Marty Stuart’s “Way Out West” Is a Journey Back to When Country Became Cool
Marty Stuart is one cool cat. Not to inadvertently criticize many of the other living legends of country music, but I get why some traditional country performers can’t always find an audience with younger listeners. Their music might be great too, but you can see why many would identify traditional country with something old and in the past. But when it comes to the music of Marty Stuart, it is not that way.
Go back and listen to his Ghost Train: The Studio B Sessions, or its sister record Nashville Vol. 1: Tear The Woodpile Down. Along with his backing band of the Fabulous Superlatives, there’s an attack, and a youthful freshness to Marty Stuart’s music not always present in traditional country. Marty Stuart never stopped being hungry, and never lost his passion. Perhaps it’s because he never reached that superstar status, and skirted just under the major accolade radar for the majority of his career. That’s allowed him to remain looking forward, trying to find a way to serve the roots of country the right way, and in a manner that invigorates people more than just being an element of nostalgia.
Like Dwight Yoakam and a few very select others in country, Marty Stuart just exudes cool, and that’s contagious to everything he touches. He makes gospel songs cool, and mandolin etudes cool. He makes collecting every piece of country music memorabilia he can get his hands on cool. In the arms of Marty Stuart, everything old feels new, because there’s an exuberance and understanding he brings to the music that is unparalleled.
For his latest album, Marty Stuart could have done the same old thing—recorded 10 to 15 tracks of various subjects, slapped a title on it, and his loyal fans would have lapped it up no matter what it was. But that’s not Marty Stuart. You think old school country is stuffy and needs to think outside the box? Marty Stuart is two steps ahead of you.
For generations, the American West was a promise land of opportunity, and offered the ability for the young to lose themselves in the vastness and magic of wide open spaces, soaring peaks, and painted deserts. It was the final frontier. And when there were no other corners of the West to explore, the children of the 60’s turned to psychedelics to continue their journey of discovery and to try to find themselves.
What’s interesting about the psychedelic era of American music is how short it lasted. Bro-Country has been around for longer as a popular music medium than psychedelia was. And what did many of those California bands do after psychedelic music lost its luster? Bands like The Byrds and The Grateful Dead? They turned to the music that was native to the land they found themselves surrounded by.
The West has just as much a claim to the origination of country music as Nashville and Appalachia does. The cowboy poets, then the silver screen stars were putting their awe for the landscapes, and the wild stories of the strange places they encountered into song as early as anyone. That moment in the late 60’s and early 70’s when the counterculture youth began to embrace the roots of American music, and began to see the beauty of songs tied so distinctly to the landscape, and the power of a Buck Owens harmony, this is where the listener finds themselves again in Marty Stuart’s Way Out West.
This album is steeped in a moment when forces thought to be so diametrically opposed in culture began to cross breed in ways we are still trying to match the creativity of today. Being a tireless student of the music as he is, Marty Stuart has gone and made a record that delves into this era with such authority and enthusiasm, it comes as close to matching those original moments as anyone since.
Just like The West itself, Marty Stuart’s new album is vast and diverse. You have the Marty Robbins-style desert ballads, you have the California country Clarence White influence, you have the Native American and the Mexican represented since they have such a profound influence on the land, and it’s all interwoven with the wonder that the American West inspires.
Much of Way Out West doesn’t even have words. Those would get in the way of conjuring up the emptiness and profundity one finds when meandering through the open desert, or staring out across the end of the continent from a craggy spire on the coast. Way Out West is like a living, breathing expression of the land interpreted with loving care through Marty Stuart’s vision.
Not that a family friendly and upstanding institution like Saving Country Music would ever condone the ingestion of illegal substances, but let’s just say if your crazy cousin is one who likes to nibble on a certain strain of mushrooms, Way Out West may not be a bad suggestion as a soundtrack to such an experience. Yet like all those good psychedelic records of the 60’s and 70’s whose appeal remained well past that specific era, Marty Stuart’s effort holds up very well regardless of your level of sobriety. The West may have long been conquered by GPS and the ever-present march of technology, but this album gives you an opportunity to get lost in a mindscape once again.
Way Out West is not entirely a song cycle though, or a concept record in the traditional sense. Aside from the setting, there is really no cohesive thematic thread that runs through this record, and the songs don’t especially bleed into one another. Looking for criticisms of Way Out West might be as hard as discovering water in Joshua Tree, but one concern would be that Marty Stuart could have done just a little bit more in the songwriting realm to enhance the experience of this album even further since it already has an epic structure to it.
Two of the best songs on the record are the honky-tonkin’ “Air Mail Special” and “Whole Lotta Highway,” but even with a few natural ties to the theme of Way Out West, they feel like songs that could fit on any Marty Stuart record as opposed to something specific to this release. And there is not one song especially where the lyrics hit you hard. Though the creativity on this record achieves the awe-inspiring, it does feel more like Marty Stuart interpreting these various styles of Western roots music as opposed to a wholly original expression.
That also happens to be what makes Way Out West so special. Big hats off to Marty and His Fabulous Superlative for being so nimble, like musical chameleons bending and shaping and shifting hues to each specific song to match Marty Stuart’s musical vision in representing one of the many facets of the Western experience embodied on this record. Its incredible this album was put together by ostensibly one band when it could very much be a compilation. Mike Campbell (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) was just about the perfect dude to helm this project as producer, and the results are hard to argue with.
As much as Marty Stuart is a student of country music—and always has been from his days of playing in the bands of Lester Flatt and Johnny Cash—he’s also a teacher. And with a refreshing boldness, and frankly a little bit of guts from running the risk of being misunderstood by some of the fuddy duddy fans of traditional country, Marty Stuart encapsulates a critical time in country and all of American music when country music became cool. And even better, with Way Out West, Marty Stuart proves it still is.
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March 9, 2017 @ 11:42 am
“What’s interesting about the psychedelic era of American music is how short it lasted.”
I don’t think it ever ended. I think it has grown and now touches all kinds of genres. You may not have the point to staples or originators around, but that type of music is everywhere.
Good stuff from Marty. Really like it.
Saw him on tv the other nite, what a character he is too, but legit, not pretend.
March 9, 2017 @ 12:21 pm
Really nice review, Trig, well done.
“there’s an attack, and a youthful freshness to Marty Stuart’s music not always present in traditional country”
You nailed it. That’s exactly right, and it’s an important precedent for people like Sturgill Simpson and Whitey Morgan. It might be good sometime to acknowledge that for musicians, NRBQ is also a touchstone. Those guys had tremendous attack, wild abandon, and huge ears (Thelonious Monk in country? there it is). As an A+ student of American music, Marty Stuart is in the same company. You can tell their love isn’t a glancing blow: it goes deeper, and is truly intimate. As musicians who know music well, and they’ll tell you that the intimacy they hear is deep and real.
That’s kind of deep knowledge and respect is pure country, which is why Marty Stuart is still a brightly-lit candle for all to see.
March 9, 2017 @ 12:56 pm
I was very fortunate that Marty Stuart showed up as a surprise guest last month at the Grand Ole Opry on the day that I went. Whole Lotta Highway and Torpedo are probably my two favorites on this album, but it all works together. First Listen came in handy.
March 9, 2017 @ 1:12 pm
Somebody found a Dick Dale album and gave it a spin.
March 14, 2017 @ 5:14 pm
Torpedo definitely has that feel.
March 9, 2017 @ 1:18 pm
Great review. After a quick listen to all the songs, this one strikes me as something for the vinyl collection….as it lends itself well to front to back listening while sitting on the porch in the summer with a beer.
March 9, 2017 @ 3:15 pm
Funny, i thought this same thing. My dad seen Marty with Merle years ago, and i treated him with the vinyl to this one for his birthday. I hope he digs it! Im 30, my dads 60, and we both love Marty and the Superalatives. Thats the magic these guys have i think.
March 9, 2017 @ 4:46 pm
Funny you said that, jtrpdx. I quit buying vinyl cause they just sit there collecting dust. But, this may be the exception.
March 10, 2017 @ 8:56 am
I know what you mean. I don’t often buy new releases on vinyl (more just browsing the many used record stores we have here in Portland….thank you hipsters!). The good thing on new release vinyl these days is that they most often include a free digital download as well.
March 9, 2017 @ 1:20 pm
Such good writing in this review.
March 10, 2017 @ 12:38 pm
Agreed. Great job Trigger, and great job Superlatives. They are one special band of musicians.
March 9, 2017 @ 1:46 pm
Sold me on this one.
March 9, 2017 @ 1:49 pm
“In the arms of Marty Stuart, everything old feels new…”
Exhibit A: Connie Smith.
March 9, 2017 @ 2:54 pm
Whatever Marty does is very good. He is very cool!
March 9, 2017 @ 4:36 pm
A fantastic review. Great writing
March 9, 2017 @ 4:53 pm
I was so excited to see this review posted! Great job – excellent. I’ll read it again after I listen to the album in its entirety (I’ve only streamed here and there).
I’ve been streaming Ken Burns “The West” on amazon prime at night for the past week as a run-up to this release.
March 11, 2017 @ 8:18 am
Now that I’ve had time to really digest WOW (but not any strands of mushrooms), I love it. The song writing doesn’t strike me as lacking. However, I wish the project would have been a bit more narrow in scope – the Monkee-esque surfing songs are kind of jarring when first encountered – I wish the album didn’t stray off the dusty trail.
This is truly a special project that rarely resides with the realm of country music.
I wonder if on the current tour Stuart & gang are paying the album in it’s entirety.
March 9, 2017 @ 6:19 pm
So here’s the thing , as I see it where MS is concerned , Trigger.
Its probably a good thing for MS that he never achieved that George Strait , John Cash , Randy Travis superstar status . Its allowed him to maintain that passion , as you say , and mine areas of country music and his own creative urges that those big( ger ) boys could not have afforded to without raising the ire of their respective labels and, possibly , sacrificing significant portions of their fan bases . Marty has nothing to prove , musically , and doesn’t seem beholding to anyone except , perhaps , Connie . He obviously loves what he does and does it well …and damn …isn’t that what we ALL strive for ?
Trigger your review is brilliant , as always . As a writer you get better each time out and continue to bring fresh ( in all its incarnations ) to the table . Good on you . And good for us .
March 10, 2017 @ 11:01 am
Thanks Albert and everyone else for the compliments on the review. Inspiring music resulted in inspired writing.
March 9, 2017 @ 7:05 pm
Streamed the album on NPR and it is really outstanding. There are several great instrumentals and the band sounds great. With it being recorded at Capitol Studios, it has that lush sound. There are some unexpected touches as well, Beatle-ish influences.
March 10, 2017 @ 7:05 am
Loved the review.
March 10, 2017 @ 10:00 am
My copy should arrive today. Looking forward to listening to it.
Right now, I’d say my two favorite people making country music in the present are Jim Lauderdale and Marty Stuart.
March 10, 2017 @ 2:17 pm
Articles like this are my favorite part of SCM. Fantastic job
March 10, 2017 @ 3:40 pm
Should have bought this instead of the Josh Turner album. Going to order it now.
March 10, 2017 @ 5:16 pm
I just got my copy on vinyl, callled Barnes and Noble and asked to hold it. They said they would, I got there and they didn’t mention that Marty and the fabulous superlatives signed the record. I was the happiest kid on earth. I’ve listened to it 5 times so far and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think this is Marty’s masterpiece. I couldn’t stop listening to Ghost Train when it came out and thought he would never top it. Folks this is it’s equal or better. Please support this record and go buy it
March 13, 2017 @ 4:11 pm
Did the entire band sign your album? I pre-ordered a signed vinyl package directly from Martys site (about $50) and it showed up with just Martys signature. I thought it would be signed by Kenny, Harry, and Chris as well but no. Still happy but I probably paid more than you. Last time I saw them live, the line was to long for me to hang around after so I was excited to add this to my signed vinyl collection
March 15, 2017 @ 8:38 pm
Yes, all the band members signed the record. The best part, I only paid 20 dollars.
March 16, 2017 @ 6:01 pm
Marty Stuart done ripped me off!
March 11, 2017 @ 4:15 pm
Been enjoying the record. But I hope he doesn’t get sued by the estate of Link Wray for the opening of Quicksand!
March 13, 2017 @ 11:31 am
Link Wray!!!!! Now there’s a name you don’t hear often…you gotta be in the right circle to even know who Link was I just happen to be in that circle!!! Jtrpdx , you must be alright if you can name drop Link so easily.
March 13, 2017 @ 5:23 pm
Ha ha. Thanks, but I think you may be pushing it a bit with that description of me! I think Marty would say that Quicksand is more of an homage to Link Wray’s Rumble, and wouldn’t deny that the tune was heavily inspired by it. It would have been cool if he would have given Link a shout out in the album notes though!
March 14, 2017 @ 5:20 pm
Link Wray and Dick Dale without a doubt influenced this album.
March 12, 2017 @ 8:19 am
I got the album from Amazon on Friday and purposefully listened to it twice before reading this. I don’t think I could have, no make that I KNOW I couldn’t have, put it any better. Great, great review.
I’m looking for tickets now and just realized he is opening for Steve Miller at the Ryman. That just seems wrong to me. Anyway, if I could ask him one question it would be what he’s got against Atlanta because he never plays Atlanta proper, always outlying areas so we have an hour plus ride home which precludes any bourbon intake before or during the show. First world problem.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed his last 5 albums and they are all in my regular rotation. This one is different enough that it just might be my favorite. Time will tell.
March 24, 2017 @ 11:52 pm
Just got back from that show KGD, and it was awesome. The two are long time friends and Steve brought the superlatives out for “The Joker”, and said that they are his favorite band in the world. In the words of Steve Miller, marty stuart is the “ambassador of American music”
March 13, 2017 @ 2:16 pm
Marty Stuart is a role model for the way the older “out of the main arena” country star should be continuing their career – still giving it their all, recording and working with no illusions of big time sales or getting back in the Billboard top 10 just making damn good music regardless of whether’s it’s in fashion or not.
March 13, 2017 @ 7:12 pm
it came in the mail today
March 16, 2017 @ 5:15 am
Loving this album more with every listen.
Pressure’s on Jason! 🙂
March 22, 2017 @ 8:55 pm
just read this one after commenting on your “more people should be paying attention to Marty Stuart” article. looks like we are on the same page as far as funny fungus and this record is concerned. ?
March 27, 2017 @ 1:09 pm
You did it again, Trigger. I’d have missed this album if not for your review. Marty Stuart hit a grand slam with this one.
March 28, 2017 @ 12:21 pm
Just stumbled onto this album while skipping through the Spotify New Releases section. This is awesome music & a great review.
This is “soundtrack of my life” kind of stuff. Like, I want Mojave playing in the background whenever I enter a room. This shit just sets a tone. LOL
June 15, 2017 @ 12:15 pm
Really digging this one. Trig, can you recommend any other psychedelic country albums outside of the obvious ones (flying burritos, the byrds, gram parsons, etc.)
June 15, 2017 @ 12:53 pm
I would put Sturgill’s “Metamodern Sounds” in that category to some extent. There really hasn’t bee a whole lot of this stuff over the years. The Grateful Dead in the early 70’s veered that way. I’ll have to think on this.
April 10, 2019 @ 7:31 am
We saw them at Variety Playhouse in Atlanta! I was stunned. So awesome it was to see and hear this incredible band. Especially Loved the surfs up encore instrumental . I should’ve shut my mouth before that last wave hit. Kenny and Chris mentioned to us later that they cut a bunch more tunes like it in the way out west session. Hopefully we’ll get to buy them someday soon