Hank Williams III Criticizes Casting of Grandfather in Biopic


The grandson of Hank Williams, Hank Williams III, aka Hank3, is not happy with the casting of English actor Tom Hiddleston in the upcoming biopic about his grandfather. The new retrospective called I Saw The Light will be based off of the Colin Escott biography of Hank’s life, and directed and written by Marc Abraham, an American film producer known for such movies as Spy Game and most recently The Man With The Iron Fists. Production of the film is set to start in Louisiana in October.

In a story initially run by TMZ, the entertainment news organization said succinctly,

“Hank Williams III tells TMZ … producers cookin’ up a Hank biopic blew it when they cast British actor Tom Hiddleston to play the legendary country crooner. Hiddleston’s best known for his role as Loki in “The Avengers.” Hank3 says producers should have cast Matthew McConaughey as Hank because Matt represents the South both in movies and real life.  Hank3 singles out ‘The Dallas Buyers Club’ to prove Matt has the acting chops to get the job done well.”

READ: 10 Badass Hank3 Moments

Subsequently Hank3 reached out to TMZ to clarify his statements, but they refused to post anything further. So early Friday morning, Hank3 released a statement about why he feels the casting of Tom Hiddleston was the wrong move. You can find the statement verbatim below.

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Since TMZ wont let me Post it. Here ya go for some of there comments. 1st off The real name on My Birth certificate is Shelton Hank Williams III, Since many on here don’t know many facts I figured I would just say a couple things. 2nd I never put down Tom as a actor I was asked a question on who I thought would do the role justice and here is how it goes. To do a Hank Williams movie the way it should be done you need certain aspects in the mix to make right. It goes way beyond having a American to play the role of Hiram Hank Williams Sr for it to be somewhat natural, It needs to be a American From The South who has eat lived and breathed these kind of roles before to make more respectable movie on Hank Sr.

The main Reason I said Matthew McConaughey would be a good person for this role is because of he has played many roles as a Southern man. And he is from the South. And that is something no amount of money or acting classes can put into a role. That goes back to starting with some good foundation for the role to be somewhat natural and to have a lot more of a real feel in the movie. The other reason I thought Matthew would be a good fit for the role is because he has a natural arrogance aka fire that is needed for this role. Hank Sr was very very sure of himself and basically very cocky. And Matthew always brings that fire to the table in every role he play’s. Tom’s feel is just a bit different in all the roles I have scene him act in.Yes Tom is a great actor but what he brings to the table is just different then what Matthew could deliver in my eyes.I know how Important Sr’s Legacy has been to a lot of entertainment historians in Europe but it just seems strange to cast someone who is so far away from the roots of what this film is supposed to be about.

As Far the Age factor a lot of folks are talking about Matthew is to old for this role.. Keep this in mind. Most folks that Look at Hank sr, Cant believe he was only 29. Meaning that he looked way way way older then he was. So that in its self shoots down the aspects of having clean crisp young actor to play this role. Hank Williams was a very old soul. Inside and out…And having a more a seasoned actor well in my eyes would only make it a better movie. I want someone to play Sr who is actually born as real Southern American that has some heritage in the blood and could possibly Identify with the role on a more personal note. I’m not part of the Hank Williams Estate so I have nothing to gain or loose, All that money is for Hank Jr and Jett Williams. It would be nice to see a well made movie on him since the last one was hacked apart by Audrey pretty much.

You know if this movie doesn’t do it right on down the road another one will. Cause that’s the gift Hank Williams will always have is being TimeLess!

Hank Williams Sr life was shortened by a death A doctor with a fake license.

Hank Williams was playing Rock N roll before Rock N Roll was and was doing Doom before Doom was even a genre with his Luke The drifter records.

Shelton Hank Williams III aka HANK3

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Previously Hank3 also posted:

As far as alot of the TMZ Comments go. A> Yes My WHole Name is Shelton Hank Williams III. B> Yes I said A American actor should play Hank Sr out of respects to the heritage and Family. C> WHy Is wanting a American to play the role being Racist? D. As far as people Sayin Matthew is to old to play Hank sr since he is 45…Dont froget Hank Sr looked way way way Older then 29….The Headline Should of said Hank3 wishes they Would of Used American Actor Matthew McConaughey to keep traditional roots alive in new Hank Sr Movie. Leave it to TMZ To Take a positive and turn it into a negative.

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