George Strait Fans Sound Off About Auto-Tune on New Album

george-strait-the-cowboy-rides-away-live-from-att-stadiumGeorge Strait’s recent album The Cowboy Rides Away: Live from AT&T Stadium sees ‘The King’ score both the #2 spot on the Billboard country charts, and the #4 spot on the all genre Billboard 200 this week, but this isn’t because of what a lot of fans are saying, it is in lieu of it. Saving Country Music has sounded off on the egregious use of Auto-Tune on the album, and so have many George Strait fans from all around the web.

On both iTunes and Amazon, all of the top-rated reviews of the album have to do with the use of Auto-Tune or other issues with the CD, and how ticked customers are. Checks on Twitter and Facebook see the same thing: fans frustrated about what a travesty it is to have the final major concert of George Strait’s career tarnished by unnecessary pitch correction.

READ: Strait’s “Cowboy Rides Away” Album Butchered By Auto-Tune

When fans go to purchase this album online, the Auto-Tune concerns are the first thing they see, yet the issue has yet to be addressed whatsoever by either the George Strait camp or his label, or in any measurable level by the country music media. To illustrate just how widespread the unrest about this album is, here’s a selection of concerned fans sounding off from around the web.

Fans On Amazon

Matthew Begay – Why Did They Use Auto Tune On The King?

“George Strait is a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but I think whoever was in charge of the audio should be fired for trying to make him sound like T-Pain…I hope and pray to the good Lord above that they release a CD of the concert without all the auto tune.”

Rebekah Joyce – WHY would you AutoTune King George?!?!

“WHY?? Why would you ever AutoTune one of the most recognizable voices in the history of music? Much less AutoTune it beyond recognition. I bought this as a gift and after listening to it my dad called me and said ‘Thanks for this, it was really special, but I don’t think I will ever listen to it again. It doesn’t even sound like him.’…I am truly and whole heartedly disappointed in this album.”

Travis – A Good, Maybe Even Great Show Butchered by Engineering

“I’ve heard complaints about George’s vocals being increasingly auto-tuned over the last several studio albums, but for the most part my undiscerning ear was unfazed by it. Here, though, it permeates the entire CD from start to finish.”

Kevin Ratliff – Autotune has ruined this CD.

“I went to the last show so I thought this would be a great way to remember it. For some reason the producers have highly edited the songs on here and added autotune to the vocals… It is a shame they felt the need to disrespect the artists by editing the original vocals as they were in concert. I am disappointed.”

Yoav Golan – Autotuned! Sacrilege!

“Disgusting use of autotune ruins a legendary concert. The autotune absolutely destroyed the authenticity of George’s voice and makes the album un-listenable for anyone who has ever heard the real George Strait…This is an ignominious disgrace to the King of Country.”

Jamey Bearb – Horrible production! !!

“Horrible production. With the resources available for George, you’d think he wouldn’t sound like a robot with the terrible auto tune. Sounds like the engineer didn’t even try to make the pitch corrections natural…”

Fans on iTunes

Here are the top three reviews presented to customers when they go to iTunes.


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