Man Dies in Dumpster At Jason Aldean Show in Cleveland
Tragic news out of the Cleveland area as a 22-year-old man named Cory Barron who went missing on Friday, July 18th during a Jason Aldean concert at Progressive Field, was found by a landfill worker in New Russia Township, just outside of Cleveland on Tuesday (7-22). The man’s body was in a dumpster that had been transported from the ballpark. The Lorain County Sherriff’s Department responded to the landfill and identified the body as the missing man. The young man still had his ID and ticket stub on his person when he was discovered.
Local investigators are looking into the possibility that the concertgoer fell down a trash chute that led to the dumpster. The chute was located near where the Fremont, OH native had tickets to the concert. According to workers, the man would have fallen five or six stories down the chute to reach the dumpster. What the man was doing by the chute, how he gained access to it, or if any foul play was involved has yet to be determined. The cause of death has yet to be determined pending an autopsy by the Lorain County Coroner’s Office.
An intense search operation that involved the FBI was commenced the day after Friday’s concert when Cory Barron went missing. He was last seen at around 9:30 PM after leaving his assigned seating area to meet up with friends in another section of the ballpark. Cory never returned, and Saturday morning a missing persons report was filed. A search then commenced, including by air and watercraft in the area. The entire ballpark was searched three times with no clues, and surveillance video found nothing suspicious.
Florida Georgia Line, Miranda Lambert, and Tyler Farr also played at the concert.
On Tuesday night after the news of Cory Barron’s death was made public, Jason Aldean said on Twitter, “My sincere condolences go out to Cory Barron’s family and friends. My heart is heavy for you all and you are in my thoughts and prayers.”
The Cleveland Indians, whose home is Progressive Field, also said, “The Cleveland Indians are saddened by the news of Cory Barron’s untimely death and wish to extend their sincere condolences to the Barron family and friends. We are cooperating with the authorities in their investigation and do not have additional comment at this time.”
July 22, 2014 @ 9:41 pm
Very sad. May he rest in peace.
July 22, 2014 @ 9:47 pm
Aldean, FGL and Tyler Farr … there’s an investigation? I think we all know what happened.
(too soon?)
July 22, 2014 @ 9:49 pm
Ain’t gonna lie, that thought was in my head too. But yes… too soon.
July 22, 2014 @ 11:03 pm
How awful. 🙁 Prayers to his family.
July 23, 2014 @ 6:43 am
This is very sad news. My thoughts go out to his family & friends. I hope that this doesn’t end up being related to over intoxication from tailgating. It really is getting out of control at these stadium shows.
July 23, 2014 @ 7:34 am
Sad news, indeed. But I don’t think the tailgating is much worse, if any worse, than it was when I was going to a lot of concerts 20 years ago. The tailgaters have less manners these days, so they leave trash lying around, instead of cleaning it up, but I’m not sure if they’re getting any more drunk or high. I went to an Ozzy show back in the early 90’s and two guys drowned in a pond after wandering away from the parking lot to take a leak. I remember well the Grateful Dead shows in the 80’s and 90’s. I didn’t attend, but the city was inundated with bums who wandered around for days leading up to the show. One guy, in a grass skirt with no shirt, skateboarded in front of my truck on an interstate ramp. I slammed on my brakes and missed him by a foot. He had no clue that he almost died. At least one person would die every time the dead came to town. Hell, my parents used to go see Jimmy Buffet and there would be people, young and old alike, passed out all over the place.
As far as country concerts go, the drinking and pot smoking is the same level as the rock shows, but probably less psychedelics and hard drugs. This does not apply to Hank III shows and the like, however. I saw Hank III at the Orange Peel in Asheville, NC, and as I was waiting in line to get in the door ( it was a long line that took 25 minutes,) two girls sat down between some cars and shot up right in front of me.
July 23, 2014 @ 8:16 am
ugh. I was on vacation wandering around Asheville on the 17th and saw Hank 3 was playing on Friday 18th at the Orange Peel. I tried to get tickets for me and my girl but it was sold out. I’m back in Jacksonville and he’s playing Friday here at Underbelly. We’re planning on going to that. Hopefully nothing too crazy. I remember a show in Fort Lauderdale where he brought out a local stripper to dance on stage for one of his road crew on his birthday. My girl won’t be happy if something like that happens again. How was the show?
July 23, 2014 @ 8:20 am
The show was cool, but Hank was opening for Rev. Horton Heat and Nashville Pussy, so he didn’t play that long. The idea of NP sounds and looks better than the band actually is. RHH is a great guitar player and its cool to see him live, but I just don’t get a lot of the songs, or there just isn’t much to the songs…
July 23, 2014 @ 8:32 am
Cool. I saw Wayne Hancock open for the rev and enjoyed the Train much more. I did like when Wayne came out and covered i’m so lonesome I could cry with the Rev.
July 23, 2014 @ 9:00 am
Yeah. I’m much more of a Wayne the Train fan than a Rev fan, but that would have been awesome to see…
July 23, 2014 @ 7:25 am
Even if he was intoxicated, this shouldn’t have happened. That stadium has events all the time where people are inebriated and this didn’t happen before. Sounds like someone dropped the ball and wasn’t guarding the area where he fell or left it open. Something doesn’t add up and I suspect it’s going to come down on the venue for being sloppy.
July 23, 2014 @ 8:13 am
When I read the title of this, I was seriously expecting it to be “Fake News”.
What a horrible way to way to go.
July 23, 2014 @ 8:27 am
I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, brother, family member. I hope you have all of your answers very soon.
July 23, 2014 @ 11:49 am
Is it possible that the man had a moment of clarity and decided that the quickest way to burn that sound out of his ears was to do the 6 story cannonball? Gallows humor aside, that is a terrible end to a persons life.
July 24, 2014 @ 6:21 am
to soon for a cheap joke IMHO…… very sad.
July 23, 2014 @ 11:51 am
This is quite tragic.
We will have to see what caused this terrible circumstance.
July 23, 2014 @ 2:20 pm
Woah may god light à warm candle rest his soul inside and out amen
July 23, 2014 @ 9:27 pm
I’m sure the concert was absolutely trash
July 24, 2014 @ 10:41 am
This is a sad story, but also some obvious jokes can be made (and have been).
If alcohol was involved, certainly can alter judgment and decision making. My guess is the young man mistook the dumpster of trash for one of the artists and wanted to get closer.
The good thing is that he is now up in heaven with the likes of Hank Sr., Waylon, Johnny, etc…
July 24, 2014 @ 1:02 pm
Shame on all of you making jokes. This is a tragic story and for you to sit here and make jokes about his death is horrible. What if he was your son,father or anyone who means anything to you….how would you feel if some jerkoffs were sitting here basically spitting on his grave. My prayers go out to his family and friends. This was truly a tragedy and life taken too soon. I hope you get answers soon so you can get closure and start your healing. Do not let the comments of some arrogant people make you mad. They will have to answer for their actions one day. I hope and pray they never have to go through the same thing…
July 24, 2014 @ 3:07 pm
To the family of the deceased..if they happen to be on this website.. The intention wasn’t to disrespect or dishonor the memory of the young guy, more of a music centered take.
To the thinner skinned easily offended here- perhaps you should take a second and realize that we as a human race die in all sorts of odd ways.. Not really noble ones. And I do find humor in it from time to time. The whole Darwin Award winners. And I don’t give even a little shit if some people are not smart enough to tell the difference between insulting the memory of a real person and finding humor in the circumstances. The joke wasn’t about the poor guy, but about the shit music. That’s the bottom line.
July 26, 2014 @ 12:54 pm
No, Paul…you are the “Bottom…”.
August 4, 2014 @ 8:46 am
That is sad, I have a son that age. Thankfully he isn’t into going to those crappy concerts.
I wonder how he got in there?
The most disgusting concert I ever attended was in 1970, the Atlanta Pop Festival. It was awfully crowded, I got lost, ripped off and bored. Some good music though .Morbidly black o.d. trucks blared through the crowds constantly too, but I made it back to the city ok. I guess one of the main points here is that real country concerts have a history of civil behavior.