Randy Travis in Texas Hospital – UPDATE: OUT OF HOSPITAL
(Updates at bottom)
Country Music singer Randy Travis is in critical condition in a Texas hospital, according to his publicist, and has now suffered a stroke. Travis was admitted the the hospital on Sunday July 7th for complications with viral cardiomyopathy that he acquired recently.
Cardiomyopathy is a weakening of the heart muscle or another problem with the heart muscle. It often occurs when the heart cannot pump as well as it should, or with other heart function problems. Most patients with cardiomyopathy eventually suffer from heart failure. Though the term can apply to most diseases affecting the heart, it is usually only reserved for the most severe myocardial disease leading to heart failure.
In February of 2012, Randy Travis was arrested in Texas and pleaded “No Contest” to a public intoxication charge after being found in a church parking lot after a Super Bowl party inebriated behind his parked vehicle. He was then later arrested and charged with DWI in August of 2012 after police got calls about a man “lying in the roadway.” This behavior was believed to stem from a divorce from his wife of 19-years, Lib Hatcher, in October of 2010.
But Travis had shown signs of being on the right track recently. In November of 2012, Randy participated in a CMT Crossroads event with the Avett Brothers, and more recently released a tribute song to his friend and mentor George Jones on his recent passing called “Tonight I’m Playing Possum.”
UPDATE (7-9-13 9:20 AM CDT): The wife of Randy’s brother, Teresa Traywick, has told People Magazine that Randy underwent heart surgery on Monday (7-8).
We have been told he has had surgery. Our prayers are going out to him because my husband just had a heart attack last year, so it is in their family. Their mother passed away at an early age with her heart, so it is like these boys are following right in their footsteps. My prayers are with them. That’s all I can say right now.
Please check back to Saving Country Music as we continue to update this developing story.
UPDATE (7-9-13 6:15 PM CDT): Randy Travis’ publicist has released a statement clarifying the singer’s treatment. “Contrary to reports, Randy Travis has not undergone heart surgery,” representative Kirt Webster said. “Travis was admitted into a Texas hospital on Sunday and underwent placement of an IMPELLA peripheral left ventricular assist device for stabilization prior to transferring hospitals. The Grammy winner remains in critical condition.”
UPDATE (7-10-13 1:45 AM CDT): Folks who wish to send well wishes to Randy Travis can send them to:
Randy Travis 266 Blanks Road Tioga, Texas 76271UPDATE (7-10-13 3:00 PM CDT): Randy Travis’ doctors have stated the singer’s “condition has stabilized and he has shown signs of improvement” although he remains in critical condition. Dr. William Gray of Baylor Medical Center in McKinney, TX said that Travis had “previously excellent health until three weeks prior when he developed a viral upper respiratory illness.” Travis was admitted to the emergency department on Sunday with a presumptive cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. His condition was stabilized at Baylor McKinney before he was transferred to the Heart Hospital Baylor Plano in Plano, Texas, for more specialized care. Dr. Michael Mack, director of cardiovascular disease at the Baylor Health Care System in Dallas said, “Since transfer, his condition has stabilized and he has shown signs of improvement.”
UPDATE (7-10-13 12:17 PM CDT): Randy Travis has now suffered a stroke, and had to undergo emergency surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. The stroke was a complication from Randy’s cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. “Mr. Randy Travis is out of surgery and in critical condition,” The Heart Hospital at Baylor Plano in Texas announced late Wednesday night. “We will have updates as they become available. His family and friends here with him at the hospital request your prayers and support.” Randy is still listed in critical condition.
UPDATE (7-12-13 8:20 PM CDT): Randy continues to remain in critical condition and has been under heavy sedation since surgery following the stroke. He has been surrounded by family and friends while in the hospital and received a visit Thursday from George Jones’ widow, Nancy, who played music for Randy.
UPDATE (7-15-13 9:32 PM CDT): Baylor Health has posted a video about Randy’s condition.
- Randy Travis has awakened after emergency surgery following his stroke. He is alert, and interacting with his friends and family.
- Doctors say drugs or alcohol are not causing the heart condition. Travis has a family history which is the more likely culprit.
- They anticipate Randy needed to stay at hospital for another 2 to 3 weeks.
- Randy will need “months” of inpatient physical therapy to recover from the stroke.
UPDATE (7-31-13 5:42 PM CDT): According to Randy Travis’ publicist Kirt Webster, Randy Travis has been discharged from the hospital in Plano, TX and moved to an undisclosed physical therapy facility.
Randy’s fiance Mary Davis is quoted in the release saying, “Thanks to all the fans and friends for your continued prayers and support as Randy continues on the road to recovery.”
UPDATE (8-22-13 12:41 PM CDT):
Over the last few days, rumors have been swirling that Randy Travis has contracted pneumonia while in a Dallas-area rehab facility, recovering from a recent stroke he had while being treated for a heart condition called cardiomyopathy in July. The primary source of that information appears to be fellow traditional country music star and Randy Travis friend Sammy Kershaw. Sammy took to his Facebook page a few days ago to say,
Olde friend Randy Travis needs our prayers. Had a little setback this weekend. He has developed pneumonia. Let’s rock on for him.
July 8, 2013 @ 2:58 pm
Wow, I just saw him perform at the CMA Fest about a month ago. Prayers going out to Randy!
July 8, 2013 @ 3:53 pm
My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family
July 8, 2013 @ 4:28 pm
Prayers to Randy and his family. Guy is not given enough credit for his contributions to traditional country music in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Pretty much led the new traditionalist movement.
July 8, 2013 @ 4:34 pm
Good luck Randy. My prayers are with you.
July 8, 2013 @ 6:36 pm
Oh man… 🙁 So sorry to hear this — Randy and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
July 8, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
The Country Music World owes so much to Randy for keeping traditional country music alive he came at a time when the association was searching for a new direction he and Keith Whitley changed the face of traditional country…the world is waiting for an update praying for a miricale …on behalf of myself and my family we are sending a healing wind to protect him as he fights back from this medical tragedy…God Bless You Randy!
July 8, 2013 @ 10:18 pm
We Do not need to lose Randy & Jones in the same year.
Pull through Randy.
July 9, 2013 @ 8:48 pm
Heard the news about Randy last night. Randy and his family will be in my prayers. Hold on, Randy! We already lost George, we can lose you too!
July 10, 2013 @ 8:11 pm
Glad he is doing better
July 11, 2013 @ 2:45 am
Praying for the best outcome for Randy Travis. And shame on you, SCM, for riding the drivebymedia route and feeling the need to mention Randy’s recent falls by the wayside rather than his awesome contributions to Country Music.
I’m trying to keep up with Randy’s condition and every story I read has to add the value added low points, and now you too? Good Luck with your ratings.
July 11, 2013 @ 8:39 am
The reason I, and every other news outlet included the information about Randy”™s missteps is because it is relevant to the current storyline. The reason we are all including it is not because we are all looking to be sensational, it is because there is consensus it is important information to tell the whole story and to set context. I don”™t have “ratings,” and with an issue like this, my most important goal is to get the information to people.
July 11, 2013 @ 6:39 am
Thoughts & prayers go out to you, Randy.
July 11, 2013 @ 11:23 am
Get well soon, Randy.
July 11, 2013 @ 12:34 pm
get well Randy prayers going out to you
July 11, 2013 @ 12:55 pm
God bless Randy Travis are prayers are with you. I remember going to that ancient place called a record store and buying “storms of life” as a vinyl record and man that record blew me away. Randy, his given us some of the best country music ever.
July 11, 2013 @ 7:08 pm
God forbid there be a story about Randy Travis’ stroke without the mention of his DWI.
July 12, 2013 @ 4:43 pm
Enough of the doofus comments. Since when did alcohol strengthen the immune system? The DWI sets the context.
July 13, 2013 @ 12:53 am
It seems you are the only one who has left a message on this page that seems to know the mans conditon better than the doctors…..the news media has already set the record straight I don’t think anyone has their head in the sand they are concerned not how he got there but is this great singer of songs going to live?
July 17, 2013 @ 6:14 am
Get well soon. Sorry they didn’t put “diggin’ up bones” on your top ten essential song list. Deserved to be there for sure. Thanks.
August 2, 2013 @ 8:44 am
Glad he’s been released from the hospital. Great news.
August 24, 2013 @ 11:37 pm
God is a miracle working God. Believing you are every whit whole, Randy, in Jesus”™ Name!
I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.
August 25, 2013 @ 5:57 am
God placed you on my heart “big time” this a.m. He’s not finished writing lyrics through you my friend =0 ). 2 Cor. 12:8-10
December 30, 2013 @ 9:23 am
Well today is December 30,2013…..Concerned for Randy and his health. Have not seen or heard a word so wondering about his progress!!!! ??? Any plans to announce anything on it? Would really love to know if he is improving???? Many PRAYERS and the best to and for him!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-YOU so much!!! A BIG RANDY TRAVIS FAN!