Rosie Flores Breaks Arm, Needs Help
Rosie Flores, The Rockabilly Filly, had a great fall recently and broke a wing (frown). Which means she’s not going to be able to go on an upcoming scheduled tour and make money (double frown). And she may have to have surgery and the med bills are rising (triple frown). And she has no insurance (frown, and fist in the air!).
So fans are being asked to GO HERE and throw a few bones Rosie’s way.
How did Rosie break her arm? Funny you ask. She was actually rescuing baby seals from rain forest trees when she was attacked by Al-Qaeda. That’s right, so giving to Rosie is “going green” and good for America all at the same time! It’s helping Rosie too, but that really doesn’t help alleviate the guilt imparted to you by the media and academia. Still, give till it hurts!
I have around 12,000 unique readers that come here every month. So according to my tedious calculations, if everyone gave a dollar, we would raise like a hundred thousand millions dollars! Or think about it like this: Remember in sex ed class when they told you if you had unprotected sex with one person, and then that person had unprotected sex with two other people, and on and on, that it was like having unprotected sex with thousands of people all at the same time? Well if you give a dollar (or more), and tell two friends to give a dollar, and then THOSE two friends tell two friends, think of the money we could raise! Though you might get some crazy disease, or numerous crazy diseases, or pregnant . . . . . OK scrap this whole analogy.
To put my money where my big fat mouth is, I decided to take ALL the money I’ve collected from the Saving Country Music donate button over the past three months, double it out of my own pocket, and send it her way. Unfortunately, I received not a red penny through the donate button (frown again) so I could triple it and still end up with zero. Still my bum ass just went over there and dropped a few bucks in. Rosie gave me my favorite moment of SXSW this year and I paid not a dime to get in, so it’s the least I can do.
I don’t want to get on a soap box here, but Rosie Flores is one of the greatest female guitar players that ever lived. She’s a legend. She’s rockabilly royalty. She a national treasure, and it makes me SICK that her, OR ANYBODY has to face tough financial decisions when it comes to their health. All the great music that Rosie has given to us over the years, she deserves the dignity to be making health decisions based on what is best for her long term, not what she can do due to financial limitations.
And I say this every time money comes up. We all give and do what we can. Some reading this right now are in need themselves. If you can’t give, no guilt needs to be given either. You can also support Rosie by buying her music, seeing her when she gets back on her feet, telling your friends about her, leaving a message on her myspace account, or just keeping her in your thoughts. Whatever you give will come back. It always does.
THIS is what separates US from THEM my friends. We are family.
Get better Rosie.
April 22, 2010 @ 9:26 am
Aye that sucks. What else sucks is that I’m beyond broke right now so I can’t send a dime. Hopefully stuff will flip around soon and I can send a few bucks her way.
April 22, 2010 @ 9:48 am
I should probably be writing one of these for you Burch. Then someone can write one for me.
April 22, 2010 @ 10:11 am
Yeah I imagine we could get a parade of them going around.
April 22, 2010 @ 10:49 am
wish I could donate, but unfortunately our local hospital corporation decided, without warning or going to court, to drain every last cent from our bank account. So, I feel her pain! I’ll save that soapbox for a blog, but in the meantime, I’ll send lots of love and good thoughts her way.
April 22, 2010 @ 12:24 pm
Like I said up top, the hard times are going around. When the boob tube tells me different, I have to chuckle.
April 22, 2010 @ 2:33 pm
I sadly missed Rosie at SXSW, got there as her set was finishing! I’ve chucked in a few $$$ towards poor Rosies recovery. As your said, it is sickening that anybody in your country is sent to the poor house for medical care. Where I live we have socialised health care so if I broke my arm I would get all the treatment and rehab I needed and it wouldn’t cost me a bean. That is the other reason I have contributed – because you reminded me how blessed I am that I never have to worry about paying for medical care and never will. I take that for granted and I feel like a shit for saying that. More power to Obama in trying to sort out the mess that is the American (non) health care system. I know the policy is flawed but it’s a step in the right direction. You all pay taxes and all deserve affordable treatment when you need it. Sorry about the rant, this issue makes me fucking furious. Two things I hope I see in my lifetime: Bush being tried for war crimes and socialised health care for all Americans. Awesome blog Trigger and get well soon Rosie!
April 22, 2010 @ 4:33 pm
Just to be fair Carla, you ARE paying for that care through taxes. But nobody’s financial status is at risk by a simple accident under socialized healthcare. That is the real rub with the current US system.
If it was up to me, they would have made health insurance illegal, then everyone could pay for it out of their pocket.
April 22, 2010 @ 6:31 pm
GAWDDAMN!, DON’T GET ME STARTED ON HEALTH CARE, I PAY OVER $300.00 A MONTH FOR WHAT I’VE GOT AND I KNOW DAMN WELL THERE ARE FOLKS PAYING MORE! I REALIZE I SOUND A BIT SELFISH HERE…So I humbly apologize for I realize I have an obligation to keep my doctor in his Mercedes and his country club…yeah I know I rant, sorry. Rosie Flores is a hell of an unknown talent(to me) until you turned me onto her work Triggerman. I will gladly get offa my soap box and send what I can. Thanks for the post. GET WELL SOON ROSIE!
April 22, 2010 @ 7:41 pm
Yeah of course we are paying for it through taxes but hardworking Americans are paying taxes too and aren’t afforded the same ‘privilege’. Yeah those health insurers are extortionists. Unbelievable what they have been allowed to get away with until now. And yes AJ, don’t be selfish: that Mercedes and country club membership won’t pay themselves!
April 24, 2010 @ 10:57 am
I’d be happy to help Rosie, just give me an addy Triggerman cuz I don’t do the paypal thing. And find out where she got them hawt pink boots . . .