On Neal McCoy’s “Take a Knee My Ass”
WARNING: Some Language
Well at least there’s now a minority that your racist uncle can get behind.
Neal McCoy—the half-Filipino mid 90’s country star who amassed eight Top 5 songs, two platinum albums, and dozens of other accolades during his heyday, including the excellent song “Wink”—has just relegated his entire career and all accomplishments heretofore to an internet meme in the minds of many Americans. And for what, so he can somehow pat himself on the back for “doing something” about this rabid injustice in our society of millionaires bowing instead of standing during the prelude to a fucking football game?
“Take a Knee My Ass” takes the worst of the slavish and objectionably-sentimental elements of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A.,” and the idiotic, reactionary, intellectual indolence of Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue,” and somehow figures out how to do them one worse while aggressively avoiding the use of what turns out to be an extremely essential comma. Even Lee Greenwood is asking at the moment, “Where exactly do you want me to put my knee, Neal?”
The thing is, this song itself is forgettable. Songs like this get recorded all the time without reaching the Zeitgeist. And for the first few days after it was released, very few people beyond a niche conservative crowd of older country listeners was even paying attention. The problem is, just like so many things in society these days, “Take A Knee My Ass” has become a proxy for the culture war, with both sides showing just how incredibly blinded by the madness of political vitriol they have become to where some stupid, dumbass song about an even more stupid and senseless issue has become one of the most important things in the entire world, and worth preempting actual news and important issues to either be incited over, or rally behind.
This song is not blowing up because it’s any good. It’s blowing up because some are obsequiously supporting it because of its message, while others are hate listening to it to make fun of its vapid, lack of self-awareness. It’s just another dumbass thing to divide us down cultural and political lines, and just in time for Thanksgiving.
Neal McCoy is a quality country artist with some great music. But you have to appreciate that nobody knows who the hell he is beyond the mid 90’s country music mindset. And to Millennial intellectual Twitter nitwits who responded to this song en masse as an example of the idiotic nature of both ultra-Patriotism and country music by proxy, Neal McCoy is the new spokesperson for the “alt-right.” This song not only makes a mockery of the more involved issue of why professional athletes should or soudln’t stand during the Pledge of Allegiance, it once again paints country music and its fans as stove-headed fuckwits to folks who only know the music from the outside looking in.
And don’t think that I’m somehow siding with the knee takers in the NFL. Granted, as someone who benefits from the privileges of the First Amendment every day, I have a solemn duty to defend everyone’s right to free expression regardless of the context. But this idea that the NFL is somehow this racist institution that expelled Colin Kaepernick due to his race-based rabbel-rousing is ridiculous.
The reason Kaepernick isn’t still eating turf while he holds the ball in the pocket for way too long is because he’s less skilled at working through his receiver progressions that most college Division 1 starters. I don’t give a shit that he started in a Super Bowl, Colin got a big Beats by Dre endorsement, cashed the check, and completely lost his give-a-shits after leaning on a stout defense and superstar running back for a season. Colin Kaepernick has got a big bag of nothing as a quarterback. You think football owners of all people care about the color of a player’s skin? Have you seen your average NFL roster? NFL owners give a shit about one thing: money. And if they thought Kaepernick could win them one game more, they’d cut Captain America so Kaepernick could squeeze them out a wild card berth.
And this idea that somehow players taking a knee is a disrespect to the troops is incredibly conflating of two completely separate issues, no different than people believing Michael Brown was shot in the back while screaming “hands up, don’t shoot!” in Ferguson, Missouri despite insurmountable evidence to the contrary. Is their racial injustice in America? You’re damn right there is, and issues like this stupid NFL controversy and Neal McCoy’s ridiculous song shine an unflattering spotlight on it by bringing the racists out of the woodwork. But the only way to lock up police officers for crimes they didn’t commit would be to suspend the same habeas corpus that is one of the few things left protecting black males from the inherent racism in American society.
The left is protesting the NFL because it’s racist. The right is protesting the NFL because it’s unpatriotic. Everybody hates everything, and is constantly trying to undermine what the other half of Americans are doing, and meanwhile the Ruskies are shoveling money to social media to fan the flames so America gets so bogged down in fighting over the most complete and utter bullshit like what the fuck football players are doing, we can’t even agree on how to fix the potholes, damning American society to inaction and gridlock while the rest of the world runs circles around our asses and takes advantage of the power vacuum.
Fuck it all. I’m embarrassed I even have to address this issue and Neal McCoy’s stupid song, but I can’t even bury Mel Tillis without people up asking, “Hey Trig, what about Neal McCoy?”
The truth is Neal McCoy is a really good country artist who released some memorable songs back in the 90’s, and whose been jobbed by the country music establishment in lieu of younger and less-talented performers. And like virtually everyone else, Neal McCoy has been swept up in political fanaticism, resulting in the release of a stupid song. For me, it’s forgivable, and forgettable. But for some, henceforth Neal McCoy will forever be the cad who released “that stupid knee song.”
Trust me folks, it’s not a matter of if, but when country music is roiled with the same political storm the NFL and other cultural institutions are currently facing, with the left ostracizing it for its inherent racism, and the right for not standing up for its values. Music should remain a place apart from the polarization America is facing—polarization that is a much bigger existential threat than any one political subject—especially one as stupid as what happens at a football game. Football used to be an healthy outlet for our aggression and competitiveness—friendly competition and sportsmanship that brought us together. Now it’s just another thing to add to our divisiveness.
It’s not the music or even the words. It’s not respecting music’s ability to unite people despite their differences that is the gravest error of Neal McCoy’s “Take A Knee My Ass.”
November 20, 2017 @ 12:53 pm
Well said. I’m sure the responses will start flowing in. I can’t agree with you more on how stupid the whole non-issue NFL thing has become. This song just adds to it. I have no interest in hearing it or making fun of it.
November 20, 2017 @ 12:58 pm
Yes, completely agree. This is just fuel for the polarized left-right in our country, who feed off of each other’s self-righteous moral grandstanding.
November 20, 2017 @ 12:59 pm
Not a fan of this song, he does have some excellent material though. “If I was a drinkin man” comes to mind.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:00 pm
Haven’t listened to the song, probably not my thing, and I get that it’s just a football game, but if those millionaires didn’t want their intentions to be misconstrued, then why not put some of that hard earned money to use by directly supporting the neighborhoods in need in and around the metros they play in? Pretty sure the buccaneers receiver who lives five doors down from me (and who took a knee) hasn’t done that at all.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:39 pm
Your jealoust is showing. I spent several years working in the sports department of a large, daily newspaper. Pro athletes give plenty of money back to their communities. I know this to be true. You just don’t hear much about it because they don’t go out of their way to publicize it.
As for the crack about them being millionaires, they have worked hard to achieve their dreams. This is something that the working man in America either doesn’t understand or refuses to accept. It takes tremendous work ethic, drive and focus to become an NFL player. I am pretty certain that those guys work harder each day than anyone who is reading this. They had a goal and pursued it, as opposed to people who wound up “working hard” for lesser money because they didn’t have a plan. Props to these guys for speaking their minds and raising awareness about the racism that is sadly entwined into our nation’s fabric. I say this even though I HATE the sport of football.
November 20, 2017 @ 6:41 pm
Nobody on this site truly knows who we are talking to. I live five doors down from the guy. That should tell you I’m not jealous of him.
I also am heavily involved in Tampa Bay area charities and many that are tied to the Bucs. Even if he was donating anonymously, people would still see him at events and in the community. Trust me, they would appreciate his help, even if it was just his time.
November 20, 2017 @ 6:43 pm
And I have the utmost respect for any athlete’s work ethic. It’s inspiring. Your motivation to get there and stay there and has nothing to do with how you give back once you’re there.
November 20, 2017 @ 6:47 pm
And the final clarification, I respect their intentions fully, just not the method.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:07 pm
Christ, this song is tough to listen too.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:07 pm
This is my new favorite song
November 20, 2017 @ 1:10 pm
He still has surprisingly really good vocals. And if you think it’s racist to be against disrespecting our flag and our nation, you’re out of your mind
November 20, 2017 @ 1:36 pm
Who ever made that assertion?
November 20, 2017 @ 4:48 pm
many people have said to me on twitter and such
November 20, 2017 @ 5:34 pm
Your true colors show the more you engagein this racial/political horse shit. The bottom line is, it’s blatant disrespect to those who have fought and died for our country, while these crybaby-ass millionaires are too dumb to even realize it.
Much respect for McCoy for using his platform to call this bullshit for what it is. My new favorite song as well.
November 20, 2017 @ 7:10 pm
I have no problem with anyone who finds kneeling during the National Anthem to be disrespectful, and feels the need to speak out about it. I also have no problem with anyone, regardless of wealth, race, etc. asserting their First Amendment rights in whatever way they see fit.
What I do have a problem with is people saying this is their new favorite song. We should all be able to come together, lock arms, and say with solidarity and concensus that this song is opportunistic, pandering, poorly-written and executed garbage. Only the goggles of political rancor can make you think this effort is in any way even passable, let alone commendable.
November 28, 2017 @ 8:27 pm
Kneeling during the national anthem is not their First Amendment. They are at work.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:08 pm
“it’s blatant disrespect to those who have fought and died for our country”
it’s nothing of the sort. you might want to look into that head wound bubba.
December 11, 2017 @ 12:09 pm
Coupla things. Could you and everyone else who feels the need to do so please stop telling me and all the veterans how disrespected we are and how this offends us? It doesn’t.
I spent a year in a shit hole desert bearing true faith and allegiance to the Constitution. Not to your brittle feelings about our flag, which is disrespected in multiple forms every day by people who are up in arms about athletes kneeling because they are too ignorant to educate themselves on what US Flag Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Section 176; while also ignoring that it was a Navy Seal veteran with multiple deployments under his belt who met with, discussed with, and suggested to Colin Kaepernick the kneeling protest; as it is a sign of humility. We kneel to propose marriage. We kneel when we pray. We kneel at grave stones and fallen soldier memorials. Kneeling is the authorized rest position on long ruck marches and is the standard stance for pulling security. It means more than you have even taken the time to understand because understanding it doesn’t fit the narrative. So you continue to blather on about disrespect, while only illustrating that you’re full of shit. Dont tell me I’m offended. The only thing that offends me is people who think they speak for me and what I’ve done.
Im not done. Let me illustrate a little more knowledge for you: the symbolism behind the colors of the flag. Red stands for hardiness and valor, two values that must be employed to take a passionate stance, knowing full well that there will be backlash to said stance. White stands for innocence and purity, just like the players who are protesting are. This protest is victimless, and causes no harm to anyone. It is innocent and pure of intention. Blue stands for unity and perseverance, two values that are at the core of WHY THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING THE KNEELING PROTEST. So not only are your ideas on this backwards, this protest actually embodies the very values our flag stands for.
Now that you know these things, which you can research yourself if you dont care to believe this veteran, can we talk about the song now?
It sucks. Its poorly written and is pandering to people with shallow dispositions on an issue that has nothing to do with them. It comes off as an opportunistic attempt for Mr. McCoy to glean some form of modern relevancy by pandering to bubble-minded people that dont care to educate themselves.
If this is your favorite song, congrats……have another sip of red white and blue Kool-Aid, dude.
November 21, 2017 @ 10:09 am
“Well at least there’s now a minority that your racist uncle can get behind.”
Hardy har har.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:11 pm
He’s trying to hitch his star to a made up narrative in order to grab 15 more minutes. Kneeling was never a war on the flag and anyone that takes 10 minutes to Google it would know that. Instead he decided to add to the “NFL is anti American” fairy tale and try to give it a theme song.
November 21, 2017 @ 8:09 am
My problem is not with kneeling, it’s with the “America’s justice system is inherently racist” fairytale.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:09 pm
it’s not a fairytale.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:32 pm
I don’t know, it might be. We all know how much this country loves it’s fairytales.
November 22, 2017 @ 1:57 pm
Jury’s and Judges are inherently racist. That is, people are, with the emphasis on inherent.
November 27, 2017 @ 1:48 pm
That might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard someone who is over 5 years old say hahahhahahahahaha inherently racist!!!! You’ve got to be kidding hahahahhaha
January 18, 2018 @ 8:55 am
Trigger or Neil hitching his star to a made up narrative?
November 20, 2017 @ 1:11 pm
The problem is that there is an audience for this. I have always said that I’m a conservative but I don’t want to be grouped with the people who would like this song. And sadly I have family and friends who would get behind this song. Not understanding how much this continues to divide us.
I don’t know what the answer is when it comes to race in this country. But I do know that integrity and character are not contingent on the color of your skin. Your integrity and character are contingent on whats in your hart. Its that simple but seems so hard for individuals on both sides to understand.
November 20, 2017 @ 4:51 pm
i love this song 🙂
November 20, 2017 @ 5:53 pm
November 20, 2017 @ 1:13 pm
He’s still has surprisingly really good vocals. And if you think being against disrespecting our flag and our nation is racist, you’re out of your mind
November 20, 2017 @ 2:03 pm
Exact comment already posted by another name.
November 20, 2017 @ 7:15 pm
It’s because just like everything political, this song has become a proxy war. People against kneeling players will buy this track, say it’s their favorite song, crash message boards and social media and sing its praises, including employing multiple aliases under the misguided notion that if it succeeds, somehow their side has scored a victory, and drawn a bowl of blood from the other side. When in reality we know it’s a bad song, and they know it’s a bad song. But they’ll be damned if they give up any ground to anyone by showing an inch of contrition.
And the gridlock continues.
November 20, 2017 @ 10:59 pm
I wanted to reiterate it
November 20, 2017 @ 1:13 pm
I actually agree with the sentiment, what a stupid , virtue signaling way to protest. That being said, this song wasn’t even worth an article. You’re making it bigger than it should be. Stupid song, just like you said.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:22 pm
God Bless America ! ! ! Love it’ or Leave it . . .
November 20, 2017 @ 2:23 pm
God Bless America! Love it…and stick around and try to make things better.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:23 pm
Shit song. But, boy do I love the quagmire that the NFL finds itself in. Hopefully, the anthem issue piled on top of the CTE evidence, sandwiched between all of the crimes committed by the violent knuckle-draggers, who populate the rosters, will bring down the whole league. Bye, bye foosball.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:23 pm
So wait. You are still kissing Sturgill Simpson’s ass for calling a portion of his own fan base racist morons , but Neil McCoy is somehow ripping the country apart? Neil Fucking McCoy? Seriously? You and this site just lost the last remaining ounce of credibility .
November 20, 2017 @ 1:42 pm
I NEVER kissed Sturgill Simpson’s ass for calling out his own fans. In fact, I specifically called him out on it. You and others asserting that are being really irresponsible with my opinions. Here is what I said, specifically:
“To specifically single out the Trump supporters within his own fan base and insult them seemed especially coarse. If you feel Trump’s policies and principles are misguided, and since Trump needs the support of the population to implement them, why not attempt to persuade those individuals to see what you believe to be the error in their judgement, and do so with discourse as opposed to repel them with insult, especially if you already have their ear as fans?
What do you expect to gain aside from purging certain elements from your fan base to go be Trump supporters somewhere else, or even become more entrenched in their belief system after being insulted? Is this about changing the world, or changing the makeup of your crowd?”
November 20, 2017 @ 5:28 pm
hail yeah buddy
November 23, 2017 @ 3:52 pm
Bye Uncle Bubba.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:36 pm
I loved Wink and No Doubt About It. But this is bullshit. And I’m completely surprised that it is Neal McCoy and not Toby Keith to create a shit song dealing with jingoism and politics.
November 26, 2017 @ 2:00 am
Toby Keith is busy making terrible songs about weed and golfing.
November 20, 2017 @ 1:58 pm
Look out Trigger, the internet patriots are coming out of the woodwork.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:12 pm
I find it funny that immigrants and the children of immigrants have more respect for the United States than most U.S. citizens do. I’m a half breed, half Choctaw and half Euro American. And I bet Mr. McCoy has more respect for this country than I even do. I need to step my game up apparently.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:15 pm
Pandering, that’s all it is, pandering to the Fox New couch-potato patriots in an effort to make a few bucks. I liked some of Neal McCoy’s stuff, but he never was a favorite of mine. “Wink” came on the other the “classic” show the other day and I couldn’t help but smile while listening.
As with the Sturgill stuff, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this song makes me like Neal McCoy no more and no less. However, if you have a problem with Sturgill making a political statement, I would expect you to be ranting and raving over this one as well. I will say however, Sturgill did what he’s always done and said what he thinks, regardless of what his “fan base” thinks. However, it’s no courageous gesture for a right-wing singer to release a right-wing song for a right-wing fan base.
I’ll decide what I think is right and wrong, good and bad. As for me, I could care less for Neal McCoy’s view on the wildly unimportant “you have to stand for the America song” issue, and one listen is probably all this crap nugget will get from me. That doesn’t mean that I won’t smile next time “Wink” comes on the radio though 🙂
November 20, 2017 @ 2:20 pm
I hate this song as much as I White Mans world. This is good advice for all artists. Right or left.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:24 pm
Gah, I hate that I even have to comment on this stupid, stupid song, but I’ll repeat what I said on Twitter about this: Neal McCoy hasn’t been relevant in over at least ten years, and this is cheap controversy to drive up attention about an issue both the left and right have badly misconstrued, and I hate he has to resort to this in order to get attention.
That said, I’m WAY more angry at the ‘culture commentators’ and thinkpiece generators who decided to throw all of country music under the bus AGAIN because they think this cheap shit is representative of country music in a year where country has shown a level of political nuance and tact that many haven’t seen. Let’s get real: country as a whole HAS gotten pretty political this year, both on and off the record to some complicated results, but from its position at the grassroots there’s been more nuance and empathy than it has gotten credit, especially in the aftermath of the Vegas shooting. And I fucking hate when people who don’t get that from without try to paint all of country as jingoistic or ‘alt-right’ when there’s a broader ideological spectrum at play here. And I REALLY fucking hate when said jingoistic racists try to appropriate country iconography or songs or artists in order to fight against those thinkpieces and end up proving their point, and everyone is poorer as a result.
Don’t let that work. Listen to the new Turnpike Troubadours instead.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:44 pm
God damn, dude. If I could buy you the drink of your choice for this comment I would gladly do it. Well said.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:15 pm
What he said. Best comment I have ever read here.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:29 pm
What a lousy song.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:34 pm
letme put it this way I dont honestly believe that people hate America as much as one side or the other wants us to believe but I do think that the all powful bigg government uses these things as distractions to prevent people from coming together and demanding term limits and lower congressional salaries I feel bad for people that they have to identify with this sort of think does it feel good when a song sums pu how you feel like a lot of country protest songs telling people its not country music yes it feels good to be validated but eople are taking it too far these days it smply isnt too reasonable the way a lot of people are acting and while I dont believe that racism is as prevalent s one side wants me to beleleieve I think its still hanging around and often unspoken is anti-caucasiisisna racism or blacks who are prejudiced against whites and people dont like t talk about that and no I never said its an epidemic or everywhere but it does happen at times and I think peple just need to turn off their tvs and go talk to their neighbors more
November 20, 2017 @ 2:44 pm
this song is proof of the saying “country music is just bad music for stupid people”
November 20, 2017 @ 2:55 pm
The one time I went to the Grand Ole Opry Neal was there, and he was the star of the show. Seemed a bit full of himself, but very classy and smiling the whole time. No wonder he won EOTY multiple times.
This “song” feels like a desperate attention grab.
November 20, 2017 @ 2:58 pm
Agree with almost everything in this piece, but you are gonna have a hard (impossible) time convincing me that Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster because of his football ability. I don’t need to go through the list of QBs signed since he was released that are objectively worse than him… it’s not pretty.
He’s somewhat limited by the fact that he’s probably too old & good for terrible teams who are trying to tank, and he’s not good enough for teams trying to win a Super Bowl. But if you are a team contending for a playoff spot who’s QB just got injured, then I don’t know why Colin Kaepernick isn’t the first guy you call, other than his anthem protests (looking at you, Houston and Green Bay).
As someone who believes that sports should be the one true, great meritocracy, it annoys me to no end that he is not on a roster. I no longer believe that your typical NFL owner is most interested in winning games. They are interested in the value of their franchise, and that’s it.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:35 pm
Winning games increases the value of their franchise. There isn’t enough time left in the season for a QB to learn a system. He might get lucky, but, he might turn away ticket buyers more so.
I get where he’s coming from, and I don’t personally have anything against it, except that; his salary (the entire NFL and ALL sports teams) is because he plays a sport, meaning he is on the payroll, meaning his protest isn’t appropriate in that setting.
There is an incredible amount of discrepancy with the way police handle situations, but, it happens to white people too, though not as frequently.
EVERYONE needs to see through the facade of militarized police forces who prefer to hire combat vets who are trained to kill an enemy. The Founders warned against a standing army (and a lot of other things), yet, here we are with militarized police FORCEs. I’m pretty sure that isn’t what the Founders had in mind for a well regulated militia.
November 21, 2017 @ 10:15 am
Reminds me of a story about this new sheriff in Wyoming that has ordered his deputies to ditch the cowboy boots and and hat for a more uniformed, and militarized outfits.
November 21, 2017 @ 11:31 am
Sad isn’t it? Conform,conform, conform.
November 21, 2017 @ 10:45 am
Kaep was a fine football player, but he’s divisive to the fans and to the locker room. Some players flock to him like he’s a messiah, some just want to play football and not be preached at for the crimes of others. I don’t think his talent is in question. His ability to be a leader of a team is. His ability to be the face of a franchise is.
I agree with your assertion that owners are only interested in the value of their franchise, and I don’t blame them. Show me a for-profit business that isn’t concerned almost wholly with their bottom line (despite their messaging to the contrary), and I’ll show you a CEO about to pull the cord on a golden parachute.
November 21, 2017 @ 11:12 am
His problem is three-pronged. First, he’s not the quarterback he once was. While he may be better than some backups out there, he’s far from top tier. Second, he wants top-tier backup money. Third, the baggage. Eliminate any one of the three and he’d probably be on a roster, but combined they make him too much of a gamble.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:38 pm
I also love Neal’s 90’s music, and I’m still pretty much a fan. I actually think his last three major label albums (Be Good At It, Life Of The Party, and 24-7-365) are pretty underrated. That being said, I’m not a fan of this one, and it’s a shame that some people will only be familiar with him because of this song. His voice still sounds very good, though.
January 18, 2018 @ 8:58 am
That’s the part that bothers me and it’s more Trigger’s fault than McCoy’s. McCoy is one of the guys saving country music and according to other artists he’s a heck of an entertainer. I’ve watched him on Country Family Reunion and he’s hilarious and gives the songs he sings there his best.
Shame he wasn’t covered until Trigger was triggered.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:47 pm
Didn’t even listen to the song, never listened to Neal McCoy as it is. I’m a Packer fan, so as you can imagine I have stopped watching the NFL this year for reasons unrelated to players kneeling for the anthem. Backup QB is awful…unwatchable to be honest.
November 20, 2017 @ 3:57 pm
I don’t appreciate the cuss words but the message of the song is spot on. The national anthem should never be a platform for political agendas and frankly sports shouldn’t either. Sports used to be a safe haven from all the noise and arguing, but now it’s just like flipping on the news. 10/10
November 20, 2017 @ 4:05 pm
Sports has never been a safe haven. just go back to the 68 Olympics, or the 72 Munich Olympics.
November 20, 2017 @ 4:07 pm
But they should be and that’s the problem.
November 21, 2017 @ 9:06 am
The thing is, other than Kaepernick, this was barely making the news before Trump called them son’s of bitches and twisted the message into an anti American, anti military, anti flag, narrative to rile up his base. There were maybe a dozen or so players kneeling prior to Trump’s rant. He stirred it up, called them names, invented the anti American aspect of the protest and the players responded as a whole. Trump is always screaming that if someone hits him, he hits back harder, and his base loves that, UNTIL it’s it’s an organization standing up to him. He is the one that caused this, he is the one that turned a small protest into something bigger, then stood back smirking while his supporters ran with his bullshit accusations and he stoked the fire for weeks whenever the fury started to die down. He turned a small protest about police brutality into an attack on him and his supporters and this country when that has never been the reason.
November 24, 2017 @ 7:37 am
Wrong. Trump was the one who had the balls to say what people were already thinking – as usual. But due to pc culture ppl are afraid to say what they really think.
Capernick is a total scumbag. Let me remind everyone that he didn’t start this by kneeling but by sitting like a punk. When he did kneel he wore socks depicting police officers as pigs. His actions are completely inexcusable and unforgivable. I stopped watching NFL games last year long before Trump weighed in
November 20, 2017 @ 4:04 pm
The song is crap, but I did make it past the chorus. I understand the pandering motive, but this song is the epitome of a simplistic, uneducated response to an issue.
November 20, 2017 @ 4:44 pm
Wow! We all know Trigger would love if the song was about the opposite…
This is not considered artsy or intellectual, apparently.
November 20, 2017 @ 5:15 pm
Actually Trigger is one of the most honest writers I’ve ventured across. His opinions don’t always jibe with mine, and apparently not your’s, but he is honest about it from what I’ve read.
November 21, 2017 @ 6:45 am
He won’t ever come right out and admit what he is, and that’s what bugs me.
He’s a moderate leftist, and a social justice panderer, but he continues to pretend that he hates both sides.
I want everyone to be what they are, and say what they are.
November 21, 2017 @ 10:55 am
“He won’t ever come right out and admit what he is, and that’s what bugs me.”
Maybe because I see it as a solemn responsibility to leave my political affiliations on the sidelines and just do my job reporting and giving my opinions on music. In these days where every news outlet is purposefully slanted, apparently you’re expected to play along. Impartiality used to be a virtue.
November 21, 2017 @ 12:51 pm
But Trigger, you’re not impartial. That’s my point. My problem is that you pretend you are impartial.
November 21, 2017 @ 11:40 am
What you want on someone else’s web site is immaterial.
I’ve also said Trigger leans moderately right, but I didn’t make a big deal of it, and I’m by no means a leftist. If by social justice pandering you’re talking about his stance on women, I’ll agree with him. If it’s about the mistreatment by police I’ll agree with him, if I don’t I’ll state it and why, which you did, which is fine with me, and apparently with Trigger. That’s more than you can say about most web site authors which aggravates me to no end. They don’t have enough conviction in their beliefs to open their opinion for comment (but Trigger does) without jumping through a bunch of hoops which is a deterrent.
If you don’t like it you don’t have to read it.
November 21, 2017 @ 1:12 pm
Obviously DJ, he can do whatever he wants. And I can say what I want. And I want people to be honest about what they are.
People don’t have to do what I want, but I’m still going to say it.
November 22, 2017 @ 8:48 pm
Lotta other options out there hoss. Plenty of outlaws to choose to from.
November 21, 2017 @ 12:45 pm
Honky says, “I want everyone to be what they are, and say what they are”. That’s fine in day-to-day life, but becomes a problem when we venture into the media and the music blogosphere. It’s especially concerning regarding our mainstream news outlets, as now you can predict exactly what one channel is going to say about something. It’s not so much fake news, as Trump likes to call it, rather it’s slanted and intentionally biased news, so as to promote even further division among the people.
Honky seems to hate Trigger’s so called veiled leftist leanings, but he clearly cannot get enough of this website. But then maybe Trigger really should make his political leanings known. Hopefully then it would piss Honky off even more and he’d leave for good, taking his inexplicable disdain and outright hate for Sturgill and incessant anti-hipster but also ironically hipster in itself trolling along with him. Then he can party it up with Midland and Mo Pitney all he wants and not have to read anything more about his personal arch-enemy he’s never met but finds the time to trash at every opportunity.
November 22, 2017 @ 2:51 pm
I don’t like SS, or Midland. What’s a guy gonna do?
November 20, 2017 @ 5:45 pm
This song is so much of a cheesy mockery that I am convinced Barry Poole aka Cledus T Judd wrote it.
November 20, 2017 @ 6:46 pm
This song is some Haven Hamilton level shit, good for some quick and dirty ReactionBuck$. Talk about “virtue signalling.”
November 20, 2017 @ 6:59 pm
Long time reader, first time commentor. Its ignorant to assume all who fight for our freedom feel disrespected by the kneeling. No one has a monopoly on how all servicemen and women feel about the issue, nor do they get to speak for them all to further their agenda.
Song is garbage, the protests are not effective, this country needs less hateful yelling and more understanding dialogue, the new TPT kicks ass, and Trigger deserves an NFL level salary bump.
November 20, 2017 @ 7:05 pm
Neil McCoy was always a marginal talent, but he managed to notch a string of successes in the early-mid ’90s. He’s not my cup of tea, I would not go to see him, but if he wants to rouse up his Southern/ “Red State” audiences with this song, it doesn’t bother me. The NFL decided to allow its players to protest on the field during the playing of the anthem. (I think that was a mistake, but it’s their business.) Neil McCoy and others have a right to protest the NFL protesters with his so-so song.
November 20, 2017 @ 7:32 pm
“But you have to appreciate that nobody knows who the hell he is beyond the mid 90’s country music mindset.” That’s a disservice to the time and effort he has given back to military veterans and their families.
November 20, 2017 @ 7:50 pm
I still don’t know what the hell your problem is with “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue”
November 22, 2017 @ 2:55 pm
The red,white and blue allegedly stands for freedom and justice for all. Not a select few. There are no caveats as to who or what is to be respected. Respect is earned. Try forcing it and what you see is what you get.
November 20, 2017 @ 8:42 pm
About a month ago I had to go to a store out of my local area to pick up some building supplies and engaged in a conversation with the man working the checkout counter. He was a Vietnam vet… and had the scars to show for it. He started telling me about the war. When I thanked him for his service he said he doesn’t want to be thanked… that he was glad to serve, but he just wishes some people would stand for the flag that he fought under. Moral of that story… it’s because of countless people like him that we have the freedom to take a knee.
November 22, 2017 @ 3:04 pm
No, it’s because the founders recognized and made law that the philosophy of The Declaration of Independence was to be respected by an (entity) force called gov’t. The wars that have been fought in the name of saving us from evil, or whatever, have had NO bearing on OUR freedom, except to allow gov’t to take civil liberties from us, get our young people killed and maimed and tax us for our troubles. Bumper sticker slogans don’t count as “reason” regardless of who uses them, left or right.
November 22, 2017 @ 3:23 pm
Well… everyone’s entitled to an opinion… that is if you’re allowed to have one. Why don’t you ask my grandmother who grew up in Nazi Germany what “OUR” freedom is all about?
November 22, 2017 @ 5:18 pm
I don’t need to ask anyone from Germany what OUR freedom is about. I’m more concerned with the freedom here that is being taken from us. Every war this country has fought since its inception is about expanding the US empire. Period. That isn’t just my opinion it is a fact. The war on terror is a money pit. The war on drugs is a money pit. The war on poverty is a money pit.The alleged “Civil” War was to keep the union intact at a cost of 600,000 Americans. WW2 could have been avoided but Europe, Britain specifically, needed us. Roosevelt knew Americans wouldn’t approve sending troops to Europe, so, Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen, then selling war in Europe was simple. Not only that, but, Eisenhower in his farewell address warned us about the Military Industrial Complex. George Washington warned of a like situation in his farewell address. The Founders were against a standing Army. Why? Because History showed them an Army can be easily turned on it’s citizens. More than one Founder (but I’ll use Jefferson and Washington) warned of tangling alliances. There’s even a saying; Trade with all, ally with none. The wars we fight now are with borrowed money putting generations (at this point your kids kids) in debt. Being in debt to means being enslaved to. So, like I said “allegedly” free.
Elected officials take an oath to protect and defend The Constitution. Last I looked it said nothing about a country.
November 22, 2017 @ 7:44 pm
I’m not going to waste my time debating you because I love my country and am damn proud of it and also this is a blog about country music not infowars. You can say whatever else you want (by the way… you might want to thank my grandfathers that we’re all not blogging in German right now) but I don’t give a hooting hell… after all that’s the freedom we’ve all been given. Nough said.
November 23, 2017 @ 8:08 am
I don’t consider arguing about truth to be a waste of time.
The song made it about “infowars”, since information is the root for the war of words. I love my kids and damn proud of them but I’ll admit their imperfections and help them over come those imperfections. That’s my job. If I ignored those imperfections I might be blogging in childish gibber. But it’s not my job to love a country. If I ignored its imperfections I would be remiss in my job to my kids.
Love is an emotion. A chemical reaction that rarely, if ever, relies on reason, reason being a sound explanation of an occurrence.
Hyperbole (not blogging in German) is a bumper sticker disinformation tactic used to argue information which creates infowars. The info BTW is controlled by the winner of the war. That hardly makes it accurate. It makes it biased. By definition biased leaves out opposing accounts. Leaving out opposing accounts creates a subjective analysis, which typically is replaced with emotion (I love) and ignores facts: Fact; Freedom is inherent, not a political statement wrapped in a flag.
We’ve not been GIVEN freedom. Freedom is inherent (endowed by a creator) and is a right which existed long before the red, white and blue was borne. Our inherent freedom was recognized in The Declaration of Independence and laws were made (The Constitution) to help ensure those recognized freedoms were not easily taken.
They have been taken, eroded incrementally by law making it legal with one thing in mind and one thing only; to restrict. By definition that means not free.
There are over 40,000 federal laws. Not exactly a bastion of freedom, especially in a country founded on the philosophy of inherent freedom.
November 20, 2017 @ 8:52 pm
Fuck it all. I’m embarrassed I even have to address this issue and Neal McCoy’s stupid song, but I can’t even bury Mel Tillis without people up asking, “Hey Trig, what about Neal McCoy?”
And that right there is the perfect encapsulation of what is wrong in this country today. Politics is fucking poisoning everything, even what should have the right to be completely non-political.
AS good a piece as this was, I’m sorry you had to write it.
November 20, 2017 @ 10:36 pm
“millennial intellectual Twitter nitwits”
Savage af and so accurate. Trigger may not be the most polished journalist, but he’s entertaining, reasonably unbiased, and a straight shooter. Pun intended.
Well written article, and I don’t even agree with everything in it.
November 20, 2017 @ 11:47 pm
If you think Kaepernicks stats are the reason why he isnt back, then you need to explain Jay Cutler.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:49 am
Think we might need the second coming of Johnny Cash to guide us through this one. While we wait, let’s remind ourselves that Donald Trump is nobodies friend but his own.
November 21, 2017 @ 6:43 am
You’re exactly right… spot on. In moments of doubt I find myself asking WWJD (What Would Johnny Do?) … helps me when I’m really screwed sometimes. America needs another Man in Black… someone who really truly wholeheartedly gives a damn.
November 21, 2017 @ 5:52 am
I live in the USA. That means I support and respect my home. Trest this country like you would your home. And treat it’s citizens like they are your family. Treat people like you would like to be treated. It’s that simple. All this other crap is a bunch of hogwash. Just be kind and stop thinking you know everything there is to know. Most of you are perfect examples of Dunning and Kruger’s srudy. Look it up if you are not aware of it. And be prepared for a realization. It might even hurt your false pride.
November 21, 2017 @ 6:25 am
This is a monkey see, monkey do world. The head monkeys act a fool, so the follower monkeys follow suit.
November 21, 2017 @ 6:52 am
We should all hate Neil McCoy for his contributing to the destruction of country music in the late 90s.
I’m glad he’s a patriot, but people have a right to Neil if they want to. My problem was not with the kneeling, but the reason for the kneeling. The idea that the justice system is inherently racist is one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard in my entire life, and is utterly, and provably false.
Black people commit more crimes than white people, therefore they go to jail more than white people.
Men commit more crimes then women, therefore more men go to jail then women.
If they ever come up with a legit reason to kneel, I might support them.
November 21, 2017 @ 12:04 pm
In this case legit is subjective. Poverty is what causes crime, not color or sex and I doubt you’d support anyone not bowing to the red, white and blue. It’s what we’re trained to do from an early age, yes, I said trained. Refusing to support that premise is what free speech is all about. We get all emotional and leave intellectual at the door when we perceive a slight to what we hold dear, regardless of what that means to others.
As much as I hate Hillary, she got one thing absolutely right: Dissent is patriotic. This country, nor its citizens nor its gov’t is infallible, and that needs to be recognized and acknowledged or the protests will grow from taking a knee at a public event to throngs causing havoc.
We have the “right” (meaning inherent, not granted, or entitled, or installed on an assembly line) to civil disobedience, long before the red, white and blue existed. Period. So far they’ve been civil. Seems the counter protesters are the people creating uncivility, i.e., personal attacks.
Like I said, my “problem” with the protest is doing it while they’re on the clock. The clock those in the stands pay for. They have the right to protest, but, not at the expense of others.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:25 pm
“Like I said, my “problem” with the protest is doing it while they’re on the clock. The clock those in the stands pay for. They have the right to protest, but, not at the expense of others.”
Then it sounds like your problem is with the NFL for allowing it. But that should be their right, no?
November 21, 2017 @ 4:05 pm
If I didn’t say it I didn’t mean it. The NFL didn’t protest. NFL players did.
Personally, I don’t care. I don’t watch football unless there’s nothing else on that interests me and, I’m not a fan of forced anything regardless of who or what is doing the forcing, and if the other side is acknowledged the counter protesters (fans) are trying to force others to do what they believe. Who has the right to force anyone to do something they don’t want to?
See where that leads?
November 23, 2017 @ 4:01 pm
I question why it’s necessary to play the National Anthem at a football game. Why is that on the clock?
November 24, 2017 @ 9:17 am
Good questions, Liza.
The second one *likely* because there is a stadium full of people to watch them play football which they are paying for.
The first one I doubt it will ever be honestly answered.
November 21, 2017 @ 12:55 pm
That is absolutely ridiculous and I have no idea how you can say that with such conviction. If you think white and black folks are treated the same by police, you must be locked in a basement somewhere and have a very narrow group of friends and acquaintances.
November 21, 2017 @ 4:09 pm
Travis, are you addressing me?
November 22, 2017 @ 7:11 am
I was responding to Honky. I don’t quite understand his response to me below but I haven’t understood a lot of what he says.
November 21, 2017 @ 5:46 pm
I know you’re emotional, Travis. You’ve essentially been conditioned to be. But data and statistics are real, and they mean something.
Calm down, dry your eyes, and seek the truth.
November 21, 2017 @ 7:10 pm
sadly a lot of this is backed up by measurable data.
following the civil war (and even before and during it) freed black people came north to cities to find work or to escape. cities have notorious problems with poverty since living in cities is generally more expensive than less urban areas due to the amount of infrastructure needed. this means that (in many cases) these are the people most affected by urban poverty and by extension the people who turn to crime (usually involving illegal substances and the sale thereof) to support their families.
it’s a sad story all around which creates a stereotype of a predisposition to criminality which hinders upward mobility which in turn forces more people back into the loop -crime—reinforce stereotype–hiring bias–poverty–crime–reinforce stereotype–hiring bias–poverty–etc etc etc
November 22, 2017 @ 7:14 am
Honky, you are one strange bird! Conditioned to be emotional…I don’t know where you come up with this stuff. I’d be afraid to get in your head and know your ‘truth’. I’m much happier living in the real world.
November 21, 2017 @ 2:24 pm
Whites often get easier sentences than blacks in this country. That’s with comparable crimes and criminal history.
November 22, 2017 @ 2:15 pm
Problem is black people are being shot and killed before they even get the privilege of experiencing our American justice system. That’s kinda more what the kneeling is about.
November 21, 2017 @ 6:54 am
Too bad troy and Eddie couldn’t have recorded this together..or I bet if Eddie does it by himself you all wouldn’t put it down..again more negativity..
November 21, 2017 @ 7:31 am
Well done Trigger on a fair, balanced review. Reviewing political songs is sure to only spread the divide, yet anyone on any side of any political spectrum can agree that this song is grade A crapola, never mind the sentiments.
Yours respectively,
November 21, 2017 @ 7:39 am
Trigger, they probably won’t play it on radio…so maybe that could be your safe space.
November 21, 2017 @ 7:44 am
Of course, if Sturgill came out with a protest song ole Trigger would be all over it. Sorry if you think a song is racist or making other off-handed comments because of said subject matter. The liberal Americana folks no doubt love ole’ Trigger.
November 21, 2017 @ 10:51 am
Not true at all, and I wish folks would stop allowing their political vitriol from getting in the way of their judgement of my coverage. I have criticized MANY left-leaning artists and songs over the years under the same principle that politics should be apart from the music space. I SPECIFICALLY criticized Sturgill Simpson for his comments against Trump supporters outside the CMA Awards, though MANY have decided to gloss over that fact. I’ve reposted those quotes over an over, so I’ll save them here, but look above in this comments section.
I also criticized Sturgill for getting political in his last record:
“Are we at war with North Korea or Iran? Is the conflict in Syria about heroin or oil? The “war sucks” message, as well as other statements about how love is the answer to life, and how reality is just a dream (broached on Metamodern in ample doses too) lack a little of the poetic expression or realism that would make these proverbs more welcomed and resonant in the listener.”
I also criticized Jason Isbell for his song “White Man’s World”:
“Why ostensibly withhold your music from so many people just because you want to attempt to slide even some passing political message across? And specific to the premise Jason Isbell’s song “White Man’s World,” I guess I just don’t understand why we constantly have to identify ourselves and others through their race, gender, sexual orientation, et al. Perhaps it’s just the Gen X’er in me that was taught to see through race and gender. Now all of a sudden it’s hip to classify everyone, and systematically downgrade the Caucasian experience as incapable of understanding the true struggle of others.”
Folks on BOTH sides of the political divide need to stop being so reactionary. I have been steadfast since day 1 on this site, and it is written right into the site’s charter to not take political sides. And I have not, and will not. It’s a shame that for some, not taking a side means you must be with the enemy.
November 21, 2017 @ 12:00 pm
“vitriol”…how Rolling Stone.
November 23, 2017 @ 4:03 pm
How bitchy.
November 24, 2017 @ 10:52 am
November 21, 2017 @ 8:01 am
Should change the name of your site to Lifestyles Of The Southern Hipster. Maybe some stories on beard trimming, what temperature to keep your microbrew, and how to make yourself feel more important than the hicks in your town.
November 21, 2017 @ 9:48 am
This. +1
November 21, 2017 @ 11:41 am
November 21, 2017 @ 11:46 am
Would that make you happy?
November 21, 2017 @ 10:04 pm
Not really. I decided awhile back to remove this site from from my RSS feed and Facebook. I realized that differing opinions from the majority are not taken well and I decided to refrain from any further instigation of the sheep mentality. Unfortunately this article popped up on my Facebook feed anyway and I succumbed to the temptation to post a remark. I apologize.
November 21, 2017 @ 11:33 pm
I’m sorry to hear you say that Scott S., and would generally disagree with your assessment. I think a wide variety of opinions are expressed here, and if you think yours is in the minority, all the more reason to express it. But I understand how angering that exercise can be sometimes. You can also read the articles, and avoid the comments if you wish.
November 22, 2017 @ 6:45 am
Your loss. No need to apologize.
November 21, 2017 @ 3:38 pm
I’ve had enough!
I’m tired of arguing with everyone about everything!
never have I had such a desire to knock heads together (to loosely paraphrase John Adams)
and both sides are the problem.
I can’t stand that armoured rugby player because if he’d just kept his opinions to himself people might be a little more decent to each other but no he had to open a floodgates of reactionism and its unhealthy and now Neil McCoy wants to weigh in?
I don’t care what he thinks!
I don’t care what Kaperiick things or what Trigger thinks or what anybody thinks!
I want to hear music!
preferably about cities, women, swords, swordfights, gunfights
anything except somebody’s opinions about anything!
dear anyone who’s ever written a song:
please stop writing songs about how you feel about anything in the news.
in fact, please do not write about any actual events after the 60s, because people will argue about it.
for the love of God please write all future songs and film all future movies as though 1969 never ended and please stop trying to make statements.
it’s gotten old and everyone hates everyone now.
sincerely: someone sick and tired of the constant arguing
November 21, 2017 @ 4:15 pm
I totally argee… just want to hear the music..
November 21, 2017 @ 9:15 pm
You think Blaine Gabbert is a better QB than Kaepernick? Because he started an NFL game last week while the other isnt even in the league
November 22, 2017 @ 8:08 am
I just don’t want to hear anymore that the national anthem is racist, Columbus statue is racist, Civil War Memorial is racist, Thomas Jefferson statue is racist, Cops are all racist, wearing hoop ear rings when you’re not a person of color is cultural appropriation, kill white babies -BLM, non-whites spraying racial slurs on walls and trying to blame whites for being racist, America is racist, Republicans are racist, that Halloween costume is racist, Apu from the Simpsons is racist caricature, supporting the enforcement of immigration control is racist, Taco Bell is racist because they won’t serve you fries (google it), segregated housing for black students to protect them from racial attacks and microaggression on campus, systemic racism is rampant, cafeteria food is racist (google it), voter I.D. laws are racist, peanut butter and jelly is racist (google it), lower taxes is racist (google it), dressing your daughter as Disney heroine Moana is racist (google it), babies are racist (google it), the Redskins football team is racist, your fucking mom is racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist…infinitum.
November 22, 2017 @ 8:37 am
LOL…. why would anyone use google? Aren’t they accused of being sexist LOL….
November 22, 2017 @ 8:38 am
Happy Thanksgiving y’all!
November 22, 2017 @ 8:56 am
the same reply as the one above — against this song — was probably uttered by certain people about “Okie From Muskogee” when it came out, i imagine. (the song went straight to #1 on the country charts and only made it to #41 on adult contemporary at the time — 1969 — for example) but because of Merle’s background and bonafides that thought-process would be heresy today.
“the slavish and objectionably-sentimental elements of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A.,” (#7 country, #16 Billboard) is an odd quote, because i don’t know a ton of people who find that song objectionable in any way … in fact they feel the same way about “America the Great,” by Charlie Pride as they do about Lee Greenwood’s tyune. but i suppose for some people it is fun to hate on the ‘Merica crowd. I’m sure it makes oneself feel cool to condescend to the toothless, backwoods, stars-n-stripes crowd.
and “your racist uncle” doesn’t dislike Charlie Pride any more than he hates “Okie From Muskogee,” and he isn’t a prick because he thinks people are using this nation as a fulcrum for their own emotional or political or personal shortcomings.
You jumped the shark on this one, buddy. Spending 400 more words criticizing this song as opposed to a Brantley Gilbert fiasco is a step below your caliber. I’m not saying “Take a Knee” is a good song, but the criticism stinks of click-bait because it was pointless ….
November 22, 2017 @ 10:34 am
I have spent a decade fighting against the unfair stereotypes of Southerners as stupid hicks. That is why I am so opposed to this song. It sets that effort back years. I’m not opposed to someone writing a song about the NFL anthem protests. I am opposed to someone writing a song about the NFL anthem protests that so clearly pandering and is so poorly-written, it makes ALL country fans look stupid.
“Okie From Muskogee” is a great example. Here is a song deftly written to portray a mindset and perspective through the use of storytelling and character, not hackneyed verses written from anger and spite that are effective for nothing more than furthering the mindsets on the issue.
“Okie From Muskogee” was a friend of mine. And “Take A Knee My Ass” sir is no “Okie From Muskogee.”
November 22, 2017 @ 10:52 am
To wit:
And i don’t think it was my suggestion the two were comparable. But it doesn’t automatically/reflexively make somebody a racist or bigot if they like “Take a Knee,” either, (that’s one helluva broad brush) anymore than it does to dislike a country star — who happens to be black — because the artist’s style of music doesn’t cut the mustard with the critic. It seems like an easy way to cast aspersions and not truly tackle the substance of the song(s) in question. i don’t recall reading a single lyrical reference in the initial post, so it is my theory that the sentiment of the song was the issue at hand.
But i always have said that there is really no such thing as bad music, because every artist has fans. There are friends of mine who LOVED Blink 182 and said they were the “new era of punk.” i said they were shit. doesn’t change the fact that the clowns sold records.
November 22, 2017 @ 11:54 am
I hear this song and then Sturgill’s “Don’t turn mailboxes into baseball bats” and then I question which is smarter and which isn’t that smart. I know McCoy didn’t write this song, but it doesn’t matter as it was still written.
November 24, 2017 @ 2:27 am
This song is just a weaker version of Merle’s “Me And Crippled Soldiers Give A Damn”.
Kneel if you want, but don’t pretend that you’re not intentionally insulting a lot of people by doing so. It’s moral cowardice to claim otherwise. And it’s obvious even from another continent that the people protesting at best don’t care about the feelings of others.
November 26, 2017 @ 1:54 am
Maybe the first step we should take in “Saving Country Music” is to NOT pander to the left like the rest of the entertainment industry, and instead let the music speak to the conservative audience (which is what the majority of listeners are). Country has gospel and religious roots and its annoying how this site wants to look like “Country purists” yet slams songs speaking out against the disrespectful players taking a knee. The last thing country should be trying to be is liberal SJW.
November 26, 2017 @ 6:31 pm
I am not pandering to the left any more than anyone is pandering to the right here. As I have stated countless times, this site’s only political affiliation is that politics should stay out of music, and Neal McCoy broke this cardinal rule. So has Steve Earle, Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell, and others on the left, and been specifically taken to task for it. The only difference is their music is generally decent, while this song is absolutely terrible. Only by being blinded by politics could make you think this song is good.
And talk about disrespectful, how about exploiting a current event to promote yourself? I’m not calling out a song speaking out against disrespectful players, I’m calling out a song that is disrespectful to country music by being so terrible. This song hurts the cause you think it’s championing by making its proponents look like idiots.
November 26, 2017 @ 4:44 pm
I’m so tired of all this too. The one thing we had left was football and now that’s become a thing that divides us. I’m more left leaning but I too can’t stand SJWs and everything being politicized. It’s just getting annoying and exhausting.
December 11, 2017 @ 5:50 pm
I’m neither liberal nor conservative, but I’m not bothered at all by people kneeling during the National Anthem. It’s a harmless, peaceful way of protesting. Getting offended and writing a pathetic excuse for a song about that is just like getting upset because KFC ran out of your favorite five-dollar meal boxes and writing a song about it called “Finger-Lickin’ Good My Ass”.
Great review!