REAL Country Roundtable – Volume 1
It has been a busy week in the REAL country world, especially with the opinions surrounding Shooter Jenning’s new album and Kyle Turley, which happen to be the first two subjects on the first ever “REAL Country Roundtable.”
The Roundtable is an hour long discussion in the virtual world about current events with me, The Triggerman, Jashie P of Outlaw Radio Chicago, Blake Clayton of It Burns When I Pee, and Joey Fuckup. It is in podcast form, with no music, just talk, but we have a lot of fun and hopefully not only help keep you informed, but also try to work out some of the problems and create solutions that can bring the music we all love forward.
At the moment there is only four members of the Roundtable, but in previous test runs we also had other members, and in the future there may be different members or guest members. The idea is that we will do one of these once a month, and that they will be posted at the last Thursday of every month. It’s only going to evolve and get better as we go along!
[audio:roundtable1.mp3]Download or open with media player.
Meanwhile I am headed to the Johnny Cash Bash this weekend to see Lucky Tubb, The Derailers, Brigitte London, and others, including original members of Johnny Cash’s band! So hopefully I will have lots of content to share with you early next week!
February 25, 2010 @ 1:40 pm
Good news, been looking forward to this.
February 25, 2010 @ 3:46 pm
Blake is the fucking man. Just got to the spot where he said he’d research that new thing of Shooter’s for the sake of making fun of it. Great show so far. Looking forward to more of them.
February 25, 2010 @ 4:39 pm
That was fucking cool. And I gotta say it was interesting to hear you guys giving your take on doing the podcasting and promoting and knowing that it’s not going to make you rich.
So thanks for being the unsung heroes in a relatively unknown scene, gentlemen.
Oh yeah, Taylor Swift. I wouldn’t even Donkey Punch her to swat a fly.
February 25, 2010 @ 5:11 pm
I doubt there’s an actual connection but I know that pro wrestler Jeff Hardy’s first character in wrestling was named Willow The Wisp.
February 25, 2010 @ 6:24 pm
WoooooFuckingHooooo! Great job Triggerman! You are the pod cast mc from…cyberhell! FEEDBACK POINT #1…about Lucky Tubb…I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend that knew somebody that…Hank 3 said something like, lucky tubb has done things in the last 2 months that has made me lose respect for him for now. But like I said that is from a friend of a friend that heard it from a friend…my ball park interpritation of that is…I’ll give you a shot…but if ya sell out…yer on yer own! Swear to all things HANK! that is my own interpretation and I am sure all parties involved will tell me to shut the fuk up! MY SECOND FEEDBACK POINT#2 just because Hollywierd is paid to promote twister…I mean dweeber…well you knbow what I mean…DON’T GIVE UP ON US myspacers BROTHER! WE HEAR YA, LOUD AND CLEAR! FUCK THYEM YUPPIE MACHINES!!!GREAT ROUNDTABLE ONE YOU TRUE LOVIN’MUSIC MUTHER FUCKERS, LOOKIN’ FORWARD TO “ROUND #2!!!
February 25, 2010 @ 7:30 pm
Nick, Good connection with Jeff Hardy. I completely forgot that was his first persona! I am a wrestling dork too!
February 25, 2010 @ 8:47 pm
I remember Will O The Wisps from my Dungeons and Dragons dork days. I think one asked us three questions to let us cross the “spooky swamp”.
February 26, 2010 @ 3:41 am
February 26, 2010 @ 6:57 am
Video would be nice, but since we’re not all in the same room, it might look a little disjointed. We’ve had some technical issues pulling off just the audio. Maybe in the future when the technology improves we could do that.
February 26, 2010 @ 9:41 am
That was a really good show. I didn’t realize Shooter had a Where’s Waldo? or what the hell ever going on with his new album, that seems to get weirder by the minute.
In general video sounds like a good idea but since Blake is on the roundtable you all might want to skip video.
February 26, 2010 @ 10:47 am
Great concept, loved it and I hate news shows, or talk radio!!! Blake and Jahshie P both were great as always, and good to hear yer wide range of insight as well.
February 26, 2010 @ 10:53 am
Keep in mind, this is the first episode, so they should only get funnier and more intense from here on out! Thanks to everyone for listening and enjoying!
February 26, 2010 @ 9:57 pm
Talk about stokin my ego haha great to see such a great turn out of feedback. I kinda feel like a crapper cuz we recorded this after ep38 was done so I didn’t pimp on my show. I shall pimp it like an Asian figure skater on the next episode. Thanks to everyone who listened and thanks to jashie p trig and fuck up for letting me in on it. I tried to behave in this one but I think I’ll be regular Blake on next show. All hail the true fans of real music. P.s. Owen I was donkey punching Kelly pickler on the ibwip promo video before Taylor swift was getting hair on her……behave Blake
February 27, 2010 @ 6:26 pm
Wasn’t lucky suposed to upen for Hank’s midwest tour?
February 27, 2010 @ 6:33 pm
Yep. I just talked to him last night at the Johnny Cash Bash in Austin. I’ll have an update coming up.
February 28, 2010 @ 11:12 pm
shooter jennings wtf retard great round table