Jett Williams Arrested for Second DUI Charge In 3 Months

The legal troubles continue for Jett Williams Adkinson, the 61-year-old daughter of country legend Hank Williams Sr. and the half-sister of Hank Williams Jr. For the second time in three months, one of country music’s most famous daughters has been arrested for DUI in Wilson County, TN, east of Nashville. She was stopped Friday May 9th at 11 PM, and was arrested for both DUI and for Violation of Implied Consent, meaning she refused to submit to a sobriety test. She was released Saturday morning on a $1,500 bond.
Jett was also arrested on February 25th for DUI, also in Wilson County when she was observed swerving in between lanes in her 1998 Jaguar at 2:30 AM. She failed a field sobriety test, and was also cited for not wearing her seat belt and having no proof of insurance before being released on $1,000 bond. Jett’s current residence is in Hartsville, TN in Wilson County.
Jett Williams is a country music performer and the co-executor of the Hank Williams estate. She is the daughter of Hank Williams Sr. and Bobby Jett, who Hank had a brief relationship with between his two marriages. She was born five days after Hank’s death, and was adopted by Hank’s mother, Lillian Stone after her birth. When Lillian passed away in 1955, Jett became a ward of the state before being adopted, and lost touch with her Hank Williams lineage. In 1985, she was found by the Alabama State Court to be the daughter of Hank Williams, and was awarded a half-share of the estate. Jett’s husband, lawyer Keith Adkinson, died in June of 2013.
May 12, 2014 @ 7:30 pm
Admitting to yourself and others that you have a drinking problem, is a great first step requiring courage and strength of conviction.
With the support of well trained professionals, she can make it back from a downward spiral.
Please, do this before you hurt others and yourself.
May 13, 2014 @ 5:55 am
Seems to run in the family I guess
But what I never understand with rich people and DUI’s…they HAVE the $ to either call a cab or even have a driving service cart them around…why they always get popped for these mystifies me….
May 14, 2014 @ 10:37 am
Judgement is the first thing that goes when you have a few drinks. Stone sober one might say “If I feel like I’ve had a few too many I’ll call a cab.” Unfortunately when one reaches that point he or she isn’t likely to realize that a cab is needed.
May 13, 2014 @ 8:06 am
Active alcoholism (and drug addiction, of course) are no way to live.
Good ways to die, but not to live.
I was upset to see this in the Tennesseean yesterday.
I hope that it is a transformative moment for her and that she gets help.
May 13, 2014 @ 1:52 pm
I could be wrong, but she doesn’t seem like the type that wants help. She probably wears that alcholism like a badge of honor and brags about being Hank’s daughter everyday week at the local dive bar while she throws back shots of whiskey.
May 13, 2014 @ 9:42 am
A friend of mine’s son was an alcoholic and he drove one time to many. He hit a bridge and never made it home. He died at the scene.
May 13, 2014 @ 5:31 pm
While she may have a drinking problem, she definitely has a driving problem.
Once you hit the third DUI you need to admit to youself that for some reason you can NOT drive worth a shit when you have had a drink and give up one of the two hobbies…drinking or driving.
May 14, 2014 @ 10:45 am
Family tradition
June 2, 2014 @ 6:20 pm
Jet I have 4 dui”s last one in 2009. I have not had a drink in one year. If i can do it so can you. Stay strong. Pray as much as you can. read the book! I lost my father Jan 1st 2001 and my brother aug 13th 2006. I will pray for you! Please email me or call 540-519 6283. Thanks Sharron. by the way my favorite fish is a sail fish! I have heard we are related. Sure seems like it! Thanks Sharron!
January 30, 2017 @ 9:07 pm
Jett, you may not remember me, but you and Keith came over to my house in Rockville, Md. (1986)and we jammed in my basement. Your boyfriend Keith (at the time) took our picture. A sweet memory for me. If you would like to correspond, I have e-mail, and a website. (bye the way I did write three songs for You) Thinking of you, Jim Mead
March 9, 2022 @ 1:24 pm
I first seen you in Kearney Ne, it was the first time I’ve heard you was Hanks daughter. I loved your dad songs and you reminded me so much of him. I never got to meet your dad but I had every album he wrote . Is incredible how much you look like your father and the songs you sing have the same feelings as your dads. I loved watching you sing and say how proud you were if your dad. Janie Jehorek