Don’t Forget The Texas Scene (Free Music)

Texas MusicSome criticize that there’s not enough talk around here about the Texas music scene, and I couldn’t agree more. There’s some great music going on down there, and unfortunately I just don’t have the time to sink my teeth into it all.

That was one reason I set up the Saving Country Music message board, so that if there was a band or artist or a cause for that matter that you felt was not getting enough love, you could do something about that yourself. I also encourage people not to be shy about suggesting artists to me to check out, or even writing articles themselves on their favorite artists.

But in the meantime, one of Texas’s biggest independent labels, Lost Highway Records has given us all to opportunity to catch up on the Texas scene by partnering with Amazon to release a FREE Texas Country Music sampler called T For Texas T From Tennessee. The price is right, and it includes music from Ryan Bingham, Robert Earl Keen,Hayes Carll,Black Joe Lewis, Willie Nelson and Lyle Lovett.

T For Texas T For Tennessee Lost Highway AlbumLost Highway Records is to REAL Texas country what Bloodshot Records is to Insurgent Country. Their barn also boasts Lucinda Williams, and previously has included Whiskeytown and Ryan Adams. Lost Highway is also responsible for putting out Johnny Cash’s American V: A Hundred Highways and a compilation of Hank Williams music called Turn Back the Years.

And if that sound isn’t underground enough for you there’s another FREE Amazon download called Discover Texas Music: Volume 1 that has a bunch of great lesser-known artists.

Will Austin ever officially take over as the home of country music? I kind of feel like if it was ever going to happen, it already would have. And I don’t know that I want the industry setting up shop in Texas anyway.

But like Waylon Jennings once said, “You can hear the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s the home of country music, on that we all agree. But when you cross that ol’ Red River hoss, that just don’t mean a thing.”

Pipe up if there’s some Texas artists you think we should all know about.

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