On The Jon Hensley Obituary (An Update)
Jon Hensley, an artist manager known for his work with Shooter Jennings and Wanda Jackson, has died in his home in Bowling Green, Kentucky. A 911 call was made just before 10 a.m. Monday (6-1) morning, and when authorities arrived at his home on Nutwood St., Hensley was unresponsive. A cause of death has yet to be released, but the death is being preliminarily called “accidental.” He was 31-years-old.
Jon Hensley is given credit for helping to revitalize the career of Wanda Jackson when the Queen of Rockabilly began to perform and record again after a lull in her career. Wanda Jackson recorded an album with Jack White called The Party Ain’t Over in 2011, and worked with Justin Townes Earle on 2012’s Unfinished Business, putting her back into national prominance. “Jon’s very valuable to me and the resurgence of my career,” Wanda Jackson is quoted as saying. “We’re kindred spirits.”
Hensley also managed Th’ Legendary Shack Shakers and The Dirt Daubers—two acts involving performer JD Wilkes, and also managed Gary Bennett of BR549, and Goose Creek Symphony. John previously worked under the management, publicity, and distribution company Thirty Tigers.
Recently Hensley was best known as the manager and right hand man of Waylon Jenning’s son Shooter Jennings. Along with managing the second-generation performer and regularly traveling with him on the road, Hensley helped to operate and launch Shooter’s record label BCR Media that specialized in vinyl, tapes, and Record Store Day releases.
Jon Hensley was also a member of the Honorary Order of Kentucky Colonels—an honorary aide-de-camp to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Update: Funeral services will be Friday, June 5, 2015, at 1:00PM at Tucker Funeral Home in Central City, with Rev. Justin Latham officiating. Burial will be in Eades Cemetery in Greenville. Visitation will be Thursday, from 5:30-8PM at the funeral home. Online condolences may be made at www.tuckerfuneralhomes.com.
UPDATE: Jon Hensley Police Report Released
(6-2-15) 3:30 AM CDT: Posted by Trigger:
First off, I want to offer my sincerest condolences to the friends, family, and loved ones of Jon Hensley, including his long-time girlfriend Mary Sparr, and anyone affected by his tragic, and untimely death. Any time a life is lost, it is a tragedy that transcends any and all previous regards, and should unite everyone in mourning and deep reflective thoughts about the preciousness and fragility of life.
When I heard that Jon Hensley had passed, I felt it was my obligation as a journalist, once I had confirmed the news, to share this tragic story with the public so that thoughts and prayers could be sent to loved ones, and the focusing of attention on the life lost and and the accomplishments achieved by Jon Hensley in his tragically brief but impactful life could come sharply into focus, and we all could attempt to learn and grow from the passing of another soul.
The posted obituary was not meant to be the final chapter on Jon Hensley’s life from this site. That is the reason it was prefaced, and concluded with verbiage explaining that this was a developing story. However because of the issues that have arisen due to this post, and the specific requests from Jon Hensley’s girlfriend Mary Sparr, I decided to temporarily remove the originally-posted obituary for a brief period.
(Update 6/2 12:20 PM CDT): Due to continued attacks and mischaracterizations on the content of the obituary, I have since reposted it.)
In the obituary posted by Saving Country Music, there was nothing but reverence and respect shown towards Jon Hensley, his family, and the circumstances surrounding his passing. Nonetheless, the post was used as a rallying point for a mob mentality to characterize the obituary as slander, and to attack the integrity of Saving Country Music. Subsequently I have personally received death threats, threats of hacking the site, destroying the site’s social network properties, and other ill will, some promising that this would happen even if I removed the post. All one has to do is navigate to the comments section of this article to see very specific examples of these reactions to what otherwise was a very commonplace act of journalism—writing a obituary and a news story for an individual that has unfortunately passed on.
Because of these specific threats and characterizations of the article, it became imperative that I repost the original obituary unedited, to prove there was absolutely no acrimony or malicious intent in the post. I have been informed by numerous people that they have taken screen shots of the post, so any concerns of future editing by SCM before posting are null and void. As concerned as I want to be for the wishes of the grieving, it is my journalistic duty to report the news, and to also uphold the freedoms bestowed by me through the 1st Amendment.
This issue has shaken me to core, has caused me great personal concern and anguish, but it is nothing compared to the anguish of the grieving family, friends, and loved ones affected by this tragedy. I send nothing but love and hopes of healing to everyone touched by the death of Jon Hensley, and hope we can all come together and learn from his unfortunate passing, as opposed to using it as a flashpoint to seize on past grievances.
Kyle “Trigger” Coroneos
June 1, 2015 @ 8:15 pm
Never met the guy but from what I hear he’s done a lot of good for a lot of people. Terrible news…rest easy.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
I think he should just be able to rest in peace. My opinion.
June 1, 2015 @ 8:33 pm
Such sad news . Jon was a really nice and fun guy to be around. My heartfelt condolences go to Mary and Shooter.
June 1, 2015 @ 8:56 pm
Holy hell… He was a lot of fun on Twitter and seemed like a really cool person. How sad
June 1, 2015 @ 8:56 pm
Rest in peace Jon Hensley
June 1, 2015 @ 9:00 pm
Rest in peace Jon Hensley
June 1, 2015 @ 8:58 pm
I’m so sorry to hear this. I know Shooter and him were close. I was lucky enough to call him a Facebook friend of several years. Very tragic.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:06 pm
Jon was my best friend. He wouldn’t want this posted here. Out of respect for his memory, please oblige.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:35 pm
I am very sorry for your loss, and as someone who was solely attempting to get information out as I have done for dozens and dozens of artists and music personalities who have passed over many years, the sole purpose of this article was to inform. I feel it was posted with great respect, and there’s absolutely no acrimony either included or intended.
I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking here, but if you are asking me to take the article down, all that would do is create a situation of a vacuum of information for the public, and a series of dead links. It also would be a default admission on my part of wrongdoing, which I don’t feel has been done here.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:50 pm
Kyle I’m not accusing anyone of any wrong doing here. I’m just simply asking on behalf of his family and friends for you to take it down. I have spoken with them, they support me in the effort.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:07 pm
I don’t really understand why people are so annoyed at this guy doing his job ad posting a moving obituary? Maybe I am missing something. There wasn’t anything in the obituaries to suggest malice. It’s a journalist doing his job…Why is this offending so many?! Attention seeking perhaps? “he was my best friend” etc etc. I don’t believe Jon or his family would be in any way upset my this heartfelt tribute to a genuinely nice guy. Let’s look at the bigger picture here and stop the petty, silly, pathetic attention gained from pretending to know a celebrity. RIP Jon. Thoughts are with your family and friends at this difficult time. xo
June 1, 2015 @ 10:22 pm
Why don’t you show some respect and remove this. Jon hated you and you should be ashamed for posting this to get traffic.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:29 pm
I was showing respect by posting it. I’m not sure what the implication is here, but the purpose of posting this article was to convey the information about Jon Hensley’s passing for those concerned no different than any news story, and I feel it did so in a respectful and gracious manner.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:34 pm
You didn’t like Jon, Jon didn’t like you. I love my best friend. Anyone who was anyone to Jon knows of his passing. Social media spreads quickly. I’m asking you Kyle to please remove it out of respect for his family, Mary, and his best friends.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:24 am
Josh, respect for the man’s family is important, but in his career he becomes a minor celebrity in some circles, and the people he’s affected this way are as obligated to the news of his passing as any. You obviously don’t love your best friend enough to want his fans from the country music world to mourn his passing with you.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:34 pm
You know Jon would not have wanted this posted here. You’re motives are suspect and selfish. We’ve lost a good man and friend here. Please take it down.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:42 pm
Look, if the family reaches out to me and tells me they wish for me to take the article down, then I will consider how to approach this situation to respect their wishes. However, taking the article down does not make it, nor the links to it, go away. When you say that my motives are “suspect and selfish,” I have to respectfully disagree. And by taking the article down, anyone and everyone can construe what the contents of this article were to then use it against me in the future. There was NO acrimony in this article, there IS no acrimony towards Jon Hensley or anyone else, and I am simply attempting to inform the public, which is my job as a journalist. Taking this article down will only exacerbate issues individuals are hoping to solve.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:47 pm
Also, I just want to say, I have nothing but sorrow, and love, and concern for Jon Hensley and his family, his friends, his loved ones, and anyone affected by this tragedy. No matter what acrimony people may assume or imply in regards to Jon and this site, the intention of this article was solely to inform individuals about this tragedy as I have done dozens of other times, and Jon’s contributions to the music world are very relevant to the heart of Saving Country Music’s coverage map.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:08 pm
What exactly is you find disrespectful?…I think it is a very tasteful article on the passing of a lovely guy. What has the journalist done wrong here?
June 1, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
Apparently Web traffic is much more of a priority to you than decency, respect, & showing a little compassion. Please take the article of Jon Hensley’s passing down. How very cold, callous, & just pathetic… what do you want to be known for, sir? Being the first to post tabloid level garbage, despite the sensitivity of the topic, or as a man who respects a family’s grieving process & will wait for the appropriate time to post an article truly worth reading? Shame on you! Take it down!!!
June 2, 2015 @ 1:37 am
I was showing compassion by writing an obituary for an individual that had tragically passed on.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:22 am
You’re a fucking dick, plain and simple.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:28 am
Helpful, Darren.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:45 pm
I can see both sides of this argument and I think both are right in their stance.
That said, if it were my site, given the requests. I’d just blank the post. That way the links resolve but the information is gone.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:00 pm
I think this is a smart idea Autopsy. I am willing to blank the post out, with a small note explaining the situation. And hopefully that will satisfy all parties.
I feel I am being made a villain here, and I am being attacked from all angles, even though I’ve done NOTHING wrong. And as soon as I take this post down, people can construe that I said all manner of evil things about Jon, and I will not have a forum from which to defend my actions.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:02 pm
Be that as is may…the posting an explination is like a non-apology apology. Just blank it and move on. No need to try and save face. The fams didn’t want it here so dump it and delete/close the comments.
Think of it the same way as a label asking you to pull down a song.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:50 pm
Please take this horseshit article down. Jon was too good of a person for this info about him to be displayed on this site.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:56 pm
What is “horseshit” about this article? If I take this article down, then I am admitting that I have done something wrong. Taking it down out of respect for the family is one thing. Taking it down because people are saying that it is “horseshit” or somehow attacking Jon, when the intention was the exact opposite, is an admission of guilt I’m not willing to make.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:54 pm
Trigger (I feel like shit addressing you by a manly name because you’re not one.),
Don’t feed us a crock of shit and say you can’t pull this story. For ONCE act like you have a set and do what has been asked of you. You posted this story because you COULD, and you KNEW Jon would hate it…and you also knew those of us who love Jon namely those closest to him would hurt to see this on your site. There is not an individual walking the Earth right now that The Colonel despised more than you. For once, show the humanity he had, and definitely wished that you did.
Take it down.
JD Myers
June 1, 2015 @ 11:29 pm
Never once said I couldn’t pull the story. What I said was pulling the story doesn’t make it go away.
“You posted this story because you COULD, and you KNEW Jon would hate it”¦and you also knew those of us who love Jon namely those closest to him would hurt to see this on your site.”
I couldn’t disagree with that any more. I posted this because a man had died, and unfortunately, a man that no other site of similar capacity would take the time to honor.
June 1, 2015 @ 10:54 pm
The family did ask you to take it down. Mary just posted it on twitter. It literally says “take it down, this hurts me.” There you go. Now take it down.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:17 pm
Okay, I am seeing that, and I am wanting to respect the wishes of the family. However, taking down a post with hundreds of links to it doesn’t make it go away. In my opinion, it could make this situation dramatically worse, especially since folks are characterizing this as an attack on Jon Hensley, which it isn’t. As soon as I remove it, the story can be construed however people wish because there will not be a physical representation of it. People are already saying this was an “attack” and “disrespectful.”
June 1, 2015 @ 11:42 pm
The refusal to remove it is what is disrespectful dude. You want to say it was not in poor taste fine but the longer you leave it up knowing the wishes of the family the more obvious it becomes how self-serving this is. You are pretty much solidifying your poor reputation right now.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:39 am
But I never refused to remove it. I simply stated my concerns about removing it as I worked out a pragmatic solution.
June 3, 2015 @ 7:53 am
I’ve seen him on video and he always seemed like he was seriously under the influence of something. Did these “best friends” who are so offended by a genuine article also try to help him get clean?
June 3, 2015 @ 3:43 pm
Hell yeah. I wonder the same thing.. Hopefully it doesn’t happen to them too. No one says what happened. So to me it’s a drug over dose. Then it makes everybody else around him look guilty too. Anyone wishing to remove it is rude. Fans would like to know what happened to the Colonel. Do fans not get the privledge to know?
Don’t remove it. I think it’s tasteful and respectful.
Of they have a problem and post on here their DRAMA it makes the situation look even worse.
Respectfully saying here, removing this doesn’t bring him back.
March 11, 2024 @ 10:49 am
Nerve hit! That’s a GREAT question! His loved ones who surrounded him definitely should look at themselves before attacking someone who is only writing about facts!
June 1, 2015 @ 10:59 pm
Mary says she has asked and you better damn well not say she isn’t family. That would prove you knew nothing of Jon.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:33 pm
Never said Mary wasn’t family. I don’t think my knowledge of Jon Hensley is at issue here.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:01 pm
I doubt Jon would want a bunch drama over this. Knowing him he would be happy to have his name mentioned on any site. RIP JON. The article is kind and only stating the facts. No mention of what ended his life. It’s sad. It’s not giving him a bad name at all. Freedom of speech. If Jon hated you, whats new, he hated many people.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:04 pm
Jon was no celebrity, he simply knew a few celebrities…only his friends and family who are upset right now know about him or this article.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:06 pm
from what I have found this is the only page that mentions him. I guess his girlfriend has to blame someone.
June 1, 2015 @ 11:07 pm
People want to be angry about his death and taking it out on the wrong person. Despite the “hate” Jon had for trigger this is a music news site and a prominent member of the music community passed away. Why wouldn’t he report on it?
June 1, 2015 @ 11:12 pm
I’ve followed your site for a long time. You say a lot of things that I agree with and a few things I do not. In regards to this post, I feel like you should at least send some condolences to those grieving. Personal feelings aside, Jon and you both love country music and days gone by in a sincere way. We should all burn one in effigy for him tonight and listen to some genuinely good country songs that speak to all of us. Just posting this for click bait makes this site no better than a ‘bro-co’ song that we all hate. R.I.P The Colonel who may be the only person who hated Eric Church as much as you.
‘Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis,
And each night begins a new day.
If you don’t understand him, an’ he don’t die young,
He’ll prob’ly just ride away’
June 1, 2015 @ 11:56 pm
Thanks for sharing the news, i met Jon a handful of times and am deeply saddened by the news but also grateful of hearing about it sooner than later.
Soldier on Trig keep up the good work man.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:51 am
What happened to him? I can’t find any details! I am a friend and I want to know!
June 2, 2015 @ 12:06 am
I’d love to get to know you personally so I could figure out why so many people hate you. Because to me, your intentions ALMOST always seem pure and unbiased. It always intrigues me to see how many people dislike you. If you’re a decent guy, like I believe you are, then you’ve got my sympathy for all the grief you take. This site inspires me. Keep up the good work.
And moreover, condolences to Mr. Hensley’s family and friends.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:22 am
Quit with the excuses. Screen shot you’re so worried about it. You didn’t wait for an official statement from anyone. Which is rude and tacky even in reporting. Don’t say no other site of your capacity would honor him. When your jumping on this like a fat kid with donuts. Your being antagonizing because you can as a so called journalist. Family should have to contact you. You should know better. It’s called ethics and class everything Jon had and you don’t. Most journalist DONT. You don’t need to be an antagonize right now, dead links happen all the time no one thinks anything of it. Quit your whining.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:23 am
Btw nice catch and hook title name dropper
June 2, 2015 @ 12:32 am
It astounds me how many people don’t seem to realize the point of journalism is to report news. This is a country music website that frequently reports news of the genre. This man’s involvement within the genre makes his death news.
As a person who studied journalism and runs my own entertainment website you’d never get me to remove an article for any reason. The fact that people are even asking, no actually demanding such a thing occur is actually disrespectful to journalism as a whole.
There’s always one easy thing you can do when you don’t like something you see … ignore it and move on.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:47 am
You’re a typical media parasite, and many of us know that. Quit being a little asshole and respect the wishes of people for once, instead of worrying about the integrity of your stupid fucking blog. You’re literally a bottom of the barrel shit stain, I personally think YOU are the SCUM of the earth, so is your stupid one sided blog. Your blog isn’t saving anything, at all. Your blog is garbage, and you are basically cancer. If you had any integrity at all you would just take the post down, and work on your next abomination, or go get a job mopping up the toilet at your local gas station. This is MY opinion, not necessarily the opinion of anyone on the the label, just me, so if you link any of this bullshit to the label, I swear on everything that is worth fighting for, I will stir-up a campaign to end this fucking Jerry Springer bullshit you call SCM. You are such a dick dude.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:47 am
As you were posting your article, I was in the process of implementing a pragmatic solution to the issue that could be amicable to all parties. When you posted this comment, the article was already taken down on the site while a solution was being implemented. I think your name calling is inappropriate, and irreverent to a situation where an individual has died, and the effort was to honor that individual. Overall, your contribution here is extremely unhelpful.
“I will stir-up a campaign to end this fucking Jerry Springer bullshit you call SCM”
This is a threat. Even though I have implemented a pragmatic solution to this issue, I encourage you to move forward with your campaign. In the end, there is no bigger critic of mine than myself. And though this situation has tested my resolve, I feel very deeply in my heart that at every moment, I behaved professionally and with character. I never said I was perfect, but I try the best I can, including answering everyone’s grievances. That is why I am still up at 3:45 responding to your comment.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:07 am
Dude, quit the charade to protect your public image. I mean every word I say. Remove the post completely, or be a huge dick, and disrespect people’s wishes. Considering, Jon didn’t like you at all, and people very close to him wish you would remove it, it would be the right thing to do… It’s not press worthy coming from a windbag like yourself, it would be in your best interest to humble yourself, and take it down. Now if you don’t respect said people’s wishes, I’m going to publicly decimate your existence with every fiber in my being, got it fuckface? When I get up tomorrow, I will take a look at your stupid bullshit blog, and if it’s still up, you have a new problem, me.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:16 am
And, the fact that you re-posted this in a way that makes you look like some kind of a victim makes you look like an even bigger gaping anus. If you received any threats from anyone, it certainly wasn’t from me, because I don’t pick fights with girls. But, I would gladly put energy into letting people know what a disrespectful little twat you are. Feel free to re-post this as needed, I really don’t care, you’re an insensitive asshole on every level…. Anything for hits on your STUPID BLOG.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:26 am
The death of Jon Hensley could have been a moment of healing for some; a way to come together. THAT is why I posted a remembrance of him. It is a shame that some have used it to dig the wedge even deeper. I challenge you to produce ONE quote from the original article, my explanation of why the article was taken down, or any of my comments where any acrimony was given to Jon Hensley.
As for hits, am I supposed to not honor someone who has just passed because it may create web traffic? What am I supposed to do? Write stuff that nobody wants to read because there’s “soul” in that? It is my job to find or compose things people want to read, and share them. I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear that Saving Country Music has lost money for eight years straight, and I have the tax returns to prove it. I am not getting rich, or even receiving an exceptionally-high amount of traffic off of this article.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:27 am
Seriously, Farm-man, this is like watching The Bachelor or something. Cheap trashy stuff. Have some respect for yourself, if no one else.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:07 am
“and if it”™s still up, you have a new problem, me” – bwahahahahahahahahaha
June 2, 2015 @ 4:52 pm
As someone who doesn’t have a dog in this silly little argument, I gotta say that only one of y’all are coming off like a ‘disrespectful little twat’… And it ain’t the one calling himself Trigger Man.
I only knew of Jon in passing but when I heard rumor of his passing, I was grateful to find at least some confirmation on the web. I didn’t see anything disrespectful at all in the original post.
I think a lot of y’all are misdirecting your anger here
June 2, 2015 @ 5:37 am
Coming from a guy who takes money from fans for pre-orders and never sends the product. Fuck you and your joke of a label . Has the first farm fest box set been sent out yet? People have paid and waited ehT? 5 years? This is the music site and reports music news not a popularity contest
June 2, 2015 @ 7:29 am
Darren: leave. thank you.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:08 am
Settle down white knight, don’t you have some people you should be ripping off right about now?
June 2, 2015 @ 2:42 pm
Nicely said!
R.I.P. Jon
BTW,where’s Azn dude!
June 2, 2015 @ 1:01 am
Jon was a son of a bitch. One less scumbag.
March 11, 2024 @ 10:57 am
June 2, 2015 @ 1:02 am
I find it odd that they want this down so bad. Even to go so far as to post the link on Facebook asking people to come here and attack the owner.
Michael Greene also posted about the guy dying and since I couldn’t post to the Facebook post by Mary Sparr I commented it seemed odd that she wants it off the internet.
Michael blocked me.
So the question is, what about this “accidental” death are they looking to cover up?
Their excuses of this sites owner and Jon not liking each other or that this site just posts for clicks is nothing but hogwash. Micheal trolls for clicks 24/7 on Facebook and his dozen YouTube channels.
And this article was done in a respectful manner. Jon was not attacked, made fun of, and nothing bad was said.
Every website is made to get clicks, aka visitors.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:34 am
There’s no need to imply anything against Marry or anyone else. This is not helpful.
Also, I want to say that if someone had simply sent me a direct email, or left a direct comment on the site asking for the article to be taken down, a lot of the bad blood could have been avoided. That is not what happened. Folks received marching orders through social network, and attacked. Threats were made, accusations landed, and I was too busy trying to cover up my face from all the haymakers getting thrown my way to actually engage with Mary directly. Once I finally was able to talk to her through Twitter, it was civil, and a solution was crafted. Meanwhile I continued to be attacked, even after the article was pulled completely.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:44 am
Man nobody is trying to “cover up” anything. His girlfriend just knows and I knew it as soon as I saw it as well, that out of all of the sites that could break the story it would have to be THIS one. It is as simple as Jon HATED Trigger. This felt like a slap in the face to his close friends and especially Mary Sparr. Looking into this any deeper is unnecessary. You got blocked on Michael’s page because you were saying shit you had no business saying. It was hurtful to Mary who has lost the man who was her world. Michael erased the comments that were rude and uncaring. You just had to keep on so I guess he made a call. Sacrificing you is not as important to him as honoring her wishes.
Trigger….thanks for this bullshit comment. “I posted this because a man had died, and unfortunately, a man that no other site of similar capacity would take the time to honor.”
Wow…had to get your dig in there didn’t you, you bastard? I will never forget this.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:48 am
All of this fuss because the guy happened to hate this website? So, since Fox News hates Jon Stewart would they not be allowed to run the news of his death if he were to pass away?
So much offense seems to be taken were none was meant. This is a country music site that publishes news on the subject. The death of someone involved with country music classifies as news.
June 2, 2015 @ 3:02 am
This sums it up nicely
June 2, 2015 @ 3:14 am
I only posted once and it was just to say I found it odd she didn’t want it posted about.
Then Michael blocked me. Nothing insensitive about what I posted.
But Mikey has a surprise coming. He was reported for elder abuse and maybe child abuse. The proof? His YouTube channels. Up to him to prove they are fake.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:26 am
Leave Mike alone, man.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:42 am
It’s a news site get over it. Its not a popularity contest. Your comments are beyond immature. He took down a respectful news story on someone in the music community. It’s s fucking music news site. Go ride Waylon and shooters coat tails some more JD. Maybe you can sell a few more shitty records
June 2, 2015 @ 7:03 am
Hahaahahhaahh JD is dumb and his music blows… Give it up JD…
June 2, 2015 @ 8:13 am
Out of curiosity, I clicked on your website link (the one you’ ve placed here, on this article that you’re wanting taken down). And I’ve got to tell you man, you can’t sing for crap. I’ve listened to Country music all my life, and I can honestly say, I wouldn’t walk across the street to hear you sing, for free. It’s high time you gave up your silly pipe dream.
There must be a Subway in your home town, that would hire you. Surely you’re smart enough to put bologna and bread together?
June 2, 2015 @ 5:11 am
Goddamnet Kyle. You are causing a stir. When was the last time you posted about a manager passing away? You knew outright that people would not appreciate your “sorrow”. Hensley went out of his way to tell people what an awful human and “journalist” you are. This is a sad, sad attempt at once again bringing traffic and drama to your blog. But, in reality, you are disrespecting and hurting his family and friends. Be a decent person for once. Look, you got me here again! I guess your self absorbing pain did it! Good job on the renowned success. If you truly care so much, you would leave this topic alone.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:38 am
Jahshie P,
“When was the last time you posted about a manager passing away?”
Actually in December of 2014, when Neil Reshen passed away. Here’s the link:
I have regularly posted obituaries for non performers when I felt it was necessary and helpful. Here I am posting about Richard Laferte II in 2013. Clearly this isn’t an individual who would result in lots of “traffic,” but was worthy of a kind word spoken nonetheless:
Oh, and here’s one you can probably relate to. I posted a remembrance of podcaster Tim Pop when he passed away in October of lat year:
The idea that posting about the death of Jon Hensley was somehow out-of-bounds with the coverage map of this site, or opportunist in any way is completely preposterous and totally unsubstantiated. It was news, and people had a right to know. Having said that, upon request, I removed the post. But as your comment illustrates, that has not quit the accusations, and that is why it was imperative that I post a letter in its place, and eventually post the original obituary to counteract the mischaracterization this site is experiencing by some individuals that Jon Hensley was either attacked or exploited.
I am very sorry that this issue has become so contentious, and I am committed to trying to make it right. The forum is open here for people to share their grievances and voice their concerns, and I promise to answer as many of them as I can.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:13 am
Fair enough. Just looking out for the best for his family. Be well.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:49 am
When was the last time a manager passed josh? What a tool
June 2, 2015 @ 5:31 am
Trigger, not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things, but I support your posting of this article.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:49 am
Sorry the man passed. This whole bit, the reaction to it? Ridiculous though. This is a news and opinion site, obits are commonplace. I should think the concerned parties would have better things to worry about than rounding up an Internet mob to make death threats.
Too soon lol. It’s news! There is no too soon!
June 2, 2015 @ 5:57 am
What happened? I missed the initial article and I’m worried about my friend. I want to know what happened to my friend. I’m bawling and it hurts no one will tell me what happened.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:59 am
I am an old high school friend of Jon. He was indescribable and awesomely halarious. Take a moment and do what you gotta do to remember Jon Hensley the w000000000t! I’ll best toasting him on the back porch tonite. CC
June 2, 2015 @ 6:03 am
June 2, 2015 @ 6:32 am
Hey Bandana,
Thanks for your concerned and fair comment. The original post was removed many hours ago. A lot of the drama could have been avoided if someone would have simply reached out directly and asked for the post to be removed. Instead folks were tasked to come here and make me take it down, assuming that I wouldn’t. I don’t know if Jon Hensley would have approved of me posting a remembrance of him on this site or not, but I think we can all agree he would appreciate if we all attempted to honor his legacy as opposed to using his death as a flashpoint. I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by my article on Jon, even though not one ill word was spoken against him, and the only motivation of the post was love, concern, and the sharing of information. Maybe in hindsight I should have known this could result in a contentious situation, but I have done everything I can since to make it right, and I will continue to do so to the best of my ability.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:22 am
Why wouldn’t Jon want to know that someone he “didn’t like” was sad due to his passing? It makes no sense. It makes Trigger out to be the more mature person, when he mourns someone who maybe wasn’t his friend. Are you so much of a grudgeholder that you can’t let two parties come together over the passing of an individual? This should be a West Side Story moment for both feuding parties.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:11 am
I saw the posting right before I went to bed. Then I couldn’t sleep. I thought all night about Jon Hensley and how tragic that he died so young. I’m so sorry for him, and his family and his girlfriend and everyone that is hurting and missing him. It is a sad, sad and awful thing to have happened. I didn’t know him too well, but he was always so nice to me, he often complimented my music, and he was such a colorful, unique and special person. He bought me an Elvis book. His hair was crazy. (In the best way). He was one of a kind for sure. It is an awful shame things had to get ugly here. You should delete all of those negative comments. Let him rest in peace. Rock on Jon…say hi to Elvis for me! And John Lennon and George Jones.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:11 am
<—childhood friend. Jon was the best at yelling the purest of random stuff to make you laugh so, thxs Jon! Focus on him and enjoy. I like what Eric said….. burn it)
June 2, 2015 @ 6:22 am
As a passive observer to this post and someone who does not personally know either Jon or Trigger, it does Jon’s memory a huge disservice to be arguing over who posted what when the man is dead. I would encourage you all to step away from the computer and go mourn the passing of your friend without feeding into the drama that you are also participating in. You don’t have to fight for a ghost. You’re angry and incredibly hurt, because you just lost someone you loved, but this Internet high school bullshit isn’t going to bring him back. My condolences to his family and friends. He was clearly a loved individual. Let that speak louder than your anger.
September 1, 2015 @ 12:28 am
Most intelligent post in the whole thread.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:23 am
This is really, really strange. It is not the first time SCM has reported on the passing of someone connected to country music and it won’t be the last. Yet it seems that the friends and family are pretty thin skinned in their grief and are resorting to fascist tactics to lash out as a way to distract and assuage the devastation they must feel at losing a loved one. They are making fools of themselves when in fact they should be focusing on remembering and celebrating the departed. Would anyone really want to be honored in their passing by a coordinated effort to smear, defame, harm and attack someone? I sure wouldn’t. But that is now what happens. As a result of their own hatred and immaturity, whenever a lot of people remember Jon Hensley, they are going to recall how vindictive and petty his friends and family were rather than what he contributed in life. That is sadness upon sadness.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:29 am
Julian Spivey makes a good point. I didn’t know that Jon disliked Trigger. I had read that Shooter didn’t like some things that were posted on the site before. I don’t see that Trigger did anything wrong. The original article was very respectful and informative. I’m a long time Shooter fan and have been to 20 something shows. Never met Jon as most of the shows I saw were before he starting working with Shooter. I was friends with him on Facebook and he seemed like a cool guy. His posts were always funny and a lot of times insightful. He had great taste in music. God bless everyone affected by his loss. No one is out to hurt any of them or make their grieving any harder as far as I can tell.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:34 am
I have no clue who Jon Hensley was, but if he was anything like his friends, he must have been a real worthless prick.
I probably complain about Trigger’s articles more than anybody who reads this site, but even I know Trigger does his best to be completely professional. I, on the other hand, have no intention of doing so.
My complaints about his articles are because I disagree with 49% of what he says, not because he’s a bad writer. All of the crying, backbiting, free-speech-hating pieces of outlaw wannabe excrement who are polluting this comments section, should all get together and drink some poison koolaid today.
Trigger is the best Country music writer in America, and it’s a shame he’s submitting to threats, and censoring his own website because of them.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:49 am
Clint, I agree. The most disturbing part of this fiasco is Trigger walking back his comments.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:58 am
I am not walking back from anything. The full obituary will be posted shortly. But in an attempt to diffuse what was a very emotional and contentious situation last night, I decided that pulling the article would be best for all parties.
I appreciate the sentiments from both of you.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:52 am
I can’t believe you edited my comment, Trigger! What the heck is wrong with you? Quit kneeling to these people!
June 2, 2015 @ 7:27 am
Clint: I wholeheartedly agree. I am aghast that Trigger bowed to these internet terrorists. And Trigg: Clint is right, that’s two votes to quit kneeling to these “people.”
June 2, 2015 @ 7:49 am
It was a very small part of Clint’s comment that was removed, I believe. I don’t think the spirit of the comment, much of which I agree with, was much affected by the edit.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:52 am
Because of the sensitivity of this subject, I am being more aggressive with editing and moderating comments. I apologize, but that’s what this situation calls for.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:37 am
I was gonna say something kinda like this, but you beat me to it. Well said.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:02 am
jack williams has always been such a great alias, trigger….
June 2, 2015 @ 8:14 am
You and others can try to characterize Saving Country Music as as suppressing descent, deleting comments, and perpetuating alias accounts all you want. But all one has to do is look in this exact comment section to see reams and reams of critical comments and dissenting viewpoints. The only people who have perpetuated alias comments on this site is Shooter Jennings, and Jahshie P—both who admitted to such when confronted about the matter. I encourage dissent and the free flow of ideas here.
June 3, 2015 @ 1:15 pm
Hey now, I’m on your side here, it’s just obvious that you’re also Jack Williams.
June 3, 2015 @ 1:18 pm
If you think that it’s “obvious” that I am Jack Williams, then you’re a rank moron. You’re also still incorrect.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:17 am
One less scumbag.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:34 am
Out of due respect of anyone passing, as just a regular human being, I feel this Trigger has zero respect for those who have passed on. A man is nolonger alive, muchless here to defend himself. It is sad to see this and this “Trigger”, think nothing but of himself. Trying to benefit of a mans death muchless anybody who has passed, I feel is sick, disgusting, and obviously he is apart of this world that I do not want to be, a part I wish did not exist. maybe Trigger should look up the word narcissism. My condolences to this mans family and friends. How sad during a time of loss they have to deal with such scum, that is my opinion and observation. Respect something I feel needs to be shown here in regards to just being human. Wow my heart goes out to all who knew there family member there friend. And seriously needing to have the family ask during such a difficult time, yes I feel you surely are a piece of shit, but we all reap what we sow, as this dirtbag will. Strength again to those who knew and loved a man a human and much more, I only know him as that, and frankly that is more than enough to respect him, no matter what. God bless his family and friends. A sick man thrieving off of anothers death. Sincerely nobody but knows plenty of losses of all kinds. Respect him, obviously you don’t yourself and well sir i’d sure hate to have your name right now, given the many you seem to get off on hurting.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:10 am
I have never seen someone posting a news story, an obituary, or a remembrance about an individual being characterized as having “zero respect” for the individual. It is the exact opposite. It is giving of your time and energy to SHOW respect to that individual in their passing.
“Trying to benefit of a mans death muchless anybody who has passed, I feel is sick, disgusting,”
Who is trying to benefit from this? How have I benefited off the death of Jon Hensley? It has caused me to be attacked, have my character questioned, I have received death threats and other threats of bodily injury, threats to the social network properties of the site, and I slept two restless hours last night. This has been an absolute nightmare for me, on both a personal and professional level. Having said that, it is nowhere near the emotional distress the friends and family of Jon Hensley are feeling right now, and I am keenly aware of this, and actively doing everything I can to be as respectful to the family as possible, including pulling the original article as requested.
There seems to be this theory out there that by posting the article on Jon Hensley, large amounts of traffic and money are being made by this site. This is a wild-eyed assumption that has no basis in reality. The financials of Saving Country Music are terrible, and though this article has received a fair amount of traffic, it is in no way out of the ordinary as far as a traffic signal on a given article.
This was simply an obituary written about someone that had passed. It is not out of the ordinary for this site, or any news publication. And it certainly was not disrespectful.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:20 am
Am I the only one who noticed that all of Jon’s Bolshevik acquaintances made sure their screen names link to their websites?…………………So, who’s trying to benefit?
What a joke!!!!!!
June 2, 2015 @ 7:12 am
….”Trying to benefit of a mans death muchless[sic] anybody who has passed, I feel is sick, disgusting, and obviously he is apart of this world that I do not want to be, a part I wish did not exist. maybe Trigger should look up the word narcissism.”….
He wrote an obituary that only about 5 people would have read, if it weren’t for all of Jon’s commie friends causing trouble on here. It’s Jon’s friends who are driving the traffic to this article, not Trigger. Most of us have never heard of this dead guy until now.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:16 am
So true!!! Keep us posted on cause of death
June 2, 2015 @ 7:19 am
Laren: Jon’s work affected me directly, even though I never knew he was responsible for it, because he was behind the scenes. Jon has passed away, and if not for Trigger’s post, I wouldn’t have known about it. I feel that it’s selfish of all the folks coming out in force to take the article down. Can’t I be sad about Jon’s passing too? or just you?
June 2, 2015 @ 7:01 am
If I died, and my worst enemy posted a respectful obituary to which numerous people responded with heartfelt condolences; I’d be horrified if those closest to me responded in anger. Regardless of the Trigger-Shooter bullshit (which kept me from reading SCM for a long time), it appears that Trigger was extending an olive branch here. IMO it would be more disrespectful if he DIDN’T post an obituary, seeing as it would be a refusual to do his job as a reporter on country music. That being said, it’s tough to restrain yourself when someone you love passes and somebody else acts in a way that could be remotely construed as disrespectful. I see both sides here, just as I enjoy both Shooter’s music and SCM. I just hope cooler heads prevail because it would be a complete fucking shame if the quality if this site is deprived because some people see Trigger as some Hank III scenester that he is clearly not anymore.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:02 am
I don’t understand any of this. Obituaries are printed every day in every newspaper in the country.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:02 am
Wow, this is ridiculous. I loathe people who create drama around someone’s death. Don’t let people censor you, Trigger.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:03 am
Most of the attacks are from a label owner who rips off his fans and artists. Why do you think the urban pioneers didn’t sign with farm? The broken band breaking up? JB Beverley not releasing album thru fsrmageddon ? Not paying bands who play his shitty festival , Darren comes on here lwith some holier than thou attitude. He is a way bigger piece of shit then Kyle could ever be.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:13 am
Please find out the cause of death!!! Been reading your stories for years and your where I get all my latest music news!! You are only a journalist And do a find job!!! Keep us inform and don’t lose track of what’s important !!! The real story
June 2, 2015 @ 7:30 am
Cocane overdose
June 2, 2015 @ 7:29 am
Take it down you little self centered prick! You turned this piece of garbage you journalism into “oh I’m getting threats! Whoa is me!”. There is a reason you get threats: because you’re a self absorbed piece of shit!!! Show some fucking respect and delete this bullshit you ass clown!
June 2, 2015 @ 7:37 am
In the digital world, whether Jon would like it or not, things are posted when you die. I think the least of the concerns for the family during this time would be a damn post on a website. I don’t imagine in the great beyond Jon would be all that concerned about the discussion between strangers about how he went. He may not have been a celebrity but he was a figure in the public light, and when that’s the case you will be reported on after your untimely passing. I hope everyone can leave the bullshit behind and be a bit more productive in their use of time since it’ls obviously quite limited. RIP Jon.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:50 am
I’m a faithful reader of SCM. IMO, it’s the best country music website out there. To those commenters above who seem to think otherwise, if you know of a better country music news site, please let me know. That’s not a smart ass comment; seriously, I’d like to check it out. I’ve always found Trigger to be a fair journalist, from what I gather. I assume there’s a backstory here, but I don’t know it (other than the Shooter-Trigger drama) and don’t care to. I didn’t know who Jon Hensley was, but I extend my condolences to his family and friends.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:52 am
Jon hated you. Take it down. Mary IS the family. You disrespectful jackass
June 2, 2015 @ 7:57 am
The post was taken down some 7 hours ago now. You are clicking on dead and irrelevant Facebook/Twitter links that prove why I had to post a letter in its stead, and why I will have to repost the full obituary soon. Spreading misinformation is not helping matters.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:13 am
Something wrong
I hold my head
J.H. gone, our nigga dead!
June 2, 2015 @ 8:13 am
All of these idiots posting about how an obituary extending grief and the information surrounding the deceased’s death is “disrespectful”….since when do normal people not ask how someone died?
June 2, 2015 @ 8:22 am
June 2, 2015 @ 8:19 am
We did come together for Jon. It’s not journalism or reporting of anything if you print without official statement. Your motive was to be first on the story. To where all you could say was he was dead and look at what he did. Sad to see what some people think what real reporting and journalism are. You wait for someone in his camp to make the announcement first. How it’s done. Unless you’re a worm reporter. And considering you weren’t exactly someone Jon admired and ironically your the one first with the story. TACKY.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:24 am
Seems to me you’ve come together for this site. This is not how you honor a loved one. If it’s grief, then it’s misplaced. Go honor the man you cared about. Nothing else matters.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:41 am
I completely understand your concern, but let me please clear up a few bits of misinformation.
Jon Hensley’s girlfriend posted about his passing 7 hours before I did. His passing, and the details of it were checked and corroborated through numerous sources. I spoke specifically to officials in Bowling Green about Jon’s passing, and the circumstances surrounding it. Sometimes families release statements on the passing of individuals. Many times they don’t. I have no professional or moral obligation to wait for anything or anyone beyond the notification of next of kin to post a news story. Nonetheless, I waited many hours after first hearing the news to let the dust settle, and the facts materialize. I have posted dozens upon dozens of obituaries in the eight years of running Saving Country Music, and have never received anything but appreciation from fans, family members, and friends. The only reason, THE ONLY REASON an issue was made of this particular obituary is because of a perceived beef between Saving Country Music and Shooter Jennings, which in my opinion, is completely overblown. A lot of people are characterizing me as “opportunist.” Yes, I saw an opportunity to mend old wounds, to honor an individual, and to hopefully put differences aside during a difficult time for many. That intention was misunderstood, and out of respect I temporarily removed the post. But make no mistake about it, I did everything I could to be fair and respectful to Jon, his family, and all the parties involved.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:51 am
When BB King died recently, his death was reported within minutes. When Wayne Mills died, I reported it within the hour. When Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Ray Price, and many other country artists passed, news outlets ran stories as soon as the information was confirmed. In this particular case, I waited hours. But the truth is, I could have waited days, and the same acrimony would be in the air, not because of how it was reported, but who reported it.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:53 pm
I’m not in country music. I’m just one of his friends. I went back and read a couple of your articles. They were not professional it was more like shit talk. Specifically the meet and greet article. You do have an ethical and moral obligation or your not human. If you were mending anything it should had been stated. I just think considering how Jon felt about you, thats where your a man and step back and pass on the article for the time being. All you did was create rumors by posting accidental and not knowing for sure. You print your mending piece as that at the appropriate time. Your not entitled to his obituary just bc you blog and have a .com site. I’m not arguing with someone with no ethics it’s pointless. You do no wrong in your eyes.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:33 pm
No comment.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:18 pm
Darlene: being professional and “shit talk” are not mutually exclusive. He IS entitled to write anything he pleases on this website under the first amendment. don’t like it? buy a ticket to Ethiopia and get out of America.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:11 pm
It’s called ethics I guess some people don’t have them. Just bc you can do something doesn’t mean you should. I guess negative publicity is better than no publicity. Merica.
June 3, 2015 @ 5:59 am
Darlene: the journalist was attempting to bring about peace and end years of dissent, that’s the definition of ethics. Now you’re obviously out to find someone who doesn’t have any morals or ethics, so may I direct you to the nearest mirror?
June 2, 2015 @ 8:22 am
I wasn’t able to read the original post before it was removed, but as a regular reader of the blog for several years now, I have no doubt that Trigger would handle the situation with the utmost of professionalism and sincerity. I’m looking forward to reading the original article to see what the hub-bub was all about. My bet is that the negative comments stem from Jon’s dislike of the site, and maybe their own, and not what Trigger may have written about Jon.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:03 pm
Yur Fonniks lessens seams to haz pade off…
June 2, 2015 @ 4:12 pm
June 2, 2015 @ 8:38 am
I came to read an obituary and a Kenny Chesney tailgate party broke out. Trigger, I am sorry to see you go through this social media mob lynching for just doing what a good journalist does: report news. Thank you for what you do and do well. Chin up.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:43 am
I’m a good friend of Jon’s and I went back and read your articles on shooter and his surrogates. And you’re a tool. To write such shit talk bc that’s what it is not reporting. NO ONE IS COVERING ANYTHING UP. OUT OF RESPECT FOR JON WE ASKED IT REMOVED DUE TO THE DISRESPECT THIS MAN GAVE JON WHILE HE WAS ALIVE. I’ve read your article on shooter and Jon. You should be ashamed. Jon was a good man more decenrt than you’ll ever be. Respect the fact it’s not your place to report this and that’s you’re own fault. Anyone can say they a “journalist” with a blog. Or a .com they bought. don’t disrespect Jon anymore and MAN UP!
June 2, 2015 @ 8:51 am
Stop spamming caps
June 2, 2015 @ 8:47 am
Its not news with no facts or story. Just could drop big names for a headline. Bait and click. So sad that people think tabloid gossip is real reporting. You shit talk it’s not even educated writing. Please
June 2, 2015 @ 8:54 am
“You shit talk it”™s not even educated writing”
See, this is the reason I have no choice but to repost the obit.
Darlene, Jon was a close friend of yours, and I offer my sincere condolences for your loss. But I stand behind my coverage here 100%. My words were meant in nothing but respect for him and his life.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:27 am
Stop threatening to repost the thing, and just repost it. Just do it already, so all of your regular readers can read it.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:20 am
It has been reposted.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:29 am
Thank you.
Wow, there is nothing that could even be misconstrued as offensive.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:11 am
Darlene why are you wasting your time attacking someone who wrote a fact-checked obituary about Jon when you could be focusing your energy on the actual grief process? Going after reporters is merely the result of people not knowing where to channel their sadness and rage post-loss. What exactly compelled you to start googling what people were saying about Jon less than 24 hrs. after he passed away? Are you sure you aren’t the one who is acting unprofessional, here?
June 2, 2015 @ 8:51 am
June 2, 2015 @ 8:52 am
June 2, 2015 @ 8:53 am
Like Clint said a few comments above me, I don’t always agree with Trigger, but I do respect him. He sometimes make me angry, often makes me laugh, and always makes me think. He reported on the passing of someone in the music industry, something he had done many times before. He did so in a respectful, professional way. Any previous bad blood that may have existed was not mentioned. He simply reported a story.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:14 am
Jon’s loved ones have nothing better to do than to pointlessly go after Trigger, for whatever reason. They’re a sad bunch, just the fact they all hang with Angry Grandpa says enough about why they’d pull nonsense like this.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:54 am
For Fucks Sake, Trigger!! For once, stop arguing why you think you’re right and do the right thing for a change, take this down!!!!
Your words mean nothing, your actions speak it all!!!
June 2, 2015 @ 9:13 am
It was taken down over eight hours ago Jennifer.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:22 am
Why did you even take it down in the first place? Where’s your journalistic fortitude? Are you really going to take down stories just because a couple angry friends of someone don’t like it? You did your job and reported the facts, no libel here….
June 2, 2015 @ 9:39 am
His widow asked me personally to do it. There were some very difficult decisions I had to make after being up for 20 hours and being attacked from all sides. I don’t know if it was the best decision, but it was the best way to let some of the pressure out of the situation so we could all move on. Overall, I think it worked. What we’re continuing to see is uninformed Facebook types following marching orders from hours ago.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:04 am
Jon hasn’t even been dead for twenty hours.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:11 am
And yet here you are making an issue of the hate you think he felt instead of celebrating his interesting and vigorous life, his friendships, and what was truly important to him.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:13 am
You’re wrong Trigger Hater. The 911 call came in before 10 a.m. yesterday. You would have known that if you read the obituary. It looks like it is time to repost it.
Also, I said I had been up for 20 hours. Not sure what that has to do with the Jon Hensley timeline.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:45 am
“His widow asked me personally to do it.”
Kentucky does not recognize common law marriage. A couple has a licensed marriage, or the law does not consider them married. Therefore, Ms. Sparr needs to contact a Kentucky attorney to open up a probate case for Mr. Hensley as soon as possible, in order to preserve the assets of the estate.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:02 am
This is the weirdest comment section I’ve ever seen on any obituary…ya’ll need Jesus, manners, weed, and whisky.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:18 am
Remember that blog Saving Country Music?
June 2, 2015 @ 9:34 am
I guess he felt bad about driving Shooter’s career down the toilet, hopefully now Shooter will put something out that doesn’t completely and totally suck.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:25 am
Been trying to stay out this entire thing and respect everyone. This comment is too horrible to let slide. Jon did a great job building an organization with Shooter that let him make his music the way he wanted to. If you don’t like it then I respect that and say do not purchase it. However Shooter Jennings is my friend, not just a musician, and there is no need to attack him or Jon. I’m not going to go back and forth with you or be childish, but have you started and run a record company? Have you organized tours? Made moves? Been on tours across the world and shared the stage with legends? Have you had your own radio show?
I am proud of what my friends have done and this comment is internet tough guy stuff. You wanted a reaction and I played into it, but still Shooter is my friend and I’ll always defend him.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:36 am
I wish Shooter nothing but the best, perhaps now his music output will improve.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:39 am
It was a cheap shot.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:07 pm
Maybe shooter will quit now… His music sucks
June 2, 2015 @ 3:00 pm
You are entitled to that opinion “Jim”. He won’t quit though, so just don’t buy his music or come to a show as that is your right. When your album comes out let us know so we can check it out. Always willing to hear new music from talented people like yourself.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:36 am
My condolences to family and friends of the deceased. I do not have sufficient ties to country music to fully appreciate the contributions of people like Jon Hensley. Had I had the chance to know him better I would have enjoyed the opportunity I am sure.
As another regular reader I want to also add my support for Trigger reporting this on his web site. I didn’t see anything on Jon or Shooter’s sites so it was good to see some show of support. Thank you for that. Trigger obviously takes his commitment to reporting very seriously, and I would hope everyone could respect that.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:46 am
If you didn’t libel anyone in the piece, you should re-post it. People would rather find out about it from a reliable source such as you than read it on Topix.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:20 am
It has been reposted.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:47 am
Wait, I don’t get it… why would Jon Hensley have any particular beef with–
“an artist manager known for his work with Shooter Jennings”
OH. Oh.
Well, my condolences to the friends and family.
June 2, 2015 @ 9:47 am
Personally, I’m waiting for the Bruce Jenner obituary.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:32 am
Hahahahahahahahaha !!!
June 2, 2015 @ 9:59 am
Man, that is the strangest comment section I’ve ever read. Threatening a journalist over a respectful obituary ? You should be ashamed.
I get it, grief is complicated, we’ve all been through it, but that’s not healthy. You all look fucking insane right now.
The fact that Shooter retweeted the widow’s request to have this removed is real disappointing.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:00 am
man, reading all this made my head hurt. and it mos’ def makes me glad that only hippy lettuce is consumed any more, vs. the evils of alcohol and amphetamines. it’s pretty obvious “what” happened here. once someone passes, the funeral is for the people who are still here, vs. the person who has passed. news is news, it’s 2015, some of y’all need to SERIOUSLY get over yourselves and go hug a loved one or something of the sort. the lifestyle can and WILL catch up to you. I’ve walked in on 3 different deceased friends who were foaming at the mouth due to the overconsumption of various substances. too much of ANYTHING will kill ya. Trigger respectfully did his job. I don’t see ANY people from Wanda’s camp over here stirring the proverbial toilet. grow up, or shut up, is what pops always said. it sure would seem to apply here.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:09 am
Me? Oh, I’m just sitting here, waiting for the re-post of the obituary so I can see for myself just how malicious, callous, evil and acrimonious it really was.
Or not.
This very regular reader of SCM will still be a very regular reader of SCM with a new level of respect for Trigger as someone who (I think I’ll see once the obituary is reposted) attempted to extend an olive branch and end some of the bitterness between the two camps.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:20 am
The obituary has been reposted.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:22 pm
kudos to you. I’m sure they’re objecting to the part about ‘accidental’. sometimes the truth hurts. if it keeps ONE person from doing the same, you’ve done us all a service. keep on keepin on.
June 3, 2015 @ 9:30 pm
YES!! I love your honesty!! Tell em!
June 2, 2015 @ 12:36 pm
So THAT was what the whole brouhaha was all about? I was expecting something much more hurtful/cynical/disrespectful/etc. There was absolutely nothing that indicated any sort of animosity, or grandstanding in that obit. It as a well-informed, respectful article about a man in the country biz that passed on. End of story.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:44 am
The internet can bring out the most spiteful, vindictive, cowardly aspects of humanity.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:49 am
Very respectful and informative. Condolences to Jon’s family and friends.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:50 am
I really don’t see what the fuss was about. It’s an obituary about a man that died. A man that probably was as much of a disrespectful human being as his family is. It’s bad he died, but at least he was able to escape his crazy family and friends that screwed him up in the first place.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:53 am
Thanks for posting that. I’m happy to read about this young man’s interesting career after reading all these posts. He did some very cool things and as I’m sure of anyone who has worked in music or the arts, censorship under any circumstances probably wouldn’t have been cool to him.
May he rest in peace and may his loved ones be comforted by happy memories.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:53 am
If there was bad blood between Jon and Trigger, then Trigger did the right thing to post a respectful obituary. The disrespectful thing would have been to NOT report the death because of some personal vendetta. If that were the case, then I would understand the controversy. Anyway, anyone who helped bring Wanda Jackson back to the studio gets eternal gratitude from me. RIP.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:26 pm
100% agreed, Dusty. RIP Jon. 🙁
Trig — thanks for re-posting the obit.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:00 am
Wow. Talk about inappropriate reaction. I guess I am missing something. When you die, though, you don’t get to pick who writes about it. Life doesn’t work like that.
Edit: Per his Wikipedia page he OD’d. Bummer, but that is what drugs do.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:02 pm
Anyone can update wiki wait for official release please
June 2, 2015 @ 11:01 am
What the hell is going on here? Why are the Shooter fans so angry over a perfectly respectful obituary?
The Shooter-Trigger feud is over 2 years old, and Trigger has gone out of his way to avoid stirring the pot for a long time now. In fact, the last article that he even posted about Shooter was in February 2014. This tragic event could have served as the perfect opportunity to bury the hatchet and move forward. Sadly, this whole thread seems to validate the notion that Shooter fans lack the maturity to leave old grudges behind.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:03 am
I thought the article was legit. Not a whole lot of info, but nothing bad. Had no idea yall were beefing until the other camp said so.
Wayne Mills was a buddy of mine and I’ve appreciated all you’ve done with his coverage. That’s how I found your site.
I never shook Jon’s hand, but a lot of my friends knew him and loved him to death. With that said, I took your original article to be a tribute. If they think you did it for wrong reasons, I’m sure they have their reasons. But, you are a journalist though. Kinda comes with the territory!? Don’t worry man, they’ll settle down. My two cents…and that’s about what it’s worth. Ha ha.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:13 am
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on this site? Why the hell should Trig remove this post? The obituary is nothing but respectful.
Go mourn your friend, not harass the messenger of the news nobody would’ve heard if not for him.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:13 am
Dying at age 31 is a real tragedy.
This guy must have been a remarkable talent in view of the bands he promoted and assisted.
I am sorry to see all of the drama regarding this matter.
Trig, I have found that a Colt Model 1911A1 (45 ACP) and/or a Glock 40 are the best antidotes for death threats.
I am not kidding about this.
I hope you protect yourself, amigo.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:25 am
That was a tough read. What the fuck is wrong with you assholes? If my “friends” ever pulled this kind of crap, I’d shit on them from my grave. Sorry Trigger.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:28 am
Your obituary is a lot more respectful than most media would have been. Everyone knows what “accidental death” means, and it’s not falling off a ladder. Beef or not, you took the high road and detailed his life, when you could have been a dick and focused only on how he died.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:31 am
Trigger is not the monster ya’ll make him out to be. He stands up for struggling independent artists, exposes the corrupt activities of the country music machine, and regardless of how awful his rants about people may be (I find them hilarious), he actually has more class than any of ya’ll. Trigger is very respectful when it comes down to it. I once made a tasteless comment about a certain singer, and Trigger removed it almost immediately. And as for his articles being garbage, you are clearly pop country zombies. The music they call country these days is not even country music at all, it is anything except country, it is mindless, incoherent drivel. Trigger has plenty of evidence that explains this. Trigger IS trying to save country music, by raising awareness of REAL country artists who would get no attention otherwise, and by showing how truly horrible this bro-country/metropolitan garbage is. Now, for the big kicker; Trigger always says “People first, then music.” I think that says it all. Oh, and ya know what? If ya’ll kill Trigger like some of ya’ll want to, you’ll make him a martyr and a symbol of a country music freedom fighter. You will only strengthen his cause and a bunch of Trigger doppelgängers will arise to carry on the good fight. But don’t do it, cuz I like the guy.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:33 am
Kudos for reposting.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:35 am
You all need to get a life. The dude was probably on drugs. BTW if he didn’t want his name to be everywhere than he shouldn’t have been in the the entertainment business.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:59 pm
You are telling people to get a life and then accuse drugs for taking jons life? You’re right you really are no one because you are disrespectful scum. Does anyone have any respect for the dead? What is wrong with all of you.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:41 am
I found the post very informative and respectful. Learning about people like Jon that have such an influence on the music world and who also are from my home state of Kentucky is uplifting to me. Sad as it is to learn of it after his passing. I never knew of his disdain for you before i read the post and i never picked up any hint of slight or slander from your words as i read it. Only after i poured over the comments did i know there was history between you two. Hopefully this resolves quickly. R.I.P Jon.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:46 am
Jay Farrar (Uncle Tupelo) wrote a great song in 1991 about being stuck in a rust belt small town. ‘Lookin for a way out’. The chorus reminds me of the www circa 2015;
There was a time
You could put it out of your mind
Leave it all behind
There was a time
That time is gone
A man is dead. I didn’t know him or who he was. So I said a prayer. Life is so obviously short. Lose the hate
June 2, 2015 @ 11:52 am
I’m sorry, this is perhaps the most absurd flare up I’ve ever witnessed. I didn’t know Jon Hensley personally, nor do I know Kyle Coroneos personally. Both of them seem like good dudes who shared a love for good authentic country/roots music. Sometimes, particularly in the age of social media, personalities conflict for whatever reason. I’m sorry Jon Hensley died so young; I’m sorry his family and friends are hurting, but death threats against a man who has been nothing but professional in his reporting is beyond the pale.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:14 pm
They hang out with Michael Green and Angry Grandpa, no other explanation needed as to why they’re flipping out over such a well-written obituary about their “friend”. They’ve no idea how to handle the sadness and rage associated with their loss.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:33 pm
You are talking about Michael and Charles out of malice, spite, and hate. Charles doesn’t even know of Jon’s passing.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:55 am
Enough with the hate in the comments. Trigger is a fantastic journalist and is more classy than any of the people who feel the need to post death threats and slander his name will ever be.
R.I.P. Jon Hensley, you went too soon.
June 2, 2015 @ 12:59 pm
June 2, 2015 @ 1:11 pm
Maybe Jon disrespected me when he was living, and maybe his death is a time for all of us to reflect on more important things, put petty differences aside, let off the caps lock and understand life is too short and too precious to let silly things keep us from focusing on the importance of life.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:10 pm
Actually, it is right. It shows that Trigger is the bigger person, attempting to bury the hatchet. It’s the RIGHT thing to do. You are wrong, and always have been wrong. Granted, it may have been in poor taste, but he’s a man, no worse than any man.
June 2, 2015 @ 10:52 pm
“Granted, it may have been in poor taste, but he”™s a man, no worse than any man.”
Wait. What was in poor taste?
June 3, 2015 @ 5:57 am
Maybe it was too soon to bury the hatchet between the Shooter camp and SCM. That rivalry runs deep, Lord knows why but I don’t, and maybe the obituary was posted to soon, people were shaken, numb, and hurting.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:12 pm
I am done don’t question our friendship or that we disrespected him for speaking up for his family. Given the animosity between the two it was wrong. And I’ve read triggers articles and they’re mean and vindictive. How is that great reporting. There are other outlets that can report. So get over yourself. I’m done all your dumb article did was start drama and rumors so of course we were verbal. Good for you glad you got your clicks. And say what you want I don’t care I’m not in country music and I know I’m not disrespecting my friend. Wiki now says drug od. Yeah probably from this article. Have a nice life. It’s just not nice or cool.
June 2, 2015 @ 1:29 pm
Nobody wants to make an issue or disrespect anybody. We just want to remember a man who unfortunately went too soon. Why can’t we all just put petty differences and arguments aside to appreciate this man while he was alive?
June 2, 2015 @ 1:17 pm
Stand strong trig much respect to you, you probably knew there would be backlash, long live saving country music, I have learnt of a lot of new artists from this site.
And I agree shooters musix blows hard.
Peace from New Zealand
June 2, 2015 @ 1:21 pm
The attacks on Trigger and this site are beyond ridiculous. He posted about the death of a country music figure, and Trigger is a country music journalist. He is supposed to report these things. He said NOTHING disrespectful about Jon. All of these threats are just because you people don’t like Trigger’s other articles, and that just shows how blind you are that you don’t know how truly screwed up country music has gotten and how Trigger is trying to save it. Jon may not have liked Trig, but I believe Trig posted this out of respect for the man. If someone Trigger had truly slandered, such as Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan, or Jason Aldean died, Trigger would post about their death with nothing but the highest respect, regardless of how little respect he may have actually had for the person. Despite his faults, he NEVER insults a person’s family, he NEVER points out a person’s bad habits. There are people posting things about how Jon died from drugs. THAT is truly disrespectful. THAT is something Jon wouldn’t like to be posted. Trigger did not say anything negative about him, unlike these people. Why are ya’ll attacking Trig and not these people who are really disrespecting this man?
June 2, 2015 @ 1:28 pm
Well well, tragedy strikes and Kyle uses it to not to send thoughts to grieving friends and family but to continue spewing his bullshit and promoting himself. It’s no secret you hate Shooter and it’s no secret Jon didn’t care for you. You are a tasteless asshole. Oh and yeah, I am a troll from WHPC and a former fan of yours. I honestly thought better of you Trig. Shame on you for CONTINUING to self promote instead of doing the right thing. “Country news website” my ass….you pick and choose what to write about just like we do. Your OPINION blog should be taken as just that, your opinion. Show some respect and try to get down from that high horse.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:20 pm
“Kyle uses it to not to send thoughts to grieving friends and family but to continue spewing his bullshit and promoting himself.”
I think you have that sentence reversed.
The entire obituary was to send thoughts to grieving friends and family. What “bullshit” did I spew? Give me a sentence in the obituary that you believe is “spewing bullshit.” Just one of them. Any of them. Please, explain your perspective.
Just because you hate me and think I’m this evil, evil person doesn’t mean that you can construe things and whip up sentiments that don’t exist. People are not stupid. You say I’m “spewing bullshit,” and then people actually read the article, and there’s nothing there. If you’re talking about the concerns and the attacks I’ve received, all you have to do is look in this very comments section and see them. This is Straw Man bullshit. How is this comment appropriate to post on an obituary?
June 2, 2015 @ 4:08 pm
The tragedy here is that somebody died, and you saw one party extending the olive branch of peace, and used that opportunity to stir up long dead dissent and strife.
June 3, 2015 @ 5:34 pm
No what is sad is this should be about remembering Jon.
June 3, 2015 @ 7:05 am
Shameless promotion is adding your website to your name in the comment section of another site. The story was relevant to his audience, so he posted it. Just like WHPC did. Speaking of said site, you guys should put some work into that thing. If you’re going to put another person’s site on blast at least offer a better product. Who cares if there was a beef between the parties? The story was relevant to his audience. He has an obligation to report it. It’s people like you and jon’s friends that are part of the problem with music scenes all over this country. You get to know a few people or get to work with a few notable names and then you start believing you’re more important than you actually are. Get over yourself. If you’re so against trigger posting what he did, why even comment? Why feed into his “shameless self promotion” with another click? The subject matter wasn’t so sensitive to keep you from giving a link to your OPINION blog. Get off your cross lady, someone needs the wood.
June 2, 2015 @ 2:57 pm
“Don’t call me an outlaw, I’m a motherfucking gunslinger. Better keep your eye on my motherfucking TRIGGER finger”
I just keep hearing this song why I read the comments. The article is sincere and written very well like all Trigger’s articles. I don’t believe any disrespect was intended. Long Live Shooter and Trigger. Country music needs you both.
June 2, 2015 @ 3:26 pm
(This likely will not be posted, but I will write it anyways)
I have debated all day whether or not to get involved in this.
I knew Jon and considered him a friend. He and I talked at length last fall about this site and yourself, Trigger. It was obvious that you were not mutual admirers. And that’s fine. We seem to have forgotten that it’s ok to have differing opinions.
But that is why this issue has caused such a commotion. You had nothing nice to say about Jon in life, but now that he’s dead you chose to just let that go like it was never an issue. You’ll get no argument from me that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the original obituary you wrote. It was well written and respectful. But the fact is, Jon’s death does not erase the mutual dislike from the past.
When it was made clear that Mary and the family wanted the article taken down (Because make no mistake, Jon would not want to be published on this blog for ANY reason) and you hid behind the “broken link” excuse it just added fuel to the fire. It stunk of distaste and disrespect. It showed that you care more abut your blog and the hits it garners than you do about respecting the wishes of the grieving, and even the dead.
Links break every day, Kyle. Millions of times. The sun sets in the West, rises in the East, and the internet, and websites lives on. You didn’t even have to break the link. Simply changing the story to read “At the request of the family this article has been removed.Prayers and condolences to them in their time of sorrow” would have sufficed.
But you couldn’t do that. You had to hide behind your rights and “journalistic duties”. It should come as little surprise, then, that this lead to more people buying into your accused sensationalism and click baiting. In the last 24 hours this has spiraled out of control from an obituary to a post defending you and what you can, should, and will report. It has since become more about you than it has the deceased.
Your intentions here were, I believe, noble at the outset. But as soon as you had a chance to play the victim and flare up the issue you took it. There was a far more simple way to resolve this issue than defying the wishes of the grieving family and opening the floodgates for arguments and ill will from ALL sides, including yours.
That is all on you.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:06 pm
Venice: I am one of the more active SCM readers. I thought that Trigger attempting to be the bigger person and honoring Jon’s memory was a very mature and professional thing to do. Admittedly, it was maybe in poor taste, and I can understand some of the dissent. Some of these commenters have been reasonable, others have been unreasonable and offensive; this latter group of people have become internet terrorists, and because of these people, this issue has been perpetrated.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:41 pm
Well naturally when you have a debate with such an emotional attachment with it there are going to be those on each side with extremist views and comments. That’s just the world we live in today.It shouldn’t be representative of one side or another. It’s that whole “differing opinions being alright” bit I alluded to earlier.
I keep hearing that the high road was taken here, and while I understand that sentiment, the REAL high road would have been to simply say nothing at all, or make an effort to avoid controversy involving a man recently deceased.
Instead it has been allowed to degenerate into what it is, which has served no purpose to anyone.
June 2, 2015 @ 5:13 pm
How is that the high road? it’s indicative of harboring a grudge. The real high road would be to extend a hand and bury the hatchet, as Trigger did, even if it was maybe in poor taste.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:14 pm
I’m really struggling here with how something can be the high road, mature, and professional but also be in poor taste. Seems like a paradox to me.
June 3, 2015 @ 5:55 am
Josh: attempting to bury the hatchet when a man died is very mature and professional. However, those close to Jon knew that there was animosity between him and Trigger, and it offended them. Trigger probably should have waited until a larger source broke the news… no one did, unfortunately, but maybe that would have made this look less offensive. I dunno, the trolls don’t seem very rational.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:19 pm
So in other words, since Jon’s friends and family have all shown that they’re too upset to think clearly, suddenly it becomes Trigger’s problem that they can’t seem to comprehend the simple and respectful words of his original post? And then he’s required to circumvent his own work and life mission because some people are spewing hate, misrepresenting his words/actions/motives and trying to spread lies about him just because he didn’t get along with the person that the obit concerns? Why don’t you just write a single line about him bending over and taking it instead of a long paragraph next time if that’s all your comment is going to amount to? Since when did we start living in a world when a man isn’t allowed to defend himself without it being in “bad taste?” Give me a damn break.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:51 pm
We’re a small community. This isn’t big network news. This isn’t a competition for millions in ad revenue and sponsors.
This is a blog. An independent blog. Not a news source. Choosing to say nothing, or removing a controversial post at a highly delicate time about someone you are KNOWN to publicly dislike isn’t censorship. It’s not an attempt to ruin his blog, or discredit his work.
It’s common decency, and it’s one of the perks being AN INDEPENDENT BLOG has to offer which competitive news outlets don’t care to do.
You’re basically saying it is ok to sensationalize a story for whatever reason, which is funny because this BLOG (See what I’m doing there?) seems to consistently find itself under attack for doing just that.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:07 pm
I’m going to replay to your main comment Venice, but a couple of things:
First off, I see a lot of folks who love to couch Saving Country Music as a “blog.” I am not personally offended by that or anything, though I feel the scope and the length of posts (if not the quality) is a little different than most blogs. But whatever.
The main point I want to make is that the reach and the ratings that Saving Country Music has with search engines and such might surprise a lot of folks. I don’t want to act like I’m boasting so I’m not going to go into details, but I will say that I have broken and contributed many national stories with wide impact. And because of the level of original and lengthy content, this has resulted in ratings much higher than you would find in most “blogs.” Other folks can try to characterize this any way they want. But in the end it comes down to a numbers and ratings game, and Saving Country Music is rated at the same, or significantly higher than many other sites perceived to be much larger than this one. Because it is a Google-based site, people make assumptions on the size based on “likes” and such, but these numbers are disproportionate because of the apprach of this site to not rely on social network.
Also, just because I am independent really has no bearing on how I may or may not interface with news. I never pull content…but I did in this instance at the request of the family.
June 2, 2015 @ 6:21 pm
This odd fixation on the dislike or hate between people is fascinating. Particularly because I would expect anyone in the music business to develop a way to cope with criticism or negativity. So many of these comments about “disrespecting” someone remind me of fan sites where tweens rant about one artist or another. Maybe this crowd is just young, but the outrage…I feel like I’m watching a bunch of little feet stomping.
June 2, 2015 @ 8:00 pm
Who said anything about network news or competition? The only people implying that this “BLOG” only exists for such trivial pursuits are the folks that think that a respectful obituary is a party invitation to celebrate this man’s demise. It’s not Trigger’s fault that reading comprehension these days basically amounts to scanning with your feelings instead of surveying it with your eyes and thinking.
Really? You could have fooled me. 75% of the topics I read about around here, including obituaries, are things I wouldn’t have heard about elsewhere. The fact that this site is independent doesn’t detract from the writing, it enhances it. Trigger can say what he wants and in the manner he wishes to say it without trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I learn a lot by reading his articles. What’s your definition of “news source”?
And I’m pretty sure this story wasn’t sensationalized (and, to be honest, NONE of them are) until the angry commenters started spewing their venom. There isn’t a single thing sensationalized about what Trigger wrote, it’s the reactions of people that are sensational. Once again, give me a break.
June 2, 2015 @ 7:17 pm
First off, I just want you to know that there has been absolutely no effort to suppress anyone’s opinions or comments on this post aside from people saying such hate-filled things, they cross major lines. I think you can see by the comments, there has been plenty of dissent, and I would never not post anyone’s comment, especially on a subject such as this. Dissent is always encouraged here.
Second, you have referred to the family with plurality a few times. The only person that ever reached out to me from the family was Jon’s girlfriend. And she didn’t reach out to me until she charged anyone and everyone in her social network feeds to come here and strong arm me into doing something I had no instruction or explanation of why I was supposed to do it. I am not blaming her because I completely understand she was in a traumatic situation. But the “attack first, answer questions later” approach is what created this contentious environment in the first place, and continues to feed it. I have heard from nobody else in Jon’s family, and I have no information that they either desire or are requesting that the article be pulled.
Further more, I don’t have any information that Jon’s girlfriend still wants the article to be pulled. The last I spoke to her was I believe just before 1 AM last night. She told me to “do what you think is best in your heart,” and I pulled the article for an eight hour span at her request. As far as I know, that resolved this issue. Because her request remains pegged at the top of her social network feeds, it continues to feed individuals here who believe the pulling of the article is still an issue. From what I am able to gather, it is not.
Furthermore, I would find it very curious that with all the other issues surrounding the death of Jon, that whether I have posted or pulled my obituary is very very far down their priority list. It may appear otherwise because of what is pegged at the top of the social network feeds, but I have heard nothing from anyone in Jon’s family saying they take issue with this post. It is people who do not know that a solution was met and resolved last night and this morning, and from what I understand, everyone has moved on. If the reality is something different, the nobody has reached out to me to communicate that.
As far as breaking links: I am trying to resist getting too technical, but long story short, with a site like this, you just can’t break links. I don’t care who tells you otherwise, they are completely and totally wrong, and I proved that unequivocal last night. When things began to become contentious, I pulled the article from the site, meaning if you came to the site, you would not see it. However, because of caching, and because SCM uses a site called CloudFlare (https://www.cloudflare.com/), as much as an hour after I pulled the article, people were still reading it, and in droves because so many people were posting links on Facebook and Twitter and demanding folks come here and demand I take the article down. Basically, the campaign to take this article down was the very thing that kept it alive.
I called my server, and they said the only way the links would break is if I completely take down my website. Totally. Shut it down. And even then, Cloudflare would still serve links to people for a certain period, and when I restarted the website, people might still be able to access the article through a link (even though it would show up on the site itself). This was the logistical reality that necessitated me having to create a letter and taking down the obituary, but as I explained to everyone, because of the nature of people lying about what was in the obituary (which they were doing even when they were up), I could not pull it. I needed a physical representation so as not to be slander for what people were saying I said.
As I explained last night when so many people were asking me to pull the article: Pulling the article was the WORST thing that could have happened for THEM. It made it this sexy, elusive thing that everybody wanted to see, especially since without a physical representation of it, people could construe it to sat whatever they wanted. But in counter to my advisement, they insisted I pull it, so I did. And them I reposted it this afternoon, as I had communicated to everyone involved was my intention.
As for covering Jon Hensley, you, as everyone seems to assume, that my coverage of Jon in the past has been malicious. First off, I never really covered Jon Hensley. Once I included a note he sent out on the internet, and otherwise spoke about him without malice in his involvement with the Wayne Mills murder trial. This idea that I have been a staunch critic of Jon or have attacked him on this site is absurd. The one time I did mention him in a contentious situation was as a response to me he posted on Facebook.
Frankly, it NEVER occurred to me that people would have some problem with me posting an obituary, and nobody did for 2 1/2 hours until his girlfriend decided to mobilize folks and send them here. As soon as that happened, I did my best to attempt to resolve the situation amicably with Jon’s girlfriend, and as far as I know, it was resolved.
June 3, 2015 @ 5:52 am
Trigg: You’re a bigger man than I am for not just deleting the comments from these internet terrorists.
June 3, 2015 @ 4:34 pm
I heard from Mary this morning. She is still quite upset about your posting on the situation. She just has too many other concerns right now to be worried with you and this.
Again, it’s not what you said, it is that you said it. Your history with Jon and Shooter is not a bright one. How it started is irrelevant. Jon was not a fan of this site and would go to great lengths to distance himself from it.
The simple fact remains that posting about his passing was not even remotely a necessity for you. Had you chose not to post about it it wouldn’t have taken food from your table or dollars from your pocket. As many have said, Jon was not a major player in the landscape. He knew many, and most who knew him thought very highly of him. The chances are that the vast, vast majority of them would not have learned for his passing from this site. You stood to lose nothing by keeping silent on the matter.
Most who take issue with this see it as a slight. That you knew that posting even a respectful article on the piece would hurt Shooter and be a final thumb in the nose to Jon. Whether or not that is really the case is not my place to speculate, nor is it the point of any of my posts. I am dealing in only the facts here.
You had to have known this would create controversy. Any time you post anything Shooter related the feud flares up. Jon never hid that he didn’t care for your site, and therefore it stands to reason that he wouldn’t want to be posted about on it, even to bring news of his passing. And through it all, even through the requests of his family (who have openly supported Mary’s requests for you to remove the article) you have defended yourself and your choice, and acted as if though your freedoms have come under attack.
That is simply not the case. In more or less words the family and those close to Jon did not want his passing to be reported by you. Jon himself would agree if he only could. Whether or not that is right or wrong is not of issue. They are the grieving family, and it is within their rights to make that claim at this time.
I am well aware of how the internet works, I have done my fair share of design and hosting. And while you cannot control or prevent people from getting old cached versions of the page, simply changing the article to state that it had been removed out of respect for, and at the request of the family would have LONG before put this issue to bed. As has been said many times, there are plenty who took screen shots as proof that nothing you said was out of the way. I feel certain there would have been far less people up-in-arms over the changing of the post than you think.
Allowing the issue to spiral out of control to the point it has only serves the argument that you have used Jon’s passing to generate web traffic and serve yourself. Not that I am saying that is the case, but there is definite legs for that argument to stand on at this time.
You had a chance to either do the thing that was morally right, and simply change the post to read “At the request of the family of Jon Hensley this article has been removed. I wish them nothing but my deepest condolences at this time for their loss.” or stick to the reporter angle and upset a great many people and create an even greater deal of controversy.
What has the endgame been? Was it really worth it in the end to hold this lightning rod of controversy up above your head?
June 3, 2015 @ 6:10 pm
Venice: I won’t tell you you’re wrong. That is not for me to say.
Have you ever read the U.S constitution? There’s this thing called the First Amendment that guarantees anybody the right to say anything, barring things that are dangerous or incite harm. My problem here are the people who demand the article be taken down, because the writer is legally entitled to post whatever he wants. I also thought that in writing a respectful obituary of a man who didn’t like him, that the writer was being the bigger person and attempting to bury the hatchet.
Bottom line, I guess, is that Trig can post whatever he wants, no matter how upset anybody is, and that he’s the bigger person for trying to transcend whatever bad blood existed between the two parties.
June 3, 2015 @ 6:22 pm
IU’ve never said it wasn’t within his right to post what he wants. Obviously there is no reason he cannot.
But due to the delicacy of the situation and the way that it might have (And subsequently was, by many) interpreted it should have been less about the freedom of speech and more about respecting the man whom the article originally tried to show respect to.
It has pretty much turned into a moral battleground. Freedom of speech and press, or respecting the dead and the wishes of the immediate family?
June 3, 2015 @ 7:08 pm
It is a sign of respect to pay tribute to an individual when he passes away, and then to concern yourself about the circumstances surrounding his death, especially in this case when there continues to be questions and curious circumstances surrounding it. The ultimate sign of disrespect would be to ignore his death, and not show any concern of how it happened. Don’t think for one second that if I had not posted a obituary for Jon Hensley, individuals would have seized on that as an opportunity to claim bias an cold-heartedness on my part because it is clearly on my beat.
June 3, 2015 @ 7:21 pm
“even through the requests of his family (who have openly supported Mary”™s requests for you to remove the article) you have defended yourself and your choice, and acted as if though your freedoms have come under attack.”
First off, Mary Starr is an active part of this story now, and she is not in a position to demand information be redacted just because it is unflattering to her. Doing so would be a gross compromising of my journalistic integrity of the highest order. I have not heard from anyone else in Jon Hensley’s family.
Just over a week ago, B.B. King died. His two daughters insisted he was poisoned, and demanded many things of the media, insisting the media meet their demands as the bereaved. Luckily, the meida stuck to the facts, and didn’t allow emotion to compromise their journalistic integrity.
” it has only serves the argument that you have used Jon”™s passing to generate web traffic and serve yourself.”
If I wasn’t writing about Jon Hensley, I would be writing something else. And that would be generating web traffic. It might even be something generating more web traffic than this. The traffic this article has generated is nothing exceptional, and if anything, has been dramatically aided by the drama certain people have decided to make of it.
“What has the endgame been? Was it really worth it in the end to hold this lightning rod of controversy up above your head?”
My first endgame was to honor the passing of Jon Hensley. My second endgame is to give the public answers of why Jon Hensley died. Some would prefer you not know that Jon Hensley died. Many prefer that you not know HOW he died. Others would prefer you not know the circumstances surrounding his death. Even more would go as far as to threaten or enact public retribution and headhunting, send threats of hacking sites and social network properties, and threaten bodily injury and even death to keep me from telling you what happened to Jon Hensley. That is why I think it is imperative to serve this information to the public. If you ask me, right now I look like Jon Hensley’s best friend, because I seem to be one of the few concerned in determining what happened to him.
June 4, 2015 @ 6:05 am
And with that I have got what I came here for.
June 3, 2015 @ 5:38 pm
and yet you continue….
June 2, 2015 @ 3:26 pm
Thanks very much for lending your talent to the the SCM blog. I don’t always agree with your views but I am grateful to you everyday while I am reading your latest article(s). Your writing in my opinion rises beyond mere journalism to the level of literature. Keep up the great work.
June 2, 2015 @ 3:48 pm
Shew, drama much?? This thing has gotten so far out of hand, it’s ridiculous. I had never even heard of this guy before today, but the people coming out of the woodwork to bash this site have probably driven more traffic here than SCMs ever seen. It’s obvious that Trigger has become the outlet for the others grief. Threatening him and talking shit isn’t helping anyone. You’re so mad over a respectful obituary. Imagine if he had been famous, TMZ would be digging through his trash right now. That is disrespect. A nicely worded, non sensational, piece from the only site to even mention him, is not. It’s just country music, not the Wild West. This overblown “feud” is silly.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:13 pm
The reports are confirming a cocaine overdose
June 2, 2015 @ 4:14 pm
What in the utter HELL is going on around here all of a sudden? I love how all of you haters that claim to be friends of Mr. Hensley are acting like knowing him means you know the guy who wrote an obituary for him. I sure hope Fox News doesn’t get ahold of this information– scratch that, I hope they DO so all of your vitriol can go elsewhere.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:15 pm
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but if this had been an employee of a similar statured artist as Shooter Jennings, would an obituary been posted? Has the obituary of an employee of an artist ever been addressed on this site. If so, I stand corrected. If not, it does appear as if you were trying to stoke a old burning flame in bad taste.
June 2, 2015 @ 4:16 pm
It seems at this point that this whole argument has been overshadowing the death of this man to the point where this might be one of the most commented-on posts. People need to put past conflicts aside and agree that his death is a tragedy and that he should be honored. I wish the best for Jon’s family and friends, and I hope his death is not overlooked because of past arguments. When all is said and done, we are all people and should care when another person dies. The people coming here to argue are missing the whole point of this obituary. This man was taken too early, but all thats ignored because of past conflicts. This whole fued needs to be put aside by both sides, because what was originally an obituary to remember Jon has turned into petty squabbling that takes away from the real issue.