Jason Isbell, Jamey Johnson + More to Tribute Lynyrd Skynyrd
On November 12th, artists from across the country and Southern rock world will be coming together to pay tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd in a unique way. Not your typical tribute concert, and not your typical tribute album, One More For The Fans! — Celebrating The Songs & Music of Lynyrd Skynyrd will be a combination of both ideas taking place on the stage of the famed Fox Theatre in Atlanta. 17+ artists and an all star band directed by producer Don Was will be celebrating the music of Lynyrd Skynyrd in the intimate space while camera crews roll to produce a multi-platform Lynyrd Skynyrd project to be released next year.
Using the 4,700-seat Fox Theatre as the backdrop for this tribute is symbolic. When Lynyrd Skynyrd cut their 1976 live album One More For The Road in the Atlanta venue, it was scheduled for demolition. The live album helped revitalize the venue, and the title of this tribute, One More For The Fans! is an homage to Lynyrd Skynyrd’s history with the historic venue.
Artists scheduled to perform as part of the concert include Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alabama, Gregg Allman, Jason Isbell, Jamey Johnson, Charlie Daniels, Warren Haynes, Peter Frampton, John Hiatt, Aaron Lewis, Govt. Mule, Robert Randolph, Blackberry Smoke, Cheap Trick, Donnie Van Zandt, and Trace Adkins. More performers are expected to be announced in the future, and surprise guests will also be part of the presentation.
One More For The Fans! was dreamed up by Kevin Wortman. Wortman, Ken Levitan, and Ross Schilling are acting as executive producers for the project. Tickets for the show will go on sale to the general public at 10 AM on Monday, August 18th.
Though there is no shortage of Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute albums floating around out there—in fact they may be one of the most tributed bands in history—to have the remaining Lynyrd Skynyrd members participate, along with such a star-studded lineup in the historic Fox Theater, One More For The Fans! might become the definitive Skynyrd tribute for the ages.
August 12, 2014 @ 9:49 am
Nice lineup. Johnson does my favorite version of 4 Walls of Raiford.
January 2, 2015 @ 3:06 pm
I think they should of thrown Metallica in on the lineup
Their rendition of Tuesdays Gone on the album Garage, Inc. is awesome
Almost better then the Skynyrd version
August 12, 2014 @ 10:00 am
Nothing against Skynard, but this is such a boring idea. And I’m sick to death of Country singers tributing rock bands. How about a tribute to Lefty Frizzell, or Conway Twitty? I can’t recall anybody doing one of those yet. Country singers used to be proud to be Country. Now, they all wanna kiss Rock N Roll’s ass.
August 12, 2014 @ 10:50 am
Not exactly the tribute I wanna hear, but I get what they are doing. It’s the music that many of them grew up on. Early on, Garth would mention George and George, then namecheck Journey and Kiss.
August 12, 2014 @ 11:18 am
Go to a Jamey Johnson show.. you get a lesson in country music, start to finish…. not just rock-n-roll covers.
August 12, 2014 @ 11:57 am
I’ve been to a Jamey show. I was actually disappointed at how loud it was, and how much his band would rock out at the end of a lot of his songs. But, there was enough good to make it enjoyable, not ideal, but tolerable overall.
August 12, 2014 @ 12:43 pm
I’ve seen Jamey twice and loved it…I think the reason they play so loud is because everyone wants to socialize and can’t keep their mouths closed during his set. This is becoming a major problem at almost any show I go to though…people have no respect.
August 12, 2014 @ 12:23 pm
Oh, and Tim, I don’t need a lesson in Country music, but I’d sure like to dole a few out.
August 12, 2014 @ 4:39 pm
Tim. Can you quickly list 10 musicians you actually DO like please
August 13, 2014 @ 7:46 am
Here are 10:
Whitey Morgan
Sturgill Simpson
Jackson Taylor
Jason Eady
Lukas Nelson
Ray Wylie Hubbard
Jason Boland
Buddy Holly
Eric Strickland
Some others:
Scott H. Biram
Hank Sr.-III
Steve Young
Ernest Tubb
Vern Gosdin
Shooter Jennings
Oh, I also like:
Brooks and Dunn (Ronnie solo too)
Vince Gill
Alan Jackson
Strait (anyone that says they like Strait, learn to spell his name please!!!)
So not sure you point…but I like a lot of music, a lot of country music. I know I pimp Jamey a lot, but if you know your country music and have a wide range within country music, not sure how anyone can deny he is pretty unique and special vs. anyone else we have seen in 20-30 years.
August 12, 2014 @ 12:39 pm
“Go to a Jamey Johnson show.. you get a lesson in country music, start to finish”¦. not just rock-n-roll covers.”
It seems like Jamey Johnson has an extensive knowledge of and huge respect for country music history, which is just one reason why we need him back in the game.
August 12, 2014 @ 11:29 am
To quote Taylor Swift:
“Pop sounds like hip hop; country sounds like rock”
August 12, 2014 @ 11:31 am
Willie Nelson-To Lefty From Willie and Jamey Johnson-Living For A Song: A Tribute To Hank Cochran are two like that that come to mind immediately…
August 12, 2014 @ 11:51 am
Yeah Zac, “To Lefty From Willie” slipped my mind, but I was kind of just throwing some tribute-worthy names out randomly that haven’t received a modern, multi-artist tribute. There’s obviously dozens more to choose from. My point is that with all the Country greats out there, why do so many Country acts seem to prefer tributing Rock bands. I think it goes back to what Trigger and Sammy Kershaw were saying about Country hating itself.
Country music has a right to be so pride of it’s heritage, but then again, I guess the reality is that a lot of modern “Country” acts don’t have a Country heritage.
August 12, 2014 @ 12:23 pm
I would probably guess that they don’t necessarily prefer to pay tribute to rock bands over country stars, but are doing so for monetary/label reasons. if you take country singers and rock songs and put them together, you have huge crossover appeal which equates to more $$$. I would also assume that labels and/or media outlets are putting these tributes together, not the contributors themselves. and while I’m personally not a huge fan of the “tribute album,” it would be nice to see some more tributes to country stars, especially those with outstanding catalogues who still remain lesser-known to john q. public (johnny paycheck, for example).
August 12, 2014 @ 12:28 pm
Amen to Johnny Paycheck, although I think there actually was a tribute to him during the last decade.
August 12, 2014 @ 11:39 am
I would also love to see more tribute albums to classic country artists.
The only Lefty Frizell tribute album I can think of is Willie Nelson’s ‘To Lefty’ LP, though obviously that doesn’t include multiple artists.
August 12, 2014 @ 11:47 am
Well, this is more of roots/rock lineup than country. The thing that irritates me a little is when some of these pop country acts name drop great, soulful Southern Rock bands while playing music that most fans of those groups would probably think is very lightweight.
August 12, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
“Well, this is more of roots/rock lineup than country.”
That’s true Jack, about this one, but this is the latest in a long line of “Country” tributes to Rock bands.
August 12, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
Here’s one that goes the other way. Folk rocker Steve Forbert with his tribute to Jimmie Rodgers. Steve also hails from Jimmie Rodger’s hometwon of Meridian, MS. His voice might be an acquired taste, especially considering whose songs he is singing.
August 12, 2014 @ 2:10 pm
Is there really a shortage of country music tribute albums? There were two George Jones tributes, and a Merle Haggard tribute released just in the last few weeks. Today a 2-song tribute to Porter Wagoner was released.
And I think there’s a difference between Rascal Flatts covering Motley Crue, and John Hiatt covering “The Ballad of Curtis Loew” (for example).
August 12, 2014 @ 7:31 pm
If there’s not a shortage, I wouldn’t know about them. I don’t actively follow entertainment news, and you haven’t mentioned or reviewed any, other than the recent Hag tribute. But doing a Merle Haggard tribute is about as boring an idea as doing a Skynard tribute. There’s more than enough already. George Jones was so praised and honored in his lifetime(and rightfully so), that a tribute to him also feels monotonous to me. Does a 2 song tribute really count?
Look, I’m not even really a fan of tribute albums usually, there’s a few exceptions, but Country music has a near endless list of people it could be tributing, so why is it so desperate to tribute Rock ‘N Roll? Furthermore, why are you, of all people, arguing with me? You know I’m right. Are you trying to play devil’s advocate?
August 12, 2014 @ 10:38 pm
Generally I personally don’t like tribute albums, cover albums, compilations, or other rehashings of previously-released material ,especially in this day when we’re dealing with a ridiculous music glut that is too much for the average consumer to sift through.
However I felt like the names and circumstances associated with this particular project made it newsworthy. I got past my Lynyrd Skynyrd phase a 15, though I still appreciate the band. And even the most die hard country fan has to recognize that they cut numerous straightforward country songs over their career. I thought the idea behind this project was very unique, almost like a “The Last Waltz” moment that could turn out really cool. Maybe it won’t. But I certainly think it is worth the interest. I struggle to find how to be offended by this news, but to each his own.
November 14, 2014 @ 12:12 pm
All you guys forget that Skynyrd played country songs. Screaming loud amped up hard rocking country songs. (T for Texas is one great example) That’s what they did. And a few pure country songs. We loved it, and still do.
January 2, 2015 @ 2:11 pm
You should also consider the fact that people say the modern Lynyrd Skynyrd sounds too country
Though I think that’s country musics fault for trying to be rockish (Eric Church)
August 12, 2014 @ 11:59 am
Lynyrd Skynyrd fall into the overrated boat for me. Just like Nirvana, they’re a band that seems to have more respect because of tragic death than their actual music (but the sadness of the death becomes co-opted into the music’s reputation by nostalgia over time, turning a good or decent band into the best thing since sliced bread). Also like Nirvana with “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, it seems like half of their fans only know “Sweet Home Alabama” and (God help us) “Free Bird.” I don’t discredit anyone’s right to like the music they love, but good grief do I get tired of hearing about some of these people. Add that to the fact that Skynyrd is one of the many classic southern rock bands with one or none of the original members still in the lineup and it just feels odd all around. Speaking of which, I’m kind of surprised the Marshall Tucker Band isn’t somewhere in this setlist (yet another one with just a single original member).
August 12, 2014 @ 12:10 pm
I don’t know crap about Nirvana A.D., but I completely agree with everything else you just said.
August 12, 2014 @ 1:16 pm
“Lynyrd Skynyrd fall into the overrated boat for me. Just like Nirvana, they”™re a band that seems to have more respect because of tragic death than their actual music.”
You know, I like Nirvana, but I’m not going to waste much energy defending them when people say they are overrated, because I do think they are a bit overpraised. For example, Rolling Stone placing Kurt Cobain at #11 or something on the greatest guuitarist list. Absurd. But Lynyrd Skynyrd (and I’m only talking about up to the plane crash) left a body of work that stands up to scrutiny. Six strong studio albums and a great live album. To me, the thing that separated them from a lot of their peers was their songwriting. Also, how tight the band was. I think they were a first rate rock and roll band
Yes, those two anthems get played to death, but I think they’re still great songs. I may get sick of people yelling for Free Bird, but I personally have never gotten sick of the song as they do it, especially the live version.
As Patterson Hood of DBT wrote in “Life in the Factory:
They had to find another glory
But folks, it’s still some sad story
Legend overshadows
The songs and the band
August 12, 2014 @ 1:56 pm
Don’t confuse my statement; I didn’t say nor imply that the only reason anyone likes these bands is because certain members met tragic ends. Not at all. I’m more referring to the fact that both of these bands received their fair share of scrutiny and defendible criticism in their heyday, but since then people want to pretend like they’ve always been universally loved and lauded as under-appreciated geniuses. That might well be but it certainly wasn’t the predominate opinion at the time for either band so pretending like it was irritates me. As we know, time is the true judge of all art but revisionist history is a discredit to the judgement. Kurt Cobain being ranked as #11 on the guitarists list is a perfect example of what I mean. He might have had a stark vision for his band and image but a guitar maestro he was not. If anything, the arrangements to most of Nirvana’s songs are simplistic at best and that’s on their own merits. When compared with contemporaries like Soundgarden and Alice In Chains they absolutely pale in comparison. Hell, Creed’s musicianship is more intricate than Nirvana’s and it pisses me off that hate for their brand has only increased with the years due to second and third generation haters that have been bred to hate them by the internet. Of course there are genuine critics of the band but I can’t tell you how many people that I’ve debated with about the band whose arguments are as insightful as “they suck because they suck.” Effectively, they’re the opposite of the nostalgia effect. Maybe if one of them dies they’ll be revised into the lexicon of innovators and gods.
As such, my problem is this: the music might very well hold up to scrutiny. But pretending that the scrutiny never existed and that modern scrutiny has no merit (internet Nirvana fans are fanatical in their defense) is the worst type of music appreciation in my mind. Or, as in the case of my Creed example, pretending that the praise was never there is damning as well (it’s lost on most people that Human Clay has sold almost as many copies as Nevermind and that it got mixed to positive reviews upon its release). It cuts both ways and neither is accurate or particularly well-informed. But this is also a side effect of the way popular opinion is treated in the modern world, particularly on the internet. If you go against it you’re a killjoy, downer, troll or just plain stupid by many appraisals. I believe that if you can defend your opinion intelligently without resorting to browbeating to win the debate, it has merit. Such is the nature of our conversation and the nature of SCM as a whole, I would say.
As for “Sweet Home Alabama” and “Free Bird”, I’ve heard them so much that I can’t help but not want to listen to them. I freely admit that bias, however; I’m not speaking to the quality of the songs. They’re classics for a reason. As for the live version, do you still enjoy post-crash Skynyrd’s live shows and material as well?
August 12, 2014 @ 2:25 pm
Acca, while I respect your arguments, the fact remains that Creed sucks and Nirvana rules.
August 12, 2014 @ 2:44 pm
It you say so, but I’m not hearing “facts” of any kind. It’s just opinions and opinions and no, I don’t think popular opinion is the same thing as fact. If that were the case bro-country would be an “evolution” and this site filled with a bunch of old farts.
August 12, 2014 @ 7:16 pm
“I don”™t think popular opinion is the same thing as fact.”
Trust me, I’m the last person you need to convince of this truth; the appeal to popularity is one of the oldest logical fallacies known to man, and a lot of people still can’t seem to get it through their skulls that it isn’t a valid argument. Bro-country fans are quick to defend their favorite artists by pointing out that they are popular and sell a lot of records, as if that proved something.
Anyway, I think you make a good point: when artists die prematurely, they are often “canonized” in such a way that previous criticism toward their work weakens or disappears.
Also, despite my previous smart alack-y post, I won’t attempt to seriously debate the merits of Nirvana or Creed here, because this is ultimately the comment section of an article about a Skynyrd tribute album, and I don’t want to go too far off topic. I like Nirvana, but I also think it’s crazy that Cobain is listed as the eleventh greatest guitar player of a all time in Rolling Stone magazine, or what have you. Cobain probably would have wanted nothing to do with a such a list.)
Now back to the Skynyrd tribute.
August 12, 2014 @ 5:37 pm
The live version I’m referring to is from the One More From the Road album. No, I haven’t really followed post-crash Lynyrd Skynyrd. I saw a live show on VH-1 once, maybe in the ’90s. I will say that the band was very good. The late, great Hughie Thomasson, former front man of The Outlaws, was part of the three guitar attack. I would guess that they still put on good shows, but I’ve just never been that interested in a version of Lynyrd Skynyrd that doesn’t include Ronnie Van Zant. For me personally, he was the soul of Lynyrd Skynyrd. A great front man with charisma to burn and a fine lyricist. Also, I think his brother Johnny is a bit of a clown.
November 14, 2014 @ 12:27 pm
With rare exception the post crash material has minimal magic moments. I did however see the current incarnation of the band this summer live in Simsbury CT (outdoors show = more difficult to connect with audience). The band was extremely tight, and the whole crowd was enthusiastically dancing and singing to every song for 105 minutes! Every song. They sounded amazing – and this is coming from a guy who saw the original band in 1977. The songs… they have connected with a whole new generation which frankly surprised the hell out of me, but it’s cool to see.
August 12, 2014 @ 1:58 pm
Agreed totally, Jack. If I never heard “Free Bird” or “Sweet Home Alabama” again I wouldn’t miss ’em a bit, but beyond that and the other overplayed radio hits, Lynyrd Skynyrd put out some bona fide classics. “Tuesday’s Gone, “Gimme Back My Bullets,” “All I Can Do Is Write About It”…good stuff, Maynard. (I also liked their cover of Merle Haggard’s “Honky Tonk Night Time Man” from Street Survivors.) Ronnie Van Zant’s death was a huge loss to American music, but I don’t think for a minute that his contributions to it were overhyped just because of the tragic circumstances of said loss.
August 12, 2014 @ 2:00 pm
I meant to add this quote but forgot: “A fan of something is logical accepting of flaws in the things they enjoy and keep an open mind to opinions that they may not agree with but will respect.” I find that many people are adversely conditioned to do just the opposite. I myself do this if I start talking without thinking.
August 12, 2014 @ 4:10 pm
whatever kind of music it is, and why they’re doing it doesn’t matter
If the promoters do a good job of organizing things, and the performers keep control of their egos
This will be a fantastic concert.
August 12, 2014 @ 4:11 pm
There is going to be some blazing guitar playing going on at this thing.
August 12, 2014 @ 4:13 pm
last one
“Don Was has earned his recognition as a record producer and has recorded with an array of artists from The Rolling Stones, Bonnie Raitt, Bob Dylan, John Mayer, Ziggy Marley, Bob Seger, Al Green, Lucinda Williams, Garth Brooks, Ringo Starr, Iggy Pop, Lyle Lovett, Kris Kristofferson, Joe Cocker, Hootie and The Blowfish, Amos Lee and Willie Nelson to Elton John, Stevie Nicks, George Clinton, Randy Newman, The Black Crowes, Carly Simon, Travis Tritt, Brian Wilson, Jackson Browne, The Barenaked Ladies, Old Crow Medicine Show, Roy Orbison, Waylon Jennings, Jessi Colter, Richie Sambora, The Presidents of the United States of America, B.B. King, Paul Westerberg, Kurt Elling, Poison, Cheb Khaled, The B-52’s, Zucchero, Todd Snider, Elizabeth Cook, Jill Sobule, Solomon Burke and Neil Diamond.”
August 13, 2014 @ 2:07 am
And my favorite Was production, Ofra Haza’s Kirya.
Not a soul on here would like it, but I love it.
August 13, 2014 @ 5:28 am
There have to be more tribute albums to Lynyrd Skynyrd than to any other band. Every year there is a new tribute album to Lynyrd Skynyrd. There could be a radio station playing nothing but Lynyrd Skynyrd covers from now until the end of time.
I’m partial to Skynyrd Frynds. Let’s see how this one stacks up to that.
August 13, 2014 @ 8:06 am
Skynyrd was a great band in their prime and they are still a great show to see. But has any other band done more with less? I don’t mean that in a negative way, it sounds bad…what I mean is how great were they in such a short time and continue to sustain it at a very high level, although I can’t name a decent Skynryd song since Ronnie’s days.
As pointed out above, they probably have more tributes to them than any other band. Probably approaching more tributes than songs Ronnie recorded.
They are timeless with their songs. Every genre of artist was influenced at some point or recognizes them.
Sure, the tragedy leads to mythical status, but I don’t know of any other musician that has reached the Skynyrd level of mythical status so quickly. Lennon was a legend when he died. Elvis too. Hendrix, maybe… but he was already pretty legendary. Cobain was very well known(not suggesting Cobain is in the league of those I just named).
But Skynryd is still a working band but everything hangs on a small window of albums. Certainly no southern group has reached the mainstream level of Skynyrd and sustained it through a generation. Little kids to teenagers to young adults know Skynyrd… and it isn’t because of any music post 1977.
I am always very impressed with Skynyrd’s influence on music (that is a credit to Ronnie for sure).
August 13, 2014 @ 8:57 am
A few Van Zant songs actually aren’t half bad. Granted they didn’t write them, of course. “Help Somebody,” in particular, was a popular, decent song.
In some ways I give them respect for making new music as Van Zant while keeping and preserving Skynyrd as a legacy act.
August 13, 2014 @ 8:31 am
Lynyrd Skynyrd is one of my all time favorite bands. Unfortunately, after regrouping for what at the time seemed like it was going to be a one time tribue tour they carried on with the name but lost the spirit and ultimately have become a charicature of themselves. Maybe this will help them to go out on a high note.
January 2, 2015 @ 2:19 pm
Lynyrd Skybyrd will always remain my favorite band (though I have discovered some tough competition I.e. Disciple, Skillet, Black Stone Cherry, ect.) and I wouldn’t mind a new tribute album. And by the way some really good post 1977 songs include
New rendition of Travelin’ Man
Ain’t Much Different
O.R.R. (which could be mistaken as a country song if you had no idea who Skynyrd was)
Still Unbroken
Last of a Dyin’ Breed
Need I lost more?
January 2, 2015 @ 3:07 pm
Lynyrd Skynyrd
God I can’t spell