Hank Williams III: Steve Jobs’ Apple Logo = Sin

So I guess the founder of Apple Steve Jobs died or something? I don’t know. But it reminded me of a very strange but interesting piece of Hank3 T-shirt art that he debuted sometime in 2009, an all black shirt that simply showed the well-recognized Apple symbol with the bite out of the right side, an equals sign, and then a pentagram. I’m not sure he ever sold them, at least in mass, but he at least gave one to each member of his band, who at various times through 2010 could be seen wearing them on stage. Likely to keep from copyright issues, Hank3’s bite is facing down, not up, and the leaf is pointing left, not right.

When being interviewed by Superskum in Colorado Springs on June 26th, 2010, Hank3 explained the meaning behind the T-Shirt idea.

It’s symbolism. OK Apple. Why wouldn’t Apple have a whole apple as their logo? Alright? Well they have a bite out of the apple. Well that bite out of the apple in symbolism means “sin”. You know, there in the garden of temptation, what did you have? You had the snake, and Adam and Eve took a bite out of the apple. That’s showing the sin. So what I’m saying is there’s a little bit of symbolism there with Apple Computers. It should be a whole apple if it was a positive thing. But since there’s a bite out of the apple, that bite equals “pentagram”, equals sin. That’s the spoof on it.

A lot of skateboarders and surfers think the iPhone is a full on devil tool and stuff like that. So that was just me trying to have some fun with the underground kids.

According to CNN, the Apple symbol was a tribute to early computer pioneer and code cracker Alan Turing who died in 1954. He was a homosexual who tried to “cure” himself with estrogen injections, before taking a bite out of an apple he’d laced with cyanide to get out of facing jail time for “gross indecency”. Apple was also in a nearly 20-year trademark dispute with Apple Corps, the Beatles’ record label, which kept Beatles songs off of iTunes until November 16th, 2010.

Photo Courtesy of Cathy Pippin from Bogarts 06-17-09. Hank3 2nd from right.

Video of Hank3 talking about Apple symbol (at 4:40):

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