @ 9:05 pm
Are you kidding? Brothers Of The 4×4 is anything but subpar. I know everyone has their opinion- but 4×4 is some of the most amazing original music out there. Crazy you think it sucks. Wow!
February 6, 2015 @ 12:01 am
Have to agree with Jess for the most part. Straight to Hell was a once in a lifetime record for any artist. He isn’t going to top it and he has even said that. I thought 4×4 was pretty good overall, just needed a producer to chop the fat a bit. His previous releases before that were ho-hum, but he consistently writes some good stuff if you can get past the “why did he record that?” songs.
February 6, 2015 @ 3:55 am
“most fans have left him and moved on to others that dont have cliche”™ lyrics (Drinkin”™, Druggin”™ Fightin”™), and most of us, probably arent coming back.”
LOL, oh Nathan…..y’all are not “fans” y’all fit the definition of a “scenester”.
June 15, 2015 @ 12:48 pm
I kind of agree with Nathan. Lovesick Broke & Driftin’ was pretty decent (it was the first Hank3 album I bought, after seeing him live in 2001). Straight to Hell was fing amazing, and he followed it up with the awesome Damn Right Rebel Proud (MY personal favorite). I liked most of Rebel Within, as well. But after that, I think it’s been going downhill. I enjoyed some of Ghost to a Ghost & Gutter town, but Brothers of the 4×4 didn’t do it for me.
Mind you, this is MY opinion, and I know that there’s a lot of people that would disagree with me. I’m a huge Hank3 fan, and I’ve been one for years.
He’s definitely capable of making some sweet music, but a lot of it is ruined by weird sound effects (like in Troopers’ Holler – I love the live version, but I don’t like how the bark replaced the banjo in the studio version). Also, all those voice-altering filters ruin songs for me (like in Nearly Gone – his voice has been distorted to help bring out the Yodel – if he’d done it without the yodel and the filter, I think it would have been Straight to Hell-worthy).
Hank3’s got amazing talent, and I don’t think that talent’s diminished at all over the years. Last year, I went to my first 3 concert in probably five years and I enjoyed it just as much as the first one. Sure, his voice might be a little raspier than the “Lovesick Broke” days, but, in my opinion, he’s just as good as he was. And he still makes time for every fan, which I think is awesome!
I’m not going to try and advise someone whose career is to make music how to do it – I can’t even play an instrument, for God’s sake! Maybe most people do like the sound effects and filters, I just personally don’t. Maybe Hank’s just having fun experimenting with new sounds now that he has the freedom and independence from leaving Curb. I don’t know, but I’m still a huge Hank3 fan and I’ll always be one, even if one or two of his albums don’t really do it for me.
Here’s to another Kickass Hank3 album!
June 15, 2015 @ 1:23 pm
^ Oh, I forgot to add: Curb Sucks Monkey Nuts 🙂
February 7, 2015 @ 10:00 am
People don’t buy records quite like they used to.And the whole digital age has killed many folks who buy records etc. And to top it off when your a Independent underdog it takes a lot more work to break even now days unless you have a Million dollar marketing plan in place to shove it down every ones throat. Were doing well with Hank3 records, I just do my best to make my distribution company happy.Cause I believe in doing good business with who I work for.
February 8, 2015 @ 4:04 pm
I would argue that the digital age has made music much more decentralized. In the past, producing and selling albums required large factories to physically manufacture them and deals with large retailers and record stores to get them on the market. All of this, of course, required significant levels of money and corporate support.
With the Internet, all of these steps can be completed through a simple upload to iTunes.
March 12, 2015 @ 10:49 am
I am one of the few who still buy C.D’s because I believe in supporting the artist.i also believe that ghost to ghost was just as good as straight to hell.i have all your country cds and would like to buy more.if you could send me an email when the next one comes out I will certainly look for it and buy
April 21, 2015 @ 11:08 am
You’re doing just fine. Mike Williams is quite the character and I find it great that you share his music. You guys is what makes music enjoyable for me.
April 9, 2017 @ 3:54 pm
The album kicks ass just like all of his music… The opinions of these fair-weather fake fans don’t matter.. Keep doing what you’re doing Hank3!
February 5, 2015 @ 9:31 pm
Rebel Meets Rebel ; DAC and Pantera ; country metal , basically country , with the Dimebag guitar sound ; badass cd
February 6, 2015 @ 4:18 pm
Come on now, tell me David Allan Coe and Varg Vikernes wouldn’t be like two peas in a pod???? Doth killed a guy. Both did a long stretch in prison for it.
February 7, 2015 @ 5:59 pm
[Off-topic, but:] David Allan Coe’s tale about supposedly killing a fellow
inmate in prison has long since been exposed as the invented hype that it was: one
of many increasingly exaggerated stories through which he attempted to
keep his name in currency. A shame he had to resort to such tactics as he was an interesting enough artist as it was; and the fact that people believed such tall tales had the opposite effect: people steered clear of him, and a declining career declined further.
February 8, 2015 @ 3:44 pm
My apologies for not researching that better. I do not know if you know about the history of Black Metal, but Much like David Allan Coe, Varg Vikernes is the most hated man of his genre, and only a small part due to killing Oystein “Euronymous” Aarseth. Most Black Metal musicians of the day, most vocally Kjietl Manhiem, the former drummer for Mayhem, thought Varg was a first class jerk.
February 6, 2015 @ 6:11 am
I still want to see a collaboration with David Allan Coe and Burzum!!!
February 7, 2015 @ 6:40 am
I’m a big 3 fan, however when it comes to breaking even on albums, I would recommend he keep his vinyl releases to the outlaw genre.
It has got to cost him a fortune to release Cattle Calling on vinyl and impossible to imagine getting the money return from the print.
On a side note, he didn’t tour that hard on the 4×4 album, I’m from Chicago and he never came through here to promote it.
The Ghost to a Ghost is a must own vinyl masterpiece, the creepy sounds on that album are magnified by the “popping” noises you get when playing a record.
Love 3, want more of him
I would heavily donate to a kickstarter that would promise a new album
March 11, 2015 @ 10:41 pm
That was in the 90s bro and its bad ass. Rebel meets rebel is the progect, you gotta cheak it out the whole cd
March 12, 2015 @ 9:30 am
Not if you followed their music. Hank III has been cranking out Hillbilly metal ( and I mean that in a good way) for years. This album is a lot of re-released stuff. However, it does have a few new recordings of songs not on albums that live fans would know. But, anyone who thinks “hey Hank Williams III…I’ll bet that’s country” doesn’t know his music.
Pantera has very strong roots with old school country artists. They are from Texas and Heavy Metal and Outlaw Country have been distant yet collaborative cousins for quite some time. David Allan Coe has an adgy history that plays well with Pantera (check out his X-rated album).
February 5, 2015 @ 7:17 pm
Been out for years
February 5, 2015 @ 8:46 pm
The track “King Cartel” is probably “What Ya Live For (Cocaine),” or it’s variation “Beer Drugs Flatt and Scruggs.” Hank III dedicated that song to Pablo Escobar at alot of shows.
February 5, 2015 @ 9:14 pm
It looks like they’re trying to shake up the titles of songs to make people think there might be new music here—an escalation in their slimy tactics.
February 5, 2015 @ 9:36 pm
another example of how record labels screw over their artists. they censored Hank every time he wanted to release a new album, and the second he leaves they label they try to milk every cent they can out of their name.
February 5, 2015 @ 9:39 pm
Eyehategod. What a name for a band. Sheesh
February 5, 2015 @ 10:11 pm
eyehategod has been around for a very long time. I think they’re great myself. But they are an acquired taste.
February 6, 2015 @ 4:44 am
Fuck curb !!!
February 6, 2015 @ 4:51 am
I wish Hank’s latest records would have such superb cover artworks as the curb releases. Anyway “Brothers of the 4×4” is a solid effort.
February 6, 2015 @ 5:41 am
Very good information. Thank you.
Is the only industry more rotten than the music business the New Jersey ‘sanitation’ business?
Or maybe . . .
. . . Mexican ‘shipping’ business?
. . . Middle Eastern ‘security’ business?
February 6, 2015 @ 6:28 am
I wouldn’t buy Hanks music anyways. Not when he’s written homophobic crap like this
” Well some say I’m not country
and that’s just fine with me
‘Cause I don’t wanna be country
with some faggot looking over at me “
February 6, 2015 @ 9:53 am
I think you’re being a little sensitive there princess, pretty sure 3 is talking about the pop country culture that’s going on right now. Faggot could reference anybody, not lashing out the gay community.
February 7, 2015 @ 6:43 am
Looks like someone has sand in their panties…
February 7, 2015 @ 9:55 am
Yes that line was wrote because one of country music biggest stars at the time had been arrested for getting oral sex from a man in Bicentennial Park…So it was a fact in Nashville at the time and in country music. So it needed to be in the song. Nothing more nothing less. If you take it as being homophobic thats your small mind being paranoid and your problem. I was saying how country roots were being tossed away and that’s back when there was at least some roots still in country before the pop world took over. I could care less who loves who …I have many friends from all walks of life and some I’m sure you would judge some of them within seconds of seeing them….I could care less who loves who
February 7, 2015 @ 2:29 pm
i’ll forever be supporting you hank, you have my respect and my loyalty no matter what
March 12, 2015 @ 6:00 am
Hey…not everyone likes us….
May 21, 2015 @ 3:20 am
I don’t believe your former label is doing this disrespectful shit to your fans that already have all these songs and to you in general. It disgusts me. I will admit some of the artwork is cool but my God these people at curb,Bruc whatever the fuck they’re called are pretty shitty trying to make money off your older work from side projects and not telling people it’s not new material. There’s gotta be a way to raise the cash needed to break even on the recent albums he’s selling on
He’s got a loyal fanbase in every state including Canada and Europe to get this shit done via a go fund me run or anything like that to help out so we can get a new country n maybe a punk album released. And @WesMud the cover for Brothers of the 4×4 is Hanks lifted ride. Album artwork is just fine in my opinion.
July 7, 2015 @ 11:05 am
Who’s the country star that got caught getting a hummer from a dude?
February 6, 2015 @ 6:29 am
In fact if you want to save country music you might start with making it less hateful.
February 6, 2015 @ 10:53 am
You seem quite hateful yourself.
February 6, 2015 @ 3:17 pm
no, your sensitivity is one of the reasons that most promoted music is so horrible. People get offended if its not a broad topic song.
February 6, 2015 @ 8:08 am
Seems pretty clear that Hank3 needs a new manager. Separately on his FB page someone notified followers (in a pretty hamfisted way) that we need to buy his merch before he can make new music or go on tour. Hank3 is a unique and talented act with a decent following … the only reason he’s out of money is poor past choices. Somebody get this guy a decent manager!
February 6, 2015 @ 10:41 am
I have wondered if he has to make up for his low ticket prices through other means. I have bought some merch and figured if I can afford it and it helps somebody see him live I’m all for it. The shipping on his site has a minimum and it’s crazy for a few stickers. His shows I’ve been to in NC were pretty packed and I’m sure he could charge more and still draw a crowd. So I respect him for that. I saw what a hat and a belt went for on ebay recently and was in a mild state of shock, so he has some fans with a little dough to spend!
February 6, 2015 @ 10:51 am
I believe Hank3 does not have a manager. He might still have a road manager on tours, but he runs his own operation, and I believe his mother helps now as well with merch.
February 7, 2015 @ 6:48 am
I sent him a FB message the other day essentially telling him what I would do in order to make money and say fuck your to Curb.
Vinyl prints of the Straight to Hell album consistently sell upward of $200 on eBay; he needs to reprint the album and sell them there. I bet if he could help meet the demand of that vinyl album, he could make a little scratch.
February 7, 2015 @ 9:18 am
I don’t think Hank3 has the legal right to reproduce his Curb-era albums. He never sold them at shows because Curb would get the majority of the money. I think Hank3 could benefit from legitimate management and producers, but sometimes these issues aren’t as easy to solve from the outside looking in as they appear to be.
February 6, 2015 @ 8:31 am
Don’t hate on Metal if you don’t understand it,
Ontop of that Curb blows.. If they’re just pulling songs that are already available to make up a Hank3 album, they’re lame..
“Leave Shelton alone!!! Leave him Alone”
February 6, 2015 @ 1:31 pm
Yea, Straight to hell is his landmark, but Ghost to A ghost is a friggin masterpiece of the creepy ghoulish cajon swamp variety. 4X4 is also way good but like dude said maybe a bit too much fat but toothpickin and outdoor plan are as good as anything he did on STH. The man is a genius and his fans are growing as evidenced in the size of the crowds at each tour.
February 8, 2015 @ 3:46 pm
I wish also I could have seen Hank III do a split 7″ with Seth Putnam and AC. They toured together when Hank was in Superjoint Ritual. Putnam and Hank III would have been epic.
February 10, 2015 @ 11:24 am
To say he went downhill from STH is insane Hillbilly Joker is easily my favorite by far, and I love them all!!!!!
February 10, 2015 @ 9:03 pm
curb and their chicken shit ways as usual…….love Shelton and all his music,S.T.H. was my favorite till i heard Guttertown,and A.D.D… vacation is spent seeing III live,see you in Texas soon.
February 21, 2015 @ 12:35 pm
In ETennesse, when someone puts Hank3 on the jukebox, its good. Its great. That’s all.
March 19, 2015 @ 6:04 pm
There comes a time in every man’s life
(because) you just realized the ol man was right
when you bow your head take a deep breath
ain”™t never gonna tell him
just keep foraging ahead.
April 14, 2015 @ 5:33 pm
Perhaps some promo live shows? Fundraising for SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN, generate some ideas that is community minded? One has to ‘put thenselves out there’ and deal with the good, the bad and the ugly. Much success to you.
April 20, 2015 @ 9:15 pm
Hank is an artist ,I like most of his work ,even the stuff I don’t listen to has a sound or two that I like or might like later.I remember seeing SLAYER, and some dude was yelling warzone .I thought man that’s the only song on that album I skip over.Later it became my favorite. Art. Like a stick of dynamite blastin my adrenaline.
June 7, 2015 @ 10:12 am
C’mon, Rebel Meets Rebel was released so long ago. Should be in your consciousness, And for those surprised that Hank III does other music besides country are clearly out-of-the-loop.
June 24, 2015 @ 8:40 am
Hank3 rules. All you faggot ass hatin motherfuckers can go back and jerk off to Garth Brooks’ YouTube page.
It needed to be said…
November 5, 2015 @ 6:25 am
Hank iii is a spiitin image of he grandpa his dad and he took on the world and showed them all that he is like them. Hell he has the voice of them. So if you can say that he list his fans he didn’t I been a fan of his for along time and his music is the best of all he has combined country rock blues in one.
September 26, 2017 @ 4:27 pm
Every hank3 cd is awesome, metal and all. You are a living legend my friend!
March 12, 2020 @ 7:51 am
I’m not sure why you hate on the opportunity to see collaborations and to see great country music evolve. While I still love classic country I also love classic rock, classic metal and even classic hip hop.
This is just another opportunity to see free thinkers take psychobilly to a new level.
I dedicate this to the late great Johnny Cash who coined the term and also took music to new levels in his career.
March 15, 2021 @ 5:39 am
All these years later… Still no new music.