Free Hank III News Roundup Vol. 3

So this is another installment of news that is important, but no specific topic is big enough to support a whole blog, so here we go:

Bob Wayne’s Working Man:

(Bob Wayne with Hank III’s famous Guild)

If you’ve browsed my comments section lately, you might’ve seen that I got confirmation that Bob Wayne is indeed the writer of the ‘Working Man’ track, which was one of the new tracks added to Hank III’s Damn Right, Rebel Proud .

For those of you that don’t know, Bob Wayne is (or was) Hank III’s guitar tech, and is also a former opening act for Hank III. His band, the Outlaw Carnies, which always has a revolving lineup, has also featured Joe Buck and III’s flat picker Andy Gibson.

AND he’s gonna be rolling through my neck of the fruited plane here in a couple of weeks, and I hope to have a concert review/interview for you here when that happens. I’ve never seen him live, and from what I hear he puts on a hell of a show, so I’m looking forward to it.

Joe Buck Fall Tour in Live Swing:

Speaking of damn good live shows, Joe Buck has got a helluva Fall tour schedule being put together so go and check his site out.

Does this mean no Hank III live shows till next year? Not really sure. There’s still the possibility Joe Buck could cancel shows for a Hank III tour, or that he could use another bass player. But something tells me its just going to be a while until the next Hank III tour. I’ll keep you posted. You can also read my previous blog about Hank III touring HERE .

Podcasts, Podcasts!!!

Every time I start talking about podcasts I feel like I’m whipping everyone’s ass and getting preachy. But really if you’d rather drink dihreea out of a buffalo’s dick than listen to pop country radio, podcasting is one of the ways to go.

Tim Pop has got a new show up if you like old school punk with a little country mixed in.

It Burns When I Pee also has a new episode up.

This episode IBWIP has an interview with Jayke Orvis of the .357 String Band. They even got this poster out there done by Keith Neltner to promote the show:

I always have trouble finding their podcast because their site is under construction, but if you’re looking for it, do NOT go through their MySpace site or The easiest way to get to their podcast is to go to Hank in Chains and The Bootleg Asylum Radio Show .

IBWIP are big supporters of REAL country music, so go CHECK THAT SHIT OUT!

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