Post Malone’s Foray Into Country Isn’t Going Well So Far

Boy didn’t the idea of Post Malone making a big country album or releasing country songs seem like a sexy idea over the last few years. Back in 2020 when he was running around in T-shirts from Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, and Billy Strings, it seemed like maybe he was one of the guys who’d figured it out. He also showed up on Dwight Yoakam’s SiriusXM show singing duets with Dwight, and said he wanted to collaborate with George Strait. Face tattoos or not, it was hard to say Post Malone didn’t have good taste in country music.
The world woke up to this in a big way when Post Malone appeared on a streaming benefit concert hosted by Matthew McConaughey in March of 2021. Malone performed Sturgill Simpson’s “You Can Have The Crown” and Brad Paisley’s “I’m Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin’ Song)” backed by Dwight Yoakam’s road band. After that, many country fans were downright demanding Post Malone record a country album, and Malone was dropping hints that he was definitely open to the idea.
Check in a couple of years later, and Post Malone’s foray into country music has gone from a hypothetical to a reality, and a good idea to a bad one. Instead of something coming together involving folks like Tyler Childers, Billy Strings, or Dwight Yoakam, Post Malone has instead fallen in with the troika of Morgan Wallen, HARDY, and ERNEST. Though fans of these guys might be excited by the idea, it’s not exactly what many true country music fans had in mind. It also turns out it may not even be what Morgan Wallen, HARDY, And ERNEST fans were hoping was in store.
We first saw this supergroup in action at the 2023 CMA Awards in November to decidedly subpar results. Post Malone’s appearance was arguably the most anticipated moment of the night, especially after the CMAs touted it as a “classic country medley.” But those classic country songs turned out to be the silly selections from Joe Diffie’s catalog, a.k.a. “John Deere Green” and “Pickup Man.” Then with Morgan Wallen and HARDY braying horrifically out-of-tune to them, it exposed just how poorly country music’s “top” talent measures up to a hip-hop/pop star like Post Malone.
Post Malone did the best with a bad situation, but the question then was, “Why even put yourself in that situation to begin with?” Joe Diffie’s great, but it seemed strange to pay tribute to him 3 1/2 years after his passing, and with songs that really aren’t representative of the depth of his catalog.
Post Malone was also spotted in the studio with Morgan Wallen and ERNEST right before the 2023 CMAs, so we knew it was only a matter of time before something materialized. Well on December 22nd, Morgan Wallen posted a clip of a demo called “I Had Some Help” on Instagram, and tagged Post Malone, Ernest, and writer/producer Charlie Handsome on the post, implying they were to co-writers. Morgan Wallen posted it at about 2 in the morning.
Well according to some, it didn’t go very well. The comments section filled up with negative comments on the track, along with a few positive ones peppered in, and this was for a highly-anticipated collaboration being screened by a highly favorable audience to Wallen. It got so bad in fact, Morgan Wallen and/or his team removed the post entirely. Though there’s not confirmation that it was removed due to the negative reception, it’s certainly not a good look. You can still hear some of the song captured by a Post Malone fan.
The song hasn’t even been released formally yet, if it ever will be at this point. But “Post Malone Goes Country” so far has not gone well at all, even according to Morgan Wallen fans, let alone fans of Tyler Childers, Billy Strings, and Dwight Yoakam who were maybe hoping things would go more in that direction.
It goes to show you that sometimes the hypothetical is more exciting than the execution. It sort of reminds you of the whole “Justin Timberlake Makes a Country Album” thing that happened around his album Man of the Woods from 2018. After Timberlake’s big collaboration with Chris Stapleton on the 2015 CMA Awards, we though this would be Timberlake’s big foray into country. It ultimately turned out to be a flop both inside and outside of country.
Perhaps Post Malone can still pull this out. But perhaps he should start by re-evaluating who he decides to work with. It’s not that ERNEST, HARDY, and Morgan Wallen are incapable of doing good songs, or even seriously traditional country songs. What separates all three of these guys from their Bro-Country predecessors is they’ve all recorded traditional-sounding country stuff to go along with careening into country rap and 808s.
But ultimately, you become the company you keep. And if Post Malone is dreaming to collaborating with George Strait and Billy Strings, that’s where he should point his nose, not ERNEST, HARDY, and Morgan Wallen. With those guys, you’re just gonna get a muddy, multi-genre directionless mess. And so far with the now pulled demo of “I Had Some Help,” that’s what we’ve received.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:32 am
That clip was awful. Between the heavily processed vocals, the singing through his nose “because that’s what country music is all about,” the synthetic and probably AI-generated “instrumental” track, and the lyrics (at least the 10 seconds I heard before shutting it off to save my ears), this represents literally everything that’s wrong with country music right now.
Based on what I’ve heard from him sitting in with bands and covering classic country tunes I was actually optimistic about this endeavor. I’m not anymore.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:38 am
You made it ten seconds? You’re a braver man than me. I killed it after three.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:42 am
Oh, I was done after two. But I had started it and stepped away so it took another 8 to get back and shut it down.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:46 am
Ive got a brilliant idea. Anyone remember the Marty Stuart/ Travis Tritt No Hats Tour, way back in the day? Im thinking Ol’ Posty and Ol’Jelly Roll can do a “Face Tats No Hats Tour”. I know. Genius. You can thank me.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:48 am
Doesn’t country already have it’s “Post Malone” in Jelly Roll?
December 26, 2023 @ 2:09 pm
I mean…no.
Austin Post is a multi-instrumentalist and a genuinely talented producer, who also has an interesting tenor and a great ear for a hook.
Jelly Roll is a rapper who decided to start singing.
Only thing they have in common is the face tattoos.
December 26, 2023 @ 9:14 am
C’mon. We really doing this over 15 seconds of a demo that Wallen probably recorded through a home studio speaker on his iPhone, hammered drunk?
It’s newsworthy, no doubt, but I’d wait until the full work comes out to judge.
Worth noting too that if there were people out there that didn’t think this was going to be a pop country record, this is probably the splash of cold water they needed to not be outraged when the project actually drops. Post is a brilliant pop music mind. For the most part, I’d expect he’s going to keep it in the wheelhouse, but I think he’ll have a few tracks on there that will surprise some folks.
December 26, 2023 @ 9:19 am
The clip posted was a minute, not 15 seconds. I agree we can’t judge a song on a snippet of it. But when your own fans are coming after you to the point where you remove it, it’s probably not a good sign. And these are Morgan Wallen fans, who are used to walking off the edge of a cliff for this guy.
December 26, 2023 @ 9:51 am
Haha, fair point. I’d still lean more heavily on “Wallen being drunk and doing dumb shit like releasing a poor quality clip from a raw demo at 2 am” than “The final version of this song/album is going to be awful”, but both could definitely be true at the same time!
December 26, 2023 @ 1:06 pm
Based on the musical evidence provided by Morgan Wallen, I think it is fair to bet that the final version will be just as awful as the demo version…
December 26, 2023 @ 4:09 pm
This may blow your mind, but pop songs generally change from their pre-production demos, and it might not be entirely accurate to judge a whole song based on a rough draft from a potential feature.
But it judging from 90% of the comments here, it seems like this commentariat was looking for any reason to dismiss this entire project, so luckily Wallen gave them one.
December 26, 2023 @ 5:10 pm
You didn’t really provide any reason to believe the song would be better though. Post Malone is fine for what he is, but Morgan Wallen stinks. The odds of him somehow turning this lump of coal of a song into a diamond is about as low as the A’s wining the World Series next year. It ain’t happening.
December 26, 2023 @ 9:29 am
I get the feeling that this blog would have ridiculed Garth Brooks during his Chris Gaines experiment, regardless of the fact that Chris Gaines was the prototype for every Lucky Jeans country musician for the next 20 years, including superstars like Keith Urban and so forth.
Come to think of it, I get the feeling this blog would ridicule just about anybody for anything. There’s no rhyme or reason.
Not everything can be Colter Wall levels of spare John Wesley Harding-ish “authenticity“. That doesn’t make it better or worse, and the premise that “it’s not country“ – which is the complete premise of this blog – is getting somewhat laughable. Can you imagine “saving punk rock music“ that criticizes The Clash for playing reggae on Sandinista?
Come on.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:09 am
This really isn’t a genre purity thing. When Post Malone was running around in T-shirts of Colter Wall, Tyler Childers, and Billy Strings, “this blog” posted about what a great thing it was that Post Malone was exposing a wider audience to this kind of music. And Billy Strings is far from the “pure” version of country or bluegrass. Then when Malone covered Sturgill Simpson and Brad Paisley, “this blog” touted that as well, and was excited about the prospects of Post Malone performing on the CMA Awards. I think Post Malone’s involvement could be good for country, if it’s done right and well.
That’s not what this is about at all. Are the Morgan Wallen fans in his Instagram feed who panned the snippet he posted genre purists? Probably not. Did Morgan Wallen and Hardy sing out-of-key on the CMA Awards and get shown up in many respects by Post Malone? Yes they did.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:29 am
Are we going to pretend that Chris Gaines didn’t deserve ridicule ?
December 26, 2023 @ 1:38 pm
Stay away from the bonfire with that huge strawman, Billy
December 26, 2023 @ 3:55 pm
Your mother. Welcome to the internet.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:02 am
Just like Jelly roll, he’s just another walking billboard for bad decisions. From the tattoos, to his terrible music, to the people he pals around with. this guy will never be normalized in my house.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:03 am
I don’t listen to hip-hop or rap, it just isn’t my taste in music. So I had never really heard many Post Malone songs, but I did know who he was as an artist. When I stumbled across him singing “You Can Have the Crown” by Sturgill” I had a HOLY SHIT moment watching it.
First off, he killed it singing the song and jamming along with Dwight Yoakam’s band and really nailed the song with great intensity. After hearing him cover Sturgill Simpson, I immediately became excited at the prospect of someone of Post Malone’s status in the music industry recording and elevating songs by artists like Sturgill Simpson. I envisioned what an entire Post Malone country album could potentially be like and the songs it would be filled with. Would he write and record his own original music, in-line with the Sturgill’s of the world? Would he cover and elevate more amazing artists? Post recording and singing songs from the likes of Cody Jinks, Colter Wall, John Moreland, Pony Bradshaw, Whiskey Myers, Whitey Morgan, Zach Bryan, etc. Post Malone doing his spin on 10×10, Broken Windows Serenade or Mamas Song. Man, what an exciting prospect that all could be!
If he ends up doing an album full of songs from and collaborations with the likes of Brian Kelly, Hardy, and Morgan Wallen that’s likely going to be a real bummer. I hope that isn’t the case. I hope he chooses better artists to work with and stronger material to record. It isn’t too late for Post to put out a great, truly country project. Here’s to hoping he can!
December 26, 2023 @ 10:22 am
PostMaster General Malone, reporting for Duty
“Drop and give me a trap beat, son”
No no. I’m just the delivery boy (reads from cue card)… from umm. East Tennesse. Just a..ummm a couple of good ole boys that woke up in a truck bed
December 26, 2023 @ 10:25 am
A) There’s a good chance Strait & the others don’t want to collaborate with Malone.
B) I’m very glad these pop-country crossovers suck and don’t make money.
December 26, 2023 @ 12:35 pm
Theres ZERO Fing chance Strait records anything with this bozo.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:35 am
This definitely bums me out. I like Post’s personality and wish he’d gone this route with different collaborations. I agree with trigger 100%. I think he misread the hype for himself. The hype wasn’t from the bro country fans it was actually from the traditional folks. Hopefully after this ‘experiment’ he’ll wise up.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:38 am
Ah yes, the let’s dump on Morgan Wallen bi monthly article.
It is so cute to watch all the little minions name drop Wallen in a negative way.
: D Go ahead and post your Jason Isbell, whatever of the year, article.
Then you can work on changing the name of your site to a more appropriate name.
December 26, 2023 @ 12:42 pm
Morgan Wallen’s own fans were “dumping” on him so bad, he removed his Instagram post. Only people blindly aligned with him are the fans he earned due to the ‘N’ word incident who despite knowing better, act like all his music is awesome, and the only reason anyone does anything against him is because of politics. This situation highlights how stupid that approach is.
December 26, 2023 @ 12:51 pm
I agree,
It is a very stupid approach.
Immaturity, that over time, will correct itself within a good portion of those people.
I also believe that many of these same people are sincere fans.
Would love to see he and others bashed less.
And the whole bro-country moniker, is getting about as bad as someone trotting out the word groovy.
Other than that, hope you have had a Wonderful Christmas, & wishing you a Happy New Year.
December 27, 2023 @ 2:38 am
i use the word “groovy” all the time!
December 27, 2023 @ 1:37 pm
: D That’s groovy, Daniele!
Wishing you and your familia, a Happy New Year!
December 26, 2023 @ 12:51 pm
Morgan Wallen sucks more things than music (probably Drakes dick)
December 26, 2023 @ 12:59 pm
What in the blue hell are you talking about? Every time Trigger posts an article that even *mentions* Isbell, the comments get flooded with negative comments due to Isbell’s outspoken political/social stances.
Your comment *might* make sense if you replaced Isbell with Charley Crockett, Hellbound Glory, or whatever as artists that are almost universally beloved on this site, but Isbell is just you trolling for the sake of trolling for political purposes.
Morgan Wallen gets dumped on because Morgan Wallen’s music sucks. Sure, there are people here who are gonna rip on him due to his own drunken actions – but that really isn’t the majority of folks here. The majority of people on this site rip on Morgan Wallen because he his entire musical approach is taking rejected Florida Georgia Line songs and adding a bit more twang with the occasional steel guitar in the background and calling it Country.
December 26, 2023 @ 2:20 pm
I efin love Leroy Virgil and any incarnation of Hellbound Glory!
December 26, 2023 @ 6:28 pm
December 27, 2023 @ 2:00 am
It’s all because of search engine optimisation.
December 26, 2023 @ 1:03 pm
I’m not a Post Malone fan, but it would seem that either he badly misjudged why a segment of his fans wanted him to “go Country” or his handlers just really don’t want him touching anything that they haven’t deemed as being part of the “young, mainstream” audience.
Just anecdotally, it seemed that people were excited about Post Malone doing a Country album due to his 2 covers on that fundraiser event a couple years ago along with his pretty faithful cover of Nirvana songs at the outset of the pandemic.
I don’t think anyone listening to either of those forays into Country and Rock was like “man, work with HARDY!!”.
Just an off choice all around.
December 26, 2023 @ 2:29 pm
A wolf in sheep’s clothing or in this case a tatted-face pop “star” in a Tyler Childers t-shirt.
Stranger times in mainstream country music. Jelly Roll and Post Malone (I couldn’t tell you the difference) taking valuable ears away from far more important, substantial artists.
It is funny the similarities to Post Malone and Timberlake. Either these artists think the average country music fan is that gullible or these projects do start from an honest origin and then too many Nashville machinists get their slimy hands in the art and they end up making the same shitty pop country noise.
December 27, 2023 @ 5:34 am
You just made me think of this Kinks’ song:
Working at the Factory
I made the music, thought that it was mine
It made me free, but that was in another time
But then the corporations and the big combines
Turned musicians into factory workers on assembly lines
December 27, 2023 @ 10:12 am
Great song!
I heard of The Kinks, but never heard one of their songs. I was kind of shocked (and disappointed) the electric guitars weren’t more up front. They were kind of buried in the mix. Maybe I’m wrong by thinking they would have sounded more like The Ramones? Or even comparing them to The Ramones. American punk
Vs British Rock?
I’m going to add “Working at the Factory” to a few playlist to blow some people’s minds.
December 27, 2023 @ 11:02 am
If you have time, check out “Waterloo Sunset” I don’t think I am overstating it, but one of the greatest songs ever recorded.
December 26, 2023 @ 2:35 pm
Considering he only released his most recent album less than six months ago and has remained a presence on the charts thanks to his co-sign on “Dial Drunk”, I personally feel this is inconsequential and won’t affect his eventual country rollout whatsoever.
I feel at this point he’s just forging relationships in Nashville and the real groundwork for his excursion into country as a lead artist probably isn’t going to begin in earnest until 2025 at the earliest. I kind of interpret this not unlike Ludacris hopping on Aldean’s “Dirt Road Anthem” and getting a feel for whether that was a market he wanted to immerse himself into further, and ultimately deciding not to, or Kesha for that matter. They dipped their toes into the water by being feature performers on lead country staple releases as well as playing covers of country hits/classics, and I feel Malone is doing the same here.
December 26, 2023 @ 5:21 pm
Good point made, especially in the first paragraph. Maybe there is still hope. I am equally as disappointed but want to remain hopeful.
December 26, 2023 @ 7:13 pm
Did kesha and hellbound Glory ever do their collaboration? There used to be rumors….
December 26, 2023 @ 2:45 pm
I think anyone who is open to Post Malone should go check out his Tiny Desk concert. I’m not a big fan of his stuff broadly, but when you can hear his natural voice and organic instruments, the songwriting shines through.
The version of “Enough Is Enough” on there is particularly good, in my opinion far better than the studio version. It helps that it’s absolutely dripping with slide guitar and strings.
People want to see him doing country based on his covers of a couple country songs, but I want people to know that there’s more to it than that.
Side note, for me at least Tiny Desk is a spectacular way to understand music that doesn’t otherwise appeal to me. The more organic context helps me see what fundamentally makes these artists great at what they do.
December 27, 2023 @ 2:42 am
Good point on Tiny Desk, it’s the same for me. So why do you think those artists stay away from the ‘more organic’ sound in their records?
December 26, 2023 @ 2:47 pm
IDK.. Seems like this is a bit to do about nothing.
Post has put out all kinds of country covers, etc. that have been great.
One unreleased snippet of music should not be what we judge him on.
December 26, 2023 @ 3:08 pm
Trig, can you explain how Wallen went from out-of-tune braying on the Joe Diffie tribute to sounding good later in the show on “Man Made a Bar” with Eric Church. All I can figure was that the pitch correction wasn’t in the audio chain for the first and was for the second, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how that botch could have made it onto the actual broadcast.
Sorry if this post isn’t about Malone, but this has been nagging me since the CMAs aired.
December 26, 2023 @ 7:23 pm
It could have been that Morgan Wallen and HARDY just had bad monitors and couldn’t hear themselves. That’s sometimes what happens when someone sings out-of-tune. I don’t want to accuse Morgan Wallen of using Auto-Tune because I don’t know that he did. Morgan Wallen is not one that has a reputation for singing out of tune like others. But he sure sounded bad during the Diffie tribute.
December 27, 2023 @ 12:49 pm
The back up band played both songs in the same key, to me, it sounded like that key was too low for Morgan and HARDY but a good key for P Malone’s voice….Maybe that had something to do with it?
I thought the most annoying thing about this performance was the exaggerated TWAAAANG those guys sang with…..(I hate that!!!!!!!)
December 26, 2023 @ 4:05 pm
A bunch of us correctly called this in the comments on the Post Malone T-Shirt puff piece.
We were mocked for not trusting him and his face tattoos.
This stuff is easy to see when you are not trying to play Ellis Island with the genre.
December 26, 2023 @ 5:28 pm
All the negative comments here about appearance make me want to get a face tattoo.
Disappointed and appreciate this article. I have nothing but love and respect for Post Malone, and enjoy his music separately from my regular country rotation. He is inarguably talented and, though I obviously don’t know him, he seems a like a good guy all around.
I will wait for a bigger release to make any judgements, but this article is on point with the disappointment this brings to fans of multiple genres. I had even bragged to a few friends that I thought Post Malone would go country for an album, but in the right direction. That was premature of me. Hopefully he turns it around.
December 27, 2023 @ 11:53 pm
You should get a face tattoo so I can make fun of it too. IDK what the hell a face tattoo represents if the person wearing it cannot handle some people saying “hey maybe you shouldn’t have gotten that.” If it causes you to break down in tears maybe you should get the brand of some feminine douch on your arm.
December 26, 2023 @ 8:44 pm
I’ve wanted to like Post’s music for years. I think he’s a genuinely good dude and the tattoos don’t scare me. He’s given us a few glimpses of what he’s truly capable of over the years. Ironically, paying homage to other people’s music has been Post’s only outlet for true authenticity.
I watched his live-streamed Nirvana tribute a few years ago and thought he absolutely knocked it outta the park. Minus his comfort level in the spotlight, Post captured Kurt’s energy very well. As much as I enjoyed it, I had no expectation for a follow up as rock music has been a “past tense” genre for a few decades. Then, he goes and drops some damn decent country music on our unsuspecting asses. We ask for more, and he finds the industry’s deepest cesspool to dip his toes into.
I don’t think Post Malone is a true “artist”. There’s no Townes Van Zandt or Tom Waits-esque spirit buried beneath the shallow auto-tuned facade. I think he appreciates the grit and soul of that music, but he also realizes 90s nostalgia is hot and he’s happy to capitalize on it. It’s why his covers came almost exclusively off of the Nevermind album and the first 3 Joe Diffie singles that pop up on Spotify. It’s also why he’s currently playing touch-butt with country’s hottest new douchebags. At this rate, he’ll continue to hitch his clout wagon to every new trend until his association becomes more of a hindrance than an appeal.
All of that said, I genuinely hope he proves me wrong. I believe he has huge talent that is being wasted by a lack of artistic integrity in a musical age that does not reward it. He could be the next Elton John if he had a Bernie Taupin to steer the ship, but nobody in his ear will ever tell him that.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:30 pm
I don’t enjoy any of these performers really but I’m fine with them being called country since it’s country audiences that are loving this stuff. I believe that’s actually how several of the Billboard country radio charts used to work – they were originally measuring what country audiences were listening to instead of making judgements about genre.
December 26, 2023 @ 10:32 pm
Also can I ask why all my posts get sent to moderation? I’ve never had a post removed or edited
December 27, 2023 @ 1:06 am
I think it might be standard now, I have been commenting for around 7 years and mine are moderated too.
December 27, 2023 @ 3:14 am
Everyone’s posts get sent for moderation, even mine, and I always measure my words carefully. Don’t take it personally unless your posts never make it into the comments.
December 27, 2023 @ 8:16 am
Because these comments sections are so active, they receive an insane amount of spam comments, sometimes hundreds of comments an hour, and it’s a constant battle to make sure you never see them. Unfortunately this also means comments get sent to moderation that probably don’t need to be. We’re doing the best we can to make sure there’s no spam, but nobody’s comment gets eaten by the spam filter. Thanks for your understanding.
December 27, 2023 @ 1:58 am
Trig sure has an obsession with mentioning face tattoos. It sometimes feels like my good old nana is writing the articles. It’s a wonder Sierra Ferrell won artist of the year.
December 27, 2023 @ 8:32 am
If someone doesn’t want someone to mention how they have tattoos all over their face, perhaps they shouldn’t get tattoos all over their face. They do it to stand out and be unique, which is fine. But it’s going to get comments.
I don’t judge anyone’s music based on if they have face tattoos or not, confirmed by SCM’s Artist of the Year having face tattoos. Often the reason I mention it is because I know that is going to be the prevailing comment by folks here and on social media. In the case of both Post Malone and Jelly Roll, I have encouraged people to look beyond the face tattoos to judge the music on its own merit.
December 27, 2023 @ 11:49 am
Fashions change, and it’s cool that we live in a time where people feel confident enough to dress and style themselves as they wish, despite some in the older generations finding it significant enough to be worth mentioning.
And there was me thinking this site was about the music…
December 27, 2023 @ 11:53 am
Did I not just write a comment explaining how I don’t judge music off of appearances, and that I encourage readers to do the same?
December 27, 2023 @ 1:30 pm
I’m 47 years old and for over 3/4 of my life the only time I’ve seen a face tattoo was in a mug shot. If you want to model your fashion after a criminal, then I don’t have to take you serious.
I would never hire anyone with a face tattoo (I’m just getting over man buns and tattoo sleeves). A face tattoo signals to me, “stay clear, criminal.”
December 27, 2023 @ 4:35 pm
Face tattoos are an indication of poor impulse control.
December 27, 2023 @ 2:21 am
Trig, I don’t know if you’re a Letterkenny fan, but the episode ” Sun Darts” from the latest season is a hilarious takedown of this very phenomenon. Check it out.
December 27, 2023 @ 3:01 am
WOW seriously? Post is very talented, humble and gracious if you took the time to know about him. Wallen, Hardy, Jelly Roll dissing also? Three also are talented, humble and gracious humans. They are all so far from the “norm” famous people but damn I guess America prefers the attitude and better than us types of people instead since they are constantly slamming them and people similar. I would rather spend a day with Post, Hardy, Wallen etc…. Just really good to others kinda peeps! You do you Post…. Love to hear your style infused into country ????????????????????????????????????????#honor58
December 27, 2023 @ 3:58 pm
Good grief. Did you even read the article? Looks to me like you just saw the title and reacted based on that. Nowhere was there a personal attack on any of those people as human beings (though let’s face it, Morgan Wallen is pretty low hanging fruit for a lot of people, and that’s no one’s fault but his own). It’s possible to criticize someone’s music (and the criticism here is pretty fair to me) without insinuating that the performer is a bad person.
December 27, 2023 @ 4:36 am
Enjoying genre crossing music I was ready to disagree with your take on principle.
Fortunately took time to absorb your take on Post, listened to his recent output…. and yeah, you’re on point as usual.
December 27, 2023 @ 5:23 am
So with the “success” of Jelly Roll, can we now expect the record labels to start throwing up a bunch of artists with questionalble talent and face tatts?
One person comes up with something unique. Sees a bit of success with it, and Nashville spends the next five years trying to copy it.
December 27, 2023 @ 5:34 am
We first saw this supergroup in action at the 2023 CMA Awards in November to decidedly subpar results.
Yeah. I didn’t even hear this, but I heard about it, and I thought, ”that’s their ’classic country’ ’tribute’? It’s like they’re just trolling us at this point.”
December 27, 2023 @ 5:35 am
Where’s Honky been?
December 27, 2023 @ 10:32 am
Too country for this site.
December 27, 2023 @ 8:52 pm
That and it’s not too hot to fish.
December 27, 2023 @ 10:55 pm
December 27, 2023 @ 8:18 am
Post Malone’s choosing “Pickup Man” and “John Deere Green” as representative of Joe Diffie’s work (though I LOVE “Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox When I Die,” which unfortunately happened to Joe in Mar. 2020 via Covid-19 at just 61) proves he’s just dabbling in Country and will be back in (c)rap soon.
December 27, 2023 @ 8:19 am
I could do some braying for you boys and girls since I have a braying Canadian lad accent.
December 27, 2023 @ 9:20 am
I just wanted to defend “John Deere Green”. I think its a great song about Billy Bob’s love for Charlene…seriously! “Pickup Man” is stupid.
December 27, 2023 @ 9:33 am
Both the shprt clip, and the CMA live performances were shit, imo.
I actually checked out the CMA deal for the first time in 20 years, easily. Remembered why that is.
December 27, 2023 @ 11:48 am
I liked “John Deere Greene,” just not the way those three sang it on the CMAs. I liked “Bigger Than the Beatles,” too. Like “John Deere Green,” it told a story, which is what a good country song ought to do But “Pickup Man” was like “Third Rock from the Sun” — dumb and dumber. Sometimes I think Diffie’s reputation has been enhanced because he died at a relatively young age. His body of work, objectively speaking, doesn’t measure up to that of, say, John Anderson or even Tim McGraw. For every “Swingin'” or “Indian Outlaw” those two recorded there were at least two “Straight Tequila Night”s or “My Old Friend”s.
December 27, 2023 @ 7:53 pm
The constant face tattoo comments are annoying, even given it is hard to not see of course I believe both Post and Jelly are talented without question. Wether either can make a traditional country album we may never know and that sucks to me because of their talent. Post was maybe headed in the right direction when he reached out to Colter Wall wanting to do a collaboration together yet wasn’t strong enough because that would require going to Colter’s ranch in Saskatchewan. Maybe it will happen in due time.
December 27, 2023 @ 11:49 pm
It’s amusing that it is now considered socially wrong to critisize facial tattoos as if it’s similar to adopting some fashion trend. Isn’t that the whole point of face tattoos – to willfully brand oneself as a social outsider??? Maybe if people can’t handle the critism DON’T FUCKING GET FACE TATTOOS.
December 28, 2023 @ 9:08 am
There is nothing outsiders and degenerates crave more than social acceptance of their sins.
December 28, 2023 @ 8:30 am
I honestly don’t think those are the artists that Post wanted to collab with. It feels like he was not in charge of picking who he worked with.
June 7, 2024 @ 8:29 am
I like this collab with Morgan. Posty can do no wrong. Well, yes he can………and so what?? We still love him.