I Don’t Care What Carrie Underwood Thinks About Gay Marriage (a rant)
Is there any way I can unsubscribe from American politics? Is that possible? Can someone please tell Mr. Scotty to beam my ass to November 7th so I can just be done with it all? Why must every single element of American culture be permeated by political polarization and rancor?
Once again country music finds itself on the brink of blackballing one of its artists because of some tepid political assertion squeezed out of them over in the UK. It all began when a Carrie Underwood statement was taken out of context and sensationalized by the left-leaning rag The Independent.
“As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry,” is how Carrie Underwood handled the inappropriate question of how she felt about gay marriage. “I can’t imagine how that must feel. I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”
As Carrie Underwood explained later in an interview with the UK Associated Press, “I was asked a difficult question in the last five minutes of an interview and I answered it the best way I knew how, and after that I do what I do and I love making music…”
But of course, this is not how The Independent characterized it saying:
In a development that will doubtless outrage her many fans on the religious right, the nation’s most popular country singer, Carrie Underwood, has come out vehemently in favour of gay marriage.
Vehemently in favour? (and with a ‘u’ in favour nonetheless?!?!) Please, this is a gross mischaracterization of an off-topic and inappropriate question that acted like a speed trap to bait Carrie and help sell subscriptions. And Carrie Underwood is not “the nation’s most popular country singer” by anyone’s measure.
Congratulations Carrie Underwood fans, haters, apologists, and detractors who’ve been swept up by this story, you’ve just been played by a sensationalizing British tabloid with an overt political agenda trying to sell Rolex watches, Land Rovers, and bland food. (see, we can be stereotypical too!)
Why was Carrie Underwood asked about gay marriage in the first place? Why should we even care what Carrie Underwood thinks about gay marriage or any other political wedge issue? She’s a ding-dong pop country singer, not an opinion maker or pundit. Sing and look pretty–that’s her job.
And for all the Christian fans who are now bad mouthing Carrie because of how bad her family values are, where were you when the 2012 ACM Awards invited us all into Carrie Underwood’s vagina? Watch the introduction below. Noticed how the camera is centered right on Carrie’s privates as it zooms in, with lights blanking out her face in a “V” formation telling America, “Yes, country isn’t country folks! Join us and our hip party, where we hang out in Carrie Underwood’s vagina for three hours and hand out awards! And then wait for it….wait…ah yes, the silhouettes of naked women gyrating in the background. Now what could be more appropriate prime time family viewing?
And why doesn’t Carrie Underwood get mad at the Christian fans backstabbing her now who eat shellfish? I mean, that’s iterated in the Bible as a sin right down the street from the “don’t be gay” stuff. You know why Carrie doesn’t do that? BECAUSE IT’S STUPID AND NOBODY CARES. I can’t blame anyone for disagreeing with Carrie Underwood’s political beliefs if they differ from theirs, but the real person they should be blaming is The Independent for characterizing Carrie as some pro gay activist when really she’s just kind of “meh” on the subject and was trying to be polite. Huh, I wonder how they would have characterized her if she said she was against gay marriage?
Life is too short and music is too much of a beautiful thing to let someone’s political beliefs get in your way of enjoying it. If you enjoy Carrie Underwood’s music, then enjoy it. And if you don’t, then don’t. And leave all the political bullshit for when you step into that little photo booth-looking thing and draw the blue curtain. Why do we draw a curtain when we vote? Because your personal political beliefs are nobody’s business unless you want them to be, and because people should not have to fear retribution for whatever those beliefs are.
June 20, 2012 @ 1:15 pm
Okay I’ll give my opinion on this. I could care less as well what any star of any kind says about anything political until they start runing for office. I am a Christian & a Baptist. I am also a fan of Queen & like a couple of Elton John Songs. My fillings on gay marrage & being gay in general is this…The Bible says it’s a sin but the Bible also says everyone sins everyday. It also says it only takes one sin (any one sin) to send a person to Hell. It also says anyone who asks Jesus to forgive them of there sins (and truely means it) will be fogiven. There for it would be just as bad a sin for me to hate someone for being gay.
June 23, 2012 @ 7:03 pm
I’m a Christian as well and even though I have no respect for Carrie Underwood’s music, her political or religious beliefs are of no concern to me. Too many of my fellow Christians worry about a few gays wanting to get married yet turn a blind eye to a nearly 50% divorce rate among married (straight) couples in this country. I understand homosexuality is a sin and everything but don’t we have other priorities?
June 20, 2012 @ 1:27 pm
Couldn’t agree more, Trig.
June 20, 2012 @ 1:45 pm
You know what? Good for Carrie Underwood. It looks like she made a clear and compassionate statement. The people who are bashing her for that statement are lowlifes. They are the most confused, bumbling, and hypocritical elements of the Christian religion. And if any of them frequent SCM, let me use this forum to tell them they are pieces of shit.
June 20, 2012 @ 2:13 pm
Agreed, who cares what she thinks on the topic. Jeff, why are you so angry? Just as it’s her right to an opinion, it’s the right of people to bash her for it. Do you hate all religion or just christians?
June 20, 2012 @ 2:45 pm
One thing is for sure why women that wear such provocative clothing suppose to be some kind of wholesome symbol. Has religion been so water down in America that only thing that matters is Gay Marriage or not. 60 years ago and beyond a women who wore such scantly outfits would be consider as low as a huzzy prostitute, but now since its acceptable cause of years of liberal ideas in conservative circles no one will question it cause they don’t want to not be consider as so archaic that no one will hear anything they have to say. Gay Marriage has to be the least concerning issue compare to the larger issues of what is now consider the norm. No one thinks or say anything lest we don’t offend people who are so brainwashed by the media and society what is now acceptable norms. But men for the most part know deep down inside themselves,when they see their daughters or nieces go out wearing outfits, that as a man you know, is too revealing or speaks a tongue to unbecoming of a lady. They feel helpless by the onslaught of the corporate media propaganda machine wants to shape them to be and how it affects the psyche of people globally.
June 20, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
“Life is too short and music is too much of a beautiful thing to let someone”™s political beliefs get in your way of enjoying it.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I keep up on the current political climate, and always will. BUT, lets keep politics out of music please. That goes for artists, and fans, IMO.
June 20, 2012 @ 3:15 pm
meh, pretty much sums it up for me.
June 20, 2012 @ 3:48 pm
i dont feel her comments were political in any way she was simply stating her personal religious beliefs which is something many country stars have done in the past. theres a big difference between a celebrity campaigning for or against obama and that same celebrity making a personal statement about basic human/civil rights.
off topic- i didnt know willie had 6 ounces of weed when that a**hole texas cop busted him. i guess a $500 fine wasnt that bad considering how much weed it was and it was in texas LMAO
November 2, 2015 @ 9:18 am
Heck, what she said wasn’t even necessarily religious beliefs. It was just beliefs, how she felt. She didn’t say it had anything to do with her religion (though, it could). There’s no reason for that kind of statement to be political, and it’s kind of a shame that it’s made to be that way.
To some extent I care about whether or not musicians are decent people (though, I also watch the Vikings who still have Adrian Peterson on their team, so there’s that), and sometimes their beliefs may effect that view for me but not always, and typically only if they result in actual actions.
June 20, 2012 @ 5:08 pm
Kyle said: “Life is too short and music is too much of a beautiful thing to let someone”™s political beliefs get in your way of enjoying it.” WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…(lol)
As long as music artists keep their politics personal then I don’t care, but once they “come out” on the liberal side of the fence and support destructive morons like Odumbass bin Dogturd for Presidente/Chairman I’m done with them. Yes that is extreme but I try not to financially support people (music artists included) who support politicians who do permanent damage to the United States. I’m a political animal first and a music lover second and I much prefer when music artists don’t mix the two of them together. That being said, I do still enjoy seeing Jill Sobule in concert now and then…
June 20, 2012 @ 5:33 pm
Rick, Can you be more specific about your opinion and exactly where your bigoted hatred fear mongering comes from? Fox entertainment perhaps. What permanent damage as the president caused exactly. And I always thought music to be a liberal art. And she was asked her opinion so she honored the request with an honest opinion. What is the problem?
June 20, 2012 @ 7:28 pm
I feel you Mark, When I was Iraqi I was actually was flattered by the Dixie Chicks questioning our government. Back in the 60’s Jonny Cash, Willie and the outlaw bunch were all critical of our government involvment in the Vietnam war. Cash did alot to support native americans who are now mocked by the neoconservatives. I think the pop country industry is just part of a back bone of the corporate media and the military industrial complex. Supressing our right to free speech and questioning authority by ridiculing any kind of dissent. Conservativism is suppose to be about mistrusting big government and big corporations or any other positions of power, and uphold decent values. Now its about bullying anyone that doesnt support their idea type of government or questioning big buisness or any other entity who supposely support their cause.
June 22, 2012 @ 5:59 am
how’s about 9 TRILLION dollars in new debt racked up in only three and a half short years? Or 9 BILLION dollars of tax payers money spent on this bogus idea of “green” energy, 535 million of which was handed to solyndra, that went tits up less than two years after your dear leader gave it to them. Just a sample of permanent damage this socialist radical has caused. Go ahead, ask for more, I would be happy to fill you in.
June 22, 2012 @ 8:03 am
If you’re talking additions to the national debt, $9 trillion seems like a significant exaggeration. I believe it’s more like 5 trillion, which is still a very big number. However, the biggest factor in rising deficits has been the decrease in tax revenues due to the the Great Recession, which of course Obama inherited.
Dear Leader, huh? Cute.
June 22, 2012 @ 11:05 am
You are correct. The debt was 9 trillion when the chosen one took office, its now 14 trillion, 5 trillion in new debt. My mistake.
November 9, 2015 @ 1:35 am
Have you ever heard of the CBO? You should look it up and read
June 20, 2012 @ 6:53 pm
“…is how Carrie Underwood handled the inappropriate question of how she felt about gay marriage.”
Why is it inappropriate?
If were looking back at 1950 and Johnny Cash or someone else being asked and answering in a similar way a question about interracial marriage – you might not be scoffing at it. In fifty years this will look different as well.
Good for Carrie. The kinder saner fairer world needs all the help it can get.
June 20, 2012 @ 10:06 pm
The question itself may not be inappropriate, but the motivation behind it was. Reading the way The Independent characterized Carrie’s response, I have no doubt she was baited. As she said, it was the last question after a lengthy interview when they had gained her confidence, and then they tried to get her to say something controversial. It happens all the time. The Rolling Stone seems to do it once a week.
Where’s the rest of the interview? What else did they ask her about? Reading the story, you would think Carrie sought them out to tell them her “vehement” stance on gay marriage out of the blue. I’ll ask again, what would have been the result if Carrie had come out against gay marriage? The backlash would have been twice as bad is my guess. The only way she could have won was to offer a “no comment”, which she probably would have done at the beginning of the interview.
The Independent saw a bubble-headed American pop star who wants to come across as nice to the press, and they framed her to assert their political agenda. This was a complete snow job from start to finish.
And I agree, in a few years gay marriage won’t even be an issue, so then why ask the question? Especially of a pop star? And please, let’s not compare Carrie Underwood to Johnny Cash.
June 21, 2012 @ 1:05 am
Good point. Triggerman. Especially about Johnny Cash. lol.
June 21, 2012 @ 5:48 pm
“And I agree, in a few years gay marriage won”™t even be an issue, so then why ask the question?”
Wtf? Because kids are committing suicide (or getting murdered) because they’re gay? People have very good reasons for wanting to put spotlights on the issue of gay rights. And people have used the already bright lights on pop stars to get a bigger and wider light on the issue forever. I personally don’t have a problem with it, although everyone understands how it can grate at times. If the motive of that paper was sales – well, what business doesn’t have business and money as a motive? Why would I care? I’m still personally pleased that Swift got the question, and that she answered it as she did. These things do have their effects. History has shown this again and again.
And comparing Swift with Cash? They both made their lives as country stars. (And both have/had arms and legs and eyes and shit in a toilet.) And both There’s nothing wrong or false about the comparison.
Late Wednesday Tiddy Bits
June 20, 2012 @ 8:42 pm
[…] Oh course Carrie likes gays!  No way she looks that fabulous without some gays. […]
June 20, 2012 @ 9:05 pm
I’m pretty right-wing, and I’ll agree with you that a singer’s politics shouldn’t matter. I’m a huge Steve Earle fan. Always have been. He’s a barking moonbat of the first order. But I don’t go to him for political insight. (Nor would I throw a hissy fit if I went to see him in concert & he pontificated. He’s one of the more politically active singers out there.) I really think it’s pathetic when people of ANY political stripe stomp their feet and whine and refuse to do business with a person/entity because of their political beliefs. It absolutely does come from both sides of the aisle, and it’s distasteful in either case.
I am also self-aware enough to admit I only give a damn about Carrie Underwood’s opinion on gay marriage because it jibes with my own. I’m always happy to note when someone shows the good sense to agree with me.
June 21, 2012 @ 6:38 am
If an entertainer has a political belief, I say by all means, use the platform to spread the message. That’s not the case in this article. If the Independent is going to lie to make headlines, why bother with Carrie Underwood? Why not just say “Pope demands Gay Marriage in U.S.”? What a rag!
June 21, 2012 @ 6:53 am
Your comment about the shellfish is a bit much. I don’t want to get into a theological debate with you, but I think it is pretty commonly understood that The New Testament repeatedly cast asides food prohibitions and repeatedly reaffirms comdemnations of homosexuality.
Then a few years ago, some smug liberals started saying “God Hates Shrimp!, hahaha I’m so smart, I bet those idiot bible thumpers haven’t read the bible.”
As for Carrie Underwood, yes the Independent tried to make a story out of nothing, but last I checked, she is on the record of saying she doesn’t want to talk about politics and to simply repeating that.
The truth is that Underwood is of course torn between the fact that the vast majority of country music fans oppose gay marriage (Some stereotypes are true) ; but she wants to be accepted by her new Hollywood friends.
I don’t support anyone boycotting her music over this, but I don’t have much sympathy for her if she faces any backlash.
June 21, 2012 @ 8:14 am
I agree with you Mike. Homosexual prohibitions in the OT were in the purity laws, which the NT clearly abrogated. But the NT also condemns homosexuality, and in fact deems its perversion (Paul’s word not mine) of the natural order one of the central illustrations of the distortion of the relationship between God and man; in other words, according to Paul (who was the preeminent apostle of Christ), distorting the natural heterosexual order is a symptom and indicator of the alienated, broken relationship between God and man (just as heterosexual marriage is elsewhere deemed the central metaphor for the church’s proper orientation to God in Christ). So the shellfish analogy is definitely short-sighted in my view, because it relies on the OT purity codes, whereas the Christian argument against homosexuality has always been based on a fairly straightforward body of NT materials on sexuality and marriage.
Whether and how these views translate into public policy 20 centuries later in a democratic, post-Enlightenment country is another question; but there’s little doubt that the entire Bible, both OT and NT, though for different reasons, condemns homosexual practice, and therefore, by logical extension, homosexuality in general.
(Also, The Independent is British – ALL British publications spell words like favor, color, favorite, etc. with a ‘u.’ It wasn’t an affectation. For them, spelling it without the U would be a typo, just as it is for us to spell it with the U. No need to draw any subversive conclusions from the orthography….)
June 21, 2012 @ 8:31 am
Both the shellfish comment and the poking fun of ‘u’ in “favour” were attempts at sarcasm. Now maybe they weren’t very good ones, too subtle or just not funny, but I was trying to get people to laugh in a situation that is very serious, where some folks truly want to destroy Carrie Underwood’s career because of something she said in the UK, a similar scenario to something that has happened before in recent memory in country music.
I think The Independent showed disrespect to Carrie, and to the US in the way it painted the issue so simplistically, took her words out of context, and how it paints the “religious right” of America as ignorant homophobes. Not understanding the use of ‘u’ in certain words, or even going to the point of being insulted by it I thought was funny because it plays into The Independent’s portrayal of Americans as stupid.
June 21, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
I got the fact that it was sarcasm, hence my use of the word “snarky” but websites like http://www.godhatesshrimp.com/ are also being sarcastic. The point is that the sarcasm is premised on the idea that if Christians who oppose homosexuality based on the bible were to be consistent, they would also be against eating shellfish.
Anyway, I don’t see this as comparable to what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Although it is hard to remember now that the War has proved to be such a disaster, but about 80% of the country thought we should have invaded Iraq when the Dixie Chicks made the comment; and the general zeitgist outside of very liberal areas was pro war. After the Dixie Chicks made their comments, Toby Keith, Brooks or Dunn (forgot which one), Travis Tritt, Reba McEntire, and a ton of other country stars criticized them. Additionally you had TK, Montgomery Gentry, Clint Black, Darryl Worley etc. all making pro-war songs.
Today, if anyone says anything critical of gay marriage, they will face the collective wrath of the gay mafia on the internet and the media. I don’t have the time to do research, but I can’t think of a single country star who has spoken out against gay marriage. (I’m sure Charlie Daniels and Hank Jr have, but I don’t know of anyone current) I don’t know of any country star who has criticized her.
Frankly, I think an article could be written about how “right wing” country singers will pretty much never write any songs that speak out against really politically incorrect issues such as immigration, (save Ray Stevens) gay marriage, or affirmative action.
Instead, it’s always just supporting wars, the pledge of allegiance, and guns. It’s important to note that while those issues are controversial sometimes, there is no victim groups like the NAACP, GLAAD, or La Raza who will pressure the corporate advertisers to boycott the stations who would play the songs if they said something truly politcally incorrect.
June 22, 2012 @ 7:36 pm
what did jesus actually say about homosexuality? sweet fuck all, not a word, maybe he planned to speak about it after easter, but alas we’ll never know, but you, me and paul could speculate on what he thought
June 23, 2012 @ 5:20 am
You’re right that Jesus didn’t say anything about it specifically in the New Testament, but he implied it indirectly via lots of references to weddings, brides, grooms, husbands, wives, and teaching about marriage, all of which was always heterosexual (as it is throughout the entire Bible). It’s basically unthinkable, and anachronistic, to suppose this ancient Hebrew rabbi, steeped in Old Testament scriptures, could have possibly approved of homosexuality.
June 23, 2012 @ 10:59 am
it’s possible to think that that an ancient hebrew rabbi was tolerant of homosexuality, just not probable, it’s possible to think jesus was the son of god, just not probable. immaterial as that is, carrie has a right (an alienable right? no, but a right that previous generations fought to give her, you, me and the triggerman) to say what she wants
January 26, 2013 @ 3:59 pm
I’m glad you said, “Paul’s Words” because I do not accept the Apostle Paul as the authority on God’s word. Paul was a murdering lunatic. I refuse to believe that he ever speaks for God. No one speaks for God except God.
June 21, 2012 @ 9:17 am
In the words of the late ‘philosopher” Rodney King “can’t we just all get along”. If I like some ones art I support it because I enjoy it. i.e. James McMurtry(sp?) Steve Earle both of whom I disagree with politically. Not a fan of Miss Underwoods but why do we even ask these questions of artists in the first place. As a Christian my thoughts on homosexuality should have zero to do with whose art I enjoy. This is very much overblown and unnecessary.
June 21, 2012 @ 11:46 am
Written like a true Taylor Swift fan.
On a more serious note, I don’t care what she thinks about gay marriage, nor do I care what any of you commenters think. Arguing it is a waste of time because it’s one of those issues that no one is going to change their mind either way because of someone’s arguments.
June 21, 2012 @ 5:52 pm
I mean that’s just silly. Americans think very differently about gay marriage today than they did just a couple years ago. People change their minds all the time.
June 21, 2012 @ 1:34 pm
this is why i believe in privatizing marriage.
June 21, 2012 @ 5:59 pm
Looking at it a little further – it was honestly a very good job by the interviewer. So he got an interview with Carrie Underwood. Wow. Yay! Orgasm! Then he got a question that could make a headline – and even got you talking about it.
June 21, 2012 @ 9:31 pm
but… she’s hot
June 22, 2012 @ 4:09 am
“Why should we even care what Carrie Underwood thinks about gay marriage or any other political wedge issue? She”™s a ding-dong pop country singer, not an opinion maker or pundit. Sing and look pretty”“that”™s her job.”
I read this yesterday and I tried to walk away from it, but I feel the need to comment. Do I care what Carrie Underwood says about anything? No – not yet at least. Then again, I don’t care what any opinion maker or pundit has to say either. Each source is equally useless in my eyes.
The thing that gets under my skin most is the idea that she should “sing and look pretty.” This is casual sexism. I have no doubt you’d feel the same general way about Jason Aldean’s political views, but I doubt you’d say it was his job to “look pretty.” I’m no expert on the subject, but I’m fairly damn sure that Jason Aldean ain’t pretty. Please note that I’m not attacking you here. Our culture in general is casually sexist because of, amoung other things – as you point out, the hypersexualization of women performers.
I’m not saying you’ve said as much, but I get the feeling that it is generally acceptable for Willie Nelson and Steve Earle to openly share their political views while it is somehow unacceptable for Carrie Underwood (or the Dixie Chicks) to share hers. I don’t buy that for one second. It may mean nothing to you or me, but it may cause a few 13-year olds somewhere to question their worldview. For that, I wish there were many more Carrie Underwoods.
June 22, 2012 @ 7:41 am
No, I think its Jason Aldean’s job to sing and look pretty too. They’re pop stars. That’s their job. That was my point. They’re not political pundits, nor should they be used as unwitting pawns for some British political activist to use to get a message he wants to push across. Is that sexist? Okay, maybe I can understand how it can be perceived that way, but that certainly wasn’t my motivation. Nowhere in the job description of any pop star, male or female, will you find the requirement to take stances and assert their beliefs about political issues.
I also have a problem with Steve Earle and Willie Nelson spouting off about politics. Frankly, I can barely listen to Steve and James McMurtry and Todd Snider and those folks because they’re such political animals, though I have an appreciation for them as artists and writers. I don’t want to know Willie thinks 911 was an inside conspiracy. The phrase used in the title of this article was “I Don’t Care.”
June 22, 2012 @ 11:18 am
To be fair, many folks are interested in the political stances of people in the public eye, be them artists or otherwise. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. Why is it worse when Steve, Willie, Reba, or Jr. pronounce their feelings on issues vs. any other person. You make it sound like there is something inherently wrong with using your given platform to propagate things you feel passionate about. There is nothing wrong with trying to play a role in the civic affairs that surround our lives, whatever your occupation is. As abhorrent as our “system” and the individuals in it can be sometimes, I don’t think completely disassociating yourself with anything political is any more admirable than the opposite.
June 22, 2012 @ 12:40 pm
It’s one thing to speak your mind about your political beliefs. It’s another to do that through song. And it is another to have some weasely reporter taking advantage of your good nature when you’re out of your element in a foreign country by asking you a bunch of questions they don’t even bother to print before ambushing you with a political one where no matter what you answer, you’re going to piss someone off and then your answer will be mischaracterized later for sensationalization. That is what this article is about.
“You make it sound like there is something inherently wrong with using your given platform to propagate things you feel passionate about.”
I personally don’t like politics in music, but that is an admitted personal pet peeve. If it came to it I would take up arms to defend the right of anyone to sing about whatever they want. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it. But what we have in this case is someone who says herself she wants to avoid these controversial subjects being thrust into the public eye for attempting to hurdle an inappropriate question. It would be more acceptable for Willie or Earle to be asked a political question because they have established themselves as political animals. They would also probably be more prepared to answer them, and more willing to deal with the ramifications.
June 22, 2012 @ 12:46 pm
I don’t disagree with you concerning the intentions of the reporter. I was more replying to your aversion to musicians publicly announcing their political positions.
June 22, 2012 @ 11:23 am
I think part of not wanting to know that Willie thinks there may have been a 911 conspiracy is not recognizing him as real person, to a degree. It’s like you want him to be a relic or a nothing but an object comprised of the qualities for which you love him.
June 22, 2012 @ 11:24 am
pardon the errant *a
June 22, 2012 @ 12:46 pm
I think it is beautiful Willie does what he wants, says what he wants, and speaks his mind. It is an inspiration. I also know there’s a ton of idiots out there that refuse to listen to his music because they perceive him as a left-wing wacko. Let’s not confuse my personal desire to have music devoid of politics unless absolutely necessary with an assertion that people shouldn’t have a right to do so. Also comparing Willie and Carrie is ridiculous. One of the reasons Willie can say whatever he wants is because he’s got as many skins on the wall as anyone else in the country. Carrie was in the UK trying to politely navigate the waters of culture shock, and a shark attacked her.
June 22, 2012 @ 12:48 pm
Not sure where I compared Willie to Carrie,….but fair enough.
June 22, 2012 @ 7:41 am
The reason why no one cares about Willie Nelson or Steve Earle’s politics is that the Dixie Chicks had the #1 Country album in the country when they made their comments and Carrie Underwood is among the top 5 or at least 10 most popular singers right now.
Willie Nelson is long past his popularity prime and Steve Earle was never really a country music superstar to begin with.
And people still managed to get worked up by Steve Earle.
Emmylou Harris came out against the War in Iraq and no one made a big deal like they did about the Dixie Chicks.
June 22, 2012 @ 5:24 am
On the other hand, if she was ugly and a better singer, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. I’d prefer my 13 year old know that appearance does not determine someone’s “talent” or value. Society is doing its best to tell them otherwise, that women are only valued if they look perfect.
June 22, 2012 @ 3:00 pm
Rage against the machine and Carrie Underwood are working on a collaboration as we speak!!
This was very brave of her, though as you say i’m sure she didn’t want to get invloved in this issue.There are prolly lots of country musicians who feel this way but they know it will alienate their audience.
When their is injustice and prejudice in this country, no one should be silent
June 22, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
I don’t care if you are gay, straight or purple, what kind of slime goes to the White House and does this? http://www.theblaze.com/stories/gay-activists-visiting-white-house-take-photos-of-themselves-flipping-off-reagan-portrait/
June 23, 2012 @ 10:43 am
I was just referring to how carrie talked about her beliefs with compassion, love, and intelligence.
The people in those photos are expressing theirs views in a nonproductive way. The more people are exposed to the positive things that gay marriage can bring the better, But they are in no way spokesmen for an entire group of people.
June 23, 2012 @ 3:19 pm
Well, “those people” were invited to the White House to be representatives of gay pride. Sadly, they misused their opportunity to do something positive. I think they are getting more media attention than Ms. Underwood has on the subject, but I understand your point.
April 19, 2020 @ 10:43 am
lol it’s funny reading this comment now that we know for a fact that Reagan was a racist who thought black people were “monkeys”
June 27, 2012 @ 7:07 pm
Did anyone else read the section talking about Carrie Underwood’s vagina in a Denis Leary voice?
July 2, 2012 @ 12:12 pm
Johnny Cash sang about treatment of prisoners and the conditions of jails in general. Although it’s not a huge political issue now, it’s still political nonetheless. I don’t see why artists are supposed to keep politics out of music. RATM, Woody Guthrie, CCR, and Hendrix all had tons of political songs, and they’re still pretty well-respected. Just because there are more liberal than conservative musicians doesn’t mean we need to get politics out of music altogether.
October 12, 2014 @ 9:24 am
The reason Underwood is being bashed so relentlessly over her remarks in support of homosexual ‘marriage’, is because she has continually labeled herself as this squeaky-clean, wholesome, Bible-reading CHRISTIAN, and then she comes-out in support of hom…er, I mean, ‘GAY’ ‘marriage’. If she hadn’t branded herself a staunch supporter of religion, even appearing on Christian websites, etc., the backlash might not have been as harsh, so her predicament is of her own making. Even her first big musical hit was a religious song (Jesus Take The Wheel) which, in itself, made her followers (including ME!) believe she would NEVER support anything as VILE as homosexuality and certainly not homosexual ‘MARRIAGE’! I’m not going to lie about it, I was very disappointed when I read about her revelation, because I too thought the music industry had at LEAST ONE absolutely SPOTLESS performer, and I was convinced it was CARRIE UNDERWOOD. I was wrong, and so were likely MILLIONS of her other (former) fans. Sorry, but that’s the way I feel, and if anyone doesn’t like it, well, that’s your choice and your right, just like being disenchanted with Underwood is MY right.
October 12, 2014 @ 12:32 pm
Carrie knows something you and the others don’t, Jason. Jesus lives in this millennium. His thinking has evolved. That’s why God gave us brains…so we could figure out, over time, how this whole biology, genetic thing works.
September 25, 2015 @ 11:09 am
I’m not against marriage between a man and a woman if there’s mutual love between the two. But I’m also in favour of same-sex couples marrying each other provided there’s mutual love between the two. What possible harm could allowing same-sex couples to marry cause? We’ll always have marriage between a man and a woman. No one’s trying to destroy that. But same-sex couples should be allowed to marry and divorce just like the rest of us.
November 8, 2015 @ 7:27 pm
Trigger, I enjoy reading about the different obscure artist you cover on this site amongst other articles, but you are incorrect with your statement about shellfish, if you took the time to sit down and read the bible you would know this, so please don’t make assertions about the bible that are incorrect and state them as if they are true. Please and thank you, God bless
November 8, 2015 @ 8:20 pm
Well, this article is 3 1/2 years old so I’m not sure if this is worth arguing over, and why the widgit in the right column keeps pulling it up, I don’t know. But this is the disputed verse, interpret it as you wish:
Leviticus 11:12
and they shall be abhorrent to you; you may not eat of their flesh, and their carcasses you shall detest. 12’Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales is abhorrent to you. 13’These, moreover, you shall detest among the birds; they are abhorrent, not to be eaten: the eagle and the vulture and the buzzard,”¦ And since you are to regard them as unclean, you must not eat their meat; you must regard their carcasses as unclean.
This is the basis of certain Jewish people not eating shellfish because it is not “Kosher.”
I’m sure you’ll have a good explanation for this.
May 29, 2017 @ 1:34 am
Carrie Underwood is a great singer, great at her job, and there is so much more to what she does than to sing and look pretty. I personally value her opinoin, and if you dont, you don’t need to publicly bash her for it. If she’d answered otherwise, she’d till be bashed by someone else. I personally like to think we should all voice our opinions without being hated on for our views on things. My boyfriend and I value her opinion. AND yes, I am a boy.