Larry & His Flask Steal Show at Muddy Roots

Larry and His FlaskWell I’m not too sure who the hell Larry is, and why his flask is so predominately edified in the band name. What I do know is that to a man, the attendees of this year’s Muddy Roots Festival stumbled out of the hills of east Tennessee saying Larry and His Flask stole the show, at a Festival whose lineup was packed as quills on a hawk.

Larry and His Flask are like The Avett Bros. on acid, or maybe Old Crow Medicine Show on a heavy dose of General Calderon’s white Colombian marching powder–though their band blurb says, “It’s never about drugs, money, or fancy things.” Ridiculous energy–as much as six humans are capable of putting out–with top notch instrumentation and 4, sometimes 5 part harmonies to boot. If this band doesn’t stir something inside of you, then you’re dead.

Here I am trying to authoritatively describe them when in truth before the newly tapped Larry & Flask Muddy Roots disciples started tugging on my ears last week, I was relegated to the “I’ve heard of them before” crowd. This is even more embarrassing because they’re originally from Oregon, a locale I’ve spent good time haunting in recently. Makes sense to me that the Beaver State is in play here, because if you were trying to find other artists to help describe their approach to roots string music, fellow Pacific Northwest bands Hillstomp and McDougall would come to mind (the latter helping populate their MySpace “Top Friends”). More importantly, Larry & Flask are like themselves and nothing else, which is a sign they’re on the right path.

Instead of acting like I know everything about this band by rehashing the verbage on their MySpace, I just gonna throw some good videos your way and give you and myself the homework assignment to check this band out more. I might earn extra credit, because the Western expansion to escape the Texas summer heat might land me at a live show very soon.

You can also see some videos of Larry & His Flask from Muddy Roots by CLICKING HERE.

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