Morgan Wallen Fulfills Donation Pledge to African American Museum

Despite the false reporting from Rolling Stone and other outlets about the nature of Morgan Wallen’s donations to Black music charities after his N-word incident in January of 2021, Saving Country Music and USA Today can confirm that Wallen has indeed fulfilled his full $500,000 pledge, with the final $100,000 being donated to the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville last week.
According to Tuwisha Rogers-Simpson, vice president of brand and partnerships for the National Museum of African American Music, not only did Morgan Wallen make the $100,000 donation, the singer also toured the location that opened in 2019, and the museum was given the opportunity to, “share our mission with Morgan as he was eager to learn more in a sincere effort to grow.”
The National Museum of African American Music is the only museum dedicated to preserving and celebrating all the music genres that African Americans helped create, influence, and inspire, including country music. The museum’s collections tell the story of the American soundtrack by integrating history and interactive technology to bring the musical heroes of the past into the present. It is located on Lower Broadway in Nashville, right across the street from the Ryman Auditorium.
Morgan Wallen had also previously made a $100,000 donation to Rock Against Racism, a $165,000 donation to the Black Music Action Coalition, and a $135,000 donation through the Entertainment Industry Foundation to be distributed by individuals as they chose.
On September 20th, 2021 Rolling Stone posted an article titled, “‘Exceptionally Misleading’: Morgan Wallen Pledged $500K to Black-Led Groups, But the Money Seems Largely M.I.A.,” claiming that Morgan Wallen had only delivered $165,000 of the $500,000 he had pledged to black charities in the aftermath of the N-word incident. The original pledge came in an interview Wallen gave to Michael Strahan on July 23rd on Good Morning America—less than two months before Rolling Stone made its false claim.
Rolling Stone was forced to issue a correction after publishing the article when the CEO of Morgan Wallen’s label Big Loud, Seth England, reached out to the outlet confirming that donations had been made to Rock Against Racism and the Entertainment Industry Foundation. Rolling Stone had only accounted for the donation to the Black Music Action Coalition.
Rolling Stone‘s dubious methodology to verify whether the donations had been made was to cold call 56 separate Black charities with Tennessee ties from a database of over 700 Black charities in the United States total, or roughly 8% of them. To Rolling Stone‘s credit, they did reach out to Morgan Wallen’s management previously about the donations, but had not received a response until the article was posted.
Despite the Rolling Stone update, the claim that Morgan Wallen did not fulfill his pledged donations was rebroadcast by Complex, Vulture, Insider, Independent, Mediaite, Uproxx, Daily Mail, Paper Mag,, Page Six, Pop Culture, Pop Crush,, Yahoo, Just Jared, NME, and many others, with few if any of these outlets updating their story after the information was refuted, and Wallen’s donations had been confirmed by both Saving Country Music, and USA Today.
Subsequently, Rolling Stone‘s initial false reporting has resulted in an established canard throughout entertainment media that has influenced subsequent events and reporting. The false notion that Morgan Wallen had not made the donations fed into the outrage when Wallen made a guest appearance on the Grand Ole Opry on January 8th 2022. The Rolling Stone article on Morgan Wallen’s purported delinquent donations was shared over 30 times on Twitter alone as evidence that no corrective effort had been expended by the singer.
Shortly after the Morgan Wallen donations report, the new editor of Rolling Stone, Noah Shachtman, was quoted in numerous publications saying the approach of the outlet would be “more immediate, more visceral,” and “faster, louder, harder.” This approach has resulted in numerous refuted stories from the outlet over the last nine months, including the Morgan Wallen story.
The false reporting was also referenced in an extensive feature on Jason Isbell in Buzzfeed, which made the claim Morgan Wallen had done “nothing” to learn from the experience after the N-word incident, and linked to an article in Complex that rebroadcast the false information in the Rolling Stone story about the donations without including the update.
Even in the Rolling Stone update, and when Saving Country Music reached out to the Buzzfeed writer, Elamin Abdelmahmoud, the claim continues to be made that the information in the articles is not technically incorrect since it was Morgan Wallen’s label Big Loud that made the donations, not Morgan Wallen himself.
But this is clearly a red herring. Wallen’s pledge to donate the $500,000 stemmed from the estimated profit he made from his music after the incident, and his attempted cancellation. Instead of Big Loud paying Wallen to then turn around and donate the proceeds from the music, Big Loud made the donations directly. Either way, it was the money earned by Morgan Wallen that would have gone to him if not for the donations.
Buzzfeed writer Elamin Abdelmahmoud also says his claim that Morgan Wallen did “nothing” corrective after the incident is still valid, irrespective of the donations, because it was more about what he learned or did not learn. However, Morgan Wallen offered up numerous apologies after the incident and expressed specifically what he had learned, and met with multiple leaders in the Black music community in an effort to learn from his mistake, including BeBe Winans, Kevin Liles, Eric Hutcherson, and others.
“I accepted some invitations from some amazing Black organizations, executives, and leaders to engage in some very real and honest conversations,” Morgan Wallen said in the aftermath of the incident. “They had every right to step on my neck when I was down, but they did the exact opposite. They offered me grace, and they also paired that with an offer to learn and to grow.”
“My words matter,” Morgan Wallen continued. “A word can truly hurt a person, and at my core that’s not what I’m okay with. This week I heard first hand some personal stories from Black people that honestly shook me. And I know what I’m going through doesn’t even compare to some of the trials I heard about from them. I came away from those discussions for a deep appreciation for them, and a clearer understanding for the weight of my words.”
The words of Rolling Stone, Buzzfeed, and others matter too, and also hold weight. That is why it is imperative for the media to strive to tell the truth and confirm information before publishing. And when an error is made, outlets should offer their own corrective action and apologies as opposed to presenting red herring deniability, lest the lesson learned by Morgan Wallen and others is that donating large sums of money and taking substantive corrective action is not worth the trouble, because the media will mischaracterize or lie about it anyway.
January 31, 2022 @ 9:10 am
Good on him.
January 31, 2022 @ 9:24 am
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! All is right with the world
January 31, 2022 @ 9:32 am
I’m anxiously waiting for Jason Isbell and his lovely wife to inform us that Morgan Wallen had redeemed himself and they will continue to impose their version of justice from their palatial estate far from an inner city.
January 31, 2022 @ 9:52 am
Unlike people who lie and spread misinformation that hurt people, like Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and tucker Carlson who use hate speech to use a false narrative, and do not care about their actions, I give Big thumbs up to Morgan Wallen, for doing his best and making things right. He said something controversial , and he realized there are consequences for those actions and he admitted he was wrong and learned from his mistakes. Too bad other people cannot learn their lessons.
And as far as Rolling Stone And Buzz feed go, they are corporate media, they never tell the truth, FOX NEWS, NEWS MAX, CNN, MSNBC, THEY ARE LIARS ,all they want is a story to get the most viewers or readers. And they don’t care who they hurt, which is why I do not trust none of corporate media. So good job to Morgan Wallen. We are all human and we make stupid mistakes.
He did and now he has learned his lesson and I think he will be a better person after this experience. I wish him all the luck in the world.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:02 am
I’m just here waiting for the response to your comment.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:04 am
Having a different perspective on things is not at all comparable to giving money to an organization as atonement for careless talk.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:14 am
I appreciate what you were trying to say here and it is somewhat germane to the topic at hand, but let’s all try to keep to the subject of this article and not veer too off the page and descend into back and forths with comments and responses. This is the only way we will be able to keep these comments sections open and inviting to everyone. Thanks for your understanding.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:49 am
OK trigger, will do.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:21 am
January 31, 2022 @ 1:17 pm
Yeah I’d really love to know what figures in media you think are honest and don’t use hate speech then…
January 31, 2022 @ 11:09 pm
Rogan is awake, compared to all of you leftists who claim to be woke (a huge difference). The difference is this: if the woke were anymore asleep, they’d be in a coma or dead.
It’s funny how when Rogan, a democrat, started seeing the cracks in the narrative and the msm lies, and began exposing them, all of you woke SJWs (yes, you, guy in critical thinking coma), you began to turn on your leftist hero for spreading truth.
What is all this misinformation Rogan is spreading? Dr. Peter McCullough, the foremost expert on all things Covid was on his show. Unlike the corporate sponsored (read, the big Pharma sponsored) scientists and experts, guys like McCullough can back up their work with fact. This is not misinformation.
And then there’s Dr. Robert Malone, the guy helped created RNA vaccine technology, so it stands to reason he knows more than almost anyone else on the subject, So tell me how what he’s saying is misinformation?
Continue living in your bubble of moms lies, most of the world is waking up.
Sorry Trigger, but if you’re going allow CountryFan68s post to stand, there must be a rebuttal. Now back to regular scheduled programming.
February 1, 2022 @ 6:37 am
Well, that didn’t last long.
Yeah, Dildo Jimmy is a clown, but you’re basically his mirror image.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:15 am
“That is why it is imperative for the media to strive to tell the truth and confirm information before publishing.”
Sad that statements like these sound so native and futile. At least you’re fighting the good fight though.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:16 am
Wow. It sounds like Morgan truly learned from this experience. Now commence the countdown until his next extremely stupid act. It seems like we’ve been through this before with him (i.e. covid makeout sessions).
January 31, 2022 @ 10:53 am
Agreed Morgan Wallen has shown a pattern of recidivism, but hopefully this is the moment when the blowback was so severe he truly does get scared straight.
January 31, 2022 @ 11:30 am
Not suggesting that being made a public enemy by the whiny hall monitors and outraged herd isn’t tough on a person, but I wonder how much he weighs the “blowback so severe” against being number one in all of music for 2021, guesting on a number one hip hop song, etc.
I guess this is kind of a positive story in a way, but I also can’t help feeling all of this gatekeeping “learned his lesson” talk sounds a little authoritarian.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:15 pm
If you kill someone or try to kill someone, that’s forgivable, but don’t you dare be caught saying all the lyrics in a rap song while being Caucasian.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:26 pm
Recidivism implies breaking the law repeatedly. The public intox charge is the only one that comes to mind that was illegal. The moral pearl-clutchers are the only ones caring that he spoke out about lockdowns (which did nothing), kissing girls on broadway in 2020, and the N word incident. I’d love to see a show of hands of all the people who never quoted Chappelle show.
February 1, 2022 @ 9:21 am
Trigger you need to take Jimmy’s response to me down , my mother died of cancer and he used vulgar remarks about dildos, this offended me , you take his down please, you took mine down, take his down as well. It offended me.
February 1, 2022 @ 9:28 am
Comments from Jimmy have been deleted too. You don’t see the comments I delete from other people, because they’re deleted. I don’t like playing referee in the comments. I asked you specifically, and everyone else in the comments, including Jimmy, to stop bringing up COVID. I have an article coming up about the Joe Rogan, Spotify thing where these comments are more germane. They’re not germane here, and they will now be deleted. I asked THREE times, and still folks did not honor my request. Now I’m shutting the entire comments section down.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:13 pm
Let’s not pretend everyone else is taking every precaution against covid. Yes it was stupid, but it shouldn’t be brought up against him for the rest of his life.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:19 pm
I’m not saying it was a big deal, it wasn’t. I was just noting it as an example of the poor choices he makes when he’s supposedly in a learning experience. I forgot what happened; but I recall him already being under scrutiny when that event happened.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:02 pm
Everyone thinks they are judge and jury of his learning experiences. He is a young guy facing enormous fame and obviously had a problem with alcohol. We really don’t know what he’s been through or done behind the scenes. I’m sure glad millions of people aren’t watching my every move during my “learning experiences”.
January 31, 2022 @ 10:47 am
What a freaking moron.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:58 pm
He is going to learn that appeasement never works.
Isbell and his cronies will always despise him.
January 31, 2022 @ 6:06 pm
Really, you think he’ll learn? I think he’s still trying to figure out what the heck just happened.
He’s like,
“Man, I love black people so much, that me and my buddies have been calling each other ni**ers since the 6th grade. I can’t figure out what’s going on, but my publicist and manager have been telling me what to say and do, and it seems to be working out.”
January 31, 2022 @ 11:33 am
you can’t comply your way out of tyranny, nor buy respect did he learn nothing from patton oswalt , neil young joni mitchell or any of the other virtue signaling frauds kneeling to the corporate new world odor (sic).? the only purpose he serves now is as a cautionary tale.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:14 pm
You pussies wouldn’t survive a week in another country. When I see people referring to mask mandates, etc., as tyranny; it’s beyond pathetic.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:18 pm
Nor would we want to survive in another country, hence considering our freedom a prized possession. Your idiotic comment did nothing but what we’re trying to say. People in other countries are dying to be in the US. Not the other way around
January 31, 2022 @ 12:24 pm
Correct, and people from other countries think y’all are pussies. I know because I sit at the bar weekly with people from the middle east and South America. They laugh at how weak people are that are complaining about vaccines and mask mandates.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:34 pm
Knock it off. “People from the middle east” come from places where men kill their daughters for wearing the wrong clothes, or men shoot up a magazine office for running cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. I’m not as impressed as you are by their laughing at Americans.
January 31, 2022 @ 3:42 pm
@Luckyoldsun…exactly. So my friends that have fled from that, who have lived under tyranny and who have family still exposed to stuff like that, think it’s absolutely pathetic when they see Americans yelling tyranny over a mask mandate. That’s my point, and I agree with them. Everyone here keeps reinforcing it,
January 31, 2022 @ 4:52 pm
But what you don’t seem to understand is that if people just bow down to these mandates, it will lead to more mandates and laws and eventually we’ll be in the same shape as your sad friends. Try to do some critical thinking and use some reasoning before making a petty attempt at an insult.
January 31, 2022 @ 5:24 pm
I understand people use the ‘slippery slope’ argument when they can’t argue in reality. I’ll be right alongside you when the government starts mandating things that truly infringes on my freedom. This is going to be my last response to this thread. I know I’m testing Trig’s patience.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:01 pm
Folks, this is a funny, new thing that members of the United Coronatarian Church of Covidstan have been doing online.
They feel insecure when you mock their weakness and stupidity by calling them snowflakes, pu$$ies, and such, and so they come up with an unsubstantiated reason to play “ Huh uh, you are!” online.
We’re living our lives as we please, refusing to go along with nonsensical mandates, over a virus with a 99% recovery rate, while they cower, with their faces covered, and repeatedly inject themselves with substances. Make no mistake about who’s weak, and who isn’t.
That’s all.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:09 pm
This article has nothing to do with COVID. Any more COVID comments will disappear like Neil Young’s music on Spotify.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:15 pm
I know it’s not, Trig, and and I wouldn’t have said a word, had there not been multiple other comments posted about it.
Thanks for letting me reply.
January 31, 2022 @ 11:20 pm
Stop Trigger, You stir this shit up and then feign innocence. You can’t let some people, like this knob Travis spout their nonsense and then not let anyone with critical thinking skills refute his boneheaded views.
Grow a set and stop sitting on the fence and trying to appease everyone. I love what you do, but I’m sick of watching you try and play both sides, You’re so afraid of bing cancelled, it’s sanded off your edges.
We need people who are willing to speak up, not cower because they’re afraid of being cancelled. Now more than ever we need leaders with platforms like this to stand up and speak the truth.
January 31, 2022 @ 11:33 pm
I didn’t stir anything up about COVID. There is absolutely no COVID element to this story, though leave it to commenters to figure out how to veer the story in that direction so they can spout off about it.
Kiss off about me sitting on a fence. Did you read this article? I hemorrhage readers every time I bring up Morgan Wallen’s name, even if it’s just to correct the record falsified by others because people think I’m “defending a racist” as opposed to defending the truth. If I was trying to appease everyone, I would have never written this article.
That said, it is my job to “play both sides” when it comes to this comments section. Folks on the left complain I’m too hard on them, and folks on the right say the exact same thing. That’s how you know I’m fair. All I was trying to say here is that if these comments sections continue to descend into back and forth chaos, they’ll be turned off for certain divisive subjects, then nobody will have a say. And still, people disrespect my requests, and blow through the stop sign, and still complain I’m censoring them when I haven’t deleted anything.
P.S., I’ve already been cancelled. And just like Morgan Wallen and Joe Rogan, it only made this site more popular.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:21 pm
I’m not sure Morgan Wallen is trying to comply his way out of tyranny here. I think he’s just fulfilling a commitment he made. I have not had a ton of dealings with the African American Music Museum, but all the ones I have had have been positive. They do not feel like an activist or a political organization, but a preservationist organization, and I don’t mind Morgan Wallen or anyone else supporting that cause. The Black Music Action Coalition appears to be the one that Morgan Wallen gave $165,000, and then they turned around and tried to bully him into giving more money to them via their willing accomplices in the mainstream media. I’ve witnessed this on numerous occasions now, where organizations are demanding money or concessions while holding the specter of calling you racist in the media over your head. I don’t think that is what is happening here. I think Morgan Wallen’s final donation went to the right place, and not making it would have given his detractors worthy ammunition for not holding to his word.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:08 pm
He made a mistake. He is not the only one. He has paid a heavy price for it and hopefully learnt a lesson. He deserves a chance like anyone who has made a mistake. Time to move on.
January 31, 2022 @ 12:42 pm
Thanks for continuing to be one of the few to highlight the inaccurate, outright lies in the media. It has been beyond ridiculous the amount of so called “respected” newspapers and websites that have quoted and linked this Rolling Stone article to prove their point of how awful Morgan Wallen is. Claiming he hasn’t learned anything only because they choose not to listen to his own words. I hope that this new USA Today article and this one here will finally put an end to at least this argument.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:24 pm
If Rolling Stone, Buzzfeed, and many of the other outlets that falsely reported this story were good faith actors, they would report on Morgan Wallen’s fulfillment of his pledge instead of remaining silent. We all make mistakes. I’ve made mistakes in the past. But you correct the story, get it right, and move on. Also, this story is a good excuse to talk about the National Museum of African American Music, which opened right before the pandemic and needs all the pub it can get.
January 31, 2022 @ 6:27 pm
Yeah still waiting on a new Rolling Stone article. For some reason they are not quick to report on this…
January 31, 2022 @ 1:12 pm
So tired about hearing this. For God’s sake Lil Durk (Which Wallen did a song with) went to jail for attempted murder but served a very short sentence. So tired of the disproportionate standards here. It’s forgivable if you try to kill somebody, but don’t you dare say that one word that black artists monetize in virtually all of their rap songs.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:33 pm
Forget attempted murder. 17 legitimate professional hip-hop artists were MURDERED in 2022 alone, and most by rival hip-hop artists in rival gangs, or associates of them over rap beefs. Think about the outrage that would be sweeping country music right now if country artists were MURDERING each other by the double digits. Imagine if it happened even once? Imagine if Charles Wesley Godwin was gunned down due to a beef with Cody Jinks? It would send our music world into revolution. I’m not here to excuse Morgan Wallen or his behavior, but it really helps put everything into perspective.
Here’s the list, by the way:
January 31, 2022 @ 2:10 pm
You know why there is more media outrage over Wallen’s stupid flub than those murders. It is always easier for groups to play the victim than acknowledge that their house isn’t in order. Throw in some white guilt and you have the perfect outrage. “A Nashville country music singer said the N-word while drunk. Racism is alive and well in country music. It is the most dangerous of all genres!” Think pieces for days/weeks/months.
Saying a slur is idiotic. Wallen was an idiot for doing so. It is also a slur that every single young person (outside of Amish society) will hear by listening to popular music. Be it intentionally or not. Play on a sports team and you will hear it. I know I did. Rap and hip-hop was the music of choice in the collegiate locker room. (Except for Wednesday. Those days were called White Guy Wednesdays. We played rock and roll usually. No country.) At one point during my internship with the sports department, I was tasked for compiling playlists for sporting events. I asked teams for songs. I couldn’t use 95% of the music because of slurs. So I had to use classic rock and other genres. The players complained but there was nothing I could do. It was a Christian school and the administration rightly wasn’t letting vulgar music playing for the fans that were mostly children and elderly folks.
Want it to go away and avoid most of these incidents happening? Convince musicians to banish it from their music. But the money is too good for that. So a thousand of excuses are launched about how they can’t do so.
Just goes to show how laughable modern civilization is and how good we have it that it is our major concern.
January 31, 2022 @ 8:31 pm
I can’t think of another word/slur that exists that is simultaneously the most reviled word in the English language, and also the most commonly used word in rap music. Seems like a contradiction in terms.
January 31, 2022 @ 1:34 pm
Did you notice how this past Saturday night, the Grand Ole Opry featured Tiera Kennedy, a black singer, and not one ounce of promotion was made for the performance from those that recently shit talked the Opry in the press?
Not a peep from Black Opry, Holly G, Isbell, the Nashville Scene lynch mob, Marcus K. Dowling, Abdelmahmoud
Just makes the above culprits’ true intentions known.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:00 pm
Of course not. And like I contextualized when Morgan Wallen played the Opry, seven Black artists made their Opry debuts last year alone. Nineteen separate Black acts performed over 35 separate appearances in 2021. And when you say on Twitter that the Opry is excluding or is hostile to Black performers, you’re erasing all of those contributions. These people claim to be for setting the contributions of Black artists in country music into the proper context, but they are the first to overlook, or outright hide those contributions to validate their claims of systemic racism.
This is also the reason that they do not acknowledge Morgan Wallen’s financial contributions, and instead must claim they never happened. According to Rolling Stone and Abdelmahmoud at Buzzfeed, Morgan Wallen has still not donated anything. He’s a deadbeat. It was his label that made the donations, so they don’t count. This is truly the red herring they’re trying to sell to the public as opposed to admitting they were wrong, and correcting the record. And ironically, it’s not hurting Morgan Wallen’s cause, aside from activists on Twitter. It’s helping to verify how out-of-bounds the media coverage has been for an admittedly disappointing and embarrassing moment for Wallen, but one that now a year removed, we all should move on from so we can go back to complaining about his bad music instead.
February 3, 2022 @ 3:44 pm
Hows many black artists are Opry members? How many total in history?
February 3, 2022 @ 4:09 pm
After the death of Charley Pride, Darius Rucker is the only Black member of the Opry. DeFord Bailey would be the other Opry member, which would make a total of three.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:16 pm
Money is the only thing that holds any power in our society. So, ironically Morgan Wallen has done more to contribute to the black community than Jason Isbell ever has.
Posting anti-racist tweets doesn’t change the world at all, but donating half a million dollars to black charities certainly does.
I’m sure if you ask Jason Isbell, he’ll still come up with a reason why we shouldn’t forgive…proving once again that all this woke shit is purely self serving. They’re not interested in personal growth, only interested in patting themselves on the back for calling people out.
January 31, 2022 @ 6:37 pm
I’d like to see someone give Isbell the same information that’s presented in this article, and hold him to a response. I don’t think anything Morgan did was serious, a few stupid acts; but that’s it. If Isbell had to confront that Morgan indeed donated a half million dollars, in addition to speaking with people who were offended, to at least understand their perspective; and couldn’t admit that he’s doing the right things, I’d be surprised…or maybe not. But I think Morgan has put in more effort than needed, given the relatively minor stuff he’s done.
January 31, 2022 @ 2:28 pm
Weekly Morgan Wallen click bait article. It’s getting old firing up the right and the left every week on a music site. Same shit happened on the Steve Hoffman forums, but they just shut down the threads with politics. It’s much more entertaining to argue about music.
Key the Isbell rants in 3-2-1.
January 31, 2022 @ 5:33 pm
The stuff people finger as click bait is never click bait. My article on Cody Johnson’s Pikeville concert is getting 5 to 1 clicks compared to this article right now, and the Hargus “Pig” Robbins obituary 3 to 1, partly because I didn’t even post a link to this story on Facebook. I’ve covered this specific story ever since Rolling Stone made it’s false accusations, and it was important to report Morgan Wallen fulfilled his obligation.
January 31, 2022 @ 3:02 pm
So is Isbell going to match Wallen’s donation?
January 31, 2022 @ 4:05 pm
Do you care? Would Morgan Wallen have made the donation if he hadn’t been caught on camera being an asshole? Anyone who advertises their charitable contributions is just showing off to others. Morgan Wallen may be a good guy who donates a ton to charity, maybe not. Same with Isbell. Not my concern.
January 31, 2022 @ 5:28 pm
For the record, Morgan Wallen did not advertise any of his $500,000 in contributions. That’s part of the reason Rolling Stone came after him. He didn’t advertise this latest donation either. USA Today followed up with the appropriate individuals and published a story about it. The only reason it was relevant was because Rolling Stone attacked Wallen for not making the donations. This is a good example of how the media is helping to keep Wallen’s name in the headlines, and making him a folk hero to his fans with all of their attempts to undermine his credibility. It’s is very directly counterproductive to their cause.
January 31, 2022 @ 5:30 pm
For the record, I have now made three attempts to verify if Jason Isbell has donated his proceeds from Morgan Wallen’s cover of “Cover Me Up” to the Nashville NAACP as he’s pledged. They have not responded. If I was Rolling Stone, I would assume he hasn’t and write a story about it claiming he didn’t. Instead, I’m waiting patiently to verify, and assuming he did until I have evidence to the contrary.
January 31, 2022 @ 11:25 pm
I’d rather see Wallen and Isbell box for charity. My money would be on Wallen. Isbell is a bully and bullies are almost always spineless cowards.
January 31, 2022 @ 4:10 pm
I think 500,000.00 U.S. Dollars, is way to much. And instead of giving the money to “Just black Veterans”?
Or better yet, donate the money to Habitat for Humanity, and build a veteran’s home, for black Veteran’s only. It seems that every statue, monument and grave markers are going to the hands of Black History museums. Where they are being melted down so money goes into the pockets of Black History. And not one of these remember the black heroes, who rescued his brother’s. BIG AND RICH SANG “The 8th of November received the Medal of Honor. The 173rd Airborne on operation HUMP, WAR ZONE D IN VIETNAM 1965, were ambushed by 1200 VC, 48 American Soldiers lost their lives that day. Severely wounded and risking his own life, Lawrence Joll a medic, risked his life that day. He was the first living black man, since the Spanish American War, to receive the United States Medal of Honor for saving so many lives in that battle. Niles Harris, retired 25 years from U. S. Army, the guy who gave Big Kenny, his top hat was one of the wounded who lived. This song was his story.
And not one black rapper, black Lies Matter, or young man knew his name. It took Big Kenny, hearing of him, who wanted to immortalize the AMERICAN HERO.
January 31, 2022 @ 7:02 pm
Just poured a little Premium Canadian whiskey, in a beautiful crystal juice glass.
Added a healthy sprinkle of fabulous Sri Lankan cinnamon.
Stirring it with my finger, & getting some ice.
February 1, 2022 @ 12:37 am
Man made headline again, this time for a good reason. Step up your acoustic tennessee country game and turn all of us into real fans 🙂
February 1, 2022 @ 6:14 am
the last paragraph is probably one of the most important things you have ever written. I just wish all of the activist mainstream media could see this and heed the warning.
February 1, 2022 @ 9:30 am
Comments closed, because after three warnings, people continued to bring up the off topic subject of COVID. This article has nothing to do with COVID. If it did, those comments would be allowed.
February 3, 2022 @ 3:45 pm
Hows many black artists are Opry members? How many total in history?
February 3, 2022 @ 9:19 pm
Morgan Wallen’s music is too bad to have so many articles about him on a website I respect so much.
February 3, 2022 @ 11:49 pm
The Morgan Wallen story is the biggest cultural story in country music in 20 years, since the (Dixie) Chicks. To ignore it would be a dereliction. To let the falsehood that Morgan Wallen did not make donations he pledged prevail would be a moral failing. Whether regular readers care about a story like this is inconsequential to me. If I lose readers and social media followers for posting a story like this (which I do), it doesn’t matter. What matters is the truth. I don’t run a popularity contest. The more unpopular this topic is, the more important it is to report on it accurately. When I will be done reporting on the Morgan Wallen story is not up to me, but the news cycle. I agree Morgan Wallen’s music is bad. That is irrelevant. What’s relevant is the truth.
February 4, 2022 @ 11:13 am
Just because Morgan Wallen’s music isn’t “traditional” sounding country doesn’t mean it’s bad. If it was really awful people would quit listening to it, but his album is still in the top ten.
And I see Rolling Stone, in their latest article, still refuses to acknowledge that he gave all the money.
“ But the way the money was ultimately donated was convoluted. Big Loud, not Wallen personally, gave $300,000 to BMAC”
With a link to their previous article.
It will never end..
February 4, 2022 @ 12:06 pm
Yes, at this point, Rolling Stone tripling down on the idea that Morgan Wallen’s donations are “convoluted” is just beyond all, and all the more reason this issue needs to be covered.