Media Falsely Reports Sam Hunt / Hannah Fowler Divorce Withdrawal
In a story Saving Country Music was painstakingly attempting to avoid, Sam Hunt’s wife Hannah Fowler filed for divorce on Friday, February 18th, claiming infidelity from the “country” star—specifically that he was “guilty of inappropriate marital conduct” and “guilt of adultery.” Fowler is seeking alimony, child support, and primary custody of their currently unborn child that Fowler is set to give birth to in May.
Hannah Fowler filed the formal paperwork for the divorce in the Davidson County court system on Friday (2-18), which covers much of the Nashville metropolitan area. However, since that is not where one or both of the principle members involved in the divorce live, that initial filing was withdrawn shortly after it was filed, at 2:15 p.m. Friday, and replaced with a “Notice of Voluntary Nonsuit.”
When tabloid outlet Us Weekly and others learned of the withdrawal, they quickly reported on Tuesday, February 22nd that Sam Hunt’s wife had experienced a change of heart, and wasn’t seeking a divorce at all. Shortly, dozens of other outlets, including Fox News, Daily Mail, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, and many country media outlets including Taste of Country, CMT, and The Boot also reported on Hannah Fowler withdrawing her divorce filing.
However, this is only part of the story. Hannah Fowler withdrew her divorce filing only to turn around and refile it in the appropriate jurisdiction of Williamson County, which covers areas south and west of Nashville proper, including communities such as Franklin, where many country performers live. Furthermore, the initial Davidson County filing in the divorce was marked, “In the Chancery Court for Williamson County,” so there was a paper trail tracing the divorce filing to Williamson County.
Saving Country Music was able to confirm with the Williamson Country Chancery Court that the Sam Hunt divorce is indeed still pending, just in the Williamson County, Tennessee court system, not Davidson County. The court also issued a statutory restraining order against Sam Hunt. See all paperwork below.
Though the divorce of Sam Hunt and Hannah Fowler feels like a personal matter, it is another public case of the media not checking sources, and simply parroting the reporting of other outlets, spreading false information like a wildfire. Only Whiskey Riff at the time of this post had deduced the mistake, and posted the correct information.
Find the paperwork for the divorce below.
February 23, 2022 @ 11:33 am
“In a story Saving Country Music was painstakingly attempting to avoid,”…
anyone waiting on this article? lol.
February 23, 2022 @ 12:54 pm
Someone has to call bullshit on these media outlets that don’t do their due diligence.
Might as well be someone that does.
February 23, 2022 @ 12:08 pm
This story and pretty much anything else pertaining to Sam C**t should be posted on
February 23, 2022 @ 6:05 pm
And “Star” should also have been in quotes, let alone “Country”. ????
Tony R
February 23, 2022 @ 12:53 pm
Sounds like an ugly situation. I don’t like his music, but I’ve seen the pain of divorce, and I wish him and his wife the best.
February 23, 2022 @ 1:02 pm
Whiskey Riff was just as bad jumping on the story. That site is as tabloid as the rest. Jesus anyone on Tiktok knows he’s been out and about. But divorce is awful to go through. A public divorce is worse. Hope his wife has good support around her.
February 23, 2022 @ 1:17 pm
For whomever needs to hear it,
Who cares about this story? I fucking care, and I don’t care who knows it. I don’t care about it because I care about the salacious details of Sam Hunt’s divorce, which I would contend is a private matter. Why I care is when you so clearly see a news story so widespread and falsely reported to where a total canard becomes the information of record, it shakes me to my very core. It makes me fear for the very future of civilization, full stop, no hyperbole. False stories similar to this about Morgan Wallen, Lil Nas X, and others where the media takes false information and reports it without independently verifying sources have eroded the credibility of country music in the past. But well beyond the silly little concerns of country music, the way false reporting on things like COVID-19 (on both sides of the issue) have completely restructured our lives and routines, and have literally costs people their lives. We could be sitting on the brink of WW3 at the moment, and certain elements of the reporting—not dissimilar to this dumb Sam Hunt issue—are false, get parroted throughout media without any independent verification, and could result in a serious outbreak of conflict.
And there is a victim of this false reporting. Think about if your daughter, sister, niece, etc., was married to a total piece of garbage, who was allegedly cheating on her and lying about it while she was 5 months pregnant, and meanwhile every outlet on planet Earth is reporting that everything is hunky dory. “Nope. She withdrew her divorce filing. Nothing to see here.”
I lose sleep at night over this stuff. So you may may not care, and I respect that. But as a reporter, I absolutely cannot allow for false reporting to go unchallenged. I do care, and this is my outlet to share that concern.
February 23, 2022 @ 1:39 pm
if you lose sleep over this sort of stuff why do you let conspiracy theories and misinformation in your comments sections?
February 23, 2022 @ 2:02 pm
Well first, there’s a huge difference between something being posted in major outlet like Fox News or CMT, and a shitposter using an alias in a comments section. If you’re getting your verified news from any comments section, jokes on you.
That said, I do challenge and/or delete false information whenever I see it here. But I am also not a doctor, etc. who can deem what is true or what is false. I am, however, a country music reporter, who can check sources before reporting.
February 23, 2022 @ 4:56 pm
Jesus Christ you’re the fucking worst. “I don’t agree with what you say so you should not be allowed to say it.”
Fuck off.
February 23, 2022 @ 5:57 pm
just pointing out the hypocrisy of wanting to correct divorce paperwork but letting people play doctor in the comments pushing horse medicine or whatever snake oil the blogs are pushing this week because, well, hey, i guess it’s possible. journalistic integrity has its limits? y’all are so aggressive. is it the horse medicine?
February 23, 2022 @ 6:13 pm
The media accusing people taking human grade Ivermectin prescribed by doctors as “horse medication,” and specifically the echo chamber attack of Joe Rogan in that context, along with Rolling Stone and others pushing the extremely false story of gunshot victims in Oklahoma unable to get treatment in the ER due to Ivermectin overdoses are the perfect examples of how an unverified false media narrative can spread like wildfire when outlets refuse to check from original sources, and simply rebroadcast what other outlets are publishing. They’re also good examples of how this behavior erodes trust in the public, not just with the media, but with health officials, resulting in more people being speculative of established science and COVID-19 information.
Benjamin Beard
February 24, 2022 @ 8:16 am
So you want censorship?
February 24, 2022 @ 8:33 am
what i said was misinformation of any kind is bad, but for some reason trig has decided to draw the line at divorce paperwork and not things that actually cost people their lives.
the fact that you all always jump straight to censorship is laughable. all people hear is “why can’t i say this stupid, easily debunked or offensive shit and not suffer any consequences?! oh also, let’s ban some more books! hey, let’s burn them too!”
Jake Cutter
February 25, 2022 @ 8:00 am
When Honkey didn’t comment for months, I wondered if maybe COVID got him. Then I wondered about Fuzzy, but he finally commented last week. What SCM reader/s have died?
King Honky Of Crackershire
February 23, 2022 @ 5:33 pm
We’re not on the brink of WWIII, but just like I told you would happen, on this website, about 3 weeks ago, they’re using “Muh Russia” to distract well-meaning, gullible people like you. I should’ve known you’d fall for it.
If you plan on being the gatekeeper for media accountability, you need to wake the eff up.
February 23, 2022 @ 5:51 pm
I’m falling for nothing. How are they distracting us? Through the media, though canards. That’s my point.
King Honky Of Crackershire
February 23, 2022 @ 6:08 pm
You just said we could be sitting on the brink of WW3, which we definitely aren’t. Therefore, you fell for it.
Western elites are the biggest threat to you and I. Eastern thugs pose no direct threat to you, currently.
February 23, 2022 @ 6:15 pm
while i agree we aren’t headed to ww3 because russia would be destroyed (their economy is like as big as florida) it is a very real situation. but what are we being distracted from this time?
February 23, 2022 @ 6:17 pm
No more comments in this comments section that don’t have directly to do with Sam Hunt and his divorce. All other comments will be deleted. As will your comments complaining about you comments being deleted.
King Honky Of Crackershire
February 23, 2022 @ 6:28 pm
Understood Trig. But to be clear, I had no intention of having a discussion with anyone but you, on this topic. You mentioned WW3, and it made me want to reply to you.
I actually think you’re getting warmer than you’ve ever been as far as awareness, but still need to wake up, as I previously stated.
February 23, 2022 @ 1:33 pm
As someone who’s listen to portions of his music before, I always thought he gave off major red flag vibes. His music was already not my thing, but the way he framed things in his music really rubbed the wrong way. For sure, lyrics don’t always represent the person who wrote them, but something about the portions of his music I did hear told me he was being pretty transparent in his work. The details of the divorce are no one’s business but theirs, but hearing him accused of infidelity and “inappropriate marital conduct is unsurprising to me.
February 23, 2022 @ 2:55 pm
I thought Whiskey Riff posted that the divorce being called off was untrue? Am I missing something? Probably.
Meanwhile, Cody Johnson is #1 with “Till You Can’t”.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:29 pm
That’s what I’m getting from this story. I guess one of us misinterpreted Trig’s article. I’m understanding the divorce paperwork was initially filed in the wrong county, so when it was pulled, most news sources reported that as being the end of the divorce. But it was re-filed in another county. So Whisky Riff reporting that the divorce being called off as false is correct.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:31 pm
Also, I’ve never once searched for a Sam Hunt song or news but did see a title in another news feed I review that Sam Hunt’s wife has called off the divorce. So the fake story is definitely out there.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:51 pm
Whiskey Riff jumped on the bandwagon and reported the divorce. Then reported the correction but TMZ posted about the mix up at 7:00 this morning. And now other sites are putting out the info. They are all responsible for getting clicks off the story.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:57 pm
I believe TMZ did not post the correction until 12:14 p.m. PT (2:14 p.m. Central), when they also changed the title of their story, which would have been AFTER both Whiskey Riff and myself posted corrections. If you go to the TMZ story, the update is time stamped.
I read the TMZ story this morning, and the information in it was still saying Hannah pulled the divorce completely.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:49 pm
Whiskey Riff reported on the story correctly, and was the only outlet to do so when I was first made aware of the issue. That is why I made sure to give them credit, and linked to their article. I also thought they had reported on Hunt’s wife changing her mind and mentioned this in a comment (not the article), but I was wrong about that, and deleted my comment.
February 23, 2022 @ 3:04 pm
But does she have a body like a backroad? Is she hard to forget? Did they meet in 2016?
February 23, 2022 @ 4:31 pm
Ironic that someone is calling out the media but doesn’t proofread or spellcheck their own writing.
February 23, 2022 @ 4:55 pm
I also like to complain and show my superiority for no reason while contributing nothing to the conversation…just like i did here 🙂
February 25, 2022 @ 11:47 am
No, you have contributed wonderfully!
February 25, 2022 @ 12:26 pm
Wow great contribution. Imma guess you’re a 30ish millennial who’s favorite website is BuzzFeed and you think “LMAO you’re actually retarded” is a roast.
Jake Cutter
February 23, 2022 @ 6:44 pm
This might be more sensational if the media reported on the story correctly.
February 23, 2022 @ 7:13 pm
Trig, this is excellent work and represents a standard that used to be followed when journalists worked for editors who gave a sh*t about credibility.
You don’t work for an editor, which means your desire for truth and credibility is inside you. We should all not only respect that desire but seek to emulate it. I’m around young people a lot. They are often totally at sea when it comes to knowing how to tell who is lying and who is not. Their most common reaction is to give up and think everybody’s lying. This thought absolutely paralyzes them. It’s kind of a big problem.
Being the guy who not only tells the truth but *shows* the truth is to be in a thankless position, so at the risk of sounding like a simp, THANK YOU. I hope your example creates effects beyond this Sam Hunt story.
Personally, I’m too shallow for those effects to take effect. All I see at the moment are … photographs of Hannah Lee Fowler’s glorious rack.
Sue me.
February 24, 2022 @ 8:02 am
Most of these media sources are what could generally be described as “tabloids” which have always practiced this type of journalism. I get it, the story is a non-story but it’s not like The Daily Mail ever gave a hoot about accuracy. These aren’t Pulitzer prize winners here. Welcome to the grocery store check out line, paper or plastic?
Doug Carter
February 24, 2022 @ 8:09 am
“All I see at the moment are…” An adult made that comment. Do you have a daughter? Niece? Someone with breasts that you love? If so, read your comment to them. Tell them you wrote it. Ask if you can take a photo of their “nice rack”. Saying you’re “kind of shallow” doesn’t excuse you. As I’ve said numerous times, all of you posting various nonsense, use your name. Be proud of your views.
February 24, 2022 @ 11:19 am
I could give a fuck about this story but its another attack on men. Saying that he cheated on the woman while she’s pregnant. Its just another way to make a man look bad. Oh yeah,, women never cheat right? What about all the women screwing other men after their fiancé gives them a ring.
February 24, 2022 @ 11:21 am
Which, incidentally , Toby Keith summed up brilliantly with his song Wish I Didn’t Know Now
February 24, 2022 @ 1:23 pm
You are not allowed to say that stuff. Society has banned it. Women are perfect. /s
February 24, 2022 @ 1:40 pm
what a bunch of incels.
February 24, 2022 @ 2:41 pm
Ah, “I don’t have a real counterpoint so I will use an ad hominem” response.
Classically used by people who know someone is right but they won’t admit it.
February 24, 2022 @ 3:05 pm
what’s to counterpoint? what we have here is pretty evident – two pathetic men who see this article as an attack on their fragile masculinity. sam hunt cheated and trig didn’t mention that yes, sometimes women cheat too and it made you sad? lol. weak shit bros. truly.
King Honky Of Crackershire
February 24, 2022 @ 5:01 pm
The “incel” charge has always been confusing to me, because men who are incels, call themselves incels. So when someone calls you an incel, it doesn’t really make sense.
Either you are an incel, in which case it’s not an insult.
Or, you’re not an incel, and the word has no meaning because it doesn’t apply to you.
There’s no scenario where incel can be applied in a pejorative context.
February 25, 2022 @ 8:39 am
You got triggered quickly that some people said out loud that women aren’t perfect. Oh no. How dare anyone say that!
No attempt at calm discussion. Just insult throwing. Like a bot programmed to whirl and beep at certain words.
It will be alright. Calm down, drink some boxed wine, and pet your cats.
February 25, 2022 @ 8:57 am
No more comments on this thread.
February 25, 2022 @ 9:07 am
there really is no discussion to be had. let’s be clear that you both were triggered that women were not denigrated in this article and had to say so to protect your endangered masculinity. i’m sorry a woman/women hurt you in the past, it happens. you should see a professional to get to the root of your hatred before you go full elliot rodgers.
King Honky Of Crackershire
February 24, 2022 @ 4:51 pm
Dude, Vern, can’t all adultery be bad? It’s objectively bad for a man to cheat on his wife, and vice versa.
Doug Carter
February 24, 2022 @ 6:44 pm
I am a man. I couldn’t give a fuck about things that allegedly make men look bad. Some men are complete assholes. Some aren’t. What other men do doesn’t affect me as a man. Why in hell do you give a shit about men looking bad? It’s absurd. This idea that men are under fire, culturally at risk or some other nonsense, is laughable.
February 24, 2022 @ 7:23 pm
it’s incredible. women are called sluts, whores, skanks, etc. for even having sex without being married (much less an affair) or even dressing the wrong way. meanwhile guys are ladies men, players, studs, etc. for doing the same thing and somehow this is the guy’s take, that men are under attack. it’s delusional and sad.
February 25, 2022 @ 8:36 am
Men are under fire.
See divorce and family courts which are heavily biased towards women. Most men don’t report being domestically abused by women because they are seen as weak. If there is a report of domestic abuse, the man is mostly arrested just for protocol. Men are the ones that are supposed to willingly sacrifice themselves for whatever war exists. Otherwise they are shamed. See the WW1 White Feathers when women (who weren’t eligible to fight) stuck feathers into men’s coats to shame them into joining that meaningless meat grinder. It was socially applauded. Male suicide rates are high and ignored.
There is plenty of evidence out there. Only those who are willfully blind ignore it.
Doug Carter
February 25, 2022 @ 11:42 am
Hahaha haha! This is a bit, yes? Please provide empirical evidence of everything you stated. Even if true, that doesn’t mean men are under attack. “Male suicide rates are ignored”. I assume you don’t know the definition of “ignored”. If this movement to weaken men has been going on for over a hundred years, it’s a piss poor movement. Men are still running the fucking show with no end in sight. I’m not a licensed mental health professional, but you might have unresolved issues, no disrespect intended
February 25, 2022 @ 2:58 am
WTF is your problem mate, she’s 5 months pregnant with her first child finding out her husband is a tool. Being cheated on by your spouse is awful regardless of gender. And don’t act like women who cheat aren’t racked over the coals for it because they are.
Country Charley Crockett's Butter
February 24, 2022 @ 4:35 pm
Any future article about Jon Pardi going full on Bro Country with newest single release? Decent amount of fiddle but… Lyrically it’s a huge step down. I’m guessing his 4th album will be more contemporary.
February 25, 2022 @ 8:43 am
His music is cringe. Apparently he’s just as.