Kane Brown Says Morgan Wallen’s ‘N’-Word Incident Misunderstood

Ever since video leaked of Morgan Wallen using the ‘N’ word on camera on January 31st, 2021, the situation has been broadly mischaracterized by the media and others looking to exploit the situation as opposed to giving it the accurate portrayal such an important incident deserves.
Though belief is nearly universal that Morgan Wallen was in the wrong for using the word in any scenario and in any context, the characterization of it as a “racial outburst” has always lacked important details, and in a way that took a situation that could have been a teachable moment, and made it a reactive and polarizing situation that only increased the popularity of Morgan Wallen and allowed individuals to couch him as the actual victim.
As one of mainstream country music’s top Black stars, Kane Brown’s opinion on the incident matters greatly. Though he’s been silent on the matter now for well over a year, he is now talking on the matter. And similar to fellow Black country artist Jimmie Allen, Brown says the way the the incident was portrayed was lacking important context.
While speaking to The New York Times recently ahead of the release of his new album Different Man, Kane Brown said, “This is the first time I’ve ever even talked about this, but I personally know Morgan. I texted him that day. I told him he shouldn’t have said it, but also knowing Morgan, I knew that he didn’t mean it in the way that the world thought that he meant it. I think if it was in a different context, I probably would have been fighting.”
As opposed to a racial outburst, Morgan Wallen was quoting an often used phrase in hip-hop in a playful manner towards a white friend who he wanted to make sure was getting home safe after a night of drinking. The private moment was caught on a Ring doorbell, and later sold to TMZ, who published the video. Morgan Wallen later apologized on numerous occasions for his use of the word, as well as made $500,000 in donations to numerous Black charities.
A month after the incident, Black country artist Jimmie Allen also defended Wallen, saying in part, “He didn’t use the -er. So that’s why a lot of black people, we laughed at it. It was like, ‘Oh ok, well he said it right.’ True, you shouldn’t say it, but at the same time, just because I don’t agree with what he said doesn’t mean I should banish him.”
Jimmie Allen also went on to criticize how some in the press and on social media had exploited the incident to make it about themselves.
“That’s really kind of rubbed me the wrong way a lot of times, where I saw white people tweeting ‘I’m so offended. I can’t believe that you would do this. I’m so hurt.’ You’re not hurt … Now if people would have said ‘I don’t agree with this. He shouldn’t have used that. It’s a wrong word to use,’ that’s one thing. But when people start to use words like ‘offended’ … my grandfather told me at a young age when someone says something to someone else not directed at you that doesn’t affect you, the only way you can become offended is if you are so self-absorbed and you make something about you that’s not about you.”
“The extra stuff… I feel like people just want to be seen. I feel like sometimes people just want to be in the spotlight, you know what I mean? With the extra hurt. A lot of times it’s just nonsense to where people want to look cool on social media … Racism isn’t about what you post on your social media for the world to see, it’s about who you actually are, what you’re actually doing.”
The specific phrase Morgan Wallen used,”Pussy ass – -gga,” is common parlance in hip-hop songs. From the legendary gangster rap song “Straight Outta Compton,” to songs with the phrase as the specific title from Lil Boosie and 2 Live Crew, to the song “Die Slow” by Lil Durk, who collaborated with Morgan Wallen after the incident on the #1 hip-hop song “Broadway Girls,” that phrase comes up hip-hop commonly.
While the N-word should still should not be said by white individuals due to how it was historically used to systemically demean Black Americans, many Black Americans—including Kane Brown and Jimmie Allen—understand that Wallen was just parroting a commonly used phrase, as opposed to showing his disdain for anyone. They know this because so many Black Americans have heard the word used towards them in anger before.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:59 am
We sayin’ ninja now.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:42 am
That’s a good one.
How soon is the woke crowd going to cancel people for saying “ninja” when they’re really using it as a euphemism to get around using the other n-word?
Shut the front door!
September 13, 2022 @ 11:44 pm
The woke crowd can kick rocks for all I care. Next week will be some other imaginary hate crime, or non issue. We really spent an entire year freaking out about a drunk guy and his ramblings. With all thats going on in the country, pun intended, and this is what people spend time on? Really? Its all Virtue signaling BS anyways. The same people pissed at Morgan and calling for his head, then spent the next hour listening to Kendrick call women b’s, hoes, say the n word constantly, celebrate gun culture, etc…. Yet, we go at Morgan. Umm..Ok…..
September 14, 2022 @ 7:16 am
Unfortunately, they’re not going to kick rocks. They’re going to keep marching toward the destruction of everything you hold dear. And as long as well-meaning members of civil society, like Trigger, keep granting the premise, the communists will eventually win.
September 14, 2022 @ 5:44 am
The Insane Clown Posse has been saying that for years as they are white underneath all the makeup.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:08 am
People are more worried about not saying a word than they are about treating people equally. It’s shallow but their barometer for being a good person is staying away from just one single word. It’s also amusing that the media demonizes the use of the word… but they are all hope and probably pray that someone will utter the word.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:13 am
It was an incident blown way out of proportion. It is not a nice word but there are a number of other not nice words. The word should not be used but it is used all the time within the black community. Kane Brown makes a valid comment.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:34 am
It’s been over a year, let’s just move on.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:12 am
I would absolutely love to move on from this incident. But it continues to be used to unfairly portray the entirety of country music. And since the prevailing media narrative is untethered from reality as Kane Brown smartly points out, it’s imperative for someone to step up, and make sure proper context is given, however popular or unpopular it is.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:52 am
I hope “Kane Brown say” in the headline is just a typo and not an attempt at Ebonics.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:08 am
We need more surveillance. This type of behavior is not acceptable.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:34 am
Go back to your safe space RJay. Words are frightening.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:49 pm
Oh, if only for a sarcasm font.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:04 pm
Sarcasm or irony loses its bite if you announce that you’re being employing it. It’s a lot more effective if you let sophisticated people figure it out for themselves. Unfortunately, that tends to get one into trouble with all the literalists out there/
September 14, 2022 @ 1:48 am
I’m a literal person. Do you have a problem with that?
September 13, 2022 @ 9:14 am
This world has gone to shit because too many woke people want a cause to support, whether it’s about them or not. I live in Appalachia and have experienced a lot of stereotyping because of my accent and where I come from. When I became an officer in the military, myself and others with a deep country or Southern accent were looked at as less smart than those that came from other parts of the country without the same accent. We had to prove ourselves to a higher degree than others. I never felt offended, but I did operate with a chip on my shoulder every single day and it drove me to work harder and try to be better than everyone else. I’ve always felt that it would do me no good to feel victimized/offended. I’ve always thought that when you feel victimized/offended you are, to a tiny degree, accepting that you are less than those that make you feel that way. I hope that black Americans will use that feeling as a chip on their shoulders to prove people wrong, rather than feel like a victim and let anger demoralize them. I think the role of white Americans is to keep their mouths shut when it comes to speaking out or jumping on the bandwagon of a cause that doesn’t pertain to them. We should say that using that word is wrong, but as Jimmy Allen talked about, we don’t have the the ability to decide when and how a black person should feel in these circumstances. The woke folks and self serving politicians that jump on these bandwagons are worse than Morgan Wallen because they demonstrate an incredible level of arrogance. I don’t want people that aren’t from Appalachia to protest for my people in any form, and I don’t think most black people feel that they need white Americans to defend them; black people are plenty capable of defending themselves against racism. I think it’s OK for white people to support black people, but to suggest that we “feel their pain” enough to take to the streets is self serving and an attempt to feel good about one’s self. I admire Jimmy Allen and Kane Brown. Their evaluation of the incident shows an incredible level of maturity.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:35 am
This comment makes a lot of sense. I also think that people fail to realize that things like Black Lives Matter is literally a cause to say that everyone should matter, and that we have brothers and sisters feeling (and also statistically proven to be) targeted and less than. There are a lot of things that go into oppression, some of which don’t always make it easy to just get up and prove others wrong – there are vicious cycles of oppression – but I totally understand what you are saying. None of us should experience discrimination based on who we are. That’s what drives me crazy about the extreme right and the extreme left – it voids the rest of us from having any real conversation and growing. Cancel culture voids a safe space to learn, and extreme right culture makes people feel completely unsafe in their skin. Privilege never says that your life isn’t hard – it just says that particular thing isn’t something that made your life harder.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:03 am
Can you provide examples where someone — in the military or elsewhere — denied you a promotion, denied you an opportunity for advancement, denied you a bank loan or denied you anything freely extended to others because you have a “Southern accent”?
Then maybe explain why a Southern accent never seems to diminish how people view Lindsey Graham, Jimmy Carter, Reese Witherspoon, Morgan Freeman, Matthew McConaughey and I could go on and on. One of those people even became President.
Was your level of education (and the quality of the schools you attended) on par with or better than those of people without accents? Might there be other reasons for the feelings you perceived, like the fact public schools in the South have historically been underfunded and, with a few exceptions, have underperformed their counterparts in other states?
I get the sense you’re wanting to claim victimhood without saying you’re a victim.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:18 am
” …as opposed to giving it the accurate portrayal such an important incident deserves.”
Let’s get something straight.
This was not an “important incident.”
Stop pouring kerosene.
September 13, 2022 @ 12:38 pm
Its an important incident because it shows how annoying doorbell cameras are.
Surveillance is killing all the fun.
I don’t need to know what someone on the other side of the world once said while drunk.
But otherwise I agree.
September 13, 2022 @ 2:09 pm
Touche’, Blackh4t.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:24 am
It was an incident blown way out of proportion. It is not a nice word but there are a number of other not nice words. The word should not be used but it is used all the time within the black community. Kane Brown makes a valid comment.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:20 am
Kane Brown’s comment doesn’t quite line up with your comment.
I told him he shouldn’t have said it, but also knowing Morgan, I knew that he didn’t mean it in the way that the world thought that he meant it. I think if it was in a different context, I probably would have been fighting.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:30 am
I saw Wallen on an Instagram Live asking fans not to make excuses or defend him for what he did, and that he has learned the impact and the seriousness of what he did. That won it back over for me, I think he truly did the work.
By the way, parroting a phrase that others use, or as someone said above, because black people say it, doesn’t make it ok.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:31 am
Totally agree. But that is different than using it in anger towards a Black person. This was important context some worked to obfuscate to sensationalize the story.
September 14, 2022 @ 8:10 am
Did you not from day 1 suggest he should be punished? Why? If you admit the context is different and it is, let’s be clear he didn’t say it to a group of blacks to demean, intimidate or put down them, he used it on a white friend. Why then did you call for his cancellation in the immediate aftermath? He did nothing wrong. Why then was he banned? Let’s be crystal clear here, Nashville let killers, rapists, adulterers and cheaters stay on the radio in the aftermath of this yet pulled Morgan. Seems fair and just to me! We as a society need to support Morgan. I unapologetically supported him and I still do. He’s a good guy. The way people in country just dropped him like that is incredibly disturbing. Why is dropping the n word in a non racist way a cancelable offense but rape, murder, violence or deameaningg women NOT one? Country and rap are filled with such characters and no one says a goddamn thing about it. This song incident was a way for woke Country to assert dominance. And those folks have no place in our music or nation.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:12 pm
Black people saying n****r isn’t what makes it “okay” to say. It’s okay to say, because we live in a post-racial society, where words like n****r are no longer taboo. Rap culture has permeated everything, and with that it’s slang.
A generation and a half have now grown up in this environment. They couldn’t care less what pasty, old, pseudo-offended, white whiners think.
September 14, 2022 @ 4:37 am
We live in a post-racial society? That’s ridiculous.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:25 am
Hi Kris,
Peak post-racialism occurred in about 2006. Since that time, we have been slowly sliding back down the hill due to a concerted effort from communists in the media, academia, politics, etc.
But we won’t fully be back into the abyss of societal racialism, until the generation after Z begin to have kids. We are currently living in the afterglow of the most culturally harmonious society that ever existed. Young people in this country have no idea what racism is, and they interact with each other accordingly.
Trigger’s position on this issue is well-meaning, but he’s middle-aged, and out of touch.
September 15, 2022 @ 8:55 am
Some incredible minds on this website wow tell me more about how we ended and restarted racism in 2006 when the communists brought it back lmfaooooooo what rat-infested hole in the floor of somebody else’s trailer do you scrounge around in for this wild shit? who do you talk to in real life is a big question of mine? where do you dig up people willing to just lick up the dog shit that dribbles from your mouth every day on this website or do you just have to meet up for circle jerks with the ones you met on here?
September 13, 2022 @ 9:34 am
Rednecker is our word, you can say rednecka
September 13, 2022 @ 11:35 am
September 13, 2022 @ 9:42 am
It is okay to have a strong reaction to the video and the use of the word. I have actually racist family members who mean it when they say it, so continued social commentary that makes them question (even for a sliver of a second) their thinking, is worthwhile in my mind.
That said, if you’re an old millennial like me, you’re full of shit if you blow this out of proportion. Who amongst us is not guilty of being 20-ish and drunk at a kegger/bar/tailgate signing every word of Golddigger or Damn it feels good to be a gangsta at least once between 2004-2010. God I’m glad high res video phones didn’t exist in my 20’s.
September 15, 2022 @ 3:58 pm
Signing those lyrics would have be amazing, too bad there isn’t video. The talent to sign that would be admirable. ????
I’m not guilting of ‘singing’ the stuff you mention because I’ve always had great taste in music. ????
Of course, I kid a little Nope. I never got into rap or hip-hop. I get your point, though.
As for Wallen. He was just an easy target by the media and other social justice dildos who are offended by everything but their own actions.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:49 am
“Jimmie Allen also went on to criticize how some in the press and on social media had exploited the incident to make it about themselves.”
Perfect summation of this incident and so many others. The scolding class gonna keep on scolding though.
September 13, 2022 @ 10:29 am
Well Jason Isbell doesn’t know what to do now.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:00 am
The Scolder-in-chief.
September 16, 2022 @ 9:37 am
He’ll do what he does best, whine and moan about how oppressed he and others are. And then lecture others about politics and then virtue signal. He is a loser.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:30 am
So BAD you can’t even type it! Even in a quote. Definitely can’t utter it in quoting him. Just the very sound of those syllables arranged in such an order is so traumatic and harmful.. it’s literally VOLDEMORT
Thanks for reminding everyone that we are in the midst of a moral panic in regards to race in this country.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:43 am
None of the communists in the media/influencer/academia class who called Morgan Wallen a racist, are the least bit concerned about racism; communists can read; they know the data. Using Morgan Wallen as a tool, to destroy Country Music, an American cultural institution, is the goal.
Trigger is complicit in this goal, because he denounces things that communists demand he denounce, like “racism”. When the journalistic voice of traditional Country Music denounces “racism”, he inadvertently associates himself with racism, playing right into the hands of the communist. Only a racist needs to denounce racism.
September 13, 2022 @ 2:38 pm
Conflating virtue signaling with a communist conspiracy is absolutely bat shit crazy. I guess I’m racist since I say I don’t l like racism. You just can’t win in these ignorant times. Somebody hand me a white hood please.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:07 pm
Read Tortured for Christ. A lot of people in Romania thought a Communist conspiracy was a bunch of bull.
Then people started getting locked by the “tolerant” Communist regime.
There is a term Communists used for people of that thought process: useful idiots.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:51 pm
There have been communist conspiracies in this country since the late 1800s. The ruling class has been exploiting that fact to scare the far right into accepting totalitarianism for decades, even tho a socialist takeover has never even come close to actually happening. The Constitution is designed to thwart any kind of collectivism. So, who are the useful idiots really? John Birchers, Tea Partiers, Qanon, etc.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:59 pm
Hi Jerry,
Destroying a nation founded on rebellion and liberty takes a LOT of time, decades in fact. Do you know much about world history?
For a Constitution to work, all stakeholders must adhere to it. Once the social compact is broken, a Constitution becomes a piece of paper with ink on it.
I know you have no way of knowing me, but I have no use for conspiracy theories, particularly when there are so many real things to be concerned about.
September 16, 2022 @ 9:35 am
How many John Birchers exist in 2022? That’s similar to the nonsense MSDNC and CNN spout off 24/7 about mythical Proud Boy army wanting to lynch everyone, which is ridiculous. And as far as QAnon, there is no QAnon. There is Q and Anons but QAnon is a media created fantasy.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:53 pm
Making a big deal about Twitter flakes is just silly.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:43 pm
The virtue signalers are useful idiots. They know nothing, and believe anything…except the truth. I’m not talking about the useful idiots. There are useful idiots on both sides.
I specifically called out the narrative drivers; they are communists. Destruction is the communist’s goal. In order to destroy a cultural institution, the communist must make it so unpopular, that a majority of said institution’s previous adherents willingly disassociate themselves with the institution, for fear of being associated with something civil society considers abhorrent; in this case, racism. It’s so easy for the communist to use the values of civil society, against civil society.
If the communist can get thought-leaders of a particular institution, which Trigger IS for C(c)ountry Music, to constantly try to convince the world that the institution they represent is not the abhorrent thing the communist says it is, the communist has effectively associated that institution with the abhorrent thing. And by doing so, has made it harder and harder for civil society, which is filled with useful idiots, to feel comfortable openly associating themselves with the institution. Eventually, the institution will be banished from the public square, defacto destroying it.
Jerry, think about it like this. You have a conscience; you know rape and murder are wrong. Civil society knows rape and murder are wrong. Why don’t we all run around constantly denouncing rape and murder? It’s because we all already innately know those things are wrong. It’s the same with racism.
The Wallen ordeal was a great opportunity for the communist to do some damage to C(c)ountry Music. And Trigger, who is a well-meaning member of civil society, has really helped them out. The more he tries to convince the world that neither he nor C(c)ountry Music are racist, the more closely associated both he and C(c)ountry Music become with “racism”, in the eyes of useful idiots, who are also part of civil society.
September 16, 2022 @ 9:52 am
Communist country music should not exist. Communists, and anti american artists need to get the fuck out of country music. Get the fuck out!
September 13, 2022 @ 7:09 pm
Well Well, King Honky. Let me see if I understand this correctly…. You’re conflating communists and non-racists, yet you’re very adamant that you’re not a communist. To follow your argument to its logical conclusion, it’s pretty obvious that “you’re selling sheets on the family plan,” to quote Willie, and for some reason you feel compelled to share that on a country music website. And the reason you’re always attacking Trigger is that you’re frustrated that you’re not finding a lot of buyers on this website? That’s my best guess…
Maybe you’d be happier if you found a bridge to live under, since that’s where trolls normally hang out?
September 13, 2022 @ 7:52 pm
Hi Bob,
I realize your emotions run rampant when you read things you either don’t understand, or disagree with, but I would appreciate it if you would at least attempt to argue against what I actually say. The unintentional strawman is the most common thing I see here from the overwhelming majority of commenters who reply to me.
99%+ of Earth’s population is not racist, because as I stated, the human is born with a conscience. The conscience tells the human that certain things are immoral: rape, murder, hatred, etc. The communist is cunning, and understands human nature. The communist uses the human’s conscience against the human, for the purpose of destruction. The reason it’s so easy to get you to denounce “racism”, is because you innately know that hating someone for no reason is immoral.
I “attack” Trigger, because he is a gifted individual with a major platform, who is shockingly naive for a man with his abilities. He doesn’t help C(c)ountry Music, or the nation from which it came, by constantly playing along with these race games. He is doing harm, while believing he is doing good. I have to say something about it. If I didn’t say something, it would be like watching a blind man walk toward a cliff, and not saying a word to try to stop him. I have a moral obligation to speak up. Also, I love C(c)ountry Music, and America.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:05 am
The goal of the media is money and fame. That’s it. Businesses want to make money and their staffs want to be famous. So they’ll exploit every opportunity to get those goals. If blowing up the Wallen incident helps achieve those results that’s what they’ll do. If other companies see an opportunity defending Wallen then they’ll do that. Same tactics, opposite sides. Almost no one wants to destroy a genre of music or various American traditions they just don’t care about collateral damage in their quest for money and attention.
Sure some people believe the propaganda of the right and the left but those people are idiots who pick and choose their beliefs to line up with their existing biases rather than attempting to objectively analyze situations independently. The comfort of ideology is that it removes the need for critical thought in favor of easily digestible, one size fits all slogans.
And while many of the proponents of ideas you disagree with may hold leftist political and economic views I can assure you that it isn’t communism that’s the impetus behind the media. The drive for money, power and fame is as capitalist as it gets.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:31 am
Ryan S,
Yes, communists love money; no doubt that’s true. You’re on the right track. Keep sniffing and you’ll find the truth.
You currently have a very surface-level understanding of what communism is. Also, corporatism is not capitalism.
September 13, 2022 @ 1:01 pm
This is as balanced a post on the subject as I have seen. And appreciation goes to Kane Brown and others for stating what to us was the obvious. The guilty white liberals cannot accept reason, but their hypocritical championing shows us they are NOT concerned about the issues at hand. They just use these incidents to further their political agendas.
September 13, 2022 @ 1:10 pm
I think two things can be true at the same time…
1) He shouldn’t have used the word.
2) I believe his apology is sincere and that he deserves forgiveness.
Now I can take turns loving some of his music (Sand in My Boots) and hating some of it (Wasted on You or whatever electro hip hop country track he releases).
September 13, 2022 @ 1:12 pm
As a black country music artist who lives in Nashville and works alongside many of these peers, I’d have to say Jimmie (especially Jimmies) and Kane’s offerings on the matter are valid but definitely harm others who look like them and are trying to work in this community. Theirs nor mine speaks for every black person but it’s common knowlege that this racial slur offends and traumitizes more than not NO MATTER how or what context it is said in, it’s the same word. The biggest issue with this situation is that before people of color who love country music and work in it were even able to process that that one of the biggest rising stars in the genre casually says the n word- we were already being told to get over it and forgive and were given excuses as to why this had happened. The mere fact that he became MORE POPULAR after saying a racial slur says a lot about where we are in the genre. The word is so bad that folks dont even type it out. This is why this has gone on so long. A person being unable to be nominated in a few categories for a year does not attest to the fact that in our daily lives we had to see him still headline gigs soon after, listen to his fans berate people on every social media platform with support and are told to tolerate and persevere. An artist is a reflection of their fans and fans are a reflection of the artist they admire. He may have apologized but his fan’s love for him grew stronger seconds after said incident and unapologetically they did. Country Music already has invisible barriers for certain artists and fans that most have a hard time even recognizing but seeing so MANY fans, artists, and some of the industry support him before making the effort to acknowledge the destruction that was caused by this event tells more about the work that needs to be done within the country music community and why people stereotype it the way they do.
September 13, 2022 @ 2:27 pm
Serious Questions.
If a white person is at a Kendrick Lamar concert, are they allowed to sing along with the songs that have this word? Or do they have to omit the parts of the song that contain this word? Are there written rules for this anywhere because I’m a very confused person when it comes to this.
I’m not sure how many albums in the Top 20 of the Billboard 200 use this word on a regular basis, but I’m going to guess 5. It seems this word is common in popular culture so I don’t understand how the use of this word in the pop culture context is destructive.
Is there a pamphlet or something on this?
September 13, 2022 @ 3:36 pm
September 13, 2022 @ 11:23 pm
THIS! Rap music is full of degrading and disturbing words and references. N words every other word. Yet thats acceptable. Why is it acceptable for one race to say it and another race not to? If we want to ban it, we need to ban its use by EVERYONE. Selectively going, “you cant say this word, but we can” is the sort of logic you’d find on a 2nd grade playground or something childish like that. Its nonsensical. Either the word needs to be banned outright so Tupac, Biggie, Drake, Kanye, and all other artists would get canceled along with Morgan and others, or its acceptable by everyone. Its cut and dried.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:19 am
There are people in the Black community that also believe they’re doing their own people a disservice by using that word. Others believe that using it among each other is a way to take the power of the word against them away from others. I am with you. I think we should all stop using the word. But as the old saying goes, “two wrongs don’t make a right.”
September 13, 2022 @ 2:37 pm
Serious Questions.
If a white person is at a Kendrick Lamar concert, are they allowed to sing along with the songs that have this word? Or do they have to omit the parts of the song that contain this word? Are there written rules for this anywhere because I’m a very confused person when it comes to this.
I’m not sure how many albums in the Top 20 of the Billboard 200 use this word on a regular basis, but I’m going to guess 5. It seems this word is common in popular culture so I don’t understand how the use of this word in the pop culture context is destructive.
Is there a pamphlet or something on this?
September 13, 2022 @ 3:29 pm
No pamphlet needed. Very simple. Just don’t say racial slurs at all. Period. Song lyrics or not. You’ll live and get along just fine if you do just that. The world makes it seems hard or like it’s rocket science but it’s really not. As simple as that. Don’t.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:52 pm
Ok. Why is Kendrick Lamar allowed to say ‘cracker’? I understand that the slurs are not ‘equivalent’ but why is one group of people allowed to ‘slur’ and the other not?
Coates in the Vox article says a man wont call a woman ‘bitch’ because he is not in that category (female) and his white friends call a cabin ‘white trash cabin’ but Coates would never call it that because he is not white. And it’s this premise for why Coates comes to his ‘incredibly clear’ conclusion that white people can’t say the bad word.
Lamar doesn’t follow these rules in his song N95. You’d think if the world agreed that racial slurs are prohibited, then they should be prohibited across the board? Same for misogynistic slurs like ‘bitch’? I’m asking honest questions here. Perhaps not the place for this conversation? Thanks.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:15 pm
Just to clarify, I agree with your comment ‘Just don’t say racial slurs at all.’ It just seems this standard only applies to white people in the entertainment industry. Not picking on Lamar here, just using as an example.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:56 pm
Just because you want to think it’s simple doesn’t make it so.
You’re not the king of the world who can issue orders and say “Period” and make it law.
BTW, I’ve never called a black person by “the word” in my life, but I have said the word in discussions where it was pertinent and in quoting writers and artists, black and white.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:57 pm
I think your comments are garbage. At some point all people that have to refuse to be a victim. It’s stunning to me that you would feel so destroyed by a damn word uttered by a drunk dude that isn’t exactly a genius, I lived a shitty life from day one. I was born in extreme poverty in a holler in Eastern Kentucky. My parents were high school dropouts that spent most of their time trying to kill each other. I’ve was afraid, abused, beaten by an alcoholic step father, went to bed hungry and scared for my life a few times. I attended the shittiest of schools. My first college professor asked me if I had climbed under the fence to escape, another told me that everyone where I grew up was racist and that she needed people like me to pump her gas. The fact that you are so weak minded and emotionally sensitive to the point that a word uttered by a drunk 20 year old moron hurts you so deeply says more about you than him. He’s a dumbass for saying the word, but we all do dumbass things in life. However, any person, regardless of race, religion, etc. that is so weak minded and emotionally immature enough to let this kind of high school, trash talking bullshit hurt them and in any way effect the direction of their life, their self worth, or their happiness should look on the mirror and be ashamed of themselves that they are that weak and that they don’t have the strength and character to persevere. How long are you willing to be a victim? How long are you going to let another man or woman dictate your feelings? Is your self worth so tied up into what Morgan Wallen or any other person says that you just want to give up and go cry on your pillow. Everybody faces hardships. I have zero sympathy for any man, regardless of race, that doesn’t have the character to determine the what will become of their life. It’s hard for me to believe that any black person would waste one second of their life giving a damn what Morgan Wallen says. Grow the fuck up, develop a spinal chord. and fight through the obstacles. Everybody has them, every single fucking human. I served two tours in the Middle East and sometimes I’m just a damn shamed at what a bunch of weak ass wimps I fought to protect from terrorists. People like you are an embarrassment to the hardships our ancestors faced and the courage they displayed to build a nation where we have luxuries they couldn’t even imagine, and we jare worried about Morgan Freaking Wallen hurting our sensitive little hearts.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:23 pm
Interesting. I grew up in a small town in Central Kentucky probably just about 45 minutes to an hour from you perhaps. There’s a difference between playing victim and speaking up/taking up for yourself and for others. “Cancel culture” is literally just accountability. You seem to lack compassion and empathy for others due to your tough upbringing but that doesn’t mean you have to project and insult people you disagree with. Morgan Wallen is not 20 nor a child in fact he is currently 29 years old and should have known better but even more so, so should you know to aggressively attack a stranger in the manner in which you did. I suggest therapy or a long hike even. Seriously man.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:34 pm
You are a joke. People with your ideology prevent too many black Americans from getting out of poverty. When you tell an entire race of people that they gave a built in excuse (the white man) for not being successful, you are a bad human. People who claim that there’s mass racism in the US demoralize black people from even trying to better there lives. The same garbage goes on where I grew up. Appalachia is just a white man’s ghetto. On top of that, dirt bag politicians benefit greatly from keeping black people poor and dependent on the govt. just like where I grew up. All people involved in this scheme are immoral beyond belief. Anyone that can’t see through this stuff is the person in need of therapy.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:06 pm
Hey CountryMusician,
Thanks for adding to the discussion, and sharing your perspective.
I definitely agree that word is hurtful regardless of the context. But I also think the context is important to understand that Morgan Wallen didn’t mean it in a hurtful way. That is what is so frustrating to me about this incident. It could have been a teachable moment for so many folks about the gravity of that word. And if you actually listen to Morgan Wallen’s apologies, him telling his fans, “Don’t defend me,” and saying that he’s learned that he should no use that word at any time, that is what could have come from this situation.
However, some individuals in the media and in academia saw this incident as an opportunity. It was good click bait. It allowed them to sow clout for themselves on social media. This is what Jimmie Allen was alluding to, and it’s true. I saw much of this myself. They could fundraise for their organizations from it. And so they not only did not accept Morgan Wallen’s apology, they said he never apologized. The Black Music Action Coalition and Rolling Stone collaborated to falsely state that Morgan Wallen did not make his full $500,000 donation, because they wanted more money from him. This is what has fueled so much of the “more popular now” dynamic. Some of Morgan Wallen’s fans are just racist idiots. But some saw that people in the media and the elite Twitter set were exploiting the situation, and they took offense. They began to see Morgan Wallen as the victim, and doubled their support for him.
This is a very complex situation. But I’ve always said what Morgan Wallen did was wrong and deserved consequences. But I’ve also seen the people capitalizing off the incident, and some outright lying about it in positions of power. And it’s my job as a journalist to try and find the truth, and present it to the public.
What Kane Brown said was the truth. The situation was not like most of the world believed it to be. It was still bad and unfortunate. But it wasn’t a racist outburst. It was a drunk idiot saying some stuff he never should have said.
September 13, 2022 @ 1:50 pm
“…the destruction that was caused by this event…”
Do you watch the news?
Familiarize yourself with what is going on, around the globe?
Think you need to acquaint/reacquaint yourself with the meaning of destruction.
September 13, 2022 @ 2:21 pm
Words “destruct” people, words can “destruct” societies and the globe and they do every day. In case you haven’t been living in America for the past few years. Words can “destruct” a career, words can “break relationships”, and the right or wrong words can “destruct” a family or someone’s mental health. Let’s not go on a tyrant about the word destruction. Not everything is related to what you see on the news. I think you need to reacquaint yourself with other’s daily lives and acknowledge other’s thoughts outside of your own.
September 13, 2022 @ 3:53 pm
“Let’s not go on a tyrant about the word destruction.”
Asking respectfully for you to explain your use of the word, tyrant, in this discussion. And, specifically in the above sentence.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:29 pm
DiHarris & RJay,
It’s no use.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:41 pm
“tirade” is the word i was meaning of course. But i do find it quite comical that me using the words “destruction and tyrant” have beeb called into question and concern but the N word feels like it’s completely up for debate for y’all that anyone can say it.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:15 pm
Interesting. I grew up in a small town in Central Kentucky probably just about 45 minutes to an hour from you perhaps. There’s a difference between playing victim and speaking up/taking up for yourself and for others. “Cancel culture” is literally just accountability. You seem to lack compassion and empathy for others due to your tough upbringing but that doesn’t mean you have to project and insult people you disagree with. Morgan Wallen is not 20 nor a child in fact he is currently 29 years old and should have known better but even more so, so should you know to aggressively attack a stranger in the manner in which you did. I suggest therapy or a long hike even. Seriously man.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:39 pm
@ CountryMusician,
is this post for me?
Ok, here it is.
You say you possibly grew up an hour from me?
In Central Kentucky?
From Louisville, i am straight up I-65 for about an hour. Then a bit West.
Thinking you are talking growing up near Bowling Green?
On average, i am in the Louisville area, once every 2 months.
Would love to come to your town, take you to lunch, take our time over a glass of unsweet iced tea. (Sweet tea *shudder*)
Anyway, listen to, & Totally hear you out.
Bet by the time we declare lunch to be over, you will see that we have much more in common, than not.
And, if you are busy in Nashville, being a musician, would be happy to drive to Tennessee, hear what you can throw on the table.
But, be wary…
Will expect you to TOTALLY bring your A game.
If not, will give you a little smack upside the head.
Cause, Gas ain’t cheap, brother
September 14, 2022 @ 9:56 am
Hey bud- it’s not the role of black people to explain their world to ignorant whites who don’t believe them. You’re asking a stranger in the internet to meet you in person, with a little casually vague threat of violence. Sounds like a hot date.
September 13, 2022 @ 4:32 pm
It might be.
i want to give it a chance
September 13, 2022 @ 4:45 pm
So some people feel disrespected by his use of the words, I guess they were ok with him basically being kicked off radio and such for a long time. But these same people who felt disrespected by him criticize his fans for sticking up for him and playing his music in spite of it all. Maybe they need some intervention. There is more than one way to be a bad person. It doesn’t all hang around the racial stuff.
September 14, 2022 @ 8:07 pm
Wait, your seriously telling me, this country isnt full of roving bands of proud boys and nazis and white nationalists who will hang people? MSDNC, and the failing NY Times tell me otherwise. I spend all day in front of fake news, and Im told Trump is Hitlers less intelligent brother, and that a mysterious band of Proud Boys will harm us all! Wow, this is news to me. I just cannot believe this. Did you know, evidently I was told, Trump is a russian asset! I am so stunned. And of course we protested Bush winning in 2000, and Bush winning in 04, and Trump winning in 2016. But Ill be damned sure and loud and proud to say no way in HELL was 2020 stolen. Thats insurrectiony. Well, I gotta bounce, my altar to Fauci, and Don lemon is calling me.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:13 pm
Some of you folks need to get out more and be around the youth of today. The word N***a is common place speak coming out of the mouths not just black kids or white kids but every other race as well.
To me it is bizarre to hear it but this is how a lot of them speak. And the f word is just about every 3rd or 4th word out their mouths too.
It’s the gen z culture. You don’t have to understand it or accept it but they come from a different world of their own and stop looking at them through 1980’s lenses.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:37 pm
Wallen was born in 1993, so he’s the Millennial generation’s youngest brother. Gen Z was born later, around 2000. Pew has them at 1996-7, but that’s too early and too complicated to remember. The “young people hitting college now” are Gen Z.
And we can use whatever lenses we like. As in: “Gen Z is functionally illiterate and has the attention span of a baby chimpanzee.”
September 13, 2022 @ 5:50 pm
You are correct, Simon. It was 100% okay for Wallen to call his friend a ni***r. Morgan Wallen loves black folks so much, that he has adopted their slang, as have millions of people under 30, of all races, all over the world. Rap is the pop music of today’s generation.
Morgan’s mistake was apologizing for it. He legitimized his “racism” the moment he apologized.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:49 pm
“Morgan’s mistake was apologizing for it. He legitimized his “racism” the moment he apologized.“
Underrated take.
September 16, 2022 @ 8:59 am
It’s funny how you keep typing the n-word, as said by Wallen, with an “er” at the end, which is in itself fake news. I don’t know you and can’t read your mind, but I get the feeling you’re just getting off on it a little bit, because if Morgan “adopted their slang” it sure wouldn’t be with and “er”, nor was it.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:48 pm
Morgan wallen is happy the whole thing made him a star right? Says a racial slur and becomes the biggest star in country music.
Cause that’s the thing it made him huge. It’s why most people at his concerts these days like him. Which I think regardless of what you think of wallen himself reflects very poorly on those people who became fans specifically because of it.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:39 pm
Says the n word and next thing you know his album stays at number 1 for record length and becomes one of the biggest stars in the genre within weeks of him doing so. His fans are a reflection of him and vise versa. So easy to see. And that’s exactly why country music will always have a hard time escaping some very true stereotypes.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:53 pm
This is incorrect. Morgan Wallen was the #1 artist in country music well before the incident. It was the incident, and his fans swelling and fighting back against his attempted cancellation that sent him into the stratosphere.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:22 pm
Yes. That’s why i said “stayed at number 1” because i am aware that he was already there. But being launched into the stratosphere for your career because your fans are fine with racial slurs is the disgusting part and the issue at hand. “canceling” is literally just “accountability” and some times you lose things when you make hard to forgive mistakes.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:14 pm
Yes, I was responding to Harris.
The whole “cancelling” thing is very complex. It can backfire way more than it can help with anything. That is what I was trying to tell people during the attempted cancellation of Morgan Wallen in real time. I wrote multiple articles basically saying, “Hey folks, by trying to bury Morgan Wallen, you’re making this worse.” It was cast off as me “defending Morgan Wallen” or being a racist.
We’re seeing that same exact thing with Brittany Aldean at the moment. The more the media and Twitter denounce her, the more powerful and popular she has become. Just like Morgan Wallen, she’s become a folk hero against the “woke.”
When you let anger cloud your judgement, you fail to see the big picture. People wanted a bowl of blood with Morgan Wallen. If they would have just accepted his numerous apologies, just like Morgan did his removal from radio and awards shows for a year as punnishment, he’d probably be half as big as he is now, which incidentally, would still probably make him one of the biggest artists in country music, because that’s where he started when this all erupted.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:22 pm
Hello CountryMusician,
I, like you, am a huge fan of cancel culture. My number one favorite people to cancel, are those whose values are in opposition to mine. My second favorite people to cancel, are those who try to use my morality against me, in a pathetic and wasted attempt to get me to apologize for something I’m not guilty of.
September 14, 2022 @ 7:35 am
He stayed at #1 because some folks are getting tired of someone losing everything over one incident. Maybe if every incident wasn’t turned into a world ending event, rational reaction could be had. Insanity breeds insanity.
Woke culture doesn’t allow for forgiveness. One mistake is enough to doom someone for all eternity. For as much as that brand of people complain about the judgement of the Old Testament God and how He isn’t “nice”, He is merciful compared to the Woke God.
September 13, 2022 @ 5:57 pm
Where the heck is my ACM play by play??? I need some sarcastic comic relief badly!!!
September 13, 2022 @ 9:15 pm
I’ve never done anything for the “ACM Honors.” It’s a 3rd tier awards show they don’t even broadcast live.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:31 pm
I thought it more an issue that he had three incidents within a year that showed him to be an immature punk. He needed to grow up. Maybe he has.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:36 pm
“tirade” is the word i was meaning of course. But i do find it quite comical that me using the words “destruction and tyrant” have beeb called into question and concern but the N word feels like it’s completely up for debate for y’all that anyone can say it.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:19 pm
Not at all, Country Musician.
And, appreciate your feedback.
I do not like racial slurs of any sort, thrown at any person, of any ethnicity.
I think, & would hope that we can agree on that.
Lots of people out there, selling lots of music, using all sorts of slurs and vile, and, derogatory language.
People of all countries, & ethnicities need to be more vigilant about language they use in general.
Parents need to be teaching their children to respect and employ common decency when communicating with others.
I, for one, swear too much, and continually remind myself, to rein that in.
All of us, need to help swing the pendulum back to more courteous, kind, and loving language.
September 13, 2022 @ 7:59 pm
I will tell you why “tyrant” triggers them. Its because a certain segment of the commenters on this website are always a nano second away from posting that whatever is being talked about is political. The word “tyrant” is being used in current events to describe a person that has put this country in peril. And these posters cant help themselves from posting. Always looking for an opportunity to interject their “opinion” .
These posters act very similarly to trolls from the Russian troll farms where then inundate forums with bullshit conspiracies or divisive comments to perpetually rile up people. And as Trigger has already stated ,its bleeding viewers from his website.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:04 pm
You poor thing.
September 13, 2022 @ 8:29 pm
Bless your heart…
September 13, 2022 @ 8:37 pm
Trigger, At Times, likes nothing more than to sit the fence & stir the pot.
He’s not ALL innocence, & sweetness.
: D
Sometimes we jump in, kick up a little dust along with him.
Sometimes, we don’t
September 13, 2022 @ 7:31 pm
My final note here is that country music is for everyone and everybody and taking up for someone saying a racial slur will never help the genre nor progress into a welcoming and diverse space. Country music is missing out on some incredible talent offerings by tolerating this behavior and we will be having this same conversation in 10 years if people like me and you do not do our part and welcome all. God speed my country fans and check out the collection of artists apart of The Black Opry when you get a chance.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:02 pm
Ignorance. When you here someone use the word “space” in this context, it’s a left wing lunatic. All grown ass humans need to quit being babies and blaming others for their lot in life. After 7 years in the military and now running the HR department at a company with over 3,000 employees, I have seen very few incidents of real racism. In today’s world, it is far more likely for a black person to get a job/promotion over a white person when qualifications are equal, and 95% of white people bend over fucking backwards not to offend black people. Racism has nearly been eradicated in our nation. Sure, you might hear a white dude call a black dude tbe “n” word in a bar when there’s an altercation, but that’s more about pushing the person’s buttons to win a fight or argument. There’s far too many people that lose their careers, fame, political leverage, and source of income to ever admit racism is a rare occurrence..It’s laughable for anyone to argue that we “don’t have meaningful discussions” or that “we will be having this discussion 10 years from now.” We will hear it, but it will be the same old race baiters and whiners saying it. People who are concerned about the success of black Americans should be concerned about addressing the astonishing crime/murder rate by black men, the epidemic of fatherless homes, and the huge disparity in academic achievement of black children as compared to whites and Asians. I rarely hear these issues talked about, but some white dude says the “n” word and the whole country should bow down and beg forgiveness for his sins. No white person owes any black person a thing, except to treat them fairly, respectfully, and to love him/her just as they would any other human. I’m damned sure not interested in having a “conversation about your tender little feelings. Have some pride and self respect; Black people have every opportunity that any white person has in this country. To say otherwise is a lie perpetrated by those that leave something to lose if they admit it’s true. It makes my blood boil when people don’t accept responsibility for their own lives. Too many people have died to protect every American’s opportunity and freedom to be and do anything they want as long as they WORK for it.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:14 pm
Just to be clear…you run an HR department?
September 14, 2022 @ 5:49 pm
Go back and reread! You’ll get it eventually…maybe. Public schools suck, but I have faith in you.
September 14, 2022 @ 7:48 pm
Truth is I stopped reading after you stated you were in charge of an HR department. Hell I stopped reading your posts after the first post simply because you don’t offer anything more than an antiquated view of racism in this country.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:23 pm
Woah. Feeling pretty worried for the people of color at your company (if any) if you’re the one running an HR department and these are your thoughts. There are countless subtle and aggressions that happens daily in those work spaces and I can only imagine how uncomfortable their work days must be if this is who they have to trust to help them. Mind sharing the company so i can warn them? haha
September 14, 2022 @ 7:33 am
“Racism has nearly been eradicated in our nation. Sure, you might hear a white dude call a black dude tbe “n” word in a bar when there’s an altercation, but that’s more about pushing the person’s buttons to win a fight or argument.”
This sentence is insane and you should read it over and over again until you really hear yourself. Racism is not eradicated if people are still yelling the n word to “push someones buttons” It’s amazing the things people tolerate when it’s not happening specially to you. PLEASE for the love of God read that sentence you wrote. LIKE WHAT?!
September 14, 2022 @ 2:16 pm
It’s nuts how these people are so sure of themselves that racism is over or only in the very fringes of society. I’m reading these comments with my jaw on the floor. I’m white but grew up with black and Hispanic friends (whites were less than 50% at my high school). Even going back as far as second grade, I would see racism against my friends; although I didn’t understand it at the time, I knew somewhat of what was going on. It’s something I’ve seen ever since and can’t even begin to fathom how some people think it doesn’t exist in this County. There are folks like Bibs though, who had things rough, and feel belittled when society talks about others being treated unfairly.
September 14, 2022 @ 5:37 pm
It will never be completely over. But, it’s over from the perspective that black people are somehow unable to get an education and find great jobs in our country. No black person has to fail in life because they are black. To make excuses that black people cant succeed in life is falsely perpetuating the problem . Why should any black person give a damn that some small percentage of white people are racist. It makes no difference if you do the right things in this.country. Get an education, don’t be a criminal, work hard and treat others with respect and any person will have a .90% chance of hai g a good life.
September 16, 2022 @ 2:57 pm
It’s not over and it’s awful. But systematic racism in 2022 is nonexistent. White privilege and systemic racism, sexism, homophobia is non existent.
September 14, 2022 @ 5:29 pm
And your ass will cry about it like a two year old rather than hold your head high and be a proud person. Letting someone else determine how you feel about yourself, or your race, is weak. Black people, and people in Appalachia have two choices, get over the historical mistreatment, or keep living in poverty. The approach both groups have taken for decades has failed them. It is said the definition of inanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. I want black Americans to succeed, and I understand that there have to be times when a black man or woman feels bitter and angry. I don’t blame them one bit. But, the fact is that at some point you have to decide that for the greater good of your race, the smart thing to do is to focus on the goal of having a better life. The message any person sends to their children and grandchildren is to be strong, educate yourself, and be proud of who you are. I don’t see that message and that focus on doing the things it takes to create a better life being talked about by people on the ground at the community level in the inner cities or in Appalachia. I hear a lot of finger pointing and blaming others, some of whom that deserve some blame, but that doesn’t do a damn thing but promote the idea that blacks and Appalachians can’t succeed. It is false that they cant, even if they occasionally run up on a racist or someone who thinks they are ignorant because of where they grew up. I have instilled in my kids the belief that if they work hard, educate themselves, and have self respect that they will have a good life. That’s the message that should be preached every single day to kids I’m these two groups. There should never be a message sent that there’s an excuse for failure in life.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:36 pm
Do you have an issue with country musicians of any color, lying, cheating, abusing, stealing, committing murder, raping, engaging in violence etc…? Or is this issue the only one you seem to care about? As I said, BLM is a terrorist organization. I dont support Black Lives Matter and it has no place in society, or country music at all. I support police in all and any interactions they engage in.
September 14, 2022 @ 2:02 pm
How’s that boot leather taste?
September 16, 2022 @ 10:02 am
September 13, 2022 @ 9:27 pm
Fair warning: If you walk up to a someone black and say the n word drunk or not but then say you didn’t mean it in a harmful way 9 times out of 10 you will STILL be decked right in your mouth and rightfully so. Just a heads up in case these comments are helping get yalls nerve up. This is the real world, it’s 2022 and no one is just allowing you to just walk around and say racial slurs… Good luck with that.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:07 pm
Wrong site buddy. . .wrong site.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:19 pm
H said it to a white friend, not a black person. Why are there words in America one group of people can say and one group cant? You listen to rap? Bitch, hoe, n word, guns, violence, hedonism galore. How many folks got shot up in Chicago this weekend? In Philly? In LA? In Bed Stuy? Why is that not a topic, yet this mythical cop group is genoiciding blacks. Do Black Lives Matter to Black Lives? Wouldn’t seem like it if Chicago is any indication.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:17 am
“Why are there words in America one group of people can say and one group cant?”
Because white people literally enslaved Black people, and treated them as chattel for centuries, and that word was specifically used to demean them. Do I wish everyone stopped using that word for consistency? Yes, I do. But it is especially bad for White people to use it towards Black people because of the historical significance.
September 14, 2022 @ 8:02 am
I agree. I certainly don’t use the word and the history of slavery in America is awful: I also know that happened 400 years ago and no one alive is a slave, was a slave or knew a slave. I also know ALL races have done horrific things to each other. Whites have killed blacks, blacks kill whites, Latinos kill blacks, etc. in todays woke world though, only one things leads then news. Whites wronging blacks. The other way around isn’t getting published because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Just look at the recent news. A black college volleyball player said white opposing players and crowd yelled nword at her. Media lapped it up. Came out that she faked it, nothing like that occurred. She made it up. In addition there are many blacks who feel the word in any context even by blacks is unacceptable. It’s a legitimate concern and one I agree with. I as a white person don’t say it, I’m all for that. But why do people with black skin get to say it? Do Latinos get a pass? Native Americans? Asians? Why or why not? The Kendrick comment is spot on, a decade ago he invited a white girl kn stage to show her skills and rap. She rapped the entire verse, curse words and n word included. Kendrick got pissed. Why? He wrote it. Kendrick is viewed as some messiah or something and then drops the b word about women on the regular, why is calling women bs ok but saying the n word is a cancelable offense. I have a major issue with all this. The n word is a word I’ve never used and wil never used. But the idea that it’s the worst thing in world history is ridiculous. SCM and the Nashville media contributed to all this by making it seem like what Morgan did was a some grave sin. He got drunk and said something stupid to a white friend. He’d shouldn’t have been canceled and we know damn well Dangerous would have swept all awards in 2021. Morgan himself has a right to be pissed at woke idiots because of this. Morgan did nothing wrong.
September 21, 2023 @ 7:39 am
Rap music was never meant to be dominated by “gangsta rap” music. Rap music originally told stories and expressed emotions just like country music in a way that an entire family could be exposed to. It was just like movies…you had G, PG, PG-13, R, and X. Generally, since the 90s there is no balance. The industry has promoted and pushed the distribution of “gangsta rap”. Conscious, wholesome, friendly, educational, and productive rap gets very little support.
No one should be calling anyone the n-word regardless of who they are. You just have millions of people who have been so emotionally and mental abused and provided false historical information that they try to justify the use of the term. The term only has historic and educational value. It is not a term of endearment. A test: Would you call your grandmother the n-word? I believe 98% of people will say no. The 2% that would need a lot more than my internet rant.
Rap has become synonymous with extreme vulgarity but that is not all rap is just like every movie isn’t a porno.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:51 pm
How is this not assault. Just because someone says something you disagree with doesnt mean you can engage in violence. Says way more about you and those who support that ideology than anything else. Anyone resorting to violence is a loser.
September 13, 2022 @ 9:40 pm
I thought this was a very thoughtful write-up.
However, being that this is a site dedicated to saving country music, I motion that we save the genre by cancelling both of them.
September 13, 2022 @ 11:16 pm
Morgan is a good guy, Dangerous is a masterpiece. I was a fan before, I’m still a fan and will always be one. The way Nashville and Country music treated Morgan in 2021 was an absolute disgrace. I support Morgan. Trigger was blatantly anti-Morgan in the wake of the scandal. He said the n word, to a white friend, while drunk, and was caught on his neighbors Ring cam who was a loser and leaked it to the media to cancel him. I got news for you folks, if you think drunken rants are cancelable offenses not a single person in country music would be playing music. They’ve ALL done things that are regrettable. You dont cancel them though. Nashville is not SJW virtue signaliing woke clown world, nor should it ever be. Nashville is not communist or marxist or any of that trash. We dont support BLM or antifa or any other such terrorist group. Flat out, I find folks in the country music world who carry BLM flags to be akin to ISIS. No difference in my mind. They are not wanted here. I dont want ISbell, Mickey, karen morris, or any of that junk in our country music world. They are not wanted. I listened to Morgan more than any other artist last year. And Im damn proud of it. Morgan did absolutely nothing worthy of the response and hate he received. Isbell is the shining example. Isbell is a pompous jackass who has severe drug and alcohol dependency, is verbally and physically abusive and was kicked out of his own band for being an asshole. You’d think folks like him who have fallen and been through the ringer would be willing to show grace and compassion to folks like Morgan. Evidently not. Instead Isbell rants about how he doesnt want Trump supporters as fans and shit like that. Bullshit. Bullshit. Morgan is the most successful country artist in decades. Isbell is a 2 bit chump and loser. Morgan rakes in millions, Dangerous literally is the most successful country album of the last 20 years. What does Isbell play to? A packed bar of woke leftoids? I support Morgan, I support Blue Lives Matter, I support all cops, and I view BLM as a domestic terrorist group akin to ISIS. Team Morgan, forever!
September 13, 2022 @ 11:34 pm
Country music has a checkered and wild history. Magical music for sure, but cheaters, adulterers, murderers, rapists, abusers, philanderers, liars, etc,.. abound in the genre and all genres. Yet not a single one of those groups were treated like Morgan was in 2021. Why? Why is what Morgan did worse? Its not. Woke SJW leftoids seem to buy into this nonsense that stuff like off color tweets or jokes from ten years ago means we get to destroy peoples lives and livelihoods. And these same people listen to rap and have no problem with b word this, n word this every other line. Glorifying gun culture, gang culture. Its gross. Morgan was wronged, he didnt wrong anyone else. I stand with Morgan, he didnt need to apologize and shouldn’t have He did nothing wrong. Unless and until someone can tell me why a Morgans actions are worse than any of the other transgressions I listed, and why none of the other folks are canceled, then they dont have a leg to stand on. Nashville and America will never be communist, nor should it be. I will support Morgan until the day I die, flat out.
September 14, 2022 @ 9:37 am
Actually bud a lot of country stars were treated worse, for the much worse things you listed- jail time, lost work, dropped from labels (literally cancelled, not the nonesense term used today), divorced, court ordered this and that, banned from entire states by conservatives etc…Do you really think any of this has affected Wallen’s bottom line? He said something admittedly stupid- your hero who ‘did nothing wrong’ apologized publicly. Media went crazy talking about media, Wallen continues to sell out concerts and win all the awards. You think his livelihood was ‘destroyed’? Remember the 90’s when the United States government went after rap music?
September 14, 2022 @ 10:14 am
What’s your view on the Dixie Chicks? I lived through that as Im sure you did. At the time we all thought it was a travesty and they shouldn’t have been treated like that. In 2022, it seems, the woke mob would have been okay with canceling the dixie chicks. Im not for the war, wasnt then, am not now, actively protested the war in iraq, but what natalie said was undeniably stupid, ill informed, and frankly the controversy kind of was justified, she bad mouthed the sitting president, on foreign soil in the middle of a war. As I said, I cheered her on, and was on the barricades in 2002/2003 when she said it. I dont think their music should have got pulled, and I think country radio banning them was moronic. But, the logic of the last 5 years has effectively been, if you say something stupid, we can and will go after your livelihood and ruin you. I dont think you can pick and choose under that logic what qualifies, I think everything has to. Ultimately though you are wrong, Apple Music, Spotify, and country radio in 2021 continued to play and feature music by rapists, murderers, adulterers etc… while banning Morgan. You think Morgan is the only country musician in 2021 that said or did something the woke mob or an actual court of law deemed objectionable? As I said, R Kelly, Chris Brown, and others were not banned and were actively promoted in 2021, when Morgan was banned. Rap continued to feature mysogynistic, violent, racist lyrics, and those artists got promoted. The outrage culture is nonsense. I also think the fact he likely is a Trump voter also plays into it. Had he been an open Biden or BLM supporter, do you think he’d have gotten half the crap he got? Thats the other hypocrisy, the folks on that side of the aisle do alot of stuff, and are never called out for it nor canceled for it. Natalie and co, were raked through the coals, but the mainstream media wrote fawning articles and called out the attempts to ban them. How many positive articles came out directly in the days after the Morgan incident? Many artists spoke up for Natalie and co back then. The amount of artists who backed Morgan would fit one hand if that, Eric Church, Hardy, Aldean, who else? The idea that there isnt a cancel culture in regards to conservative artists is absurd in 2022. A woke SJW unsigned artist going to a label in Nashville and trying to get a deal writing songs about “I hate conservatives” would get signed in a minute. Nashville wouldn’t sign an artist who wore a MAGA hat. Thats an issue. And Im not comfortable with that. I hope conservative country fans push back. We need to.
September 14, 2022 @ 10:57 am
The dixie chicks talked about simply not agreeing with what is universally recognized as an ill-conceived war that killed thousands of Americans in the wrong country, because they love America and Texas. Conservatives burned their CD ‘s, Toby Keith compared them to Hussein, they received thousands of death threats, had tours and radio play cancelled for years. R.Kelly is in jail, and I don’t know or care who Chris brown is. Wallen has continued to win major awards and headline sold out tours. You need to take a breath and relax.
September 14, 2022 @ 1:09 pm
I agree. Just as we ask for context surrounding what Morgan Wallen said, we also need to understand he has not been injured by the efforts to cancel him. He’s been helped. What’s been hurt here is country music, and in my opinion, and bit unfairly. Because country music is not Morgan Wallen. It’s all of us.
September 14, 2022 @ 11:09 am
Are you saying that because you are a lefty? Seems you go easier on folks you agree with. I actively protested that war so you aren’t talking to some war hawk here. That said, sounds to me like Morgan and the Dixie chicks got equal treatment. You don’t think Morgan got death threats? Karen morris, Mickey and isbell and Breland essentially suggested the guy should be kicked out of country music forever. That’s equal to any treatment the chicks got. Were you on Twitter in the immediate days after Morgan’s incident? The vitriol and hatred thrown his way and Trump supporters way was gross, extreme, unnecessary and in some cases called for violence. There are to this day folks whip think Morgan should ever be allowed. Last year didn’t some Black Opry members try to prevent him from playing the Opry? All I’m saying is, folks like me called out cancel culture, and it sounds like you too even in 2022 believe the chicks were down wrong. Yet you have no issue calling for Morgan’s head. Rules for thee. It not for me, or rather rules for those who disagree politically and not for allies in the woke sjw struggle. Morgan did absolutely nothing wrong, he’s a hero.
September 14, 2022 @ 11:30 am
1- let American politics be a little bigger than left and right for God damned minute. Because it is, regardless of the simple dumb choices we’re force-fed.
2- what was said by the two artists mentioned is not comparable. One is a political opinion, popular at the time, for which Bush said he appreciated. The other is dumb racist garbage yelled by a drunk.
3-‘go easier’ on folks I agree with? If by that you’re inferring our American right to share a political opinion vs. a drunk millionaire yelling the N word, then yes.
4-youre confusing social media with reality. What strangers type on the internet vs. what actually happens in the world. The chix hardly worked for over a decade after their incident, Wallen was ‘suspended’ and made a little less money for a short while, and is clearly doing fine right now by any statical metric.
5-why do you think I’m ‘calling for Wallen’s head’? Do you see how you’re constantly asserting your narrative over this whole conversation? Here’s my real honest to God opinion, since you asked- I think he’s an idiot who did a self-admittedly stupid thing and apologized for it. World is full of ’em. Beyond that, I think he’s about right for contemporary country, obviously very successful and popular, and definitely not my thing at all.
September 14, 2022 @ 5:56 am
lol hes so ugly
September 14, 2022 @ 6:10 am
Let’s just change the name of the site to Saving Morgan Wallen’s Ass because this ain’t about actual country music anymore and it hasn’t been for a long time.
September 14, 2022 @ 6:25 am
See, this is why so much of the media has gotten this story so wrong, and why the words of Kane Brown and Jimmie Allen are so powerful. If you have the audacity to state the truth about what Morgan Wallen said, you will be called a racist, and it will be said that you’re “supporting Morgan Wallen.” It’s been eight months since I last ran a story on Morgan Wallen. But I’ve seen this whole, “all you do is support Morgan Wallen” comment consistently. I was calling out the media for being too fawning over Morgan Wallen even before the N-word incident, and consistently have said what he did was wrong, and deserved consequences. But that doesn’t mean we should lie about what happened, or mistcharacterize it because it’s expedient.
If you can’t discredit the information, discredit the source. But I don’t care if folks want to try to discredit me. The truth does not lie.
September 14, 2022 @ 8:16 am
Mullet Man Bad
September 14, 2022 @ 11:25 am
These people have no other frequency at this point. Muh orange Man bad muh Russia. Freakin losers. Its gross. They are persecuting trump for going after the deep state. These people are sick
September 14, 2022 @ 2:23 pm
“No other frequency…”
Haha. Perfect.
September 14, 2022 @ 9:08 am
That’s enuff, Kyle.
We get it.
You hate Morgan. He makes you all cringey. This, even before the drunken incident.
You have beat this horse to death, & continue to keep beating.
To the extent that, it is now not recognizable that it was a horse in the first place.
September 14, 2022 @ 1:00 pm
It’s my job to not “hate” anybody, but to call balls and strikes as I see them. I think I’ve been incredibly fair and honest with Morgan Wallen, his behavior, and his music.
September 14, 2022 @ 1:45 pm
“It’s my job to not “hate” anybody,”
It’s also good not to “hate” anybody, for a drunken incident, such as this.
“I think I’ve been incredibly fair and honest with Morgan Wallen, his behavior, and his music.”
You have not.
However, you have gotten a little better about it.
September 16, 2022 @ 9:05 am
Regarding Morgan Wallen becoming more popular after the incident…I think it’s 50/50. 50% weren’t backing what he said rather fighting against the cancel culture repercussions he suffered, as well as the inaccurate media coverage. The other 50% probably are rejoicing over what he said and are disappointed that he didn’t use the “er”, and probably desperately hoped Ahmed Arbury’s killers would be found not guilty.
September 16, 2022 @ 2:11 pm
Well in this case the balls and strikes were clear as day on feb 4 2021. The attempt to cancel, silence and ruin Morgan over silly comments were ridiculous. I’m glad he survived the storm and is stronger than ever. Literally not one person was offended by what he said. It was all fake news sponsored hype. He said it to a white friend. While drunk. Not for public consumption. I would guess 99 percent of SCM has said similar comments while wasted, about women, or other such groups. What he said wasn’t a big deal, and only became a big deal because trigger and CMT and other outlets crucified him instead of doing what should have been done: publicly and unequivocally back him. Morgan shouldn’t have apologized, literally no one was hurt by his comments. Words are not violence, much as the woke mob wants to suggest otherwise. We stick by our own here, it’s a shame so many turned their backs on a good man. Looks like he’s gotten his life back on track, and I love that. It’s a shame SCM initially refused to call out the fake news in the immediate aftermath. Trigger suggested Morgan should face consequences. Why? He said something while drunk! Who the fuck cares about it. That’s not reason to cancel someone. His label maybe fining him for public intoxication or bad PR maybe a case could be made, but losers like Karen Morris and Mickey and Isbell suggesting Nashville is racist because of it, nah that’s total and complete nonsense. The controversy reguarding Morgan was always just easily understood as an attempt to ruin the life of the biggest star in country music of the last decade. In other words, bullshit. Bullshit
September 16, 2022 @ 2:17 pm
Yet you did hate Morgan. Focus on the music and stay out of the political lane, cowboy. We don’t come here for you cheering on the whole mob and defaming Morgan or us conservatives. Calling balls and strikes would have been nice in the aftermath of this event. You didn’t and were called the hell out for it. I support those who did, because I am one of those people. Destroying someone’s career and livelihood because of off color remarks is unAmerican and frankly something that ISIS would do. We support police and Blue Lives Matter here on SCM. We support Morgan. And we do not want Marxists in this scene, industry or in this nation at all. Backing Morgan was the easy choice, ethically and morally and you didn’t do that. It’s a real shame.
September 16, 2022 @ 9:42 am
I dont think its 50/50 personally. I was all in on Morgan prior, was all in when he said what he said, and nearly 2 years later, Im still all in. The guy is a total legend. Dangerous is an all time classic at this point, we will be hearing these songs for the next 20 years and for good reason. I personally have no issue with what Morgan said. And yeah, I support all cops in all situations, whether thats the cops in the Ahmaud Arbury case, Jacob Blake, Rashard Brooks, George Floyd etc…, I support all the cops in these. I find no issue with what they did, I personally they should have gone further and done more. I view them as heroes.
September 16, 2022 @ 10:56 am
You got me. I really can’t tell whether you’re a lib parodying a Maga yahoo or whether that’s a “legit” post. Usually, I think I can sense it, but this one’s a coin toss.
September 14, 2022 @ 8:56 am
Let’s never forget the underlying truth in this media on media shitstorm- Wallen performs brutal brutally bad music, got fame from a cover song, and is frankly garbage country music. If you’re into rock with a twangy accent, so be it.
(On the rest- everytime I read some idiot using the word ‘woke’ I’m done. It’s become a catch-phrase for every whiny complaint, like the term ‘liberal’. As predicted, Wallen’s doing absolutely fine, nobody got ‘cancelled’, none of this is real, calm down, and go see Tim Bolo play)
September 14, 2022 @ 11:21 am
He was banned from attending or winning awards, his music was pulled, radio stations banned his music. His own label castigated him. Did any of that happen to Natalie and co? I agree politically with Toby but don’t agree with what he said. Were you that pissed off when Karen morris called jason aldean wife insurrection Barbie? Or does your outrage only seem to be one way? How about when Morgan an his fans were called names? Is that okay? Or do we just flip out when Toby maligns the chicks?
September 14, 2022 @ 11:32 am
See the previous reply, my simple friend. I feel like I’m typing on YouTube with a Taylor Swift fan….
September 15, 2022 @ 8:47 am
As my dearly departed dad used to say before he punished my sisters and/or me for disobedience,”Any excuse is better than none.” Kane (I don’t know the men,so this is just my opinion) still feels he must (I know he does this for a living,but….) sing to the Country poweres-that-be and pretend Morgan’s slur was one of those things. Morgan may or may not be a racist,but since he has an embarrassing history of drunken sot behaviour and as my mom often said,”Liquor is the ultimate truth serum,” he might have been expressing his true feelings about us.Hopefully,like NASCAR’s Kyle Larson when he uttered the word,lost his sponsorship,then his ride,he’ll own his error,make amends and have the great career for which his talents make him destined . (Larson profusely and genuinely apologized,got a second chance with another team,and won the 2021 NASCAR title.)
September 16, 2022 @ 12:54 pm
My message to woke sjw virtue signaling marxists like isbell, Karen morris, Mickey and others, in Country music: get the fuck out! Get the fuck out of my country music. We don’t want you here. We don’t need you here. Just get the fuck out!
December 25, 2023 @ 3:16 pm
Amen to that. Morgan’s “crime” was a victimless one. Anybody who says his comment deserved consequences is an ass-wipe fool whose mother dresses him poorly. When I first read about his incident, I didn’t know who Morgan Wallen was. I did know what cancel culture was about, so I went to Amazon and purchased both his CDs to support him, even though I usually prefer to get my music through the fence. I’ve been a fan ever since. Guess that makes me a racist.
September 16, 2022 @ 2:19 pm
We support Morgan and always will. Good man. Good music.
October 4, 2022 @ 1:58 pm
<3 that is so heart felt to him and fyi im his ex girlfreind we dated in middle school
September 16, 2022 @ 2:20 pm
Why did you turn on Morgan? Why did you do that? We support Morgan here. Stop defaming him!
October 4, 2022 @ 1:56 pm
truth right there
September 16, 2022 @ 2:21 pm
Couldn’t possibly care any less. Well, I posted this comment, so maybe I could care a tiny bit less.
September 16, 2022 @ 3:58 pm
Comments section being shut down due to an extreme amount of spam comments.
October 8, 2022 @ 7:33 am
I say it all the time with a hard R what’s the big deal?
October 18, 2022 @ 3:23 pm
Marxists,7summersago ? You mean people who aren’t blithering racist morons? Hmmmm…. Guess I know where you spent Jan.6,2021.
January 2, 2024 @ 12:34 pm
I don’t say this to say that I have an opinion on it it’s just something to think about. We used to have much more clearly defined lines in music genres. Black people listen to Black music white people listen to White music. With all of the cultural sharing that we’ve been doing, and the lines that have been blurred, we now have to ask ourselves if white people are a fan of black music is that a good thing? Are we appropriating Black culture as the leftist would have us claim or we simply admiring Black culture and I think what happened here, is Morgan wallen became a product of his environment he’s listening to the rappers say these words and again, I’m not saying this is right or wrong I’m simply saying what is, and in a slightly ignorant but innocent color blind way, and possibly even subconsciously, what he’s doing is pretending to be black. He did not say these words as a distant black people it’s almost like he was taking on a roll portrayed by the musical artist that he looks up to that’s the way I see it. Now I’m all for desegregation and appreciating everything or at least respecting it. I think this was a lesson in appreciate the culture but don’t immerse yourself in it
April 9, 2024 @ 8:03 am
All the people on this site, who says that it’s been blown out of proportion. It’s no big deal. It’s no big deal because the black community. Use it and etc.. Then feel free to use it, use it at your place of work. Have some balls. Use it the next time you in a mixed crowd of people. If you think it’s blown out of proportion and you don’t like it and you think that it’s a way to shut people freedom of speech down then just use it, be a man or a woman and just use it and beat your chest when you do it, don’t be afraid. Do it, then come back and talk about ur experience Don’t tell me show me video it and send me the video.And let’s see how that works out.