Loretta Lynn Cancels All 2017 Tour Dates, Delays New Album

Country music legend Loretta Lynn has now canceled all of her remaining 2017 tour dates, and postponed the release of her upcoming album Wouldn’t It Be Great amid continuing health concerns due to a stroke she suffered earlier this year.
“Thank you so much for all of your prayers, love, and support,” Lynn said in a statement. “I’m happy to say that I’m at home with my family and getting better by the day! My main focus now is making a full recovery so that I can get back to putting all of me into what I love, sharing my music with all of you. My new album, ‘Wouldn’t It Be Great,’ was originally scheduled to come in August this year. I now want to wait to release it next year because this record is so special for me. It deserves me at my best and I can’t wait to share it.”
Loretta Lynn suffered what was characterized as a mild stroke on May 5th. On May 15th an update was given saying that Loretta had been moved from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility and was “doing great,” though she was advised by doctors to stay off the road while she was recuperating. Loretta has not made a public appearance since the stroke. She recently postponed additional tour dates, but kept appearances on August 24th and 25th at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville on the calendar to coincide with the release of her new album. Those appearances and all others have now been cancelled.
Loretta celebrated her 85th birthday on April 14th, and announced the new 13-song Wouldn’t It Be Great would be released via Sony’s Legacy Recordings on August 18th. It was recorded primarily at the Cash Cabin Studios in Hendersonville, TN, with producer (and Lynn’s daughter) Patsy Lynn Russell, and caretaker of the Cash Cabin Studios, John Carter Cash.
“I want to thank everyone for hanging in there with me,” Loretta says. “I am getting stronger every day and can’t wait to get back out there with all of you. I’m just letting everybody know that Willie ain’t dead yet and neither am I, and I can’t wait to see all of you on the road!”
July 12, 2017 @ 12:45 pm
God bless Loretta Lynn! Prayers for a complete recovery! I hope you get many more healthy years to share your music with us.
July 12, 2017 @ 2:51 pm
Why postpone the album? Was she really going to do a promo tour or the late night circuit? And even if she did, would it affect sales that much. Those who are going to buy it, will buy it and don’t need to see her on the Today. I’d argue this is the best pup for a new release.
July 12, 2017 @ 3:09 pm
Not that I’m in the business of second guessing the instinct and wisdom of a country music legend such as Loretta, but I tend to agree. She’s 85-years-old, and there at least the possibility she gets worse instead of better by 2018, even if she improves specifically from the stroke episode. Maybe it’s being mandated by Sony Legacy?
July 13, 2017 @ 9:40 am
We might be in for a long wait. The email I got from Amazon notifying me of the cancellation of my pre-order said the new expected release date is December 31, 2039.
July 13, 2017 @ 10:01 am
Maybe that’s the date that all country greats will be cryogenically resurrected by Amazon, which at that point will be the only company in the world.
July 13, 2017 @ 10:29 am
The only thing I can think of is there’s a change or a challenge in the guardianship/ownership of the estate and there’s a freeze on anything monetary until it gets straighten up. Which would mean things might be a little bit more grim than they are letting on.
July 18, 2017 @ 4:58 pm
JMO,but I doubt it will take that long to release the album.I got that from Amazon too.But I doubt it will take that long.Again,JMO.
While I don’t know this for a fact,if I had to make a bet on it,I would guess they are waiting to announce the new release date until they can re-book her Ryman dates,considering the fact that the canceled Ryman dates in August were to be a week after the CD was to be released,and in conjunction with the CD being released.So,my guess is they are no doubt waiting to see if they can re-book the two canceled Ryman dates before announcing a new release date.(Also,I had a friend who had tickets to see Loretta at the Ryman,and as part of the ticket purchase,he was going to get the new CD.That’s why I’m guessing that could be the case).
But again,that’s only a guess on my part.I don’t know for a fact,nor do I claim to know,so don’t quote me on that.
All we can do now,for those of us who have ordered the CD on Amazon or Barnes And Nobel (like myself),is wait for a new release date to be announced.I did not cancel my orders.I would never do that. Loretta will forever be my no.1 favorite singer.
July 12, 2017 @ 2:57 pm
She needs to take care of herself. Prayers for a speedy recovery. That woman has worked her heart out for longer than most of us have been alive. She deserves a break.
July 12, 2017 @ 4:48 pm
“Hanging in there with Loretta Lynn” sounds like a great title for something.
July 13, 2017 @ 7:26 am
but we have to hear Loretta (and Willie):
and believe them
July 13, 2017 @ 9:24 am
I love that duet too…
July 13, 2017 @ 7:38 am
All the best to another country legend. All the best Loretta!!! XO
July 18, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
In my book,Loretta is the greatest!