Modern Roots Foundation Looks to Fill Music Education Gap
“If a kid takes a lesson and immediately finds that it’s not for them, we’ve still done our job. We still changed that kid’s life. It’s just the opportunity to try.”
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Often it is asked why such simplistic and derivative music has taken hold throughout the culture in the United States. One theory is that the gutting of music funding in public schools has resulted in a population that is less appreciative and understanding of the virtues of music, while the new generation of musicians is not being properly recruited, vetted, trained, and inspired.
As the emphasis on education continues to focus more on math and science, music education and artistic funding is virtually disappearing from the public curriculum. One organization based out of southern Oregon is looking to do something about it by stepping up to fill the gap. The Modern Roots Foundation applies for grant and foundation money, solicits local communities and businesses for donations, sponsors charity fundraisers, and then takes the proceeds to help pay for lessons and instruments for low income youth in the community who show an interest in music.
The Director of Modern Roots, Dee Fretwell, says that the disparity of funding for music education disproportionately affects rural areas where roots music has always made its primary home.
“When you look at rural communities, they’re often missed when there’s a big push to bring the arts to communities,” says Dee Fretwell. “The intercity gets a lot of support from larger organizations, and the rural communities tend to just fall by the wayside. Those organizations tend to go for the biggest bang for the buck, and you go where the population is.”
All across the United States, the emphasis on testing primarily for math and science has put artistic educators and the students who show interest in music fighting an uphill battle.
“More and more the focus in schools is on test scores,” explains Fretwell. “There is a federal requirement that all schools meet testing scores for STEM, which is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. There was a huge backlash because arts were left out of it, so they decided just recently to add arts to it and call it STEAM. However they didn’t increase any funding. They’re saying they support the arts, but they’re not going to increase the funding. So either you take money away from these core subjects where they’re going to test you harshly, and if you don’t meet the standard you lose money and support. That’s where Modern Roots comes in. Though we can’t directly benefit a school because of the guidelines, we can come at it from a backdoor, and support the kids who are really interested, or just want a chance at it.”
Since being founded in 2013, Modern Roots has paid for over 1,000 hours of private lessons as well as instrument rental for interested students, and it has made a direct impact on the lives of young musicians.
“I had a kid who prior to taking lessons, was reasonably shy in school. After two years of lessons, his math scores went up to exceeding what the state requirement was. He’s definitively become confident in his own skin,” says Dee Fretwell. “And he’s won two awards through ASCAP for songwriting and composition, which all came from him and his own self drive.”
But Fretwell says it’s not just about finding and developing the next maestro. It’s about giving kids the exposure and opportunity to discover if they have a passion for music.
“If a kid takes a lesson and immediately finds that it’s not for them, we’ve still done our job. We still changed that kid’s life. It’s just the opportunity to try, and the support to get there. We do our part by connecting them with instructors and music instruments. If a kid takes a lesson one time, their brain chemistry has shifted, not just because they tried something new that probably felt slightly unattainable, but because they put themselves out there and went for it. It’s an intimating thing, especially if you’re surrounded by other people who it seems to come so easy to them. To be willing to start from the basics is a really brave thing for these kids.”
So could the Modern Roots model work for other rural communities?
“I would love it to,” says Fretwell. “The easiest thing to do would be to create pilot programs all over. Since we’re not providing a brick and mortar location, we’re utilizing the local support. All the local teachers have been vetted. Our primary job is to provide the funding. That’s kind of it, so it’s really easy to duplicate.”
As well as facilitating music lessons for aspiring young musicians, Modern Roots also engages in numerous functions throughout the year to raise awareness of its focus of “Linking Musical Prosperity” and to support music on a bigger scale. One such event is the West Coast Country Music Festival to be held Saturday, August 13th in 2016. The family-friendly, small-scale festival is held annually on top of a mountain in the Pacific Northwest hamlet of the Greensprings.
“It’s our celebration and awareness event,” says Dee Fretwell. “Basically it brings to life a genre that isn’t always represented elsewhere on the West Coast, because our primary focus is on the classic country music genres. We have a little bit of bluegrass, a little bit of old time, but we really try to focus on the classic country honky tonk style. We’re trying to find the bands that are paying homage to the old ways.”
This year’s event features headliners J.P. Harris and the Tough Choices from Nashville, Caleb Kaluder from the Portland country community, as well as Steep Ravine, Miss Lonely Hearts, Sage Meadows, Honey Don’t, Rainy and the Rattlesnakes, Laura Benitez, and bluegrass band Eight Dollar Mountain among others.
Learn More About Modern Roots
Learn More About the West Coast Country Music Festival
July 17, 2016 @ 11:14 am
J P Harris and Eight Dollar Mountain on my past playlists.
Dee Fretwell
July 17, 2016 @ 11:29 am
Awesome, thanks so much!!!!
July 17, 2016 @ 4:36 pm
It’s a very worthwhile endeavour.
Lot of the musicians I know got their start and music foundation playing in school bands.
great photo too.
thanks Trigger.
July 17, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
Is it an “old way” if you’re still doing it, still writing new stuff in the idiom?
This is a great thing they’re doing. Thanks, Trig.
Two Feathers
July 17, 2016 @ 9:42 pm
Hey, Trig, this is completely unrelated to the post but I wanted to know if you were gonna review the Henningson’s new album. I thought the song Hank (Rolling in my Grave) was amazing.
July 17, 2016 @ 11:42 pm
Any album released in the greater country music realm is vetted and considered for review on Saving Country Music. Whether they get reviewed depends on a number of factors, the primary one being if I can find enough worthwhile thoughts on it to justify a review.
Mike W.
July 17, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
While STEM is important (I should know since my wife works in a STEM field), it really is a shame that music education and the arts in general have been pushed so far back in terms of importance and funding. It’s a shame that some school districts won’t bat an eye towards building a new or renovating a football field or sports complex, but seemingly have to be pulled by the ear to throw even the tiniest bit of state or federal funding towards the arts. Glad to see organizations like this one trying to fill in the gap, the best they can. Even if (in a perfect world) there wouldn’t be a need for their existence.
Lil Dale
July 17, 2016 @ 11:01 pm
Very cool foundation and a great idea, but the one part I can’t get along with is the funding through grants. It shouldn’t be the government’s responsibility, or discretion, to teach your kids music with my tax dollars. If Nashville wants future artists properly recruited, vetted, trained and inspired, let them pay for it through foundations like this.
This also goes for High School sports funding. I shouldn’t have to pay taxes for the NCAA and the NFL to have an endless supply of bodies prepped and ready to go for their slaughter houses.
Maybe we would have fewer Florida Georgia Lines if more artists paid their dues like they did in the old days instead of someone teaching them how at Belmont. No one ever put an instrument in Lil Dale’s hands, and I can do ya every song Hank Williams ever wrote.
With all that said, great program and is not the worst thing the money could be spent on.
I’m a little drunk, sorry to ramble on.
July 17, 2016 @ 11:39 pm
Music education is not just about music, just as athletics is not just about physical fitness. These programs help build character in youth, help them gain confidence, give them life skills, and it’s been proven that children who learn and are exposed to music education do better in other academic subjects. Those arts grants are an investment in the future of the nation. Read the quote at the very top of every page on this website. I can understand someone not wanting their tax money going to little Johnny’s fiddle lessons, but I think that’s shortsighted. That money is going to little Johnny’s future.
Lil Dale
July 18, 2016 @ 12:54 am
I agree, arts and sports programs do all of the positive things you mentioned, but I’m not sure it’s worth my tax dollars to pay for total strangers’ kids to experience those things. Not to mention I’m not sure how much of an impact they truly make; there are jail cells all across the country full of people that grew up playing music and sports at school. But I know, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” and all, and by now it’s something assumed as a necessity.
Ultimately, it shouldn’t be the government’s place to pay to teach kids those things. In terms of life skills that’s on the parents, and if the entertainment and sports industries want future talent, start funding great programs like Modern Roots themselves, and the NFL and NCAA should fund every level of youth football down to Pop Warner.
Privatization. Get the government out of my music. And as mentioned in the article, rural communities get overlooked in favor of metropolitan areas; do you think that’s an accident with the current administration running things?
Dee Fretwell
July 18, 2016 @ 9:09 am
Great conversation on this and I think it’s worthy to note the grants are from private foundations, not public, and as such your tax dollars aren’t being used in this particular instance. Can’t speak for the rest of the organizations, though.
July 18, 2016 @ 4:28 am
There has been a ‘L’il Bro’ Music Camp in operation for years, hasn’t there? Every attendee gets a ‘Future Bro’ snapback and learns all the Ins and Outs of douchebaggery compliments of Camp Director Dallas Davidson, I thought.
There sure seems to be a lot of graduates, anyway.