Florida Georgia Line’s New Album Bombs in Sales
It’s said that time is the harshest critic of all. If that’s the case, time has not been very kind to the music of Florida Georgia Line at all. The title of their new album Can’t Say I Ain’t Country isn’t fooling anybody, and apparently the fickle pop country music fan has moved on en masse to the likes of Luke Combs and others. This has left only bread crumbs for the once high-flying Florida Georgia Line, who just a few short years ago were the biggest thing in all of country music.
There’s no way to sugar coat it. Sales of Can’t Say I Ain’t Country are terrible. The album opened with sales of only 29,000 in physical and digital copies, which is horrific for a top flight major label country act. To put that into perspective, that is 24,000 less albums than the 71-year-old John Prine debuted with his recently independently-released album Tree of Forgiveness, and 22,000 less than Jason Isbell sold with his last album The Nashville Sound without the help of a ticket bundle.
Okay, but what about those precious “album equivalents” that get racked up via streaming data these days that count towards album sales and have all these younger acts tipping the scales in their favor? Still Can’t Say I Ain’t Country was only able to eek out 50,000 units with streaming data counted in. This was still less than both John Prine’s and Jason Isbell’s last efforts, which came in at 53,000 and 51,000 respectively.
And how does 29,000 records sold, and 50,000 album equivalents rack up against Florida Georgia Line’s contemporaries in the mainstream? Well Carrie Underwood’s late 2018 album Cry Pretty sold 251,000 albums in pure sales, or 772-percent more units than Florida Georgia Line debuted with. With streaming equivalents, Carrie Underwood still debuted with 432-percent more in sales. Jason Aldean’s 2018 album Rearview Town debuted 266-percent higher than Can’t Say I Ain’t Country factoring in both sales and streams. 50,000 equivalent units is also a sharp drop from Florida Georgia Line’s last record, Dig Your Roots, which debuted with 145,000 in sales, or 190-percent better than Can’t Say I Ain’t Country.
Oh but perhaps the second week is where Florida Georgia Line’s new record would find it’s strength. Yeah, not so much. Second week sales have been cut by over 50-percent for the record, and Can’t Say I Ain’t Country isn’t even the #1 album on the country albums charts anymore. That distinction falls to Luke Combs with a record that was released in June of 2017, This One’s For You. In fact Luke Combs tops all five of country music’s major indexes this week. The tide has turned.
Granted, all things are relative when it comes to album sales. Many independent artist would kill for sales as the ones Florida Georgia Line just turned in. Cody Johnson, who just released his major label debut Ain’t Nothin’ To It a few weeks ago, was only able to log 32,000 in sales and streaming equivalents. But this is an up-and-coming artist just now receiving mainstream radio play, while Florida Georgia Line is an arena level act who was solely responsible for launching the Bro-Country era a few years ago, and just logged the longest-running #1 single on the Billboard Hot Country Sales chart last year with Bebe Rexha called “Meant To Be.”
But perhaps all that exposure has soured the taste of Florida Georgia Line, while the genre as a whole appears to want to move on from the Bro-Country era. Even Florida Georgia Line’s singles aren’t doing so well, not counting “Meant To Be,” which was officially attributed to Bebe Rexha as the primary artist. Out of their last ten solo singles, only one has hit #1 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart—2016’s “H.O.L.Y.” Their debut single from the new album, the Mumford & Sons-esque “Simple” did make it to #1 on radio, but it was one of those weak #1’s that immediately fall off the face of the earth the next week.
It’s not time to sound the all-clear signal just yet. Rest assured radio will continue to cram Florida Georgia Line singles down the throats of consumers for years to come. But all those predictions that Florida Georgia Line was a band with a short shelf life are starting to come to fruition. Sure better hope they invested all that “Cruise” money wisely.
March 5, 2019 @ 9:17 am
My ears are tragically still bleeding from listening to 18 seconds of “Swerve.”
March 5, 2019 @ 1:33 pm
You must have really slow reflexes. 18 seconds?
March 5, 2019 @ 9:22 am
Phase two: Break up and make solo albums
March 5, 2019 @ 10:02 am
Cue the Michael Scott screaming “NO!” meme.
March 5, 2019 @ 10:35 am
careful what you wish for , blackwater
March 5, 2019 @ 12:35 pm
What would other-guy-who-isn’t-Tyler-Hubbard’s solo album sound like? What does he even DO? He’s the Andrew Ridgeley to Hubbard’s George Michael (not to suggest that Hubbard has even a fraction of George Michael’s talent, but you know what I mean)…
March 5, 2019 @ 1:04 pm
Phase 2: Break up and make solo album
Phase 3: Go Gospel and/or Contemporary Christian
March 5, 2019 @ 2:13 pm
Phase 4: podcast
Phase 5 : create a blog called “Saving Bro Country” under the alias of Swervin
Phase 6 : A weekly YouTube vlog of their daily lives!!!
March 5, 2019 @ 11:09 pm
Phase 6: get a reality show about doing absolutely nothing but living life with your blonde bimbo wife OR a reality show about your new home flipping business.
March 6, 2019 @ 9:46 pm
Phase 7: Reunite some number of years later, with new material so bad (and considering what’s been said about “Swerve” – I wish not to hear the song myself – that’s saying something) it makes people change their minds about the duo’s four original-years albums.
Phase 8: Make like Brooks & Dunn and record a collaborative album featuring the day’s biggest stars singing alongside FGL upon coming back
March 5, 2019 @ 9:24 am
Praise Jesus and pass the biscuits!
March 5, 2019 @ 3:46 pm
Mind your own biscuits, and life will be gravy
March 5, 2019 @ 8:02 pm
Turn the sound off and watch the tall, blonde, lanky one try to dance. They were on a late night TV talk show that I had muted. They started performing and it was hilarious! He looked like a scarecrow on wires jerking around. As or their music, ugh.
March 6, 2019 @ 9:20 am
I saw that, Susab….comical but not in a good way.
March 5, 2019 @ 9:41 am
Time and numbers don’t lie.
March 5, 2019 @ 3:08 pm
The title of the album lied tho,
Cause we CAN say”they ain’t country”.
The younger singers should have thought things over a longer before calling themselves country.
Snoop Dogg is about as country as most of the new ” country” singers.
March 5, 2019 @ 9:58 am
If you don’t know who you are as an artist and you’re relying on your radio-based fans to tell you , you get the attention you deserve.
These guys chased rap , chased pop , chased ‘ fashion’ , chased the Mumford thing , and chased the ” I’m so country ” trend all while chasing a following who hated country music – duh ???……they pretty-much chase everything their mindless fan base deems hip . Too bad they never chased substance and honesty . Sine THEY brought up the issue , I think we can safely say they ain’t country.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:45 pm
Perhaps the next move is to get on a long term television show of some sort?
March 5, 2019 @ 2:08 pm
They’ll be coaches on The Voice because Florida Georgia Line is basically synonymous with “astounding vocal ability.”
March 5, 2019 @ 2:20 pm
Hee Haw starring Florida Georgia line. Coming to CBS this fall.
Those comedy sketches on their album are telling of what their version of Hee Haw can become!!!
Tyler got a telsa, Them Y’all Boys, and catfish nuggets will be recuring skits on the program
March 6, 2019 @ 7:33 am
Dancing With the Stars is calling their name
March 5, 2019 @ 10:00 am
It’s only 11am and I already feel like cracking open a cold one to celebrate
March 5, 2019 @ 10:12 am
That’s too bad for them, but a lot a artists would kill for even a quarter of those sales numbers. Plus, I just read an article on a metal site about the (continuing) decline of album sales, both physical and digital. Streaming is the top format right now.
All that said, despite considering myself a fan, FGL has yet to release an album that I like from start to finish. Their insistence on spreading themselves thin across genres and trying to cater to both pop and country makes for inconsistent and unfocused albums that don’t fully deliver on either style.
March 5, 2019 @ 10:39 am
exactly , AZR ….you GET it – so many don’t …..they are chasing chasing chasing to please please please and they don’t know who they actually are …
March 5, 2019 @ 10:53 am
It’s definitely true that physical sales continue to decline, and that many independent artists would kill for these numbers. But now that streaming equivalents are weighted so heavily in album numbers, they still paint an accurate picture of appeal. John Prine and Jason Isbell DID beat Florida Georgia Line head to head on debut weeks.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:13 am
Even though the sales slump isn’t exactly going to bankrupt them, I’d like to think that getting knocked down a peg might cause FLG to reconsider their approach to making albums, going forward.
But it’s not likely.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:42 pm
There’s more to appeal than album sales/streaming. They’re still selling out amphitheaters (sometimes twice in one city) across the country year after year. John Prine and Jason Isbell aren’t. The live show has become the income draw for bands now and the music in physical or digital format is just a promotional tool for the tour, nothing more.
March 6, 2019 @ 11:54 am
There is no accounting for taste.
March 5, 2019 @ 6:13 pm
I like metal. What site were you on?
March 5, 2019 @ 6:17 pm
The article was on MetalSucks a couple days ago. I like No Clean Singing, too.
March 5, 2019 @ 6:27 pm
I occasionally visit MetalSucks but mostly i just go to Angry Metal Guy because I enjoy the comment section. Never heard of No Clean Singing. I’ll have to check out!
March 5, 2019 @ 10:17 am
Get over it people, country music evolves and nobody wants to listen to these two old farts anymore. (irony)
March 7, 2019 @ 10:52 am
Not even when in the shower?
Swishin back and forth for an hour?
March 5, 2019 @ 10:35 am
Maybe the clown could sell his hat to some dim bulb for some cash,, and maybe pawn that Walmart bling they’re wearin.
March 5, 2019 @ 12:13 pm
” Walmart Bling ” ….if that wasn’t a rap group from the 90’s I’m going to use that name for the bro-tribute act I’m putting together .
Hey ..how ’bout Michael Ray …. just saw him on some show pumped-up to the Arnolds and doing his best post-bro Bro with a leather-clad guitar band -amps on eleven .Sooooooo ‘country’
Those award shows should have an award for ” best music/fashion-trend chasing ”
Checklist :
minimum 8 days facial growth
visible tats
biker biceps
blue jean knee-rips ( y’know …like dwight did 30 years ago )
fake twang
baseball cap ( FGL would NEVER win this …hats are too pretty )
using ‘girl’ in a lyric
rap loop adaptation
fingersnaps , handclaps or both
use of same four chords
use of whoa whoa whoas in a lead or background vocal
conspicuous drop-the-beats
mainstream pop ‘guest artist’
pointing to crowd
…pretty much anything and everything George Strait never did and wound up with a 30 plus year career .
March 5, 2019 @ 3:04 pm
And that’s why George Strait is the king of country
March 5, 2019 @ 11:02 am
Fun Story — My local pop country station has recently added into rotation a horrible new song called “Feels Like A Party” by something called a “LOCASH” . This song is right out of 2012 “Bro Country” , a crappy check list of “party” and “truck” that sets the entire genre back 10 years.. Seriously, I don’t know what the Program Director was thinking. Anyhow, one of the writers of this shitheap? Take a guess? Yep, Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line. So yea, even if the body of the snake is dying, beware, as the head is still out there doing damage.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:03 am
“It’s not time to sound the all-clear signal just yet.” That line had me spitting out coffee, thank you very much.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:07 am
I’m officially shorting my denim stocks.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:07 am
Good riddance.
And I for one hope they blew their money and wind up washed up broke and forgotten.
If I ever go into a Burger King or a Wendy’s and see one of these clowns I’m going to laugh and laugh and laugh then jump up and down then walk out without buying anything and send the manager an e-mail which says that I won’t be spending my money at an establishment that practices such careless and inconsiderate hiring
then I’m going to laugh some more
March 5, 2019 @ 11:15 am
I think even the sheeple are starting to realize that someone like Luke Combs (who by the way has surpassed by an astronomical % even MY wildest expectations for the amount of success he’s had and deserves) is more real and relatable than these 2 goofballs that are just downright annoying.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:23 am
Have never liked them. Too wishy washi. Hope they are done done.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:33 am
Guess it wasn’t meant to be.
March 5, 2019 @ 11:36 am
I think it’s a good cd y’all just don’t know what good music is
March 5, 2019 @ 12:17 pm
yeah …..you’re probably right …..” Its not you …its me “
March 5, 2019 @ 12:23 pm
I grew up in a household in which my parents listened to such artists as Jim Reeves and Patsy Cline, watched Johnny Cash on TV, and took us kids to the Grand Ole Opry. I currently listen to Texas and Red Dirt country. So yep, I know what good music is. And those punk clowns in FGL aren’t it. Never have been, never will be.
March 5, 2019 @ 12:38 pm
I knew we’d have a butt-hurt fan comment soon. Complete with the obligatory poor grammar/syntax and “y’all just haters” type remark. What kept you?
March 5, 2019 @ 3:28 pm
I know who Tyler Childers is, so I at least have a pretty good idea of what it is.
March 5, 2019 @ 12:05 pm
Are the no talent ass clowns going to be come a forgotten nightmare? Hopefully
March 5, 2019 @ 12:39 pm
Maybe Tyler should’ve thought twice about pissing off country music fans with his anti-gun stance.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:18 pm
Come on man…
Everyone knew they had 15 minutes..
There was no longevity in their career..labels never invested in that.. but I definitely think there is still gas in the tank with them like it or not.
Album sales may have bombed but that’s really not an accurate barometer of success anymore.
The album may have only sold 50K it’s opening week but the first single “Smooth” sold almost 370K.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:22 pm
And as terrible as they may be…yeah…they really are.
I think “Dirt” is a badass tune.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:34 pm
And as terrible as they are….yeah,they are indeed terrible..
“Dirt” is a badass tune.
March 5, 2019 @ 1:37 pm
“You can’t say I ain’t country. Please, please don’t say I ain’t country. Where are you going? LOOOOOVE MEEEEEEeeeee……”
–Tyler and… the other Tyler? (hell, I don’t know or care)
March 5, 2019 @ 1:53 pm
6 years of chart topping success is terrific… But this will definitely stall things up for them moving forward. Granted young people don’t buy physical albums anymore. I’m pretty sure Dan & Shay last year opened with 25k sales too, but their album gets streamed a lot & is usually In the top 5 billboard country albums weekly.
FGL can only hope that this album gets streamed a lot, if not.. yikes… plus their current single isn’t in the Top 20 radio yet, even though it’s been out for several months now (since November?).. usually FGL singles peak at #1 in 3 months…
March 5, 2019 @ 2:53 pm
As stated above, these numbers include streaming equivalents. It’s not really relevant to say, “Oh but most people stream albums these days” anymore. If anything, streaming is weighted to much in “sales” and charting data in my opinion.
March 5, 2019 @ 3:00 pm
I might be wrong but most streaming numbers are incredibly steady (like Brett Young, Jon Pardi, Zac Brown Greatest Hits, Stapleton, Dan Shay, Rhett etc) , while most always Physical album sales do go down weekly from its release… if FGL holds on to decent streaming numbers (like their previous album) they should be okay-meaning their label will be satisfied for now..
March 5, 2019 @ 3:34 pm
Like seriously stop……
Your comments make absolutely no sense…
You sound stupid and yet you never stop talking out your ass
March 5, 2019 @ 3:44 pm
?? What’s with the hate… streaming numbers tend to be more stable than physical album sales… Fans are more likely to stream an album weekly rather than buy the same physical album each week. That’s how Kane Brown has 2 albums in the top 10 bb chart. Compare the Billboard chart with the Rough stock physical album sales. There are some correlations but not always. Even if FGL physical sales continue to plunge, their streaming numbers will likely allow them to continue to chart on the Billboard country album chart.
March 5, 2019 @ 3:53 pm
One last point, on roughstock.. Josh Turner’ s Gospel album was the 7th most bought country physical album for the week of Feb 20th -selling 3k copies… But he hasn’t been featured on the BB album chart since maybe December? Nobody is really streaming his newest album… that was my only point.. thanks!!!
March 5, 2019 @ 1:57 pm
I have never listened to a full-length song by them – ever. Doubt I missed anything.
March 5, 2019 @ 2:19 pm
They couldn’t get past Ariana Grande, like I said would happen. And “Swerve” is officially the worst song that those morons ever did.
March 5, 2019 @ 2:20 pm
Jason Isbell isn’t selling out shows? What?
March 5, 2019 @ 2:57 pm
Saving country music but writing articles about fgl assclowns change the site to articles about fucktards destroying fake ass Nashville. Texas had taken over
March 5, 2019 @ 6:19 pm
You make no sense. Leave now.
March 5, 2019 @ 3:18 pm
I will say that the Carrie Underwood and Aldean comparisons are apples to oranges. Both Underwood and Aldean had massive ticket bundles that were the bulk of their physical sales. Also as sales have continued to drop precipitously, it’s hard to make even year to year comparisions. In terms of popularity, touring sales might be the more reliable indicator at this point (although even then you have to take into account popularity of openers)
March 5, 2019 @ 3:26 pm
Hey Come on now Florida Georgia Line is the best country band ever to grace a stage. Pure professionals and great writing and tunesmiths. When I think of a real country band they are the first band that comes to mind.Talk about a live show.These boys bring the house down and then blow the roof off the house next door. If y’all don’t get out there and stock up on their releases while you still have the chance to it would be an understatement of what your music collection looks like. OH HELL I FINALLY WOKE UP FROM THAT NIGHTMARE! I HAD BETTER PUT A DAVID ALLAN COE RECORD ON AND TALK MYSELF DOWN SINCE THEY CLOSED THE SAVE REAL COUNTRY HOTLINE!
March 5, 2019 @ 4:05 pm
I truly get so much hate on this site for my comedic inputs or simply for my thoughts and opinions… Other commenters find me annoying etc. But I simply love country music/traditional country that is.. and I love Mr. Coroneos’ writing style/journalism. Please don’t take my comedic inputs seriously… I hope I never offended anyone.. I hope I’ve been able to add a diverse voice to the saving country music narrative. However, I think I will retire the “Arnold” name from my username, and go by a completely different name so others won’t continue to belittle me. Thanks!!! Dobby is free, Free bird ????????
March 5, 2019 @ 6:23 pm
Hey Arnold, you are a stand up guy. Your username don’t lie. Fly high Dobby.
March 5, 2019 @ 4:19 pm
Watch George Strait’s new album sell better.
March 5, 2019 @ 4:35 pm
All I’m going to say is if you don’t like FGL then don’t listen to them. When they get played on the radio then turn the station or just turn the radio off.
March 5, 2019 @ 6:26 pm
……..yes but how do we hide our children from them ..? you know how impressionable young children are . if we left it to them they’d eat nothing that wasn’t laced with sugar and only listen to what the radio tells them is good music. someone has to be responsible for helping young children make healthy choices .
March 5, 2019 @ 5:15 pm
George Strait’s got a new album ??? Hopefully,it’ll top the charts and remind everyone,ESPECIALLY FGL, how Country is meant to sound .
March 5, 2019 @ 5:24 pm
Yes please go chase pop and rap music because you are defenitely not country!
March 5, 2019 @ 5:52 pm
I’m sure now this will be followed up with a pop album very soon and if they end up not having that going for them anymore, then it may officially be the end of the Florida Georgia Line era.
March 5, 2019 @ 6:32 pm
My kids love FGL and they also like 80’s and 90’s country as well. I can get in my truck and my kids are yelling for me to play FGL as well as older country music. All I was saying was if you don’t like FGL then don’t listen to them and don’t allow your kids to listen to them
March 5, 2019 @ 6:36 pm
If they want some traditional country songs I can help them, I have demos of songs laying around I have co- written. I have friends that write great songs also. The labels are just song factories now. No heart,no meaning in their songs, lyrics that have no feeling. They need to reach out to new writers, actually listen to stuff on SoundCloud, they would be surprised of the talent on there. Just saying!
March 6, 2019 @ 1:02 am
You are absolutely right , in my humble opinion , Clint .
”The labels are just song factories now. No heart,no meaning in their songs, lyrics that have no feeling. ”
And yes …..as a writer and an avid fan of great writing I could not agree with this more . There are unbelievably great songs around being criminally ignored by labels and acts who just do not seem interested in finding them or promoting them . They seem happier than ever with the same ol same ol mindless ,emotionless, assembly line lowest- common -denominator writes geared to a seemingly mindless , emotionless lowest-common denominator audience .
March 5, 2019 @ 6:52 pm
I think the next move for FGL should be to play Gathering of the Juggalos…It worked for Vanilla Ice.
March 5, 2019 @ 7:15 pm
Should have kept his mouth SHUT about being pro-gun confiscation! My family will change the station when any of their songs are played now and will absolutely NEVER buy anything associated with them again… I had planned to go see them in concert and I ALWAYS caravan down and camp out but I’d rather move over Hillary Clinton’s obvious urine bag and kiss her right on the butt than spend a dollar to support them in any way, shape or form now.
March 5, 2019 @ 8:15 pm
Exactly, know your audience FGL. If the audience doesn’t want any nuance in their music then they certainly don’t want any in their social issues. Come on!
March 6, 2019 @ 6:33 am
Or maybe they just don’t hate themselves as much as you think or would like them to.
March 5, 2019 @ 7:15 pm
FGL’s sales bombed because “ONE” of the two is pushing for gun control. THEY ARE IN THE WRONG LINE OF WORK TO PULL THAT STUNT. Tim McGraw/Faith Hill already have their money and they are pushing gun control. I’m pushing BOYCOTT on those three plus a couple of others.
March 5, 2019 @ 8:23 pm
That’s so sad. Alexa, play Meant to Be at 0% volume.
March 5, 2019 @ 8:40 pm
I can see why their sales bombed. Paid over $400 to attend their show in Vegas. It was terrible. One of the worst shows I’ve seen.
March 7, 2019 @ 2:07 am
400 dollars ? You mean you’d never seen them on TV ?………
talk about a ‘gamble ‘……..
March 5, 2019 @ 10:00 pm
FGL sucks, and they AREN’T country. In the words of the Aaron Watson song, “Something With A Swing To It”, “Don’t call it country unless you can prove it.” It looks like Texas is going to have to rescue country music and bring it back to its roots, just as George Strait did in the early 80s and is doing so again.
March 6, 2019 @ 4:59 am
Hum…I thought it was good.
March 6, 2019 @ 12:35 pm
Screaming for gun control while trying to sell music to country music fans is like combining oil and water just to end up with egg on your faces.
March 6, 2019 @ 6:45 pm
well, all i can say is, FGL is FGL! I do respect each one of you and all your negative comments, if thats the only way of releasing the bitterness and jealousy inside. So what if u dont like FGLs music? Who cares? But thanks a lot tho, cuz of your comments , you just gave FGL a free publicity, cuz people reading ur comments will get more curious and interested on their music. which means more sales and streams for FGLs. Thanks a lot to all of you. And one thing more, no offense to anyone, if u dont like their music then dont listen to it. Period! And as of their personal life, please? Its none of our business where they will invest their money and its none of our business if they married a blonde bimbo what ever u wanna call it!! Its their personal life and personal choice just like all of us giving our personal opinion,. Stop hating cuz its not cool .ur worried about ur kids listening to FGLs music when u dont worry about ur kids reading How bad their parents gjving negative comments about FGL. I guess its better for the children to listen to FGLs music than to read their parents’ comments and learn how to become haters just like their parents… IF U GOT NOTHING GOOD TO SAY, DONT SAY ANYTHJNG AT ALL!! Cuz wether its good or bad comments, it helps a lot, cuz
Its free publicity. Thank you for making FGL more famous, more sales and more streams!!
March 8, 2019 @ 8:56 pm
Maybell, shut up. Just shut the hell up, you moron!!
March 6, 2019 @ 10:46 pm
The Up n Coming duo, The Howboy Catts are Chasing these boys down!!
March 8, 2019 @ 7:29 am
Sounds like hardly anyone here had actually listened to the album but fakes full on insights.
BTW, when I last checked, Simple alone had 100 Mio. streams even before the album was released. I guess old numbers are not counted against the album release?
March 9, 2019 @ 7:36 pm
Looks like Tyler’s gun control stance bit him in the butt. They should had known from the Dixie Chicks.
I also love how he “challenged” a bunch of country singers on instagram to “end gun violence” but not one of them responded or did it. So much for that (Dierks Bentley had done it a few days prior).
March 10, 2019 @ 10:14 pm
Couldn’t ever stand “Cruise” and the douchey way he describes the girl in it, but that was my first mistake. These radio listening a-holes don’t listen to the lyrics. Even production-wise it was garbage, though. I’m also embarrassed by their body language and image. They are just so cringe-worthy.
May 1, 2019 @ 11:07 pm
Too bad it didn’t happen sooner. These two douche bags were supposed to sign authenticated cards for a licensed release back in 2014. Every card was auto penned with no apology or offer to fix the issue for fans/collectors.
Meanwhile, Ronnie Milsap signed his stuff. Yup, the blind guy signed his stuff and these pieces of garbage were too lazy.