“Old Man” Toby Keith Gets Second Life with Comeback Song

A good barometer for where country music has been over the last few years, and where country music might be headed is the wild path of Toby Keith’s song “Don’t Let The Old Man In.” Written by Toby Keith himself and inspired by something filmmaker Clint Eastwood said to him, the song was originally released as part of Eastwood’s 2018 film The Mule.
“Don’t Let The Old Man In” is a great song, and a great performance by Toby Keith, no matter how you may feel about Toby Keith otherwise. People who feel one way about Toby Keith always seem confused that anyone would ever feel differently than they do about the singer. But undoubtedly, the sentiments about Toby Keith remain diametrically opposed.
Even in 2018 when the song was first released, Toby Keith was well outside of his relevancy on country radio, and a song like “Don’t Let The Old Man In” was in no way relevant to country radio either. But they sent the song to radio anyway, and it quickly stalled at #41 in the charts.
But on the otherwise terrible People’s Choice Country Awards in September, the now 62-year-old Toby Keith performed the song after coming back from stomach Cancer and being honored during the presentation. He floored the crowd both in attendance and watching on television, and it has given the song new life.
“Don’t Let The Old Man In” is a nearly five-year-old song. But due to the fractured nature of American popular media these days, for many it’s their first time ever hearing it. Combine that with the rather stark sight of a significantly more svelte Toby Keith after his recent health woes, and the song has touched a serious nerve.
Last week, “Don’t Let The Old Man In” was sent to country radio, and this week it debuts as the most added song on the format according to Mediabase. Big Machine Records is promoting the single, and has also taken out full page ads for it. The label seems committed to seeing it through this time, which is critical to the success of any song on radio.
Could a meaningful and well-written 5-year-old song from old man Toby Keith who’s a good decade removed from radio success really become a hit on country radio? We’ll have to see. But it’s off to a very promising start, and it’s another promising sign that country radio is finally starting to react to public sentiment and popularity. Some select stations had already picked up “Don’t Let The Old Man In” even before it was being promoted there.
Toby Keith recently criticized country radio, and said he didn’t see the need to write new songs because radio would never play them. Now a song he didn’t write for radio, but for a movie is getting played all over the place. It speaks to the shifting priorities of the country radio format as it attempts to adapt to survive. It’s now looking for the songs that are resonating with the public as opposed to avoiding them for whatever the labels want them to play.
Two days before Clint Eastwood was to start filming on his movie The Mule—which incidentally was two days before his 88th birthday—Eastwood was golfing with Toby Keith in a charity golf tournament at Pebble Beach. Keith marveled that the elder Eastwood was still able to get about, let alone work. Eastwood said to Keith, “I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in.” Toby Keith knew immediately he had to write a song with that line.
Now “Don’t Let The Old Man In” has become one of 2023’s biggest surprise songs, and soon it could be one of the year’s major hits. Maybe there still is a place for old men—and quality songs—in popular country music.
November 1, 2023 @ 10:50 am
Great song, glad it’s getting the recognition.
Thanks for the story behind it.
November 1, 2023 @ 11:23 am
Luke Bryan is re-releasing his song called “Don’t Let the Frat Boy In”
November 1, 2023 @ 4:31 pm
Kiss my ass.
November 1, 2023 @ 5:39 pm
I’d rather kick it
November 3, 2023 @ 12:27 am
I’d rather eat it out
November 3, 2023 @ 2:16 pm
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Thought you should know.. Better
November 3, 2023 @ 3:48 pm
My man
November 1, 2023 @ 11:44 am
Word is that the Garth Brooks and Ronnie Dunn duet from Garth s upcoming album is going to radio too. And Reba is making the syndicated morning show rounds, so she could be set for a radio comeback. Now let’s see if the 18-24 females are okay with older country singers or not. That is the key to the renaissance of country radio — getting all these young listeners attracted by bro country hunks to upgrade.
November 1, 2023 @ 1:30 pm
She’s been fantastic on The Voice this season (the first time I’ve watched) and receiving tons of praise around the industry for what she’s brought to the show. I wouldn’t be surprised she’s found a younger, engaged audience.
November 1, 2023 @ 11:50 am
thanks for a great write up about a meaningful topic.
November 1, 2023 @ 12:07 pm
Love this old Man! From another old Man. God Blessed you with many BLESSINGS! Glad I am able to witness. Long and prosper Toby, keep it steady my friend❤️
November 1, 2023 @ 12:26 pm
I personally believe the live version is better than the original recording.
November 5, 2023 @ 1:25 pm
When the movie came out, I remember reading an interview with Toby where he said that, to meet the deadline, he had to record the song while he had a bad cold or flu. It’s possible, too, that there’s extra magic in the live performance because of Toby’s recent health issues and because he’s now lived with the song for a few years and can perhaps deliver it better than right after he first wrote it.
November 5, 2023 @ 2:56 pm
Yes you are probably right.
I really think the live version
Should be the single.????
November 1, 2023 @ 1:27 pm
I hope this doesn’t turn out to be Toby’s “Hurt”–in a maanner of speaking.
November 1, 2023 @ 1:38 pm
I’ve had Willie Nelson’s version in regular rotation since he released it on First Rose of Spring.
I’d love for this to be the spring board to a meaningful comeback country album for Toby Keith (like a Rick Rueben and Johnny Cash project). I was such a fan from 2000-2006. The last time I saw him in concert in 06 the arrangements of the songs were skewed rock with screaming guitars, horns, and backup singers that often took the mic and sang their own songs while TK took a break.
November 1, 2023 @ 1:48 pm
I hope there is still a place for old men and quality songs in popular country music and every other part of country music because, and I know I’ve said it before, this music and all things surrounding it keeps older folks like us young. I still tear up every time I hear the song or watch the video. I think it’ll go to #1.
November 1, 2023 @ 5:50 pm
As a Minnesotan moved to Oklahoma, I’ve always found TK to be better than Bro Country, but still not my Americana style of music. Now at age 58, I can say I love these lyrics certainly hit home. “Don’t let the old man in” is a great anthem for me from here on.
November 1, 2023 @ 6:16 pm
Such a great song. Loved it since the first time I heard it watching The Mule and glad it is having a moment now. So good to hear Toby singing songs like this. Hope he releases (and writes) many more.
November 1, 2023 @ 6:50 pm
Realizing your own mortality in a somber way is just not relatable. I want to hear songs about drinking beers in a parking lot before a football game with your 40 yr old buddies and hitting on college freshman girls.
November 2, 2023 @ 9:30 pm
How old are you? IF you are in your 20’s, hell whatever your age, imagine getting a life-threatening disease like cancer, regardless of your age, I guarantee that that is the ONE thing that’s on your mind – YOUR OWN MORTALITY!! You don’t like it, but that’s the way life is!!
November 3, 2023 @ 6:31 am
Carol, um…he was kidding
November 1, 2023 @ 8:04 pm
Great song. I saw the movie but didn’t really catch it at that time. It does seem like the live version is better though, maybe just emotions of the moment
November 1, 2023 @ 8:35 pm
Good song. I hit play on the link above and scrolled down to read the comments while listening . Just listening without watching, he sounds at times like Jerry Jeff Walker. I noticed it the first time he sings, “My body’s weathered and worn,” and the next few lines. He really nailed the emotion of the song.
November 1, 2023 @ 9:02 pm
For some reason I thought he was already dead………
November 2, 2023 @ 2:32 am
You should know.
November 2, 2023 @ 12:19 am
First time I heard it. Good song. Better fit for Toby than his bombastic songs of old. The melody is cribbed from another song — can’t put my finger on which one right now — but I guess there aren’t unlimited melodies in the world.
November 2, 2023 @ 5:32 am
Great song, great performance. Nice to see it all, from acorn to oak. I’d say God bless Toby, but he already has.
November 2, 2023 @ 6:28 am
I have never purposely listened to Toby Keith before. This is a great song and as a man of a certain age, it hits home. Hard.
November 2, 2023 @ 7:30 am
I may write a song called “Don’t Let The Cover Boy Handsome,70-Year-Old Black Cowboy In.” Seriously,I’m glad Toby Keith,eight years my junior (almost exactly;my birthday is July 6,while Keith’s is two days later) has won his cancer battle and has returned to the charts. Perhaps there’ll be a second act for the Oklahoma buckaroo. Bravo,Toby !!!!!!!
November 2, 2023 @ 1:01 pm
Thanks Toby! Many see and argue about you and view points,most aren’t old enough to have valid reasons for their likes or dislikes. It takes years to experience enough to decide. Mr. Keith, welcome BACK!!!
November 2, 2023 @ 2:22 pm
Generally when an older artist such as Keith releases new music, even if it’s not a song I particularly like, I generally hope it does well on the charts, unless it’s completely terrible; simply because it’s rare we see radio comebacks or older artists on country radio. However, I’m glad that this time it’s a song I actually like.
November 2, 2023 @ 3:20 pm
Toby is still Toby he is one strong son of a gun,he is gonna come back stronger than ever those luscious lips on that country cruner have a long way to go. Praying for you dear man every day you are one of the best most funniest country legends in the business stay strong God isn’t done with you yet ,we will all witness this mans rejuvenation of life and his love of country music ,again STAY STRONG TOBY SET YOUR MIND TO IT LOVE YOU BABE
November 2, 2023 @ 5:16 pm
Trigger, what happened to Toby’s own label, interesting that Big machine is promoting this old man song. He wrote another good song years ago called Tired….Willie Nelson loved both those songs and recorded them too.
November 2, 2023 @ 6:56 pm
I thought that the last vestiges of what “Show Dog” used to be was now being managed through Thirty Tigers, but maybe they’re using Big Machine specifically to promote this single since they would have more muscle with mainstream country radio.
This is out-of-date, but I explained the rise and fall of Show Dog in detail here:
November 2, 2023 @ 9:14 pm
Thank God Toby is back and hope we don’t have suffer more douche-country like Zach Bryan on radio anymore
November 3, 2023 @ 7:08 am
“D**che-Country ?????? ” Hmmmmmmm…..
November 3, 2023 @ 11:24 am
Toby Keith is, and always has been, an amazing performer. I am so happy that he is surviving the awful throws of cancer. I have often prayed for him.
November 3, 2023 @ 2:29 pm
Hey, Toby, come to Florida.