Drunk Toby Keith Blows Show in Indiana
UPDATE: Watch & Hear Drunk Toby Keith / Toby Camp Refuses To Acknowledge Issue
Saturday Night (9-13) Toby Keith made a tour stop at the Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana just outside of Indianapolis on his “Shut Up & Hold On” tour presented by Ford F-Series Trucks, and according to many of the concert goers, Toby was too drunk to perform, put on a terrible show, and now some fans are demanding their money back. A cavalcade of attendees took to Twitter and Facebook to complain about Toby Keith forgetting words, and generally stumbling through his performance.
“Awful show last night so drunk it was pathetic,” concert goer John Collins tweeted out. “When your 11 year old daughter asks whats wrong with Toby !! #embarrassing.” Kari Woehler said, “Can’t remember words. I’m a nurse. What if came to work drunk?” Caitlin Gill says, “This is disappointing. Paid a lot for these tickets and he is too drunk to sing.”
There’s been no public acknowledgement from either the Toby Keith camp, the Klipsch Music Center, or the promoter Live Nation about Toby Keith’s drunken state, but numerous fans have indicated they are reaching out to Live Nation requesting refunds.
This is not the first time the Ford Truck Man has thrown a bad show because of too many adult beverages. Some believe Toby Keith was too drunk when he opened Rodeo Houston in 2013.
Sad that @LiveNation @KMClivenation and @TobyKeithMusic aren’t acknowledging the drunk show on Sat! What a mess! #refundplease #tobykeith
Ashley Mayhew (@AmberStarfish) September 15, 2014
I won’t ever go to a Toby Keith concert again. Not gonna pay to watch a drunk guy sing. Ashley Hughes (@AshleyHughes96) September 14, 2014
99% sure Toby Keith was drunk tonight….not the best concert
Zac Coons (@zaccoons) September 14, 2014
Wow was Toby Keith drunk tonight !! John Collins (@JohnCollins911) September 14, 2014
So Toby Keith was terrible…he was so drunk u couldn’t understand the words..
CaSEy RoTE (@casey_mikel) September 14, 2014
Toby Keith, not worth it. Was drunk on stage, sounded terrible. Charlie Duffy (@Charlie_Duffy32) September 14, 2014
Toby Keith’s so drunk rn 😂
Kennedy Trendelman (@k_e_n_98) September 14, 2014
Toby Keith is so drunk, he forgot the lines to my favorite song. 😞😠Katelyn (@ML4everKatie) September 14, 2014
#tobykeith is too drunk and keeps singing the same verse repeatedly #gohometobyyouredrunk
Emily Schafer (@emilyelizabeths) September 14, 2014
Toby Keith is more drunk than the crowd right now Jake Harper (@Harpertown) September 14, 2014
Attention world: @TobyKeithMusic puts on a horrible show. Don’t bother showing up if the performer is too drunk to know lyrics.
Sammi Coppedge (@SammiCoppedge) September 14, 2014
@TobyKeithMusic Awful show last night so drunk it was pathetic. When your 11 year old daughter asks whats wrong with Toby !! #embarrassing John Collins (@JohnCollins911) September 14, 2014
@TobyKeithMusic very disappointed in Indy show. TK too stoned. Can’t remember words. I’m a nurse. What if came to work drunk?
Kari Woehler (@hoosiercubby) September 14, 2014
Ugggh i hate it when he is drunk. Just sang the same verse twice. And cant remember the beginning to songs?? Cummon man. @TobyKeithMusic Emily Gwaltney (@EGwaltney872) September 14, 2014
@TobyKeithMusic this is disappointing. Paid a lot for these tickets and he is too drunk to sing.
Caitlin Gill (@CaitGillMPH) September 14, 2014
UPDATE: Watch & Hear Drunk Toby Keith / Toby Camp Refuses To Acknowledge Issue
September 14, 2014 @ 5:40 pm
Red Solo Cup
September 14, 2014 @ 5:47 pm
This is what happens when “country” singers placate to the soccer mom crowd…
September 14, 2014 @ 6:00 pm
I bet they’ll call it exhaustion
September 14, 2014 @ 6:05 pm
September 14, 2014 @ 6:07 pm
Haven’t been a fan of his since his first Greatest Hits CD.
September 14, 2014 @ 6:09 pm
You get what you pay for. Why would anyone spend good money to see this douchebag?
September 14, 2014 @ 6:52 pm
FYI, Toby Keith doesn’t have to be drunk to put on a terrible performance. When you pair the machine gun vibrato with songs a first grader would write, it happens organically. 🙂
September 14, 2014 @ 7:10 pm
I’m waiting to see if Jason Isbell comments on this. He’s a big Toby Keith fan after all 😉
September 14, 2014 @ 7:41 pm
Toby Keith is the rock by which all stupid people are compared. I hate him for continually releasing mostly shitty music with diamonds here and there. His instrumental arrangements are often obnoxiously annoying and his vocals are pedestrian and forgettable. Why he’s famous, I’ll never know. I hope his career is on a nosedive and never recovers, and I hope we can keep peace or years to come so he doesn’t have a cheap ride back to the top by writing and recording patriotic songs that are only convenient for him because our country has faced another tragedy.
September 14, 2014 @ 8:04 pm
It’s a shame that he let himself get that way for his fans. Unfortunately, I witnessed the same situation at several Hank Jr shows in the 80’s and 90’s.
September 14, 2014 @ 11:05 pm
Tanked Hank is the stuff of legends.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:24 am
Yeah, and the backing to his stage in the 1980s was a banner of the Jim Beam logo, which was his tour sponsor.
I have seen DAC so wasted (even decades ago) that his eyes looked closed.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:36 am
I’ve seen DAC a half-dozen times and I’ve never noticed him to be even slightly drunk.
September 15, 2014 @ 11:21 am
I saw Jr twice. Fortunately he was sober enough to perform both times!
September 16, 2014 @ 6:32 am
I’ve been to two or three Toby concerts and enjoyed them, but I know I wouldn’t have enjoyed this one. 🙁 I did attend one Hank, Jr. concert in the ’80s and have never wanted to go again. He was totally trashed. Guess there are some who don’t care how much money people pay for tickets. I’d rather just listen to CD’s than see someone blitzed out of their mind in person. Hope Toby straightens up. I guess Hank did.
September 14, 2014 @ 8:19 pm
Toby’s music sucks now. I’m actually surprised that he can still fill an amphitheater.
September 14, 2014 @ 8:27 pm
I’ve got to see video to make my own determination. Going over to youtube to see what I can find.
September 14, 2014 @ 8:38 pm
I was skeptical at first cause I need 5 different sources in this day an age of the internet, but I found a video posted 3 hrs ago on youtube. The video doesn’t state what show it was filmed from, but Keith is obviously drunk and fans are stunned.
I can’t believe youtube only has one video posted of this show! But I’m convinced.
September 14, 2014 @ 9:35 pm
Some more video will surface tomorrow. It usually takes until the Monday after the weekend before stuff gets uploaded en masse. I’ve seen the one video you saw, and I do believe it is from the Saturday night show, and it’s not very flattering at all. Toby is clearly drunk, and loses his place numerous times. If you need sources, I posted 14 sources up above, and honestly, that is not the half of it. There are extremely negative comments everywhere on Facebook, I just don’t have any concise way to include them here. Toby Keith threw the show, and people are very angry. Honestly, with all the comments I’ve seen about the concert all over the internet. Here’s some comments people left on the venue’s Facebook page:
September 14, 2014 @ 9:17 pm
Jokes on you if you went to that. I’d rather drink bleach than listen to red solo cup. I could write a better song impromptu.
September 14, 2014 @ 9:40 pm
When it comes to one these kind of stories, it’s rare, but I’m with you one this one, Trig. This is a HUGE story.
Toby Keith is very lucky cause after years of success he doesn’t have to work very hard. He re-records the same songs and repackages them onto albums and his fans buy them up and show up religiously in herds of 12,000-14,000 to his shows. At this point all he has to really do is show up to 35-40 dates a year and put on the best performance he can for his fans. That’s not asking too much from a 53 year old man. If he can’t do that, then he’ll start losing sponsorships – Ford – and he’ll hurt his brand – Toby Keith Bar & Grills – all of which have made him one of the richest entertainers in the land.
This isn’t Ryan Adams or Hank Sr. in their 20’s. This isn’t a struggling, overtaxed artist who has to tour relentlessly 150-200 dates a year. There’s truly no excuse for this behavior. It’s a big F-you to the fans who paid for tickets to this concert. No doubt, refunds should be issued or a make-up concert should be rescheduled.
September 15, 2014 @ 12:27 am
I hope he doesn’t get sued by some concertgoers like Creed did back in the day for Scott Stapp being drunk.
September 15, 2014 @ 2:53 am
If drinking impacts your work, you’ve got a problem. Someone in his entourage needs to tell him he’s got a problem.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:07 am
I saw Gary Stewart so drunk he had trouble standing sounds like Toby needs to hold off until after the show. Unlike Gary Stewart Toby has a lot to lose. RIP Gary your talents are missed.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:27 am
Gary Stewart was an incredible talent.
I have his entire songbook (every CD of his).
I miss him, too.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:26 am
The difference between talent and posers….Real artists with talent can pull it off after too much drink, unfortunately that is starting to be a dying art.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:46 am
To Toby,
I’m 49 years old and I have loved your music from day one! September 13, 2014 was embarrassing for your #1 fan. I have two boys that also love your music, but I was thankful that I didn’t take them to this show. You have stood up for your music, family, and country through out your career, but now, WHAT ABOUT YOUR FANS?
We, your fans, deserve your best every night and Saturday was a disaster at best! I will let you know that if it would have been anyone else but you , Toby, I would have left the concert! I have travelled to different venues to see your show and this one was in my backyard. You messed up and I hope this gets to you and your people so it doesn’t happen again!
Troy Tatman
September 15, 2014 @ 1:14 pm
Just wanted to leave email address, just in case you wanted to discuss:
still disappointed,
Country Haiku #517 | Country California
September 15, 2014 @ 9:05 am
[…] do you like me Now that I’m irrelevant And sozzled on […]
September 15, 2014 @ 10:27 am
Clearly the author did not go to the concert. I was there, and it was amazing. Really, people shouldn’t make stuff up just to get famous on the internet.
September 15, 2014 @ 10:49 am
I’m simply reporting what hundreds of people that were in attendance are saying. Nothing was “made up” here. That is why the communication from specific fans that were in attendance were directly embedded into this story. You may have a different take on the concert, and that is fair. But there is clearly a majority of people who disagree with your take, as well as video evidence to corroborate that majority view.
September 15, 2014 @ 2:51 pm
Trigger didn’t make up anything, Zach.
Clearly the commenter, Zach, didn’t read the article. I read the article, and Trigger never said “I was at the concert and he was clearly drunk.” What he did write was, “according to many of the concert goers, Toby was too drunk to perform, put on a terrible show, and now some fans are demanding their money back. A cavalcade of attendees took to Twitter and Facebook to complain about Toby Keith forgetting words, and generally stumbling through his performance.”
And then he provided evidence to back up that report, in the form of several twitter posts from concert attendees.
Try reading the article next time, Zach.
September 15, 2014 @ 3:19 pm
I didn’t specify the author was manufacturing details. I said people, not a person. I read the article. Did you read my response, though? One could argue that you should fully did not read a statement as well. Trigger did the best with what he had available, I’m sure. It’s those who make claims that Toby did this or didn’t do that, without citing examples. I attended the concert, and while it appeared that he was drinking, it still was a great show. The man writes songs about red SOLO cups, whiskey, beer and bars. Honestly, what do people expect? Toby would not and should not apologize, either.
September 15, 2014 @ 6:56 pm
Zach, you did specify the author by saying “clearly the author was not at the concert” and then made an implication that people were making things up to get famous on the internet.
If you enjoyed the concert, great, good for you. I’m happy for you. But clearly a lot of people felt differently, and this article cited evidence of that.
September 16, 2014 @ 2:32 pm
“The man writes songs about red SOLO cups, whiskey, beer and bars. Honestly, what do people expect?”
I dunno, maybe they expect him to sing the songs about red SOLO cups, whiskey, beer, and bars in such a way that they can understand the lyrics?
September 15, 2014 @ 10:32 am
He physically sucked at singing on a few songs, yes because he slurred. So what? Big whoop! But He was entertaining as heck! He did everything for a wonderful cause and he did it with american pride. He brought love and attention to all the troops, and it was a overall fun and great concert! You people go to a hole in the wall bar and listen to drunks sing Karaoke all the time! Then you pay crazy amounts of money for their over priced and poorly mixed drinks! I guarantee Toby Keith sounds way better than a everyday drunk on a karaoke machine! That is for sure!
FOR ALL OF YOU THAT DONT KNOW! Toby Keith is Wealthy, he doesn’t have to sing anymore. Toby Keith does the concerts to raise money to Support Our Troops, who in which fight and die for,”WE THE PEOPLE.” So, while everyone is bashing Toby Keith’s image. Take a look at the good hes doing!
The man is a Undercover Saint! I would honor this man in person if I had the ability, just because he honers the people out there that get no recognition! I am not even in the Military, and I respect Toby Keith for all he’s doing.
Toby Keith! A man of Honor and Integrity! Keep up the awesome entertainment Toby, This was my first concert I have ever been to of yours, here in Indianapolis, Indiana. I had a blast, and I didn’t even get drunk! Also, Great fireworks show, GREAT ENCORE WITH THE RESPECT AND HONOR YOU SHOWED TO THE TROOPS, AND OVERALL, GREAT SHOW! jUST WORK ON REMEMBERING THE WORDS TO THE SONGS WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, AND YOU GOT IT MADE!
September 15, 2014 @ 10:44 am
So you’re saying that our troops aren’t important enough to Toby for him to stay sober during a concert to raise money for them?
September 15, 2014 @ 10:46 am
If you ask me, the fact that this show was supposed to be in honor of the troops, and Toby Keith couldn’t even bother to show up sober, is not a testament to his commitment, it makes this situation a further embarrassment. To somehow attempt to shield his poor personal decisions behind his “support for the troops” is an insult to the troops in my opinion. It’s great that he does so much for the men and women of the military, but that doesn’t give him carte blanche, and the freedom not deliver the type of performance attendees paid their hard earned money to see.
September 15, 2014 @ 11:42 am
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you think about this incident, Aaron. There are enough negative comments from people who feel they were ripped off. This is going to hurt him because others will pay attention and will stop buying tickets. It’s evident he has a problem, whether he’s a good man or not, and the best is to hope he makes it right.
September 15, 2014 @ 2:53 pm
“You people go to a hole in the wall bar and listen to drunks sing Karaoke all the time!”
Difference is, I’m not paying $75 to the drunk singing the karaoke.
September 17, 2014 @ 8:39 am
I would love to see some proof of what you are speaking of. I have heard quite the opposite about Mr. Keith.
September 15, 2014 @ 10:36 am
Everybody’s “favorite” artist (Eric Church) is known for being stumbling around drunk before he performs. No idea how he pulls it off, but I’ve been told that you’d never believe it if you saw him backstage before the show.
September 15, 2014 @ 12:12 pm
Define “Everybody”. I will consider liking Eric Church if he ever sings a song that I can actually understand all of the words to. He needs to take the dip out before he steps up to the mic.
I’m guessing the so-called drunkenness before the shows is actually a fallacy that’s part of the show itself; it’s probably part of his metamorphosis from a regular human being into CHIEF.
September 16, 2014 @ 7:34 am
BwareDWare94 and Tom,
You should really verify your facts. Eric rarely drinks before a show, though he usually has 1 drink that lasts the entire 2 hour concert (he might take a couple of sips from it during the set).
Please provide a source or videos when you accuse him of “being known” for being too drunk to perform. That’s an outright lie.
Regarding needing to “take the dip out of his mouth”…Eric doesn’t dip, and to my knowledge he has never had a dip in his mouth onstage.
You don’t have to like Eric, that’s your right, but don’t make up things about him. I’ve known Eric for 8 years and been to dozens of concerts, and I’ve never seen him so much as tipsy for a concert. If you have sources or evidence, as there is plenty of for Toby’s drunken concert, please provide them. Otherwise, you shouldn’t spread falsehoods.
September 16, 2014 @ 1:41 pm
Also an interesting EC fact………Him and his fucking music is really fucking awful, the fact that he acts like he is intoxicated to embrace his fake outlaw bit is absofuckinglutely pointless, did I mention how much of a super-ddsssdd
September 16, 2014 @ 2:02 pm
I didn’t say he was drunk, only suggested that what others take for drunkenness might be part of the cosmic change from Eric to Chief, that wild-and-crazy badass self-proclaimed outlaw that would never be caught dead performing a Garth Brooks tune in perfectly coifed hair and stone-washed jeans at a high school talent show. If he doesn’t drink before shows it only makes my theory more plausible.
And as to taking the dip out of his mouth, it was just a figure of speech. The guy mumbles when he sings. I have to hear his songs a dozen times before I even begin to develop an idea as to what they’re about. If it’s not chewing tobacco, fine. Maybe he needs to not drink ice water right before they roll the tape, or postpone the recording session if a bee stings his tongue..
September 15, 2014 @ 10:49 am
You don’t come to Indiana and forget the one verse that says Indiana….he was soooo wasted he sang the first verse twice
September 15, 2014 @ 11:30 am
How ironic. The lead singer in my old country band was a huge TK fan (even looked a good bit like him), and he had trouble laying off the sauce, too.
September 15, 2014 @ 11:37 am
I hope he gets help. His Facebook page was deleting negative posts, so they know they have a problem.
September 15, 2014 @ 12:16 pm
It’s interesting that there haven’t been any posts to his tour page, which normally has a lot of traffic, since last week.
September 15, 2014 @ 2:30 pm
Everyone will see what they want to see…Some buy into the whole “drinking party aspect” of the show and conclude Toby was drunk. I liked the comment that mentioned ‘That’s what you get when you cater to the soccer moms”…they don’t live the life, they expect a choir boy. I was at the show, down in the pit, up against the front rail. Toby was interacting with the crowd and got lost in one song and repeated a verse. I’m amazed he doesn’t forget the words to more songs with how he reads signs, interacts with people and listens to the backstage chatter in his “ears”. The only “weird” things I saw was when Toby introduced his backup singer for a solo and disappeared off the stage. She did a great job, but it was clear that she was caught off guard. I figured that Toby needed a bathroom…maybe if he had commented on why he left, people would haven’t been wondering. But hey…I was completely entertained. Drunk or sober, he was singing the hell out of his songs and he put on a helluva show…and that’s what I paid to see.
September 15, 2014 @ 2:39 pm
When a man is 53 years old and so drunk he lets down his audience, lets down the promoters and his sponsors, and lets down his profession and his craft… that man
most likely has a serious problem with alcohol. At this point, disasters like this can be the catalyst for the kind of serious soul searching that is necessary for Toby now.
I’ve been there, and I thank God I surrendered my self-centeredness and got help. I hope the same for Toby Keith. If I were advising him, I’d tell him that alcoholism just gets worse and that it is time to hop off the merry-go-round. I’d tell him that he must find the courage to do the right thing, and then apologize to his fans, his sponsors, his band, and everybody else and go take care of Toby for awhile. And I believe that he has that in him. If he does it, he will come back happier and more productive than ever.
Life isn’t about falling down. It is about getting up. And I’d like to believe he will.
Ben Jones
September 15, 2014 @ 3:16 pm
Thank god there wasn’t twitter when George Jones was at the height of his career. Between the no shows and the drunk/high as a kite shows, twitter would be a PR disaster for Jones.
September 15, 2014 @ 3:18 pm
Not a Toby Keith fan… But wasn’t there a certain someone call “NO SHOW JONES”? Who frequently missed recording sessions, concerts etc because he was too drunk to stoned? George Jones is one of greatest so don’t get me wrong but this is not a first and wont be the last a country performer has shown up drunk.
September 15, 2014 @ 3:51 pm
Nobody is saying this is the first drunk country performer, or that it will be the last. Nonetheless, if people paid somewhere between $50-$120 face value for tickets, you would think they have a right to a quality show. And if they don’t get a quality show, I think it’s fair to conclude they’re due a refund. If “No Show” Jones didn’t show, guess what? The people lined up at the box office and got their money back. I think people that attended the concert and were disappointed have a right to be angry, if not the right to a refund, or at the least, an apology.
September 15, 2014 @ 4:20 pm
Hey johndeerediesel and motownmike,
Well, you are right that George Jones “might show up flying’ high, if George
showed up at all, but he could be unconsciously the greatest of them all….”
A great singer, but a man whose addictions deprived of us of an even greater singer and brought a lot of heartache to those around him. He finally made it through, and that was a miracle, and he stayed straight and sober those last few years.
I’m not here to preach, but I don’t think Toby wants to end up like the Possum, stoned and drunk all the time and not in any control of himself. People will pay to see a genius like George Jones in any condition. But that isn’t true for the rest of us. $75 is a lot to pay for a man who can’t remember the words to his own songs.
His fans should not be his enablers. If you love the man, pray for him.
Because like Johnny Cash said, “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it….”
September 15, 2014 @ 8:35 pm
George singing drunk >>> anyone else singing sober or drunk, much less Red Solo Cup.
September 15, 2014 @ 3:32 pm
seems like Toby Keith is just following in the concert footsteps of his idol, John Fahey.
or, not.
September 15, 2014 @ 5:27 pm
Concert might had been better of he had only screwed up and smoked weed with Willy again. Can’t handle the alcohol.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:02 pm
I went to the concert. He repeated the same verse three times. My husband surprised me and took me for our third wedding anniversary. He and I had a good time but je was TRASHED. Thanks Toby…. lay off it.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:05 pm
Such a sad report, Maybe Toby is going through something at this time ..who knows…maybe we can pray for him!
September 15, 2014 @ 10:54 pm
suck it up country fans; these r just the “outlaw” years,…..nowadays they have to work @ the “be all fucked up” shows so they can be legit. Just be happy u got to see it, you’ll reap the benefits 20 years down the road when u are at a cocktail party and can say u were at the show.
September 16, 2014 @ 3:16 am
It’s Toby Keith people. He likes to party. I still enjoyed the show. He didn’t care what he said or did. Made it a bit more interesting. Yeah I agree it wasn’t his best show but stillhad great time. You still rocked Toby!!!!! See you next year brother.
September 16, 2014 @ 4:45 am
Don’t know all the details, because I wasn’t there, but watching the YouTube video showed me something was terribly wrong. If true, I have this to say…Toby. Dude. Respect yourself, your state, and your University enough to prioritize your drinking. Don’t become another Hank Williams Jr. on stage. You’ve done too much good to blow it on alcohol and drugs.
Toby Keith Drunk Off His A$$ At His Show Saturday « The New Bull @ 100.3
September 16, 2014 @ 5:03 am
[…] SavingCountryMusic.com has a page full of fan comments that were posted on Twitter. As of last night there’s been no word from Toby, or from any of his people. […]
September 16, 2014 @ 5:30 am
I’ve never been to a Toby concert. I was pretty excited until he started messing up songs. He mumbled through most of the words. Even the American heroes song. My favorite song was messed up. So sad. Having a beer or two even three I can deal w that but he had way more than just that.
September 16, 2014 @ 9:51 am
So I attended the concert and it’s a darn good thing my tickets were FREE or I would have been very upset to have paid for that performance. I have been to several Toby Concerts and all of them have been great, but this was a huge let-down. He sang the first lyrics of one song twice, never did sing the second verse of the song. He completely missed starting a song with the band, so he just jumped in when he realized it. Then when he came back from some kind of “break” which he never takes breaks he said hello Houston. Come on really, it was truly a bad show I am shocked that he would let his fans down like this. There is plenty of time to party after the show!!!
September 16, 2014 @ 10:13 am
In regards to my previous comment. You say my opinion doesnt matter because I sm out numbered by peoples negative opinions! Guess what? You opinion means nothing to me. So ill continue to defend the overall truth. You all feel ripped off huh? What are you hoping for? A free concert? Possibility? All I got to say is, the reality of this concer is for a good cause! Everyone knows Toby Keith gets drunk. If you didnt know this coming into this concert, maybe you should of done your research! This was my first concert. I bet most of the people that are complaining are the ones that never donate or even try to help with any sort of fundraiser or event for good causes? Most people just want the drama. Its sad! If you all can join together and will speak your opinions against a musician that is setting a positive and fun environment for everyone, not only in america, but in other countries. You all should focus your attention towards voting or disagreeing with this government thats been slowly running we the people into the ground with all these failed projects of theirs. Get a grip people! The man was still entertaining.
There is a group called Jellopalooza. They are known for their aweful acting, rock shows, and singing. Look them up. Its still entertaining and people pay to watch them. Everyonw knows what the group is known for before you go to it! Just like Toby Keith. He is known for his drink-ability! Haha. Sorry for the ones that did not know what to expect before they went, but God Bless America, our Troops, and Toby Keith for his efforts!
September 16, 2014 @ 5:58 pm
I was at the concert and truly love Toby. I will say what hurt the most was when he called the ones that served our country as MF’ers. My husband was in the armed forces and I was appauled that he be called MF’ERS! And by the way shot them a bird later!
Who Is The Better Drunken Performer? Toby Keith vs. Hank Williams, Jr. | Rawhide And Velvet
September 16, 2014 @ 12:29 pm
[…] all the details of the Toby Keith shitshow with video and audio. You can check out the entire story HERE and decide for […]
September 16, 2014 @ 1:01 pm
I didn’t attend this show and frankly, I’m pretty happy that I didn’t.
There is absolutely no legitimate reason for ANYONE to attempt to do their job, while loaded/trashed/hammered/whatever else you want to call it. Mr. Keith appears to have a serious problem and no matter what he has done for servicepeople, whether Active Duty, veterans or retired, that does not change.
Personally, as a veteran of 15.5 years of service and winding up as a moderately disabled veteran, I find it rather insulting that individuals such as Aaron Michael Grimes, would attempt to gloss over Mr. Keith’s apparent problem by saying that ‘he’s helped the military, so it’s OK’. NO, it IS NOT OK! Had one of my troops showed up for work in such a condition, they would have been at Sick Bay for a ‘Fitness For Duty’ exam, in a heartbeat!
Whether singing songs, flipping burgers or making it so Naval Aviators can send terrorists to meet their Maker, there is never a legitimate excuse for being AFU on the job! I hope that he gets his act together…Soonest!
September 16, 2014 @ 3:56 pm
The show was terrible. My 70 year old mother in law wanted to see him for her birthday so I got her tickets. It was the first concert she went to and terribly disappointing. All he did was sing about booze and getting high. He was so drunk that he slurred his words, forgot words, skipped entire paragraphs, and just made a complete idiot of himself. I went to Brad Paisley and he was amazing. I am going to Deirks Bentley. These younger guys need to show this old, washed up drunk what country music is really about. I am NEVER going to a Toby Keith concert again. Even if he doesn’t issue refunds, he needs to man up and admit that he made a mistake and apologize. What a jerk.
September 16, 2014 @ 3:59 pm
One more comment…this one is for Aaron that keeps speaking of the good causes. I have a friend that spent a mint for a Toby Keith jacket at that concert and turns out it was not American made. He promotes this stuff but doesn’t keep his word. I don’t even want my money back. I would just like an apology
September 16, 2014 @ 5:35 pm
Well I wasn’t there but I have seen dozens of concerts from confederate railroad, don willams, George strait, Taylor swift, Pam tilles, Aaron tippin, new and old singers but I got to say Toby’s concert I saw in Hershey PA was one of the best it is country music you will see a performer drunk now and again it’s not the first time it’s happend at concert and I’m sure it won’t be the last
September 16, 2014 @ 8:10 pm
Toby Keith is himan.
What is important, is that he stands for AMERICA.
I wish half of this country had what he stands for.
we would all be in better shape!
September 17, 2014 @ 8:42 am
That Kool aide taste good?
September 18, 2014 @ 1:43 pm
LOL, man, he has his fans absolutely buffaloed with that cornball “Murica” schtick of his. If you think being an alcoholic slob is what “Murica” is all about, I truly pity you and your tiny brain.
September 19, 2014 @ 6:56 am
Toby Keith is himan.
Dude, it’s spelled “hymen”.
September 17, 2014 @ 12:04 pm
full blown heroin addction
September 18, 2014 @ 10:36 am
Nah, he’s way too fat for that to be the case.
September 18, 2014 @ 1:44 pm
Oh, you can indeed be a big fat junkie…Artie Lange.
September 19, 2014 @ 6:54 am
You could add John Belushi and Chris Farley to that list. I was just playing off the “Heroin Chic” stereotype.
October 9, 2014 @ 5:23 pm
I saw Toby a week later and the concert was AWESOME as usual! I have seen him many times and met him once too. He’s human. Cut him some slack.
Review – Toby Keith’s “Drunk Americans” | Country Perspective
October 16, 2014 @ 8:01 am
[…] Keith recently came under fire with accusations that he played a show drunk in Indiana. Now I don”™t have any issues with performers using a tad bit of booze while performing, but from […]
October 20, 2014 @ 6:33 pm
Wow why does this website have to be so neagative even trig wants to spread the neagative vibe around.
October 27, 2014 @ 1:24 pm
I find it insulting that this douche can wave a big American Flag and cheer on the troops and make soo much money. He could give two shits about the military or the troops if money was not being made, wake up you idiots! Don’t show your ignorance with a alternate response.
It should be criminal to make money off our troops like this yet we praise him for it…..
October 29, 2014 @ 4:54 am
Sydney Australia March 2014. So disappointed.
No interactions with audience just sang and spat his gum
on the stage.Gave him benefit of the doubt
lots of travel and different time zones etc.
but quite possible he was drunk. He certainly wasn’t
enjoying performing.
We had seen Dolly Parton a month earlier and
her show was 1000 times better.
March 31, 2015 @ 1:52 pm
So what! Toby got drunk .He is the last of the real deal in country music. .I know these new corporate hip hop. county crap artist would never dream of such an outrageous thing