Jason Aldean’s 1994 (Review & Roast)
In Music Row’s everlasting quest to train all of its resources on scouring America to unearth only the finest, most purest form of audio diarrhea, they have struck the mother of all motherloads originating from the unholy bowels of Macon, Georgia’s Jason Aldean. Yes Nashville, pat yourself on the back, let all of the Auto-Tuned stars sing out in unison as Stratocasters bray out a cacophony of stadium rock riffs in unified celebration–you have officially discovered the shittiest country music song to ever touch the human ear drum.
Jason Aldean and his crack team of producers and songwriters were exhaustive in their efforts to compile only the absolute worst elements from every corner and crevice of popular music and then assemble them together to compose this ode to the decay of Western Civilization. At their dispose are hip-pop, wiener rock, laundry list country, Auto-Tune, and the general douchebaggery awfulness caused by a complete lack of self-awareness that Jason Aldean is a exemplary specimen of. These ingredients are then extruded into a feces-like industrial slurry that is injected into the hollow, mulleted, cop-mustached corpse of 90’s country semi-star Joe Diffie’s lifeless career.
If you want to find the spontaneous generation of these awful country music pickup truck songs that are the scourge of today’s country radio, look no further than Joe Diffie’s “Pickup Man.” But the irony here is the pubescent and 20-something douche rocket cultural front running suburbanites that this type of country rap will appeal to don’t have any idea who the hell Joe Diffie is, and furthermore, won’t care. His music will sound like Hank Thompson to their tender ears and will be written off as old fartastic country crap.
That’s where “1994’s” terribleness becomes exceptional; in the consensus it has created about how awful the subject matter is. The website Taste of Country that usually enjoys being nestled in the warm back pocket of pop country, and that waives the pom-poms for nearly all of the industry’s glaring missteps, gave “1994” 1 of 5 stars, saying, “Aldean’s recording would lead one to believe 1994 was a watershed year in country music. It wasn’t.”
That’s the underlying problem with “1994.” It’s not just the dumb rapping, it’s not the awful lyrics or rock guitar, the canonizing of Joe Diffie of all people, or the anachronistic appearance of Grey Goose vodka that wasn’t around until 1997. It’s the attempt to evoke nostalgia from the mid-90’s as a moment of cultural abundance or reflection of any sort. Even Taylor Swift knows the era right now rich with cultural re-generation and nostalgia is the 80’s.
I don’t want to completely write off Joe Diffie. The guy had some good album cuts. Joe Diffie had a little something when mainstream country had a bunch of nothing. But in the end I’m not even confident in saying that songwriters Thomas Rhett, Luke Laird, and Barry Dean aren’t actually fucking with Jason Aldean and the rest of us by putting together this song and daring for it to be cut and released to radio. They may be sitting back laughing their asses off at all of this.
Do I understand the levity and the long history of country music that must be considered to declare “1994” the worst country song that has ever been released? Yes, yes I do. And yet I still stand firmly behind that opinion.
Congratulations country music, you have reached a new low.
Two guns way down!
February 22, 2013 @ 12:12 pm
Hey folks, I want to apologize about the Captchas on the comments. I hate them too, but they’re necessary to control spam that is so bad it has been knocking out the site. Hopefully we will only have to use them for a while, and then we will be able to remove them.
On the same note, if you want to have an icon accompany your comments, you can go here to pick one up. It’s super easy.
February 23, 2013 @ 1:20 pm
No need. I hate spammers much more than I am annoyed by captchas. Or even pop country (as I can ignore bad music most of the time, except when I am around my neices).
May 4, 2013 @ 3:50 am
Oooh you were so close to spelling it correctly. Nieces, not neices….tsk tsk.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:19 pm
I would hope that the songwriters are making an idiot out of Aldean. In all honesty, Thomas Rhett is a decent songwriter and i’d like to think that this is all a big joke.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:21 pm
Jason Aldean just made Justin Moore look like Townes Van Zandt.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:24 pm
I think you are being way to generous to the songwriters. This is pathetic, even if they were just joking around having fun. The fact that Aldean and his team cut it, says an awful lot about his respect for the Genre. However, if he hadn’t cut the song, Thomas Rhett would’ve put it on his upcoming Album.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:41 pm
My working theory based on nothing but speculation is that Thomas Rhett wanted to cut this, but either chickened out or wisened up. Because Rhett’s label is Big Machine, we know the pressure did not come from them to not cut it.
February 22, 2013 @ 4:03 pm
…….and yet found it in him to release a debut single that is essentially an extended masturbatory innuendo, then follow it up with a song about putting his whole paycheck into a jukebox if he could have a beer with Jesus, and hopin’ he stays there until they “shut the whole place down”.
Well there goes the “wisened up” theory at least! -__-
February 22, 2013 @ 6:34 pm
Well Thomas Rhett has “Front Porch Junkies” on his EP which is imo much better than 1994 but it’s still a song that convinces me he didn’t chicken out. I think this song was pitched hard to an A-list Artist and Aldean took the bait. I’ve lost a ton of respect for Luke Laird . He went from being a well respected writer to a sell out for me.
February 23, 2013 @ 11:23 am
I don’t understand when he “sold out” when he was writing crap like “Last Name” with Carrie Underwood way back in 2007. He’s only got songwriting credit back to 2005.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:35 pm
You have to admit, “Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox” was kinda fun.
February 22, 2013 @ 5:36 pm
That song still cracks me up when hear it. (Same with Mark Chesnutt’s “Bubba Shot the Jukebox.” Ah, good times…)
“1994,” on the other hand — as with “Truck Yeah,” I can never bring myself to actually listen to it but the lyrics kinda made me laugh (in a “LOL wut” sort of way) when I read them.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:48 pm
I stopped listening after he said, “Would the real Joe Diffie please stand up.”
February 22, 2013 @ 7:10 pm
Reason #15784 why I will never take Jason Aldean seriously.
It’s up there between “he has earrings” and “he has a matching tattoo with Douche Bryan”
February 23, 2013 @ 8:09 pm
I wear earrings too and I can assure you Aldean, nor the official douche of country radio that is Brantley Gilbert, do not speak for me! 😉
February 23, 2013 @ 12:58 pm
I can’t stand this garbage normally but actually considered listening to this after reading Triggs review just for kicks. I hit reply to Lee’s comment initially to ask, “You’re fuckin kidding me, right? ” but by the time the page reloaded just now, my head had fallen in sorrow, knowing that hes not kidding. TY for sparing my ears the torture, and my bed from the projectile vomit this most certainly would have induced. Wrong.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:48 pm
I think I agree with you on this being the worst song, although “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk” ranks right up there, too.
February 22, 2013 @ 12:52 pm
I wonder if this will be his Brown Chicken, Brown Cow moment.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:13 pm
This IS the dumbest song I’ve ever heard. All those writers in Nashville know its stupid but there’s too much money in it to care.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:16 pm
This is embarassing for a anybody born in 1994 (including myself)
February 22, 2013 @ 9:48 pm
Fellow 1994 birth, and I could not agree with you more.
February 23, 2013 @ 9:52 am
I was also born in 1994 and this song is pathetic to say the least. A new low for Aldean and current “country” music.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:22 pm
I’ve often said, “This is the worst song I’ve ever heard in my life.” It is usually hyperbole and I don’t really mean it. In this case: this is the worst song I’ve ever heard in my life. Impressive, actually, how awful it is.
The one I’ve lost the most respect for is Thomas Rhett. Who wrote the rap verses? My dad? My grandfather? Dave Coulier?
Worse than Honky Tonk Badonkadonk? Yuuup.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:06 pm
It makes Badonkadonk sound like “All My Exes Live in Texas.”
February 22, 2013 @ 1:32 pm
Yes the 80s are better for nostolgia, but if you didn’t grow up in the 1980s, it doesn’t work as well. There are people in their late 20s to mid 30s (like myself) who came of age listening to pop country music in the mid 1990s.
There are a lot of artists like Confederate Railroad, Deanna Carter, David Lee Murphy, and yes, Joe Diffie who are by all objective standards pretty mediocre, that I still enjoy listening to for the nostalgia purpose.
I don’t get the idea that Aldean is saying that 1994 was the best year for country music. Rather, that’s the year that he was 17 years old, and he associates (or at least pretends to associate) Joe Diffie with his adolescence.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the song is god awful. However, If another artist made a non-shitty song with a Joe Diffie reference, I would have gotten a chuckle out of it.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:38 pm
I think there exists a moving timeline when “retro” styles are more popular and potent than others. I agree it can be different for individual based on when they were born, etc. I was raised in the 80’s, and everyone was obsessed with the 50’s. Stray Cats and Back to the Future. Girls in my elementary school would wear Poodle skirts.
If you look at the overall sales of music from last year broken down by decade, there was a huge spike in 80’s music, which was already outselling 90’s music.
2000’s down 18.20%
1990’s up 5.00%
1980’s up 32.70%
1970’s up 0.60%
February 22, 2013 @ 2:40 pm
“Ooooohhh, it must have been nineteen-eighty-somethin’!” 😉
February 22, 2013 @ 6:07 pm
I’m 30 years old, so I started college in 2000, and 80s parties were all the rage then, and they continue another 15 years later. I think the 80s had cooler trends that work better for nostalgia than the 90s.
However, at 80s parties–even at Southern Fraternity houses which would normally play country music, I never heard anyone play Dixieland Delight or Country Boy will Survive etc. Interestingly enough, these songs wer. 80s music to most people means Synth Pop, New Wave and Hair Metal; not 80s country music. Anyway, Hank Jr., Alabama etc. never really seemed “retro” to anyone, and their best songs have stayed popular. In contrast, I feel like there was a time when people got sick of hearing Dust on the Bottle or Strawberry Wine, and now hearing it once in awhile brings back memories.
February 28, 2013 @ 12:43 am
This is a good example of revisionist history at work. With our human nature, we tend to look back and cherry-pick what was “really” important. Case in point: The Velvet Underground. Yeah, they’re hella influential, but not many people were really going gaga over them when they were originally recording albums under Andy Warhol’s tutelage. Now, they’re referenced in songs, films, etc. and thought of as a common part of the rock world during the late 60s-early 70s.
While Joe Diffie certainly had a high commercial profile in his heyday (and his music, for the most part, is damn solid) he didn’t exactly change the face of music and isn’t really much of a household name, even for the 90s. To me, this is almost as random of Chuck Mangione popping up repeatedly in “King of the Hill” episodes. I’m sure Mr. Diffie will appreciate the surge of interest that this song will no doubt bring (and has already brought) to him, but one 90s act that could use a boost in interest is Doug Supernaw, and the tangled mess his personal life is said to have become (just Google him sometime, particularly the regularly appearing stories written about him in the Houston Press) would make for a far more interesting song than just name-checking Joe Diffie and a few of his hits.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:39 pm
Let me just say that Joe Diffie is a world class singer. With a ton of great songs, one of my favorite singers from the 90’s. His recent bluegrass album was great. Yes he has a few stupid songs but he has turned in some incredible performances.
With regard to this song. It’s bad, real bad, but worse than “truck yeah” “international harvester” “beer with jesus”… its hard to say
February 22, 2013 @ 2:31 pm
Joe Diffie is the real victim here.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:38 pm
I don’t get that vibe!
“When I heard it, I was stunned. I was like. ‘You gotta be kidding me.’ It’s pretty flattering they went that far with it. It’s one thing to hear a song title or your name mentioned, but when it started into the ‘Joe. Joe. Joe Diffie’ part, that’s cool right there.”
Now, perhaps we’ll learn in the months ahead that a Broken Bow executive had a Colt .45 pointed to his head during that interview and his raw, unfiltered disgust for “1994” will come percolating down the rocks, but if this is any indication, Diffie is no victim here.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:42 pm
I still think he’s the real victim, whether he realizes it or not.
March 21, 2013 @ 2:43 pm
I agree 100 and 10 percent! Joe had those catchy, sing a-long songs that were silly but fun……Does Roger Miller ring a bell? I wonder what Joe had to say about this shit song?
February 22, 2013 @ 1:52 pm
We all know taylor aint country but hey at least she wrties her own music and produces her own albums unlike Jason who sings the same cliche songs over and over written by other people.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:55 pm
Stupid song for a stupid singer, as Taylor is.
Aldean is a caricature of a country singer, l never liked him anyway.
February 22, 2013 @ 1:59 pm
Absolutely awful. As far the worst pop country songs of all time go, I’d put it up there with Honkytonkbadonkafuck and Southern Voice, which really was a revolting song.
February 22, 2013 @ 2:33 pm
Here’s some thoughts I have:
1) With regards to the Grey Goose Vodka reference, they did it for one reason and one reason only: demographic marketing. The three writers, Aldean and Broken Bow knew they wanted to pander to the Electronic Dance Music crowd where references to Goose are ubiquitous (think LMFAO’s “Sorry For Party Rocking” and Dev’s “Bass Down Low”) and that their best bet at commanding their attention was through name-dropping a familiar club scene descriptor (as well as lyrics like “How about a night to remember and a fifth of Goose?” and “Whatever it is you’re sippin’ girl, I’ll mix it up!”)…………and didn’t even bother to pull up the Wikipedia page and confirm its date or origin before writing it into the lyrics.
2) There are a total of eight references to various Joe Diffie single titles and lyrics I counted here. Only three of which were released in 1994 (“C-O-U-N-T-R-Y” and “Help Me Girl” were released past 1994)
3) That said, is it a “rocketship” you’re driving, Jason, or is it a “time machine”? #migraine.
4) Jason Aldean’s designer jeans buddies will probably patent him a baggy pant jeans prototype which he’ll sport in live performances of “1994” through the “Night Train” tour and this track’s inevitable music video. Expect them to fall to the ground too! =P
5) To be honest, I like the surf guitars that drive the opening seconds of this track, and I also kind of like the one-minute long closing jam session coda. As lyrically radioactive as “1994”, as asinine as Aldean’s “Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie!” chorus pep rally is and is arguably the single most dangerous release in country radio history in terms of the broader repercussions it is going to have on accelerating the format to all-out gentrification, its sound is the least of its offenses and, at least there, it isn’t the worst-sounding corporate country radio single of all time.
6) Let’s wait and see how Roughstock rates this! 😉
March 1, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
Hey there…you ole pseudo intellectual you…lol…..He’s not referring to Grey Goose in 1994…..he’s referring to it in the present…talking about hooking up with his girl tonight…and transporting back to 1994 via the songs in his pick-up. Nice try for the whiney sound bite….but….not.
February 22, 2013 @ 3:20 pm
Not worth talkin about. Not much radio-played stuff is these days.
Was listening to a local radio station today and a sister station came on to talk about the fundraiser they do for St. Jude’s (which is an incredible hospital) and they said they had Taylor tickets so I turned off the radio., No respect for their listening audience.
Maybe that’s the crux of the whole issue, radio stations don’t even care about their listeners and people like Aldean have no respect for their fans or people who might potentially buy their stuff. Notice I say stuff, can’t bring myself to call it music.
February 22, 2013 @ 3:30 pm
I just listened up to a little after the chorus.
I’m sending Trig the bill for my therapy sessions.
February 22, 2013 @ 3:31 pm
This is a bad song. Very bad. Truck Yeah is worse. Much worse.
February 22, 2013 @ 4:07 pm
Most of Florida Georgia Line’s debut LP “Here’s to the Good Times” is just as bad, and occasionally worse, than this.
Once “It’z Just What We Do” is released as a single, we will reach yet another “new low”. Or if Love and Theft release either of the last two tracks off of their current self-titled record (“Girls Look Hot In Trucks” and “Girls Like to Shake It”)
(cue up: “B-b-but, it’s not meant to be taken seriously! It’s just a fun, catchy song!” rounds of tireless excuse ammunition) -__-
February 22, 2013 @ 4:04 pm
Terrible song.. Sadly, someone in the situation Joe Diffie is in (mid 50’s, music career in heavy decline), is probably really excited and thinks this may allow his music to reach a younger generation. Joe Diffie had a great voice and had some really solid album cuts. Vern Gosdin once described him as “the man with a golden voice.” I’ve also seen him nail some impressive covers, but his overall career was mediocre at best and this song won’t improve that.
February 22, 2013 @ 4:20 pm
Seriously, Love and Theft’s “Girls Look Hot in Trucks” is even worse than “1994”.
I know, by first glance, you would think this is another amped-up chicken-fried metal anthem to pump your fist to. But it is actually produced as though they’re trying to pen an inspirational ballad, or the next “We Are The World” anthem. Which makes it even more painful and intelligence-insulting. Especially with lyrics like “Is it Jesus or is it Santa?” (Seriously).
The only reason dreck like this hasn’t commanded the attention of blogs like this already is because this duo can’t sell records to save their lives. Jason Aldean is consistently shifting Platinum, though, so it’s impossible not to take notice of the dreck he has to offer.
February 22, 2013 @ 5:34 pm
Wow. That was completely horrifying. I was not at all familiar with Love and Theft, but they are terrible. You are correct, that song was even worse that either 1994 or Truck Yeah.
I would like to believe that Thomas Rhett wrote that song as a joke. I took my wife to see Dierks Bentley & Miranda Lambert a few weeks ago (which ended up being a really good show by the way.) Thomas Rhett was the opening act, and besides for Beer With Jesus, he put on a somewhat entertaining 25 minute opening set. He seemed like a nice guy.
February 22, 2013 @ 5:43 pm
Love and Theft are best known for their #1 hit “Angel Eyes” last autumn. Which was in itself an utterly unremarkable, mostly inoffensive pop song about a deviant preacher’s daughter.
Their eponymous second album (they used to be a trio until one left the group) is quite lame overall and has a handful of historically terrible moments, a couple of respectable songs (I actually like their current struggling single “Runnin’ Out of Air” and “Town Drunk”) and the most forgettable, faceless fluff.
Anyway, they are failing to sell records, and you can bet they are going to try and ape the Florida Georgia Line formula from here on out (Florida Georgia Line are, scarily enough, having no trouble selling records! =X )
February 22, 2013 @ 5:52 pm
Florida Georgia Line is playing here in Baltimore in a few weeks at a place called Rams Head Live. It holds roughly 2,000 people I believe. If im not mistaken, they were one of the quickest sell outs the club has ever had there. I have seen Dierks Bentley, Lucero, Morrissey, The Gaslight Anthem, Social DIstortion & The Black Keys there before. None of them sold out nearly as fast as Florida Georgia Line. I don’t get it.
February 22, 2013 @ 6:04 pm
They’ve already played the Grand Ole Opry as well! =/
What irks me most about Florida Georgia Line is actually how aggressively they exaggerate and embellish their twang in their vocals, and yet also abuse Auto-Tune through the entire duration of each and every one of their songs. Uggghhhhh, it’s like a swarm of Tanzanian bees stinging your cochlear tunnels incessantly! =X
I’ll give Florida Georgia Line this, at the very least (not to excuse how dangerous they are to country radio in spite of this)…………they have a knack at consistently penning massive choruses and tight hooks. I can’t begin to tell you how often I’d heard peers admit how terrible the lyrics are in “Cruise”, and yet end up favoring the song because of how infectious its hook is. Now I’m hearing that being echoed with regards to their current single “Get Your Shine On”.
Chart rivals like Love and Theft lack that capacity. Their songs, overall, just come across as completely unremarkable filler that mostly fails to push buttons or elicit any response whatsoever because of how bland most of their lyrics are and how flat their hooks are.
Again, though, I consider the broader implications of a song’s influence on any respective genre or demographic beyond its short-term “catchiness”. And it is precisely BECAUSE Florida Georgia Line’s songs aren’t deficit of gigantic choruses and hooks why they are one of the most toxic names to impact the current radio climate! =/
February 22, 2013 @ 8:05 pm
I met Joe Diffie back in 2001 at the Ky Speedway. I love his songs.
I was 10 years old in 1994, and when I discovered country music in 1997 from watching videos on gac.
I got into Hank, Johnny Cash, Vern Gosdin as well as the new country artist coming up in 2000.
Country music was great from 1997-2008.
From 1997-2005 there were about 30 plus woman singers on the charts.
Most reached the top ten. Now there’s about 5. What the hell happened?
I got to meet a lot of the singers from this era thanks to my radio station bringing in the stars for memorial day weekend, and them signing after shows.
I even met Jason Aldean and Craig Morgan. I can’t believe Craig would sing a song called “corn star”. That’s the worst song ever.
February 22, 2013 @ 9:43 pm
why is Jason aldean always looking to one side and looking into the camera sideways ? is that some kind of cool douche move i should know about ?
February 22, 2013 @ 10:00 pm
It’s not some kind of douche move, it is THE douche move.
Michael Jackson Montgomery is the worst.
February 23, 2013 @ 11:12 am
as they say ” you learn something every day” , now i know.
March 22, 2013 @ 9:58 am
Ha. Those photos of Michael Jackson Montgomery just make him look gay.
February 22, 2013 @ 9:47 pm
Fellow 1994 birth, and I could not agree with you more.
February 23, 2013 @ 12:20 am
Something about both the man’s name and his music makes me want to vomit. It’s sad that they are trying real hard to latch on to what once was to sell records for today. 1994, the year that is, sucked.
February 23, 2013 @ 12:31 am
Bllaaah! this sounds like a worse collection of songs than a country concert in a San Antonio Rodeo.
February 23, 2013 @ 10:27 am
You know, I don’t have a problem with mixing hip hop and country, because theoretically it could be good, Ridley Bent, for instance, does hip hop and country in an interesting way, but Aldean doesn’t even have flow. He doesn’t know how to rap and the rhymes are shitty. When Ludacris jumped in on Dirt Road Anthem, he at least nailed the flow right, which is just polishing a turd. Jason’s just talking fast over a shitty b-grade nickleback tune. I’m open minded, but shit is shit and Aldean’s music is a steaming pile of it.
February 27, 2013 @ 8:37 am
Rap & Country don’t mix at all. I hate Rap, if I wanted to hear that shit I’d turn on trashy MTV.
February 23, 2013 @ 1:43 pm
This morning I was just wondering, while listening to Steve Earle’s “Sweet Little 66,” why there are a lot more good songs about cars than about pickup trucks (excluding trucking songs, which is a different subject.) I was never a Diffie fan, so didn’t know to blame him.
Seriously, though, I think it has more to do with a past era when the average Joe (or Jane) would buy an old car and work on it himself. That was cool. Now it is about consumption – big, expensive trucks as a status symbol. I don’t actually listen to the new songs, but I bet the videos show shiny new trucks with a bit of dirt splatter, not a beat up, lived in truck that a guy has to work to keep it running.
I was also thinking (Lovett’s Don’t Touch My Hat was a few songs later) that I am surprised hat references are not one of the go-to cliches give that male pop artists usually wear one for press pictures. Had to pull up Joe Cocker’s version of “You can Leave Your Hat On” after that, though of course it has nothing to do with a cowboy hat. Sorry for the Saturday morning ramble.
February 23, 2013 @ 1:46 pm
typo – meant to say “given theat male pop country artist….” Also, that should probably have been stars, not artists, since there ain’t much art there.
February 23, 2013 @ 6:53 pm
While this is certainly the most horrendous song I have heard so far, I would wait a few months before officially declaring it the worst country song ever, Trig, because I heard that Blake Shelton has a couple of duds lined up for his upcoming album.
February 23, 2013 @ 8:05 pm
Or give Florida Georgia Line anywhere between four-seven months to release “It’z Just What We Do” from their current album as a future single! 😉
Blake Shelton and Florida Georgia Line seem like they’re making music mostly to joust for the “Worst Country Radio Song of All Time” title! I admittedly can’t even say I hate “Get Your Shine On” because the song bolsters such a sunny, swelling chorus! And yet I know that as each of their singles continues to hit hard, they’ll increasingly feel the temptation to deliver the very worst of their catalog to mass airwave consumption! It’s imminent! -__-
February 24, 2013 @ 9:32 pm
Played a show in Natchez, Mississippi this weekend… found out that a lot of people that would have been to the club where we played were in Shreveport at an Aldean concert. Oh well, they probably wouldn’t like us anyway. I did drink some Grey Goose though… followed by copious amounts of bourbon.
February 25, 2013 @ 9:41 am
I just listened to “dirt road anthem” for the first time. Why do people like this dribble? This is why most people hate country music and won’t give real country a chance. Although, this does inspire me to push on with my own music as well. It’s always nice to listen to someone successful, and realize your a better songwriter with actual loyalty to your fans and chosen genre. I’m not trying to toot my own horn, I’m just trying to take a glass half full approach. We need more good country out there folks, and coverage for the good that already exists. Thanks triggerman for helping sift through the shit that is the music industry to find those musicians who deserve notoriety.
February 25, 2013 @ 11:44 am
I finally listened to this song and you are 100% right. This is the worst song ever by far much worse than honkytonkbadonkadonk. I couldn’t believe my ears that this was actually being introduced from Nashville. The lowest of low. Even my fiance who likes alot of mainstream country thought this was total garbage. My thoughts on this is if Colt Ford was involved in the writing at all. I would almost bet he had some sort of involvement because it sounds exactly like something he would sing…I can even hear his voice singing it. Horrible.
February 25, 2013 @ 4:25 pm
Ludacris latched onto an alternate version of “Dirt Road Anthem”.
We may very well see Colt Ford tag onto a re-mix of this soon! My money is more on 2 Chainz, though! 😉
February 26, 2013 @ 9:54 am
The question remains: will this get an official video, and will Joe Diffie make an appearance?
February 26, 2013 @ 12:37 pm
Barry Dean helped bring us the abomination that was ‘Pontoon.’
I don’t think he was joking around with this song …
He’s actually from my hometown of Pittsburg, Kan., and I grew up going to church with him. Super nice guy. It’s a shame he helps produce such horrid music that continually steals the spotlight from actual art.
Remember When I Did Tiddy Bits Tiddy Bits
February 26, 2013 @ 9:37 pm
[…] Trigger said “Audio Diarrhea”…I gigglesnorted […]
February 27, 2013 @ 6:14 am
Don’t worry. Nashville or some record exec will shortly attempt to force something worse down your ear canal. Since I couldn’t make it more than thirty seconds into “Truck Yeah,” I decided not to listen to this song at all, however. I can easily avoid it (though I enjoyed the review quite a bit).
February 27, 2013 @ 5:46 pm
Oh, screw it!
Hey everyone, guess what? I”™m going to write a (kind of, but not really) tribute to Daryle Singletary that references a number of his hit singles and albums in non-sequitur fashion, and title it “1995”³ because”¦”¦”¦..y”™know”¦”¦”¦.that year resembled the peak of his commercial career! (And don’t you dare get all nit-picky and whine: “Voli vodka didn’t even exist then!” or “Ohhhhhhhh, “Rockin’ in the Country” wasn’t released until well after 1995!” either! I’m hedging my bets on a gut feeling that the country radio listening demographic is complacent enough to be force-fed anything we administer to them! XD )
Also pay no mind that “1995”³ bears a sound which has no resemblance whatsoever to his signature sound, let alone country music, and errs decidedly closer to the likes of 2 Chainz meets Theory of a Deadman! The fact I name-drop “country” cultural descriptors should be reason enough to be forced to accept it as country, doggone it! 😉
Check it out! I even came up with a snappy chorus:
Rockin”™ in the country in my four-wheel drive!
I’ve got a bottle of Voli and my pap’s shotgun,
I ain”™t never had, and never will, have too much fun!
I”™m livin”™ up to everyone”™s low expectations,
and my heart”™s too broke to keep paying attention,
with this harebrained nonsense that will let me lie,
yeah bro, it’s 1995!
Sh-Sh-Shake it!
Shake it like a Singletary!
Sh-Sh-Shake it!
Shake it like a Singletary!
Sh-Sh-Shake It!
Shake it like a Singletary!
(Hey, baby,
are you still Singletary?)
The sad part is, my sarcasm has probably ACTUALLY have just handed Music Row another terrible idea they”™ll ACTUALLY seriously turn into a future single! =X
March 1, 2013 @ 5:12 pm
For all those born in 1994 and leaving negative comments, while not even being old enough to drink….please…when you have an extra 5 seconds to spare…tell us all you know about drinking songs. Joe Diffie is an outstanding country artist and was huge in the 90’s and 00’s with hits like “Pick-Up Man, Third Rock From the Sun, Texas Sized Heartache, Bigger Than The Beatles, John Deere Green, Nothin’ But The Radio…and many more. So, The cry baby above trying so hard to simply dismiss Joe Diffe as a has been, or more aptly, a never was…is beyond stupid. As for the song 1994….it is what all of Country Music has been for the last 30 years…different. Also, cry baby….Jason Aldean wasn’t referring to Grey Goose as a part of 1994…he is referring to it in the present, hooking up with his girl, and audibly going back in time to the Joe Diffie music of 1994. So duh, moron. Jason is a Country Superstar…whether you deny it or not. If you REALLY want to talk country music, try the 1950’s throug the 1970’s. THAT was Country Music! Now quit whining, and enjoy the country!
March 3, 2013 @ 11:40 pm
1) I was born in 1983! But yes, I’m sure as Hades leaving unfavorable comments with regard to this single release! 😉
2) I don’t know. I don’t drink myself! 😉 That said, “1994” doesn’t strike me as a “drinking song” so much as an egregiously misfired attempt to appeal to the Urban, Classic Rock and Electronic Dance Music constituencies beyond country airwaves! 😉
3) Where in my post did I once “dismiss” Joe Diffie? Indeed I’d prefer even the most mediocre of his body of work over this any day, and he has some entertaining songs to his credit.
4) Which only underscores how sloppy the songwriting is: it can’t even straddle between past and present tense coherently! 😉
5) Where did I ever “deny” Jason Aldean was a superstar? 😉
6) Your second-to-last point: THAT we can agree on, at least most certainly compared to face-palm inducers like this! 😉
7) I’ll enjoy country music indeed (as opposed to muddied monogenre gruel) 😉
March 9, 2013 @ 1:37 pm
Awww you guys are all so cute… songwriters that cant get anyone to cut a song because “no one gets you”? Or an artist that cant get a label to sign them and doesnt do anything to further their career than sit on a computer and bitch about other people! I’m sure everyone you mention in that article and in comments are hurt deeply by your thoughts of them as they deposit their checks in the bank from the rest of the world downloading and buying their CD’s. merch and selling out huge venues! I’m not a fan of the song… but because I was raised to not say something if it isn’t nice about someones way of doing things… I have some tact! Hate them all you want… but when it comes down to it.. they are doing what they want and OBVIOUSLY someone likes them because they aren’t (like I bet most of your are) sitting in their moms basements pecking hateful things on a computer and wishing you could do more than masturbate to porn! BRAVO… by the way… I wont respond to your comments to this because its not worth it.. I have a LIFE! LMAO
March 9, 2013 @ 5:06 pm
Susan, you are an idiot. Everyone has opinions, and wants to share them just like you just did. I’m just glad you where raised not to say bad things about people. Failed artist/songwriters are NOT offended by what you said. Horrible song, and horrible comment from Susan.
March 9, 2013 @ 6:00 pm
This is simply the worst song ever recorded.
Britney Spears’ entire catalog? Better than this. Hell, “Toxic” and her cover of “I Love Rock and Roll” were actually pretty good, and even her worst is better than this.
Everything Nickelback ever recorded? Much better than this, but then again, I’m one of the rare music snobs that actually likes Nickelback, but I bet 95% of the rest of the music snobs would agree with me.
Taylor Swift’s next breakup song? We’ll see, but even as a diehard Swift-hater, I’m going to say it now, I think the girl will put out something much better than this for her next one.
Even “Country Girl Shake It” and every C(ountry)-RAP song put out by Colt Ford is better than this.
I’m with Trigger, I think (hope?) the guys that wrote this were just fucking with Jason.
It’s a crying shame Jason Aldean has turned into such a bitch (musically, don’t know him personally). His first album was badass. “Hicktown” was the only laundry list song that tried to describe rural life that has had any accuracy this century. “Amarillo Sky” was simply beautiful, “Lonesome USA” and “I Believe in Ghosts” were great. Since then? He ruined Brantley Gilbert’s ONLY good song (hate me all you want, I like BG’s version of “My Kind Of Party”), has done a couple bad rap songs, and made a general douche of himself.
Ya know, seeing guys like Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton, and Tim McGraw go from putting out amazing country music to the kind of garbage all three have released lately is just sad. It’s bad enough when someone shows up on the scene with this kind of crap, but when they show up with good music then go to shit, it’s just disheartening.
March 21, 2013 @ 1:23 pm
It’s encouraging to know that someone like you is articulate enough to use such excellent verbage and metaphor in this review to get your point across. Joke is on you though pal – those writers spent half the amount of time to write 1994 as you did writing the review, and they can probably start a college fund with the benefits, unlike you, who has just taken a big gulp of haterade and let everyone know how it tastes. There are creative types in this world who recognize the changing trends in the markets that buy their music, and when people – such as yourself – find the time to slander them personally for doing so, it only strengthens their resolve that their moving in the right direction. Sorry that the world of country music didn’t stop turning for you, but if you could let your ego & accept that this music might become the nostalgia of tomorrow’s generation you might sleep better at night and cut down your blood pressure medicine.
March 21, 2013 @ 1:55 pm
Jo! Jo! Jo Diffffeeeee!!!
Actually I have unusually low blood pressure.
March 22, 2013 @ 10:02 am
Damn Trigger, I guess when Jason Aldean reads your reviews he goes by the name Robert Anderson.
March 22, 2013 @ 10:26 am
What exactly was your point, Rob, other than childish taunting? That making a pile of money is the primary or only standard of creativity or artistic merit? I don’t begrudge people their success, but it doesn’t require anyone not to call out crappy music when they see it.
March 22, 2013 @ 12:42 pm
“Will the real Joe Diffie please stand up?” Oh, yeah. Creative.
March 21, 2013 @ 2:52 pm
Saw the video today….I do not see Joe in it any where.
March 21, 2013 @ 3:08 pm
Jeez, it looks like everybody else is, though. I don’t know all of the pop country stars by sight, but I think I saw Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Little Big Town (?), and I think Dierks Bentley is in there. I probably missed some.
March 21, 2013 @ 3:27 pm
Me either, but pretty sure he is not in it…wonder if he even got asked……
March 22, 2013 @ 10:16 am
This song pretty much sums it up.
April 22, 2013 @ 1:16 pm
Why is everyone talkin crap….if u dont like the song dont listen…I dont like alot of songs but I dont complain…just turn the station…good grief! !!!
May 11, 2013 @ 11:28 pm
Trigger, how is Jason Aldean lacking in self-awareness? I think his music is crap and consequently don’t follow him in the tabloids, so I wouldn’t know what you’re referring to. Also, given your assertion that “1994” is the worst of the worst, maybe you should compose an article of Saving Country Music’s worst songs of all time as a companion to your “Greatest Songs of All Time” article. Obviously, “1994” would be at the bottom, but I’m more than curious what would be near the top (or vice versa, depending on how you look at it).
On the note of lists, I do love me some Classic Country but I only recently got into actually buying music. I don’t ever see it happening, but it would be great to see a list of “Best Compilations” of artists like Hank Sr., Willie, Merle, etc., assuming that you’re not vehemently opposed to the idea of compilation albums (with “best” referring to the sound quality, song choices, etc.). Unfortunately, Country music compilations rival grains of sand in number; go to Walmart and you’ll see no less than four different collections of David Allan Coe’s music alone, much less everyone else. I never know which one(s) to get and every time I pick one out, I’m always afraid that I’m missing a song or that there’s a better one somewhere else (and I don’t necessarily want to shell out the bucks for whole albums for artists such as Coe that I don’t like as much as others. Other times, whole albums are hard to find in general, such as with Hank Sr.). The list would be useful for seasoned fans that want to reconnect with some of their favorite music and new fans that may simply want to explore music that they’ve become interested in through reading on this site (and others). Just an idea, and I’d be more than happy to help with the research if you want.
May 11, 2013 @ 11:35 pm
Oh, and I forgot to mention: I don’t really like to use iTunes, so I’m talking physical CD/vinyl compilations, not cherry-picking songs digitally. Plus, the majority of compilations are sold as whole albums on iTunes anyways, so the list would still serve a purpose.
May 12, 2013 @ 11:59 am
The compilation/best of list is in the works, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. One problem is my expertise on those albums is somewhat lacking. Generally speaking, I tend to avoid those titles for more original expressions of music because I like to hear songs in context.
Worst songs list is on its way as well, but that will be a hard one because it seems that it is being mostly compiled as we speak.
May 12, 2013 @ 2:32 pm
Yeah, I figured that you would avoid compilations. As I said, I go for whole albums of artists that I’m really into but comps for ones that I’m only marginally or casually interested in (such as David Allan Coe or Garth Brooks). When I decide to buy compilations, I usually read customer reviews on Amazon.com as well as professional reviews on sites such as Allmusic and pay attention to track listing and sound quality concerns, etc.
As I said, I’m interested in the idea enough that I can help or simply do it for you to post (if you like the results). I’m probably going to make the list anyway, regardless of whether it becomes a part of Saving Country Music or not. You can look at it in email or something. It’d be nice if you could give me a list of artists to do; I have several in mind but I’m sure that I’m still missing quite a few that you would add. I know that SCM is your baby, but I’d love to contribute. Plus, it seems to me that any person that may become mildly interested in Classic Country through your site would be more likely to get a compilation than whole albums (as they’re easier to find, have more songs, etc.) so I think that it would be a great tool to turn others on to the music.
May 15, 2013 @ 11:31 pm
By the way, on the subject of the “worst Country song of all time,” you should listen to Brad Paisley’s song, “Camouflage.” I find Paisley to be a fine artist and even I think this song is insulting.
May 16, 2013 @ 9:14 am
Songs like this one and the new blake shelton song are the main reasons why my pandora stays on 90’s country and my radio station in my truck is tuned to country legends 95% of the time. It hurts my ears when one of these songs start to play. I really liked both of these artists before their last couple songs. If you have to play something other than real country stick to the country/rock genre. It is at least tolerable. I can not stand rap in any form and despise any “country” artist who mixes the two.
May 20, 2013 @ 12:18 pm
Aldean is like nicki minaj of the rap genre, there is a lot of other crap out there but somehow he gets all the poo flinging. (and somehow blake shelton stays dry lol) Record companies rejected him twice but he still didnt get the hint and moved to nashville. If you liken him to an american idol, a popularity contest winner who has writers slap together a ‘safe’ album that will go platinum. To his credit, I like ‘night train’ and at least he keeps a pedal steel player around. His ‘songwriting credits’ are most likely from him changing the key to a song given to him or adding a bridge.
May 21, 2013 @ 1:22 am
good lord, I am SO glad this kind of drivel is hardly ever noticed here in Europe…
June 9, 2013 @ 8:41 am
I just stumbled onto this website while trying to figure out who the guy with the mullet wearing the red, white and blue t-shirt was in Jason Aldean’s “1994” video. Hubby was curious and I won’t rest until I find out.
I was totally blown away by all the negative remarks about this song and Jason. While I agree Jason should stop trying to rap, he is still one of my favorite singers. The whole point of music and music videos is to be entertained.
This song and video is just fun period. Most people don’t care if a video is historically correct or not. That’s what the history channel is for. The catch phrase “Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie” grabbed me and pulled me in. To be honest I couldn’t tell you a dang thing that Joe Diffie sang, but the mere mention of his name takes me back to a time when I was younger. I like to visit those days once in awhile.
Country music, like anything else evolves. While I love me some Merle Haggard, Johnny Horton, and even some Sons of Pioneers, I also enjoy Jason Aldean, Eric Church, Little Big Town, and the Band Perry to name a few.
I enjoy country music, but I can’t limit myself to just that. I enjoy all types from rap to big band music (okay, I can do without the opera).
There are several reasons why a song sells:
* It makes you want to dance.
* Great catch-phrase.
* It reminds you of someone or another time.
* It addresses your current situation.
* Or, just because your favorite artist sings it.
Well, thanks for listening. Just had to put my two cents in.
October 6, 2013 @ 8:26 am
Hey Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie
I have to name drop
Hope you don’t mind
My success is so ‘If_fie’
Hey Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie
I’m clinging to your ‘Star’
With a farmer’s tan
Excuse my honkytonk Riffie
Namedropping….loathe it.
October 12, 2013 @ 1:13 pm
When I”™m looking for the latest country music, I always end up in one spot ”“ 103.1 WIRK. I was even lucky enough to catch up with Keith Van Allen in the streets and got free ”˜Rib Round Up”™ tickets. Just one of the many events that keep me tuned into http://www.wirk.com
October 17, 2013 @ 1:32 pm
You are aware that this isn’t a song about the year 1994 right? Clearly it’s about a dude trying to pick up a chick with some Joe Diffie from 1994 playing on the radio.