Jayke Orvis Solo Project in the Works

Jayke Orvis .357 String Band Goddamn GallowsOn this weeks edition of Outlaw Radio the guest is going to be Jayke Orvis, former member of the .357 String Band and current member of the Goddamn Gallows. The timing is fortuitous, because it has just been announced that Jayke is in the middle of recording a solo album, and the list of pickers helping on the project is a tantalizing cross section of the who’s who in the insurgent country movement.

Players involved include JB Beverley, Banjer Dan, Johnny Lawless (in other words, The Wayward Drifters), and the continuously most underrated talent in the underground country world, James Hunnicutt. It is being recorded in Richmond, Virginia by JB Beverley, and it will be released on “Farmageddon Records,” a brain child of Montana Section 08 Productions who has a heavy hand in this whole project. It is slated to be released hopefully by February, and might include a 7″ vinyl single release as well.

There’s some great pictures of the recording process with all the aforementioned fellas that you can see by clicking here.

You can hear Jayke LIVE tonight on Outlaw Radio, 9 PM Central at punkandbeansradio.com, and the episode will be archived for listening or downloading tomorrow at savingcountrymusic.com/outlaw-radio.

2010 is shaping up to be a massive year for new music, and this is right at the top of my most anticipated projects.

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