Remembering George Strait’s Daughter Jenifer on Her 50th Birthday

It was one of the biggest tragedies to ever befall a major country music star. But it’s also one that’s rarely ever talked about, and we have so little background on. To lose a son or daughter in a tragic accident is one of those life-altering events that stays with a person forever. To have it happen right as your career is beginning to reach its peak would probably knock many performers off their axis. But the way George Strait processed and approached the tragedy carried a lot of wisdom behind it, and had major implications on the performer and personality we know as “King” George today.
On October 6th, 1972, George Strait and his wife Norma welcomed their first child into the world named Jenifer, spelled with just one ‘n’. Strait was barely 20-years-old himself at the time, and had eloped with his high school sweetheart Norma Voss to Mexico in December of the previous year. He’d also enlisted in the United States Army as an infantryman, and was eventually shipped off to the Pacific to be stationed in Hawaii. This is where Jenifer was born.
Originally from the tiny town of Poteet, Texas south of San Antonio, after Strait was discharged from the Army in 1975, he moved to San Marcos where he studied at Southwest Texas State, which is now called Texas State University. This is also where he formed his Ace in the Hole Band, and started performing in nearby venues such as the Cheatham Street Warehouse, and the legendary Gruene Hall in New Braunfels.
Throughout the late 70s and into the early 80s, George Strait regularly traveled to Nashville to try and land a record deal, eventually signing to MCA Records and recording albums there. But San Marcos is where Strait continued to reside, raising his young family away from the spotlight and the bustle of the music business in Nashville.
George Strait landed his first #1 hit in 1982 with “Fool Hearted Memory,” and then a few more in 1983 and 1984 with songs like “You Look So Good in Love,” and “Let’s Fall to Pieces Together.” In 1985 he earned his first ever #1 album with Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind, and was also awarded the CMAs Male Vocalist of the Year award. By 1986, George Strait had ascended from a outsider from Texas to one of the biggest artists in all of country music. Things could not be going better in his career. That is when tragedy struck.
On June 25, 1986, Jenifer Strait was riding around San Marcos with a couple of friends in a Ford Mustang. 13-years-old at the time, she was with 16-year-old William Allen McDonald, 17-year-old Joseph Wiley Robbins, and 18-year-old Gregory Wilson Allen, who was driving. At about 11:55 pm, Allen turned sharply onto a side road, causing the car to skid and flip, and eventually land on its top in a ditch.
The driver, Gregory Wilson Allen, walked away from the incident and was unhurt. William Allen McDonald and Joseph Wiley Robbins both suffered minor injuries, were treated at a local hospital, and released. Jenifer Strait though, she was partially ejected from the vehicle during the crash, and eventually died at the scene. None of the occupants had been wearing seat belts.
Gregory Wilson Allen was eventually charged with Class A vehicular homicide in connection with the death of Jenifer Strait. An investigation determined that an excessive rate of speed contributed to the accident, but that alcohol was not a factor. A funeral service was held at the First United Methodist Church in San Marcos, TX, with Jenifer Strait eventually being buried in Pearsall, TX.
The death of Jenifer Strait was an unspeakable tragedy for George Strait and his family. They set up the Jenifer Lynn Strait Foundation, which donates money to children’s charities in the San Antonio area. And due to the tragedy, George Strait made a major career decision that he’s stuck to ever since, and significantly affects how we perceive the country legend: he rarely to never gives interviews.
Strait was already a very private person. That was one of the many reasons he chose to stay in San Marcos even as his career exploded. Facing the prospect of always being bombarded with questions about the tragedy, George Strait decided to just not grant any interviews at all afterwards. At a time before the Internet when magazine interviews and radio station appearances were the primary way an artist promoted themselves, this was a risky move. In one of the few interviews George Strait did grant in 2017 with The New Yorker, he said,
“I just didn’t feel like talking about it, so I quit…I did want to keep singing, absolutely. But I was at the point where I’m [like], ‘Alright, if this is going to cost me my career, then so be it, but it’s the only way I’m going to be able to cope with it.’ It just kind of turned out the way it did. It wasn’t an intentional thing.”
George Strait let the music speak for itself, and it spoke volumes. Between 1986 and 1989, amid the tragedy and in its aftermath, Strait racked up eleven consecutive #1 singles, which at that time in country music was virtually unheard of. He also was awarded the CMA Entertainer of the Year in both 1989 and 1990. One of those #1 singles was the song “Baby Blue.” Though it has never been officially confirmed, it is believed George Strait recorded and sang the song in memory of his daughter Jenifer. The song was written by Aaron Barker, and co-produced by Strait with Jimmy Bowen.
Jenifer Strait would have turned 50-years-old today, October 6th, 2022. George Strait also has a son, George Strait Jr., who he affectionately calls “Bubba.” They commonly write songs together these days. But it’s unquestionable that the death of Jenifer Strait just as his career started to peak affected George Strait in ways that are hard to measure. When you think of George Strait, you think of that calm, steady, reserved and stoic hand on the wheel. Perhaps if it wasn’t for the death of Jenifer, he may have been a bit less inhibited and a bit more outspoken.
But to get through the tragedy of losing his daughter, George Strait had to be the rock for his family, and that’s how he became the rock for country music. As the “Class of ’89” came about with guys like Garth Brooks and Travis Tritt, George Strait remained composed, and country. And that is also how he became known as the current “King” of country music.
October 6, 2022 @ 10:50 am
I was 14-years old growing up in a small town in South Texas when this tragedy occurred, and I can tell you, it really hit close to home for me and many of my friends. The mandatory seat belt law had just gone into effect in Texas the previous year and no one liked wearing one. Most of us ignored the new law completely (or half-ass complied at best), knowing we would likely only get a warning if the person driving got pulled over (which happened to me on two separate occasions). After the news of Jenifer’s accident, however, we all began wearing our seat belts religiously until it became second nature. While it doesn’t make what happened any easier for their family, I’d like to believe her unspeakably tragic passing probably saved the lives of many kids like me and my friends who were at an age when we thought we were invincible. Blessings to Mr. Strait and his family, and as a father of three daughters myself, I sincerely wish peace for a hurt that I’m sure never goes away, no matter how much time passes.
October 6, 2022 @ 1:06 pm
Yeah, I admonished my small son several times about his seatbelt. One day we jumped in the car..I had my mind on something else…and I heard a “click”. That part of my job as a parent was done.
January 17, 2025 @ 9:52 pm
Who were the boys with Jenifer, cousins or just boys?
I can see letting my 13 year old daughter (back then but never in these day) ride around with cousins,,maybe not just boys,,but just some neighbors or something, never!
So sad!!!
October 6, 2022 @ 1:30 pm
Wow ! Never heard the circumstances. A 13 y.o. girl out at midnight with 3 boys, one which was 18 y.o. Doesn’t add up. YIKES. SO SAD.
October 8, 2022 @ 4:48 am
Im from TX and I love George, named my son after him. But when I found out not long ago that she was the only girl, at 13, out with 3 boys 16, 17 and 18 I’m sorry but that was just very weird to me. Of course I don’t know the circumstances; may be nothing at all. But not knowing the circumstances, I’m just surprised that George and Norma were okay with their 13 year old little girl going out alone with 3 boys that age
October 8, 2022 @ 10:07 am
Yall are looking at this in todays terms.
Back then i’m guessing her parents didnt know she was out with them, or one of the boys was her boyfriend and the other 2 his friends who didnt have girlfriends.
So dont speak of her as if she was doing something wrong. Or that her parents did.
Small town Texas, girls got their first car at 14(cause shed been driving since 10), they never had A boyfriend her own age (5-6 yrs older); EVERYONE was out at midnight,(dragging the line); unless of course couples went into the big cities to watch a movie(then we had till 3am).
So dont criticize what you didnt live.
October 8, 2022 @ 5:38 pm
I grew up in small town in Wisconsin and I can tell you I drove a car around the back roads at 14. This was in 1975. Things were different then.
October 11, 2022 @ 5:47 pm
I totally agree with you, people shouldn’t be judgmental about something they literally no Nothing about. They could’ve also been family members. Besides this is about a country music artist who was 4 years into his career at this time, and lost a child, being in the public eye as he was starting to be, put yourself in his place people would you want to talk about it, George Strait has always been a very private man especially about his personal life. The person he needs to talk to is his wife Norma.
September 2, 2023 @ 9:19 pm
I was 2 years older than her. I wasn’t allowed to go riding with friends much less boys.
March 17, 2024 @ 11:13 pm
Thank you for saying that! Jennifer was my age, I grew up in a small Texas town too. You are so right, people shouldn’t criticize what they didn’t live and don’t understand. Not to mention it was a much different time in 86′ than today. Careful what you say folks Texans don’t stand for trash talking other Texas families the way your doing, if we don’t get ya karma will.
Happy 50th JLS
May 3, 2024 @ 11:08 am
No responsible adult is going to let his 13-year-old daughter be out at midnight with boys who are several years older than her. I don’t care where you live. I grew up in the ’70s and I can assure you it was very much forbidden
May 10, 2024 @ 6:18 am!!! Today’s terms? In any terms this logic is messed up…trying to normalize 13 year old girls with 18 year old boyfriends. driving and partying at midnite on a school night just doesn’t fly. There is a reason it wasn”t ever discussed and the story was suppressed…poor parenting decisions all around ;(
January 8, 2025 @ 9:37 pm
Sorry to hear George Strait and wife and family lost their loved ones to a fatal car accident. God rest their souls. I always make a 🎂 birthday cake for my loved ones whom i memorialize as well and have a special dinner/ meal. It helps us feel better and to remember the good times! Try it!
October 8, 2022 @ 4:38 pm
Kids sneak out without parents knowledge. I live in San Marcos. It’s a Small town, teenagers get bored and do risky things.
October 16, 2022 @ 5:12 pm
My youngest son grew up saying fasten your seatbelt. He was born in 1985. When he was 4 we were rear ended and the impact broke his car seat! The seatbelt held the seat together! After that all he would say whenever we were in the car is a little jingle Buckle up, Buckle Up, for safety Buckle up. If he noticed anyone not in their seatbelts he would make them buckle up before he would stop complaining!L
April 3, 2024 @ 4:29 am
No one’s opinion matters. It is just so sad. The scar in the heart will always be there for the family.
January 1, 2023 @ 6:22 pm
They could of all been family friends and I am saddened by the amount of judgement happening here. The point is a horrible tragedy occurred to an amazing family and no matter what nothing brings her back for them. So on a subject you have no clue of the circumstances keep your opinions to yourself
February 27, 2023 @ 5:27 pm
You were not there to witness the evenings events
The only issue that matters in this forum is not the death of his daughter. What matters to y’all is picking dirt and making a tragedy into a rodeo game with a 13 years old child who didn’t come home that night. Or the next night….
Jenifer’s light was extinguished that day.
Let those who understand this is what life gives us, we all must put our differences aside and sing Hallelujah to the family. They shared he with millions of us, and fit that Mr. George Strait, and start behaving like human beings once again.
May you and yours always find the light within to keep you comforted in Jenifer’s legacy.
May she being dancing, singing and telling the world who she has become in the days we live in now.
Thank you Mr. Strait & Mrs Strain + George Jr. too.
April 20, 2023 @ 7:48 am
No one really knows the circumstance of why she was with them boys. With her dad on the road she probably snuck out just like young girls did/do.
January 6, 2025 @ 12:01 pm
Sadly, George was not touring but home the time of the accident that killed his daughter. He was at the scene in minutes. Whatever the circumstances were at the time, doesnt matter. Nothing will bring her back. It serves as a teachable moment;for us all.
December 5, 2023 @ 5:16 am
Maybe they were family friends. But who in the hell are you to judge? You should be ashamed of yourself. How do you know George and Norma are not reading this crap? I am just not believing some of the comments here that are being made that are so unnecessary when all that should be mentioned is the fact that a child’s life was lost and an amazing man gave us Decades of beautiful music, while caring the weight of that heartache around all these years. Shame on all of you.
June 21, 2024 @ 5:12 pm
EXACTLY! The people calling them poor parents are sick. I was born LONG after this happened and I know that back then, in small town Texas, what she was up to was probably very usual at the time. All that matters is that she was robbed of her life, and that people who are going to put their little opinions like that on it should keep their darn mouths shut.
January 5, 2024 @ 3:11 pm
I agree strange
June 22, 2024 @ 12:09 pm
No she was 17 and they were coming back from a church function, and jenifer was very mature for her age , thars why norma and George trusted her. See this is why never has never talked about what happened becuse poeple lie and exploxied.. and also it Really?Nobody’s business to be honest except for george and his wife’s just leave it alone.
August 12, 2024 @ 4:02 am
she was 13.
January 6, 2025 @ 12:05 pm
Jenifer Strait was 13 not 17 when she died in that auto accident!! The one boy, the driver, was six years older than she was. 19 and clearly out of high school! Jenifer was not even in high school yet! Again, even though it looks bad we do not know the circumstances but it is still just as tragic!
November 20, 2024 @ 9:11 pm
You have no idea if they even knew she was out. I was in high school in the early 80’s and will admit my friends and I snuck out of the house more than once. We had male and female friends we road around with. There wasn’t much to do after 10:00 p.m. Times were a little different compared to now. I personally would not want my 13 year old daughter out though with boys that age. I really doubt her parents knew.
January 17, 2025 @ 11:39 pm
That was a different time and Era. We were more mature in those times, we basically raised ourselves The girls basically run the house boys took care of the yard work, all outside, it wasn’t expected of us, we just did it cause we were by ourselves more than with our parents. So 13 was our 18, I was going to bars and drinking at 13, never got carded, they didn’t care, it was just a different time you can’t judge those times, we were the last great generation.
October 8, 2022 @ 4:35 pm
Mistakes and poor judgement happen to us all in this life. Most live through it. Others pay the price. Judgement does support those who have lost and are grieving. Stay in your own lane. Bless the family during this time.
January 1, 2023 @ 6:24 pm
They could have all been family friends and I am saddened by the amount of judgement happening here. The point is a horrible tragedy occurred to an amazing family and no matter what nothing brings her back for them. So on a subject you have no clue of the circumstances keep your opinions to yourself
April 3, 2023 @ 4:56 am
I guess you are one of my fans right?
August 19, 2024 @ 10:10 am
I agree. School was out for the summer and they could have been taking her home after a baseball game or concert, which can last late into the evening. I have seen remarks by the Strait family they had a good relationship with her friends. Could be they were trying to get her home by a 12:00 curfew because this happened not far from her home. So very sad. I’m sure the Strait family lived with a lot of guilt, and all the …. what if’s and if I only did this….such a tragedy. Something they will remember all their lives.
October 19, 2024 @ 11:48 am
Agree. Judgment is not for us to do. It amazes me that mean people want to say mean things.
November 25, 2024 @ 7:02 am
Kids sometimes tragically think they know better than their parents. Our town just lost two young people in similar circumstances.
April 15, 2023 @ 2:56 am
Since the 80s as a little girl I just loved George Strait. My mama would record me singing “if I know me”. You until a few months ago I had no clue how daughter and I share the same birthday. I’m 10 years behind her born Oct 6th, 1982. She’s definitely been his guardian angel in this world no doubt. My heart goes out to George Strait and his beautiful family. Time never heals a heartache like this. To this day I’m still one of his biggest fans! I’ll always remember her on our birthday now!
May 18, 2023 @ 2:13 pm
Some things are better left unsaid.
August 24, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
She snuck out. I guess her room was on the other side of his home and he thought she was in bed.
October 5, 2023 @ 7:13 pm
I’m was born in 1950,in the photo where George is with his daughter you can see the love of a Father for his daughter the rest of the photos show how close they were and George handled this terrible event in his life like a real Gentleman the rest needs to remain private you ladies remind me of the women’s sewing circle
October 20, 2023 @ 6:30 am
Happy Heavenly Birthday beautiful girl/lady
May 29, 2024 @ 6:31 am
Not the proper time to judge someone in their lifetime of pain. There are many times in our life when saying nothing at all is best. These times leave an empty hole in our soul that can never be filled. May God bless the family that suffers a loss.
November 10, 2024 @ 9:33 pm
Wow really that is your comment. How sad.
October 7, 2022 @ 8:40 am
Has anyone ever considered the fact that she was out without permission? Like none of us have ever done that? Tragic. RIP Baby Girl!
October 8, 2022 @ 4:41 pm
Exactly. Some get caught, some don’t, and others pay tragically for a a teens poor judgement.
August 24, 2023 @ 3:01 pm
She sneaked out. He had no idea!
January 11, 2025 @ 9:26 pm
Where do you get your information?
Assumptions would be my guess. The only thing that matters is that a precious life was lost and we all know that type of loss leaves a gigantic hole in your heart and soul forever, I speak from experience. Prayers for the Strait family as they live with the loss every single day.
December 21, 2024 @ 2:31 pm
Her dad and mother were out of town on the road doing one of his shows. For goodness sakes, calm the f down.
October 8, 2022 @ 5:33 am
I can only imagine that phone call her parents got or the knock on the door in the middle of the night. The reasons are countless as to why she was out but the countless “What if’s…” her parents asked themselves….extremely sad
July 4, 2023 @ 5:50 pm
wow/ all that matters is a beautiful girl was out having fun with her friends – and died tragically . And a family has a loss forever .
i applaud the Straits for keeping her love alive and not the death / satan would love us to dwell w the circumstances …
rest baby blue , how you are loved .
i cry every time i hear this song every time
August 24, 2023 @ 3:04 pm
He said it was NOT written for her but people wanted it to be so he did not object. The song “you’ll be there’ WAS written for her!
January 26, 2024 @ 2:43 pm
I am a retired police officer and had to make these notifications. It was devastating to the families and forever stays in my mind. God bless the entire Strait family. I am certain that your daughter is resting peacefully with the Lord.
October 8, 2022 @ 7:27 am
I remember this well. I was attending southwest TX state in San Marcos when this happened. I used to see George Strait in local clubs shooting pool and watching him perform in I think gruene hall? It was like a barn type atmosphere. Such fun back in the 80s.. Just a bunch of us college kids. I used to tutor a boy at that time whose family was friends with the straits…i met Jenifer once when she was over there at the house where i was tutoring.. I asked her what it was like with her dad being a music star…i remember her saying she missed him being gone…she was a beautiful girl with striking blonde hair and I think green or blue eyes.. My pastor at my church there told me of the accident and I think officiated the service…not sure…the story you read is what he told me…..
October 5, 2023 @ 7:06 pm
I’m was born in 1950,in the photo where George is with his daughter you can see the love of a Father for his daughter the rest of the photos show how close they were and George handled this terrible event in his life like a real Gentleman the rest needs to remain private.
October 6, 2022 @ 10:55 am
George Strait has always been a class act.
October 6, 2022 @ 11:09 am
Why on Earth is a 13 year old girl joyriding in a Mustang with a bunch of older boys at midnight? I understand not being a helicopter parent, but what the heck!?!?
This is the first I’ve heard of these details. So sad 🙁
October 6, 2022 @ 3:53 pm
Well, after 50 years, she’s been outed.
We’re talking pullet surprise.
October 7, 2022 @ 11:27 am
Is that supposed to say Pulitzer Prize ???
October 7, 2022 @ 2:18 pm
That’s a tough one. I think mine may be the more likely, but you’re free to change it, if you like yours better.
October 7, 2022 @ 9:07 pm
I was the GM of the movie theater in San Marcos. She came to the movies that night.She snuck out of the house to meet up with the boys.A child who made a wrong choice.
No scandals
October 8, 2022 @ 7:30 am
Take a hike, what did you do when you were that age, they were probably just having fun.
October 7, 2022 @ 5:59 am
I knew it would happen and I didn’t have to read very far to see it. Some people are fixated on the fact that she was 13 and out at midnight with older boys. The first and only thing you get from this is that she was out being “wild”.
We don’t know how or why she was out or why she was with them. Why does it matter?
Here’s a possible scenario: the 16-year-old was her neighbor/friend, or maybe he was her “boyfriend “…he wasn’t fully 3 years older than her so not THAT weird. Maybe they snuck out and ran into the other boys, and hopped in to cruise. This wouldn’t be unusual in a smallish town because they probably all knew each other (the 3 boys being in high school together).
The rest is tragedy.
The Straits didn’t have to be bad parents for this to happen. If your kids have never done anything that you don’t know about, well I don’t even know what because I doubt it. If you never did anything that could have turned out badly, you sound boring.
Stop trying to make this something scandalous. That girl is dead. Her parents, her brother and those boys have lived with it all these years. Just sit down.
October 7, 2022 @ 8:18 am
Never assumed ‘wild’. She could have been terrified and just wanted to go home. Will never know the full extent of what happened. I’m sure the Strait’s just allowed what is ‘normal’ for that day and age, despite how insane it looks from todays perspective. My comment was more focused on the norms of time and not the individual family.
October 7, 2022 @ 8:22 am
My deepest condolences to family. I couldn’t imagine the grief. I don’t mean to be insensitive.
October 8, 2022 @ 10:03 am
October 7, 2022 @ 12:57 pm
As the Mother of 2 girls and 1 son, you have my deepest sympathies. My oldest daughter just turned 51, they were raised in a small mountain town. My 44 year old was my hell cat. Could get out of the house past me, even when I slept on her bed.
Did she get into trouble yes, was it terrible, no. Now, she is married, has 3 children, 3 grandsons and one on the way.
We don’t know the what or why. But we also don’t know the shining, stellar moments she could of had. Or the mistakes we all make. I know in my heart if they would of gotten a ” Dad come get me” calls, they would of said, ” Jenifer, baby we are on the way!!”. Bless you all and thank you for all the beautiful music that has touched us all.
October 7, 2022 @ 6:02 am
Have you never heard of young kids doing things they aren’t supposed to? Maybe she was supposed to be at a sleepover and lied about it just to be with those boys. Kids do stupid things all the time. Don’t judge unless you know the story which none of us will ever know.
October 7, 2022 @ 7:48 am
I keep thinking about different times I did stuff like this at her age and that’s exactly how it worked- we’d lie about being at a sleepover at a girfriend’s house and our parents didn’t always check. Sometimes sneaking out happened. Sometimes that involved running around with friends’ older friends or brothers or whatever. Before cell phones that was way more common. Like the comment above said, we don’t know what happened that caused the tragedy, and the family didn’t want us to know.
October 7, 2022 @ 12:03 pm
This is a bit of a ridiculous assumption. Not everyone is sexually active in High School. And George Strait has been married to the same woman and she wouldn’t even let him kiss his costar in the movie. So it’s more likely it was kids out innocently and a terrible accident happened.
October 7, 2022 @ 1:05 pm
I didn’t assume anything. I asked a question. You’re assuming I assumed something.
October 8, 2022 @ 9:35 am
My thoughts exactly! What the heck? The only girl at 13 years old with much older boys at midnight!
October 8, 2022 @ 4:44 pm
Hope the family doesn’t read your post. No one deserves judgement. It’s painful enough.
January 12, 2023 @ 3:03 pm
It was small-town Texas in the ’80s. There was really nothing unusual about it.
June 7, 2023 @ 5:17 am
Did you ever learn the truth that she snuck out?
October 6, 2022 @ 12:55 pm
I’ve ever known what the exact circumstances around this tragedy were. I didn’t even hear about the accident at the time. In those days, before the internet and before country music’s huge explosion in popularity, there wasn’t always much press coverage in areas outside of country’s geographic stronghold. Thanks for finally filling in the blanks.
October 6, 2022 @ 4:22 pm
You know how they always say that Gen X had a lot of freedom as children? This is what that looked like for many of us. I’m female and her age and I most certainly ran around with friends who were in upper high school when I was 13 and 14, and it wasn’t sexual.
October 6, 2022 @ 5:13 pm
I’m also a Gen Xer and I would have never been allowed to be out that late at night at 13 with kids that much older than me, under any circumstances.
October 6, 2022 @ 5:23 pm
I”m not sure that being out at midnight would have been ‘allowed’ but kids that age got left alone (way more often than today’s kids are) when parents weren’t around for some reason, we snuck out when we weren’t ‘allowed’ to do stuff, there was cruising and running around in cars out of boredom, etc. I knew kids who still had babysitters at 13 but generally the proverbial ‘latchkey kid’ thing happened if your parents were away for some reason.
It certainly ended badly for plenty of people but not nearly as much as people think today.
October 6, 2022 @ 3:39 pm
An investigation determined that an excessive rate of speed contributed to the accident, but that alcohol was not a factor.
I don’t know if Strait believed alcohol wasn’t a factor in the accident. I remember reading in the 90’s (probably People’s magazine), the death of Jenifer was the reason he stopped singing songs with alcohol references. A quick review of his discography from the death of his daughter until he reordered “Designated Drinker” w/ Alan Jackson in the early 2000’s, reveals his songs were alcohol free (which is an impressive accomplishment in the county music genre). There were very few exceptions of deep cuts like his cover of “Drinking Champagne,” but his radio singles were dry.
October 6, 2022 @ 9:02 pm
“Drinking Champagne” was a radio single, not a deep track. It hit No. 4 on the Billboard chart in the fall of 1990.
October 7, 2022 @ 3:10 am
You are correct, Howard. I would have bet my house, truck, and business it was never a single! And it was the SECOND single from Livin’ it Up (released before “I’ve Come to Expect it from You”).
Correction: Except for the cover of Bill Mack’s “Drinking Champagne,” all of George Strait’s singles were dry after the death of Jenifer until he recorded “Designated Drinker” with Alan Jackson in 2002 (almost two decades of singles – rough count 67).
I was in middle school when Livin’ it Up was released and played the cassette(s) until the ribbon snapped (or got jammed). But what I remember most about the song “Drinking Champagne,” it was former Pittsburgh Pirates manager Jim Leyland’s favorite song and after the Pirates won the NL East Division in 1990, he was singing this song in the locker room while being showered in champagne. That is probably the only reason I knew it was a cover (and maybe why I don’t remember it being a radio single).
October 6, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
Me too at 13 most of my friends were way older there was a group of boys at least 4-7 yrs older I had grown up with lime brothers I was always out that late with them because mom knew they were my brothers
October 6, 2022 @ 7:03 pm
!*!*HaPpY HeAvEnLy BiRtHdAy JeNiFeR!*!*
You’ll always be gone,but never forgotten
:.Happy #50FIFTY birthday babygirl:.
October 6, 2022 @ 8:36 pm
Memories that evening. Just saw Jennifer day before coming over to check up on Bubba. At Chads house. Big sis our boys Jeremy and Jake always was around Bubba. My husband knew old man Huckleberry and worked at the bus drivers house in plumbing. But it was a a tragedy. Our hearts go out to the folks
October 6, 2022 @ 9:04 pm
What went on in their family is personal,I have read comments as to why a your girl was with 3 boys one being 18,it’s none of the public’s business, George is a personal and private man.i have been where he is and talking about it doesn’t make you feel better, George just know you have people that understand how you feel, darling you are not alone, if ever you needed to talk, I’m here
October 6, 2022 @ 9:10 pm
Happy heavenly birthday Jenifer.
October 6, 2022 @ 10:54 pm
Happy Birthday Jenifer, and much love to George snd Norma! May you have gound peace!
October 6, 2022 @ 9:41 pm
Her story reminds me of how a local high school softball player with a full ride scholarship one night sneaked out to a party. There was alcohol. She decided to go riding with a drunk guy on a four wheeler around midnight. There was an accident. The guy bailed and ran. She bled out on a country road.
All it can take is one bad decision to lose everything. She had a bright future but risked it for some meaningless fun.
October 6, 2022 @ 9:47 pm
First of all why was a 13 year old girl in a car with 3 boys who were 16 17, and 18 years old???? What’s wrong with the parents here!!???
October 6, 2022 @ 11:25 pm
There is NOTHING wrong with the parents you don’t know the WHOLE STORY Just the basic details so LAY OFF maybe they didn’t wantJenifers name or reputation to be tarnished by assuming people like your self maybe she snuck out maybe she didn’t it’s not our business don’t you think the family has been hurt enough by this tradgety.and GOD’S JUDGEMENT IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS.
October 8, 2022 @ 3:09 pm
I totally agree!! We are talking about 50 years ago! Things were a Whole different World then. The World we live in now, you can’t go out at the age of 50 alone an feel safe and stay till midnight by yourself, Woman or Man! Let the family alone, and let Jenifer RIP!!!
October 7, 2022 @ 6:55 am
Are you clueless?
October 8, 2022 @ 4:49 pm
Stop!! Just stop.
October 6, 2022 @ 9:55 pm
Thsts rcsctly why he never wanted to talk about it to the public. He probably knee someone would be rude enough to bring that up. Sometimes things just happen and you don’t have an explanation
October 6, 2022 @ 9:56 pm
Sorry, I dont see well to type
October 6, 2022 @ 10:00 pm
I often times wonder how you are doing after all of these years George. I am the only Black man that help pack your things before you moved to San Antonio. I’m the one you called the Soul Brother. I worked for Belknap Van and Storage. May God continue to Bless and keep and keep you strong.
October 7, 2022 @ 7:47 am
Thoughts and prayers to the Strait family as they remember. I will ignore the insensitive comments and opinions. Someone’s little girl was taken way too early. Most of us will never know that pain. Have some respect people.
October 6, 2022 @ 10:10 pm
Mr. Strait
” God Bless You; Mr. George Strait ! ”
It Takes A Man Of God To Be Able To Handle The Horror Of Such A Tragedy As You Have Had To Handle ! I Know – My Daddy Was Given A Horror Similar To Your Nightmare And He Was Just Like You ! A Mighty Man Of God ; With A Heart Of Gold !
” God Bless You, Sir ! ” AND
” Happy Birthday To Jenifer ” !
I KNOW She’s PROUD Of Her Daddy !
October 7, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
George strait grew up in Pearsall Texas not Poteet
October 6, 2022 @ 11:08 pm
I can’t even imagine how devastating this was for George Norma and bubba.My heart goes out to you all, Today I’m sure was a sad day and it’s not right that people make assumptions about why Jenifer was out at midnight with 3 older boys for one it’s none of our business and life and times were different then.Iam 54 years old and when I was 13 back in 1981my friends were boys that were16 and older,there were a couple of girls my age in the neighborhood but they were starting to wear makeup and were talking about boyfriends and I wasn’t I played football and got dirty the girls thought that was gross we used to go to the mall and play video games we raced slot cars I was supposed to be in by 10 pm and I usually was,my mom worked nights and I babysat my Lil brothers cause I just had to feed them dinner bathe them and put them in bed one weekend they stayed at grandmas and I didn’t think it would hurt to be out past 10 we went to the cruise downtown hot rods and rock n roll instead of going home afterwards we heard a few people were meeting at the park/river so we went to guys were showing off doing burn outs and doughnuts music playing loud it was fun and innocent we started doing it more often then one night when I was 15 we were leaving the park and wrecked pretty bad, I crawled out of the back seat through a window and walked around the car seeing my friends hurt worse than myself meant I had to go for help we were all very lucky we didn’t lose someone that night we had a lot of time to think about alot of stuff while we laid in the hospital but the whole point of posting this is to say I know how teenagers are Mom and Dad don’t always know until after the fact and just because she was with older boys it doesn’t mean there was something else going on girls were different than from today not all 13 year old girls are hoochies.Happy 50th Birthday Jenifer Strait.And Much Love and Respect for my Favorite Country Music Artist George Strait.Ive been listening to you and loving your music since the beginning.
October 6, 2022 @ 11:39 pm
To: Mr. Strait & Family, I have recently read many articles explaining that we never actually heal from grief. I can only imagine the massive truth in this reality for your family.
& To the negative, judgemental, inconsiderate naysayers who have zero facts or details in this matter: NO ONE will EVER be in another person’s shoes. However, you have worn your own shoes over slippery slopes. Why? Because we all have. You have not always, if ever, made intelligent, appropriate decisions. Nor will you ever be a perfect human being in the future. Why not? Because God reserved some things for the place where we do not exists in human form. The place where Jenifer has now gone & lives. So, what you deem as unacceptable decisions turned out to create a perfect little angel.
October 7, 2022 @ 2:36 am
Some of the comments read exactly as expected…judgmental from vapid assholes.
October 8, 2022 @ 6:02 am
Far too many comments here can be filed under “and here is why George Strait doesn’t do interviews”. If this is what a post sharing already known information generates, can you imagine the potential interview questions and follow on comments? Sad.
October 7, 2022 @ 5:37 am
My heart goes out to the family that’s a pain that never goes away. I hate to see people blame the parents when something like this happens! Perhaps one or all of these boys spent lots of time at the Straits’ ranch working or roping and the family new them well. Perhaps the kids had all been to a baseball game or rodeo and she was to be given a ride home by the boys. When you live a good distance from town it wasn’t unusual to get a ride with a friend or family going your direction. It’s not our place to judge.
October 7, 2022 @ 5:40 am
I lived in San Marcos when this happened. It was a different time … she and I shared a birthday. Kids hung out in groups. The one with a car was ” king.”. Her dad was a star. Curfews were broken, it was summer, and seatbelt laws were new. Many of us did this very same thing. Personally, I am lucky to be alive. And all of these social justice warriors hiding behind a screen passing judgment on her and her dad, who think they hung the moon and are pious, is the reason he went silent. I hope in their perfection they never have to deal with a tragedy, a mistake, or anything this painful.
October 7, 2022 @ 7:53 am
It was a ‘different time’ when women couldn’t vote and when people in America enslaved each other. Should we not judge history or past parenting norms at all? I don’t let my kids ride in skid steers or tractors with anyone other than myself. It’s called a RULE. Rules are designed to protect a child from being put in a vulnerable situation where they can’t protect themselves. Obviously there is a grey area between no rules at all and full out helicopter parent. It’s a tough job to find that middle ground and that middle ground moves as societies evolve. Anyway, there’s my vapid asshole comment. Praying for the Straits and everyone else struck by tragedy. Have a good day.
October 8, 2022 @ 4:53 pm
Exactly. I live in San Marcos. Small town, restless teens. That’s how it was. Stop the judgement people. Cruel.
October 7, 2022 @ 6:20 am
Times were very different back then.
I too did all of those things mentioned at that age.
I love George Strait & am so proud how he handled his family and career at such a difficult time.
October 7, 2022 @ 8:43 am
Very sad, I also wonder what a 13 yo was doing at almost midnight with teenagers. RIP beautiful Jennifer, you will come back it’s God’s promise
October 7, 2022 @ 9:15 am
Have you lost your last strain of empathy or what’s called decency? Why are you publishing this story – clickbait? Newsworthy it ain’t, and it sure doesn’t respect the privacy wishes of Strait, who would have let go of his whole career, because he doesn’t want to talk about it. That was more than 36 years ago, and most people respect his wishes.
So why bring it up? Don’t even try to explain yourself, there is no way out of this. This is journalism of the lowest rung and I thought I knew you better than this.
What’s next, that the son of a famous country singer committed suicide, that the son of another singer, drowned in a river? Respect the privacy of the people in this business.
October 7, 2022 @ 9:51 am
Moments like the death of George Strait’s daughter are historically significant moments in country music history that I commonly do retrospectives on around birthdays and anniversaries. It’s a way to keep the moments and the memories of these important people alive. Recently I’ve done this same thing on Faron Young, Eddie Rabbitt, Stoney Edwards, the anniversary of Connie Smith and Marty Stuart. Everything in this article is previously-published information that anyone can find on the internet, I just compiled it on one place. I myself have heard about this story, but honestly didn’t know much about it, and I think in its telling it speaks a lot about the approach George Strait took to his career. It most certainly wasn’t published as click bait or to be nosy into the details, and I personally don’t feel it was in any way disrespectful to the Strait family. On the contrary, it was published as a retrospective and a remembrance, and I think that’s how the vast majority of readers have taken it.
I will say this: there has been more attention and scrutiny paid to why Jenifer was in a car with some older boys when she died in the comments section here than I anticipated, and I think that may be the answer to why George Strait never talked about it. But that’s just the details of the story, and not what I put an emphasis on. My emphasis was on how this all affected Strait’s career, and specifically why he never granted interviews afterward.
I apologize if folks were somehow offended by this article. This is the first comment I’ve seen along those lines, but I respect your opinion and so I take it seriously. I just saw this as an article explaining an important moment on George Strait’s life, and remembering his daughter.
October 7, 2022 @ 11:07 am
“Moments like the death of George Strait’s daughter are historically significant moments in country music history…”
I disagree, moments like this are significant moments and memories in someone’s personal life and not in public music history. If the person involved wants to come forward and celebrate an anniversary like this, then again, it’s the person’s and not the public’s decision to do so.
“Everything in this article is previously-published information that anyone can find on the internet” – exactly, if someone wants to search for that info, yep it’s available, but it doesn’t need to be recompiled. Is it public knowledge, betcha, does it need to be rehashed – nope. Why, because the persons involved in it, (and no that’s not the public and not the country music fan), wish it to be a very private matter.
I was a radio DJ in 1986 – besides mentioning the accident and offering a prayer – that was it, as it was not elaborated upon any further. I did interview George Strait in fall of 1992 and it would never ever have been a thought of mine to ask him about the loss of his daughter, as he choose to handle this matter privately with his family and not in the public realm.
“I will say this: there has been more attention and scrutiny paid to why Jenifer was in a car with some older boys when she died in the comments section here than I anticipated…” – this simply proves why you shouldn’t have published the story in the first place, times and rules in 1986 were different and not comparable to 2022 and/or even understandable in 2022 if you weren’t present in 1986. And to all the smartasses commenting here, talking about what if and what when… you weren’t there, don’t judge lest be judged, it’s simply none of your business.
October 7, 2022 @ 11:42 am
I certainly respect that the editorial lines of demarcation are different for everyone, and I understand what you’re saying here. I just don’t see this as being something that is out-of-bounds. If I was into posting “click bait,” there would be half a dozen more stories on the death of Naomi Judd on this website, like there is all the other country websites, along with half a dozen stories on Maren Morris vs. Jason Aldean’s wife, which I’ve avoided entirely. There also wouldn’t be reviews for Courtney Patton and John Fullbright, or obituaries for Joe Chambers and Eddie Pleasant. “Remembering George Strait’s Daughter Jenifer on Her 50th Birthday” doesn’t strike me as anything more than what it is, which is a remembrance of George Strait’s daughter. If I were George Strait, I would be glad people were remembering my daughter, even if I may not want to talk about it. I don’t talk to any artists, except for in extreme cases, just because what you ask them has become such a mine field these days all unto itself.
But again, I get what you’re saying, and will take it under advisement in the selection of what to cover in the future.
October 7, 2022 @ 7:27 pm
Thanks for printing this article! I love and respect King George and family, and feel pained by the loss of their Jenifer! But appreciate learning her 50th birthday would have been this week, and details of the accident. Thanks for reporting news…as any news source does. ????
October 7, 2022 @ 9:17 am
So . . . what does it matter what she was doing with other teenagers at almost midnight?? The point of this story isn’t to try to investigate why she was out and under what circumstances. It’s to acknowledge that she would’ve been fifty and how it may have affected Strait over the years.
The sanctimonious takes about “she shouldn’t have been out” and “what was she doing” are – unfortunately – not too surprising in comments.
You. Have. No. Idea. Of. The. Circumstances. There are a multitude of reasons why a 13yo could be out with older teens. That some automatically go to some nefarious circumstance speaks more to those people than anything else.
December 3, 2022 @ 2:12 pm
Do not blame parents….and if you are a parent do not feel guilty. I know there are parents who do not do the right thing for their children, but very seldom the case. This was not George or his wife’s fault. I grew up in Texas and now 90 years of age . Have a daughter who died as an alcoholic. Never, never did I want this or dream of this happening she was a pro tennis player for the military and one of few women who was a photographer on a Fighter four plane for the Air Force. We parents who loose children carry this burden to our graves. ❤️
October 7, 2022 @ 11:59 am
The music and the songs obviously spoke for themselves.
October 7, 2022 @ 12:56 pm
My heart is aching for them even it’s been 37 years
They will never forget there daughter and they will always love her no matter what she is there daughter even though she is in Heaven they still morn for her ! My heart and prayers still go out them
October 7, 2022 @ 1:33 pm
There’s no sadness like losing a child,especially one so young as Jenifer Strait .I can only imagine the Straits’ sadness over the past 36 years. As the late Ms. Loretta Lynn was the Queen Of Country,Mr. Strait is its King George .
October 7, 2022 @ 1:35 pm
I’m sorry for what happened to their daughter.
Prayers on what would have been her 50th
You will be reunited with her again in heaven ????
October 7, 2022 @ 3:40 pm
What the hell is wrong with you people? I would bet you read the gossip magazines and go to church on Sunday!
October 7, 2022 @ 4:33 pm
It is sad, but what was a 13 year old girl doing with boys 16, 17 and 18.
November 21, 2024 @ 6:29 pm
I read she snuck out and went to the
movies The actual Guy working the theater that night typed that message here on the forum ,so the mother was not aware she was gone . I also heard that George may have been away at the time doing music.
October 7, 2022 @ 5:53 pm
A terrible tragedy for everyone who loved her those13 precious years and still do! ❤️❤️❤️????????????
October 7, 2022 @ 9:05 pm
I actually never knew the reason for her death, in fact I didn’t even know he had a child that died til many years later so I liked the article. Far as people complaining about others comments. Just sound like fake preachers to me. The fact she was out with older kids really isn’t an issue though it could be depending on these kids at the time. I think the fact she was out around midnight is more an issue at 13 but kids do the wrong things sometimes. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t some fault of the parents or whoever was responsible for her. So it is quite possible he didn’t want to have to answer those tough questions. I don’t blame him for that but by his silence, he did offer himself up to fair criticism and doubt.
October 7, 2022 @ 11:54 pm
First of all it’s her birthday. Happy Heavenly Birthday Jenifer. Second no one has the right to say, “what was she doing out at that time with boys” Back then that’s what young kids did. Ride around and have fun. It was a terrible accident. Be careful all of you who are judging. You never know what your child, grandchild or niece may do. No one sets out to be hurt or killed in an accident . Be respectful.
October 8, 2022 @ 9:06 am
Very sad so many families have been thru tragedy just like this! I have lost tons of friends and family over my 42 years. I am dealing with a lose much different myself. Ty George for not stopping your music your my fav country artist by far.
October 8, 2022 @ 11:59 am
Happy Heavenly Birthday Jenifer ! May you rest in peace….I don’t blame you, your parents or anyone else….Things happen..I was a mild teenager once, did a lot of dumb things that could have turned out bad…..just did not think about consequences ……Fortunately nothing bad happened. Rest in peace beautiful girl….????
October 9, 2022 @ 1:59 am
People talk way too much! Most of the time it is better to be quiet, and think of those who are still hurting, to this day. A prayer would do good. It’s no one’s business. Have some respect.
October 13, 2022 @ 1:05 pm
I am 69 years old & have children Jennifer’s age. If your child wants to be out with friends they find a way. You don’t have to be a bad parent for it 2 happen. I am sorry the Straits have to her all of these negative comments. Rest in peace Jennifer.
October 13, 2022 @ 4:20 pm
Mr. George Strait, I am so sorry for your loss of a beautiful daughter. I lost my son, I feel your pain. And I know it never goes away. ???? ????
October 15, 2022 @ 3:13 pm
I love. George strait..I couldn’t imagine loosing a child…you pressed through the rough time..and have wrote some beautiful sings.. and. Blessed ???? people with your music..
October 24, 2022 @ 2:36 pm
George is the man. I can only imagine the sorrow through the years. Also, so many kids explore at that age.
Bless you George, Norma and Bubba,
April 9, 2023 @ 10:12 am
I just now read the story on George Strait’s daughter. How can some people be so cruel & judge a tragedy that happened without knowing the whole truth? It doesn’t matter if she had permission or not from her parents to be out at that hour. What matters is that they lost their beautiful daughter and no one has the right to judge the parents or saying comments that are so hurtful. It’s enough pain they have in their hearts to have to deal with losing their daughter so people should keep their thoughts to themselves instead of making things worse for the parents & family. May Our Lord comfort and heal their hearts forever. May Jennifer Rest in Peace.
April 15, 2023 @ 3:06 am
Since the 80s as a little girl I just loved George Strait. My mama would record me singing “if I know me”. Up until a few months ago, I had no clue his daughter and I shared the same birthday. I’m 10 years behind her born Oct 6th, 1982. She’s definitely been his guardian angel in this world no doubt. My heart goes out to George Strait and his beautiful family. Time never heals a heartache like this. To this day I’m still one of his biggest fans and wished I had at least got to go to a concert to see him I wanted to so bad on his cowboy rides away tour! I’ll always remember his daughter now due to our shared birthday. I will wish her a happy heavenly birthday every year now and eat a cupcake to celebrate her. I live strawberry pie and used to get that instead of cake. She was a lovely Libra so I can imagine how awesome she was! Makes me smile a little cause I somehow know she was nothing short of amazing!
May 10, 2023 @ 9:37 am
To George Strait,(And Norma,,Bub)
First I just wanna say I am so very sorry for your loss! And even more sorry for the things people are saying. I grew up in the 80’s so I completely understand. I won’t even mention some of the things I did growing up that my parents would’ve had heart failure over, lol. Hold your head high, you were and still are great parents.
Second, I wanna say, George(sorry Norma lol), you were and still are my idol and I’m 57 years young. My best friend and I went several years in a row to see you at the Sedalia, Missouri state fair. We lived about and hour and a half away so we always camped there. Some of the VERY BEST times of my life. Thank you! You are still drop dead georgous and can sing like no other. There’s alot of good singers out there but there will never be another George Strait. I know every word to all of your songs. I always said “Man, he could stand there and humm and I’d be impressed”. Seriously though, you are one of a kind. I’m raising my grandkids and I’ve always tried to show them how good you were both musically and ethically. I know you are awesome musically, one hell of a roper and a Christian. It don’t get much better than that. Hat’s off to you and your family! My dream to meet you in person will probably never come true but I do have an awesome picture of you pulling your guitar strap over your shoulder to hook it up that I’ll cherish forever. Thanks for all you do and all the fun memories I have involving your music! God Bless!
May 10, 2023 @ 1:55 pm
I met Jenifer in 1983 in the San Marco’s, Texas Library.
She loved my new baby,and asked if she could baby sit her,and I asked how old she was, and she said she was 10,and her name was Jenifer Strait,” so I told her maybe sometime. She told me her Dad was going to be a big,country singer. Jenifer said “Janie Frickie was at her house right then. I kick myself for not giving her my phone number !!!
July 30, 2023 @ 11:23 pm
Because I loved Jenifer and respect her family I will not go into detail, however I will set the record STRAIT!
She did not sneak out . Her parents didn’t allow her to be with older boys that night . She spent the night with a friend . In the country , kids of all ages hung out together at people’s houses innocently . She left to go to Jack in the Box . A group went before it closed in many vehicles . There was nothing more than a friendship. She was God fearing , funny, loving , smart , well mannered , modest young girl. Do not try to taint a beautiful soul who lost her life way too early. Rip JLS – I miss you and think of you after all these years !
December 8, 2024 @ 2:26 am
I knew the whole family. Jenifer and my daughter were good friends. I often took her over to the Strait’s to spend the night. The story leaves out so many important details. Jenifer had come by to see my daughter that evening. This was about 9:30 or 10. Jenifer wanted my daughter to go but because it was getting late she didn’t get to go. They stopped for a while at another friend’s a few doors down the street. It was just friends hanging out. Nothing was happening between her and the 3 boys. Sadly as they were leaving the neighborhood the young driver didn’t know the street T’d and the car turned over. So all the people making assumptions are total a-holes…
August 6, 2023 @ 10:45 am
My Jeannie was called home last week on her 50th birthday from complications from Multiple Sclerosis.
She had a crush on George Strait from the time she was 5 and saw him with one of my employers while we traveled in Texas, he was playing in a small town Honkey Tonk and knew our friend well.
Our Jeannie was hooked, MS devastated her later in life but in the meantime she had horses, rodeoed, cared for her own quarter ???? horses and married, without me
Knowing she traded her high heels for white Roping boots to wear under her wedding dress. The guest hollered when Skip took her garter off and everyone saw the boots. All the while listening to George Strait’s music at her Church reception (low & cool with her favorite
Baby Blue) she had 2 sons and continued to rodeo for several years until she slid off her horse one day trail riding with her Dad. She didn’t say a word, she got up
walked Maverick 5+ miles home, put him up and never rode again. Her MS had started to take an unprecedented
approach on her life. She went from a cane, to a Walker, a chair that an athlete could maneuver, finally a motorized
chair but she still attended all of his concerts she possibly
could with us(her parents), her 2 sons who now excel in the US AirForce.
All the while this horrific disease slowly took over her body as it progressed to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and she was a total bedridden Quadriplegic.
She couldn’t move any part of her body but her eyes but she never complained and stayed mentally alert and George Strait music ???? played softly in her room for 7 years.
She lost her battle with MS with me holding her in my arms and Baby Blue playing softly while we prayed.
Thank you George Strait, Norma, their precious Norma, Bubba & family for being pa part of our lives never to be forgotten.
Furma & Barbara Keith
August 16, 2023 @ 3:07 pm
Hi. Lived in San augustine texas. Around 1982. Worked at restaurant called the doodles
. After work I and a couple friends would go driving around late at night. No seatbelts. This is what we did and others then. Jenifer strait was a beautiful girl who was enjoying life. It was a shocking sad thing to have happened. I still don’t regret the drives at that time. It was what we did and others back in the day. Just want to say how I love country and George strait is something else. His daughter would be proud. I was brought up with all this music. How I miss texas. I am from the UK.
November 11, 2023 @ 11:05 pm
Very sad tragedy; I wondered about Jennifer being out late with older boys however as many people commented ; we don’t know the circumstances; and I can’t imagine the loss of a child. What happened was an accident and to suggest the parents were not doing a good job or Jenifer was doing something she shouldn’t is as someone said nobodies business and not the point. And I totally agree Mr. Strait probably didn’t do interviews because people would have brought up the same judgments they voiced now 30 plus years later. This story was brought up to remember a beautiful girl who lead hone too soon. Her family should be tempering her not having to possibly see judge mental comments. Rip Jenifer
August 16, 2023 @ 3:33 pm
We all make some mistake through life. Jenifer strait was a young adventurous girl. I lived and worked in texas in the early 80s. We would go driving late at night. Not thinking of what might or could happen. I’ve no regrets what so ever. And I’d have done it all over again. It was just terrible and sad what happened to this beautiful girl. George strait is the best. I was brought up on country music. How I miss texas and the country life there. Everything about it.
September 23, 2023 @ 12:17 am
May she rest in heavenly peace.
March 24, 2024 @ 4:54 am
I didn’t start wearing seat belts till 1985 because it was mandatory to enter an Air Force Base as a new airman at Luke AFB. We all make choices in life no matter what the age that has deadly consequences so she’s not the only one to blame but also the driver for going to fast. I just can’t fathom how George was able to do a Christmas album after that horrible event in his life. RIP Jenifer Strait
May 10, 2024 @ 9:04 pm
Rest in heavenly Shalom(Peace) Jenifer…..
I myself know how it feels to loose a child and those’s that have never had to bury one hasn’t walked in a grieving parents shoe’s.
June 21, 2024 @ 11:59 pm
For what ever reason she was in that car the parents have paid the price no, words can hurt them more than living with the guilt that they must have felt and will carry with them the rest of their lives… Punishment enough i think….no parent is perfect. RiP Jenifer
July 26, 2024 @ 2:35 pm
Wow, just was reading some of the post absolutely astonishing.
How on earth can some of you people be so nasty with all your thoughts you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I have just one child named Sara at 17 I told her she was not allowed to go somewhere with a friend but she still chose
to go.
Yes I got that phone call about a hour after I told her NO, thank GOD SHE MADE IT SHE HAD SERIOUS INJURIES, her girlfriend was severely injured was in a mental area of the hospital after sever head injuries.
My heart aches for George and his family.
He is such an inspiration to me, that god has the upper hand on we handle situations in our lives.
August 1, 2024 @ 7:19 am
The kid that was driving was very well known to the family and took care of Jenifer like she was his little sister. The Straits trusted him completely. There wasn’t anything controversial going on. Just kids hanging out going for a ride close to home.
August 31, 2024 @ 4:23 pm
It is no one else’s business what happened to his daughter. George, Marty Robbins, and Conway Twitty were the greatest singers ever. They do not need people to keep bugging them with it! Keep ignoring them Norma, George, and Bubba. I’m one of your greatest fans.