Luke Bryan Can’t Hold His Beer, Falls on Stage (Again)
When they compile a highlight (or lowlight) reel of Luke Bryan’s career, along with his Greatest Hits, they’ll have to include his greatest falls. There was a reason that at the CMA Awards in November, co-host Carrie Underwood referred to the Georgia son and spitting image of Gomer Pyle as “Luke Stagefaller” in their opening Star Wars skit. And now we know who not to pick when the draft comes due for the CMA Fest’s City of Hope celebrity softball game next summer. Pitch and catch is not as easy for Luke Bryan as it is for most.
On Thursday night (2-25) at Montreal, Canada’s Bell Centre, Luke Bryan was singing “I Don’t Want This Night To End” when his night almost ended abruptly after he bit it on stage. What actually caused the fall remains unclear, though it happened right after a stage hand tossed the singer a can of beer. Bryan is walking out on the runway of the stage, blowing kisses to the crowd when someone appears to gently lob the beer in his direction. Bryan sees the beer and first starts backing up before deciding to try and catch it. The beer falls and rolls down his back calf, but then all of a sudden like his Achilles snapped, Luke goes down in a lump. Perhaps something was wet on the stage, or perhaps Bryan is just as coordinated as a toddler.
This is the first fall of Luke Bryan’s “Kill The Lights Tour” that’s just begun, but there promises to be plenty more where that came from. Luke has a long history of struggling to stay vertical on stage.
Well there goes the first fall of the #KillTheLightsTour at least it wasn’t off the stage #lukebryan #TeamLuke
Paige Bottorff (@playitagain4ev) February 26, 2016
Smooth @LukeBryanOnline #KillTheLightsTour
Julia (@julia_r5_) February 26, 2016
And while we’re at it, here’s a recent video of a girl on heavy meds after wisdom teeth surgery crying for Luke Bryan.
February 27, 2016 @ 9:34 am
Hmm maybe we should try hiring him to perform at an active volcano… or the Grand Canyon… Or on the top of Trump Tower…
But in all seriousness, I think the fact that he consumes so much alcohol on stage is abysmal. Doesn’t he respect his audience enough to try performing at his best? Is he that direspectful towards his material AND his integrity as an artist that he would want to perform impaired?
I’ve been to a lot of concerts, and I bet very few of the performers have gone on stewed like that. People like Jamie Dailey or Tom Adams respect their audiences enough to give their best, and not to impair themselves. I’m sort of expecting Hank Jr. to consume alcohol during the August show I’m going to, (him and Stapleton yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but even he knows his own limitations, and that’s really what it boils down to.
Shane MacGowan could put on a great show when he was drunk as a skunk, somebody like Toby Keith obviously can’t. A performer should know how much they can drink before they start forgetting lyrics, missing chords or just flat out falling over. It’s just basic respect towards the audience, y’know, the people who pay their salaries.
February 27, 2016 @ 9:47 am
The reason that part of Luke Bryan’s concert runway is so large is because at one point in the concert, they roll out a huge pickup truck that Luke then stands on top and sings while flames surround it. The entire presentation of Luke Bryan’s concerts is just one big commercial for beer and trucks, just like many of the lyrics of the songs. It’s monkey see, monkey do. Luke Bryan drinks a beer on stage, and so fans think that they should drink another beer. Budweiser underwrites the whole thing, and it’s better, more targeted advertising than a commercial or billboard.
February 27, 2016 @ 1:34 pm
To be fair, there’s a good share of Texas artists that encourage the audience to drink beer by doing much the same thing, but without the big huge trucks.
February 27, 2016 @ 1:48 pm
There’s holding up a beer to the mic and telling your fans “cheers” when you’re playing a 500-capacity venue. And then there’s having a staged part of your presentation when your crew throws you beers, you take a chug, and hand the rest to someone in the crowd.
February 27, 2016 @ 6:23 pm
How this is allowed in country music, especially by the fans, is another reason to be sickened by what’s going on in the genre, at least in what passes for the “mainstream”, these days. So they now celebrate Mr. That’s-My-Kinda-Night doing these shenanigans, being drunk onstage beyond the legal limit for intoxication, and making a gigantic horse’s ass of himself, by somehow thinking that this shit is entertainment?!
June 16, 2016 @ 7:33 pm
You don’t know Jack… Not Budweiser…
He is always a professional… With his complicated sets it is easy to get caught up with the crowd and slip!
If you don’t know these people personally, keep your mouth shut because you are not telling truth…
And yes, I know Luke and family… Best people you could meet…
March 28, 2018 @ 3:20 pm
complicated sets?
Luke Bryan probably thinks following the directions on a box of instant noodles is complicated, so I’m sure his sets are hard for him.
But good God stop calling it Country Music.
February 27, 2016 @ 9:37 am
You can see where there’s a narrow streak of water leading from the side of the stage, so one of his adoring, completely sober fans must have mistaken Luke Bryan for the drink disposal drain at the Taco Bell soda machine. Of course, the confusion is understandable because both make strange gurgling noises and are sources for mold buildup.
February 27, 2016 @ 9:46 am
Well he’s no Steve Cold Steve Austin.
February 27, 2016 @ 10:32 am
That’s a lot of people in that venue, dang!
February 27, 2016 @ 12:11 pm
there yall go agin. Ill betcha if that was ole sturgiss simpson or chris stapaldan yalled all be goin on about how wild his stage presence is.
February 27, 2016 @ 1:37 pm
Do Chris Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson frequently put on choreographed shows where they walk around the stage all the time?
February 27, 2016 @ 12:47 pm
Say what you want about this cat, but I’ve been dragged to a couple of his farm tour shows. He leaves it all on stage. He loves the fans and gives everything to them.
February 27, 2016 @ 6:01 pm
All that may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a douche and his music sucks.
February 28, 2016 @ 9:32 pm
I feel like people that call other people douches tend to be douches themselves
February 27, 2016 @ 6:01 pm
As much as I honestly think the buzz about entertainers falling on stage has been blown out of proportion and is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things, I will say this about this singular instance itself.
The whole movement of his fall is just bizarre here. I can understand if he had fallen over backwards on impact trying to catch that can, but instead there is a singular second where he seems to stand upright per usual, then he randomly collapses as though he were a robot and the can short-circuited his lower extremity mobility functions.
It was just strange looking at in real time. Highly doubt the injuries were serious at all (if any), but it looked more like a system malfunction than what you’d expect a fall to look like.
February 27, 2016 @ 9:53 pm
Why can’t you get rid of this Mongoloid puppet, if any of these girls would take two seconds to look past his haircut and jeans they would see they are lusting after the Forrest gump of country music
June 16, 2016 @ 7:18 pm
Do you know him personally??? I do…
February 27, 2016 @ 9:57 pm
I hope that wasn’t a Pabst Blue Ribbon that he missed!
February 27, 2016 @ 11:43 pm
Worst show I ever saw was a drunken Replacements performance in which they didn’t finish one single song the entire night. That’s something that doesn’t happen with alleged “great” bands. As for Luke Bryan, I’m baffled that so many people would spend their hard-earned money to see him.
February 28, 2016 @ 10:05 am
Aw hell, that’s just the way they ended their songs. đ
Love the ‘Mats!
The only thing I love about Luke Bryan is watching him fall, and especially as awkwardly as this. At first I thought it was too melodramatic, like he was laughing at himself, but then I watched it again, and I just don’t know.
In any event, it breaks my heart to see how many folks pay to see the guy.
February 28, 2016 @ 5:20 am
So Canadians have shitty taste in music too ,visitors of this site not included of course.
February 28, 2016 @ 9:37 am
If you take a look at his videos from his LBTV series of concerts on YouTube,you will see how much he drinks backstage before his shows and then goes on stage and has More beer a sometimes shots of tequila. Yeah, I been saying this for about two years now….Luke Bryan gets to act like this on the road,even though his audience is basically teens. Does it make you stop to think about HIS OWN KIDS and what happens when dad is alright with this behavior?
The message is clear as to why Luke Bryan loves being on the road, No one says no to having a good time EVERY NIGHT. Having to be home with kids means playing responsible parent. What will he do when those teens that adore him now Grow up and move on?
February 28, 2016 @ 11:41 am
You ask a pair of really good question there, cilla. I guess he adopts a “do as I say, not as I do” rule, which I don’t think has ever really worked with ne’er-do-well parents trying to teach their kids any kinds of realistic virtues. It may come back to haunt him, his fans, and their parents one of these days, perhaps with some terrible results.
February 28, 2016 @ 9:37 pm
I’m glad we have you to play mommy and daddy on here being all responsible and shit
February 28, 2016 @ 2:36 pm
Can you blame him? If you Knew that you’re entire musical “legacy” is going to be an oil spot on the American musical landscape, same as disco was, you’d probably have to drink to go out and perform such bad music.
February 28, 2016 @ 9:55 pm
Shit, and here I was thinking he wasn’t good at (or for) anything.
Next time, can the stage be surrounded by woodchippers, alligators, fire, and Viet Cong style booby traps?
March 1, 2016 @ 8:24 am
Muckalee Creek Water is such a banger. Luke’s old stuff is pretty damn good. Guy is just havin’ fun out there, probably has slept with a ton of women haha legend.
March 28, 2018 @ 3:21 pm
wow. this comment is so filled with intellectualism and deep thinking.
March 2, 2016 @ 1:59 pm
Yeah, I agree with Charles Murphy. I actually like Luke Bryan, he seems like a really nice guy. I like that he’s still married to his childhood sweetheart. I like that he put her in his video (not another model, yawn). I like “Do I” and “Drink a Beer” (yeah I know, Stapleton). He seems like a good guy who doesn’t cheat on his wife. I like that. However, some of his songs are horrible. Rain, Shake it for me, whatever, obviously Kick the dust up. Line Charley said, I think he’s getting drunk because that’s the only way he can get through these crappy songs. Very sad, actually. đ What sucks is that even if he quit and went all acoustic/red dirt there would just be a new corporate/abercrombie and Finch model to take his place. It’s the Nashville puppet head machine that”s the problem, do all this hating on Luke makes me really uncomfortable.