Parker McCollum Tests Positive for COVID-19, Cancels Shows

Texas country artist turned rising major label star Parker McCollum will not be playing a couple of upcoming shows where he was planning his return to performing. Parker is cancelling the performances after testing positive for COVID-19. The 28-year-old let fans know on Thursday (8-20) of the positive test.
“I know there are a lot of you that were expecting to see me in Manhattan, KS and Stillwater, OK. After several months of being off the road, we were finally getting a chance to play two socially distanced, mask mandated shows Thursday and Friday night,” McCollum says. “After realizing this morning that I could not taste or smell anything at breakfast, I went to get tested for covid and the results came back showing I was positive for the virus.”
Parker McCollum was scheduled to play at Britt’s Farm in Kansas Thursday evening at a socially distanced concert, and was one of the headliners at this weekend’s 3-day Weedstock in Stillwater, Oklahoma, capping off festivities on Friday.
Weedstock—which is promoted by the Tumbleweed Dancehall—has received some criticism for moving forward with the event during the pandemic, with the Stillwater mayor Will Joyce saying it’s “not the right time.” Owner Cary McBride told the city’s Chamber of Commerce, “We either put this thing together or we just shut the doors for good.” The festival requires all attendees to wear masks, and has hand sanitizer and other precautions in place to prevent the spread of disease.
“My deepest apologies to the fans and the venues who were counting on me to perform,” Parker MocCollum continues. “I absolutely believe that the shows should go on and I wish more than anything I could be there to play them. I feel great and will self quarantine at the ranch for 14 days. It’s just an absolutely bad stroke of luck on the timing of contracting the virus. I want to play so bad … Please wear your mask and stay healthy.”
Parker McCollum’s first major single “Pretty Heart” current sits at #19 on the Billboard Country Airplay chart, and he recently released a studio version of the fan favorite “Young Man’s Blues.”
August 20, 2020 @ 8:01 pm
And just when he has the Top 2 songs on the Texas Music Spotify Chart. That’s a shame and hope it’s a mild case and best wishes that he’s back on the road soon doing what he loves.
August 20, 2020 @ 8:24 pm
Ahh, if he’s positive, it can take more than 14 days to pass.
Aside from that, good work on all parts, i hope the festival is a success and wish I could be there.
August 20, 2020 @ 9:27 pm
Are these new symptoms??
He couldn’t taste or smell anything, but no other symptoms?
This virus is creepy af. New symptoms arising everyday. None are the same, nothing universal.
A few weeks ago, hair loss was a symptom too.
Stay safe & speedy recovery Parker.
August 21, 2020 @ 6:34 am
Loss of smell and taste was one of the original symptoms. I recall Tom Hanks and Bill Cowher both taking about that being the first symptom/ indication they had the virus.
August 21, 2020 @ 6:16 pm
There are a lot of weird symptoms. But the one thing everyone says is, it kicks your ass. Friend of a friend just had it and “recovered” she’s 28 and super athletic, still doesn’t have any energy and feels crappy after a month.
August 21, 2020 @ 3:31 am
An emerging artist wanting to get out and support a #19 song at a festival is a pretty worthy goal, even in these conditions. I know people taking a lot more risk with a lot less at stake.
August 21, 2020 @ 4:28 am
In other news, Garth Brooks had a case of the shots and may be forced to miss a drive in show or two.
August 21, 2020 @ 4:42 am
Sorry to hear about this. Hope he’s ok. I actually entertained the notion of going because I wanted to see Flatland Cavalry & Kaitlin Butts. Thought they might move the Cavalry up to the headline spot but it looks like they put Josh Abbott in there which is great! Flatland is doing a paid Livestream concert on Aug 30th where they’ll be playing Humble Folks in it’s entirety. Certainly worth the 10 bucks I’ll be happy to pay and they better let Kaitlin sing with em!!! I have no problem paying for full band live streams if it’s kept reasonable.
August 21, 2020 @ 6:31 am
I pray for a speedy recovery for your boyfriend.
August 21, 2020 @ 7:05 am
What is wrong with people. The organisers of this event are simply putting money before people. Okay, you shut your doors. Fine with me. Are the organisers going to compensate anybody who contracts this disease because of their greed. If somebody does contract the disease because of this shindig I hope they sue the ass of the organisers.
August 21, 2020 @ 8:26 am
So if I go an event by my own choice and get COVID I should sue? What a sad comment. Seems like reasonable precautions were being taken. (Admittedly, I don’t know the social distancing set-up). You seem to want a world with less music and more lawsuits. What a terrible place that would be. And I am not saying they should or shouldn’t have the festival but a lawsuit is not the answer. Grown-ass adults would be making a choice.
August 21, 2020 @ 11:18 am
Why can you not read what I said. If you go on you your own choice and get COVID, hip hip hurray. But you then have the distinct possibility of passing it on to other people who were nowhere near this event or events like this. Grown ass adults that you pass COVID onto were not given a choice. And where did I say I want a world without music. Try and engage what you call a brain. If I wanted a world without music I would not be on this site.
August 22, 2020 @ 11:55 am
My other response is at the bottom in case you need help following along. (Which I assume you do). You wrote “What is wrong with people” That is a question but you used a period. That is maybe first grade writing.
You also wrote “If somebody does contract the disease because of this shindig I hope they sue the ass of the organisers.” So, what part of my interpretation of your shallow comment did I misconstrue? (That means “didn’t understand”).
So, I read what you said. If you didn’t say what you meant, that is on you. So I guess you’ll sue me if I didn’t get your poorly formed opinion.
August 21, 2020 @ 7:30 am
Any chance of seeing a review of Josh Turner’s new album?
It is incredible. His version of “Alone and Forsaken” is chilling. I would love to see your take, Trigger.
August 21, 2020 @ 9:14 am
The Josh Turner album is being considered for review.
August 21, 2020 @ 11:15 am
That is all I can ask for. I know you are a busy man but I had to ask. You are the best reviewer in the business. I read a couple of other reviews, while they were full of praise they lacked any industry insight or sharp wordplay.
August 22, 2020 @ 11:39 am
I read what you said. You want people to sue if they get COVID from attending. Maybe I didn’t understand your point because of the poor quality of your writing. Despite your love of needless lawsuits, I hope you are not a lawyer with such poor communication and critical thinking skills. Your clients would be fucked.
August 22, 2020 @ 12:25 pm
Sorry. I meant to add to my last that both this rally and the shindig at Weedstock are both to have taken part in Oklahoma. Says a lot about the Okies. P
August 22, 2020 @ 12:16 pm
Enter the lawyers. Anyone signing up for the rally online was met with a disclaimer, informing them of the risk of exposure to Covid-19 “in any public place where people are present”.
It went on to warn that by attending the rally, Trump supporters and their guests “voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Covid-19” and agree not to hold the campaign, Tulsa’s BOK Center or a whole pile of other related parties “liable for any illness or injury”.
Lawyers for your glorious president, no less.